Asm 22
Asm 22
Asm 22
What is sound?
• A sound is a form of energy that is produced when air molecules vibrate in a particular pattern called waves. Hence, the
sound is a wave.
• Vibration can be described as a back and forth motion of an object.
• Depending upon the vibrations, a sound is produced. Sound cannot be produced without any vibration.
How do we hear?
• We know that sounds are produced as waves in the air or any other medium.
• As these sound waves travel to our ears they convert them into electrical signals or messages that our brain can
• Our ears have a special structure that allows this function.
• There are three major parts of the human ear:
Figure 5 The Human Ear
1. The outer ear (Pinna): It catches the sound waves and forwards them to the next part of the ear, that is, the middle ear.
2. The middle ear: It converts the sound waves into vibrations that then travel to the inner ear. It can do this with the help of the
eardrum. The eardrum is a thin rubber-like sheet present in the Middle ear. As the sound waves reach the eardrum, it vibrates
and these vibrations propagate to the inner ear. MIS Malleus, Incus and Stapes (Smallest Bone in
our body)
3. EUSTACHIAN TUBE helps in maintaining balance of body.
4. The inner ear (cochlea): It receives the vibrations sent by the eardrum. It contains a liquid substance and the vibrations that
enter the inner ear moves through this liquid. There are tiny hairs present inside the inner ear that turn these vibrations into
signals for the brain and pass them to the brain through the hearing nerve. As the brain receives the signal it interprets the
sound. However, this whole process is so quick that we cannot notice it.
Frequency, Time Period and Amplitude of a Sound
Oscillatory motion
Time Period
Drum Low
Bird High
Lion Low
Man Low
Woman High
It depends upon the frequency of the sound. The loudness of a sound depends upon the amplitude of the sound wave.
Pitch of a sound is how our ears react to the frequency of a
The loudness of sound also depends upon the energy of the sound wave.
Pitch of the sound helps in recognizing whether the sound is The loudness of a sound helps in recognizing whether a sound is loud or
shriller or flatter. feeble.
Figure 14 Loudness
Figure 13 Pitch
• Sounds that can be heard by human ears are called audible sounds. The range of audible sounds is from 20 Hz to 20
• Sounds that cannot be heard by human ears are called inaudible sound. Any sounds having a frequency less than 20 Hz
or greater than 20 KHz are categorized as inaudible sounds.
Figure 15 Loudness of Sound from various Sources