Applide New
Applide New
Applide New
Lab Manual
To study the practical verification of average value ,peak inverse voltage and CLO3
ripple factor of a half wave rectifier.
To study the practical verification of average value ,peak inverse voltage and CLO3
ripple factor of a full wave bridge rectifier.
7 Study and implementation of dc biased series positive and negative clipper. CLO5
8 Study and implementation of dc biased positive and negative parallel clipper. CLO5
Study and implementation of a voltage regulator using Zener diode with CLO3
varying load.
Study and implementation of a voltage regulator for varying input voltage using CLO3
zener diode.
To draw output and input characteristics of an NPN transistor in common base CLO3
16 To draw and study the DC load line and Q point on the characteristics curve. CLO3