Course Catalog 2020-21

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2020-21 Course Catalog

4220 80th St NE Marysville, WA 98270

A Message from the Superintendent
Dear Future Marysville School District Graduate,

The following Marysville School District high school course

catalog and planning guide is an essential and helpful tool
designed to assist you in making solid educational decisions in
preparation for your future. Our schools have a strong tradition
in academics, activities, and athletics. The staff share a common
vision of providing each student with challenging and meaningful
experiences while teaching skills that prepare students for
post-high school options. The variety of courses described in
this planning guide allow you to individualize your four-year Heritage High School
program. Use this guide as a continued resource as you prepare
for the next school year and beyond. 7204 27th Ave NE
Marysville, WA 98271
As you prepare for the coming year, please remember our high
schools offer a wide selection of club, activity, and athletic options. (360)965-2800
High School is much more than a series of classes you select; it’s a
total experience that includes your connection to extracurricular
activities to enrich your life and more closely connect you with
your high school community. Students who get involved in
activities are more successful and more fulfilled in their academic
work. Legacy High School
Your academic plan is very important. Choose with care. Take 7204 27th Ave NE
courses that intellectually challenge you. Explore new skills and
talents. Be creative and think big. If you have questions about Marysville, WA 98271
courses or your four-year plan, please contact a teacher, counselor, (360)965-3000
or administrator. They are there for you. As you prepare to make
plans for the next few years in the Marysville School District, we
encourage you to consider the following points:

• The best predictor for success in college is completion of

a rigorous high school curriculum Marysville Getchell High School
• College, university and vocation preparation begins
during your freshman year
• Evaluate what you want to do, then write a plan to 8301 84th St NE
achieve and visualize that goal Marysville, WA 98270
• Start early to determine and research the entry-level (360)965-2300
requirements for a specific college or career
• Plan to challenge yourself during your senior year
• Discuss this process with your family and share the goals
of your high school program

We wish you success as you make the most of the opportunities

available in the Marysville School District. Careful planning
Marysville Pilchuck High School
provides a clear map for navigating your future.
5611 108th St NE
Sincerely, Marysville, WA 98271

Jason Thompson


Graduation Requirements

Middle School
Starting their High School and Beyond Plan
Signing up for the Opportunities to earn high school credit
College Bound Scholarship

High School
24 Total Credits


English Electives
Social Pathway
Sience Math Studies (PPR)

& Fitness

Career &
ARTS Education World Language

World Language

4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 2 credits 1 credits 1 credits 4 credits 3 credits

Post Graduation

2-0r 4-Year College Military Career Training Apprenticeship Work

(Go directly into a job as
part of a career pathway)


Graduation Checklist
C r 24
ed i t s
Subject Credits Course Choices
1.0 English/Language Arts I
1.0 English/Language Arts II
English 4.0
1.0 English/Language Arts III
1.0 English
1.0 Algebra 1
Mathematics 3.0 1.0 Geometry
1.0 Option A Option B
1.0 Biology
Science 3.0 1.0 Physics
1.0 Option A Option B
1.0 World History
1.0 United States History
Social Studies 3.0 0.5 Government
0.5 Social Studies Elective
0 Washington State History, “MET” non-credit requirement
Options B: One year of Visual &
Option A: Two Years of
Visual & Permforming Arts 2.0 2.0 Permforming Arts and one year of
Visual & Performing Arts
career-related elective(PPR)
0.5 Health
Health and Fitness 2.0
1.5 Physical Education

Career & Technical 0.5 Career and Technical Education

Education 0.5 Career and Technical Education
Option A: Two years of Option B: Two years of career-
World Language or PPR 2.0 2.0
World Language related electives (PPR)
0.5 Elective 1 0.5 Elective 5
0.5 Elective 2 0.5 Elective 6
Electives 4.0
0.5 Elective 3 0.5 Elective 7
0.5 Elective 4 0.5 Elective 8

Total Required Credits 24.0 Testing Requirements: English Language Arts Mathematics Science


Minimum College Admissions Standards
For more detailes information on college admission standards and to view a chart of College Academic Distribution
Requirements (CADRs) from the Washington Student Achievement Council, visit: http//:wsac.wa.gove/college-admissions.


High School Athletics
Marysville Getchell, Marysville Pilchuck and Tulalip Heritage High Schools are Washington Interscholastic
Athletic Association (WIAA) member schools and are subject to WIAA guidelines. We look forward to offering
athletic opportunities for all of our high school students that choose to participate.

Students that attend the following schools are listed under the campus where they will maintain their
athletic eligibility:
Marysville Getchell Chargers:

Marysville Pilchuck Tomahawks:

• Legacy

Tulalip Heritage Hawks:

• Heritage

Marysville Getchell and Marysville Pilchuck are in the WESCO Athletic Conference and are in the WIAA 3A
classification. Tulalip Heritage is in the Northwest 1B Athletic Conference and in the 1B classification.

Sports offered at each school:

MG and MP Boys: Cross Country, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Swim and Dive, Wrestling, Baseball, Golf,
Soccer, and Track and Field.

MG and MP Girls: Cross Country, Soccer, Swim and Dive, Volleyball, Basketball, Wrestling, Golf, Fast pitch,
Tennis and Track and Field.

TH Boys: Football and Basketball

TH Girls: Volleyball and Basketball

Things you need to know:

• Once eligibility is established at a school, all transfers are subject to the WIAA transfer rules.
• Alternative Learning Experience (ALE Programs) students compete for their original MSD school of
• Tulalip Heritage students can compete in individual sports that are not offered in their school, by the
district applying for a co-op status with MP or MG. The district will determine which school will co-op


Special Education Services
At all of our high schools, a large continuum of services is available to meet the needs of students who qualify for special
education services. While the most impacted students (who require significant infrastructure supports like showers, time-out
rooms, etc.) may be recommended to attend Marysville Pilchuck High School, most other students can be served at the other high
schools as well. When possible and reasonable for the student, the student will be served at his/her school of choice.

Our mission is to assist all students with disabilities to benefit from their educational program, alongside their non-disabled
peers to the greatest extent appropriate. What we teach is applicable to the student's ability to successfully function in his/
her environment as prescribed by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). We focus upon the intent of the district's mission by
Engaging our community, Inspiring our students, and Preparing our graduates, assisting each student to achieve his/her potential
independence in his/her post school environment.

Resource Program
All of our high schools have Resource Programs, which provide
educational services to students with mild to moderate
disabilities. The program is designed to provide individual,
small group instruction to students who require specially
designed instruction in specific goal areas as determined by the
evaluation team. Students receive supplemental, or adaptive
replacement individualized instruction, consistent with the
student’s assessed needs and IEP goals. Most students receive
their core education via the general education classroom
teacher. Some student’s specially designed instruction can
be fully implemented in general education settings. This may
be achieved via general education differentiation or push-in
services. Some students need pull out instruction for some
of their day, up to the majority of their day, as determined by
the IEP team. Given the moderate nature of some student’s
disabilities, significant daily guidance and regular and sporadic
access to a separate setting is needed.

Developmental Learning Program

Developmental Learning Programs, limited to our
comprehensive high school campuses, provide educational
services to students with moderate to profound developmental
disabilities. Students are enrolled based on the IEP team
recommendation for placement. Students may have significant
behaviors, related to cognitive and communication delays.
The program is designed to provide individual, small group
instruction to students who require the highest levels of
support and specially designed instruction in specific goal
areas as determined by the evaluation team. The classroom
provides smaller class size and additional adult support.
Opportunities for inclusion are available and determined in
light of the unique needs and interests of the student. Specially
designed instruction is focused in areas such as functional
academics, adaptive skills, motor skills, communication,
independent daily living skills; and as students near 18-21,
include vocational education and community-based learning
opportunities. Strong emphasis is given to partnership with
parents, local resources, and community.


English Language Learners
This program is designed for English Language Learners.
Sheltered instruction is an approach for teaching grade-level content to English learners in strategic ways that make the subject
matter concepts comprehensible while promoting the students’ English Language development.
In the sheltered English classroom, teachers use physical activities, visual aids, and the environment to teach important new words
for concept development in mathematics, science, history, economics, and other subjects.

English Language Learners remain in the mainstream classroom and receive ELL support services in their ELL/ELA class instructed
by an ELA/ELL certified teacher.



360.965.0254 (Spanish School Info line)


360.965.0253 (Russian School Info Line)


For immediate assistance: Ask your school to use Language Line (7 minutes
over the phone interpreting services with 150 languages available)
For longer meetings/conferences: Request an interpreter in advance

Multicultural Parents Volunteers

Parent Community Liaisons

MSD_Ell_Department ELL_MSDWendyMV
Program Introduction and Information
AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) is intended to benefit students that have the desire to attend college but may
need additional academic support to maximize their potential. AVID is designed to increase the number of students who enroll
and succeed in higher education and in their lives beyond high school. As students progress in AVID, their self-images improve,
and they become academically successful leaders and role models for our school and community.

Students will:
• Learn organizational strategies, study and research skills
• Develop critical thinking and inquiry skills
• Work on time management, goal setting, leadership and social skills
• Receive academic help from peers and college tutors
• Participate in enrichment and motivational activities that make them college and career ready

AVID (9,10) AVID (11,12)

The AVID course is an elective class for students to prepare The AVID Elective class for the junior and senior years prepares
them to become college and career bound. AVID focuses students for entrance into two or four-year colleges by
on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading emphasizing analytical writing, college study skills, preparation
through the AVID High School curriculum in both teacher and for college entrance and placement exams, note-taking,
tutor-led activities. While concurrently enrolled in a college- research, completion of college and scholarship applications,
prep course of study, students learn strategies to enhance and community service. Students enrolled in rigorous courses
success. Note-taking, speaking, critical thinking, test-taking receive support by working collaboratively with each other. In
strategies, leadership skills, and self-awareness are stressed. In addition, students are required to make oral presentations to
addition, the course includes motivational activities, college the class on topics related to career searches, contemporary
and career exposure, and intensive preparation for the ACT/ issues, and social concerns, all the while focusing on a
SAT. culminating senior paper and/or project.


Career & Technical Education
Course Options for Grades 9-12

Manufacturing &
Automotive Contruction Trades
• Intro Automotive Technology • Introduction to Building • Aerospace Manufacturing I
• Automotive Technology I • Construction I • Aerospace Manufacturing II
• Automotive Technology II - III • Construction II-III • Robotics
• Engines Technology • RAP - Architecture &
Business & RAP - Skilled Trades Military Science
Marketing • NJROTC - Naval Science I - V
• Adobe Foundations
• Introduction to Business Culinary Arts Video Technology
• Business Management
• Financial Algebra
• Hospitalilty & Tourism • Culinary Arts - Food • Feature Filmmaking
• Leadership - Project Preparation • Video Documentary
Managment I • Culinary Arts - Restaurant • Video Production I
• Leadership - Project Operations • Video Production II
Management II
• Marketing I (DECA) Visual Arts
• Marketing II (DECA)
• Marketing Opertations (DECA)
• Microsoft Office I
Education • Advanced Graphic Design
• AP Arts & Design
• Microsoft Office II • Mixed Media Art
• Social Media Marketing • Careers in Education
• Photography
• Sports & Enterainment • Child Development
• Studio Art I
Marketing • Studio Art II

Computer Science Health Sciences Work-Site Learning

• Work-Site Learning
• AP Computer Science • Family Health
Principles • Human Body Systems
• AP Computer Science • Nutrition & Fitness World Language
• Computer Science Principles • Principles of Biomedical
• Computer Repair Lab Science • American Sign Language I
• Exploring Computer Science • Sports Medicine I • American Sign Language II
• Video Game Design - • Sports Medicine II • American Sign Language III
Animation • STEM Foods I See page 43 for details


Career & Technical Education
Program Introduction and Information
The Marysville School District’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses provide students opportunities to explore career
pathways. Through CTE courses, students get to choose from a variety of industry focused courses ranging from accounting and
marketing to computer programming and sports medicine in preparation for the career of their choice.

Automotive Automotive Technology II-III

Location: Districtwide
Intro Automotive Technology Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Location: MP Prerequisite: Automotive Technology I
Grade Level: 9-12 Other: College Credit Available
Credit: 0.5 or 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE
graduation This class will build on the previous year’s vehicle maintenance
Length: One or Two Semesters and repair course work with advanced level repair and
Prerequisite: diagnostics. Course work is driven by industry ASE standards
Other: College Credit Available and is geared toward students that are looking for a career in
a transportation related field. Course work involved advanced
This course covers all the new major technologies for today’s repair and diagnostics in Brakes, Steering & Suspension,
modern cars and light-trucks, which goes from bumper to Wheels & Tires, Wheel Alignment, Electrical Systems, Engine
bumper and everything in between. Students will perform Performance, and more. Students will perform live on vehicle
hands on labs on numerous different types of automotive maintenance and repair on school and customer vehicles.
program vehicles. Course materials will include vehicle care, Curriculum is aligned with ASE to prepare students for their
career opportunities, repair facilities, automotive safety, industry certifications as well as state level competitions.
automotive tools and equipment, basic electrical systems,
lubrication, fuel, cooling systems, ignition systems, brakes,
suspension, and much more. This class will help make students
more knowledgeable consumers which can save them time
Engines Technology
and money.
Location: MP
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit
Automotive Technology I Length: One Semester
Location: Districtwide Other:
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation This exciting introduction into the world of engines will launch
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) students into a self-paced small engines project. Students
Prerequisite: will utilize service information to locate critical engine
Other: College Credit Available specifications, perform proper tool identification, shop safety
practices, precision measurements, fuel, and ignition system
adjustments. Students will completely disassemble and rebuild
This course gets students right into the world of automotive their own engine with the goal of making it run properly by
maintenance and servicing. Your first semester will take you the end of the semester. This course will prepare students to
through the world of vehicle maintenance and repair for progress into the Advanced Automotive Technology course as
most cars and light trucks. Topics include vehicle care, career well as additional educational and career opportunities.
opportunities, repair facilities, automotive safety, automotive
tools and equipment, basic electrical systems, lubrication, fuel,
cooling systems, ignition systems, brakes, suspension, and
much more. This fast track will get students ready for entry level
automotive related jobs before you graduate. This curriculum
also prepares students for industry ASE certifications.


Financial Algebra
Business & Marketing
Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 10-12
Business Art & Design Credit: 1.0 3rd Year Math Credit and CTE graduation
Location: MG, MP, LHS Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 0.5 or 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation Other:
Length: One or Two Semesters This course has been aligned to the state Algebra 1 standards,
Prerequisite: and may be used for the 3rd year math requirement
Other: College Credit Available requirement. It applies business-related concepts to problem-
solving real-world mathematical situations. This course is
Students will develop their computer skills to create designed to provide students with an opportunity to utilize
imaginative designs, graphic layouts, and animations using advanced algebraic concepts when solving problems involving
Illustrator and Photoshop. They will complete tutorials and real-world applications in the area of finance. Problem-solving
then use the acquired skills to create various projects. Students skills and strategies are applied to topics such as banking,
will also explore design elements and principles in the simple and compound interest, credit and debt management,
purposeful arrangement of images and text to communicate mortgages, and taxes.
a message. They will focus on creating art products such as
advertisements, product designs, and identity symbols.
Hospitality & Tourism
Introduction to Business Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit
Location: MG Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit Other:
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: College Credit Available A course that prepares individuals to serve as general
Other: managers and directors of hospitality operations on a system-
wide basis, including both travel arrangements and promotion
This course will discuss business and economics, the global and the provision of traveler facilities. Includes instruction
economy, role of government in business and how law affects in principles of operations in the travel and tourism, hotel
business. As well as, develop leadership skills and ethics, and Lodgingfacilities, food services, and recreation facilities
improve speaking, interview and professional document industries; hospitality marketing strategies; hospitality
formatting skills. Other topics explored in this course are planning; management and coordination of franchise and
business and personal law, business management, and unit operations; business management and coordination
business communications. Students will participate in DECA or of franchise and unit operations; business management;
FBLA CTSO’s (Career and Technical Student Organizations) to accounting and financial management; hospitality
gain community based leadership skills. transportation and logistics; and hospitality industry policies
and regulations.

Business Management Leadership - Project Management I

Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12 Location: MG, MP, LHS
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit Grade Level: 9-12
Length: One Semester Credit: 0.5 or 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
Prerequisite: Introduction to Business requirement
Other: Length: One or Two Semesters
In this course students will learn about business management.
If you are interested in being a business owner or manager, This course will provide students with the knowledge,
then this class will also provide you with the knowledge you skills and experience needed to further the development
need to become successful in this career field. You will learn of their leadership strengths. Course expectations include
about different types of business entrepreneurship, economics, applying leadership lessons to different situations, using our
management, market analysis, the marketing mix, importing classroom, school, and community as a laboratory. Students
and exporting product, business communications, legal issues, will participate in a school or community service project, work
and develop a business plan. Students will participate in DECA effectively in a group, and develop recognition activities which
or FBLA CTSO’s (Career and Technical Student Organizations) to may include some after school, evening, and weekend activities
gain community based leadership skills. essential in completing projects. Cheer, class and club officers
are encouraged to take this class.


Leadership - Project Management II Marketing II (DECA)
Location: MG, MP, LHS Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 or 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation Credit: 0.5 or 1.0 CTE or Elective Credit
requirements Length: One or Two Semesters
Length: One or Two Semesters Prerequisite: Marketing I or Instructor Permission
Prerequisite: Teacher Permission required AND all Other: College Credit Available
students must be an active ASB member in
good standing. Students in this course will learn about fashion marketing,
Other: advertising/promotion, sport and entertainment, social media
marketing, and travel and tourism marketing. This project-
All ASB elected officers are required to take this course. based course independent based course builds on student’s
Students establish goals and objectives to accomplish and prior knowledge of sales and marketing and focuses on the
develop a plan to fit the needs of the individual’s ASB position. development of promotional plans, campaigns, and other
Students focus on: teamwork, management, planning, projects.
communication, organization, and evaluation skills. Students
will be learning and carrying out school assemblies, and events Students will become members of DECA (CTSO) and participate
for small and large groups on a regular basis. Students may in DECA activities, conferences, and competitive events
need to work during lunches, stay after school, or come to through classroom integration. Students in the Marketing
school on non-school days depending on what each project program operate the DECA Student Store and have the
demands. opportunity to participate in local, state, and national DECA
Marketing I (DECA)
Marketing Operations (Student Store - DECA)
Location: MG, MP Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 0.5 or 1.0 CTE or Elective Credit Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective Credit
Length: One or Two Semesters Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Marketing I or Instructor Approval
Other: College Credit Available Other: A Washington State food handlers permit
must be obtained and maintained for the
This project based full year course introduces students to basic course. This course can be repeated for
marketing, selling, and entrepreneurship concepts. A variety credit.
of topics are covered which include: marketing functions, College Credit Available
interpersonal skills, selling, and advertising and promotion. This
course emphasizes employability skills such as communication This project-based course builds on the student’s prior
and collaboration, creativity and innovation, initiative and knowledge of sales and marketing through the student store
self-direction, professional development, leadership and which provides students with hands on learning experience.
responsibility, social awareness, critical thinking, productivity This course will focus on the development of promotional
and accountability. plans, advertising campaigns, visual merchandising
basics, inventory control processes and procedures, cash
Students in any marketing course can become members accountability, customer service, as well as daily operations for
of DECA and participate in DECA activities which include: school based business enterprise. Students in this course will
leadership conferences, pro sports career days, and area, state, work in the student store during lunches to gain experience
and international competitions. in selling and customer service, as well as conduct all other
student store business activities. Students practice business,
management, marketing, and entrepreneurship fundamentals.

Students in any marketing course can become members

of DECA and participate in DECA activities which include:
leadership conferences, pro sports career days, and area, state,
and international competitions.


Microsoft Office Specialist I Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Location: MG, MP, LHS Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit
Length: One Semester Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: College Credit Available Other: College Credit Available

This is a hands-on course aimed at those who have basic In this course, students will develop an understanding of
computer skills. Students who complete this class will be able the marketing concepts and theories that apply to sports,
to use the computer as a tool to enhance their education and sporting events, and the entertainment industry. This course
career. Productivity software is introduced using Microsoft will cover marketing, target marketing and segmentation,
Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Internet activities are integrated sponsorship, event marketing, promotions, sponsorship, and
into the coursework. Students, who successfully complete implementation of sports marketing plans.
the required coursework can take the Microsoft Office User
Specialist test in Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and Students in any marketing course can become members
Microsoft Word. Students will be participating in a leadership of DECA and participate in DECA activities which include:
activity as part of this curriculum. This course is a prerequisite leadership conferences, pro sports career days, and area, state,
for Microsoft Office II. and international competitions.

Microsoft Office Specialist II Technical Communication

Location: MG, MP, LHS Location: MP
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit Credit: 0.5 Technical English Credit & CTE graduation
Length: One Semester requirement
Prerequisite: Microsoft I Length: One Semester
Other: College Credit Available Prerequisite:
This is a hands-on course aimed at those who have basic
computer skills and are ready to move their skills to the next This course meets the Senior Writing requirement or qualifies
level. Students who complete this class will be able to use the as an English Elective. Technical Writing combines writing
computer as a tool to enhance their education and their future skills,computer applications, and communication strategies
careers. Productivity software is introduced using Microsoft to assist students in producing business documents and
Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. This course allows students to reports. Writing projects include memos, professional letters,
prepare to take several Microsoft Expert Exams resulting in and employment documents. Students will also learn to write
receiving valuable industry level certification applicable for different styles of reports and proposals.
use in post-secondary education and employment. Students
will also be participating in a leadership activity as part of this
Location: MG, MP
Social Media Marketing Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Technical English or Fine Art Credit and
CTE graduation requirement
Location: MG, MP Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit Other: College Credit Available
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Students who participate in the Yearbook course can expect
Other: College Credit Available to have an exciting year full of showcasing the memories of
the school(s), students, and campus events. Students will
Discover the evolution and purpose of Social Media and why be responsible for producing a book which reflects high
it is a disruptive wave of innovation. Learn about how it affects journalistic standards. In order to accomplish these objectives,
your personal and professional life. Understand the importance the yearbook students will devote their time to: Learning their
of personal branding and how these principles can be applied rights and responsibilities as a yearbook student, gaining
in the professional world. Understand the history, purpose, proficiency in desktop publishing with online software,
anatomy, best practices, current trends, and pros & cons of the incorporating advanced design principles into the yearbook,
top 8 Social Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, learning and using journalistic writing techniques, developing
YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+ and Blogs. student leadership and decision-making skills, finding ways
to include every student and staff member in the yearbook,
Students in any marketing course can become members and most importantly, producing a yearbook the staff, the
of DECA and participate in DECA activities which include: school and the community are proud of and be able to enjoy
leadership conferences, pro sports career days, and area, state, conveying a lifetime of memories.
and international competitions.


Computer Repair Lab
Computer Science
Location: LHS
Grade Level: 9-12
AP Computer Science Principles Credit: 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation
Location: LHS Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 0.5 3rd Year Math or Lab Science and CTE Other: College Credit Available
graduation requirements
Length: One Semesters In this course, students learn hardware and software via hands-
Prerequisite: Algebra I suggested on work. Students are members of the Marysville Computer
Other: College Credit Available Repair Lab offering repairs to community members and
Studetns can choose to take the CSP AP refurbishing donated computers for use by Non Profit groups.
test from this class, but it is suggested that This course is repeatable.
they take both Computer Science Principles
and CS50-AP first.
Exploring Computer Science
This course is an exploratory introduction to Computer Science.
It is designed to introduce students to the breadth of the field Location: MP, LHS
of computer science through an exploration of engaging and Grade Level: 9-12
accessible topics. Rather than focusing the entire course on Credit: 0.5 3rd Year Math Credit and CTE graduation
learning particular software tools or programming languages, requirement
the course is designed to focus on the conceptual ideas of Length: One Semester
computing and help students understand why certain tools or Prerequisite:
languages might be utilized to solve particular problems. Other:

This course of study is designed to allow students to explore a

AP Computer Science variety of computer science topics, such as Web design, human
computer interactions, programming, and problem solving.
Location: LHS Optional topics include mobile applications, robotics, and
Grade Level: 11-12 digital animation. Students will develop critical thinking, logic,
Credit: 0.5 3rd Year Math or Lab Science Credit and and problem solving skills relevant to today’s technology.
CTE graduation requirements
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Video Game Design - Animation
Other: College Credit Available
Location: MG, LHS
AP Computer Science A is a lab based course. Concepts Grade Level: 9-12
are taught through ongoing hands-on labs and group Credit: 1.0 3rd Year Math or Art Credit and CTE
collaborations. Students will study the concepts behind graduation requirementor
Java, in preparation for the AP CS A test. By the end of this Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
course, students will develop knowledge of programming Prerequisite:
methodology, procedural abstraction, structuring of Other: College Credit Available. Course may be
algorithms, and the use of data. Students will leave class repeated with Instructor permission
prepared to apply a problem solving process to future learning
and will be prepared to take on future programming. This exploratory course gives students the opportunity to
create their own learning path in video game design and
Computer Science Principles production using the Unity game engine with C# programming
language. Students will learn how to create and design game
environments and script assets to make 2D platform and
Location: LHS 3D FPS games resulting in the creation of their own highly
Grade Level: 9-12 complex game by the end of the course. Students will also be
Credit: 0.5 3rd Year Math or Lab Science Credit and able to explore game asset creation using 3D CAD modeling
CTE graduation requirements programs Blender and Maya. Students will develop their
Length: One Semesters computer skills to create imaginative designs, graphic layouts
Prerequisite: Algebra I suggested and animations using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash and/
Other: College Credit Available or Blender 3D. Students have the freedom to learn technology
that is relevant to their interests. An element to the course
This course is an exploratory introduction to Computer Science. is career exploration in the field of information technology.
It is designed to introduce students to the breadth of the field Students will also research possible careers.
of computer science through an exploration of engaging and
accessible topics. Rather than focusing the entire course on
learning particular software tools or programming languages,
the course is designed to focus on the conceptual ideas of
computing and help students understand why certain tools or
languages might be utilized to solve particular problems.


Web Design Construction II-III
Location: LHS Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective Credit
requirements Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Length: One Semester Prerequisite: Construction I or Instructors permission
Prerequisite: Other:
Other: College Credit Available
This course is ideal for students showing either a strong interest
In this course, students will have the opportunity to explore in continuing their career path in the field of construction
the field of web page development, design and administration or continuing to improve their knowledge and skills for
using Adobe Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash. Additional independent enhancement. This course will provide students
topics include HTML, planning web pages, and layout and with the skills and knowledge to complete all stages of
design techniques. construction needed to build a house.

RAP - Architecture & Construction

Construction Trades
Location: Districtwide
Introduction to Building Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 3.0 Credits offered: 1.0 CTE, 1.0 Lab Science,
1.0 3rd Year Math, or Elective Credit
Location: MG Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: Must complete application process and be
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit accepted into program
Length: One Semester Other: College Credit and Certifcation Available
Prerequisite: Afternoon Sessions (3 periods per day)
Preferred or Direct Entry into Apprenticeship Programs -
This course is ideal for the student who wants to learn more determined by each Apprenticeship.
about the construction industry by using hand and power tools
to create projects. Students will be engaged in learning from Regional Apprenticeship Pathways Architecture and
an industry professional and establishing a strong basic skill set Construction is offered to students interested in gaining
that will transition well into Construction I-III. Students will be pre-apprenticeship skills in the areas of Architecture and
heavily involved in learning the fundamentals of construction: Construction through hands on experiences in the construction
worksite safety, construction math, as well as the use of hand process. Students will gain valuable transferable skills leading
tools, power tools and orientation to the construction trades. to industry certification, college credit and certification as
well as preferred entry into a professional apprenticeship.
High school students will learn alongside students from
Construction I surrounding districts as well as college students offering
higher engagement in real-world career focused instruction.
Students will spend an extended period of time, participating
Location: MG in either a morning or afternoon session (3 periods per day)
Grade Level: 9-12 on projects allowing for deeper levels of understanding and
Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective Credit experiential learning. Previous construction related coursework
Length: One Semester or experience is advantageous but not required. Sign up now
Prerequisite: Introduction to Buidling or instructors as space is limited!

This course is the next step in the journey to becoming job

ready in the world of construction. This course builds on the
basic skills learned in the introduction to building course and
sets the foundation in the world of construction. Students will
review all safety concepts and regulations, focus on becoming
proficient with power tools and building techniques which will
be used to construct various small projects.


RAP - Skilled Trades - RAP Culinary Arts
Location: Districtwide
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 3.0 Credits offered: 1.0 CTE, 1.0 Lab Science, Culinary Arts - Food Preparation
1.0 3rd Year Math, or Elective Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Location: Districtwide
Prerequisite: Must complete application process and be Grade Level: 9-12
accepted into program Credit: 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation
Other: College Credit and Certifcation Available requirement
Morning Session (3 periods per day) Length: One Semesters (2 hour block class)
Preferred Entry into Apprenticeship Programs - determined Other: College Credit Available
by each Apprenticeship. Application requirements include: Food Handler Permit, instructor will provide
A completed application packet (link to application on RAP details on the process.
website) including, Student letter of application, 2 letters
of recommendation from current school staff, high school This course introduces the challenging, exciting, and highly-in-
attendance records showing consistent attendance, and a high demand world of professional cooking, under the tutelage of
school transcript. a classically trained chef. The nationally recognized curriculum
integrates classical and modern culinary techniques with
RAP Skilled Trades is offered to students interested in strong kitchen management skills. Students learn, through
developing pre-apprenticeship skills in skilled trades through hands- on instruction the theory, methods, and techniques
hands on experiences in various specialized trades including of food preparation such as knife skills, sanitation and safety,
Electrical, Scaffolding, Concrete, and Site Layout. Upon baking and pastry, stocks, soups and sauces, meat, poultry and
successful completion, students will gain valuable transferable seafood cookery, grilling roasting, braising, etc. Classes require
skills leading to industry certification including OSHA, college an ability to work under pressure and exceptional teamwork
credit, and eligibility for preferred entry into a professional skills while providing excellent customer service in the School
apprenticeship. High school students will learn alongside House Café, a student-run restaurant. Students gain valuable
students from surrounding districts as well as college students employability training beginning with the ServSafe® program
offering higher engagement in real-world career focused curriculum for food protection; which is the first step toward a
instruction. Students will spend an extended period of time, valuable HACCP certification learning how various foods should
participating for 3 periods per day on projects allowing for be produced, handled, and served.
deeper levels of understanding and experiential learning.
Previous construction related coursework or experience is
advantageous but not required. Sign up now as space is
Culinary Arts - Restaurant
Location: Districtwide
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation
Length: One Semesters (2 hour block class)
Other: College Credit Available
Food Handler Permit, instrutor will provide
details on this process.

This program is unique in that the program serves students in

grades 10-12 and offers restaurant and hospitality exposure in a
“real life” situation. The Restaurant Operations course provides
students with knowledge and skills related to commercial and
institutional food service establishments, with an emphasis
on Management. Course topics therefore include guest
service, and relationships, planning, resource management,
professionalism, food presentation, labor planning and
scheduling, dining room service and beverage service. The food
production lab will define basic fundamentals and the requisite
ingredients needed to accomplish food preparation. Sanitation
and safety practices will be employed and reinforced as well as
other topics related to operating a restaurant.


Child Development
Location: MP
Grade Level: 11-12
Careers in Education Credit:
0.5 CTE or Elective Credit
One Semester
Location: MP, THHS Other:
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Students operate and teach in the on-site Preschool Lab while
Prerequisite: studying children through age eight. Topic areas include:
Other: School District volunteer application required physical, emotional, social, moral, and intellectual development
College Credit Available of children; child development theories and theorists; roles
and responsibilities of parenthood; multicultural and global
Let us help you reach your career goal of becoming a teacher! experiences of families throughout the world; health and safety
Because of the current Washington State teacher shortage, for children and families; early childhood education curriculum
specifically teachers of color, there is an increased need for and methods of instruction; professional practices and
early teacher preparation, support, and retention starting standards when working with children; and career exploration
in high school. The Careers in Education course is uniquely of careers with children.
structured to have a focus on engaging students of color,
learning about diversity, cultural awareness, and improving
the educational experience for all students through gaining
an understanding of social justice issues. This course will also
delve into cultural competencies and help students discover
Engineering & Manufacturing
the impact that culturally responsive teaching can bring to a
In addition, students will learn the knowledge, skills, and
Aerospace Manufacturing I
practices required for a career in education. The course focuses
on the theory and practice of learning and teaching; the basic Location: MP
principles of educational psychology; the art of teaching; the Grade Level: 9-12
planning and administration of educational activities; and the Credit: 1.0 English or Science or Lab Science Credit
social foundations of education. Finally, students will learn and CTE graduation requirement
the standards and competencies from the Early Childhood Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Education Services and the Family and Community Services Prerequisite:
sections of the Family and Consumer Sciences National Other: College Credit Available
Standards. Once attained, these standards will aid students,
preparing them for the beginning levels of a variety of human Aerospace manufacturing involves various aspects of
service careers. FCCLA Leadership projects will be included designing, building, testing, selling, and maintaining aircraft,
within the curriculum. aircraft parts, missiles, rockets, or spacecraft. Aerospace is a
*Careers in Education Internship: high technology industry.
Students participating in the Careers in Education course will
also participate in the internship portion. Students will be This course work takes students through the foundational
linked with Marysville School District teachers and will work world of manufacturing. Students will take part in the CORE
cooperatively to assist students with their classwork thus PLUS curriculum designed in partnership with aerospace
fulfilling the Careers In Education internship. Students will need professionals from Boeing and other related industries. Course
to complete a volunteer application form to obtain clearance work include industry safety standards and procedures,
and provide transportation or walk to their designated schools. shop tools & equipment, precision measurements, material
Students complete 4-5 internship seminars throughout this science and the properties of metals, polymers, ceramics,
semester. and composites. Additional coursework includes Standard
Operating Procedures for companies like Boeing and other
aerospace manufacturers, aircraft fasteners, drilling, cutting
& grinding, and job skills. Students will take field trips to local
college training programs, as well as industry manufacturing
facilities. Successful completion of this program will lead to
interviews will local aerospace employers.


Aerospace Manufacturing II
Health Science
Location: MP
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 English or Science or Lab Science Credit Family Health
and CTE graduation requirement
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Aerospace Manufacturing I Location: MP
Other: College Credit Available Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 0.5 Health or Lab Science Credit and CTE
graduation requirement
This course is more project based, that utilizes the foundational Length: One Semester
skills developed in Manufacturing I. Students will perform Prerequisite:
blueprint reading, riveting, applied math and physics projects, Other: College Credit Available
electrical labs, and construct mock aircraft structures. By
the end of the second year students should be able to have Family Health is designed to prepare students for life-long
the combined skills to complete at the regional assembly decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, and
competition held at the Everett Boeing plant. Job offers are management skills related to health and wellness issues
often given to competition competitors upon successful impacting families. The primary role is enabling students
high school graduation. Students will take additional field to assume an active role in developing healthy lifestyles for
trips to local college training programs, as well as industry themselves and others. Integrating the Washington Health and
manufacturing facilities. Successful completion of this program Fitness essential learnings with standards and competencies
will lead to interviews will local aerospace employers. from the National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences
Education, this course focuses on the interrelationships of
healthy choices and a productive, satisfying life.
Location: MG
Human Body Systems
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation Location: MG
requirement Grade Level: 9-12
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Credit: 1.0 Health or Lab Science Credit and CTE
Prerequisite: graduation requirement
Other: Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
The future is here! This robotics course is a hands-on exciting Other: College Credit Available
new class that offer students a chance to learn how to build
and program autonomous robots with highly sophisticated This yearlong course is designed to provide an introduction to
sensors.This course will also allow students to learn about the the systems of the human body through hands-on projects and
ever growing career in robotics. Students will constantly be problems. Students examine the interactions of human body
challenged and engaged in real world applications related systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection,
to the robotics industry. Students will learn about basic and homeostasis. Exploring science in action, students
and advanced concepts concerning structural building, build organs and tissues on a skeletal Maniken®; dissect
gearing, programing, firmware, a switchloop, Faraday’s Law, representative organ system specimens, use data acquisition
gyro sensors and so much more! Some of the autonomous software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement,
robots the students will be building and programming are; reflex and voluntary action, and respiration; and take on the
RoboRacers, SumoBots, a RoboTagger, and Color Sorters.The roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical
students will be accountable for their own robot kit and must cases.
be very well organized, self-directed, be able to work with
others and responsible.
Nutrition & Fitness
Location: MP
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 Health or Lab Science Credit and CTE
graduation requirement
Length: One Semester

This course focuses on the role of foods and nutrition in human

health and wellness. Areas of study include demonstration
of nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual
and family well being across the lifespan. Concepts related
to factors which influence nutrition and wellness, nutritional
needs, acquiring, handling and using foods, food safety and the
impact of science and technology are all included.


Principles of Biomedical Science STEM Foods I
Location: MG Location: MP
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Health or Science Credit and CTE Credit: 0.5 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation
graduation requirement requirement
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other:

This course will allow you to explore numerous careers in This class introduces students to the Science of Food including:
the cutting edge field of biotechnology and medicine. You Basic Food Chemistry, Organic Chemistry of macronutrients,
will learn current health, societal, risk management and Chemistry of micronutrients and how to conduct experiments
safety issues; and legal considerations. You will also gain while cooking. Basic math and science skills will be taught,
information in areas of: how various careers in this field along with the use of technology to plan and prepare food
interact; understanding the importance of interaction with and learn about the nutrition and science of food. Leadership
various diverse groups; ethical and legal concepts, and consider and Employability Skills will be incorporated through FCCLA
a self-assessment of goals, interests, and abilities. You will also (Family, Career, and Community Leadership Association)
investigate future education and employment options and in projects.
various areas within this growing global career field.

Sports Medicine I
Location: MP
Location: MG Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 0.5 Lab Science Credit and CTE graduation
Credit: 1.0 Health or Science or Lab ScienceCredit requirement
and CTE graduation requirement Length: One Semester
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Prerequisite:
Prerequisite: Other:
Other: College Credit Available
Advanced STEM Foods builds upon the basics learned in
the Introduction to STEM Foods course. Topics in this class
In this course students will learn about the care of athletes include: Food Microbiology & Food Safety, Food Preservation,
through the application of therapeutic tasks that are Nutritional Guidelines, Digestion & Metabolism, Research &
designated by an athletic or fitness trainer. Topics covered may Development of Food Products, and Careers in Food Science.
include taping, bandaging, proper use of protective padding, Students will plan and prepare food using math, science
treatment modalities, anatomy and physiology, and medical and technology. Leadership and Employability Skills will be
terminology. Students may learn to measure cardiorespiratory incorporated through FCCLA projects.
endurance, flexibility, body composition, and blood pressure.
More advanced topics may include: injury assessment, the
phases of healing, and the use of exercise and equipment to
help in the reconditioning of injured athletes. Military Sciences
Sports Medicine II NJROTC - Naval Science I
Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12 Location: Districtwide
Credit: 1.0 Health or Science or Lab ScienceCredit Grade Level: 9-12
and CTE graduation requirement Credit: 1.0 CTE, Physical Education, Health, Elective
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Credit or 0.5 Contemporary World Problems
Prerequisite: Sports Medicine I for 2 years of the program
Other: College Credit Available Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
This course will help you prepare for health, fitness and medical
careers and will give you exposure to the field of Athletic
Training. This course will combine class work and hands-on NJROTC Naval Science I emphasizes citizenship and leadership
skill training. This yearlong course consists of 180 hours of development, as well as maritime heritage, sea power, and
classroom instruction. This course will focus on advanced Naval operations and customs. This course includes, but is not
study of human anatomy, medical terminology, management limited to, an introduction to the Naval Junior ROTC program,
of athletic injuries, and evaluation and treatment concepts. US Navy mission and organization, maritime geography,
Skills developed in this course focus on health occupations and Naval history, basic seamanship, oceanography, and health
athletic training. Hands-on skills include: CPR, first aid training, education. Cadets will also have opportunities to practice
blood borne pathogen training, athletic taping and wrapping, citizenship, leadership, and employability skills via performing/
care and prevention of athletic injuries, rehabilitation of competitive drill teams, color guards, academic teams, air rifle
injuries, fitness programs, nutrition, human anatomy, injury teams, orienteering, cyberpatriot (code) team, project planning,
recognition and evaluation, and related health or medical and multiple field trips. Cadets may earn Varsity letters on the
career exploration. teams or in community service.


NJROTC: Naval Science II NJROTC: Naval Science IV
Location: Districtwide
Location: Districtwide Grade Level: 11-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Credit: 1.0 CTE, Physical Education, Health, Elective
Credit: 1.0 CTE, Physical Education, Health, Elective Credit or 0.5 Contemporary World Problems
Credit or 0.5 Contemporary World Problems for 2 years of the program
for 2 years of the program Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Prerequisite:
Prerequisite: Other:
This course builds on employability skills and provides
NEW: An exploration of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (drones) leadership opportunities by closely examining the roles of
will offer students a chance to learn how to build and operate leaders and followers as well as identifying characteristics
unmanned vehicle systems (drones) systems that operate and best practices of each. Provides opportunity to
above or below the water. Students must be organized, self- exercise leadership in group dynamics using the uniform to
directed and responsible. NJROTC Naval Science II, builds upon demonstrate capabilities and leadership skills. Continually
the context of Naval Science I. These courses include, but are conduct exercises in career planning and education
not limited to leadership principles and discipline, citizenship, with experience in producing effective oral and written
naval opportunities and career planning, naval ships and communications. Will prepare the student to readily accept
weaponry, seamanship, meteorology and weather, and survival the responsibility and importance of citizenship as related to
training. Students continue to learn teamwork, naval history, the democratic principles upon which our country is founded.
and military principles. In addition to the opportunities listed Laboratory sessions in drill, commands and ceremonies and
in NS1, cadets are given the opportunities to lead other cadets classroom training will continue to be supplemented with
in a classroom environment and are encouraged to take on field trips, guest speakers, orientation visits to various military
project management for 3 major community events. facilities, and the teams and opportunities listed in NS1 course.

NJROTC: Naval Science III NJROTC: Naval Science V

Location: Districtwide Location: Districtwide
Grade Level: 10-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 CTE, Physical Education, Health, Elective Credit: 1.0 CTE, Fine Art, Physical Education, Health,
Credit or 0.5 Contemporary World Problems Elective Credit or 0.5 Contemporary World
for 2 years of the program Problems for 2 years of the program
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other: Course is conducted outside of normal school
hours, transportation is not provided
NEW: An exploration of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (drones) This course broadens understanding of operative principles of
will offer students a chance to learn how to build and operate military leadership, the concept and significance of teamwork,
unmanned systems (drones) that operate above or below and discipline in the accomplishment of an objective. Each
the water. Students must be organized, self-directed and lesson is taught with a focus on being employable. Timeliness,
responsible.This course broadens understanding of operative respect, and commitment are specific characteristics practiced
principles of military leadership, the concept and significance and taught to others using the uniform and rank structure
of teamwork, and discipline in the accomplishment of an from the military model. Additionally: it is an alternative period,
objective. Each lesson is taught with a focus on being after/before school, for cadets who desire to participate in
employable. Timeliness, respect, and commitment are specific NJROTC but cannot fit it into periods 1-6, it is program time
characteristics practiced by wearing the uniform once a week, for Cadet Staff to accomplish jobs and run the unit, Student
ongoing instruction in leadership, naval orientation, navigation, will complete the curriculum for Naval Science I, II, III, or IV,
composition of the Navy, military and international law, SEA and Classroom training is supplemented with field trips, guest
power, Global Awareness: Cultural Studies and nation security. speakers, and orientation visits to various military facilities.
Laboratory sessions in drill, commands and ceremonies are also
provided. Classroom training is supplemented with field trips,
orientation visits to various military facilities and museums, and
a 10 week Basic Financial Management course.


Video Production II
Video Technology
Location: MG
Grade Level: 10-12
Feature Filmmaking Credit:
1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation

Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)

Location: MG Prerequisite: Video Production I
Grade Level: 10-12 Other: College Credit Available
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
requirements Video II (Advanced Creative Filmmaking) is a year long video
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) class that is the next step up from Video I. In this course you will
Prerequisite: Instructor Permission be using new professional editing software, Adobe Premiere
Other: Pro and After Effects. You will also be able to learn how to use
more advanced cameras and other equipment that wasn’t
Students will focus on script writing and the production of available to the intro class. We will work on various types of
expanded student projects. They will form a film company for projects like documentaries, short movies, skits, public service
the class and work on a full length feature film. Each student advertising, commercials, and a directors study and more. You
will be assigned a job(s) for the duration of the film and be may work as an individual, small or large groups, it’s up to you
evaluated on their contribution to the film. Much of the work and what fits your goal for the year. This course will work at a
is shot after school and on weekends. Students will need to fast pace which will require you to be organized daily.
be self-motivated, responsible, and able to complete complex
tasks within a given time frame. Topics covered include:
advanced script writing; advanced filmmaking; final cut pro X
editing; and, large scale projects.
Visual Arts
Video Documentary
Location: MG Advanced Graphic Design
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation Location: MG
requirements Grade Level: 10-12
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
Prerequisite: Video Production I requirements
Other: College Credit Available Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Art Instructor Recommendation
Documentary for Social Change allows students to choose a Other: College Credit Available
topic that they’d like to make a difference in, and produce a
short film to assist in that change. Students will write, shoot, This course offers students the opportunity to explore the
and edit a 30-45 minute film over the course of a semester. This field of visual communication. This class is directed toward
is an upper level video course, where students should enter developing industry standard skills in visual communication
with a foundation in video filming and editing. for print production and graphic design. Design theory,
typography, historic relevance, digital imagery, photographic
composition and skills, digital painting, vectoring and print
Video Production I publication will be developed as part of student portfolio
representation. The course is designed to cultivate the student’s
unique artistic visual communication style through concept
Location: MG driven problem solving, analyzing, reflection, and critique.
Grade Level: 9-12 Adobe CC software is utilized to create original designs.
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation Students will have opportunities for real work experiences as
requirements graphic designers; reinforcing employment fundamentals and
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlomg) 21st century skills.
Other: College Credit Available

This introductory Visual Production course provides students

with the knowledge and skills necessary for television, video,
film, and/or radio production. Writing scripts, camera operation,
use of graphics and other visuals, lighting, audio techniques,
editing, production principles, and career opportunities are
typical topics covered within production courses. Don’t miss
out, be part of this exciting and every changing career field!


AP Art & Design Studio Art I
Location: MG Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 10-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
requirements requirements
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: One or Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Art Instructor Recommendation Prerequisite:
Other: College Board Submission Fee (Optional) Other:

Studio Art is intended to provide students the opportunity This class offered as a beginning and intermediate art class.
for a more challenging studio experience using traditional The class is open to all and does not require any previous art
and digital art making; drawing, painting, graphic design, and experience. This comprehensive course provides students
photography. The course may be completed in either one or with knowledge and understanding of Art Elements and
two years. The course is individualized for the artistic growth, Principles of Design. Students will explore a variety of artists,
exploration and goals of the AP Student in preparation for art movements, artistic processes and materials such as
optional portfolio submission to the AP College Board in May. drawing, painting, printmaking, and color theory for two and/
or three-dimensional design. Student artwork will reflect
understanding of aesthetics, cultural and historical contexts for
exit art portfolio.This course will also provide a discussion and
Mixed Media Art exploration of career opportunities in the field of art.

Location: MG
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
Studio Art II
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Location: MG, MP
Prerequisite: Studio Art I, Graphic Design and/or Instructor Grade Level: 9-12
Permission Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
Other: requirements
Length: One or Two Semesters
This course is designed to explore the unlimited possibilities Prerequisite:
of creating artwork that combines traditional materials (pencil, Other:
paint, charcoal etc.) with digital processes such as Photoshop
and contemporary photography. Advanced skills will focus This course is offered as a beginning and advanced art class.
on historical and cultural contexts, theoretical concepts and The class is open to all and does not require any previous art
emphasis on design principles. Studio art and digital imaging experience. This comprehensive course provides students
software skills will be employed as well as advanced techniques with the knowledge and opportunity to explore various art
in composition to create expressive digital imagery. This course techniques in ceramics and clay hand building techniques.
combines knowledge and skills of Graphic Design and Studio In addition, the areas of Paper Mache and Crayon Resist will
Art. be covered. Students learn how to critique and judge art and
understand the concepts of how Fine Art is different from
Crafts. A chance to focus on learning about a particular artist
Photography will be done through writing an Art Report and Art Essay. This
course will also provide a discussion and exploration of career
opportunities in the field of art.
Location: MG, LHS
Grade Level: 10-12
0.5 or 1.0 Fine Arts Credit and CTE graduation
Work-Site Learning
Length: One or Two Semesters
Other: Worksite Learning
This introductory course is designed to instruct students in
the fundamental skills of composing digital photo imagesand Location: Districtwide
processing; using industry standard software. Basic and Grade Level: 11-12
intermediate techniques are taught to enhance or manipulate Credit: 0.5 CTE Credit
images for any purpose. With hands on experience, students Length: One or Two Semesters
become familiar with photographic imaging equipment, Prerequisite: Studetns must be legally and gainfully
materials, methods, and processes. Applied creative thinking employed. Studetns must be 16 years of age.
and visual problem solving prepares students for more Students must be enrolled or have
advanced courses and a foundation for professional career completed a CTE class.
possibilities. Other: Students must work 180 hours to recieve

Worksite learning courses provide students with work

experience in a field related to their interests. Goals are typically
set cooperatively by the student, teacher, and workplace
supervisor. Students may be placed in paid or unpaid work
Language Arts
Course Options for Grades 6-12

G 6th Grade 6th Grade

D 6 Language Language
E Arts Arts Honors
Middle School

Langauage Arts Electives

G 7th Grade 7th Grade Aerospace Manufacturing I (Page 17)
A 7 Language Language Aerospace Manufacturing II (Page 16)
E Arts Arts Honors College Writing
Contemporary Literature
Creative Writing
G 8th Grade 6th Grade
R Debate I/II
D 8 Language Language Journalistic Writing
E Arts Arts Honors Poetry and Song Writing
Speech I/II
Technical Communication (Page 13)
Yearbook (Page 13)
Writing about Film

G Language
R Language or
9 Arts I
Arts I
E Honors

High School

R Language
10 Language or
Arts II
Arts II
E Honors

G AP English AP English
R Language or or
A 11 Language & Literature &
D Arts III Composition
E Composition

G Language
R Language AP English AP English
A 12 Arts IV: or Arts IV: Senior or Language & or Literature &
D Integrated
E Comm
Review Composition Composition


Program Introduction and Information
The Marysville School District’s Language Arts courses are alighned to the Common Core State Standards for English Language
Arts, offering students a variety of language arts options leading to college, career, and life readiness. Students are required to
complete four credits of English courses during their high school career. All courses of different challenge levels integrate reading,
writing, speaking, listening, and language with a focus on teaching tect comprehension and strategies. Students also learn to
apply various writing skills to complete the process throughout each level.

Language Arts III / American

Language Arts I/ Language Arts I
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS Grade Level: 11
Grade Level: 9 Credit: 1.0 Language Art Credit
Credit: 1.0 Language Art Credit Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Prerequisite:
Prerequisite: Other:
English/Language Arts III courses continue to develop students’
English/Language Arts I courses build upon students’ prior writing skills, emphasizing clear, logical writing patterns, word
knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, word usage, and the choice, and usage, as students write essays and begin to learn
mechanics of writing and usually include the four aspects the techniques of writing research papers. Students continue to
of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. read works of literature, which often form the backbone of the
Typically, these courses introduce and define various genres writing assignments. Literary conventions and stylistic devices
of literature, with writing exercises often linked to reading may receive greater emphasis than in previous courses.

Language Arts IV: Integrated

Language Arts II/ Language Arts II
Location: MG, THHS, LHS
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS Grade Level: 12
Grade Level: 10 Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Credit: 1.0 Language Art Credit Length: One Semesters
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Prerequisite:
Prerequisite: Other:
English/Language Arts IV courses blend composition and
English/Language Arts II courses usually offer a balanced focus literature into a cohesive whole as students write critical and
on composition and literature. Typically, students learn about comparative analyses of selected literature, continuing to
the alternate aims and audiences of written compositions develop their language arts skills. Typically, students primarily
by writing persuasive, critical, and creative multi-paragraph write multi-paragraph essays, but they may also write one or
essays and compositions. Through the study of various more major research papers.
genres of literature, students can improve their reading rate
and comprehension and develop the skills to determine the
author’s intent and theme and to recognize the techniques
used by the author to deliver his or her message.
Language Arts IV: Senior Review
Location: THHS, LHS
Grade Level: 12
Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Length: One Semesters

English/Language Arts IV courses blend composition and

literature into a cohesive whole as students write critical and
comparative analyses of selected literature, continuing to
develop their language arts skills. Typically, students primarily
write multi-paragraph essays, but they may also write one or
more major research papers.


AP English Language and Contemporary Literature
Composition Location: THHS. LHS
Grade Level: 11-12
Location: MG, MP Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Grade Level: 11-12 Length: One Semesters
Credit: 1.0 Language Art Credit Prerequisite:
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Other:
Other: Literature courses offer the opportunity for students to study
and reflect upon the themes presented in the body of literature
Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed being presented. Students improve their critical-thinking
to parallel college-level English courses, AP English Language skills as they determine the underlying assumptions and
and Composition courses expose students to prose written values within the reading selection and as they understand
in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts. how the work reflects society’s problems and culture. Oral
These courses emphasize the interaction of authorial purpose, discussion is an integral part of literature courses, and written
intended audience, and the subject at hand, and through compositions are often required. Literature courses may survey
them, students learn to develop stylistic flexibility as they write representative works, reflect a particular genre or a specific
compositions covering a variety of subjects that are intended theme, or survey works of a particular time or people.
for various purposes.

Creative Writing
AP English Literature and
Location: MP, THHS, LHS
Composition Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Location: MG, MP Length: One Semesters
Grade Level: 11-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 1.0 Language Art Credit Other:
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Creative Writing courses offer students the opportunity to
Other: develop and improve their technique and individual style in
poetry, short story, drama, essays, and other forms of prose.
Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed The emphasis of the courses is on writing; however, students
to parallel college-level English courses, AP English Literature may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain
and Composition courses enable students to develop critical a fuller appreciation of the form and craft. Although most
standards for evaluating literature. Students study the creative writing classes cover several expressive forms, others
language, character, action, and theme in works of recognized concentrate exclusively on one particular form (such as poetry
literary merit; enrich their understanding of connotation, or playwriting).
metaphor, irony, syntax, and tone; and write compositions of
their own (including literary analysis, exposition, argument,
narrative, and creative writing).
Debate I/II
Location: MG, MP, THHS
Grade Level: 11-12
English Electives
0.5 Language Art Credit
Length: One Semesters

College Writing Debate is a one-semester elective course designed to provide

experience in preparing,
Location: MP, THHS analyzing, and participating in debates. Students will engage in
Grade Level: 12 team policy and Lincoln-Douglas debates and other speaking
Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit experiences, with the goals of improving their self-confidence
Length: One Semesters and ability to present themselves in front of groups. The Debate
Prerequisite: Successfil completion of Lang Arts III course specifically addresses the following Common Core State
Other: Standards (CCSS) for Writing, Speaking and Listening, Grades
This course develops writing skills for students pursuing post-
secondary education. It teaches students to organize, create,
and effectively present essays, reports, proposals, both as
individuals and groups.


Journalistic Writing Writing about Film
Location: THHS
Grade Level: 10-12 Location: MP
Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit Grade Level: 11-12
Length: One Semesters Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Prerequisite: Instructor permission required Length: One Semesters
Other: Prerequisite:
Journalism courses emphasize writing style and technique as
well as production values and organization. Journalism courses This course will focus on English based topics as art of fiction,
introduce students to the concepts of newsworthiness and film genre, plot analysis, and film history. Discussions, clip
press responsibility; develop students’ skills in writing and analysis, and analysis by essay writing will be stressed. Writing
editing stories, headlines, and captions; and teach students will include reviews and research papers. A film list from
the principles of production design, layout, and printing. different times and genres will be submitted for approval
Photography and photojournalism skills may be included. before viewing.

Poetry and Song Writing

Location: THHS
CTE Credit Equivalency Courses
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Length: One Semesters
Aerospace Manufacturing I (Page 17)
Other: Aerospace Manufacturing II (Page 16)
This course will provide students an opportunity to gather, Technical Communication (Page 13)
analyze, synthesize, and gather information from a variety of
poetry and musical sources. Students will be able to articulate
Yearbook (Page 13)
qualities that make writing of poetry and song writing
synonymous. As well as, write poetry and music from a variety
of publishing options incorporating essays and research.
Students will receive support for their culminating exhibition

Speech I/II
Location: THHS
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 0.5 Language Art Credit
Length: One Semesters

Public Speaking courses enable students, through practice, to

develop communication skills that can be used in a variety of
speaking situations (such as small and large group discussions,
delivery of lectures or speeches in front of audiences, and
so on). Course topics may include (but are not limited to)
research and organization, writing for verbal delivery, stylistic
choices, visual and presentation skills, analysis and critique, and
development of self-confidence.


Course Options for Grades 6-12

R 6th Grade 6th Grade
D 6 Math Math
Middle School

R 7th Grade 7th Grade
A 7
D Math Hi Cap Math

R 8th Grade
D 8 Math
E CTE 3rd Year Math Electives
AP Computer Science Principles (Page 13)
AP Computer Science (Page 13)
Computer Science Principles (Page 13)
Exploring Computer Science (Page 13)
G Financial Algebra (Page 10)
9 Algebra I or Geometry RAP - Architecture & Design (Page 14)
E RAP - Skilled Trades (Page 14)
Video Game Design (Page 13)
High School

10 Geometry or Algebra II

A 11 Algebra II or Pre Calculus

Mathematics Electives
A 12 AP Calculus College Algebra
D Bridge to College Mathematics Pre Calculus


Program Introduction and Information
The Marysville School District’s Mathematics courses are offered in a sequential order from Algebra I through AP Calculus. The
Program builds on fundamental mathematics concepts and essential skills. Studetns learn to critically think, effectively problem
solve, and clearly communicate. Students experience the interaction of algebra, geometry, statistics, probability, and discrete
mathematics as well as develop an understaning of the fundamental mathematical concepts of function, relation, invariance, and
transformations. Technology is fully incorporated throughout ALL courses, with emphasis on applications of mathematics and
mathematical models.

Algebra I Algebra II
Location: MG, MP, THHS Location: MG, MP, THHS
Grade Level: 9-11 Grade Level: 9-11
Credit: 1.0 Math Credit Credit: 1.0 Math Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra I & Geometry
Other: Other:

Algebra I courses include the study of properties and Algebra II course topics typically include field properties and
operations of the real number system; evaluating rational theorems; set theory; operations with rational and irrational
algebraic expressions; solving and graphing first degree expressions; factoring of rational expressions; in-depth study
equations and inequalities; translating word problems into of linear equations and inequalities; quadratic equations;
equations; operations with and factoring of polynomials; and solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; graphing of
solving simple quadratic equations. constant, linear, and quadratic equations; properties of higher
degree equations; and operations with rational and irrational
Location: MG, MP, THHS
Grade Level: 9-10
Credit: 1.0 Math Credit Math Electives
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra
AP Calculus
Geometry courses, emphasizing an abstract, formal approach
to the study of geometry, typically include topics such as Location: MG, MP
properties of plane and solid figures; deductive methods Grade Level: 11-12
of reasoning and use of logic; geometry as an axiomatic Credit: 1.0 Math Credit
system including the study of postulates, theorems, and Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
formal proofs; concepts of congruence, similarity, parallelism, Prerequisite:
perpendicularity, and proportion; and rules of angle Other:
measurement in triangles.
Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed
to parallel college-level calculus courses, AP Calculus AB
provides students with an intuitive understanding of the
concepts of calculus and experience with its methods and
applications. These courses introduce calculus and include
the following topics: elementary functions; properties of
functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; differential
calculus (including definition of the derivative, derivative
formulas, theorems about derivatives, geometric applications,
optimization problems, and rate-of-change problems); and
integral calculus (including antiderivatives and the definite


Bridges to College Mathematics Pre-Calculus
Location: MG, MP Location: MG, MP, THHS
Grade Level: 12 Grade Level: 10-11
Credit: 1.0 Math Credit Credit: 1.0 Math Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra I & Geometry, Prerequisite: College Algebra
attempt Algebra II Other: College in the HIgh School Credit Available
Pre-Calculus courses combine the study of Trigonometry,
Bridge to College Mathematics is a year-long course focusing Elementary Functions, Analytic Geometry, and Math
on the key mathematics readiness standards from Washington Analysis topics as preparation for calculus. Topics typically
State’s K-12 Learning Standards for Mathematics (the Common include the study of complex numbers; polynomial,
Core State Standards, CCSS-M) as well as the eight Standards logarithmic, exponential, rational, right trigonometric, and
for Mathematical Practices. The course is designed to prepare circular functions, and their relations, inverses and graphs;
students for entrance in to non-calculus pathway introductory trigonometric identities and equations; solutions of right and
college math courses. The course addresses key learning oblique triangles; vectors; the polar coordinate system; conic
standards for high school including Algebra I, Statistics, sections; Boolean algebra and symbolic logic; mathematical
Geometry, and Algebra II standards essential for college-and induction; matrix algebra; sequences and series; and limits and
career-readiness. The course curriculum emphasizes modeling continuity.
with mathematics. Topics include building and interpreting
functions (linear, quadratic & exponential), writing, solving and
reasoning with equations and inequalities, and summarizing,
representing, and interpreting data. The course is designed CTE Credit Equivalency Courses
to focus on building conceptual understanding, reasoning
and mathematical skills and provides students engaging
mathematics that builds flexible thinking and a growth AP Computer Science Principles (Page 13)
mindset. Seniors who score in Level 2 on the Smarter Balanced
11thgrade assessment and are successful in this course (B or AP Computer Science (Page 13)
better), the Bridge to college Mathematics course offers an
opportunity to place in to a college-level course when entering Computer Science Principles (Page 13)
college directly after high school. Exploring Computer Science (Page 13)
Financial Algebra (Page 10)
Calculus RAP - Architecture & Design (Page 14)
Location: THHS RAP - Skilled Trades (Page 14)
Grade Level: 10-11
Credit: 1.0 Math Credit Video Game Design - Animation (Page 13)
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)

Calculus courses include the study of derivatives,

differentiation, integration, the definite and indefinite integral,
and applications of calculus. Typically, students have previously
attained knowledge of pre-calculus topics (some combination
of trigonometry, elementary functions, analytic geometry, and
math analysis).

College Algebra
Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 1.0 Math Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Completion of Integrated 3 or teacher

This course will prepare students for college level mathematics,

college placement tests, entrance exams, and the SAT. Students
will experience what a freshman level college algebra student
will see. There is an increased emphasis on textbook readings.
The topics covered in this course will be: algebraic expressions,
equations and Inequalities, relations and functions graphing
relations and functions, general graphing techniques,
polynomial and rational functions, graphs of polynomial
functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic
Physical Education/Health
Course Options for Grades 6-12

or Athletic or
Aquatic Fit for Life

Flex and or or Sports

Fitness Conditioning

Strength &
Tournament or
Conditioning or Walk Fit

Family Health or Human Body or Nutrition &

(Page 18) Systems (Page 18)

Principles of Sports Sports

Biomedical or or
Medicine I Medicine II
(Page 19) (Page 19)
(Page 19)


(Page 20) (Page 20) (Page 20)

(Page 20) (Page 20)


Program Introduction and Information
The Marysville School Districts Physical Education Department realizes a lifestyle of physical activity for fitness and proper diet
enhance a longer, healtier and more vigorous life regardless of an intended profession. Therefore, a wide variety of lifetime and
leisure activities are offered as well as activitres that develop and maintain overall physical fitness. Three semesters of physical
education are required for graduation.

Aquatics Flex and Fitness

Location: MP Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit
Length: One Semester Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other:

Aquatic/Water Sports courses help students develop skills This course is energetic and active yet suited to all levels of
useful or necessary in an aquatic environment. They may personal fitness. The main thrust of each class is to bring about
focus on swimming and competitive strokes, such as freestyle, a transformation of the physical body, relieve stress, sculpt
breaststroke, butterfly, and so on or may involve team-oriented muscles, develop flexible bodies, and gain a greater calmness.
water sports, such as water polo and relay swimming. These
courses may also include (or concentrate exclusively on) diving
and/or lifesaving skills. Health
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS
Athletic Development Grade Level: 10
Credit: 0.5 Health Credit
Location: THHS Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 10-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit Other:
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Similar to Family Living courses, but more focused on the
Other: individual, Personal Development courses emphasize
strengthening self-esteem, recognizing and resisting negative
This course is offered only during Zero Hour and is designed peer pressure, and developing coping skills for dealing with
for students who want sport specific strength and conditioning changes within one’s self and within others. These courses may
principles/activities. The Olympic lifts will be emphasized also have a substance-abuse prevention component.
as well as core training specifically for speed and power
Sports Conditioning
Fit for Life Location: THHS
Grade Level: 9-12
Location: MG, THHS, LHS Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit
Grade Level: 9 Length: One Semester
Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit Prerequisite:
Length: One Semester Other:
Other: Fitness/Conditioning Activities courses emphasize conditioning
activities that help develop muscular strength, flexibility, and
These courses emphasize acquiring knowledge and skills cardiovascular fitness.
regarding lifetime physical fitness; content may include related
topics such as nutrition, stress management, and consumer
issues. Students may develop and implement a personal fitness


Strength & Conditioning I/II
Location: MG, MP
CTE Credit Equivalency Courses
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit Family Health (Page 18)
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Human Body Systems (Page 18)
Nutrition & Fitness (Page 18)
Weight Training courses help students develop knowledge Principles of Biomedical Science (Page 19)
and skills with free weights and universal stations while
emphasizing safety and proper body positioning; they may Sports Medicine I (Page 19)
include other components such as anatomy and conditioning.
Sports Medicine II (Page 19)
NJROTC I (Page 20)
Tournament Sports NJROTC II (Page 20)
Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 10-12
NJROTC III (Page 20)
Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit NJROTC IV (Page 20)
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: NJROTC V (Page 20)

Team Sports courses provide students with knowledge,

experience, and an opportunity to develop skills in more than
one team sport (such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, and so

Walk Fit
Location: MP, THHS
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 Physical Education Credit
Length: One Semester

Class uses walking to improve fitness! Supplementary activities

may include: water walking, swimming, stretching, and
fundamental strength exercises. This courses is designed to
students with temporary or permanent injuries and limitations
that inhibit full participation in other physical education
classes. All conditions or injuries in which medical advice/
attention has been sought require a description from the
student’s doctor (to include a description/duration of


Course Options for Grades 6-12

R Physical or
9 Science Biology
High School

10 Biology or Chemistry

R or AP Biology or AP
A 11 Chemistry or Physics
D Chemistry

Science Electives
Astronomy Human Anatomy & Physiology
Aerospace Manufacturing I (Page 17) Human Body Systems (Page 18)
Aerospace Manufacturing II (Page 18) Intro to Automotive Technology (Page 10)
AP Computer Science Principles (Page 14) Marine Biology
AP Computer Science (Page 14) Nutrition & Fitness (Page 18)
Automotive Technology I (Page 10) Prinicples of Biomedical Science (Page 19)
Automotive Technology II-III (Page 10) Sports Medicine I (Page 19)
Computer Science Prinicples (Page 14) Sports Medicine II (Page 19)
Computer Repair Lab (Page 14) STEM Foods I (Page 19)
Culinary Arts - Food Preparation (Page 16) STEM Foods II (Page 19)
RAP - Architecture & Design (Page 15)
Culinary Arts - Restaurant Operations (Page16)
Earth Science RAP - Skilled Trades (Page 16)
Enviromental Science Robotics (Page 18)
Family Health (Page 18)


Program Introduction and Information
The Marysville School District’s Science courses are designed to offer students a variety of science options. Students are required
to complete three credits of science furing their high school career, two of which must be lab-based. All the science courses
offered in Marysville School District high schools are lab-based. Student have access to core science courses, Advanced Placement
(AP) courses, and a variety of rigorous elective science courses. By meeting the prerequisites, students may begin AP coursework
in their ninth grade year.

Physical Science Physics

Location: MG, MP Location: MG
Grade Level: 9 Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 1.0 Science Credit Credit: 1.0 Science Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other:

Physical Science courses involve study of the structures Physics courses involve the study of the forces and laws
and states of matter. Typically (but not always) offered as of nature affecting matter, such as equilibrium, motion,
introductory survey courses, they may include such topics as momentum, and the relationships between matter and energy.
forms of energy, wave phenomenon, electromagnetism, and The study of physics includes examination of sound, light, and
physical and chemical interactions. magnetic and electric phenomena.

Location: MG, MP, THHS Science Electives
Grade Level: 09-12
Credit: 1.0 Science Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
AP Biology
Other: Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 11-12
Biology courses are designed to provide information regarding Credit: 1.0 Science Credit
the fundamental concepts of life and life processes. These Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
courses include (but are not restricted to) such topics as cell Prerequisite:
structure and function, general plant and animal physiology, Other:
genetics, and taxonomy.
Topics will include 1) molecules (biochemistry) and cells, 2)
genetics and evolution and 3) organisms and populations.
Chemistry Students focus on detail and it is intended for the college-
oriented student. Lab work is an integral part of this course
Location: MG, MP and will require creativity and problem solving skills in order to
Grade Level: 10-11 complete.
Credit: 1.0 Science Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Currently enrolled in Algebra II or higher
AP Chemistry
Location: MG, MP
Chemistry courses involve studying the composition, Grade Level: 11-12
properties, and reactions of substances. These courses typically Credit: 1.0 Science Credit
explore such concepts as the behaviors of solids, liquids, Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
and gases; acid/base and oxidation/reduction reactions; and Prerequisite:
atomic structure. Chemical formulas and equations and nuclear Other:
reactions are also studied.
Usually taken after a comprehensive initial study of chemistry,
Advanced Placement Chemistry courses cover chemical
properties and interactions in more detail. Advanced
chemistry topics include organic chemistry, thermodynamics,
electrochemistry, macromolecules, kinetic theory, and nuclear
chemistry. Students focus on detail and it is intended for the
college-oriented student. Lab work is an integral part of this
course and will require creativity and problem solving skills in
order to complete.
Astronomy Marine Biology
Location: THHS Location: MG, MP
Grade Level: 11-12 Grade Level: 09-12
Credit: 0.5 Science Credit Credit: 1.0 Science Credit
Length: One Semesters Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of one semester Prerequisite:
physical Science/physics Other:
Marine biology allows students to investigate the physical
Astronomy courses offer students the opportunity to study and biotic environment of the marine world. They study the
the solar system, stars, galaxies, and interstellar bodies. These relationship between plants and animals in the Earth’s oceans
courses usually introduce and use astronomic instruments and with emphasis on the Puget Sound area. Taxonomy, physiology,
typically explore theories regarding the origin and evolution of and anatomy of major marine groups are studied.
the universe, space, and time.

Earth Science
Location: MP
CTE Credit Equivalency Courses
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 0.5 Science Credit Aerospace Manufacturing I (Page 17)
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Aerospace Manufacturing II (Page 18)
Other: AP Computer Science Principles (Page 14)
Earth Science courses offer insight into the environment AP Computer Science (Page 14)
on earth and the earth’s environment in space. While
presenting the concepts and principles essential to students’ Automotive Technology I (Page 10)
understanding of the dynamics and history of the earth, these Automotive Technology II-III (Page 10)
courses usually explore oceanography, geology, astronomy,
meteorology, and geography. Computer Science Prinicples (Page 14)
Computer Repair Lab (Page 14)
Environmental Science Culinary Arts - Food Preparation (Page 16)
Location: MG Culinary Arts - Restaurant Operations (Page16)
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 0.5 Science Credit Family Health (Page 18)
Length: One Semester Human Body Systems (Page 18)
Prerequisite: Succesful completion of Biology
Other: Intro to Automotive Technology (Page 10)
Environmental Science courses examine the mutual Nutrition & Fitness (Page 18)
relationships between organisms and their environment. In Prinicples of Biomedical Science (Page 19)
studying the interrelationships among plants, animals, and
humans, these courses usually cover the following subjects: Sports Medicine I (Page 19)
photosynthesis, recycling and regeneration, ecosystems,
population and growth studies, pollution, and conservation of Sports Medicine II (Page 19)
natural resources. STEM Foods I (Page 19)
STEM Foods II (Page 19)
Human Anatomy and Physiology RAP - Architecture & Design (Page 15)
Location: MG, MP RAP - Skilled Trades (Page 16)
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 1.0 Science Credit Robotics (Page 18)
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 1 year of Biology

Anatomy courses present an in-depth study of the human

body and biological system. Students study such topics as
anatomical terminology, cells, and tissues and typically explore
functional systems such as skeletal, muscular, circulatory,
respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems.


Social Studies
Course Options for Grades 6-12

10 World History
High School

A 11 US History or AP US History

G Contemp AP
A 12 World or Comparative or or Senior Civics
D Government
E Problems Politics

Social Studies Electives

Economics Tribal Law
Psychology World Geography


Program Introduction Information
The Marysville School District’s Social Studies program covers required courses such as World History, AP World History, U.S.
History and Contemporary World Problems, and offers a variety of optional classes available for grades 10-12. Other classes
include Economics, AP U.S. Government, AP Comparative Politics and Psychology, Sociology and World Geography. Social Studies
classes provide students with a high standard of understanding in history, economics, geography and civics.

World History Social Studies Electives

Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS
Grade Level: 10
0.5 Social Studies Credit
One Semester
AP Comparative Politics
Prerequisite: Location: MP
Other: Grade Level: 12
Credit: 1.0 Social Studies Credit
World History courses provide students with an overview Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
of the history of human society from early civilization to the Prerequisite:
contemporary period, examining political, economic, social, Other:
religious, military, scientific, and cultural developments.
Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed
to parallel college-level Comparative Government and Politics
U.S. History courses, these courses offer students an understanding of the
world’s diverse political structures and practices. The courses
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS encompass the study of both specific countries and general
Grade Level: 11-12 concepts used to interpret the key political relationships found
Credit: 1.0 Social Studies Credit in virtually all national policies. Course content generally
Length: Two Semester (Yearlong) includes sources of public authority and political power, the
Prerequisite: relationship between states and society, the relationships
Other: between the political and institutional frameworks of citizens
and states, political change, and comparative methods.
U.S. History courses provide students with an overview of the
history of the United States, examining time periods from
discovery or colonialism through World War II or after. These
courses typically include a historical overview of political,
AP Government
military, scientific, and social developments. Course content Location: MG
may include a history of the North American peoples before Grade Level: 12
European settlement. Credit: 1.0 Social Studies Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Contemporary World Problems Other:

Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed
Grade Level: 12 to parallel college-level Comparative Government and Politics
Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit courses, these courses offer students an understanding of the
Length: One Semester world’s diverse political structures and practices. The courses
Prerequisite: encompass the study of both specific countries and general
Other: concepts used to interpret the key political relationships found
in virtually all national policies. Course content generally
Contemporary World Issues courses enable students to study includes sources of public authority and political power, the
political, economic, and social issues facing the world. These relationship between states and society, the relationships
courses may focus on current issues, examine selected issues between the political and institutional frameworks of citizens
throughout the 20th century, and look at historical causes or and states, political change, and comparative methods.
possible solutions.


AP U.S. History Senior Civics
Location: MG, MP Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS
Grade Level: 11 Grade Level: 12
Credit: 1.0 Social Studies Credit Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other:

Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed Civics courses examine the general structure and functions of
to parallel college-level U.S. History courses, AP U.S. History American systems of government, the roles and responsibilities
courses provide students with the analytical skills and factual of citizens to participate in the political process, and the
knowledge necessary to address critically problems and relationship of the individual to the law and legal system.
materials in U.S. history. Students learn to assess historical These courses do not typically delve into the same degree
materials and to weigh the evidence and interpretations of detail on constitutional principles or the role of political
presented in historical scholarship. The course examines the parties and interest groups as do comprehensive courses in U.S.
discovery and settlement of the New World through the recent Government.

Economics Location: MG, MP, THHS
Grade Level: 10-11
Location: THHS Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit
Grade Level: 11-12 Length: One Semester
Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit Prerequisite:
Length: One Semester Other:
Other: These courses examine a particular topic in sociology, such
as culture and society or the individual in society, rather than
Economics courses provide students with an overview of provide an overview of the field of sociology.
economics with primary emphasis on the principles of
microeconomics and the U.S. economic system. These courses
may also cover topics such as principles of macroeconomics, Tribal Law
international economics, and comparative economics.
Economic principles may be presented in formal theoretical Location: THHS
contexts, applied contexts, or both. Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit
Length: One Semester
Psychology Prerequisite:
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS
Grade Level: 11-12 Law Studies courses examine the history and philosophy
Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit of law as part of U.S. society and include the study of the
Length: One Semester major substantive areas of both criminal and civil law, such as
Prerequisite: constitutional rights, torts, contracts, property, criminal law,
Other: family law, and equity. Although these courses emphasize the
study of law, they may also cover the workings of the legal
Psychology courses introduce students to the study of system.
individual human behavior. Course content typically includes
(but is not limited to) an overview of the field of psychology,
topics in human growth and development, personality and
behavior, and abnormal psychology. World Geography
Location: MG, MP, THHS, LHS
Grade Level: 10-11
Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Credit
Length: One Semester

World Geography courses provide students with an overview of

world geography, but may vary widely in the topics they cover.
Topics typically include the physical environment; the political
landscape; the relationship between people and the land;
economic production and development; and the movement of
people, goods, and ideas.


Visual & Performing Arts
Course Options for Grades 6-12

Chorus Concert Band Guitar I/II

U Wind
I Ensemble
Jazz Percussion Symphonic
Ensemble Ensemble Band

A Drama I Drama II/III/IV

I A Art I-II / Business Art &
S R Ceramics II
U T Studio Art Ceramics I & III Design
A S I - IV (Page 9)

Advanced Leadership Leadership

Graphic - Project - Project
Design Management Magagement
(Page 21)
(Page 21) I (Page 11) II (Page 12)

Mixed Media Photography Studio Art I Studio Art II

Art (Page 22) (Page 22) (Page 22) (Page 22)

Video Game
Video Video Video
Design -
Documentary Production I Production II
(Page 21) (Page 21) (Page 21)
(Page 14)

Web Design Yearbook

(Page 15) (Page 13)


Program Introduction and Information
The Marysville School District’sVisual and Performing Arts classes offer a variety of crestive options to meet graduation
requirements and beyond. Students may enter electives and experience several artforms and media or pursue a specific art area of

MUSIC Jazz Ensemble I/II

Location: MG, MP
Chorus Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts/Elective credit
Location: MG, MP Length: Two Semesters (yearlong)
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: Audition or instructor permission
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts/Elective credit Other:
Length: Two Semesters (yearlong)
Prerequisite: Instrumental Ensemble courses are intended to develop
Other: students’ technique for playing brass, woodwind, percussion,
and/or string instruments in small ensemble groups.
This course is open to all students, from experienced musicians Instrumental Ensemble courses cover one or more instrumental
to first-time singers, who want to perform choral music of all ensemble or band literature styles.
kinds in a big group environment. Music will cover a wide
range of choral styles, eras and languages. This group has two
required performances a semester, and the opportunity to Percussion Ensemble
travel to events around the region and country. Focus is on
developing and improving vocal technique and reading music. Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts/Elective credit
Concert Band Length: Two Semesters (yearlong)
Location: MG, MP Other:
Grade Level: 9-10
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts/Elective credit This course is exclusively percussion instruments: snare, bass,
Length: Two Semesters (yearlong) timpani, mallets, auxiliary percussion, quad tons, and other
Prerequisite: Musical instrument exp. similar instruments. Topics covered will include exploration
Other: of all facets of percussion. Students will perform at school
concerts and be give the opportunity to perform with Concert
Courses in Concert Band are designed to promote students’ Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble.
technique for playing brass, woodwind, and percussion
instruments and cover a variety of band literature styles,
primarily for concert performances. Symphonic Band
Location: MG, MP
Guitar I/II Grade Level: 9-11
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts/Elective credit
Location: MP Length: Two Semesters (yearlong)
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: 9th grade by audition only, 10th & 11th audi
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts/Elective credit tion or instructor permission
Length: One Semester Other:
Other: This course builds skills in sight reading, individual and
ensemble performances, scales performance and conducting.
Students perform in concerts and festivals.
Guitar courses introduce students to the fundamentals of
music and guitar-playing techniques, such as strumming and
chords. These courses may also include more advanced guitar-
playing techniques.


Wind Ensemble
Location: MG, MP
Visual Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts/Elective credit
Length: Two Semesters (yearlong)
Prerequisite: 9th & 10th by audition only, 11th & 12th Audi
Art I-II / Studio Art I-IV
tion, instructor permission
Other: Location: LHS
Grade Level: 9-12
This course builds skills in sight reading, individual and Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts/Elective credit
ensemble performances, scales performance and conducting. Length: One Semester
Students perform in concerts and festivals and school events. Prerequisite:

These comprehensive courses provide students with the

knowledge and opportunity to explore an art form and to
Theatre create individual works of art. These courses may also provide
a discussion and exploration of career opportunities in the
art world. Initial courses cover the language, materials, and
processes of a particular art form and the design elements and
Drama I principles supporting a work of art. As students advance and
become more adept, the instruction regarding the creative
Location: MG, MP, LHS process becomes more refined, and students are encouraged
Grade Level: 9-12 to develop their own artistic styles. These courses may also
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts/Elective credit include the study of major artists, art movements, and styles.
Length: One Semester
Other: Ceramics I
Exploration in Drama courses are designed to enhance Location: MP
students’ understanding of life through the study and Grade Level: 10-12
performance of dramatic works. They emphasize developing Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts/Elective credit
students’ ability to express themselves and establish personal Length: One Semester
criteria for the critical evaluation of drama activities. Prerequisite:

Drama II/III/IV Ceramics/Pottery courses focus on creating three-dimensional

works out of clay and ceramic material. Particular attention
Location: MP, LHS is paid to the characteristics of the raw materials, their
Grade Level: 9-12 transformation under heat, and the various methods used to
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts/Elective credit create and finish objects.
Length: One Semester
Prerequisite: Teacher Permission Required
Other: Ceramics II & III
Drama courses promote students’ experience and skill Location: MP
development in one or more aspects of theatrical production, Grade Level: 10-12
but they concentrate on acting and performance skills. Focus Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts/Elective credit
on improving technique, expanding students’ exposure to Length: One Semester
different types of theatrical techniques and traditions, and Prerequisite: Teacher Permission Required
increasing their chances of participating in public productions. Other:

This course is a continuation of Ceramics I where students will

learn some hand-building techniques and learn to use the
potter’s wheel.


Location: LHS
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Elective credit
Length: One Semester

This course is promotes creative expression through three-

dimensional works. This course explores representational and
abstract sculpture through subtractive (carving), additive
(modeling), and assemblage techniques in one or more media.
This course includes the production of representational
and abstract sculptures while incorporating elements of art
and principles of design, along with a study of historical and
contemporary sculpture and sculptors from a worldwide
perspective. These courses also provide instruction in the
process of responding to art through analysis, critique, and
interpretation for the purpose of reflecting on and refining

CTE Credit Equivalency Courses

Business Art & Design (Page 9)
Advanced Graphic Design (Page 21)
Feature Filmmaking (Page 21)
Leadership - Project Management I (Page 11)
Leadership - Project Magagement II (Page 12)
Mixed Media Art (Page 22)
Photography (Page 22)
Studio Art I (Page 22)
Studio Art II (Page 22)
Video Documentary (Page 21)
Video Game Design - Animation (Page 14)
Video Production I (Page 21)
Video Production II (Page 21)
Web Design (Page 15)
Yearbook (Page 13)


World Language
Course Options for Grades 6-12

D 6
Middle School

A 7

D 8 Spanish I

G Spanish I American Latin I

R Lushoot-
9 or Sign French I or Latin Japanese I
seed I
E Spanish II Language I Honors

G American
High School

R Spanish II Latin II or
10 or
French II Latin II Japanese II
E Spanish III

G American
R Spanish III Latin III or
A 11 or French III Latin III Japanese III
D Language
E Spanish IV Honors

G Spanish IV Latin IV or
R Japanese
A 12 or French IV Latin IV
E AP Spanish Honors


Program Introduction and Information
Language and communiction are at the heart of the human experience. Marysville School District’s World Language courses strive
to linguistically equip students to communiate in a pluralistic, global society. They study of foreign language allows students to
learn about other cultures and prepare for interesting and exciting careers, as well as meet the entrance requirements for most
colleges and universities. Many universities require two to three years of the same foreign language during high school.

American Sign Language American Sign Language III

American Sign Language I Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit and CTE
Location: MG graduation requirement
Grade Level: 9-12 Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit and CTE Prerequisite:
graduation requirement Other:
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: The student is encouraged to further develop vocabulary and
Other: communication skills. This course will also explore sensitive
cultural issues related to deafness. An ability to sustain a
conversation using ASL is a prerequisite for this section.
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic Course emphasis will be placed on conceptual development of
concepts of American Sign Language. Students will gain expressive ability. Students will start to develop an interpreter
fluency by engaging in dialogues and learning activities that portfolio that can be used in applying to an interpreter training
utilize the target language. This course focuses on vocabulary program as well as exploring other ASL related careers in
development, basic conversational strategies, grammatical depth. Progress will be demonstrated through performance-
features and an exploration of Deaf culture. The student will based activities including, but not limited to quizzes, discussion
demonstrate proficiency through receptive and expressive groups, skits, cultural activities, presentations and written work.
class activities. Attending Deaf events are required each Class performance and outside attendance at cultural events
semester. are required for this course.

American Sign Language II

Location: MG
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit and CTE French I
graduation requirement
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Location: MP
Prerequisite: Grade Level: 9-12
Other: Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic Prerequisite:
concepts of American Sign Language. Students will gain Other:
fluency by engaging in dialogues and learning activities that
utilize the target language. This course focuses on vocabulary Designed to introduce students to French language and
development, basic conversational strategies, grammatical culture, French I emphasizes basic grammar and syntax, simple
features and an exploration of Deaf culture. The student will vocabulary, and the spoken accent so that students can read,
demonstrate proficiency through receptive and expressive write, speak, and understand the language at a basic level
class activities. Attending Deaf events are required each within predictable areas of need, using customary courtesies
semester. Class performances and outside attendance at and conventions. French culture is introduced through the art,
cultural events are required for this course. literature, customs, and history of the French-speaking people.

activities including, but not limited to quizzes, discussion

groups, skits, cultural activities, presentations and written work.
Class performance and outside attendance at cultural events
are required for this course.


French II Japanese II
Location: MP Location: MP
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other:

French II courses build upon skills developed in French Japanese II courses build upon skills developed in Japanese
I, extending students’ ability to understand and express I, extending students’ ability to understand and express
themselves in French and increasing their vocabulary. Typically, themselves in Japanese and increasing their vocabulary.
students learn how to engage in discourse for informative Typically, students learn how to engage in discourse for
or social purposes, write expressions or passages that show informative or social purposes, write expressions or passages
understanding of sentence construction and the rules of that show understanding of sentence construction and the
grammar, and comprehend the language when spoken slowly. rules of grammar, and comprehend the language when
Students usually explore the customs, history, and art forms of spoken slowly. Students usually explore the customs, history,
French-speaking people to deepen their understanding of the and art forms of Japanese-speaking people to deepen their
culture(s). understanding of the culture(s).

French III/IV Japanese III/IV

Location: MP Location: MP
Grade Level: 10-12 Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Prerequisite:
Other: Other:

French III courses focus on having students express increasingly Japanese III courses focus on having students express
complex concepts both verbally and in writing while showing increasingly complex concepts both verbally and in writing
some spontaneity. Comprehension goals for students may while showing some spontaneity. Comprehension goals
include attaining more facility and faster understanding when for students may include attaining more facility and faster
listening to the language spoken at normal rates, being able understanding when listening to the language spoken at
to paraphrase or summarize written passages, and conversing normal rates, being able to paraphrase or summarize written
easily within limited situations. passages, and conversing easily within limited situations.

Japanese Latin
Japanese I
Location: MP
Latin I/Latin I Honors
Grade Level: 9-12 Location: MG
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit Grade Level: 9-12
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Prerequisite: Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Other: Prerequisite:
Designed to introduce students to Japanese language and
culture, Japanese I courses emphasize basic grammar and It is strongly recommended that a student has achieved a C or
syntax, simple vocabulary, and the spoken accent so that better in English/Language Arts in order to enroll in this course.
students can read, write, speak, and understand the language Latin I courses expose students to the Latin language and
at a basic level within predictable areas of need, using culture, emphasizing basic grammar and syntax, simple
customary courtesies and conventions. Japanese culture is vocabulary, and the influence of Latin on current English words.
introduced through the art, literature, customs, and history of Students will be able to read and write in Latin on a basic level.
the Japanese-speaking people.


Latin II/Latin II Honors
Location: MG
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Spanish I
Location: MP, LHS
Latin II courses enable students to expand upon what they Grade Level: 9-12
have learned in Latin I, increasing their skills and depth of Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
knowledge through the practice of structures, forms, and Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
vocabulary. Reading materials reflect Roman life and culture. Prerequisite:

Latin III/Latin III Honors Designed to introduce students to Spanish language and
culture, Spanish I courses emphasize basic grammar and
Location: MG syntax, simple vocabulary, and the spoken accent so that
Grade Level: 11-12 students can read, write, speak, and understand the language
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit at a basic level within predictable areas of need, using
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) customary courtesies and conventions. Spanish culture is
Prerequisite: introduced through the art, literature, customs, and history of
Other: Spanish-speaking people.

Latin III courses build students’ knowledge of the Latin

language and culture, typically focusing on having students Spanish II
express increasingly complex concepts in writing and
comprehend and react to original Latin texts. Location: MG, MP, LHS
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Latin IV/Latin IV Honors Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Location: MG Other:
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit Spanish II courses build upon skills developed in Spanish
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) I, extending students’ ability to understand and express
Prerequisite: themselves in Spanish and increasing their vocabulary.
Other: Typically, students learn how to engage in discourse for
informative or social purposes, write expressions or passages
Latin IV courses build students’ knowledge of the Latin that show understanding of sentence construction and the
language and culture, typically focusing on having students rules of grammar, and comprehend the language when spoken
express increasingly complex concepts in writing and slowly. Students
comprehend and react to original Latin texts.
usually explore the customs, history, and art forms of Spanish-
speaking people to deepen their understanding of the
Spanish III
Location: MG, MP, LHS
Lushootseed I Grade Level: 11-12
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit
Location: MP, THHS Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Grade Level: 11-12 Prerequisite:
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit Other:
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong)
Prerequisite: Spanish III courses focus on having students express
Other: increasingly complex concepts both verbally and in writing
while showing some spontaneity. Comprehension goals
Lushootseed I prepares students to read traditional stories in for students may include attaining more facility and faster
the original language and familiarize them with the general understanding when listening to the language spoken at
structure of the language. Conversational skills will also normal rates, being able to paraphrase or summarize written
be practiced. The teaching materials contain a wealth of passages, and conversing easily within limited situations.
information about the traditional culture.


Spanish IV Course Objectives:
Students demonstrate language proficiency in alignment
Location: MP with the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards for
Grade Level: 11-12 World Languages in the area of Communication (Interpretive
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit Mode, Interpersonal Mode, and Presentational Mode) and
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) demonstrating proficiency according to LinguaFolio™
Prerequisite: descriptors at the Novice Mid level.
Novice High
Spanish IV courses focus on advancing students’ skills and
abilities to read, write, speak, and understand the Spanish Summary:
language so that they can maintain simple conversations with
sufficient vocabulary and an acceptable accent, have sufficient Student has completed a nationally recognized language
comprehension to understand speech spoken at a normal pace, proficiency assessment and demonstrated at least Novice High
read uncomplicated but authentic prose, and write narratives (NH) proficiency across skill levels.
that indicate a good understanding of grammar and a strong
vocabulary. Full Description:
Students with language proficiency at the Novice High level
generally demonstrate these language skills: In Listening,
student can understand ideas on familiar topics expressed
AP Spanish through phrases, short sentences, and frequently used
expressions. Student can understand the main point in
Location: MP messages and announcements. In Reading, student can
Grade Level: 9-12 understand the main idea and some details in simple texts that
Credit: 1.0 World Language Credit contain familiar vocabulary. In Interpersonal Communication,
Length: Two Semesters (Yearlong) student can exchange info about familiar tasks, topics and
Prerequisite: Admitted by Test activities. Student can handle short social interactions using
Other: phrases and sentences, but student may need help to keep
the conversation going. In Speaking, student can use a series
This course provides students with opportunities to of phrases and sentences to provide basic information about
develop language proficiency across the three modes familiar topics. In Writing, student can write simple descriptions
of communication: Interpretive, Interpersonal, and and short messages and request or provide information on
Presentational. Students learn about culture through the use familiar topics.
of authentic materials that are representative of the Spanish-
speaking world. Course Objectives:
Students demonstrate language proficiency in alignment
with the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards for
Proficiency-Based World Language Credits World Languages in the area of Communication (Interpretive
Mode, Interpersonal Mode, and Presentational Mode) and
• Novice Mid - 1 credit demonstrating proficiency according to LinguaFolio™
descriptors at the Novice High level.
• Novice High - 2 credits
Intermediate Low
• Intermediate Low - 3 credits
• Intermediate Mid - 4 credits Student has completed a nationally recognized language
proficiency assessment and demonstrated at least
• Credit will appear on the transcript with a “P” for pass as the Intermediate Low (IL) proficiency across skill levels.   
grade mark.
Full Description:
Novice Mid Students with language proficiency at the Intermediate Low
level generally demonstrate these language skills: In Listening,
Summary: student can understand main ideas and a few details in
Student has completed a nationally recognized (or OSPI/MSD sentences, shortconversations and some forms of media. In
approved?) language proficiencyassessment and demonstrated Reading, student can understand the main idea and many
at least Novice Mid (NM) proficiency across skill levels. details in some texts that contain familiar vocabulary. In
Interpersonal Communication, student can begin and carry on
Full Description: an unrehearsed conversation on a limited number of familiar
Students with language proficiency at the Novice Mid level topics. Student can ask and answer simple questions and
generally demonstrate these language skills: In Listening, exchange information in highly familiar situations. In Speaking,
student can understand some everyday words, phrases and student can connect basic sentences to provide information
questions about self, personal experiences and surroundings, on familiar topics. Student can relate with some details,
when people speak slowly and clearly. In Reading, student information about what is read, heard and seen. In Writing,
can understand familiar words and short, simple phrases student can write about familiar topics and experiences in
or sentences. In Interpersonal Communication, student can series of sentences.     
interact with help using memorized words and phrases.
Student can answer simple questions on very familiar topics. Course Objectives:
In Speaking, student can use simple phrases and sentences to Students demonstrate language proficiency in alignment
provide information about self, and immediate surroundings. with the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards for
In Writing, student can provide some basic information on World Languages in the area of Communication (Interpretive
familiar topics in lists and simple forms. Mode, Interpersonal Mode, and Presentational Mode)


and demonstrating proficiency according to LinguaFolio™
descriptors at the Intermediate Low level.

Intermediate Mid

Student has completed a nationally recognized language
proficiency assessment and demonstrated at least Intermediate
Mid (IM) proficiency across skill levels. 

Full Description:
Students with language proficiency at the Intermediate Mid
level generally demonstrate these language skills: In Listening,
student can understand ideas on familiar topics expressed
through a series of sentences. Student can understand details
expressed in conversations and through some forms of media.
In Reading, student can understand most details in texts that
contain familiar vocabulary and the main idea and many details
in texts that contain unfamiliar vocabulary. In Interpersonal
Communication, student can state my views and begin and
carry on conversations on a variety of familiar topics and in
uncomplicated situations. In Speaking, student can connect
sentences in order to describe experiences, events, and
opinions. Student can narrate a story and make a simple factual
presentation. In Writing, student can summarize, describe or
explain familiar topics and support my views with some details.   

Course Objectives: Students demonstrate language proficiency

in alignment with the Washington State K-12 Learning
Standards for World Languages in the area of Communication
(Interpretive Mode, Interpersonal Mode, and Presentational
Mode) and demonstrating proficiency according to
LinguaFolio™ descriptors at the Intermediate Mid level.


Marysville School DIstrict does not discriminate in any programs or activites on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national
origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability or the use of a trained guide
dog or service animals and provides equal access to Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees
have been designated to address questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator - Gregg Kuehn,
Risk Managment Supervisor,, 360-965-0110; Title IX Officer - Tracy Souza, Human Resouces DIrector,, 360-965-0071; Section 504 Coordinator - Nancy Smith, Director of Categorical Programs, nancy_smith@, 360-965-0051; ADA Coordinator - Ginger Merkel, Executive Director of Special Education,,
360-965-0174. Address: 4220 80th Street NE, Marysville, WA 98270. Website:
Marysville School District is a Drug- and tobacco-free workplace.

You can report discrimiation and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator,
listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint.

Please Note: Ploicies that address this issue are Ploicy 3210 “Non Discrimination” & 5010 - “Non Discrimination and Affirmative
Action.” These ploicies are available online at, at your school, or at the District Office: 4220 80th Street NE,
Marysville, WA 98270 360-965-0000

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