Gateway Distriparks - Form
Gateway Distriparks - Form
Gateway Distriparks - Form
Collecting SCSB’s Sign & Seal Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400 707, India * Our Board or a duly authorized committee thereof will have
Telephone: + 91 (11) 2956 1070 the right to extend the Issue period as it may determine from
Contact Person: Veena Nair, time to time, provided that this Issue will not remain open
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer in excess of 30 (thirty) days from the Issue Opening Date
E-mail:; (inclusive of the Issue Opening Date). Further, no withdrawal
Website: of Application shall be permitted by any Applicant after the
Corporate Identity Number: L74899MH1994PLC164024 Issue Closing Date.
Please read the letter of offer dated July 21, 2020 (“Letter of Offer” or “LOF”), the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and instructions on the
reverse of this Application Form carefully. All capitalised terms not defined herein shall carry the same meaning as ascribed to them in the Letter of Offer.
*Assuming full subscription.
The Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity Shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “US Securities
Act”) or under any securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and may not be offered, sold, resold, allotted, taken up, exercised, renounced,
pledged, transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly within the United States except pursuant to an applicable exemption from, or a transaction not subject to, the
registration requirements of the US Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States. The
Rights Equity Shares and Rights Entitlements are being offered and sold in offshore transactions outside the United States in compliance with Regulation S to existing
shareholders located in jurisdictions where such offer and sale of the Rights Equity Shares is permitted under laws of such jurisdictions.
To, Date:_________________
The Board of Directors,
Dear Sir/ Madam,
• I/We hereby accept and apply for Allotment of the Rights Equity Shares (including Additional Rights Equity Shares if applicable) mentioned in Block I below in response
to the Abridged Letter of Offer/ Letter of Offer dated July 21, 2020 and any addenda thereto offering the Rights Equity Shares to me/us on rights basis.
• I/We agree to pay the amount specified in Block II below at the rate of ` 72.00 per Rights Equity Share payable on Application on the total number of Rights Equity
Shares specified in Block I below.
• I/We agree to accept the Rights Equity Shares Allotted to me/us and to hold such Rights Equity Shares upon the terms and conditions of the Abridged Letter of Offer/
Letter of Offer, and any addenda thereto, this Application Form, Rights Entitlement Letter and subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI ICDR
Regulations, SEBI Rights Issue Circulars as applicable and the rules made thereunder and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company
• I/We undertake that I/we will sign all such other documents and do all other such acts, if any, necessary on my/our part to enable me/us to be registered as the holder(s)
of the Rights Equity Shares in respect of which this application may be accepted.
• I/We also agree to accept the Rights Equity Shares subject to laws, as applicable, guidelines, notifications and regulations relating to the issue of capital and listing of
securities issued from time to time by SEBI/Government of India/RBI and/or other authorities.
• I/We hereby solemnly declare that I am/we are not applying for the Rights Equity Shares in contravention of section 269SS of the Income-Tax Act, 1961.
• I/We authorise you to place my/our name(s) on the Register of Members / Register of Significant Beneficial Owners. All such Eligible Equity Shareholders are deemed
to have accepted the following:
“I/ We understand that neither the Rights Entitlements nor the Rights Equity Shares have been, or will be, registered under the US Securities Act, or any United States
state securities laws, and may not be offered, sold, resold or otherwise transferred within the United States, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction
not subject to, the registration requirements of the US Securities Act. I/ we understand the Rights Equity Shares referred to in this application are being offered and sold
in offshore transactions outside the United States in compliance with Regulation S under the US Securities Act to existing shareholders located in jurisdictions where
such offer and sale of the Rights Equity Shares is permitted under laws of such jurisdictions. I/ we understand that the Issue is not, and under no circumstances is to be
construed as, an offering of any Rights Equity Shares or Rights Entitlements for sale in the United States, or as a solicitation therein of an offer to buy any of the said
Rights Equity Shares or Rights Entitlements in the United States. I/ we confirm that I am/ we are (a) not in the United States and eligible to subscribe for the Rights Equity
Shares under applicable securities laws, (b) complying with laws of jurisdictions applicable to such person in connection with the Issue, and (c) understand that neither
the Company, nor the Registrar, the Lead Manager or any other person acting on behalf of the Company will accept subscriptions from any person, or the agent of any
person, who appears to be, or who the Company, the Registrar, the Lead Manager or any other person acting on behalf of the Company have reason to believe is in the
United States or is outside of India and United States and ineligible to participate in this Issue under the securities laws of their jurisdiction.
I/ We will not offer, sell or otherwise transfer any of the Rights Equity Shares which may be acquired by us in any jurisdiction or under any circumstances in which such
offer or sale is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer, sale or invitation. I/ We satisfy, and each account for which I/ we are acting
satisfies, (a) all suitability standards for investors in investments of the type subscribed for herein imposed by the jurisdiction of my/our residence, and (b) is eligible to
subscribe and is subscribing for the Rights Equity Shares and Rights Entitlements in compliance with applicable securities and other laws of our jurisdiction of residence.
I/we hereby make the representations, warranties, acknowledgments and agreements set forth in the section of the Letter of Offer titled “Restrictions on Purchases and
Resales” on page 214 of the Letter of Offer.
I/ We understand and agree that the Rights Entitlements and Rights Equity Shares may not be reoffered, resold, pledged or otherwise transferred except in an offshore
transaction in compliance with Regulation S, or otherwise pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the US
Securities Act.
I/ We acknowledge that we, the Lead Manager, its affiliates and others will rely upon the truth and accuracy of the foregoing representations and agreements.”
Name of Sole/First Applicant
Indian Address
Second Applicant
Third Applicant
4. DEPOSITORY ACCOUNT DETAILS : please provide your DP ID and Client ID (Please tick for NSDL or CDSL) : – NSDL CDSL
For NSDL enter 8 digit DP ID followed by 8 digit Client ID / For CDSL enter 16 digit Client ID
Note: Allotment of Rights Equity Shares shall be made in dematerialized form only.
Rights Equity Shares (Including additional Rights Equity Shares) applied for [Block I]
Total amount payable on application @ ` 72/- per Equity Share [Block II] = [Block I] x ` 72/-
(` in Figures) (` in Words)
I/We hereby confirm that I/We have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions of this Application Form, Rights Entitlement Letter, Abridged Letter of Offer/
Letter of Offer dated July 21, 2020 and any addenda thereto. I/We hereby confirm that I/We have read the Instructions for filling up this Application Form given overleaf.
I/We understand that in case of Allotment of Rights Equity Shares to me/ us, my/our Beneficiary Account as mentioned in this Application Form would get credited to
the extent of allotted Rights Equity Shares.
(a) Please read the instructions printed on the Application Form carefully.
(b) The Application Form can be used by the Eligible Equity Shareholders as well as the Renouncees.
(c) Please read the Letter of Offer, and any addenda thereto carefully to understand the Application process and applicable settlement process. All references in this Application Form
to the “Abridged Letter of Offer” are to the Abridged Letter of Offer read together with the Letter of Offer and any addenda thereto. For accessing the Letter of Offer, the Abridged
Letter of Offer, and any addenda thereto and the Application Form, please refer to the links provided below on page 4 of this Application Form.
(d) In accordance with Regulation 76 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and ASBA Circulars, all Investors desiring to make an Application in this Issue are
mandatorily required to use either the ASBA process or the optional mechanism instituted only for resident Investors in this Issue, i.e., R-WAP. Investors should carefully read the
provisions applicable to such Applications before making their Application through ASBA or using the R-WAP. For details, see “Procedure for Application through the ASBA Process”
and “Procedure for Application through the R-WAP” in on pages 189 and 190, respectively, of the Letter of Offer.
(e) Applications should be (i) submitted to the Designated Branch of the SCSB or made online/electronic through the website of the SCSBs (if made available by such
SCSB) for authorising such SCSB to block Application Money payable on the Application in their respective ASBA Accounts, or (ii) filled on the R-WAP. Please note that
on the Issue Closing Date, (i) Applications through ASBA process will be uploaded until 5.00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) or such extended time as permitted by the
Stock Exchanges, and (ii) the R-WAP facility will be available until 5.00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) or such extended time as permitted by the Stock Exchanges.
(f) The Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date, are requested to provide relevant details (such as copies of self-attested PAN and
client master sheet of demat account etc. (where such Eligible Equity Shareholders separately hold a demat account), details/ records confirming the legal and beneficial ownership
of their respective Equity Shares) to the Company or the Registrar not later than two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, i.e., by August 11, 2020 to enable the credit of
their Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the demat suspense escrow account to their demat account at least one day before the Issue Closing Date, to enable such Eligible
Equity Shareholders to make an Application in this Issue, and this communication shall serve as an intimation to such Eligible Equity Shareholders in this regard. In accordance with
SEBI circular SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2020/78 dated May 6, 2020, the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date and who have
not furnished the details of their demat account to the Registrar or our Company at least two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, will not be able to renounce their Rights
Entitlements. Equity Shareholders holding shares in physical form can update the details of their respective demat accounts on the website of the Registrar (i.e., www.linkintime. In accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, (a) the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date; or (b) the Eligible Equity
Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date and who have not furnished the details of their demat account to the Registrar or our Company at least
two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, desirous of subscribing to Rights Equity Shares may also apply in this Issue during the Issue Period subject to certain conditions.
Such Eligible Equity Shareholders must check the procedure for Application by and credit of Rights Equity Shares to such Eligible Equity Shareholders in “Procedure for Application
by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form” and “Credit and Transfer of Rights Equity Shares in case of Shareholders holding Equity Shares in Physical
Form and disposal of Rights Equity Shares for non-receipt of demat account details in a timely manner” in on pages 195 and 205, respectively, of the Letter of Offer.
(g) The Application should be completed in all respects. Any Application Form found incomplete with regard to any of the particulars required to be given therein, and/or which are not
completed in conformity with the terms of the Letter of Offer, and any addenda thereto and Abridged Letter of Offer the Rights Entitlement Letter and the Application Form are liable
to be rejected. The Application Form must be filled in English.
(h) An Investor, wishing to participate in this Issue through the ASBA facility, are required to have an ASBA enabled bank account with an SCSB, prior to making the Application
and required to provide necessary details, including details of the ASBA Account, authorizing the SCSB to block an amount equal to the Application Money in the ASBA Account
mentioned in the Application Form. In case of Application through R-WAP, the Investors should enable the internet banking or UPI facility of their respective bank accounts. Please
note that only those Investors who have a demat account can apply through ASBA facility.
(i) In case of non-receipt of Application Form, Investors can also make Application on plain paper under ASBA process mentioning all necessary details as mentioned under the heading
“Application on Plain Paper” on page 192 of the Letter of Offer and any addenda thereto.
(j) The plain paper Application should be submitted at a Designated Branch of the SCSB for authorising such SCSB to block Application Money in the said bank account maintained
with the same SCSB and not to the Bankers to the Issue or Escrow Collection Banks (assuming that such Escrow Collection Bank is not a SCSB), to our Company, the Registrar or
the Lead Manager.
(k) All Applicants, and in the case of Application in joint names, each of the joint Applicants, should mention his/her PAN allotted under the IT Act, irrespective of the
amount of the Application. Except for Applications on behalf of the Central or the State Government, the residents of Sikkim and the officials appointed by the courts, Application
Forms without PAN will be considered incomplete and are liable to be rejected. With effect from August 16, 2010, the demat accounts for Investors for which PAN details have not
been verified shall be “suspended for credit” and no allotment and credit of Rights Equity Shares pursuant to the Issue shall be made into the accounts of such Investors.
(l) In case of Application through ASBA facility, all payments will be made only by blocking the amount in the ASBA Account. Furthermore, in case of Applications submitted using the
R-WAP facility, payments shall be made using internet banking facility or UPI facility. Cash payment or payment by cheque or demand draft or pay order or NEFT or RTGS or
through any other mode is not acceptable for Application. In case payment is effected in contravention of this, the Application may be deemed invalid and the Application Money
will be refunded and no interest will be paid thereon.
(m) For physical Applications through ASBA at Designated Branches of SCSB, signatures should be either in English or Hindi or in any other language specified in the Eighth Schedule
to the Constitution of India. Signatures other than in English or Hindi and thumb impression must be attested by a Notary Public or a Special Executive Magistrate under his/her
official seal. The Investors must sign the Application as per the specimen signature recorded the SCSB.
(n) In case of joint holders and physical Applications through ASBA process, all joint holders must sign the relevant part of the Application Form in the same order and as per the
specimen signature(s) the SCSB. In case of joint Applicants, reference, if any, will be made in the first Applicant’s name and all communication will be addressed to the first Applicant.
(o) All communication in connection with Applications for the Rights Equity Shares, including any change in address of the Investors should be addressed to the Registrar prior to the
date of Allotment in the Issue quoting the name of the first/sole Applicant and folio numbers/ DP Id and Client Id. In case of any change in address of the Eligible Equity Shareholders,
the Eligible Equity Shareholders should also send the intimation for such change to the respective depository participant or to our Company or the Registrar in case of Eligible Equity
Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form.
(p) Only Eligible Equity Shareholders who are eligible to subscribe for Rights Entitlement and Rights Equity Shares in their respective jurisdictions under applicable securities laws are
eligible to participate.
(q) Only the Investors holding Equity Shares in demat form or the Physical Shareholders who furnish the details of their demat accounts to the Registrar not later than two working day
prior to the Issue Closing Date, are eligible to participate through the ASBA process.
(r) Please note that ASBA Applications may be submitted at all designated branches of the SCSBs available on the SEBI website at
do?doRecognised=yes, updated from time to time, or at such other website as may be prescribed by SEBI from time to time.
(s) Investors are required to ensure that the number of Rights Equity Shares applied for by them do not exceed the investment limits or maximum number of Equity Shares that can be
held by them prescribed under applicable law.
(t) The Investors shall submit only one Application Form for the Rights Entitlements available in a particular demat account. In case of Investors who have provided details
of demat account in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations such the Investors will have to apply for the Rights Equity Shares from the same demat account in which they are
holding the Rights Entitlements and in case of multiple demat accounts; the Investors are required to submit the Application Form separately from each demat account.
(u) Please note that Applications without depository account details shall be treated as incomplete and shall be rejected, except in case of Eligible Equity Shareholders
who hold Equity Shares in physical form and are applying in this Issue in accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars through R-WAP.
(v) The Company, in consultation with the Lead Manager, reserves the right to treat as invalid any Application Form which: (i) appears to the Company or its agents to have been
executed in, electronically transmitted from or dispatched from the United States or other jurisdictions where the offer and sale of the Rights Equity Shares is not permitted under laws
of such jurisdictions; (ii) does not include the relevant certifications set out in the Application Form, including to the effect that the person submitting and/or renouncing the Application
Form is not in the United States and eligible to subscribe for the Rights Equity Shares under applicable securities laws and is complying with laws of jurisdictions applicable to such
person in connection with this Issue; or (iii) where either a registered Indian address is not provided or where the Company believes acceptance of such Application Form may
infringe applicable legal or regulatory requirements; and the Company shall not be bound to issue or allot any Rights Equity Shares in respect of any such Application Form.
The list of banks who have registered with SEBI to act as SCSBs for the ASBA Process is
&intmId=34. For this Issue, following banks would be acting as SCSB: 1. Allahabad Bank 2. Andhra Bank 3. Axis Bank Ltd 4. Bank of Baroda 5. Bank of India 6. Bank of
Maharashtra 7. Barclays Bank PLC 8. BNP Paribas 9. Canara Bank 10. Catholic Syrian Bank Limited 11. Central Bank of India 12. CITI Bank 13. City Union Bank Ltd. 14.
Corporation Bank 15. DBS Bank Ltd. 16. Dena Bank 17. Deutsche Bank 18. Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited 19. HDFC Bank Ltd. 20. HSBC Ltd. 21. ICICI Bank Ltd 22. IDBI Bank
Ltd. 23. Indian Bank 24. Indian Overseas Bank 25. IndusInd Bank 26. J P Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. 27. Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd. 28. Karnataka Bank Ltd. 29. Karur
Vysya Bank Ltd. 30. Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 31. Mehsana Urban Co-operative Bank Limited 32. Nutan Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd. 33. Oriental Bank of Commerce 34.
Punjab & Sind Bank 35. Punjab National Bank 36. Rajkot Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd 37. RBL Bank Limited 38. South Indian Bank 39. Standard Chartered Bank 40. State
Bank of India 41. SVC Co-operative Bank Ltd. 42. Syndicate Bank 43. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. 44. The Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-Op. Bank Ltd. 45. The Federal
Bank 46. The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Limited. 47. The Kalupur Commercial Cooperative Bank Ltd. 48. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd. 49. The Saraswat Co-Opearative
Bank Ltd 50. The Surat Peoples Co-op Bank Ltd 51. TJSB Sahakari Bank Ltd 52. UCO Bank 53. Union Bank of India 54. United Bank of India 55. Vijaya Bank 56. YES
Bank Ltd 57. DCB Bank 58. Bandhan Bank 59. GP Parsik Sahakari Bank Limited 60. AU Small Finance Bank
In terms of the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and the MCA circular, the Application Form, Rights Entitlement Letter and Abridged Letter of Offer was dispatched to the Eligible
Equity Shareholders, through email.
Eligible Equity Shareholders can obtain the details of their respective Rights Entitlements from the website of the Registrar (i.e., by entering their DP
ID and Client ID or Folio Number (in case of Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form) and PAN. The link for the same shall also be available
on the website of our Company (i.e.,
Investors can access the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Application Form (provided that such Investor is eligible to subscribe for the Equity Shares
under applicable securities laws) on the websites of:
(i) the Company at;
(ii) the Registrar at;
(iii) the Lead Manager, i.e., ICICI Securities Limited at;
(iv) the Stock Exchanges at and; and
(v) the R-WAP at
The Investors can visit following links for the below-mentioned purposes:
l Frequently asked questions or call helpline numbers (+91-22-49186200, +91-22-49186173, +91-22-49186174) and online/ electronic dedicated investor helpdesk for
guidance on the Application process and resolution of difficulties faced by the Investors:
l Updation of Indian address/ email address/ mobile number in the records maintained by the Registrar or our Company:
l Updation of demat account details by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding shares in physical form:
l Submission of self-attested PAN, client master sheet and demat account details by non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders:
Investors may contact the Registrar to the Issue or our Company Secretary and Compliance Officer for any pre Issue or post- Issue related matters. All grievances relating
to the ASBA process or R-WAP may be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue, with a copy to the SCSB (in case of ASBA process), giving full details such as name,
address of the Applicant, contact number(s), E-mail address of the sole/ first holder, folio number or demat account, number of Rights Equity Shares applied for, amount
blocked (in case of ASBA process) or amount debited (in case of R-WAP process), ASBA Account number and the Designated Branch of the SCSB where the Application
Forms, or the plain paper application, as the case may be, was submitted by the Investors along with a photocopy of the acknowledgement slip (in case of ASBA process),
and copy of the e-acknowledgement (in case of R-WAP process).
GATEWAY DISTRIPARKS LIMITED ICICI Securities Limited Link Intime India Private Limited
Registered and Corporate Office: ICICI Centre, H.T. Parekh Marg C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park
Sector 6, Dronagiri, Tal: Uran, Dt: Raigad, Churchgate, Mumbai Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Vikhroli (West)
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400 707, India Maharashtra – 400 020, India Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 083, India
Telephone: + 91 (11) 2956 1070 Telephone: +91 (22) 2288 2460 Telephone: +91 (22) 4918 6173 / 6174 / 6200
Contact Person: Veena Nair, Company Secretary and Email: E-mail id:
Compliance Officer Investor grievance email: Investor grievance email:
E-mail:; Contact person: Shekher Asnani / Arjun A Mehrotra Contact person: Sumeet Deshpande
Website: Website: Website:
Corporate Identity Number: L74899MH1994PLC164024 SEBI registration number: INM000011179 SEBI registration number: INR000004058