Articulo #12
Articulo #12
Articulo #12
Fig. 1. (a) Clay minerals are orientated randomly at deposition (1), but reorientate to a sub-parallel alignment and lose most of their porosity
due to mechanical compaction (2). Scattered cementation will create strong bonds in some of the grain contacts in the transition zone (3). The
cementation rate increases exponentially with temperature (depth), so a slow rate of burial in the cementation regime leads to lower degree of
cementation (4) than a rapid subsidence (5) at the same period of time. Do and Dcem denote the depths at the top and bottom of the transition
zone (TZ), respectively. (b) A hypothetical porosity–depth curve. In the TZ the sum of the effects of mechanical compaction (comp) and
cementation (cem) constitute the total porosity loss. o, o and cem denote the initial porosity, the porosity at which cementation starts and
the porosity at which mechanical compaction ceases, respectively. The contribution to porosity loss decreases for the mechanical compaction
and increases for cementation when the depth in TZ increases.
related to mechanical and chemical compaction. Figure 2 shows the rock is treated as though it consists of continuous phases of
depth trends for vertical P-wave velocity (Vp), vertical S-wave clay minerals in the framework and cement in the pore space. It
velocity (Vs) and Thomsen anisotropy parameters, obtained is assumed that when the cement has stabilized the shale
from the models presented in this paper. The results are for a enough to prevent further mechanical compaction, the cement
hypothetical shale which follows the porosity–depth pattern can be considered a connected phase. The term ‘inclusion’ is
shown in Figure 1b. Clearly, the evolution paths of the used on both silt-size quartz particles and fluid-filled pores. In
properties vary between the different stages of diagenesis. The the cementation model, these inclusions are treated as isolated
parameter–depth trends alter in the TZ for all parameters, but and non-communicating. The flattening of the constituents is
most significantly for the anisotropy parameters. defined by the pore aspect ratio, which is the ratio between
This paper presents a model for estimation of the effect of the shortest and longest axis of a spheroid. Following Jakobsen
cementation on the effective elastic properties in a shale
et al. (2000, 2001), the cement and pore shapes are considered
(cementation model). A strategy for estimating the effective
to have the same aspect ratio as the clay minerals, which is
rock properties in the transition from mechanical compaction-
dominated to cementation-dominated diagenesis in shales is constant with increasing depth and cementation. The shape of
also introduced. First, some geometrical considerations about the cement minerals compared with matrix clay minerals is
cemented shales are presented, followed by a description of the decisive for the effect of cementation. In the cementation
cementation model. Then the focus shifts to the relation- model the same aspect ratio is assigned to the cement and
ship between mechanical and chemical compaction in the matrix clay minerals, although grain size and surface area might
TZ. Further, it is demonstrated how stiffnesses and vertical differ. This makes the cementation model less dependent on
velocities may vary as the shale loses its porosity by mechanical cement volume for a given porosity, as long as the shale is
compaction and cementation. The model predictions are tested pervasively cemented.
by comparison with observed vertical velocities from three The three-step procedure of Hornby et al. (1994) is applied,
wells. together with the theories of Jakobsen et al. (2000, 2001) to
estimate the effective stiffnesses of the cemented shale. The
shale is considered to be an aggregate of building blocks, where
CEMENTATION MODEL the clay minerals in each block are fully aligned, but the
Highly compacted shales have low porosity and permeability; orientations of the building blocks vary due to an orientation
however, severely overpressured shales can be undercompacted distribution function (ODF) that will be discussed later. Figure
for a given depth. Cement will entail further permeability 3 illustrates the five-step modelling procedure. The first step
reduction, which makes the pores practically unconnected (see makes use of the self-consistent approach (SCA) (Willis 1977).
Fig. 1). Thus, after a certain amount of cement has precipitated, The basic idea of SCA is that the composite medium itself is
Modelling shale diagenesis 51
to extend the results of Kuster & Toksöz (1974) to be valid at where U is the angle between the short axis of the penny-
high porosities. Mechanical interactions between inclusions are shaped clay platelets and the vertical axis, and c is the mech-
modelled by a gradual adding/removing of inclusions to/from anical compaction. c can be expressed by porosity due to
the background medium, followed by a calculation of the new mechanical compaction t and critical porosity 0:
effective properties in the medium with new concentrations.
The background medium for each small alteration in inclusion 1 t
concentrations is represented by the effective properties of the c= . (3)
last calculation. When the desired concentrations of inclusions 1 0
are reached, the effective properties of the composite are
Critical porosity for shales can be expressed as a function of
obtained. As for the SCA model, this model accounts for the
quartz content (Ruud et al. 2003):
effect of interactions of the individual inclusions. But the DEM
model has the ability of preserving connectivity status when the 1v
concentrations of the constituents change. Thus, connected 0 = , vc0.50, (4)
phases will remain connected when the concentrations change, v
and vice versa for unconnected phases. New constituents added 0.80
to the composite media by using DEM, will be added as vq
where v = , v and vc denote the solid fractions of quartz
unconnected inclusions. Variation in the concentration of one vq+vc q
of the components will affect all the other concentrations. and clay in the shale, respectively (vq+vc = 1) and 0.80 is the
52 A. Dræge et al.
Table 1. Parameters used in the modelling will thus lead to a significant increase in the overall stiff-
nesses of the shale. Further cementation will still increase the
k µ stiffnesses, but not at the same rate as the initiating cement.
GPa GPa g cm3 The modelling of stiffnesses in the TZ is a four-step
Clay 1 21.0 7.0 2.60 0.15 procedure. The first step is to apply the shale compaction
Clay 2 25.0 9.0 2.55 0.15 model of Ruud et al. (2003) in the interval Do–Dcem to estimate
Quartz 37.0 44.0 2.65 1.00 the effective properties of a shale with no cement, but other-
Cement 30.0 12.0 2.62 0.15 wise the exact same component properties as the cemented
Brine 2.96 0.00 1.03 — shale. This modelling obtains the stiffnesses in a hypothetical
The properties k, µ, and denote the bulk modulus, shear modulus, density
case, where the cementation does not influence the stiffening of
and aspect ratio, respectively. the rock. The next step models the partly cemented shale in the
interval Do–Dcem as if it were independent of mechanical
compaction, by following the steps in the cementation model.
compaction that occurs in the TZ, includes the continuous Thus, we obtain the stiffnesses of a shale with a connected
alignment of the building blocks in the modelling. The align- cement phase (e.g. illite), and where porosity loss is due to
ment is expressed by the compaction-dependent ODFs in chemical compaction alone.
equations (2) and (5). The third step is to apply a weight on the same form as in
equation (6), which controls the ratio of the influence of
mechanical compaction and cementation on stiffnesses in the
MODELLING OF STIFFNESSES IN THE TZ. For estimation of stiffnesses, let Kc and xc correspond to
TRANSITION FROM MECHANICAL K and x in equation (6). Thus, Kc and xc control how fast the
COMPACTION-DOMINATED TO cementation will dominate the stiffness increase in a partly
CEMENTATION-DOMINATED REGIME cemented shale. Kc should reflect the strong effect the first
Before cementation the shales are soft and compliant. But, as cement has on the shale. The lower the positive value of xc, the
cementation initiates, the cement will bind the grains together faster the model will treat cementation as the dominating
in stronger bonds (Bjørlykke & Høeg 1997). The first cement mechanism for increasing stiffnesses (see Fig. 4). xc is related to
x since the amount of precipitated cement affects the influence The starting point in the modelling is a hypothetical shale where
of cementation on both porosity and stiffnesses. But unlike x, the porosity is reduced from 20% to 15% (depth = Do) by
the value of xc is also dependent on the way the first cement mechanical compaction. The TZ is defined to occur from
precipitates. If all the initiating cement precipitates in the 15% to 12%. Reduction of the porosity from 15% to 12%
contact areas of the framework grains, or bridges the pores, the corresponds with the depth interval Do–Dcem, where mech-
stiffnesses will increase rapidly, and xc will have a lower value anical compaction and cementation processes both occur.
than if cement precipitated in the pore space between the Further porosity reduction below Dcem is considered to be
contacts. The weight (1Kc) is assigned to the compaction- due to cementation processes alone. For simplicity, it is
related stiffnesses. Kc increases from 0 at Do to 1 at Dcem, assumed that the precipitation of cement accounts for half of
which makes the influence of compaction diminish through the porosity loss, and chemical compaction as a result of
TZ, and cease at Dcem. dissolved framework causes the other half, i.e. the shale is
The final step in this procedure is to use the stiffnesses for considered a closed dissolution/precipitation chemical system
the uncemented and cemented shale together with Kc, and for cementation.
apply the Voigt–Reuss–Hill (VRH) average (Hill 1952) to The values of x and xc are related to 2 and 1/2, respectively.
estimate the effective rock properties for the depths in the TZ. The total mechanical compaction is modelled by using
The average tensor thus represents the overall stiffnesses of the equations (8)–(10) and (3) and defines the input to equation (2).
partly cemented shale, in the transition to a state where no Porosity reduction due to mechanical compaction dominates
further compaction occurs. the shallow part of the TZ, while cementation dominates the
deeper part.
Porosity loss and mechanical compaction Vertical velocities and elastic stiffnesses
The following examples model the influence of cement content Table 1 shows the parameters used in the modelling; the clay
on the effective properties in an anisotropic cemented shale. properties of clay 1 were used. Clay 1 parameters were adopted
from Tosaya (1982) and clay 2 parameters from Han et al.
(1986). Figure 5 shows modelled Vp and Vs for decreasing
Table 2. Results from modelling velocities in well 1, well 2 and well 3
porosities/increasing depth. As expected, the velocities increase
with increasing quartz content and decreasing porosity. The
Well 1 Well 2 Well 3
Vp/Vs Vp/Vs Vp/Vs
velocity increase is markedly larger in the TZ than in the
cementation regime. This reflects the choice of xc, which
Mechanical compaction 150.2/242.1 105.4/178.4 168.5/318.9 determines that the first cement is considered to strengthen the
Transition zone 98.3/110.1 168.7/217.3 114.1/93.5 contacts between the grains and/or bridge the pores. The effect
Cementation 172.7/159.4 126.7/111.0 130.4/132.2 of further cementation in an already cemented shale will be
Whole log 144.1/153.3 129.6/150.8 132.8/164.5
Percent deviation 4.4%/9.5% 4.1%/9.9% 4.2%/10.6%
smaller, as seen in Figure 5.
The modelled Thomsen’s anisotropy parameters are given in
Columns 2–4 show the absolute P- and S-wave velocity deviation from the the same figure. The and plots show that the anisotropy
log velocities. The overall Vp/Vs ratio in wells 1–3 deviated 7.8%, 9.6% and decreases with increasing quartz content in the shale. Quartz
16.8%, respectively. content is decisive for the anisotropy behaviour as cementation
Modelling shale diagenesis 55
starts. decreases most for shales with around 20% quartz porosities and clay contents from the logs are used as input in
content, while decreases most for quartz-free shales, when the the modelling. Wells 1 and 3 are modelled with clay 1, while
shale enters the TZ. The plots show that the cementation clay 2 gives the best fit for well 2. To estimate cement
model predicts lower dependency of quartz content than does concentrations, the porosity–depth curves for different quartz
the compaction model. This is partly due to the two different contents are first approached by second-order curve fitting.
ways these models handle the aspect ratio of the pores. The Theories shown previously are used to estimate how much of
compaction model of Ruud et al. (2003) suggests that the porosity loss in the TZ is due to cementing. At depths
decreases continuously during mechanical compaction, while deeper than Dcem it is assumed that all porosity loss is due to
the cementation model uses a constant pore aspect ratio for all cementation processes and, as before, half of the porosity loss
porosities. In the cementation regime, the modelled and is dedicated to cement precipitation. Do and Dcem are set to
anisotropy decreases most for shales with low quartz content.
depths corresponding to 60C and 100C, respectively. Table 1
The -plot shows that the values increase when cementa-
shows the properties of the constituents used in the modelling.
tion starts. The increase is most pronounced for shales with low
quartz contents. But with further cementation, the values The same values for the TZ parameters (2.0 and 1/2) for x
decrease smoothly towards zero. All the constituents in Table 1 and xc, have been applied for all wells.
are considered isotropic as they are, but the shape () of the Figure 6 and Table 2 shows that the modelled Vp and Vs
grains and inclusions induce the anisotropy in the composite mimic the log-recorded velocities quite well. At some intervals
media. the velocities deviate 200–300 m s1 on average from the log
velocities, and a few places even more. But all modelling
follows the main trends of the recorded velocities with
Modelling real data increased mechanical compaction and cementation. The largest
The model has been compared with vertical P- and S-wave deviations occur in the uncemented part, especially for Vs,
velocities of shales recorded in three wells. Anisotropy data which seems to be modelled too high. It has been observed
were unavailable, so there is no real control data to support previously (Ruud et al. 2003) that the mechanical compaction
predicted anisotropy–depth trends. The wells penetrate model has a tendency to predict too high S-wave velocities.
horizontal shales vertically. The brine properties, densities, Velocities in the TZ are modelled very well for all wells. The
56 A. Dræge et al.
cementation model also produces modelled velocities which model is not very sensitive to different concentrations of the
mainly coincide with the log data. cement and the cement properties, as long as the fluid porosity
is unchanged. Thus, these uncertainties are not crucial for
DISCUSSION model predictions. The shapes of the inclusions have a larger
influence on the result.
In order to study quartz cementation in sandstones, there exist
models for estimating cement volumes mainly as a function Figure 7 illustrates the modelled effective properties of a
of temperature. One such model has been presented by cemented shale with 20% quartz, and the material properties as
Walderhaug (1996). A similar model for shales and clay defined in Table 1. For the cementation model, the aspect ratio
cementation could be combined easily with the modelling of the pores, cement and clay mineral vary, while only the shape
strategy presented in this paper. Conversely, the theories for of the clay mineral varies in the compaction model. This is
compaction and cementation in the TZ can be applied in rock because the compaction model expresses the pore aspect ratio
physics modelling of cemented sandstones. as a function of mechanical compaction. Thus, the different
The chemical reaction rates in shales are dependent mainly approaches entail the discontinuities in the TZ. Figure 7 clearly
on temperature, and they appear to be less time dependent than shows that the degree of elongation of the constituents will
those in sandstones (Bjørkum & Nadeau 1998). Thus, infor- have great influence on the vertical velocities and the degree of
mation is needed about the burial history of the rock to model anisotropy in the rock. The cement and pores are considered to
the temperature history. Rocks that have been subjected to have the same shape as the clay minerals, while the quartz
uplift/erosion will display a more pronounced cementation grains are approximated by spherical inclusions. The modelling
than expected from rocks at the same depth/temperature that indicates that the stiffnesses of a cemented shale are more
have not been subjected to uplift/erosion. It is assumed that dependent on the shape of the components, than a shale that
there are no uplift effects in the real data analysis. has only been subjected to mechanical compaction.
It is hard to obtain numerical values of some of the xc implicitly contains information about cement distribution.
parameters in the cementation model. In this modelling Figure 8 shows how the modelled anisotropy and vertical
the cement properties have been defined to lie between the velocities will vary for different values of xc in the TZ. The
properties of clay and quartz. The cement volume is calculated shale used in the modelling consists of 20% quartz in the
from the porosity losses for different quartz contents. But the matrix, and the component properties are given in Table 1. By
Modelling shale diagenesis 57