D4.2 (Modified)
D4.2 (Modified)
D4.2 (Modified)
Dissemination level PP
Status Final
This project is funded under the eContentplus programme1,
a multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and
1 OJ L 79, 24.3.2005, p. 1.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................ 2
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4
APPENDICES............................................................................................................................................... 39
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
1 Introduction
This deliverable comprises the following technical support documents, together with an online
help desk which can be viewed at: http://www.avinet.no, all end-users will receive
username/password for this through the technical contact addresses provided in the technical
For test-access to the forum, please use the username “EuropeanaLocal” (without the quotes)
and password “europeana” (also without quotes and in lower-case letters).
This manual in combination with a series of technical workshops conducted throughout the
project are designed to support EuropeanaLocal content provider partners in establishing OAI-
PMH compliant repositories and populate them with metadata from their digital collections.
The manual can be used as a stand-alone reference for those who wish to take on the task of
implementing repositories without any aid, but will also be used as supporting material during
the regional Europeana Local technical workshops where content contributor partners will
receive hands-on training in installation, population and harvesting of OAI-PMH repositories.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
2 Document Conventions
In order to ease the use of the manual, the following notations have been applied consistently
throughout the document:
Examples including script code and data sections are shown in Courier
typeface on grey background
Italic text should be read and followed carefully as such tasks require careful attention.
Tips and tricks which may be useful for content contributors will be highlighted in bold.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
3 EuropeanaLocal Glossary
The following list defines useful terms and abbreviations for content contributors to
Europeana. The definitions below are valid when used within the context of Europeana Local.
Several terms have multiple definitions, the definition given below is not necessarily the official
Term Definition
Dublin Core (qualified/simple) Dublin Core with the minimal set of mandatory fields
present and populated.
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EuropeanaLocal This project, aiming to identify the shortest path for local or
regional content providers across Europe to connect their
content to Europeana.
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Multi-lingual metadata Metadata in more than one language. While this term is
quite simple it points to a rather important problem. What
can we use the metadata for if they are not in a common
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A definition of a concept in an ontology typically consists
of a source-relationship-target triplets as shown below:
1. Source: A chair
2. Relationship: Has parts
3. Target: A seat
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Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
The detailed procedures described in this manual will take you through the seven steps
required to enable your locally held content to be harvested by and shown in the Europeana
Once you have established a repository, it may be harvested by any number of harvesting
authorities dependant on who you give access to your repository. Intelligent semantic search
services may be built based on these aggregated services.
1. Establish compliant hardware/software platform
2. Install repository software
3. Configure repository software
4. Extract and normalize metadata
5. Populate repository
6. Test that harvesting is working
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
This section describes the prerequisites for carrying out the tasks in this manual. There are
three sets of requirements which need to be met:
Knowledge requirements
It is assumed that users of this manual will be technically skilled and will have advanced
understanding of PCs. Users should be experienced in regular software installation. Users do
not need to have programming expertise but having played around with some simple scripts
will be an advantage.
Hardware requirements
A server which should be usable as a repository needs to meet the following minimum
requirements to deliver satisfactory performance:
Processor speed: >= 1 x 2,0 GHz
Storage space: dimensioned to data volume >= 200 GB
Physical memory: >= 2GB
Software/platform requirements
Servers need to be installed with basic operating system software, either Linux/Unix or
Windows based. The following software requirements needs to be met:
Ubuntu Linux
Apache Web Server
Tomcat Application Server
Windows 2000/2003 Server
Apache Web Server / Internet Information Server
Tomcat Application Server
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Repository software serves several purposes. It stores metadata and can be used as a basis for
developing custom local services. It typically allows browsing of metadata through a web
interface and it offers the data to harvesting repositories over the Internet through TCP/IP
The main requirement for content to be harvestable by Europeana (and regional/national
aggregators) is that the XML returned by issuing a call to the repository is compliant with the
OAI-PMH standard.
Repositories may be classified into static repositories and dynamic repositories.
A static repository is merely dump of metadata from a digital collection into a static XML-file.
This file can then be harvested by aggregating repositories over the Internet
A dynamic repository returns OAI-PMH compliant XML as well as support a set of OAI-PMH
requests and responses.
There is a large number of available repository software packages, most of which are open
source and claim to be superior to each other left, right and center. EuropeanaLocal technical
partners have therefore performed an assessment of different repository software packages
based on a set of simple criteria reflecting the needs of local and regional content providers.
Based on these criteria EuropeanaLocal technical partners recommend Repox (TEL+ Project,
2009) as content provider repository. The software package is easy to install, comes with its
own web server and database and supports a multitude of ways of ingesting content from local
files. The software also has an attractive interface for defining crosswalks between different
metadata formats and is being further developed within the Europeana family of projects
through Europeana v1. Repox is scheduled to support ESE starting in October 2009 until
which time such support will have to be customized.
Other good choices include Celestial (simple) and Fedora (comprehensive).
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
The final criterion is defined because aggregators are not merely there to aggregate content to
be passed on to Europeana but mainly to build value-added search and discovery end-user-
services at regional and national level. The ease of developing such services based on the
aggregated content is therefore an important factor in selecting a repository software package
for an aggregator.
Based on the above criteria, EuropeanaLocal technical partners recommend PKP Harvester
(Public Knowledge Project, 2009) as an aggregator repository. PKP Harvester is a very mature
harvesting software package with a comprehensive APi for programming your own
applications based on its data store. Recently a promising OAI-PMH provider interface has
been added which makes this a good choice for aggregators wishing to develop their own
applications as well as providing content for Europeana.
Other good choices include: Repox (provided all features promised will be present in the next
version – currently lacks harvester), Fedora (provided additional harvester software is
integrated or ingestion of content from underlying entities does not happen according over the
OAI-PMH protocol. Austria has also shown good results using Celestial though this software
package does not offer any API for customization or development of specialized search
Software comparison matrix
1 Note. Fedora is also representing the tree other big content systems, DSpace, Eprints and Greenstone. They
would give much the same results in the table.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
While the above matrix shows the comparison of features between the different software
versions, the below table shows what are the major strong and weak points of the assessed
technologies in the context of EuropeanaLocal.
Table 2: Advantages and drawbacks of repository software packages
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Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
We have tested our repositories on both work station and server computers. They all work fine
on Windows 2000/XP/2003 servers.
In this setup we have been using Apache as web-server on the windows platform also, this is
mainly because we prefer to keep the two environments as identical as possible. However
things will also work with IIS on Windows.
Windows requirements:
Download and extract the files into the c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory. Make sure that the
cache- and public directory is writeable. Also make sure the config.inc.php file is writeable.
Make sure the php-files for your chosen database are installed.
Mysql –u root.
Push the Install Harvester2 button. The installation process usually takes no longer than 3-4
If there are any errors in the data you have inserted you will get the same installation page
again with an error message.
If everything looks ok you will get a confirmation page telling you that the installation was
successful and a link to the login page.
Login and enjoy
Installing Repox on Windows
Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > then right-click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run as
Then go to the directory where you put the file and run
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Download the package containing the Celestial files. A modified version is made available by
With the files we have supplied some libraries that need to be built and installed. Make sure
your system has a make-builder installed. One version can be found here
Unpack the library file and do the following
perl Makefile.pl
make install
When that is done, there are some other PERL libraries that needs to be installed, if they are
not already present:
XML::Parser::Perlsax, XML::Parser, XML::DOM, XML::Writer
Make sure the user and the table name have been created already in your database of choice.
When prompted, type in the root password for MySQL determined at time of installation.
Create user celestial@localhost
Set password for celestial@localhost = password(’password’);
Create table celestial
Grant all privilieges on celestial.* to celestial@localhost
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
We have tested all our solutions on both desktop and server versions of Ubuntu linux. And the
solutions works fine on either platform.
On both versions, several software packages needs to be added after a clean installation. If you
use an existing server, chances are that many of those packages are already installed.
We have used Apache as web-server for PKP Harvester and Celestial, alongside the built-in
Jetty web server that comes with Repox.
As database we have used MySQL for PKP Harvester and Derby which comes packaged with
Linux requirements
Make sure the computer has accessible to the internet. If this is sensitive data, one might want
to setup some type of authentication.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Install your favourite database for the repository. The solutions we have tried out uses MySql
and PostgreSQL. Repox comes with its own RDBMS, Derby. PKP Harvester supports a
multitude of databases.
Sudo apt-get install mysql
Install the php databasedriver for your selected database, like php5-mysql.
Sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
Make the cache and public area writeable to anyone. To make installation easier also set all
rights for everyone on the config.inc-php file. And change it back to read only afterwards.
If you choose to use something else than ubuntu, make sure that the php5_mbstring file is
Start your favorite web browser and go to http://localhost/harvester2
On the Pre-Installation Steps screen - make sure all the lines say “yes”.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Push the Install Harvester2 button. The installation process usually takes no longer than 3-4
If there is any errors in the data you have inserted you will get the same installation page again
with an error message.
If everything is ok you will get a confirmation page that the installation was successful, and a
link to the login page.
Login and enjoy
Installing Repox on Linux
The previous versions of Repox needed access to an x-server in order to be installed. But in the
newest relase, an easier way of installing it on Linux has been made.
We will support you with an altered version of Repox which works. This is due to some small
alterations that most likely has to be done in the installation script.
Unzip the file REPOX_1.2_unix-installer.zip. You‟ll end up with a directory named
repoxlinux. Move this to the /opt catalogue.
Run the install.sh script and follow the onscreen instructions.
Jetty server port – keep the 8080 port
Data path /opt/repoxlinux
Admin email
User login – keep the admin
User password – whatever you like. Just remember it
When the installation is done, Repox will be available on http://localhost:8080 unless you
specified something different during installation.
If Repox is the only web application that is going to run on your server, you don‟t need apache
webserver. The Jetty server installed with Repox should be sufficient.
If you are planning to run other web-related material on this server, apache is a must. Then we can
”hide” Repox behind the apache-server, and we can access Repox on the standard html port, 80.
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The original Celestial distribution has been slightly modified by Technical Partners. The modified
package is available to partners.
You will end up with X directories. Move the contents of the bin directory to your cgi-bin
catalogue and the data directory to /opt/celestial.
The config file is pre-setup for use with mysql
Included in this package is another tarfile, called oai-perl-2.15.tar.gz. It contains perl libraries
that provides an API to OAI-PMH.
Tar xzf oai-perl-2.15.tar.gz
Cd into the directory that was created, build a makefile with the command:
perl Makefile.pl
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
9 Relevant Standards
The following chapter describes relevant standards for the implementation of content provider
repositories among EuropeanaLocal content providers across Europe.
XML – eXtensible Markup Language
XML is at the heart of all data exchange in EuropeanaLocal, it is therefore imperative that
technical personnel are acquainted with this way of embedding data before attempting to create
any extraction scripts and/or ingest data into a repository.
XML is a very simple and flexible markup language and it suffices to be aware of the following
conventions and concepts in order to create standards compliant XML. Consider the below
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<namespace:element attribute=”attribute value”>element value</element>
<!--Comment -->
This line looks like any HTML tag, except inside the tag follows a question mark <?xml … ?>.
This signifies the start of an XML formatted text document.
The important thing to be aware of here is the encoding attribute which in the above example is
using UTF-8 – a character set capable of storing multi-byte strings, thereby enabling the
representation of any special characters found outside the Latin alphabet without breaking. If
you input a character into the XML which is not supported by the character encoding given in
this line, an error will result.
XML is not tolerant to characters like >, <, & or similar. For this reason, these should be
encoded into their corresponding XML-entities during export in order to avoid broken
characters in exported files. The entity “&” can for an example be represented legally like this
Let‟s move on to the next line:
An element is a keyword enclosed by angular brackets “<>”. A start element may look like
this: <element> and an end-element may look like this: “</element>” with the containing
value between them. Empty elements may look like this: “<element/>”.
The first element following the initial xml-tag, is called the “root element”. Any subsequent
element is known merely as elements.
Continuing to the third line we find the following:
<namespace:element attribute=”attribute value”>element value</element>
In this line we see that the element keyword contains a colon. The keyword before the colon
indicates the “namespace” to which the keyword after the colon belongs. A namespace is a
controlled set of element names associated with a “schema” which defines permissible values
and attributes for the each element.
In addition to the namespace:keyword inside the element tag, we find another keyword
followed by an equal sign and a set of double quotes encapsulating a value. This second
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
keyword is called an “attribute”. Attributes may look like this: „attribute=”attribute value”‟
and will always exist within elements.
Finally, let us have a look at the notation for adding inline comments to XML markup.
<!--Comment -->
Any text between a “<!—“ and “-->” will be considered as comments and ignored by XML
interpreters. This is handy if we wish to include additional attributes which are not recognized
by standards such as ESE 3.1 and Simple Dublin Core.
There is a wide range of good XML-references on the Internet, among which EuropeanaLocal
technical partners would recommend w3schools XML-tutorial, easily found using Google. The
above will suffice as a basic primer to prepare a basic XML-file. (w3schools.com, 2009)
Dublin Core
Dublin Core describes standardized ways of structuring and naming metadata elements so that
they can be read and interpreted properly by Dublin Core aware computer systems.
The following example shows a Simple Dublin Core metadata description of the resource
found at http://www.europeanalocal.eu, the project web site of EuropeanaLocal.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
EuropeanaLocal Project Web Site
EuropeanaLocal is a project funded under eContentplus, identifying
best practices for inclusion of locally held content into Europeana.
This is relevant to EuropeanaLocal because the core metadata set determined by Europeana is
an extension of Dublin Core by the name of Europeana Semantic Elements, described in
greater detail below.
The Dublin Core metadata set is defined and evolved by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
and its working groups. A lot of useful information as available at the Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative‟s web site including their Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core in XML
(Powel & Johnston, 2003)
Europeana Semantic Elements
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
in the table below. Please notice the XML concepts namespace and element. The column
occurrence states whether the element is optional (0..1/0..*) mandatory (1..1/1..*) and whether
it can occur only once or multiple times in the XML (1/*)
Dc terms n/a
dc:terms Provenance 0..*
Europeana userTag1 0..0
Europeana unstored2 0..1
Europeana object3 0..1
Europeana language 1..1
Europeana provider4 1..1
Europeana type5 1..1
Europeana uri6 1..1
Europeana year7 0..1
Europeana hasObject 1..1
Europeana country 1..1
In addition to the elements, Europeana Semantic Elements also define an attribute which can
be used to specify the language of the element values, xml:lang. This attribute can be used for
all text-based elements with multiple occurrences to state whether the language of the element
value is e.g. English (en), French (fr) or German (de).
<dc:subject xml:lang=”en”>weather</dc:subject>
<dc:subject xml:lang=”de”>wetter</dc:subject>
The usage and content of Europeana Semantic Elements is described in greater detail in the
two documents Specification for the Europeana Semantic Elements (Clayphan, et al.,
02/2009) and Metadata Mapping & Normalisation Guidelines for the Europeana
Prototype (Clayphan, Lupovici, Sugimoto, & Verleyen, 05/2009). Both of these documents
are attached as appendices to the implementation manual, see Appendix 3: Europeana
Semantic Elements v3.1 and Appendix 4: ESE Implementation Guidelines .
The OAI-PMH web service protocol
While the standards we have been looking at above are related to the metadata content and
how it should be formatted, OAI-PMH provides us with a means of transporting metadata
from an OAI-PMH compliant provider repository to an OAI-PMH aggregator repository by
means of harvesting.
OAI-PMH is a simple web service protocol which can be invoked calling the URL of an
installed repository with one out of six arguments – called verbs. Each of these will return a
specifically formatted XML string to the requestor web service, making it possible to interpret
the nature and quantity of the content held in the provider repository as well as downloading
its metadata content. The six verbs are as follows:
1 This element is only meant to store user tags contribute through the Europeana application and does not need
to be included in the content providers‟ XML
2 Include any metadata properties which doesn‟t fit into the other elements but which may be interesting to
include for indexing purposes in the “unstored” element.
3 The object element will be populated by Europeana if left out from the XML
4 The provider element will be populated by Europeana if left out from the XML
5 One of TEXT, IMAGE, SOUND or VIDEO, Europeana controlled vocabulary
6 Will be added automatically by Europeana
7 Four digit year. Currently no support for dates before year 0. Planned to be implemented shortly.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
1. Identify
2. ListMetadataFormats
3. ListSets
4. ListIdentifier
5. ListRecords
6. GetRecord
The most important of these verbs is “ListRecords” as this is the one returning actual metadata
records from the source repository. This is the verb requested by harvesters who connect to
source repositories, EuropeanaLocal content providers must therefore make sure that the
response is properly formatted in accordance with the XML format rules as shown below.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!—ESE metadata elements here -->
Below you will find a description of the most important elements of the OAI-PMH
ListRecords XML format.
9.1.1 Identifier
To be able to separate between updated and added records during incremental harvesting, it is
necessary that a unique identifier for each item exists in the provider repository.
OAI-PMH allows for identifiers which are not directly related to physical locations, but instead
uses a system of locally unique identifiers within a repository. The format of the unique
identifier must correspond to that of the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) syntax. The syntax
of an identifier is:
oai-identifier = scheme : namespace-identifier : local-identifier
The scheme is always the literal string “oai”. The namespace-identifier is usually related to the
domain-name of the organization hosting the repository.
The local-identifier is some identifier which is unique in the context of this particular
repository. An example of an identifier from ArXiv.org might look like this: oai:arXiv.org:hep-
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Globally unique identifiers are useful in that they make it possible to trace a metadata record
back to its source repository, and because they can be used to build rich and interlinked
services based on metadata harvested from different repositories.
9.1.2 Timestamps
The from/until parameters of the harvesting verb ListRecords is related to the dateStamp
element with granularity of day or second.
9.1.3 Sets
Sets are an optional feature of OAI-PMH offering setSpec in the header section to divide the
records reflecting e.g. the organizational or thematic structure of the records. As these are
optional, they are not always preserved by aggregator repositories and EuropeanaLocal
technical partners cannot at this moment recommend their use for any purpose outside of the
provider repository itself except to make subsets of the repository contents harvestable for
different aggregators.
9.1.4 Metadata
The metadata section of the record holds the metadata in the actual format. The XML is for
some repositories stored as is, in other as occurrences of an element table.
OAI-PMH is described in greater detail in the Implementation Guidelines for the Open
Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting which can be found at the Open
Archive Initiative‟s web site. (Lagoze, Van de Sompel, Nelson, & Warner, 2005).
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Once the repository software has been successfully installed, the next step of the process is to
populate the repository with data extracted from local collection management systems.
Should your local collection management system have an export feature to a well-known
format such as MARC or Dublin Core – or an export to some XML-based format, your best
bet might be to go for this. However, most of the data held by regional and local providers
originates from legacy databases and systems without any such features. For such systems
there are no other ways than writing a custom extraction script to create an ESE formatted
XML representation of the source data.
Metadata extraction
While most of the legacy systems and databases lack any harmonized structure, they are mostly
accessible via an ODBC driver which enables programmers to connect to them and read
content values.
It is too comprehensive a task for this manual to go into the details of the SQL language and it
is assumed that technical personnel performing the metadata extraction is acquainted with this
language and technology. A good references for SQL is to be found at w3schools.com,
(w3schools.com, 2009)
Extraction scripts can be written in any language but most likely one of the web scripting
languages such as PERL, PHP, ASP, Python, VB.NET, C# or Java will be the easiest solution.
After having connected to the database, the extraction script has to do three things:
Map metadata fields from the source system to ESE
Normalize any non-standard metadata values
Create an OAI ListRecords embedded ESE XML file
The script must interpret which fields in the source database corresponds t which fields in the
target metadata application profile Europeana Semantic Elements. This may be a task that
requires considerable manual efforts and experimentation in order to understand the practical
consequences of the mapping decisions. In this respect, the ESE metadata elements description
and implementation guidelines will be of great value. See: Appendix 3: Europeana Semantic
Elements v3.1 and Appendix 4: ESE Implementation Guidelines
Metadata Normalization
In addition to reading raw element values from the source database and putting them into
corresponding ESE fields in a text file, the script must also normalize values. The example of
normalization is the adaption of the date format used in the source database to the one
specified by ESE.
Dates can be expressed in a multitude of different ways including the following, which are all
different ways of specifying the 1st of December 2009:
DD/MM/YYYY – 01/12/2009
YYYY/DD/MM – 2009/01/12
YYYY/DD/MM – 2009/12/01
MM/DD/YY – 12/01/09
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
In order for a source system to successfully use dates for visualization and retrieval purposes,
it is a strict requirement that date values are normalized.
Another important thing to normalize is the codes used to reference languages. Here
Europeana recommends the use of RFC 4646 (Phillips & Davis, 2006) ISO 639
(Library of Congress, 2008) which defines complete two and three letter
codes for each country and language..
Normalization extends far beyond dates, countries and languages, but once we enter this
territory, it is a requirement that quality assured authority files and thesauri exist from which
we can pick the “normal” value to which other references should be normalized.
This include person names, names of time periods, geographical names and more. All of these
issues will be covered in greater detail in later revisions of this manual. For the time being, it is
required that
No thesauri has been agreed upon for use within Europeana but out of those in existence the
Getty vocabularies (The J. Paul Getty Trust, 2009)are possibly the most promising and
comprehensive resource available and thus a possible starting point. The time and resources
required to perform high quality mapping of content values is however vast and it is beyond
the scope of EuropeanaLocal to embark on this task. The issue will however be covered by
EuropeanaLocal technical workshops.
Writing the XML format
Having determined which values goes where and how they must be split, merged and
normalized to correspond to Europeana Semantic Elements, the next step is to create the
actual XML file which in turn will be ingested into the repository software package installed in
chapter 7 above.
We do this by writing a format which embeds ESE within the OAI-PMH ListRecords format.
The following template may be used and extended with any of the metadata fields listed in
chapter 0 above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ese:europeana xmlns:ese="http://europeana.eu/terms"
xmlns:dcmitype="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/" schemaLocation="
<dc:publisher xml:lang=”no”>Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane</dc:publisher>
<dc:contributor>Hermund Kleppa</dc:contributor>
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
<dc:source xml:lang=”no”>Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane</dc:source>
<dcterms:spatial type=”text”>Fylke 1400</dcterms:spatial>
<dcterms:spatial type=”text”>Kommune 1430</dcterms:spatial>
<dcterms:spatial type=”sfs-wkt”>SRID=32633;POINT(8361
<dc:rights xml:lang=”no”>Fylkesarkivet i Sogn og Fjordane</dc:rights>
<europeana:unstored xml:lang=”no”>Vegen forbi Matbjørhammaren - smal,
svingete og rasfarleg.</europeana:unstored>
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Having completed the previous steps, only one thing remains: to test that your repository is
working. To do so, EuropeanaLocal technical partners provide a test harvester which you can
use to test that your repository is providing valid responses.
The test harvester will connect to your supplied repository URL and issue harvest requests
using the ListRecords verb. If no error messages are returned, the repository is valid and may
be forwarded to Europeana for ingestion into the sand-box environment where the content
provider can see how the exported metadata appears within the Europeana service.
Once satisfied, the repository will be moved to the Europeana prototype and the data store for
the upcoming release of Europeana Version 1.0 scheduled for the spring of 2010.
The test harvesting environment is available at the following URL:
Additionally, the Open Archives Initiative Repository Explorer (Department of Computer
Science, University of Cape Town, 2006) may be used to verify the functionality of your
provider repository – though this does not allow you to do searches in the harvested data –
merely validate the output of your provider repository.
The harvester is using the PKP Harvester Repository Software Package. Data will be purged at
regular intervals and EuropeanaLocal technical partners offer no particular service level
agreement for this environment which in time will be replaced by the Europeana test
environment once completed.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Should partners upon attempt to implement the tasks described in this manual run into
problems, EuropeanaLocal offers a number of support options described in greater detail
EuropeanaLocal Support Forum
The web based support forum is preferable due to the fact that questions directed there will
benefit not only the originator but also others who experience the same problem. However,
certain issues may be of interest only to individual content providers, in such cases we offer
additional support options.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
E-mails sent to this address will be distributed to the support-team in Avinet and EEA and the
reply will come directly from either of these organizations or be forwarded to the relevant
source if appropriate.
Technical support documentation and help desk EuropeanaLocal
Clayphan, R., Dekkers, M., Fernie, K., Gradmann, S., Lupovici, C., Meghini, C., et al. (02/2009).
Specification for the Europeana Semantic Elements v3.1. Den Haag: European Digital Library
Foundation (Europeana).
Clayphan, R., Lupovici, C., Sugimoto, G., & Verleyen, J. (05/2009). Metadata Mapping &
Normalisation Guidelines for the Europeana Prototype. Den Haag: European Digital Library
Foundation (Europeana).
Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. (2006, 12). Open Archives Initiative -
Repository Explorer - Version - 1.46c. Hentet 04 2009 fra OAI Repository Explorer:
Lagoze, C., Van de Sompel, H., Nelson, M., & Warner, S. (2005, 05 03). Implementation Guidelines for
the Open Archives Initiative Protocol forMetadata Harvesting v2.0. Hentet 11 04, 2008 fra OAI-PMH
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