Jeanpower Rivoli Beadwork

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The author encourages experimenting with beadwork designs and provides over 40 projects along with variations.

Rivoli beadwork involves using small round crystal beads to add sparkle and color to beadwork designs.

The book includes beaded projects made with a variety of beads and at different skill levels including earrings, pendants, and more.



By Jean Power
By Jean Power

Rivoli Beadwork is written and published by Jean Power / Copyright © 2018 Jean Power
ISBN 10 - 0-9574568-3-2
ISBN 13 - 9780957456839

First Edition - published November 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or
mechanical, without the express permission of the author.

I love to support and encourage any individuals who make

beadwork and sell or gift what they make. Please feel free to
use anything you make from instructions in this book as gifts
or to sell to support your bead buying habit!
However, this right only extends to individuals and also
doesn’t extend to teaching the work or copying the

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There are many people I would like to thank who have helped
this book to come to fruition:
• All the lovely ladies I have named projects after (whether
within these pages or elsewhere). I love having you in my
life and am so lucky to do so
• Caroline Keen who kindly proofread everything for me
and offers me lots of help & guidance
• My one-man support band who cheers me on no matter
what I do and always lets me know that he’s behind me
100%. You keep me sane when I’m working 18 hour
days and talk me down from the ceiling when I’m getting
in a fizz taking photos. Without you none of this would
ever have been possible. Thank you

Please note that I have tried my best to ensure that these

instructions are accurate but if you spot any errors, have any
queries, or would like to show me photos of anything you
have done from the book (and I would love to see them!)
please contact me through my website at:

where you can also find any future corrections or additions to

the book, buy patterns & kits, discover classes or sign-up to
my newsletter

When I first began beading I kept it simple and stuck with
seed beads and geometric beading...
...But one day I added some crystals to my work… and immediately realised how foolish I’d been in not doing that

Then, just over a decade ago, I I have included beaded projects The same is true of many of the other
discovered crystal Rivolis and I’ve not looked made with a wide range of beads and projects and I hope you find that altering
back since. These little circles of sparkle add encompassing a plethora of styles, shapes, a bead here, or a step there, will give you
so much colour & light to beadwork that I sizes and difficulty levels. your own unique, sparkling beadwork to be
can’t resist using them as much as possible proud of.
and over time I have bezelled literally I have also tried to take many of the
thousands of them. So, it only seemed projects, techniques & ideas on a journey So, whether you want something subtle,
natural to gather some of my favourite so each one has at least one variation or or to dazzle people all around, dive right in
designs into a book and take the time to option you can bead instead. There are and happy beading!
develop other new ones to accompany also many others scattered throughout, for
them. example have a look at Bicone Snowflakes
for a project that can be stopped at any of
My desire for this book is to give you lots Steps 2,3,4,5, or 6, to give you a completely
of projects & ideas so that you too can grow different outcome.
your love of Rivolis and create the crystal
beadwork you love and want to wear.


24 27 28 30

56 59 62 65 68


74 77 83 86


104 106 108 111


125 126
118 124

134 142 150

138 146

40 Basics
8 Materials & Tools 15 Basic Bezelling Technique
10 Tips, Techniques & - Other Rivoli Sizes
Terminology 16 Adding Star Designs 158
12 Basic Bezelling Technique 18 Playing With Bezels
- 14mm Rivolis

Seed Beads
24 Basic Seed Bead 30 Star Flowers
27 Beaded Needle Case
36 Crystal Cages
40 Honeycomb
72 28 Susie Qs

102 46 RAW Pearls - Original 56 Annetta Pendant 74 Daphne Pendant
Version 59 Rachel Pendant 77 Marlene Pendant
49 RAW Pearls - Variations 62 Sally Bracelet 80 Laura Necklace
50 RAW Pearls - Larger 65 RAW Pearls - Scarf Ring 83 Herringbone Pearls
Bezel 68 Jo Ellen Pendant 86 Pearl Buds
53 RAW Pearls - 72 Josephine Pendant
Subsequent Bezels

116 Geometric
96 Geometric Basics 108 Rivoli Triangle Heart 120 Triangle Bezel
98 Playing With Triangles 111 Large Rivoli Triangle 121 Distorted Squares
100 Open Rivoli Triangles Necklace 122 Mixed Shapes Set
101 Full Rivoli Triangles 114 Rivoli Teardrops Set 124 Triple Square Pendant
102 Open Rivoli 116 Full Circle Teardrop 125 Layered Triangle Pendant
Triangles Necklace Pendant
126 Triangle Bezel Pyramids
104 Slanted Bracelet 118 Half Circle Teardrop
128 Flying Vs
106 Rivoli Bunting

128 Extra Sparkle

134 Bicone Snowflakes 142 Crystal Coronas
138 Bicone Bezels

Shaped Beads 166

146 Super Dots 158 Super Crystal Petals
150 Super Flowers 164 Claw Bezels
154 154 Wheat Sheaves 166 Experiments

Get started with all the basics

essential for the sparkling
projects in this book...
BASICS | Materials

The first place to start with all of the projects within
these pages is with the right materials…
Seed & Cylinder beads

These are the basis of all beadwork

and are used throughout this book to
accompany and create bezels for the

Seed beads and cylinder beads differ in

their shape with seed beads resembling
ring doughnuts and cylinder beads being
small sections of a tube (or cylinder,
hence the name).

Cylinder bead is the generic term for the

style of bead. Some examples of brand
names they’re sold under are Delicas,
Aikos and Treasures.

Both of these beads are numbered for

their sizes and the higher the number
the smaller the bead

Seed beads are more rounded which makes Cylinder beads have flat sides which make them ideal
them perfect for adding a softer look and for geometric beadwork
texture to your beadwork

TOP TIP Thread

DB on the ‘I Used’ section of
a project means ‘Delica Bead’ There is a huge amount that can
and is telling you exactly what be written about beading threads
colour I used and, like everyone, I have my own
preferences which I generally
stick to, only changing when it’s
necessary for a project.
All Rivoli and pearl colours My main advice when it comes
given are Swarovski unless to choosing thread is simple: use
stated otherwise what YOU love.

I prefer a more flexible thread with a stretch such a Miyuki, Nymo, One G, KO etc. as I find
that the lack of stretch in Fireline makes it harder for me to manipulate my work in the way
that I want. But I know many beaders for whom the exact opposite is true.
However, when I’m using Swarovski Pearls or bicones with sharp edges, and know my thread
may be cut by them, I switch to Fireline for extra security.
So experiment and see what works best for you and the project you’re beading
8 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power
Materials | BASICS

Shaped Beads Rivoli Alternatives

Shaped beads are great for adding Why not use buttons or other 14mm
extra texture and shape detail to your cabochons in place of Rivolis?
Rivoli beadwork and this book uses
both SuperDuos and Crescents for this You may need to adjust the project
you’re beading for the depth of the
focal you’re using, but do experiment
as you can get amazing results….
When beading with any 2-hole
beads always check both holes
before using them as often the
coating can block one of the
holes and it’s very annoying if you
don’t spot it until it’s beaded into
your work…

Manufacturers & Brand


There are many bead

manufacturers in the world but for
the precise beadwork that bezelling
Rivolis usually entails you’ll want
to use precision beads and so I
recommend a few manufacturers
for different items:
You may find Rivolis that are made by Swarovski (as shown on the left above) have much finer edges and
facets compared to those made by other manufacturers (as can be seen on the right in the photo)

• Rivolis
Most of this book is done using Swarovski Rivolis and the colour names I
quote are theirs or ‘aftermarket coatings’ added to Swarovski stones. These
are accurately sized, incredibly sparkly and come in a wide variety of colours
& finishes. You can also get Rivolis made in the Czech Republic or China but
be aware that these may be deeper and less precise so any projects you bead
may need to be adjusted to allow for this

• Seed beads
I prefer Miyuki seed beads which are made in Japan as their smaller, more
rounded, ‘more doughnut like’ shape is perfect for bezelling and beading all
of the projects in this book

• Cylinder beads
Throughout the book I have used Miyuki Delica beads, but do experiment
with other brands

• Pearls & Bicones

All the pearls and bicones I use in the book are made by Swarovski, but
again do experiment with other brands and other types & sizes of beads just
keeping an eye out for whether any size or shape differences mean you need
to adjust the project
BASICS | Tips, Techniques & Terminology

Tips, Techniques & Terminology

All the basic guidance essential to help you with bezelling

Circle Through Back Through/ Thread Back Through

This means to thread This means to thread through a bead (or beads) in the
through a bead (or beads) opposite direction than you previously went through it
in the same direction
that you previously went
through it

Read Through The Diagrams

I really recommend reading through each project All the diagrams in this book follow the same format:
before you begin as they all contain lots of extra
• All coloured beads are those being added in that step
tips & variations which give you advice & options
• All grey beads are those previously added
that you won’t want to miss.
• The bead with a dot on it is the first one you’ll add in the step
I also very strongly recommend that you read • The thread is sometimes shown on top of your beads. This is just for clarity
through every step before you attempt it as and when this is done the thread will be ‘dotted’
the entire text has all the information you need • Often the diagrams will show more space than will be in your actual
and you may miss something vital if you leap in beadwork but this is just so you can see what is happening and in reality
before fully reading or understanding what you you don’t want extra space between your beads
need to do


Row vs. Round When you bead anything, all that you Bold Text In The Instructions
do has an impact on what has been
• Rows are where you weave beaded before, even work many rows Whenever you see bold text (such
back and forth from one side to or rounds back. as this) in any project instructions its
another. For example these are This is especially true when decreasing referring you to a technique or project
used in Beaded Tabs (see Page as it can take a few rounds of further elsewhere within the book. You can
20) beadwork to pull those first few either find out where on the Contents
rounds into place. Page, under ‘Techniques’ or by the
• Rounds are where you bead So stick with it; every bit of extra Page number given
around in a circle and the beading you do adds extra thread,
beginning and end are right extra substance, extra decoration, extra
next to each other (most of the security and extra shaping, all of which
projects in this book use rounds) have an impact on the end result

10 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Tips, Techniques & Terminology | BASICS

Stitch-In-The-Ditch Repeat From * to *

Stitch-In-The-Ditch (referred to as SITD Any time you see this in the

in the book) is when you bead on instructions you’re being asked to
top of some already done beadwork repeat what was written previously
(usually Peyote Stitch) adding in new between the asterisks as many times as
beads which sit in the spaces ‘or you’re told to.
ditches’ between the beads. An example is:

Most of the time this is referred to in *Pick up 1 x C and thread into the next
the projects you’ll be doing it on top space, bead a Peyote Stitch Decrease
of the central round of C beads on a in the next space*. Repeat from * to *
bezel made using the Basic Bezelling five more times.
So you would end up adding 6 single
beads, each one followed by a Peyote
Stitch Decrease (see below)
• B- This indicates a bicone crystal (whatever size is in your materials list)
• B3 - This stands for a 3mm bicone crystal
• B4 - Indicates a 4mm bicone crystal
• C- This stands for cylinder bead Knots
• CR - This means a Crescent Bead
• DB - This means Delica Bead and refers to the colour number of the bead I I don’t tie a knot when I begin my
used in a project work as it can hold the work too tight
• P- Stands for Pearl and fill the bead holes.
• RAW - This abbreviation stands for ‘Right-Angle-Weave’ The only time I make an exception
• SD - Stands for SuperDuo to this is when beading Distorted
• SITD - This abbreviation is short for ‘Stitch-In-The-Ditch’ Squares as then I want the work to be
• S8 - Lets you know when to use a size 8 seed bead held very tightly
• S11 - Indicates a size 11 seed bead
• S15 - Refers to size 15 seed bead

Look at your work

This really is my top tip for all beading!
I have given you lots of ideas for
As you work look carefully at what you’re creating. This is variations with every project but do
how you’ll learn what effect the different things you do dive in and see what other ones you
will have and where you can spot if something is going can come up with…
wrong (or right!) and it will save you the annoyance of
having to later undo your work if an error slips past you

Peyote Stitch Decrease

Experiment These are beaded using the same
thread-path as you would bead regular
‘I wonder what will happen if I…’ is Peyote Stitch but with no bead on your
the best question you can ask yourself thread
as you bead.
Every single project in this book grew
out of that question and me then
taking the time to experiment with the
Each project in this book also has many
possible variations that can grow out
of making small changes to any of the
steps in its instructions
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 11
BASICS | Basic Bezelling Technique - 14mm Rivolis

Basic Bezelling Technique

- 14mm Rivoli
Bezelling a Rivoli is the act of surrounding or encasing the Rivoli.
In this book that means using beads and beadwork to secure,
decorate and adorn a Rivoli so it can be used either by itself, or
with others, to create a piece of jewellery

A Bezel
A bezel needs to be strong and secure so that your Rivoli doesn’t fall out but it
also needs to be attractive and allow the Rivoli to shine out - combining the two
elements can be a real challenge sometimes!
This book uses a mixture of different beads, stitches and techniques to make bezels
but a lot of the designs use the Basic Bezelling Technique described here.


Rounds 1-2.
On your thread pick up 36 x C beads and
circle through the first 2 to join into a ring TOP TIP TOP TIP
(36 x C). If bezelling a Rivoli which is deeper than If you know you want to add a Star
a Swarovski then, after Step 2, you may Design to your work (Page 16) then I
TOP TIP need to add another 1-2 rounds of C recommend adding it after Step 4 when
Circling through 2 beads in Step 1 leaves beads just as you did in Step 2 it’s easiest to bead
your thread tail in the right place to
continue in Step 5. STEP 3
Round 4.
In Steps 3-4 you switch to smaller beads
STEP 2 Using S15 beads and Peyote Stitch add 1
Round 3. (S15s) and move on from beading a round with 1 bead in every space (18 x S15).
Using C beads and Peyote Stitch add 1 straight-sided piece of beadwork to
round with 1 bead in every space. Pull tight wanting your new rounds to pull in and STEP 4
so that the beads don’t have spaces between make the opening in your beadwork Round 5.
them (18 x C). smaller. It is the combination of smaller Repeat Step 3 to add another round of S15
beads and pulling your thread tight, beads making sure to pull tight to reduce the
which will hold your Rivoli safe opening in your beadwork (18 x S15).
At the end of every round you will Step-
Up to exit the first bead added in that
round to be ready to continue

Step 1 Step 2 Steps 3-4

12 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Basic Bezelling Technique - 14mm Rivolis | BASICS
TOP TIP TOP TIP *Add 1 x S15 into each of the next 2 spaces
For Step 5 the beads you need to locate If you want to fully cover the back of and then bead a Peyote Stitch Decrease
in Round 1 can be distinguished as they your Rivoli then read on. But, if you don’t in the third*. Repeat from * to * three more
stick out further from the S15 beads want to fully cover the back, but need times and then Step-Up to exit the first bead
than the others, also your thread tail will to add some extra security to your bezel, added (8 x S15 – green in the diagram).
be coming out of one of them. There will then see Securing The Back - Optional
be 18 of them and you can begin the on the next page STEP 12
next step exiting any of them Add a round with 1 x S15 in each space
including the larger spaces where you
decreased in the previous step (8 x S15 –
Step 5 COVERING THE BACK orange in the diagram).
Either return to your tail thread or weave This is optional but gives a nice finish to your
your working thread to exit any C bead in work and preserves any coating there is on STEP 13
Round 1 of your work. the back of the Rivoli. You may find you *Add 1 x S15 into a space and then bead a
need to adjust what you bead depending on Peyote Stitch Decrease in the next space*.
STEP 6 your Rivoli and seed beads. Repeat from * to * three more times and
Round 6. STEP 9 then Step-Up to exit the first bead added (4
Repeat Step 3 to add a round of S15 beads *Add 1 x S15 into each of the next 2 spaces x S15 – blue in the diagram).
here at what will be the back of your work and then bead a Peyote Stitch Decrease
(18 x S15). (Page 11) in the third*. Repeat from * to * STEP 14
five more times and then Step-Up to exit the Add a round with 1 x S15 in each space
STEP 7 first bead added (12 x S15). including the larger spaces where you
Insert your Rivoli so that it faces out from the decreased in the previous step (4 x S15 –
S15 beads added in Steps 3-4. STEP 10 yellow in the diagram).
Add a round with 1 x S15 in each space
STEP 8 including the larger spaces where you STEP 15
Round 7. decreased in the previous step (12 x S15).. Weave all around the 4 beads added in the
Add another round of S15 beads making last step to bring them together.
sure to pull tight so that your Rivoli is held
securely in place (18 x S15).

TOP TIP Steps 6-8

The diagram for Steps 6-8 shows your

new rounds as coming out further from
your work but in reality you’ll be pulling
tight and they will be coming into the
centre of your work as in this diagram

Step 9 Step 11-15

Step 10
BASICS | Basic Bezelling Technique - 14mm Rivolis

Securing The Back- Optional

If you don’t want to completely cover the back of your Rivoli, but you feel your bezel needs some extra security, you have a few different

• You can add another round of S15 beads (or smaller seed beads or
Charlottes (a very small seed bead) if you need something smaller)
making sure to pull tight

• You can also bead a decreasing round using Peyote Stitch Decreases
(Page 11) by adding 1 x S15 into each of the next 2 spaces and then
threading through the next as though beading Peyote Stitch but with
no bead on your thread. Make sure to pull tight

• You can weave all through the S15 beads in the last round added, with
no new beads on your thread, pulling tight

14 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Basic Bezelling Technique - Other Rivoli Sizes | BASICS

Bezelling Other Sizes of Rivolis

Bezelling all the other common sizes of Rivolis is based on exactly the same method as described for a 14mm Rivoli (Page 12) – the only
difference is the number of beads you pick up in the first step and therefore how many beads will be in each round as you continue:


Rounds 1-2. On your thread pick up as many C beads as needed for the size Rivoli
you’re bezelling and circle through the first 2 to join into a ring.

Round 3. Using C beads and Peyote Stitch add 1 round with 1 bead in every space.
Pull tight so that the beads don’t have spaces between them.

Rounds 4-5. Using S15 beads and Peyote Stitch add 2 rounds with 1 bead in every

Either return to your tail thread or weave your working thread to exit any C bead in
Round 1 of your work.


Round 6. Repeat the principle of Step 3 to add a round of S15 beads here at what
All of the projects in this book can
will be the back of your work.
potentially be adapted for the different
STEP 7 sizes of Rivolis (especially those based
Insert your Rivoli so that it faces out from the S15 beads added in Step 3. on the Basic Bezelling technique) so do
dive in and experiment…
Round 7. Add another round of S15 beads making sure to pull tight so that your
Rivoli is held securely in place.

You can add a Star Design to a 12 or 16mm Rivoli bezelled as described, or a 18mm
Rivoli if you use 48 beads as described in the Tip elsewhere on this page

10mm 12mm 16mm 18mm

• 26 C beads for Step 1 • 30 C beads for Step 1 • 42 C beads for Step 1 • 46 C beads for Step 1
• 13 beads in each round • 15 beads in each round • 21 beads in each round • 23 beads in each round


You may have success You may have success
using just 40, or 44, using 48 beads at Step
beads at Step 1 for your 1 for your 18mm Rivoli
16mm Rivoli which will which will give you 24
give you 20, or 22, beads beads per round and
per round but you won’t means you can add a
be able to add a Star Star Design to the front

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 15

BASICS | Adding Star Designs

Adding Star Designs

A Star design can be added to any 12 or 14mm Rivoli project which
uses the Basic Bezelling Technique (see Pages 12-14) and adds some
extra decoration and pizazz to your work using just 15-18 seed beads!

Adding the Star Design when beading your bezel is completely
optional. It is easiest to add it after Step 4 in the Basic Bezelling
Technique but you can add a new thread to your work and bead
the Star at any time after that if desired


STEP 1 If adding the Star Design before you do
Weave to exit any S15 bead in the last round any further beading on your Rivoli then
of S15 beads added at the start of your you can exit any S15 bead as it doesn’t
work. matter where the Star Points lie.
But, if you are adding your Star Design
TOP TIP after you have finished your Rivoli
Weaving through beads in previous beadwork, then you may want to plan
rounds in the next steps ensures you out where the Points of the Star sit and
don’t have threads showing where you so make sure you exit the S bead 2 beads
have spaces with no beads added in to the left or right of where you want
the Star Point to sit (2 to the left if you’re
STEP 2 beading clockwise and 2 to the right if
Round 1. Step 2 you’re beading anticlockwise)
Using S15 beads and Peyote Stitch *add 1
bead into each of the next 2 spaces.
You want to leave the next space empty and
so need to weave down (carrying on moving
in the same direction you already were) 1 x ADDING A STAR DESIGN TO A
S15 bead in Round 4 on your bezel and then 12MM RIVOLI
up the next S15 bead in Round 5 on your
bezel.* This is beaded using exactly the same
Repeat from * to * five more times to add principle as Adding a Star Design
10 more S15 beads to your round, making to a 14mm Rivoli, but picking up a
sure to Step-Up at the end of the round to different number of beads in each
exit the first S15 bead added (12 x S15). step:
• Step 2 – you’ll bead this just 5
STEP 3 times in total using 10 x S15
Round 2. • Step 3 – uses 5 x S15
You’re now going to bead a round with S15 Step 3
beads just in the spaces between where you
added S15 beads in the previous round.
*Peyote stitch 1 x S15 bead into the next
space. Then thread diagonally down 2 x S15
beads and then up 2 x S15 beads in previous
rounds to bring you to the next space
between S15 beads added in the previous
Repeat from * to * 5 more times to add a
total of 6 x S15 beads/ Points to the round to
finish (6 x S15).

16 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Adding Star Designs | BASICS

Isotoxal Stars
Varying the principle of adding a Star Design gives you a
whole new world of ornamentation

Make sure to read the tip on placement
on the previous page before you begin


A 14MM RIVOLI Round 3.
STEP 1 Add 1 x S15 bead into just the spaces
Weave to exit any S15 bead on the last between S15 beads added in the last round.
round of S15 beads at the front of your Just as you did in Step 2 weave through
bezel. previously added beads to bring you to the
next space between S15 beads added in the
TOP TIP last round.
Weaving through beads in previous Continue adding S15 beads just between the
rounds in the next steps ensures you S15 beads added in the last round until you
don’t have threads showing in the spaces have added 3 in total (3 x S15).
with no beads added in

Round 1.
*Using S15 beads and Peyote Stitch add 1 Step 3 Step 4
bead into each of the next 3 spaces. You
want to leave the next 3 spaces empty and
so need to weave (carrying on moving in the
same direction as you already were) through
the 2 previous S15 rounds until you are in
the 4th space along*.
Repeat from * to * 2 more times to add a
total of 9 x S15 beads in the round.
Make sure you Step-Up at the end of the
round to exit the first S15 bead added (9 x

Round 2.
Add 1 x S15 bead into each of the 2 spaces
between S15 beads added in the last round.
Just as you did in Step 2 weave through VARIATION
previously added beads to bring you to the
To bead the variation shown here in Round 1 you can also add 1 x S15 bead in the
next space between S15 beads added in the
central space of the 3 spaces where you miss adding beads in the original version
last round.
Continue adding S15 beads just between the
S15 beads added in the last round until you
have added 6 in total (6 x S15).
BASICS | Playing With Bezels

Playing With Bezels

All the projects, techniques and ideas in this book can be
mixed-and-matched with each other in many different
ways and here are some to get you inspired…

All of the Rivoli bezels in this book can be

made into earrings in a variety of different
ways. You can look at the earring projects
already included for instructions but here
are some ideas to get you started:

• Earring finding threaded through a

bead (as I did with my Susie Qs)

• Loop of seed beads (see Bicone

Snowflakes for an example of this)

• Earring finding stitched into the

beadwork (see Crystal Coronas for an
example of this)

• A beaded Triangle with an earring post

beaded into it (see Mixed Shape Set
to see this in action)

Earring findings can be threaded straight Your bezel can be turned into an earring with
through larger seed beads in your bezel a loop of seed beads attaching an earring

Beaded Bails

There are 3 Bails I have used for projects in this book; A Full Distorted Square (Mixed
Shapes Set); a Distorted Square with an empty centre (Flying Vs); and a beaded
triangle (Mixed Shapes Set).
Any of these, or the principles of them, can be added to any of the other projects to
turn them into pendant or earrings.

You could also use other bezels as bails. For example a Triangle Bezel would be
perfect to hang a Layered Triangle Pendant from

18 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Playing With Bezels | BASICS

Hanging Loops Tassels & Drops

Hanging loops are simple strands of beads which These can be simply added to edges
can be added to the back, or edge, of your work of your bezels either by using loops of
to hang your piece from. Their addition means seed beads, jump rings or by stitching
your bezel can be used as a pendant or earrings them into your beadwork (see Claw
or even a brooch Bezels for an example).

If you use tassels you can also add

extra decoration by adding beaded
covers to them

Quick & Easy Brooch

You can turn any bezel with a hanging

loop at the back into a brooch by
simply using a safety pin (which is
hidden inside your clothes):

From the inside of your clothes, or

coat, thread your safety pin to the
outside, loop under the beaded loop
with the safety pin and then thread
back into your clothes and do up the
safety pin to finish

Rivoli Medals

One of my favourite things to do with a bezelled Rivoli is... replicate it!

My Rivoli Medals necklace is made up of Rivolis bezelled using the Basic Bezelling
Technique and then each has a Beaded Tab (see the next page) added which is 4
beads wide and 15 rows long (each end begins or is zipped to an outside round of C
beads on the bezel).

As these mix-and-match bezels are designed to be strung on a metal neck wire, I

then made 30 beaded beads (I began by picking up 8 C beads and then added 16
more rows for a total of 18 before zipping the edges together).

Having this many beaded beads means that I can string my Medals in lots of different
combinations (some of which are shown here).

This necklace technique can be adapted to any of the bezels in the book which use
the Basic Bezelling Technique – you just may need to adjust the Hanging Tab or
beaded beads to ensure everything fits together
BASICS | Playing With Bezels

Beaded Tabs
Lots of the project instructions in this book include Tabs to hang the bezel from. But, even if the instructions don’t specify Tabs, all of
the bezels in this book can have them and they can be added to your bezel in a variety of different ways.
Here are the basic techniques I use:

Begin by choosing where you want the tab to sit plus how wide you want it to be, and therefore where you’ll begin exiting your
beadwork (you’ll exit a bead before the space where you want to add your first bead at the edge of the tab)

Step 1 - Even-
• Even-Count Peyote Stitch Tab Count Peyote
STEP 1 - Begin beading using Peyote Stitch and the beads of your choice until you Stitch
have made it as wide as desired.

Step 2 - Even-
STEP 2 - Then simply turn to bead another row. Count Peyote
STEP 3 - Once it is as long as you want, fold the tab over and zip the end to your

Step 1 - Odd-
• Odd-Count Peyote Stitch Tab Count Peyote
STEP 1 - Begin beading using Peyote Stitch and the beads of your choice until you
have made it as wide as desired.

Step 2 - Odd-Count
STEP 2 - Weave through your work to exit the last bead added and then bead Peyote Stitch
another row.

Changing direction to exit the last bead added is much easier when you have
more beadwork to thread through, but when there isn’t much, such as in the
Crystal Cage being shown, then you may have to weave a little distance away
and then work your way back, or you can use the turning method described
Exactly what you do with Odd-Count
under Rivoli Triangle Heart or Star Flowers
Peyote Stitch can vary as to how
wide your Tab is
STEP 3 - Once it is as long as you want, fold the tab over and zip the end to your

You can simply stitch single beads onto a bead at the edge of your bezel (it doesn’t
have to be at a corner) using Ladder Stitch and then join the last one back to your
bezel again. This means you can hang single bezels (such as the Crystal Cage
shown here) as an earring or pendant.

20 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Playing With Bezels | BASICS

Tabs for Joining All Kinds of Rings

Tabs, as described under Beaded Tabs on the previous page, can also be used to Beaded Tabs (of any kind - see previous
join different bezels. Simply begin a tab on one bezel and then, when it’s as long as page) can be varied so that they begin at
you want or need, zip it to the other bezel. one side of your bezel and then join to the
other side which gives you a loop which
This is what I used here in this simple bezelled buttons bracelet in which each 14mm means your bezel can now be a finger ring
button was bezelled using the Basic Bezelling Technique or scarf ring. All of the bezels in this book
can have this done to them...

Tabs for Linking

You can also use Beaded Tabs (see previous page) added to opposite edges of bezels to link them together. For example, I could have
added tabs to my Pearl Buds and linked them to the beaded Links with those rather than the loops of seed beads I did use

You can also link tabs like this with large jump rings or simple loops of beads

Joining with RAW

Different bezels can also be joined together using Right-Angle-Weave (RAW). You can
add as many or as few units as you need, or like the look of

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 21

Seed Beads

Learn how to create beautiful

Rivoli-based beadwork using
just seed beads...
Basic Seed Bead Bezels | SEED BEADS

Basic Seed Bead Bezels

The simplest of techniques can make the most effective
bezels so here are some ideas to experiment with...

Basic Extra
Each bezel uses:
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your

SITD Rounds
S15 beads
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads - your C
• Optional - any extras such as drops,
size 11 or 8 seed beads, size 10 Simply adding SITD beads to your Your new SITD beads are perfect for beading
Cylinder beads etc. bezel gives you a decorative look. You into using Peyote Stitch. The space between
can use cylinder beads to coordinate the SITD beads is larger than what was in your
I used or seed beads, and different colours, bezel base and so you can use larger beads
• Rivolis: Light Turquoise for more of a contrast such as size 11 or 8 seeds or even size 10
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204 (size 15s) cylinder beads as was used here
and #4203 (size 11s)
• Cylinder beads: DB1832

• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11
• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12

You can also add a Star Design to
any of these Rivolis

SITD stands for Stitch-In-The-Ditch
(see Page 11 for more information)

Spaced SITD Adding SITD beads to alternate spaces on the central round of your bezel
means you can use larger beads without worrying about them becoming too

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 25

SEED BEADS | Basic Seed Bead Bezels

Basic Shapes Deeper Shapes

You can also use shaped beads, such as drops, for your SITD If the shaped beads
you’re using have their
holes further away from
the ends then you can
either add an extra round
of beads first (as in Extra
Rounds SITD on the
previous page) or you
can deepen the spaces
by ladder-stitching S15
or S11 beads onto the
SITD beads and then put
the new beads into the
spaces between them

If they need reinforcement

then you can weave around
afterwards, adding new S15
or S11 beads, using Peyote
Stitch, between each SITD

Loops Loops
After you’ve added your SITD
beads you can weave between
them to add loops. with
If you add an uneven number of
beads in each loop then you can
weave around again, missing out
the central ones, pulling tight to
make the central beads ‘pop out’
Using seed beads, rather than cylinder beads,
to make your loops gives you a softer look

26 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Beaded Needle Case | SEED BEADS

Beaded Needle Case

Any of the bezels in this book which are based on the Basic Bezelling Technique can be used to make a
needle case. Here I have made one with just some Stitch-In-The-Ditch for adornment


• 2 x 14mm Rivolis If wanted add a Star Design to your rivoli. STEP 7
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your On the lid weave to exit a C bead in the
S15 beads STEP 3 second round of C beads from the front of
• 4g of size 11 Cylinder beads - your C Return to your tail thread, or weave your the Rivoli. Using SITD add a round of S11s to
beads working thread to exit one of the C beads in your lid (18 x S11).
• 1g size 11 seed beads - your S11 beads the first round.
• 1 x wooden needle case STEP 8
STEP 4 Weave to exit a C bead 3 rounds further
I used Using Peyote Stitch add 4 more rounds of C down and add another round of S11s using
• Rivolis: Light Turquoise beads (18 x C per round). SITD (18 x S11).
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204 (size 15s) and
#4214 (size 11s) STEP 5 STEP 9
• Cylinder beads: DB1832 Insert your Rivoli so it faces out of the S15 Repeat Step 8 once more and weave your
beads and then place the beadwork onto the thread away.
Techniques lid of your needle case.
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11 The Body
• Adding Star Designs, Page 16 STEP 6 STEP 10
• Peyote Stitch Using Peyote Stitch add as many rounds Repeat the principle of Steps 1-6 but adding
of C beads that are needed to bring your a Rivoli and beadwork to the body of your
THE LID beadwork to the edge of the lid. As you add needle case.
STEP 1 these rounds pull tight so that the beadwork
Bezelling the Rivoli. ‘bites’ into the surface of the needle case.
Pick up 36 x C beads and circle through the TOP TIP
first two to join into a ring. Using C beads When adding the lid embellishment you
add 1 more round and then 2 rounds of S15 can add extra rounds of SITD, or even
beads pulling tight as you do so (54 x C and leave it off completely, according to
36 x S15). what you prefer

If needed you can use some double-
sided sticky tape to secure your
beadwork to the needle case or to ‘pad
out’ the needle case if the beadwork is
too loose on it

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 27


Susie Qs
These sweet little stars are formed from just seed beads
and are quick & easy to make
Each Susie Q uses: Covering the Back.
For extra embellishment you can add
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli This is covered using loops of S15s which
loops of 5 x S15s between the 2nd S8 in
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s thread into the centre bead in previous loops
one ring from Step 1 and the 5th S8 in
• 1g of size 11 Miyuki seed beads - S11s and pull them to the edge of your Rivoli.
the next ring along. If needed you can
• 1g of size 8 seed beads (any brand seem Once you’ve done each round you’ll need
then weave through these after missing
to work) - S8s to Step-Up to exit the central one in the first
out the 3rd S15 in each group to make
I used (for the earrings shown) Loop.
it ‘pop out’
• Rivoli: Olivine • Pick up 7 x S15 and thread into the 2nd
• Seed beads: (15s & 11s) Miyuki #4206 S11 in the next Picot which matches
(8s) Toho PF563 what you’re exiting. Repeat five more
times to add 6 loops (orange beads in
Techniques the diagram).
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11 • Insert your Rivoli so it faces out through
your S8 beads.
THE STEPS... • Add Loops of 3 x S15s between the
STEP 1 centre beads in the 7-bead loop (the
Starting the bezel blue beads).
*Pick up 5 x S8 and circle through the first to • Add single beads between each 3-bead
join into a circle. Pick up 3 x S11s*. Repeat loop (green beads).
from * to * five more time to add six units in • Add 1 x single bead and then, using a
total and then finish by circling through the Peyote Stitch Decrease, decrease the
first S8 picked up and then the first S11 (30 next space. Repeat twice more, then
x S8 and 18 x S11). when the round is done weave through
these 3 beads to join (pink beads) (69 x Step 3
Your groups of S8 beads will now be
referred to as ‘Rings’
Step 1

From now on when you weave through
what was a group of 3 x S11s you’ll
only thread through the 1st and 3rd
one – don’t thread through the 2nd
one. This makes the centre one ‘pop’
and become a Picot

Missing the 2nd S11 in the group of 3 thread Step 4
into the 3rd and then into the 5th S8 picked
up in the next Ring of S8s.
Pick up 3 x S11 and thread through the
2nd S8 picked up in the previous Ring, back
Step 2
through just 2 of your 3 x S11s and then
thread through the 5th and 4th S8 picked up
in the second Ring.
Pick up 3 x S11s and thread through the 3rd
and 2nd S8 in this Ring and then the first
S11 in the next group of 3 (6 x S11).

Repeat Step 2 five more times to add 10
more groups of 3 x S11 beads and at the
end Step-Up to exit the 2nd S11 in the first
group of 3 added in Step 2 (30 x S11). Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 29
Star Flowers | SEED BEADS

Star Flowers
Turn basic cylinder beads into striking bezels
Each Star Flower uses:
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Step 1 Step 2
• 1g of size 11 cylinder beads - C beads

I used
• Rivoli: Blush Rose
• Cylinder beads: DB2302, DB2285 and

• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11
• Peyote Stitch

Rounds 1-2 - The Base Circle.
Pick up 24 x C and circle through the first to
join into a ring (24 x C). Step 3 Step 4

Round 3.
Using Peyote Stitch, and beading into the
Base Circle, add 2 x C into the first space
and then 1 x C into the next. Repeat this
pattern five more times and Step-Up at the
end to ‘split’ the first pair added (18 x C).

Round 4.
*Add 1 x C between the pair of C from the
last round and then Peyote Stitch 1 x C into
the next 2 spaces*. Repeat from * to * five
more times and then Step-Up to exit the first
bead added (18 x C).
Step 5
STEP 4 Step 6

Round 5.
Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x C into each
space between beads from the previous step
(18 x C).

Round 6.
Using Peyote Stitch *add 1 x C into 2 spaces
and then 2 x C into the next space*. Repeat
from * to * five more times and then Step-
Up to exit the first bead added (24 x C).

Round 7.
Using Peyote Stitch *Leave the next space
empty by weaving through beads in previous
rounds, then add 1 x C into 3 spaces*.
Repeat from * to * five more times and then
Step-Up to exit the first bead added (18 x C).
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 31
SEED BEADS | Star Flowers

At Step 7 you’ll begin to turn and bead each Star Point separately rather than
weave around the entire circle. You can weave through the beads in your
work to turn and reposition after each step, but I prefer instead to simply
loop my working thread (black in the diagram) around the thread that is right
where I am (red in the diagram) and then reverse to exit the last bead added.
Pull gently to check it has held and then you can continue beading

STEP 7 Step 7 Step 8

Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x C into 2 spaces
and then turn to continue (2 x C).

Using Peyote Stitch add 2 x C into the space
and then turn to continue (2 x C).

Add 1 x C into the space (splitting the pair
added in the last step) and then weave
through 6 more beads to the next Star Point
ready to bead it (1 x C).

Repeat Steps 7-9 five more times so you Step 9 Step 10
bead each Star Point.
Star Flowers | SEED BEADS
Beading the back – Round 1. Step 11
Weave to exit any bead added in Step 3
(Round 4 – the one where you split the
pairs). Using Stitch-In-The-Ditch add 1 x
C into each space on top of the beads in
Round 4 (18 x C).

From now on exactly what you’ll bead for each round will
depend on where you wove to begin Step 11. The steps will
detail the principle so pay attention to ensure you add the
beads in the correct spots

Beading the back – Round 2.
Using Peyote Stitch, and beading into all the
beads added in the last step, add a round
with 1 x C in each space (18 x C).

Beading the back – Round 3.
Using Peyote Stitch, and beading into all the
beads added in the last step, add a round
with 1 x C in each space (18 x C). Step 15 Step 16

Insert your Rivoli so it faces out of the beads
added in Steps 1-3.

Beading the back – Round 4. BACK
Using Peyote Stitch you’ll add 1 x C into the
2 ‘side’ spaces and bead a Peyote Stitch
Decrease in the ‘corner’ space which sits
under the Star Point. Repeat this all the way
around the round (12 x C).

Beading the back – Round 5.
Using Peyote Stitch you’ll add 1 x C into
each space including where you decreased in
the last round (12 x C).
Step 17 Step 18
Beading the back – Round 6.
Using Peyote Stitch you’ll add 1 x C into
each space (12 x C).

Beading the back – Round 7. BACK
Using Peyote Stitch you’ll add 1 x C into
1 ‘side’ space and bead a Peyote Stitch
Decrease in the ‘corner’ space which sits
under the Star Point. Repeat this all the way
around the round (6 x C).

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 33

SEED BEADS | Star Flowers

STEP 19 Step 19 Step 20

Beading the back – Round 8.
Using Peyote Stitch add a round with 1 x C
in each space (6 x C).

Beading the back – Round 9.
Using Peyote Stitch add a round with 1 x C
in each space and then weave around the
last 6 to unite (6 x C).

Optional extra bead.
If there’s a space to fill at the back, then pick
up 1 x C and circle through the opposite C
bead from the last round, circle back the
new C, and then circle back through the C
Step 21 Step 22
you began this round exiting (1 x C).

Hanging Tab
The tab is made of a piece of Peyote Stitch
which is 3 beads wide and 12 rows long.
Begin it by weaving to exit a bead added in
Step 13 which sits just before a corner space.
Add 1 x C for the first Row and then 1 x
C twice for the second Row. Repeat this
pattern for 10 more rows and then zip to the
appropriate beads added in Step 19 or 20 to
secure and finish (18C).

See the Half Circle Teardrop Pendant
for more information on beading a
Hanging Tab

• Instead of beading individual Star Flowers you can join them
into a chain which looks great as a bracelet. To do this begin
a hanging tab (Step 22) and continue the Peyote Stitch to
make a strip which you zip to another Star Flower, as shown
in this diagram:

• Experiment with where you place different colours to completely change the look of your Star Flower

• As long as you bead the structural parts in cylinder beads (Steps 1-3 and 11-21) then the rest can be beaded in size 11 seed
beads for a more rounded, textured look

• You can also bead tabs on the sides of your Star Flowers and link them as I did in my Pearl Buds necklace

34 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Star Flowers | SEED BEADS

More Elaborate Star Flower

Repeat Steps 1-8 of Star Flowers and then bead the equivalent of Step 9
but, as you thread through your work, just thread through 3 x C. Then pick
up 6 x C and thread into the top C on the next Star Point (4 C beads away
along the edge of the beadwork) to begin the next point (7C).

Continue beading all your points and adding 6 x C between them all the
way around your work and then Step-Up to exit the first C bead in any of
the 6 bead loops.

Ladder Stitch on 1 x C so that it sits, attached to the 1st bead in the loop,
in the centre of the loop. Then, using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C, then add
1 x C between the 3rd and 4th beads in the loop and then using Peyote
Stitch add 1 more C. Lastly, Ladder Stitch the first bead added in this step
to the 6th bead in the loop so that the new bead sits fully in the centre of
what was a loop (4 x C).

Repeat Step 3 all around your Flower and then bead Steps 11-22 of Star
Flowers to finish your work.
Step 2
Step 1

Step 3
Crystal Cages | SEED BEADS

Crystal Cages
Quick to bead, and with lots of open spaces, these Bezels
let your Rivolis shine through
This project has 2 variations – Single Strands (which show more of your Rivoli) and Double Strands (which use
Herringbone Stitch and cover more of your Rivoli). You can mix & match them as desired

Materials STEP 5
Each Crystal Cage uses: The Back – Round 3.
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli *Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x C in the Step 4
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads first space and then add 2 x C in the next
space (which should line-up with where
I used you beaded a decrease in the last round)*.
• Rivoli: Rose Repeat from * to * five more times to finish
• Cylinder beads: DB1831 the round and finish by Stepping-Up to exit
• Clasp: Claspgarten 14551-01-06-00 in the first bead added (18 x C).
Techniques The Back – Round 4.
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11 Pick up 3 x C and thread into the next single
• Peyote Stitch bead added in the last round*. Repeat from
• Herringbone Stitch * to * five more times to finish the round
and finish by Stepping-Up to exit the second
SINGLE STRAND bead added (18 x C).
STEP 1 Step 5
Step 1
The Front – The First Unit.
Pick up 6C. Ignoring the last C (this becomes
a ‘Point Bead’) thread back through the 5th
and 4th and then circle through the 3rd (6
x C).

Step 2
Units 2-6.
Repeat Step 1 five more times and then
thread through the first 2C added in Step 1
to join into a circle and then weave to exit
any Point Bead (30 x C).

The Back – Round 1.
Pick up 5 x C and thread into the next Point
Step 6
bead. Repeat 5 more times and then thread
into the Point bead you began this step
exiting and the first C bead picked up in this
step (30 x C).
Step 3

The Back – Round 2.
Insert your Rivoli so that it faces out from BACK
the beads added in Steps 1-2. *Peyote Stitch
2 single C beads and then bead a Peyote
Stitch Decrease in the next space (which
should line up with a Point Bead)*. Repeat
from * to * five more times to finish the
round and finish by Stepping-Up to exit the
first bead added (12 x C).

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 37

SEED BEADS | Crystal Cages

Step 7 Step 8 Step 9



The Back – Round Five. The Back – Round Six. The Back – Round Seven.
*Pick up 1 x C and thread into the 2nd C Using Peyote Stitch add single C beads into Pick up 1 x C and circle through the opposite
bead in the next loop of 3C from the last each C from the last round (6 x C). C bead from the last round, circle back
round*. Repeat from * to * five more times through the new C, and then circle back
to finish the round and finish by Stepping-Up through the C you began this round exiting
to exit the first bead added (6 x C). (1 x C).

DOUBLE STRANDS last step. Finish the round exiting one of the
single beads just added (6 x C). Step 3
First Round.
Pick up 5C and circle through the 3rd STEP 5.
(5C). Repeat Steps 3-9 of the Single Strand
version to finish.
Repeat Step 1 five more times then circle
into the first 2C to join into a ring and
then the 3rd and 4th beads picked up to
Step 1
Step-Up finish the round (25 x C).

Second Round.
*Pick up 2 x C and thread down the C in Step 4
the next stack (the 5th bead from Step Step 2
1). Thread through 5 more Cs to exit the
equivalent bead as you started this round
exiting*. Repeat from * to * five more
times then finish by Stepping-Up to exit
the first bead added this round (12 x C).

Third Round - Point Beads.
Add 1 single C on top of the each pair
added in the last round and weave
through to the next unit as you did in the
Crystal Cages | SEED BEADS

If you want to join your pieces as you go then, as you bead Round Two of The Back,
add 1 x C into 2 of the 6 spaces where you’d usually bead a decrease. If joining pieces BACK
in a line (as in the bracelet shown) then you want to do this on 2 spaces opposite each
other (in this diagram the extra beads you’ll add in are purple)

Then, when you bead your next component,

and as you bead Round 2 of The Back, zip
into one of these extra beads to join 2 Rivoli
bezels together. Next, if you’re continuing
to make a line of bezels, add in an extra C
opposite where you’ve zipped ready to join
the next Rivoli onto BACK

You can also bead a Beaded Tab (see Page

20) from the edge of a piece using Odd-
Count Peyote Stitch which then zips to
another Crystal Cage to unite them or use
tabs to join bezels and Beaded Links as used
in the Pearl Buds necklace

You could also use pieces of Right-Angle

Weave to join different Cages together MAKING EARRINGS OR PENDANTS
These bezels can be hung from loops of S or C beads from any of the
Point Beads

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 39

Honeycomb | SEED BEADS

Subtle geometric shapes allow a Rivoli’s colour & sparkle
to shine out!
Using 2 sizes of seed beads to create bezels allows you to create a geometric shape with a softer look

Materials STEP 4 TOP TIP

Each single Rivoli uses: Beginning the Third Round There’s a lot of changing direction in
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Weave to exit a S11 added in Step 1 or 2.
this project!
• 1g size 15 Miyuki seed beads in Main *Using Ladder Stitch add 1 x S11 to this
Colour – your 15M beads bead. Thread through 6 x 15M to get to the
• 6 or 12 x Miyuki size 15 seed beads in next S11* and repeat from * to * five more
Highlight Colour – your 15H beads times to complete the round (6 x S11)
• 24 x size 11 Miyuki seed beads in
Highlight Colour – your S11 beads STEP 5 Step 1
Completing the Third Round
I used Step-up to exit any of the S11 beads added
• Rivolis: Padparadscha, Topaz, and in the last step. *Pick up 5 x 15M and thread
Sunflower into the next S11 added in the last step
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4202 (Highlight) pulling tight as you go*.
and #4202F (Main) Repeat from * to * 5 more times to add 6
• Clasp: Claspgarten 14551-01-01-00-203 units of 5 x 15M (30 x 15M).
in Topaz

• Ladder Stitch Step 2 Step 3

First round
Pick up 1 x S11 and 1 x 15H. Circle through
the S11 and then pick up 6 x 15M (1 x S11,
1 x 15H and 6 x 15M).

Repeat Step 1 five more times to have a total
of 6 units of beads and then circle through
the first S11 to join into a ring (5 x S11, 5 x
15H and 30 x 15M).

Second Round
Thread into a 15H (changing direction as you
Step 4 Step 5
do so) and then *pick up 5 x 15M. Thread
into the next 15H*.
Repeat from * to * 5 more times to add a
complete round of 6 groups of 5 x 15M (30
x 15M).

I like to do a lot of weaving around
my work to keep the beads tight and
straight but you may want to save this
until you have beaded the bezel and
know you can fit through the beads
multiple times – the choice is yours
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 41
SEED BEADS | Honeycomb

The Fourth Round
Insert your Rivoli so that the front faces
out through the beads added in Steps
1-3. Repeat the principle of Steps 4-5
to add a round of S11s Ladder-Stitched
onto the previous S11s and groups of 3 x
15M between each one (6 x S11 and 18
x 15M).

The Fifth Round
Repeat the principle of Step 6 to add a
round of S11s Ladder-Stitched onto the
previous S11s and groups of 1 x 15M
between each one (6 x S11 and 6 x 15M).

Step 6 Step 7
Finishing the Bezel.
Weave through all the 15M beads added
in the Fifth Round to secure and finish
your thread.


If you’d like to do extra beading, which covers the If you want to link your Honeycombs together then, after beading Step
front of your Rivoli more, then after Step 3, repeat the 4 or 5, you can Ladder-Stitch on a chain of 4 x S11s (or more beads if
principles of Steps 2-3 to Ladder-Stitch on 1 x 15H to you want larger loops) joined to two S11s which sit next to each other.
each 15H in the last round and then fill in between them This gives you a loop you can thread a jump ring through
with 3 x 15M

42 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Honeycomb | SEED BEADS

Making earrings &

These bezels can be hung
from loops of S15s or S11s
Extra Decoration from any of the S11s added
in Step 1
If you’d like to add
extra decoration to your
Honeycombs then you
can ‘loop’ 3 x S11s or 3
x 15H onto each of your
S11s from Steps 1-2

Joining Honeycombs
• If you’d like to join your Honeycombs directly to one another
you can either do it by sharing an S11 from a previous
Honeycomb as you bead Step 2 of your new Honeycomb...

• ...Or you can share some of the 15M beads from a previous
Honeycomb as you bead Step 2

• You can also use RAW as shown on Page 21


Discover the fun of adding a

touch of luxury to your Rivoli
RAW Pearls Bezel | PEARLS

RAW Pearls Bezel

Combine Rivolis, Pearls and Right-Angle Weave for a
wide variety of dazzling projects
Right-Angle Weave (RAW) with pearls is a beautiful way to make
sophisticated and adorned bezels for your Rivolis

Step 1
The Basics STEP 1
These bezels use a variation of RAW with Base Circle – first unit.
small seed beads and Pearls to hold each Pick up 1 x S15, 1P, 1 x S15 and 3 x P. Circle
Rivoli in a simple yet elegant way through the first 4 beads to join into a ring
and to be ready to continue. Your first unit
Materials has P beads for 3 of its sides and 1 x S15, 1P
Each single RAW Pearl uses: and 1 x S15 for its topmost side which will
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli sit on the outer edge of the Base Circle (2 x
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your S15, 4 x P).
S15 beads
• 24 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810 STEP 2 Step 2
- your P beads Continuing the RAW.
Using RAW continue adding units with just
I used P beads on 3 sides and 1 x S15, 1P and 1 x
For my Original Version and Variation Two I S15 on their outer edge matching the first
used: unit. Stop when you have 7 units completed
• Rivolis: Padparadscha (12 x S15 and 18 x P).
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204
• Pearls: Swarovski Crystal Coral STEP 3
Finishing the Base Circle.
Techniques Using RAW add 1 final unit which matches
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11 the others to join your work into a circle with
• Right-Angle Weave (RAW) the sides containing S15s on the outer edge
• Peyote Stitch (2 x S15, 2 x P).
• Netting Step 3

THE STEPS... Weave to exit any P bead on the inner edge
Original Version of your Base Circle. *Pick up 1 x S15 and
The Original version uses small seed beads thread into the next P on the inner edge.
and Pearls to bezel Rivolis leaving as much of Repeat from * to * seven more times to
the sparkling front uncovered as possible. add a total of 8 x S15 beads and weave all
around the thread-path to secure and pull
tight (8 x S15).

Step 4
For some of the projects you may need a stronger thread than usual as it will be
pulled across the sharp edges of the Pearls multiple times so something like Fireline
may be best. However, for projects where the work is pulled together tightly (e.g.
when 2 Pearls are shared between bezels such as in the Rachel Pendant), you
may need a flexible thread

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 47

PEARLS | RAW Pearls Bezel

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7


Step 8 Step 9 Steps 10


Step 11

From Step 6 the diagrams show the
back of your work being beaded
and for clarity won’t show all of the
beads in your bezel – just the S15s
and Pearls in the outer edge


The Back - Round 1. Round 3. Round 5.
Weave to exit any S15 on the outer edge Insert your Rivoli so it faces out of the Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 and thread
AFTER a P bead. *Pick up 1 x S15 and thread beadwork added in Steps 1- 4. *Pick up 3 x into the 1st bead in the next loop added in
through the next S15, P and S15 on the S15 and thread into the 3rd bead in the next the last round. Repeat seven more times and
outer edge of the next unit*. Repeat from * loop added in the last round*. Repeat from at the end of the round Step-Up to exit the
to * seven more times. Step-Up at the end of * to * seven more times and Step-Up to exit first bead added (8 x S15).
the round to exit the first S15 added in this the 2nd bead added in the 1st loop in this
step (8 x S15). step (24 x S15). STEP 10
Round 6.
STEP 6 STEP 8 Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 and then,
Round 2. Round 4. using a Peyote Stitch Decrease, decrease
*Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next Add a round with loops of 2 x S15s the next space. Repeat this pattern 3 more
S15 bead added in the last step*. Repeat threading into the 2nd S15 in each loop times and finish the round by Stepping-Up to
from * to * seven more times and Step-Up from the last round. At the end of the round exit the first bead added (4 x S15).
at the end to exit the 3rd bead added in this Step-Up to exit the 1st bead added in the 1st
step (40 x S15). loop (16 x S15). STEP 11
Round 7.
Add 1 x S15 bead between each bead added
in the last round and then weave through all
4 new beads to secure (4 x S15).
48 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power
RAW Pearls Bezel | PEARLS


This variation adds Star Points around each pearl in the outer edge for extra visual
texture. These Star Points are created by first adding loops of beads and then weaving
through those loops but ignoring the central bead to form the ‘points’

Step 2

I used
• Rivolis: Padparadscha
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204
• Pearls: Crystal Turquoise Step 3

Bead Steps 1-11 of the RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version.

You’ll now add extra S15 beads along the outside edge. These will sit in the same
position as those added in the 1st round of the back of the bezel you beaded.
Weave to exit any S15 on the outer edge AFTER a P bead. *Pick up 1 x S15 and thread
through the next S15, P and S15 on the edge of the next unit*.
Repeat from * to * seven more times. Step-Up at the end of the round to exit the first
S15 added (8 x S15).
Step 4
You’re now going to add loops of beads. Pick up 9 x S15 and thread into the next S15
added in the last round. Repeat seven more times to add 8 loops of beads. Step-Up at
the end of the round to exit the 4th bead added in the 1st loop (72 x S15).

You’ll now weave through again to make the central beads ‘pop’ out.
*Missing the 5th bead in the loop thread through the next 4 x S15s in the loop, the
next S15 added in Step 2 and the first 4 x S15 beads added in the next loop*. Repeat
from * to * pulling tight to make all the 5th beads in the loops ‘pop out’ to form


This variation adds ‘Spikes’ between each pearl in the outer circle for extra interest

Bead Steps 1-11 of the RAW Pearls Bezel
- Original Version.

Weave to exit any S15 on the outer edge
AFTER a P bead facing towards the next
P. *Pick up 3 x S15 and, missing the last
1, thread back down 1. Pick up 1 x S15
and thread through the next S15, P and
S15 on the edge of the next unit*. Repeat
from * to * seven more times to complete
the round (32 x S15).
PEARLS | RAW Pearls - Larger Bezel

Making a larger RAW Pearl Bezel

If you want to bezel a 27mm #1201 Swarovski crystal (or
similar) then you need to adapt the basic bezel by adding
more units
The principle of what you’re beading is exactly the same, but there will be 16 units around the crystal rather than
the 8 which you have in the 14mm Rivoli bezels and there are more rounds of beadwork to cover the back (optional
– you can stop as soon as your crystal is secure)
Step 2
Materials STEP 3
• 1 x 27mm Swarovski Crown Stone Finishing the Base Circle.
#1201 or similar Using RAW add 1 final unit which matches
• 3g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your the others to join your work into a circle
S15 beads with the sides containing S15s on the outer
• 48 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810 edge (2 x S15, 2 x P).
- your P beads
Techniques Weave to exit any P bead on the inner edge
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11 of your circle.
• Right-Angle Weave (RAW) *Pick up 1 x S15 and thread into the next
• Peyote Stitch P*. Repeat from * to * to add a total of 16 x
• Netting S15 beads and weave all around the thread-
path to secure and pull tight (16 x S15).
The Base Circle - first unit.
Pick up 1 x S15, 1P, 1 x S15 and 3 x P. Circle Step 1 Step 3
through the first 4 beads to join into a ring.
Your first unit has P beads for 3 of its sides
and 1 x S15, 1P and 1 x S15 for its topmost
side which will sit on the outer edge of the
Base Circle (2 x S15, 4 x P).

Continuing the RAW.
Using RAW continue adding units with just
P beads on 3 sides and 1 x S15, 1P and 1
x S15 on their outer edge matching the
first unit. Stop when you have 15 units
completed (28 x S15 and 42 x P).

Step 4

50 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

RAW Pearls - Larger Bezel | PEARLS
STEP 5 Step 5

The Back - Round 1. TOP TIP

Weave to exit any S15 on the outer edge These instructions for covering the back
AFTER a P bead. *Pick up 1 x S15 and thread describe what I did but you may need to
through the next S15, P and S15 on the vary it depending on the size of the S15
edge of the next unit*. Repeat from * to * beads you use
fifteen more times. Step-Up at the end of
the round to exit the first S15 added in this
step (16 x S15). Step 6

Round 2.
*Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next
S15 bead added in the last step*. Repeat
from * to * fifteen more times and Step-Up
at the end to exit the 3rd bead added in this BACK
step (80 x S15). Step 7

Round 3.
Insert your crystal so it faces out of the
beadwork added in Steps 1-4. *Pick up 5 x
S15 and thread into the 3rd bead in the next
loop added in the last round*. Repeat from BACK
* to * fifteen more times and Step-Up to exit
the 3rd bead added in the 1st loop in this
step (80 x S15). Step 8

Round 4.
Add a round with loops of 3 x S15s
threading into the 3rd S15 in each loop from
the last round. At the end of the round Step-
Up to exit the 2nd bead added in the 1st Step 9
loop (48 x S15).

Round 5.
Add a round with loops of 3 x S15s
threading into the 2nd S15 in each loop
from the last round. At the end of the round BACK

Step-Up to exit the 1st bead added in the 1st

loop (48 x S15).

STEP 10 Step 10
Round 6.
Add a round with loops of 2 x S15s
threading into the 2nd S15 in each loop
from the last round. At the end of the round
Step-Up to exit the 1st bead added in the 1st
Step 11
loop (32 x S15).
Round 7.
Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 between
the 2 x S15s where you are (splitting the pair
of beads) and then, using a Peyote Stitch
Decrease, decrease the next space. Repeat
this pattern 15 more times and finish the
round by Stepping-Up to exit the first bead
added (16 x S15).

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 51

PEARLS | RAW Pearls - Larger Bezel

Step 12 Step 13
Round 8.
Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 between
each bead added in the last round. At the
end of the round Step-Up to exit the first
bead added (16 x S15).

Round 9. BACK BACK
Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 and
then, using a Peyote Stitch Decrease,
decrease the next space. Repeat this pattern
seven more times and finish the round by
Stepping-Up to exit the first bead added (8
x S15).

STEP 14 Step 14 Step 15

Round 10.
Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 and then,
using a Peyote Stitch Decrease, decrease
the next space. Repeat this pattern 3 more
times and finish the round by Stepping-Up to
exit the first bead added (4 x S15).

Round 11.
Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 between
each bead added in the last round and then
weave all around the 4 beads to tie them
together (4 x S15).
RAW Pearls - Subsequent Bezels | PEARLS

Subsequent RAW Pearl Bezels

The next step after making RAW Pearl Bezels is growing
other ones directly from them...

Growing 1 RAW Pearls Bezel directly from another instantly opens up a world of new projects & adventures

There are numerous ways you can begin a new RAW Pearls Bezel. The first is beading a new single RAW Pearls Bezel (any of the
variations) but that only gives you individually made bezelled Rivolis. As soon as you want to make pieces with multiple bezelled Rivolis
you need to ‘grow them’ from previous ones in either of 2 ways:


This is the most commonly used method in all the projects. It has subsequent bezels growing from a Pearl on the outer edge of
another bezel. The 2 bezels will share 1 or 2 P beads between them depending on what you’re beading


This method is used when you need to bead the back of the bezel first as you won’t be able to get to it afterwards (i.e. when
making a 3D shape).
Subsequent bezels will share 1 or 2 Pearls with previous ones depending on what you’re making
The end results are almost the same (the only difference is the back of the ‘Grown from Seeds’ versions is not fully covered) and they
can each share 1 or 2 Pearls between bezels

If your bezels share just 1 Pearl then
the connection will be looser and
more flexible. If they share 2 Pearls the
connection will be tighter and the work
will ‘cup’ more. When making a piece
that shares 2 Pearls you may want to
use a more flexible thread that has some
stretch and give in it

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 53

PEARLS | RAW Pearls - Subsequent Bezels - Grown From Pearls

Grown From Pearls

These bezels are begun directly from Pearls on your previous bezel and are beaded using exactly the same principle, they just use 1
or 2 fewer Pearls in each bezel

Steps 1-2
Using your variation of choice bead a RAW
Pearls bezel with a Rivoli in it. Weave to exit
any Pearl on the outer edge of your bezel.

Beading the 1st unit of the 2nd bezel.
Pick up 1 x S15, 3P and 1 x S15. Circle
through the P you were exiting to make the
unit and then the 1st S15 and P you picked
up to be ready to continue (2 x S15, 3P).

Continue beading your bezel as usual but Step 3
treating the ‘shared’ Pearl as belonging to
this new bezel (14 x S15, 20P).

Step 1
If your project has 2 Pearls shared between
bezels then, when beading both the 1st and
2nd unit of the second bezel, you’ll pick up 1
less Pearl and instead thread through Pearls
in the previous bezel making them shared
between the bezels. When you bead this it
will pull your work, and your beadwork will
no longer lay completely flat as you continue
the next bezel.

54 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

RAW Pearls - Subsequent Bezels - Grown From Seeds | PEARLS
Step 1 Step 2
Grown From Seeds
These bezels are begun with Seed Beads and
you start by beading the back of the bezel
working towards the front. This method is
used when what you’re making means you
won’t be able to access the back of the bezel
to decrease i.e. in RAW Pearls Scarf Ring or
Josephine Pendant

Base Strand.
Pick up 24 x S15 beads and circle through
the 1st one to join into a circle (24 x S15).
Step 3 Step 4
Netting with 3 beads.
Pick up 3 x S15 and, missing 2 x S15 beads
on your Base Strand, thread into the next.
Repeat this pattern all around your Base
Strand and finish by Stepping-Up to exit the
2nd bead added in this round (24 x S15).

Netting with 5 beads.
Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the 2nd S15
on the next loop of 3 x S15 beads picked up
in the last step. Repeat this pattern all the
way around and finish by Stepping-Up to
exit the 3rd bead added in this round (40 x
Step 5

Edge of RAW Units.
Pick up 1 x S15, 1 P and 1 x S15. Thread into
the 3rd S15 of the 5-bead loop added in
the last step. Repeat this pattern all the way
around and Step-Up to exit the first group of
3 beads added in this round (16 x S15, 8P).

Finishing the bezel.
Add your Rivoli so that the back sits on the
beads added in Steps 1-3. Then, working
into the groups of 3 beads added in the last
step, turn them into the outer edges of 8
RAW units. Then add in the 8 x S15 beads
which sit between RAW units at the inner
edge of the bezel (8 x S15, 16 x P). Step 1 - Subsequent Bezels

When making subsequent bezels, at Step 4
you’ll need to pick up 1 (or 2) fewer Pearls
and instead use a Pearl in the previous bezel.
Annetta Pendant | PEARLS

Annetta Pendant
This pendant is formed of 3 bezelled Rivolis joined together with a large drop pendant hanging from them. It can be
worn as either a brooch or a pendant depending on your choice on the day

Materials THE STEPS... STEP 4

• 3 x 14mm Rivolis STEP 1 Adding the drop.
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your The 1st Bezel. You can add this in a few different ways but
S15 beads Bead a Rivoli using Steps 1-11 of The Raw here is what I did:
• 68 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810 Pearls Bezel - Original Version. To finish • Weave to exit the first ‘unshared’ pearl
- your P beads weave to exit any P on the outer edge of the on the outer edge of either of your
• 1 x 32mm Swarovski Ellipse Drop bezel. edge bezels on the pendant. Make sure
Pendant #6470 or similar you’re facing away from the group of
STEP 2 bezels.
I used The 2nd Bezel. • Pick up 8 x S15s and the Drop Pendant
• Rivolis: Olivine Using the Grown From Pearls method add (4 x S15s will sit inside the hole in the
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204 a 2nd bezel to the 1st making sure it shares Drop Pendant) and thread into the
• Pearls: Crystal Vintage Gold 2 Pearls in the original bezel. This 2nd one equivalent Pearl on the other edge
• Pendant Drop: Olivine can be added to any of the pairs of Pearls bezel again facing towards the group of
next to each other in the 1st bezel. bezels.
Techniques • Weave through your work to exit the
• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page STEP 3 next Pearl on the other edge of this
46 The 3rd Bezel. bezel facing towards the Drop Pendant.
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54 Decide what will be the Inner & outer edges • Pick up 3 x S15 and thread through the
• Right-Angle Weave of your pendant and add 1 more bezel using central 4 x S15s added in the first loop.
• Peyote Stitch the Grown From Pearls method (sharing 2 • Pick up 3 x S15s and thread up through
Pearls) making sure that this one is spaced so the next Pearl on the original bezel
that there are 4 free Pearls on the outer edge facing away from the body of the
of your 2nd bezel and NO free Pearls on the Pendant.
inner edge.

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 57

PEARLS | Annetta Pendant

Hanging Loop.
Weave to exit any S15 bead sitting near the centre of your central
Pick up 23 x S15 (you can use more or less if you know what size
your stringing materials will be – the diagram shows fewer than
this) and thread into any S15 bead at the back of the same bezel
towards the bottom/ inner edge. Weave back and forth through
this thread-path to secure (23 x S15).

Step 5

• Instead of using a large drop you could add multiple swags
of S15s and Pearls or bicone crystals

• You could also add the Outer Edge Embellishment from

Step 5 of the Jo Ellen Pendant to your 3 bezels. You may
need to experiment with what beads you use to bridge
between the bezels

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations to add
extra decoration to the edges but you may need to adjust
the embellishment where the bezels meet each other

58 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

PEARLS | Rachel Pendant

Rachel Pendant
The Basics
This pendant is formed of 4 bezelled Rivolis with each one joined to 2 others and sharing 2
Step 1
Pearls with each of those. The addition of 2 hanging loops means that the pendant can be
worn in 2 different ways; as a square or as a diamond.

• 4 x 14mm Rivolis
After Step 3 your group of bezels now
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your
S15 beads won’t lie flat – this is to be expected
• 88 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810
- your P beads

I used
• Rivolis: Padparadscha
Step 2
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203
• Pearls: Crystal Coral

• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

Step 3
The 1st Bezel.
Bead a Rivoli using Steps 1-11 of The RAW
Pearls Bezel - Original Version. To finish
weave to exit any P on the outer edge of the

The 2nd Bezel.
Using the Grown From Pearls method add
a 2nd bezel to the first one making sure it
shares 2 Pearls in the original bezel. This
2nd one can be added to any of the pairs of
Pearls next to each other in the 1st bezel.

The 3rd Bezel.
Decide what will be the inner & outer edges
of your pendant and add 1 more bezel using Step 4
the Grown From Pearls method (sharing
2 Pearls) making sure that each one is now
spaced so that there are 4 free Pearls on the
outer edge of your pendant and NO free
Pearls on the inner edge.

The 4th Bezel.
Add a final bezel making sure to join it to
both your 3rd and 1st bezels so that there
are still 4 free Pearls on the outer edge of
your circle and NO free Pearls on the inner

60 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Rachel Pendant | PEARLS
Hanging Loops.
You can add 1 or 2 hanging loops to the
back of your work. Having 2 allows the
pendant to be hung in 2 different ways
(as a diamond or as a square).
Weave to exit any S15 bead sitting near
the centre of any of your bezels at the
Pick up 23 x S15 (you can use more or
less if you know what size your stringing
materials will be – the diagram shows
fewer than this) and thread into any
S15 bead at the back of the same bezel
towards the bottom/ inner edge. Weave
back and forth through this
thread-path to secure (23 x S15 per loop).

• You can hang a large drop using S15
beads either from one single Rivoli or
bridged between 2 Rivolis. Experiment
with different numbers of S15s to
attach it and different attaching points
to get the look you want

• You could also add the Outer Edge

Embellishment from Step 5 of the Jo
Ellen Pendant to your 4 bezels. You
may need to experiment with what
beads you use to bridge between the

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations but you may need to adjust the embellishment where the bezels meet

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 61

Sally Bracelet | PEARLS

Sally Bracelet
This bracelet is formed of multiple bezelled Rivolis with each one growing directly from the previous one in a line
before a clasp is added
Materials The Second Bezel.
For a 21cm / 8 ¼ inch bracelet Weave to exit any P in the outer edge and Step 1

• 11 x 14mm Rivolis using the Grown From Pearls method add

• 6g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your a 2nd bezel to the 1st making sure it shares
S15 beads just 1 Pearl. This 2nd one can be added to
• 254 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls any of the Pearls in the 1st bezel.
#5810 - your P beads
• Clasp of choice - I used a 12mm STEP 3
magnetic clasp to match my Pearls Subsequent Bezels.
Continue adding bezels using the Grown
I used From Pearls method making sure that
• Rivolis: Crystal Rose Gold each one now begins from the Pearl directly
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4221 opposite the one shared with a previous
• Pearls: Crystal Turquoise bezel and only shares 1 Pearl. Do this until
the bracelet is almost as long as needed,
Techniques allowing for the clasp.
• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page
46 Step 2
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

The first Bezel.
Leaving a thread tail, which you’ll use to
later attach your clasp, bezel a Rivoli using
Steps 1-11 of The RAW Pearls Bezel -
Original Version.

Step 3

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 63

PEARLS | Sally Bracelet

Attaching the clasp.
You can adjust how you attach your clasp
depending on what you’re using, but the
method I used was:
At one end of your bezel weave to exit a
Pearl on the outer edge either side of the
Pearl opposite the last one shared with the
previous bezel. Make sure you’re pointing
towards the Pearl opposite the shared one.
Pick up 11 x S15 beads (or as many as
needed, the diagram shows more) and
thread through a loop on your clasp.
Step 4
Thread into the Pearl 2 on the outer edge 2
along from where you were.
Weave through this thread-path multiple
times to secure and then repeat on the other
end of the bracelet.

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations but you may need to adjust the embellishment where the bezels meet

• You could also add the Outer Edge Embellishment from Step 5 of the Jo Ellen Pendant to your bezels. You can either leave off the
adding beads bridging between the bezels or experiment with what you use to keep the bracelet flexible

• Also look at the RAW Pearls Scarf Ring for other variation ideas

64 | Rivoli beadwork by Jean Power

PEARLS | RAW Pearls - Scarf Ring

RAW Pearls Scarf Ring

This scarf ring is the perfect way to dress up a plain scarf or outfit and add a bit of sparkle at the same time!

As the components in this scarf ring use the

Materials Grown from Seeds method of RAW Pearls,the
• 4 x 14mm Rivolis entire back of the Rivolis won’t be covered
• 3g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your
S15 beads
Step 1
• 92 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810
- your P beads

I used
• Rivolis: Fuschia, Blush Rose, Crystal Rose
Gold & Amethyst
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4221
• Pearls: Crystal Iridescent Dark Blue

• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page
46 Step 2
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54
• Grown From Seeds, Page 55
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

The First Bezel.
Bezel a Rivoli using Steps 1-11 of The RAW
Pearls Bezel - Original Version.
Step 3
The Second Bezel.
Weave to exit any P in the outer edge and
using the Grown From Pearls OR the
Grown from Seeds method add a 2nd
bezel to the 1st making sure it shares just 1
Pearl. This 2nd one can be added to any of
the Pearls in the 1st bezel.

The Third Bezel.
Step 4
Add 1 more bezel using the Grown From
Pearls OR the Grown from Seeds method
making sure that it begins from the Pearl
directly opposite the one shared with the
previous bezel and only shares 1 pearl.

The Fourth Bezel.
Add in a new Bezel using the Grown from
Seeds method and make sure it is joined to
both the 1st and 3rd bezels and sits evenly
between them.

You have to use the Grown from Seeds method to add in
the last Rivoli bezel but you can choose to use this one, or
the Grown from Pearls method, for the others
66 | Rivoli beadwork by Jean Power
RAW Pearls - Scarf Ring | PEARLS

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations, but you may need to adjust the embellishment where the bezels meet
each other or add more space between the bezels

• You can add 1 or 2 more Rivolis for a larger Scarf Ring or even more than that to turn it into a bangle

• You can add the Outer Edge Embellishment from Step 5 of the Jo Ellen Pendant to your bezels. You may need to experiment
with what you use to bridge between the bezels

• Why not experiment with adding drops or swags of beads to the bottom edge of your Scarf Ring for extra pizzazz? You can do
this instead of the Outer Edge Embellishment suggested above or in combination with it
Jo Ellen Pendant | PEARLS

Jo Ellen Pendant
This pendant is formed of multiple bezelled Rivolis with each one growing directly from a previous one in a circle
before extra embellishment is added
Step 1

• 8 x 14mm Rivolis
• 5g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your
S15 beads
• 216 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls
#5810 - your P beads

I used
• Rivolis: Crystal Paradise Shine
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4202
• Pearls: Crystal Iridescent Purple
Step 2
• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

The first Bezel.
Bezel a Rivoli using Steps 1-11 of the Raw
Pearls Bezel - Original version.
Step 4
The second Bezel.
Weave to exit any P in the outer edge and,
using the Grown From Pearls method,
add a 2nd bezel to the 1st making sure this
shares only 1 Pearl. This 2nd one can be
added to any of the Pearls in the 1st bezel.

Bezels 3-7.
Decide what will be the inner & outer edges
of your circle and continue adding bezels
using the Grown From Pearls method
making sure that each one is now spaced so
that there are 4 free Pearls on the outer edge
of your circle and 2 free Pearls on the inner
edge and that each one only shares 1 Pearl
with the previous bezel. Do this until there
are 7 bezels joined.

The 8th Bezel.
Add a final bezel making sure to join it to
both your 7th and 1st bezels so that there
are still 4 free Pearls on the outer edge of
your circle and 2 free Pearls on the inner

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 69

PEARLS | Jo Ellen Pendant

The optional Outer Edge Embellishment.
Weave to exit any ‘unshared’ Pearl on the
outer edge of any bezel. You will now add
a pattern of 3 groups of 1 x S15, 1P and 1
x S15 between 4 of the Pearls on the outer
edge and then move to the next Pearl on
the next bezel using 2 x S15. Bead this all
around the outer edge of the circle (64 x
S15, 24P)

The optional Inner Edge Embellishment.

Weave to exit either of the ‘unshared’
Pearls on the inner edge of any bezel facing
towards the other appropriate Pearl. Pick
up 1 x S15, 1P and 1 x S15 and thread into
the next Pearl on the same bezel. Pick up 2
x S15s and thread into the appropriate Pearl
on the next bezel. Repeat this pattern of
embellishment all around the inner edge (32
x S15, 8P).

Hanging Loop.
Weave to exit any S15 bead sitting near the
centre of any of your bezels at the back.
Pick up 23 x S15 (you can use more or less if
you know what size your stringing materials
will be) and thread into any S15 bead at the
back of the same bezel towards the bottom/
Step 5 inner edge. Weave back and forth through
this thread-path to secure (23 x S15).

70 | Rivoli beadwork by Jean Power

Jo Ellen Pendant | PEARLS

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations but
you may need to adjust the embellishment where the
bezels meet each other

• I have added extra embellishment on the Inner & Outer

Edges of the bezels, but this is optional and can be left off

• If you leave off the Outer

Embellishment (even just on one
bezel) you can add a drop bead or
pendant to the outer edge on the
lowest bezel, or even inside the
pendant for a different look

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 71

Josephine Pendant | PEARLS

Josephine Pendant
This 3D Ball Pendant is made up of 6 bezelled Rivolis, each one connected to 4 others. It can be strung on a fine
chain or cord through the spaces where 3 Rivolis intersect

• 6 x 14mm Rivolis
• 4g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your
S15 beads
• 132 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls
#5810 - your P beads

I used
• Rivolis: Aquamarine
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4221
• Pearls: Crystal Iridescent Dark Blue

• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54
• Grown From Seeds, Page 55
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

Bezels 1-4.
Bead Steps 1-4 of RAW Pearls Scarf Ring
to join your first 4 Rivolis into a circle.

Bezel 5.
Using the Grown from Seeds method add
a 5th Rivoli bezel on one edge of your circle
making sure It shares 1 Pearl with each of
the 4 bezels already there.

Bezel 6.
Using the Grown from Seeds method add
a 6th Rivoli bezel on the other edge of your
circle making sure It shares 1 Pearl with each
of the 4 bezels already there.

If you know what you’re going to string
the Ball Pendant on you can add it in
before you add your last bezels which is
easier to do than threading it through
the gaps later

You have to use the Grown from
Seeds method to add in at least 3 of
the Rivolis, but you can choose to use
this one, or the Grown from Pearls
method, for the others
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 73
Daphne Pendant | PEARLS

Daphne Pendant
This pendant is formed of a large crystal, extra embellishment, and a crystal drop added for extra sparkle

Materials Step 1
• 1 x 27mm Swarovski Crown Stone
• 4g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
• 48 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810
- your P beads
• 1 x 32mm Swarovski Ellipse Drop
Pendant #6470 or similar

Step 2
I used
• Crown Stone: Golden Chestnut
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203
• Pearls: Dark Lapis
• Drop Pendant: Red Magma

• RAW Pearls - Larger Bezel, Page 50
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

The Bezel.
Using the Raw Pearls Larger Bezel
principle bezel your 27mm Crystal and cover
the back. Finish by exiting any S15 on the Step 3
inner edge at the front of your bezel.

This is made by adding S15 loops (where
the first and last bead of each loop is shared
with another loop) and then weaving Step 4
through the loops again, missing out the
central bead, which makes it ‘pop’ out.

Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next S15
along in the Bezel.
*Thread back through the last S15, pick up
4 x S15 and thread into the next S15 in the
bezel*. Repeat from * to * all around the
inner edge finishing by picking up just 3 x
S15s and thread into the first one picked
up in this step. Step-Up to exit the 2nd S15
picked up (64 x S15).

Missing the central S15 in each loop from
Step 2 weave through the others.

Adding the Drop.
There are different ways you can attach the
Drop but the method I used was:
Exiting any P on the outer edge of the bezel,
pick up 14 x S15 and the Drop Pendant,
thread into the next P on the outer edge.
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 75
PEARLS | Daphne Pendant

Hanging Loop.
Weave to exit any S15 bead sitting near the centre of your bezel at the
back. Pick up 23 x S15 (you can use more or less if you know what size your
stringing materials will be) and thread into any S15 bead at the back of
the bezel towards the top/ outer edge. Weave back and forth through this
thread-path to secure (23 x S15).

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations to add a different look

• Instead of a Drop Pendant you could add swags of • You could also add the Outer Edge Embellishment from
S15s and Pearls to the bottom of your piece Step 5 of the Jo Ellen Pendant to your bezel. You may
need to experiment with the exact beads you pick up as
you do this

76 | Rivoli beadwork by Jean Power

PEARLS | Marlene Pendant

Marlene Pendant
This brooch/ pendant is formed of a large focal crystal surrounded by 8 Rivolis all bezelled using the RAW Pearls
technique to create a striking piece of beadwork

Step 1
• 8 x 14mm Rivolis
• 1 x 27mm Swarovski Crown Stone
• 8g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your
S15 beads
• 216 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls
#5810 - your P beads

I used
• Rivolis: Rose
• Crown Stone: Rose
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203
• Pearls: Crystal Cream Rose Step 2

• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page
• RAW Pearls - Making a Larger Bezel,
Page 50
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54
• Right-Angle Weave
• Peyote Stitch

The Central Bezel.
Using Steps 1-15 of Making a Larger RAW
Pearl Bezel make a bezel around your
Crown Stone.

The Rivolis
Using Grown from Pearls bead 8 x 14mm
Rivoli bezels around the central bezel, each Step 3
one sharing 2 Pearls with the central bezel
and 1 Pearl with each Rivoli bezel on each
side of it.

Hanging Loop.
Weave to exit any S15 sitting near the centre
of any of your 14mm Rivoli bezels at the
back. Pick up 23 x S15 (you can use more
or less if you know what size your stringing
materials will be) and thread into any S15
bead at the back of the same bezel towards
the bottom/ inner edge. Weave back and
forth through this thread-path to secure (23
x S15).

78 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Marlene Pendant | PEARLS

• You can use any of the RAW Pearls Bezel variations but may need to adjust the embellishment where bezels meet

• You don’t need to add Rivoli bezels all the way around your central bezel.
Instead you can just add 4 alternately spaced ones, or 3 or 5 just at the top to
change the shape (with or without a Pendant Drop for extra pizzazz)

• You could also add the Outer Edge Embellishment from Step 5 of the Jo Ellen
Pendant to your Rivoli bezels. You may need to experiment with the exact
beads you pick up as you do this
Laura Necklace | PEARLS

Laura Necklace
Combine a large bezelled crystal with 2 Rivolis and oodles of Pearls for a classic and timeless necklace

Materials STEP 3 so you are exiting the Pearl facing away from
• 2 x 14mm Rivolis Beading the Toggle. the other Rivoli bezel. Pick up 3 x S15, 1P, 2
• 1 x 27mm Swarovski Crown Stone Using S15s bead a piece of Odd-Count x S15, 1P, 3 x S15, 1P, 3 x S15, 1P, 1 x S15,
#1201 Peyote Stitch 15 beads wide and 10 rows 1P and 3 x S15s. Circle through the Pearl you
• 9g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s tall. Bring the edges together to zip the work were exiting.
• Approximately 286 x 3mm Swarovski into a tube. Weave to exit one end of the
Round Pearls #5810 - your P beads tube and pick up 1 x P and 1 x S15. Missing STEP 5
the S15, thread back through the P and Weave all around the beads picked up in the
I used thread to exit the other end of the tube. last step BUT, whenever you get to a group
• Rivolis & Crown Stone: Crystal Pick up 1 x P and 1 x S15. Missing the S15, of 3 x S15, ignore the central one and only
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4201 thread back through the P and weave back thread through the other 2. Pull tight and
• Pearls: Crystal Cream Rose and forth through the same thread-path to this will make the central S15 pop out. Finish
secure. Weave away the thread. by weaving to exit the Pearl opposite the
Techniques one shared with the central bezel ready to
• RAW Pearls Bezel - Original Version, Page ADDING THE BEADED CHAIN... continue.
46 The chain used for the rest of the necklace
• RAW Pearls - Making a Larger Bezel, is made up of units of RAW using S15s and STEP 6
Page 50 Pearls. You’ll weave around each unit a Add 1 more unit of RAW but this time pick
• Grown From Pearls, Page 54 couple of times to make the central S15 in up: 3 x S15, 1P, 1 x S15, 1P, 3 x S15, 1P, 3 x
• Right-Angle Weave each corner pop out. You’ll also pick up 1 S15, 1P, 2 x S15, 1P and 3 x S15. Continue
• Peyote Stitch extra S15 in each unit on the outer edge to adding RAW units, alternating the 2 different
give your chain a gentle curve. groups of beads that you’ve picked up so far
THE STEPS... and making sure that the single S15 always
STEP 1 STEP 4 sits on the inner edge of the chain. After
The Central Bezel. On either of your 14mm Rivoli bezels weave you add each circle weave through again to
Using Steps 1-15 of Beading a Larger RAW to exit the Pearl on the outer edge which make the corner S15s pop out. Stop when
Pearl Bezel make a bezel around your large is directly opposite the one shared with the this side of the chain is as long as desired.
crystal. large crystal bezel. Make sure you do this

Using Grown from Pearls bead 2 x 14mm
Rivoli bezels each one sharing 1 single Pearl
Step 4
with the central bezel and leaving 3 outer
edge Pearls on the central bezel empty
between them.

Step 6

Step 2

Step 5

Step 3

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 81

PEARLS | Laura Necklace

Repeat Steps 4-6 for the other half of your Step 7
chain beginning on your other 14mm Rivoli
bezel. Make sure to add the single S15 on
the inner edge of the chain. When this side
is as long as desired, instead of picking up
the central Pearl on your last RAW unit,
thread into your toggle to secure it to your
chain to finish the fastening.

• Why not add an extra Rivoli bezel to the bottom of • To add extra Pearls, why not add use the principle of the
your large crystal bezel? Outer Edge Embellishment from Step 5 of the Jo Ellen
Pendant to your bezels. You may need to experiment
with the exact beads you use as you do this

• You could add a Drop or swag of S15s and Pearls to the bottom of your central bezel
PEARLS | Herringbone Pearls

Herringbone Pearls
Herringbone Stitch & Pearls
unite in these quick Rivoli bezels
Each Herringbone Pearl uses:
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
• 1g size 11 cylinder beads - C beads
• 8 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls #5810 -
your P beads
I used Third Round. Fourth Round.
• Rivolis: Swarovski; Light Turquoise, Siam You now need to weave around just Pick up 1C and thread through the next C,
& Light Rose. Matubo; Sky Blue Pearl, threading through the top 3 C beads in each Pearl and C from Step 1 or 3. Repeat seven
Coral & Pink Opal unit and moving from unit to unit with no more times to complete this round. finishing
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4202 beads. This is done to hold your Rivoli in by exiting the first C added (8 x C).
• Cylinder beads: DB1153 securely. At the end, finish by weaving to
• Pearls: Red Coral, Crystal Turquoise & exit any C bead from Step 1 or 3 which sits STEP 7
Crystal Coral either side of a Pearl facing towards the next The Back.
unit (no beads added this step). Bead Steps 6-10 of RAW Pearls (Rounds 2-7
Techniques of the back) using S15 beads to cover the
• RAW Pearls - The Back, Page 48 back of your bezel.
Step 1
• Herringbone Stitch
Step 2

First Unit – First Step.
Pick up 1 x C, 1 Pearl and 4 x C. Circle
through the 2nd & 3rd C beads in the group Step 3
of 4 (5 x C and 1 x P).
Step 4
First Unit – Second Step.
Pick up 2 x C and using Herringbone Stitch
add them (threading into the 4th C bead
added in the group of 4 in Step 1) and then
circle through 1 more C bead (the 2nd of the
group of 4 added in Step 1) (2 x C).

Units 2-8.
Repeat Steps 1-2 seven more times to add a
total of 8 units. Finish by circling through 1C,
1P and 4 x C to exit the first C bead added in
Step 2 (49 x C and 7 x P). Step 5

Step 6
Second Round.
You’ll now change direction. Using
Herringbone Stitch, add 1 x C on top of each
of the 8 Herringbone Units in your circle,
threading down and up 2C in each unit. As
you move between each unit add 1 x S15.
As you bead this round, your Herringbone
Units will pull in tighter and your Pearls will
move to form an outer circle (8 x C and 8 x

84 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Herringbone Pearls | PEARLS


• Hanging Loop at back; • Hanging Loop on outer edge;

Weave to exit any S15 bead at the back of your bezel near the Weave to exit any C bead either side of a Pearl on the outer
centre. Pick up 7-15 x S15 (you can use more or less if you know edge. Pick up as many S15 or C beads as desired and then
what size your stringing material will be) and thread into any thread into the next C bead on the outer edge
S15 bead at the back of the same bezel towards the top edge.
Weave back and forth through this thread-path to secure

• Individual Herringbone Pearls can be linked to each other to form • Herringbone Pearls can be turned into adorned
bracelets, bangles, necklace centrepieces or scarf rings. A quick & easy pendants or earrings by adding a drop along a
way to join them is to use Peyote Stitch to add in a C bead along an bottom edge and using S15 beads to add a hanging
edge – there is the perfect space to do this between 2 C beads between loop or to attach to an earring finding
2 Pearls. You can then add a single unit of Right-Angle Weave to join
two bezels or join them using tabs as shown on the Star Flower
variation (Page 34)

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 85

Pearl Buds | PEARLS

Pearl Buds
From one beginning, many buds form...

18 Pearl Base
These pieces all begin from a Basic
Rivoli Bezel and then, using the
same principle, they all grow in
different directions.
STEP 1 Step 2
The 9 different bezels I show here Bezelling the Rivoli
begin from either a 9 Pearl Base Using the Basic Bezelling instructions
(with 9 separate Pearl Buds) or an 18 bezel a 14mm Rivoli and weave to exit any
Pearl Base (this has 18 Pearl Buds all of the C beads in the central round.
of which are joined together)
Materials Adding the first Pearl
The full necklace, which has 1 of each style Pick up 3 x S15, 1 x P and 3 x S15. Circle
of Pearl Buds bezel, and is 21 inches/ 53cm through the C you were exiting on the
long uses: Step 3
bezel base and then weave to exit the next
• 9 x 14mm Rivolis C on the central round (6 x S15, 1P).
• 10g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15
• 6g of size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads TOP TIP
• 139 x 3mm Swarovski Round Pearls As you add subsequent Pearls your
#5810 - P beads seed beads will overlap each other
and the Pearls – just let this happen
I used and the seeds come to the front
• Rivolis: Ochre DeLite Step 4
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203
• Cylinder beads: DB2043 STEP 3
• Pearls: Lapis Adding Pearl 2
Pick up 3 x S15 and 1P. Thread through
Techniques the 3rd and 2nd S15 picked up in Step
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11 2 to link the 2 Buds and then pick up 1
• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12 x S15 and circle through the C you were
• Peyote Stitch exiting and weave to exit the next C on
the central round (4 x S15, 1P).

Adding Pearls 3-17
For my necklace I used one of each Repeat Step 3 fifteen more times to add
of the 9 different bezels shown here a total of 17 Pearl Buds (60 x S15 and 15
as I wanted to showcase them all. x P).
But each one works by itself and can
be the star of the show if you want STEP 5
to keep the necklace simpler Adding the 18th Pearl Bud Step 5
Pick up 1 x S15 and thread through the
5th and 4th S15 picked up in Step 2. Pick
up 1 x P and thread through the 3rd and
USING THE PEARL BUDS 2nd S15s on the last Pearl Bud in Step 4.
All of the individual Pearl Buds look Pick up 1 x S15 and circle through the C
great by themselves as earrings or you were exiting on the bezel base (2 x
pendants S15, 1 x P).

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 87

PEARLS | Pearl Buds

9 Pearl Base
Bezelling the Rivoli.
Using the Basic Bezelling Technique
bezel a 14mm Rivoli and weave to
exit any of the C beads in the central
Step 2 Step 3
Adding Pearls.
Pick up 3 x S15, 1 x P and 3 x S15.
Circle through the C you were exiting
on the bezel base and then weave to
exit the next C 2 beads along on the
central round from the one you were
exiting (6 x S15, 1 x P).

Repeat Step 2 eight more times to add
a total of 9 Pearls (48 x S15, 8 P).


These are beaded by using Steps 1-3 of the 9 Pearl Base These are beaded using Steps 1-5 of the 18 Pearl Base


Getting started
Bead Steps 1-5 of 18 Pearl Base and
then Step-Up to exit the first 3 x S15s
picked up.

Pick up 2-3 x S15s (I alternated between
picking up 3 x S15s and 2 x S15s on
mine) and missing the last one thread
down the other beads picked up and
then through your work to exit the next
3 x S15s on the other side of the next
Pearl. Repeat adding these small strands
until each space is filled (2-3 x S15 per
Pearl Buds | PEARLS


Step 1 Step 2

Beginning and enclosing the Pearl.
Bead Steps 1-2 of 9 Pearl Base but, at the end, instead of weaving to exit the next C bead, Step-Up to exit the first 3 x S15s picked up.
Pick up 6 x S15 and circle through the next 3 x S15, the C on the base, the original 3 x S15s and the first 3 new S15s (6 x S15).

Adding a Picot.
Pick up 1 x S15 and circle through the next 6 x S15s and the C you were exiting. Weave to exit the C bead 2 beads along on the bezel
base to add another Enclosed Pearl Bud (1 x S15).


Step 2 Step 3

Getting started.
Bead Steps 1-5 of 18 Pearl Base and then Step-Up to exit the first 3 x S15s picked up.

Framing the first Pearl Bud.
Pick up 8 x S15 and circle through the next 3 x S15, the C on the base and weave to Step 4
exit the first 3 x S15s picked up the other side of the next Pearl (8 x S15).

Framing the 2nd-17th Pearl Bud.
Pick up 6 x S15 and thread down the first 2 x S15 picked up to frame the previous
Pearl and then the S15s around this pearl. Weave through your work to again Step-Up
to exit the first 3 x S15s on the next Pearl. Repeat this process fifteen more times to
frame a total of 17 Pearls (96 x S15).

Framing the 18th Pearl Bud
The last Pearl Bud needs just 4 x S15s added to frame it. To add these you first need to
Step-Up to exit the last 2 x S15s which frame the first Pearl. Then pick up 4 x S15s and
thread through the first 2 x S15s, framing the 17th Pearl (4 x S15).

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 89

PEARLS | Pearl Buds


The bezel in the photo also has the Extra Adornment as mentioned below
Getting started. Bead Steps 1- 4 of ‘Simple Frames’.
STEP 2 Adding the joins.
Adding the Picots. Bead a Basic 9 Pearl Base and then Step-Up to exit the first 3 x
Weave to exit the first 2 S15s in any group of 4 unshared S15s picked up. Pick up 3 x S15s and, missing the last 1, thread
above a Pearl. Pick up 1 x S15 and thread through the next 2 x down 1. Pick up 1 x S15 and thread down the next 3 x S15s by
S15s in the 4 and the first two in the next group of 4 above a the next Pearl and then weave to exit the 3 x S15s on the other
Pearl. Repeat this to add a Picot above each Pearl (18 x S15). side. Repeat to add 9 joins in total (4 x S15 per join).

You can add extra Pearls to any of your

9 Pearl Base variations by following
these simple steps. You can see how
they look on my Joining Points
Extra Adornment
Step 1 Step 2
Laying in the base beads
As you add each Pearl Bud and move
between the groups of 3 x S15s you can
pick up 1 x S15 so it sits underneath
your Pearl.

Then later on you can weave between
these extra beads adding in 1 x S15, 1P
and 1 x S15 until each space is filled.
Pearl Buds | PEARLS


As you add all the seed beads they may
overlap each other and the previous ones -
just let this happen and the new seeds come
STEP 1 to the front
Bead the principle of Step 1 of the Enclosed 9 Pearl Buds (to add 6 x S15s
above each Bud) all around the Rivoli. Weave through to exit any C bead in the Step 2
central round of the bezel base which does not have a Pearl Bud on it.

Pick up 3 x S15 and thread up the 4th S15 up from where you are which enclose
either of the nearest Pearls. Pick up 4 x S15 and thread down the 4th S15 from
the bezel base by the other Pearl nearest you. Thread down the 3 new seeds,
circle through the C you were exiting, and move onto the next C on the base
without a Pearl above it. Repeat this all around your Rivoli (7 x S15 per Pearl).

STEP 3 Step 3
Adding the Picots.
Weave to exit the 6th seed bead originally surrounding any Pearl.
*Pick up 1 x S15 and thread through 1 of the seeds around the Pearl.
Thread into the first 2 x S15s in the next 4-bead loop added in the last step.
Pick up 1 x S15 and thread through the other 2 x S15s added in the last step and
then thread into the 6th S15 above the next Pearl*.
Repeat from * to * eight more times to finish the round (18 x S15).

Step 1 Step 2

Bead Steps 1-2 of the Enclosed 9 Pearl Buds all around the Rivoli. Weave through to exit any C bead in the central round of the bezel
base which does not have a Pearl Bud on it.

Pick up 3 x S15 and thread up the 4th S15 up from where you are which encloses either of the nearest Pearls. Pick up 1 x S15, 1P, and
3 x S15. Missing the last 3 S15s, thread back down the Pearl and pick up 1 x S15. Thread down the 4th S15 from the bezel base by the
other Pearl nearest you. Thread down the 3 new seeds, circle through the C you were exiting, and move onto the next C on the base
without a Pearl above it. Repeat this all around your Rivoli (8 x S15 and 1P per Pearl).
PEARLS | Pearl Buds

Making the necklace

Unite your Pearl Buds for a striking necklace...
My necklace uses 9 bezelled Rivolis (one of each of the Pearl Bud variations), all joined together with 10 beaded
links and then finished with a Toggle Clasp

Making & Using Beaded Links

Rounds 1-5. Pick up 36 x S15 and thread through the first 2 to join into a circle. Using
Peyote Stitch and S15s add 3 more rounds with 18 x S15 in each (90 x S15).

Rounds 6-7. Using Peyote Stitch and C beads add 2 rounds with 18 beads in each (36 x

Return to your tail or weave to exit any S15 bead in the first round.
Steps 3-5
Round 8. Using C beads add 1 round (18 x C).

Zip the edges of your beadwork together to securely join them. As you do this the C
beads added in Round 7 will pull towards this side of your work and end up sitting along
the central outer edge of your ring. Weave away your threads to finish.

I linked my necklace together with loops of 36 x S15
beads. I added 4 loops to each Rivoli in total (2 at
each side) but feel free to experiment with that and
how many beads are in the loops
BACK Beaded Link
Weave to exit any C bead in the last round of C
beads at the back of a bezel. Pick up as many S15s
as desired (I used 36) and thread through your
Beaded Link. Then circle back through the C you
were exiting in the bezel.
Weave to exit the next C in the same round of the You want the different colours ‘strands’ in the diagram below to
bezel and pick up the same number of S15 beads match whether they lay on top of or underneath the Beaded Link
again. Circle through your Beaded Link as before
BUT you must make sure you mirror your previous
line of S15s so the piece looks coordinated. So, if
the ‘bottom strand’ of the first loop lay under the
Beaded Link (as in the diagrams), this time the ‘top
strand’ of the new loop must lay under the Beaded BACK Beaded Link

Circle through your C bead in the bezel base and
then weave to exit the 8th C bead along to repeat
this at the other side of the Rivoli if needed.
Pearl Buds | PEARLS

The Toggle Clasp

The necklace can be finished with a Toggle Clasp which threads into a Beaded Link on each end. I like to
make multiple Toggles, each separated with a different number of S15s between the Toggle ends, so that I
can wear my finished necklace at different lengths as desired
Beading the Toggle Ends. Steps 1-4
Using S beads, and Odd-Count Peyote Stitch, bead a piece of beadwork 17 beads
wide and 8 rows tall.

Bring the edges together to zip the work into a tube.

Weave to exit one end of the tube and pick up 1 x Pearl and 1 x S15. Missing the
S15, thread back through the Pearl and thread to exit the other end of the tube.

STEP 4 Step 6
Pick up 1 x Pearl and 1 x S15. Missing the S, thread back through the Pearl and
weave back and forth through the same thread-path to secure.

Weave away the thread and repeat to make a second Toggle End but keep the thread
on this new one (70 x S15 and 2P for each Toggle).

Finishing the Toggle Clasp.
The Toggles now need to be joined together with a strand of S beads. Weave the
thread exiting the second Toggle to the middle of its length so you exit any of the 4
central beads along the width. Pick up as many S beads as desired (I used 18 on my
shortest one). Thread into a matching bead on the middle of the side of your other
Toggle. Exit the bead and then thread back up the strand of beads. Thread back into
your first Toggle where you exited (threading into the bead hole on the other side
than you exited it) and weave back and forth through the thread-path to secure and
then finish your thread.

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 93


Taking your Rivoli beadwork in

a geometric direction can have
some amazing results…
GEOMETRIC | Geometric Basics

Geometric Basics
Learn all the basic techniques needed for the geometric
projects in this book...
Herringbone Increase
A Herringbone Increase can be added into any space where you want to increase your beadwork.

It is beaded by using 2 beads in a space instead of 1, and by threading into the next bead in the previous
row or rounds, and not missing one.

In the next round, if you are still increasing, you exit the first bead of the previous pair, pick up 2 beads
and thread into the second bead of the pair

Beading a Triangle

STEP 1 Step 1 Step 2

Round 1 – Pick up 3 beads. Join them into a circle by circling

through the first one again.

Round 2 – An Increasing Round. Bead this using a total of 6
beads (added in 3 pairs) by adding a Herringbone Increase (see
above) into each gap between the beads in Round 1. This forms
the corners of your triangle.
Step 3 Step 4
Round 3 – An Increasing Round. Bead a round with 2 beads on
top of 2 (A Herringbone Increase) in the corners and 1 bead
everywhere else (these are the side spaces and you begin with
just 1 each side and these increase by 1 each side for each extra
Increasing Round you bead). This round uses 9 beads.

Round 4 onwards - Continue beading Increasing Rounds with 2
beads on top of 2 (a Herringbone Increase) in the corners and 1 Step 5
bead everywhere else/ the side spaces. You’ll find that each extra
round you bead needs 3 extra beads: To increase the size
• Round 4 uses 12 beads of the triangle simply
• Round 5 would use 15 beads repeat the principle
• Round 6 would use 18 beads of Step 4 until it is as
large as desired
Point Round - Add a round with just 1 bead in every space.

96 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Geometric Basics | GEOMETRIC

Zipping & Joining Triangles

Before you can zip pieces together, they need to be the correct size and
shape. Even though it seems wrong you don’t want each piece to be the
same size (as in this diagram) as then the ‘teeth’ beads will meet face on
rather than slotting together.

Instead you want to add a Point Round (see Step 5 on previous page) to
one piece, which will let them unite as desired.

When you are adding the Point Round to your next Triangle, weave
between your two Triangles, threading through the beads in the Point
Round of the first Triangle ‘adding’ the beads to the 2nd Triangle.

Then fill in the rest of the Point Round beads on the 2nd Triangle to finish
it and add the necessary beads for any subsequent Triangles to zip to

Counting Beads 1 2 3 4 5

When I state how many beads are on

an edge, I count them by including all
of the beads along one side, including
one from each Herringbone Increase
(see previous page) in each corner, as

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 97

GEOMETRIC | Playing With Triangles

Playing With Triangles

There are many ways to mix-and-match triangles in your
work and here are some ideas to get you started…
The Slanted Bracelet could be beaded using I have included 2 necklace designs in this chapter but there are so many
Full Rivoli Triangles, or Triangle Bezels or even ways that triangles can be joined so there is endless scope for playing with
just ‘plain’ triangles beaded using the Beading a ideas.
Triangle instructions. You can even make it more
dimensional by using the layering principle used A large, or small, necklace, can be created using Open Rivoli Triangles,
in the Layered Triangle Pendant for a different Full Rivoli Triangles, or Triangle Bezels or even just ‘plain’ triangles
look. made with the Beading a Triangle instructions. They can also be made
with the dimensionality used in the Layered Triangle Pendant.
You also don’t need to stick to using just one type
of triangle in your work... Also remember that you never need to stick to using just one type (or size)
of triangle in your work...
Imagine a bracelet mixing a few different types ...imagine a necklace mixing all the different types of triangles contained
for a unique look… within these pages for a piece that’s uniquely you…


Triangles don’t always need to be the same size to be joined These can be made with any of the triangles
together. Depending on what you’re beading you can zip described in the book...
together different sizes to create something new. You just need
to make sure you add in any needed Point Round (see Step 5 on
Page 96) beads as you go PENDANTS

All of the different triangle bezels shown within these pages

can be turned into a pendant with either a Beaded Tab
(Page 20) added to an edge or a Hanging Loop (Page 19)
added at the back


A Rivoli heart can be made from any triangle that is 12 beads a

side so you can use Full Rivoli Triangles, Open Rivoli Triangles,
Triangle Bezels, or even the principle of a Layered Triangle

98 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Playing With Triangles | GEOMETRIC


This chapter has 2 different Distorted

Square bails used in the projects:

• Distorted Squares with open centres

for Flying Vs

• Fully beaded Distorted Squares for

Mixed Shape Set and Triple Square

Either of these bails can be substituted for

the other one as desired and they can also
be added to any of the bezelled Rivolis in
this book...


Both the Open Rivoli Triangles and Full Rivoli Triangles If you’ve ‘added depth’ to your rivoli bezel, you can then
can have depth added to them so you can join 2 of them either zip on another bezel to make a reversible piece (see
back-to-back (see Steps 2-3 of Double-Sided Bunting on Step 3 of Double-Sided Bunting on Page 107 for details on
Page 107 for details on how to do this). You just need to how to do this) or you can decrease the back to fully cover
make sure you always add an odd-number of ‘plain’ rounds it (see Steps 3-5 of Triangle Bezel for details on how this is
of Peyote Stitch (with just 1 bead in each space) to do this beaded)


Any of the triangles I show in this book

could be used to make a pair of earrings.
You can play around with different ones
making a variation of the Mixed Shape
Earrings (Page 123) or simply add an
earring finding through any corner bead as
I did on my Teardrop Set Earrings or add
‘depth’ to any triangle by beading an odd-
number of ‘plain’ Peyote Stitch rounds after
the Point Round (See Step 2 of Double-
Sided Bunting, Page 107 for how this is
done) and then decrease the back whilst
adding in an earring finding as I did in Steps
4-5 of Mixed Shape Set Earrings


If you want to really experiment with Triangles then you might like to know that:

• 5 triangles make a ‘cupped disc’ (see the Full Circle Teardrop project for an
example of how they’ll be joined)
• 6 triangles make a flat circle (again see the Full Circle Teardrop project for an
example of how they’ll be joined)
• 20 triangles joined together make a ball (search for ‘Icosahedron’ for

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 99

GEOMETRIC | Open Rivoli Triangles

Open Rivoli Triangles

Learn how to combine geometry & sparkle with these
versatile beaded shapes...
Open Rivoli Triangles grow directly from a Rivoli bezelled using the Basic Bezelling Technique and allow you to
adapt your favourite geometric beading projects to contain a bit of extra sparkle & colour
STEP 1 Step 1 Step 4
Bezel a 14mm Rivoli using the Basic
Bezelling Technique. Weave to exit any C
bead in the central round of C beads. Pick
up 14 x C beads. Count along the same
round you’re in and go into the 4th bead
along (14 x C).

If you had to add more rounds of
C beads to your Bezel then you can
choose either of the central rounds of C
beads to do this extra beading in Step 2 Step 5

Peyote Stitch a single C bead into each of
the next 2 spaces (2 x C).

Repeat Steps 1-2 twice more and then Step-
Up to exit the first of the 14 C beads added
in Step 1 (32 x C).

Bead 3 single Peyote Stitches, add a Step 3 Step 6
Herringbone Increase (Page 96), and then
lastly 3 more single peyote stitches to turn
the loop of beads into a Triangle Point (8 x

Bead 3 single Peyote Stitches to take you to
the next loop of 14 C beads (3 x C).

Repeat Steps 4-5 twice more to go all the
way around your beadwork. Make sure you
finish by stepping up to exit the first bead 12MM RIVOLI VARIATION
added in Step 4 (22 x C). This is beaded using the same technique
TOP TIP as the 14mm Rivoli but with some
After Step 6 you may find it easier changes to the numbers of beads
Continue beading around the triangle with
1 bead in all the side spaces and 2 beads to weave to exit the first bead of the picked up/ added:
in a Herringbone Increase on top of Herringbone Increase pair in the next • In Steps 1 and 3 you’ll only pick up
everywhere you added 2 beads previously corner so you always begin in the corner 10 C beads in your loops and then
until it’s as big as needed. count along just 3 beads in the
central round of C beads
TOP TIP • In steps 4 and 6 you’ll only bead 2
You can add a Star Design to your single Peyote Stitches into each side
Rivoli if you wish of the loops
100 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power
Full Rivoli Triangles | GEOMETRIC

Full Rivoli Triangles

Full Rivoli Triangles have no space between the Rivoli and the extra beading. This makes for a different look
but an extra layer of complication to the beadwork...
Bezel a 14mm Rivoli using the Basic Repeat Step 7 to add the 3rd Triangle Point. After Step 8 you may find it easier to
Bezelling Instructions. Exit a C bead on the weave to exit a Herringbone Increase
central round of C beads. STEP 9 in any of what are now your corners so
You can now bead around the edges of the that you always begin each round in the
STEP 2 triangle you have created, increasing just as corner
Pick up 2 x C beads. Thread into the next you would a regular triangle.
bead in the same round as you are exiting
(2C) Step 2 Step 3

Change direction. Pick up 1 x C and thread
back through the last bead just added.
Pick up 2 x C beads and add them using
a Herringbone Increase (Page 96) by
threading into the first bead picked up in
Step 2. Step 4 Step 5
Pick up 1 x C and thread into the bead you
were exiting in the base round in Step 1.
Thread through it in the same direction as
you previously did (4 x C).

Weave through your base to exit the next C
bead along in the same round on your base -
with your needle facing in the same direction
as it was to start. Step 6 Step 7

Peyote Stitch 1 x C twice and then add 2 C
(using a Herringbone Increase) on top of
the 2 added in Step 3. Peyote Stitch using
a single bead twice. Finish by entering your
base into the next bead along in the same
round (6C).

Change direction. Peyote Stitch 1 C into
the last bead added. Peyote Stitch a single
C into the next 2 spaces. Add 2 x C (using
a Herringbone Increase) on top of the 2
Step 8 Step 9
added in Step 5. Peyote stitch using a single
C three times. Finish by threading into the
bead you were exiting in the base round
in Step 4. Thread through it in the same
direction as you previously did.

Weave along the central round of C beads,
leaving 5 spaces (from where you added the
pair of C beads in Step 1) and then repeat
Steps 1-6 to add another Triangle Point.

You can also add a Star Design to your
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 101
Open Rivoli Triangles Necklace | GEOMETRIC

Open Rivoli Triangles Necklace

Unite geometric & sparkling components for endless
The finished necklace shown is just one way
• 6 x 14mm Rivolis
you can zip together Open Rivoli Triangles to
• 3g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15 make a finished piece. Here are some other
beads examples and look throughout this chapter
• 8g of size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads to find other ways triangles are joined to
• Optional - fine jump rings make shapes and finished pieces. You’ll find
bracelets, pendants, long strips, pyramids...
• Chain or stringing materials of choice and more!

I used
• Rivolis: Crystal Paradise Shine, Emerald
and Crystal Green Sphinx
• Seed beads: Miyuki #457
• Cylinders: DB103

• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Beaded Tabs, Page 20
• Beading A Triangle, Page 96
• Zipping & Joining Triangles, Page 97
• Open Rivoli Triangles, Page 100
• Peyote Stitch

Following the instructions for beading Open
Rivoli Triangles and Zipping & Joining
Triangles, bead as many triangles as desired
and join them together.

To turn it into a necklace, either link jump
rings through any top corner Cylinder bead
and then attach your chain to this or bead
Tabs along the top edge and thread a chain
or jump rings through them (see the Large
Rivoli Triangles Necklace for an example
of this).

You can also bead this necklace
with Open Rivoli Triangles, ‘Plain
Triangles’ or even the principle used
in Layered Triangle Pendant.
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 103
Slanted Bracelet | GEOMETRIC

Slanted Bracelet
Unite Triangles for a sparkling bracelet
Materials STEP 2 TOP TIP
For a bracelet to fit 8 inches/ 20cm Add a Point Round to this first Triangle and It is very important before finishing the
• 10 x 12mm Rivolis put to one side. second end of your bracelet to make
• 3g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15 sure your clasp is added on so it will
beads STEP 3 work!
• 10g of size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads Repeat Step 1 to make another triangle and The easiest way to do this is to fasten
• 6-loop slider clasp then zip it to the first. the clasp and bead onto it when it’s
I used closed
• Rivolis: Emerald STEP 4
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204 Repeat Step 3 to make 8 more triangles and
• Cylinders: DB1153 join them all together in a line.
Techniques STEP 5 These instructions cover how I attached
• Basic Bezelling Technique (12mm), Page Attaching the clasp. my clasp, but feel free to experiment
15 The clasp is attached by using S15 beads with other clasps and other methods
• Beading a Triangle, Page 96 coming out of C beads in the Point Rounds
• Zipping & Joining Triangles, Page 97 of your end triangles. You’ll need to do this
• Open Rivoli Triangles (12mm), Page 100 by eye as each clasp will have its loops at
• Peyote Stitch slightly different places. SIZING
You may also find that your S15 beads fit Sizing is an issue with this bracelet. As
THE STEPS... through the loops in your clasp which means it needs an even number of triangles
STEP 1 you can pick up a single strand of beads for to make it work, you can’t simply add
Following the instructions for a Basic Rivoli each one and then thread through the loop, or remove single triangles to adjust the
Bezel (12mm Rivoli), Beading Open or you may need to pick up some beads, length.
Rivoli Triangles (12mm Rivoli Variation) thread through the loop, and then pick up • If you want to make it longer you
and Beading a Triangle bezel a Rivoli and the rest of the beads. can add at least 1 extra round per
add 3 more Increasing Rounds to bring it up So, weave to exit an appropriate C bead at
to 12 beads a side. the edge of your work and then pick up as
• To make it shorter then add fewer
many S15s as needed and thread into the
appropriate loop on your clasp. Circle back Increasing Rounds
VARIATIONS through the C bead and then weave to exit • Using a different clasp will mean
You can also bead this bracelet with the next appropriate one. Repeat this until you can play around with the sizing
14mm Rivolis and either Open or Full all one side of the clasp is attached and then a bit more
Rivoli Triangles. repeat at the other end of your bracelet to • Using more or less seed beads to
You’ll just need to make sure you only finish. attach your clasp will adjust the
increase to 12 beads a side for the same length
size piece or adjust the sizing as desired
to accommodate the larger Triangle

Step 5 - Attaching
the clasp

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 105

Rivoli Bunting | GEOMETRIC

Rivoli Bunting
Fly the flag for Rivolis with these sparkling pendants!
Each single-sided bunting needs: SINGLE-SIDED BUNTING
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
Using C1 beads follow Steps 1-9 of Full Rivoli Triangle then add 3 more Increasing
• 1g of size 11 cylinder beads in main
Rounds (the last one in C2 beads) until your Triangle has 14 beads per side.
colour - C1 beads
• 1g of size 11 cylinder beads in highlight
colour - C2 beads
Using C2 beads add a Point Round and following the instructions under Playing With
Each double-sided bunting needs:
Bezels or Large Rivoli Triangle Necklace bead a tab to hang it from.
• 2 x 14mm Rivolis
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
• 2g of size 11 cylinder beads in main
• 2g of size 11 cylinder beads in highlight Using C2 beads, and Peyote Stitch with 1
colour - C2 beads STEP 1 x C in every space, add 3 more rounds.
Using your C1 beads follow Steps 1-9
I used of Full Rivoli Triangle and then add STEP 3
• Rivolis: Olivine, Denim Blue and Peridot 3 more Increasing Rounds (the last one Repeat Step 1 but all in C2 beads and
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4206 in C2 beads) until your Triangle has 14 then zip your two pieces together, back
• Cylinder beads: DB208 (C1) and DB1832 beads per side and then add a Point to back.
(C2) Round (also in C2 beads).
Techniques Following the instructions under Playing
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11 TOP TIP With Bezels or Large Rivoli Triangle
• Beaded Tabs, Page 20 Be sure to pull tight (and to the back!) Necklace bead a tab to hang it from.
• Beading a Triangle, Page 96 as you bead the 3 ‘plain rounds’ in
• Geometric Basics, Page 96 Step 2 so that your work ‘cups up’
• Full Rivoli Triangles, Page 101 and develops sides/ depth
• Peyote Stitch


• You can add more or fewer rounds to your Triangles as desired, just make sure each side matches in size
• Open Rivoli Triangles, Full Rivoli Triangles, Triangle Bezels and the principle used in Layered Triangle Pendant, can all be used
as the Triangles in Bunting. You can even just bead ‘plain triangles’ for one side if wanted

I beaded my hanging tabs 9 beads

wide starting from my Point Round
and continued for 23 rows in total
and then zipped the end back to
the Point Round
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 107
Rivoli Triangle Heart | GEOMETRIC

Rivoli Triangle Heart

Show off your love for Rivolis with this beaded heart!
Each Heart uses:
In Step 2 I add the missing
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s space on the first side of
• 2g of size 11 cylinder beads - C beads the triangle I bead as this
makes it easier later on
I used
• Rivoli: Crystal Brandy
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203
Step 2
• Cylinder beads: DB735

• Geometric Basics, Page 96
• Full Rivoli Triangles, Page 101
• Peyote Stitch

Using your C beads follow Steps 1-9 of
Full Rivoli Triangle and then add 1 more
Increasing Round so your Triangle has 12
beads per side.
Step 4
Step 3
Bead an Increasing Round but don’t put
a bead in the centre space on one side.
Instead, on that side, you’ll add 5 x 1C,
then leave the next space empty by weaving
through previous rounds to ensure no thread
is left in the space, and then add 5 x 1C
again (38 x C).


Bead an Increasing round but add nothing The diagrams use 2 different colours to show you where you can add an outline to your
in the space you left a bead out of last time, heart if desired.
and again weave up and down previous If you do want an outline then you need to begin it right back at Step 1 (when beading
rounds to do this (40 x C). the triangle it is worked on). When you’re beading the Full Rivoli Triangle, at Step
9, add a single Outline bead at the centre of one edge. Then when beading the next
STEP 4 Increasing Round add an outline bead either side of it
First Heart Lobe.
Add nothing in the corner and then Peyote
Stitch 5 single C beads before turning to exit
the last new bead added (5 x C).

After Step 3 you’ll begin to bead each Heart Lobe separately rather than
weave around the entire piece. To do the necessary turning & repositioning
you can weave through the beads in your work, but I prefer instead to loop
my working thread (black in the diagram) around a previous thread that is
right where I am (red in the diagram) and reverse to exit the last bead added.
Pull gently to check it has held and then you can continue beading

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 109

GEOMETRIC | Rivoli Triangle Heart

Step 5

Step 6

If beading an Outlined Heart then, during Step 5, you
might want to add in a row with a single C in your Outline
colour to ensure a full outline around the edge

Finishing the first Heart Lobe.
Add a row with 4 single C beads, then a row with 3 single C
beads, and lastly a row with 2 single C beads before weaving
through your work ready to bead the next Heart Lobe (9 x C).
Step 7
Bead the other Heart Lobe with rows of 5, 4, 3 and lastly 2
beads (14 x C).

Extending The Heart Point.
Weave to exit the corner after the second Heart Lobe and add
nothing in this corner but move onto the next space. Add 13
single C beads, a Herringbone Increase in the bottom corner
and then 13 single C beads. Turn as before to exit the last bead
added (28 x C).

Add 27 single C beads including just 1 on the bottom corner
(27 x C).

Add a Hanging Loop at the back and wear your love of Rivolis
with pride!

Step 8

Any style of Triangle in this book can be used as the basis

of a Rivoli Heart. You just need to bead it to 12 beads a
side and then start at Step 2

110 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

GEOMETRIC | Large Rivoli Triangle Necklace

Large Rivoli Triangle Necklace

Get BIG & BOLD with this striking beaded necklace
• 15 x 14mm Rivolis
I used Rivolis which are the same colour This is a big necklace with the beadwork
• 9g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15
beads on both sides (mostly) so that I could measuring 7 inches/ 17cm tall by 5 ½
• 40g of size 11 Cylinder beads in main make the whole piece reversible by inches/ 14cm wide. If you want to scale
colour- C1 beads adding the Star Design to one side of it down you can do less increasing on
• 7g of size 11 Cylinder beads in triangle each. each triangle or add less triangles
edging colour- C2 beads To do this I bezelled each Rivoli using
• 1 chain the basic instructions but only added
2 rounds of S15 beads at the ‘back’ as
I used they were held in securely by then
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204
• C1 beads: DB203
• C2 beads: DB1832
• Rivolis (all Matubo): Pink Opal, Green
Turquoise, Wasabi, Dark Alabaster green,
Steps 1-4
Opaque Yellow, Opaque Blue, Aqua
Satin, Opaque Sky Blue, Light Mint,
Violet, Coral, Light Opaque Yellow,
Chocolate Blue, Goldenrod and Brown

• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Adding Star Designs, Page 16
• Beaded Tabs, Page 20
• Beading a Triangle, Page 96
• Zipping & Joining Triangles, Page 97 Step 5
• Full Rivoli Triangles, Page 101
• Peyote Stitch

Following the instructions for Basic
Bezelling Technique, Adding Star
Designs (optional) and Full Rivoli Triangles
use C1 beads to turn one of your Rivolis into
a Full Triangle.

Continue beading and increasing your
Triangle, using C1 beads, until there are 16
beads per side.

Bead one increasing round using C2 beads
to make 17 beads per side.

Add a Point Round in C2 beads by adding 1
bead into every space.

Repeat Steps 1-4 to bezel a 2nd Rivoli and
zip it to any side of the 1st making sure to By using Rivolis with no coating on
fill in the rest of the Point Round on the new the back (mostly) I could make a
reversible piece by adding the Star
Rivoli Full Triangle.
Design to one side of each Rivoli
Large Rivoli Triangle Necklace | GEOMETRIC

To wear the necklace, simply thread a chain through

the tabs. If you find that the beadwork slides or
bunches up on the chain, you can tie knots in it
which sit on the inner edges of each tab so when
worn they slide to the tabs and stop the beadwork
from moving around on the chain.

Step 7

Repeat Steps 1-4 to bezel a 2nd Rivoli and zip it to any side of
the 1st making sure to fill in the rest of the Point Round on the
new Full Rivoli Triangle.

Continue bezelling Rivolis and adding them to the previous
ones in the pattern shown until you have 13 of them joined
(not the top 2 on both sides in the finished necklace – just
what is shown in the diagram). If you want, you can join the
point beads of the 2 triangles which touch each other towards
the middle centre of the necklace so they sit straight when

You will now bezel the last 2 Rivolis and zip them to the rest
Step 8
of the necklace. As you do this you’ll bead the tabs which your
chain will thread through.
After adding the Point Round on one of the last 2 Rivolis, count
in 8 x C2 beads from one end on the top edge. Add 1 x C2
using Peyote Stitch and then change direction and add a row
of 2 x C2 beads using Odd-Count Peyote Stitch. Continue until
you’ve added a total of 15 rows and then fold the tab over and
zip it to the Point Round. Do the same on the last Full Triangle
as you zip it into place.


Any style (and size) of Triangle in this book can be used as

the basis of a version of this necklace

The necklace can have a beaded rope or strands of beads
attached to it so you can wear it or you can use beaded
tabs to thread a purchased chain through as in the
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 113
Rivoli Teardrops Set | GEOMETRIC

Rivoli Teardrops Set

These variations on Rivoli Full Triangles are perfect for joining together for different shapes & pieces of jewellery
For each Rivoli Teardrop:
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Step 1 Step 2
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads
• Findings as appropriate
I used
• Rivolis: Emerald Pastel
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203
• C beads: DB1832

• Basic Rivoli Bezel, Page 12
• Beading Tabs, Page 20
• Beading a Triangle, Page 96
• Full Rivoli Triangles, Page 101
• Peyote Stitch


STEP 1 Not all of the beads in the Point Round are
The base shape. necessary to zip Teardrops together. All those
Follow the instructions for a Basic Rivoli which are purely decorative are purple in this
Bezel, Adding a Star Design (optional) and diagram. The only ones you need for zipping are
Steps 1-6 of Full Rivoli Triangles stopping the 7 green ones in the diagram (1 in the tip and
when you have added just 1 triangle point to 3 on each side of the tip)
your Rivoli.

The Point Round.
Add a single C bead into each space (22C).


The simplest way to turn your Teardrops into finished You can bead a much longer
pieces is to either use the ‘Tip’ bead in the Point Round of tab (or strip of Ladder-Stitched
your Teardrop to attach a jump ring or finding to, or, as I beads) starting and ending in a
did with the earrings shown, pick up an earring finding in round of C beads at the back of
that spot instead of a bead your bezel, to enable a Teardrop
to be used as a finger or scarf
ring. Start at one side and bead it
as long as needed before zipping
to the other edge or start 2, one
Simply bead a tab (using at either side of your Rivoli, and
Ladder Stitch) coming from then zip them together in the
the Tip bead to thread a middle (this method will make it
chain through easier for you to size it if it’s to be
a finger ring)


Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 115

Full Circle Teardrop Pendant | GEOMETRIC

Full Circle Teardrop Pendant

Materials STEP 6 Variations
• 5 x 14mm Rivolis
Weave through your work to exit the last C
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
added and Peyote Stitch 1C. Using Odd- • You can embellish the edges of
• 3g of size 11 Cylinder beads in main
Count Peyote Stitch with 1 or 2 x C2 beads your teardrops with extra beads
colour - C1 beads
per row add 13 more rows for a total of such as seed or drops for added
• 2g of size 11 Cylinder beads in teardrop
15 (if you want to use a thicker hanging texture
edging colour - C2 beads
material you can add more rows as needed).
I used • I used Rivolis with no coating on
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204
STEP 7 the back so I could add a Star
• C1 beads: DB203
Fold the Tab over and zip the last row to Design to one side of them. If
• C2 beads: DB1832
the beads in the last row of the original your Rivolis have a coating then
• Rivolis (all Matubo): Sky Blue Pearl,
Teardrop. you can choose whether or not to
Capri Blue, Leaf Green, Dark Violet and
add a Star Design, or add it to
Mulberry Pearl
just some of the Rivolis
• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Adding Star Designs, Page 16
Steps 1-2
• Beaded Tabs, Page 20
• Beading a Triangle, Page 96
• Zipping & Joining Triangles, Page 97
• Full Rivoli Triangles, Page 101
• Rivoli Teardrops Set, Page 114
• Peyote Stitch

The first Teardrop.
Bead Steps 1-2 of Rivoli Teardrops Set
using C1 beads for Step 1 and C2 beads for
Step 2. It is up to you whether you add in
all of the Point Round beads or just the 7
needed for zipping (I added all of them in
Step 4

STEP 2 Step 5
Bead a second Rivoli Teardrop and zip it
onto the first using the 3 Point Round beads
on one side of the first Teardrop, near the
pointed end. Make sure you fill in the rest of
the Point Round on the 2nd teardrop (even if
just the one in the Tip and those needed for
the next to zip to).

Bead 2 more Rivoli teardrops and zip them to
the others forming a circle as you go.
Step 6
Bead one last Rivoli Teardrop and zip it
between the 4th and 1st ones making sure
to fill in the rest of the Point Round beads,
even if it is only the single bead at the Tip.

Adding the Hanging Tab.
This can be added to any of your individual
Rivoli Teardrops. Weave to exit the C” bead
either side of the central C” bead on the
outer edge of any of your Teardrops. Using
C2 beads and Peyote Stitch add 2 x 1C (2C). Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 117
Half Circle Teardrop Pendant | GEOMETRIC

Half Circle Teardrop Pendant

Materials STEP 6 STEP 7
• 3 x 14mm Rivolis Reverse direction and Peyote Stitch 1C and Repeat Steps 5-6 until your Tab is as long
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s then thread down 1 more C in the row as desired. Fold the Tab over and zip the
• 2g of size 11 Cylinder beads in main below. last row to the beads in the last row of the
colour- C1 beads Reverse direction and Peyote Stitch 1C and original Teardrop. Bead a second tab on the
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads in teardrop again thread down 1 more C in the row other edge Teardrop.
edging colour- C2 beads below.
Reverse direction and Step-Up into the first
I used new bead added in this Step (2 x C). Step 3
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4204
• C1 beads: DB203
Step 1
• C2 beads: DB1832
• Rivolis (all Matubo): Capri Blue, Light
Opaque Yellow and Green Turquoise

• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Adding Star Designs, Page 16
• Beaded Tabs, Page 20
• Beading a Triangle, Page 96
• Zipping & Joining Triangles, Page 97
• Full Rivoli Triangles, Page 101
• Rivoli Teardrop Set, Page 114
• Peyote Stitch
Steps 4-5
The first Teardrop. Step 2
Bead Steps 1-2 of the Rivoli Teardrop Set
using C1 beads for Step 1 and C2 beads
for Step 2. It is up to you whether you add
in all of the Point Round beads or just the
7 needed for zipping (in mine I only added
in the bead in the ‘corner’ at the tip and 3
either side of that). Leave the thread to use
to add your Tab later. Step 6

Bead a second Rivoli Teardrop and zip it onto
the first using the 3 Point Round beads on
one side of the original Teardrop nearest
the pointed end. If you want to you can
‘ladder on’ an extra C2 bead between the 2
teardrops right after the Zipping ends. Make
sure you fill in the rest of the Point Round on
the 2nd teardrop. Variations
STEP 3 • Joining in another Teardrop gives you a ‘pie with a slice taken out’ shape which
Bead 1 more Rivoli Teardrop and zip it to the looks much better worn than described!
2nd one.
• You can embellish the edges of the teardrops with beads such as seed or drops for
STEP 4 extra texture
Adding the Hanging Tabs.
These are added to both of the end • My Rivolis had no coating on the back so I was able to add a Star Design to one
Teardrops. On either of the Teardrops weave side of them and make a reversible piece. If your Rivolis have a coating then you
to exit the C2 added in the Point Round can choose whether or not to add a Star Design or add it to just some of the
furthest from the Point. Rivolis

Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x C (1C).
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 119
GEOMETRIC | Triangle Bezel

Triangle Bezel
These can also be used instead of
Open Rivoli Triangles or Full Rivoli
Triangles to make necklaces, bracelets,
Get geometric to adorn your Rivolis bunting etc...

Materials STEP 5 STEP 8

• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Round 8 – Third decreasing round. Continuing decreasing.
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads *Add 1 x C into 5 spaces then bead a Bead the principle of decreasing rounds until
Peyote Stitch Decrease in the next space*. you end up with just 1 bead per side. Weave
Techniques Repeat from * to * twice more then Step-Up through these 3 beads to tie together and
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11 to exit the first bead added (15 x C). finish.
• Geometric Basics, Page 96
Step 1
• Peyote Stitch STEP 6
Reinforcing Round.
THE STEPS... Weave all around your work as though
STEP 1 beading Step 5 again but threading across
Rounds 1-2 - The Base Circle. the corners between beads added in Step 5
Pick up 48 x C and thread through 6 to join which will hold your Rivoli in tight.
into a circle (this leaves your tail in the right
spot to continue later (48 x C). STEP 7
Rounds 9-11.
STEP 2 Either return to your tail thread or weave
Rounds 3-5. your working thread to exit the same place it
Using Peyote Stitch, and 1 x C in each space, is and then at this edge of your work repeat
add 3 rounds until you have a total of 5 (24 Steps 3-4. Insert your Rivoli so it faces out of Step 2
x C each round). the beads from Steps 3-5 and then repeat 4
Step 5.
STEP 3 2
Round 6 – First decreasing round. 1
*Add 1 x C into 7 spaces and then bead a
Peyote Stitch Decrease in the next space*. Step 3 Step 4
Repeat from * to * twice more then Step-Up
to exit the first bead added (21 x C).

Round 7 – Second decreasing round.
*Add 1 x C into 6 spaces and then bead a
Peyote Stitch Decrease in the next space*.
Repeat from * to * twice more and then
Step-Up to exit the first bead added (18 x C).

As you bead decreases make sure they
line up with previous ones

Step 5 Step 6 Step 8

120 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Distorted Square | GEOMETRIC

Distorted Square
Round 1. Step 1
Pick up 4 x C and tie the thread into a
Step 2
knot and circle through the first bead to
join into a ring (4 x C).

As you continue beading pull your work
tight as this helps the shape to form and
your Square to distort and fold over.
Adding a knot when you first pick up the
beads helps this to happen Step 3

Round 2 – First increasing round.
Using a Herringbone Increase, add a
pair of C beads between each bead from
the previous step. At the end of the round
make sure to Step-Up to exit the first bead
added, this will be the first of a pair (8 x
Step 4

The diagrams will show your work as flat
when in reality it will begin to fold over
so it looks like two ‘half-squares’ lying on
each other rather than a flat square

Round 3 – Second Increasing Round.
*Using a Herringbone Increase (Page
96) add 2 x C between the next 2 x C
beads picked up in Step 2 and then, using
Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C bead into the next Step 5
space*. Repeat from * to * three more
times and then, at the end of the round,
Step-Up to exit the first bead added (it will
be the first C bead in the first pair added)
(12 x C).

Round 4 onwards.
*Repeat the principle of Step 3 (but with
1 extra single C per side for each round)
until as large as desired.

Point Round.
When needed, add a round with just 1 x
C in each space, including all the corner

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 121

Mixed Shape Set | GEOMETRIC

Mixed Shape Set

• 3 x 14mm Rivolis
• 3g of size 11 cylinder beads - C beads
• Earring posts or other findings of choice
I used
• Rivolis: Violet
• C beads: DB1273 and DB1151

• Geometric Basics, Page 96
• Triangle Bezel, Page 120
• Distorted Square, Page 121
• Peyote Stitch


I changed colours for Steps 4-5 on my These instructions describe how I attached my earring findings, but you can ignore that
Triangle Bezels to create a decorative and simply attach one to a C bead in the top triangle instead

THE PENDANT STEP 3 • Fill in the Point Round beads on the 2nd
STEP 1 Following Step 5 of Beading a Triangle add side of your Square.
The Bezelled Rivoli. a Point Round and then 1 more round with a • Zip the 3rd corner of the Square to your
Follow Step 1-8 of Triangle Bezel to bezel a single bead in each space. Bezelled Triangle just as you did the 1st
Rivoli and weave away your threads corner.
STEP 4 • Fill in the Point Round beads on the 3rd
STEP 2 Following the principle of Step 3 of Triangle side of your Square.
The Square Bail. Bezel, bead a decreasing round with just 4 • Zip the 4th corner of the Square as you
Following the instructions under Distorted C beads along each side. did the 2nd (into the triangle with the
Square, bead a square until 8 beads a side. earring finding) but this time into the
STEP 5 corner bead on the Triangle nearer the
STEP 3 Insert your earring finding so it points out back.
The Point Round. of the space where you’re beading and • Fill in the 4th and last side of your Square
When adding your Point Round, zip the first then, holding the finding in place, continue and then weave away all threads.
corner space in your square to a C bead in decreasing until you have 1 bead per side
a corner of your bezelled triangle (there are and weave all around the 3 beads to join STEP 8
2 beads you can use per corner, use the one them together and finish. Repeat Steps 1-7 to bead another piece to
nearest the front here). Then fill in 1 side of make a matching pair of earrings.
the Point Round, the 2nd corner and one STEP 6
more side of the Square. The Distorted Square. Step 7
Zip the 3rd corner of the Square to the bead Following the instructions under Distorted
on your triangle which sits behind the one Square, bead a square until 8 beads a side.
already zipped to.
Fill in the other 2 sides and the 4th corner of STEP 7
the Point Round on your Square and weave The Point Round.
away the threads. • You’ll zip the first corner space of your
square to 2 x C beads in a corner of
EARRINGS your bezelled triangle. If you look at
STEP 1 the beads in the corner of your Triangle
The Bezelled Rivoli. Bezel you’ll see there are 2 beads you can
Follow Step 1-8 of Triangle Bezel to bezel a use per corner. First thread into the one
Rivoli and weave away your threads. nearest the front and then thread back
up through the one nearest the back and
STEP 2 back into your Square.
The Triangle Top. • Fill in the 1st side of the Point Round on
Following Steps 1-4 of Beading a Triangle the Square.
(Page 96), begin a triangle and then add 1 • Zip the 2nd corner on the Square to a C
more increasing round so you have 5 beads bead in a corner of your triangle with the
per side. earring finding.
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 123
GEOMETRIC | Triple Square Pendant

Triple Square Pendant

Materials STEP 2
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli The first Square. TOP TIP
• 2g of size 11 cylinder beads - C Follow the principle of Steps 6-7 of Mixed I changed colours for Steps 4-5 on
beads Shape Earrings to bead a Distorted my bezelled Rivoli and for the last
Square and attach it to 2 corners of your 2 increasing rounds on my Squares
I used Triangle, but on the corners not attached to (and the Point Round) to create a
• Rivolis: Light Colorado Topaz your Square add a single C bead which you’ll decorative outline on my work
• C beads: DB1063 and DB1763 add in the 2nd corner and then zip into
when beading the 4th.
• Geometric Basics, Page 96 TOP TIP
• Triangle Bezel, Page 120 You can also bead a 4th Distorted
Repeat Step 2 to bead another Distorted
• Distorted Square, Page 121 Square and attach it to any of the
Square and attach it to your Triangle.
• Peyote Stitch others as your bail
THE STEPS... Bead another matching Square and attach
STEP 1 it to your Triangle but leave the 2nd and
The Bezelled Rivoli. 4th corners empty. Then, once the round
Follow Step 1-8 of Triangle Bezel to is beaded, return to those corners to add
bezel a Rivoli and weave away your hanging loops (I added 2 loops, each
threads. one beginning from a C bead sitting in
the corner at the front and ending in the
matching C bead at the back).

124 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Layered Triangle Pendant | GEOMETRIC

Layered Triangle Pendant

• 1 x 14mm Rivoli TOP TIP Step 2
• 2g of size 11 cylinder beads - C beads This pendant can also be
used as the basis for a
I used Rivoli Heart…
• Rivolis: Crystal Metallic Sunshine
• C beads: DB1459 and DB1016
I changed colours for
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11
• Geometric Basics, Page 96 Steps 4-5 on my bezelled
• Triangle Bezel, Page 120 Rivoli to add a decorative
• Peyote Stitch outline around my Rivoli

The Bezelled Rivoli. Step 3
Using Stitch-In-The-Ditch, and the
Follow Step 1-8 of Triangle Bezel to bezel
principles of Beading a Triangle, add an
a Rivoli.
Increasing Round.
The Background Triangle.
Add 9 more Increasing Rounds until the
Weave to exit any bead added in Step 1
background Triangle has 18 beads a
of your bezel so that you’re in a corner
side (changing colour as desired). Then
space facing towards the corner. There are
add a Point Round and following the
6 possible beads you can use and they all
instructions under Playing With Bezels
have a red dot on them in the diagram, as
or Large Rivoli Triangle Necklace,
well as arrows showing the way you need
bead a tab on an outer edge or add a
to exit the bead.
hanging loop to the back.
Triangle Bezel Pyramids | GEOMETRIC

Triangle Bezel Pyramids

Take your geometric & Rivoli beading 3-dimensional with these striking pendants

Materials STEP 4 TOP TIP

• 4 or 6 x 14mm Rivolis Fourth Triangle- Repeat Step 1 but this last Joining Triangles with just a Point Round
• 4g size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads Triangle needs to be zipped to the other 3 beaded on your bezel (as I did in the
and so only needs new beads added in its 3 6 Rivoli Pyramid) is much harder, so
I used corners. Add a Hanging Loop as desired. you can add extra increasing rounds if
• Rivolis: Padparadscha, Light Peach, Light wanted before you do this
Rose, Light Silk and Light Colorado Topaz 6-Rivoli Pyramid
• C beads: DB1458, DB1152 and DB1832 STEP 1
The first Triangle - Follow Steps 1-3 of STEP 5
Techniques Layered Triangle Pendant to begin BUT as Fifth Triangle- Repeat Step 1 and zip this
• Geometric Basics, Page 96 you add the extra beads (in Step 3) do this as Triangle to one side of the second one and
• Triangle Bezel, Page 120 a Point Round with 1 bead in each space. one side of the fourth one.
• Layered Triangle Pendant, Page 125
• Peyote Stitch STEP 2 STEP 6
Second Triangle - Repeat Step 1 but, when Sixth Triangle - Repeat Step 1 and zip this
4-Rivoli Pyramid you reach the Point Round, zip it along one Triangle to one side of the third one and one
STEP 1 edge to the first Triangle. side each of the fourth and fifth ones (so
The first Triangle - Follow Steps 1-3 of it only needs its 3 corner C beads). Add a
Layered Triangle Pendant, to begin and STEP 3 Hanging Loop as desired.
then bead 2 more Increasing Rounds and Third Triangle - Repeat Step 2 but zip this
Step 1 of 6-Rivoli
then a Point Round. new triangle to sit between the first and
Triangle Pyramid
second, so it only needs one other Point
STEP 2 Round side filled in and its corner beads.
Second Triangle - Repeat Step 1 but,when
you reach the Point Round, zip it along one STEP 4
edge to the first Triangle. Fourth Triangle - Repeat Step 1 and zip this
Triangle to one side of the first one.
Third Triangle - Repeat the previous step but
zip this new triangle to sit between the first
and second. It only needs one other Point Any size or style of Triangle in this book
Round side filled in along with all its corner can be turned into a pyramid...

Joining the 4-Rivoli Joining the 6-Rivoli

Triangle Pyramid Triangle Pyramid

oin 4
1 Jo Join
Jo in
in in in
Jo Jo
Jo in
in Jo

3 2


3 2



6 5

Join Join
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 127

Flying Vs
A geometric bail creates striking, suspended Rivolis…
These bezelled Rivolis are perfect for creating a mix-and-match
piece as they easily slide on and off whatever they’re strung on.
They’re created by combining a Basic Rivoli Bezel with a geometric
beaded Distorted Square with a difference – an empty centre. This
empty centre (which is optional) allows the stringing material to
show through each bail and gives the pieces their unique shape
which inspired their name

For each Flying V:
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads - C beads

I used
• Rivolis: Dark Moss Green, Olivine, Denim
Blue, Peridot, Light Turquoise
• Seed beads: Miyuki #457
• C beads: DB1010
• Stringing material - SilverSIlk Pearlesque
Gold AB

• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Herringbone Increase, Page 96
• Distorted Square, Page 121
• Peyote Stitch
Step 1 Step 2
The base shape.
Following the instructions for the Basic
Bezelling Technique, bezel a Rivoli and
finish all the threads.

Beginning your Square – Rounds 1-2.
On a separate piece of thread pick up 36 x C
beads and tie a knot to hold the beads tight
and weave to exit any bead (36 x C).

STEP 3 Step 3
Round 3 – First Increasing Round.
*Using a Herringbone Increase add 2 x C
between the next 2 x C beads picked up in TOP TIP
Step 2 and then, using Peyote Stitch, add 1 As you bead your Square you want
x C bead into each of the next 4 spaces*. to pull your work tight as this helps
Repeat from * to * three more times and the shape to form and your Square to
then, at the end of the round, Step-Up to distort and fold over. Adding the knot
exit the first bead added (it will be the first C when you first pick up the beads also
bead in the first pair added) (24 x C). helps this to happen

You can add a Star Design to your
Rivoli if you wish
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 129

Step 4
Round 4 – Second Increasing Round. TOP TIP
*Using a Herringbone Increase, add 2 x The diagrams will show your Square
C on top of the 2 x C beads added using a
as flat when in reality it will begin
Herringbone Increase in the last step and
to fold over so it looks like two ‘V’s
then, using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C bead
into each of the next 5 spaces*. Repeat from lying on each other rather than a flat
* to * three more times and then, at the end square
of the round, Step-Up to exit the first bead
added (it will be the first C bead in the first
pair added) (28 x C).

Round 5 – Third Increasing Round. Step 5
*Using a Herringbone Increase, add 2 x
C on top of the 2 x C beads added using a
Herringbone Increase in the last step and
then, using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C bead
into each of the next 6 spaces*. Repeat from
* to * three more times and then, at the end
of the round, Step-Up to exit the first bead
added (it will be the first C bead in the first
pair added) (32 x C).

Round 6 – Fourth Increasing Round. *Using
a Herringbone Increase, add 2 x C on
Step 6
top of the 2 x C beads added using a
Herringbone Increase in the last step and
then, using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C bead
into each of the next 7 spaces*. Repeat from
* to * three more times and then, at the end
of the round, Step-Up to exit the first bead
added (it will be the first C bead in the first
pair added) (36 x C). TOP TIP
If you want a bigger ‘V’ then
simply bead more Increasing
Round 7 – The Point Round.
Rounds like Steps 3-6 before
• Bring your bezelled Rivoli close and,
continuing working in the same direction beading the principle of Step 7
as you have been beading, thread into
any C bead on the front-most round of C
beads on your bezel. Pull tight to snuggle
the Bail and the bezel close together.
• Using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C bead into
each of the next 17 spaces (including 1
on top of the pair of C beads added in Step 7
the last round.
• When you reach the 3rd corner; again
continuing in the same direction as you
have been beading, thread into the
matching C bead on the back-most
round of C beads on your bezel that sits
behind the C bead already threaded into.
• Using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x C bead into
each of the next 17 spaces (including 1
on top of the pair of C beads added in
the last round.
• Weave around all again to secure and
weave away your thread to finish (34 x

130 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power


If you don’t want to leave a gap in the centre of your Square You can also add as many Increasing Rounds as desired before
then you can bead a full Distorted Square for your bail. joining to your Rivoli (with or without a filled in centre
See Page 122 for instructions on this

To add some extra decoration, and texture, to your work you The edge of your Square can be decorated by using small drop
can use Stitch-In-The-Ditch (Page 11) to add some beads beads, crystals, daggers, seed beads etc.
to the top of your Square
Extra Sparkle

Adding other crystals to your

Rivolis ramps up the sparkle...
Bicone Snowflakes | EXTRA SPARKLE

Bicone Snowflakes
The perfect accompaniment for crystals is… more
These very versatile & variable Bicone Snowflakes are easy to make and ideal for when you want to quickly make
pieces using a small amount of bicones. I have described 8 different variations & ways of using them, but do
experiment for many more options
Materials STEP 3 STEP 4
Each Bicone Snowflake uses: Embellishment - Second Round. Embellishment - Third Round.
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Pick up 1 x S15, 1B and 1 x S15. Thread into *Pick up 3 x S15 and, working in the same
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s the 2nd S15 in the next group of 3. Repeat direction, thread through the next group
• 1g of size 11 cylinder seed beads - C 8 more times to add 9 groups of beads and of S15, B and S15 added in the last step*
beads finish by Stepping-Up through 1 x S15, 1 x Repeat from * to * 8 more times (27 x S15).
• 9 x 4mm bicones - B beads Bicone and 1 x S15 (18 x S15 and 9 x B).

Each Deeper Bicone Snowflake uses:

• 1 x 14mm Rivoli TOP TIP TOP TIP
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s You can stop after Step 3 for a different Stopping after Step 4 gives you a piece
• 1g of size 11 cylinder seed beads - Cs look that finishes with a Bicone edging with extra seed bead embellishment
• 18 x 4mm bicones - B beads

I used
• Rivoli: Dark Moss Green
• Seed beads: #457
Step 1 Step 2
• Cylinder beads: DB1010
• Bicones: Palace Green Opal

• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11
• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Peyote Stitch
• Netting

Bezelling the Rivoli.
Using the Basic Bezelling Technique bezel
a 14mm Rivoli.

Embellishment - First Round. Step 3 Step 4
Using Stitch-In-The-Ditch add 3 x S15 into
alternate spaces on the central round of C
beads on the bezel. At the end Step-Up to
exit the second S15 in any group of 3 (27 x

If you want you can stop after Step 2
for a simple embellished Rivoli

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 135

EXTRA SPARKLE | Bicone Snowflakes

STEP 5 Step 5 Step 6

Embellishment - Fourth Round.
*Pick up 6 x S15 and, working in the same
direction, thread through the next group of
3 x S15 from the last step*. Repeat from *
to * 8 more times and Step-Up at the end to
exit the first 3 x S15s picked up in this step
(54 x S15).

Stopping after Step 5 gives you a piece
with loops of seed beads framing each

Embellishment - Fifth Round.
*Pick up 1 x S15 and, working in the same
direction, thread through the last 3 x S15
from the group of 6 x S15, the 3 x S15s
added in Step 4 and then through the first 3
x S15 in the next group of 6*. Repeat from *
to * 8 more times (9 x S15).

Adding a Hanging Loop at the edge
Weave to exit any S15 added in the last round. Pick up as
many S15 beads as needed (thread into an earring finding if
appropriate) and circle back through the S15 you were exiting

Adding a Hanging Loop at the back

Whether you’ve fully covered the back or not, adding a simple
loop of S15 beads will allow you to wear your piece as a
pendant or brooch

Bicone Snowflakes | EXTRA SPARKLE

Deeper Bicone Snowflake

Bead Steps 1-6 of Bicone Snowflakes Add groups of 3 x S15 beads threading into *Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into the
finishing by Stepping-Up to exit one of the the 3rd bead in the groups of 5 x S15s from next 2 spaces and then bead a Peyote
S15s added in the last round. the last step. Step-Up at the end to exit the Stitch Decrease in the next space*.
2nd S15 in any group of 3 (27 x S15). Repeat from * to * twice more and finish
STEP 2 by Stepping-Up through the first S15
*Pick up 2 x S15, 1 x B and 2 x S15s. STEP 8 - GREEN IN THE DIAGRAM added (6 x S15).
Thread into the next single S15 added in Add groups of 3 x S15 beads threading into
the last round*. Repeat from * to * eight the 2nd bead in the groups of 3 x S15s from STEP 11 - ORANGE IN THE DIAGRAM
more times then finish by Stepping-Up the last step. Step-Up at the end to exit the Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into each
through one of the groups of beads added 2nd S15 in any group of 3 (27 x S15). space from the last round including 1 over
(36 x S15 and 9 x Bicones). each large space created by the decreases
STEP 3 Using Peyote Stitch add single S15 beads
*Pick up 1 x S15 and thread through the threading into the 2nd S15 in each group of STEP 12
next group of 2 x S15s, 1 x B and 2 x S15s 3 from the last step and Step-Up to exit the Weave all around the 6 x S15s in the last
added in the last step*. Repeat from * to first bead added (9 x S15). round to secure and finish.
* eight more times and finish by Stepping-
Up to exit any of the single S15s added in
this step (9 x S15). Step 3
Step 2
You’ll now begin to decrease the back.
Add groups of 9 x S15s between each S15
added in the last step. Step-Up at the end
to exit the 5th bead in any group of 9 (81
x S15).


Add groups of 7 x S15 beads threading
into the 5th bead in the groups of 9 x Steps 4-12 (this diagram just
shows the back of your work
S15s from the last step. Step-Up at the
and the beads added in Step
end to exit the 4th S15 in any group of 7 2 onwards
(63 x S15).


Add groups of 5 x S15 beads threading
into the 4th bead in the groups of 7 x
S15s from the last step. Step-Up at the
end to exit the 3rd S15 in any group of 5
(45 x S15).
Bicone Bezels | EXTRA SPARKLE

Bicone Bezels
Add extra sparkle with these quick to bead bezels with 3
different variations
Step 1
Materials TOP TIP
Each Basic Bicone Bezel uses: When you bead steps 5-7, pull tight and
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli let your work ‘cup’ up so that it gets
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s depth and begins to make the shape
• 12 x 4mm bicones - B beads that will hold your Rivoli in. It doesn’t
Each Elaborate Bicone Bezel uses: matter in which direction you let it cup,
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli but this will determine the front and
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s
back of your bezel
• 18 x 4mm bicones - B beads
Each Simpler Bicone Bezel uses:
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli STEP 5
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s *Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into each
• 6 x 4mm bicones - B beads of the next 2 spaces and then pick up 5
x S15 and thread into the S15 after the
I used Bicone*. Repeat from * to * five more times.
• Rivoli: Yellow Opal Step-Up at the end to exit the first S15
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4203 added (42 x S15).
• Bicones: Amethyst Shimmer x 2
Step 2 Step 3
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11
• Hanging Loop, Page 19
• Peyote Stitch


The Base Ring.
Pick up 1 x S15 and 1 x B. Repeat this
pattern five more times until you have 6 of
each and then circle through the first S15 to
join into a ring and then weave around the
ring again finishing by exiting an S15 (6 x
S15 and 6 x C).

*Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next
S15 on the Base Ring*. Repeat from * to * Step 4 Step 5
five more times and then Step-Up to exit the
3rd S15 added (30 x S15).

*Pick up 2 x S15, 1B and 2 x S15 and thread
into the 3rd S15 in the next 5-bead loop
added in the last step*. Repeat from * to *
five more times and then Step-Up to exit the
first B added (24 x S15 and 6 x B).

*Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into each
of the next 3 spots with the last once taking
you into the next B added in the last step*.
Repeat from * to * five more times and then
Step-Up to exit the first S15 added (18 x
Rivoli beadwork by Jean Power | 139
EXTRA SPARKLE | Bicone Bezels

*Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 and thread
into the next S15 added in the last step,
through all the S15s in the 5-bead loop and
lastly into the next S15 added in the last step
(you’ll thread through 7 x S15s in total as
you do this)*. Repeat from * to * five more
times and Step-Up to exit the first S15 added
(6 x S15).

Your work will now begin to decrease
and the diagrams will just show the
beads added in Step 5 and onwards

*Pick up 2 x S15 and thread into the 3rd
Step 6 Step 7
S15 in the next 5-bead loop. Pick up 2 x S15
and thread into the next single S15 added in
the last step*. Repeat from * to * five more
times (pulling tight so the 5-bead loops fold
to the back of your work to soon sit behind
the Rivoli) and Step-Up to exit the first pair
of S15s added (24 x S15).

Insert your Rivoli so it faces out of the beads
added in Steps 1-2. Using Peyote Stitch add
1 x S15 between each pair added in the last
step (12 x S15).


Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 between
each S15 added in the last step (12 x S15).
Step 8 Steps 9-13


Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 between
each S15 added in the last step (12 x S15).


*Using Peyote Stitch add a single S15 and
then bead a Peyote Stitch Decrease in the
next space*. Repeat from * to * five more
times and then Step-Up to exit the first S15
added in this step (6 x S15).


Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 between
each S15 added in the last step (6 x S15).


*Using Peyote Stitch add a single S15 and
then bead a Peyote Stitch Decrease in the
next space*. Repeat from * to * twice more
and then Step-Up to exit the first S15 added
in this step. Lastly weave through all 3 x S15s
added in this step to unite them and finish
(3 x S15).

Add a Hanging Loop at the back of your
bezel as desired.
Bicone Bezels | EXTRA SPARKLE


Bead Steps 1-14 of the Basic
Bicone Bezel then weave to exit
any B added in Step 3. *Pick up 2
x S15s, 1B and 2 x S15s and then
thread into the next B*. Repeat
from * to * five more times to
finish (24 x S15 and 6 x B).


Bead Steps 1-14 of the Basic
Bicone Bezel BUT at Step 3 pick
up 7 x S15s and from then on
treat the central 3 x S15s as your
Bicone e.g. when Stepping-Up at
the end of Step 3 you’ll exit the
5th S15 in your loop of 7

• Look at the RAW Pearls Bezel variations and Super Crystal Petals
to see how you can add loops and then picots around your Bicones
added in Step 3 or at the end of the Elaborate version

• You can bead into the back of your bail to add Hanging Tabs or tabs
to join different bezels as shown on Star Flowers

• You can also add loops of 7 x S15s instead of the extra beads in the
Elaborate version and then weave through again (missing out the
central S15 in each loop to make it ‘pop’ out)

• In the Elaborate variation you can instead pick up 1 x S15, 1 Bicone

and 1 x S15 for a different look as shown here

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 141

Crystal Coronas | EXTRA SPARKLE

Crystal Coronas
Surround your Rivolis with extra sparkle
Each Basic Crystal Corona uses: Repeat Step 3 to add another round of 5 STEP 1
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli x S15 loops but at the end don’t Step-Up, Bead Steps 1-5 of the Basic Crystal Corona
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s instead stay exiting the 3rd S15 added in a Bezel and then Step-Up to exit the 3rd S15
• 1g of size 11 cylinder beads - C beads loop in the previous step (90 x S15). in one of the loops added in Step 4.
• 18 x 3mm bicones - B3 beads
• Finding of choice STEP 5 STEP 2
Weave from ‘loop point’ to ‘loop point’ Repeat the principle of Steps 4-5 but adding
Each Elaborate Corona uses: threading through beads added in Step 3 8 x S15s in each loop (144 x S15 and 18 x
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli to add 1 x B3 into each space. Then add a B3).
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15s Hanging Loop at the back or earring finding
• 1g of size 11 cylinder beads - C beads as desired (18 x B3). STEP 3
• 36 x 3mm bicones - B3 beads Step-Up to exit the 4th S15 in any of the
• 18 x 4mm bicones - B4 beads 8-bead loops. *Pick up 1 x S15 and thread
• Finding of choice Steps 1-4
Basic Corona
into the 5th S15 in the loop. Pick up 1 x
B4 and thread into the 4th S15 in the next
I used Loop*. Repeat from * to * seventeen more
• Rivoli: Yellow Opal times then add a Hanging Loop or earring
• Seed beads: Miyuki #4202 finding as desired (18 x S15, 18 x B4).
• Cylinder beads: DB1763
• Bicones: Jet x 2AB
The loops of S15s on your bezels will
• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11 be ‘wobbly’ and not laying in nice loops
• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12 until you add your bicones so don’t
worry about this
Using the Basic Bezelling Technique bezel
your Rivoli.

Step 5 - Basic Corona Steps 1-2 - Elaborate Corona

Weave to exit a C bead in the central round
and using SITD, and 5 x S15 for each stitch,
add 18 loops around your Bezel. Step-Up at
the end to exit the 3rd S15 added (90 x S15).

Repeat Step 2 to add another round of 5 x
S15 loops this time threading into the 3rd
S15 of the loops added in the previous step
(90 x S15).

I recommend beading at the front of
your bezels when adding the bicones
to ensure they sit nicely on top of your
seed beads Step 3 - Elaborate Corona

I used Basic Coronas for my earrings
with findings simply stitched on, and an
Elaborate Corona for a pendant with a
Hanging Loop (Page 19) added to the
back Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 143
Shaped Beads

Get adventurous by venturing

into adding different shapes &
styles of beads to your Rivolis...

Super Dots
Use shaped beads to create quick & colourful bezels
These bezels are quick to bead and you can play around with colour in both the SuperDuos and the Rivolis.

Materials STEP 2 Step 1

Each Super Dot uses: Round Two.
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Pick up 1 x S11 and thread into the next SD.
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your Repeat 13 more times to fill in the whole
S15 beads circle and finish exiting an S11 (14 x S11).
• 1g of size 11 Miyuki seed beads - your
S11 beads STEP 3
• 14 x SuperDuo beads Adding Fringes.
*Pick up 6 x S15 and, missing the last one,
I used thread back through 4. Pick up 1 x S15 and
• Rivoli: Light Peach thread into the next S11 added in the last
• Seed beads: #4203 step*. Repeat from * to * 13 more times to
• SuperDuos: #43400, #94105 and add 14 Fringes and then Step-Up to exit the
#25043 6th S15 added in any Fringe – this is a Fringe
End Bead (98 x S15).
THE STEPS... Step 3
Round One. Step 2
On a comfortable length of thread pick up
1 x S11 and 2 x SD. Repeat 6 more times
and then thread through the first S11 to join
into a circle. Weave through the full circle
of beads a few times to hold them tight,
finishing by exiting an SD and then using
your preferred method (see below) to Step-
Up into an empty hole in any SD (7 x S11,
14 x SD).

Stepping-Up with SuperDuos

There are 2 methods you can use to Step-Up to exit the other hole in your SuperDuos:

The first method is to simply thread into the The other method is to thread behind the SD and into the other hole of the bead
other hole but this will result in you changing working in the same direction.
direction and your thread may show on the If you make sure the thread sits at the back of your bead it won’t show and you’ll
side of the bead carry on working in the same direction. This method can be fiddlier to bead,
depending on what you’re making

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 147


STEP 4 Step 4
Loosely weave through all the Fringe
End beads until you have joined all 14 of
them. Lay your Rivoli so it faces out of the
beads added in Step 1 and then pull your
thread tight to bring the fringes together
at the back. Weave around and around
the Fringe End beads to pull tight and
then weave away your threads to finish.

Hanging Loops

Adding a Hanging Loop at the edge: Adding a larger Hanging Loop at the back:
Weave to exit any S11 added in Step 2. Pick up as many For one of your fringes you can pick up more than 6 beads (e.g.
S15 beads as needed (threading into an earring finding if 15) and then thread back down the extra beads to make a longer
appropriate) and circle through the S11 you were exiting fringe. This will give you a larger loop at the back to thread a thicker
stringing material behind

Covering the back of the Rivoli

automatically gives you loops of seed
beads which you can thread your
chain or hanging material behind

Joining Bezels
Super Dots can be joined to each other to make bracelets. Joining bezels using S11 beads which aren’t directly opposite each
other will let you make different shapes, for example a V-Shape
You can do this by simply weaving to exit any S11 from which can be used as the centrepiece of a necklace
Step 2, picking up as many S11 beads as desired and
circling through an S11 on another bezel before picking
up more S11 beads and circling back into the S11 you
were exiting

Adding extra decoration

You can add extra decoration around the edge of your bezel in a few different ways:

Adding Fringes: Adding Picots:

Replicate what you beaded in Step 3 but only picking up 3 Replicate what you did in Step 3 but just pick up loops with an
beads at the start. Then thread back through just 1 before uneven number of beads. Then weave around a second time missing
picking up the last 1 out the central bead in each loop to make it pop out and become a

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 149

Super Flowers | SHAPED BEADS

Super Flowers
Shaped beads give you a bezel with a floral theme and a
reversible option
Working from the Basic Rivoli bezel and adding shaped beads embellishment gives you lots of design options…

Materials STEP 4 Step 1

Each Super Flower uses: Finishing the Picots.
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Missing the second S15 in a group of 3,
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your thread into the third, the next SD and then
S15 beads the first S15 in the next group of 3. Repeat
• 1g of size 11 Cylinder beads - your C this all around the circle so each central S15
beads ends up sticking out. At the end, weave to
• 18 x SuperDuo beads exit the bottom hole of any SD.

Each Reversible Super Flower uses: STEP 5

• 2 x 14mm Rivolis Weave between your SDs adding 1 x S15 in
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - your each space (18 x S15).
S15 beads
• 2g of size 11 Cylinder beads - your C
• 54 x SuperDuo beads
Step 2 Step 3
I used
• Rivoli: Padparadscha, Rose Gold and
• Seed beads: #4203
• Cylinder beads: #262
• SuperDuos: #43400 and #24205

• Stitch-In-The-Ditch, Page 11
• Basic Bezelling Technique, Page 12
• Stepping-Up with SuperDuos, Page 147 Step 3
• Peyote Stitch

STEP 1 Step 4 Step 5
Flower Base.
Using the Basic Bezelling Technique bezel
your Rivoli. Then, using Stitch-In-The-Ditch,
add S15 beads on top of your central round
of cylinder beads.

Adding the SuperDuos.
Add 1 x SD between each S15 added using
Stitch-In-The-Ditch. Once you’ve added 18
Step-Up to exit the second hole in one of
them (18 x SD).

Beginning the Picots.
Pick up 3 x S15 and thread into the empty
hole in the next SD. Repeat 17 more times to
fill in the whole circle and finish exiting the
first S15 added (54 x S15).
Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 151
SHAPED BEADS | Super Flowers

Hanging Loop.
At the back of your bezel weave to exit any Step 6 - Super Flower Step 1 - Reversible Super Flower
S15 in the second round of S15s from the
end. Pick up as many S15s as desired in your
loop and then thread into the opposite S15
of the same round. Thread back through the
new beads and circle into the S15 you were


Bead Steps 1-2 of a Super Flower and
then add 1 x SD between each one already
added. At the end Step-Up to exit the other
hole of any SD.

Step 2 - Reversible Super Flower Step 4 - Reversible Super Flower
Repeat the previous Step to add 1 more
round of 18 x SD. As you do this you need
to pull tight so that your work ‘cups up’
towards the back of your Rivoli (18 x SD).

If you want to add a fine chain to your
Reversible Super Flower then, as you
bead Step 3, you can thread it into
place. This makes it easier to attach a
chain rather than adding it later

Repeat Step 1 of a Super Flower to bezel
another Rivoli and then bring the two bezels
together and replicate Step 2 of a Super
Flower to zip the 2 Rivolis together making
sure they sit back to back.

Repeat Step 5 of a Super Flower to add
S15s at the front of each bezel (36 x S15).

If you want to wear a Reversible

Super Flower on a chain you’ll find it
easier if you add the chain before you
finish Step 3
Super Flowers | SHAPED BEADS

Adding a Hanging Loop at the edge
If you’d rather add a hanging loop to your Reversible Super Flower, then simply weave to exit a hole in the central round of SDs,
pick up as many S15s as you’d like and thread into either the same SD or another one in the same round

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 153

Wheat Sheaves | SHAPED BEADS

Wheat Sheaves
Materials STEP 5 STEP 6
Each Wheat Sheaf uses: Fourth Round of SuperDuos. Covering the Back – Round One.
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Pick up 2 x SD and thread into the empty Weave to exit any S11s added in Step 1.
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15 hole in the other SD in the pair. Then pick Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next S11
• 1g of size 11 Miyuki seed beads - S11 up 1 x S11 and thread into the empty hole added in Step 1.Repeat 11 more times to
• 84 x SuperDuo beads in the next first SD in a pair. Repeat 11 more add 12 x 5-bead loops and then Step-Up to
I used times to add 24 x SD (24 x SD and 12 x S11). exit the 3rd bead in the first loop (60 x S15).
• Rivoli: Peony Pink
• Seed beads: #4203
• SuperDuos: #24205, #25026, #94105,
and #25043
Step 1 Step 2
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11
• Stepping-Up with SuperDuos, Page 147
• Peyote Stitch

First Round of SuperDuos
Pick up 1 x S11 and 1 x SD. Repeat 11 more
times until you’ve picked up 12 of each and
then thread through the first S11 and SD to
join into a circle.
Step-Up to exit the other hole in any SD and
then thread through all the empty holes in
your SDs to join them into a circle. Gently
ease them so that the circle of beads lays flat Step 3 Step 4
and the S11s are outside the circle. Lastly,
Step-Up to exit any S11 (12 x S11, 12 x SD).

Adding Picots.
Pick up 3 x S11 and thread into the next S11
added in the previous step. Repeat 11 more
times to add 12 Picots. Then, at the end,
Step-Up to exit the second S11 in a group of
3 (36 x S11).

Second Round of SuperDuos.
Pick up 2 x SD and thread into the second/
central S11 in the next group of 3 x S11.
Repeat 11 more times to add 24 x SD then Step 5 Step 6
Step-Up to exit the other hole in any SD
bead facing towards the other SD in the pair
(24 x SD).

Third Round of SuperDuos.
Pick up 2 x SD and thread into the empty
hole in the other SD in the pair and then
thread into the empty hole in the first SD
in the next pair. Repeat 11 more times to
add 24 x SD. Step-Up at the end to exit the
empty hole in an SD facing towards the
other SD in the pair (24 x SD).

Main photo from top: As instructions, ‘Different

heights’ variation, ‘Adding a Point Round’ variation Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 155
SHAPED BEADS | Wheat Sheaves

Covering the Back – Round Four. Covering the Back – Round Eight.
The diagrams will now show the back Using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x S15 and thread Using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x S15 and then,
of your work being beaded and, for into the 1st bead in the next loop added in using a Peyote Stitch Decrease, decrease
clarity, won’t show all of the beads in the last round. Repeat eleven more times the next space. Repeat this pattern 2 more
the bezel made so far – just the S11s and at the end of the round Step-Up to exit times and finish the round by Stepping-Up
from Step 1 and anything added from the first bead added (12 x S15). to exit the first bead added. Weave around
Step 6 onwards these 3 beads to secure and finish (3 x S15).
STEP 7 Covering the Back – Round Five.
Covering the Back – Round Two. Using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x S15 between
Insert your Rivoli so it faces out of the each one added in the last round (12 x S15).
beadwork added in Steps 1-4.
Step 7
*Pick up 3 x S15 and thread into the 3rd STEP 11
bead in the next loop added in the last Covering the Back – Round Six.
round*. Repeat from * to * 11 more times Using Peyote Stitch, add 1 x S15 and then,
and Step-Up to exit the 2nd bead added in using a Peyote Stitch Decrease, decrease
the 1st loop in this step (36 x S15). the next space. Repeat this pattern 5 more
times and finish the round by Stepping-Up to
STEP 8 exit the first bead added (6 x S15).
Covering the Back – Round Three.
Add a round with loops of 2 x S15s, STEP 12
threading into the 2nd S15 in each loop Covering the Back – Round Seven.
from the last round. Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into each
At the end of the round, Step-Up to exit the space from the last round (6 x S15).
1st bead added in the 1st loop (24 x S15).

Step 8 Step 9 Step 10


Step 11 Step 12 Step 13

Wheat Sheaves | SHAPED BEADS

Adding a Point Round
If you want to add Points on the top of each SD group, then add
another round similar to Step 5 (Fourth Round of SuperDuos) but
adding 1 x SD on top of each pair added in the last round and, as you
thread between groups of SD beads, pick up as many S11 or S15 beads
as needed to keep your work flat.

You can also add the

‘Point Round’ at any
time after Step 3 or 4
(with or without extra
seed beads as needed)
for smaller versions.

You can also have the

SD sections be different
heights. As you do this you’ll need to weave from one hole to
You can bead this by the other in some SDs (using your preferred method)
adding, in the third to get to the position to add new beads and move
round of SD beads, just through your work. You can see where you need to do
1 on top of alternate that with the solid lines in the diagram below:
stacks and 2 on the
Then, when you add
the fourth round, add
single ones on top of
the taller stacks and
nothing on the others
Super Crystal Petals | SHAPED BEADS

Super Crystal Petals

Unite different bead shapes for a sparkling ornate bezel
Materials STEP 3
Each Super Crystal Petal uses: Second Round of Bicones.
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli Pick up 1 x S15, 1 Bicone and 1 x S15.
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15 Thread into the third S15 in the next Loop
• 27 x 4mm bicones added in the last round. Repeat 8 more
• 18 x SuperDuo beads times to add 9 groups of beads. Finish by
Stepping-Up to exit a Bicone (18 x S15s and
Each Extra Sparkling Crystal Petal uses: 9 x Bicones).
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15
• 36 x 4mm bicones Step 1
• 18 x SuperDuo beads

Each Extra Super Crystal Petal uses:

• 1 x 14mm Rivoli
• 2g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15
• 27 x 4mm bicones
• 45 x SuperDuo beads

I used
• Rivoli: Topaz & Crystal Dark Red
• Seed beads: #4203
• Bicones: Siam & Arum x 2
• SuperDuos: #01890 and #01780 Step 2

• Stepping-Up with SuperDuos, Page 147
• Wheat Sheaves, Page 154
• Peyote Stitch

First Round.
Pick up 1 x S15 and 1 x Bicone. Repeat 8
more times until you’ve picked up 9 of each
and then thread through the first S15 to join
into a circle.
Weave around the circle a few times to pull
tight and then finish by exiting an S15 (9 x
S15, 9 x Bicones).
Step 3
Adding Loops.
Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next S15
added in the previous step. Repeat 8 more
times to add 9 Loops and then at the end
Step-Up to exit the third S15 in a group of 5
(45 x S15).

Main photo from top: Super Crystal

Petal, Extra Sparkling Crystal Petal,
Extra Super Crystal Petal Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 159
SHAPED BEADS | Super Crystal Petals

Adding SuperDuos. Step 4
Pick up 1 x SD, 1 x S15 and 1 x SD.
Thread into the next Bicone. Repeat 8
more times. Finish by Stepping-Up to exit
the empty hole in the first SD in a pair
facing towards the other SD in the pair
(18 x SD and 9 x S15).

Third Round of Bicones.
*Pick up 1 x S15, 1 Bicone and 1 x S15.
Thread into the other SD in the pair and
then pick up 1 x S15 and thread in the
first SD in the next pair*. Repeat from *
to * 8 more times to complete the round,
finishing by Stepping-Up to exit the first
S15 before a Bicone (9 x Bicones and 27
x S15).

Beginning Picots.
*Pick up 6 x S15 and thread into the S15
Step 5
on the other side of the Bicone. Thread
through 1 x SD, 1 x S15, 1 x SD and 1
x S15 to exit the S15 before the next
Bicone*. Repeat from * to * eight more
times and then finish by Stepping-Up to
exit the 3rd S15 added in a Loop (54 x

Step 6

160 | Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power

Super Crystal Petals | SHAPED BEADS

Step 7 Step 8

Finishing Picots.
*Pick up 1 x S15 and thread through the
next 3 x S15s in the Loop and then 1 x S15,
1 x SD, 1 x S15, 1 x SD and 4 x S15s to exit
the 3rd S15 in the next Loop*. Repeat from
* to * eight more times to finish the round
(9 x S15).

Beginning the Back.
Weave to exit an S15 added in Step 3 that
was picked up after a Bicone facing towards
another Bicone.
*Pick up 1 x S15 and thread into the next
S15 from Step 3 which sits before a Bicone.
Pick up 5 x S15s and thread into the next
S15 which sits after a Bicone*.
Repeat from * to * eight more times to
complete the round and Step-Up to exit the
3rd bead added in a Loop (54 x S15).

Finishing the back.
You now need to bead the principle of Steps
7-12 of ‘Wheat Sheaves’ to finish the
back BUT as you have a different number
of sections (and an odd-number of them) at
Step 11 you’ll bead 4 repeats and then add a
single bead.
Then at Step 12 you’ll add 5 beads and then
weave around them to finish.

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 161

SHAPED BEADS | Super Crystal Petals


This variation has an extra round of Bicones and
their surrounding Loops & Picots

Bead Steps 1-7 of Super Crystal Petals
and then Step-Up to exit the seventh S15
in the any of the Picot Loops (it will be the
6th S15 in any loop added in Step 6).

Pick up 1 x S15, 1 Bicone and 1 x S15.
Thread into the first S15 in the next Picot
Loop and thread through all the beads in
the Loop to exit the seventh one. Repeat
to add a total of 9 new groups of beads
and Step-Up at the end to exit the first
S15 added in a group (9 x Bicones, 18 x

Repeat the principle of Steps 6-7 of Super
Step 2
Crystal Petals to add Loops and then
Picots around the new Bicones. As you
add the Loops you’ll weave through all 7 x
S15 beads in the previous Loops & Picots.

Bead Steps 8-9 of Super Crystal Petals to
cover the back of your piece.

Step 3
Super Crystal Petals | SHAPED BEADS


This variation has extra rounds of SuperDuo beads

Bead Steps 1-4 of Super Crystal Petals.
Next replicate Step 5 but using 1 x SD, 1
x S15 and 1 x SD ( instead of S15, Bicone
and S15) inbetween the SDs in a pair and
then 1 x S15 inbetween pairs of SDs.
Step-Up at the end of the round to exit
the empty hole of the first SD in a pair
facing towards the other one in the pair
(18 x SD, 18 x S15).

Add a round with 1 x SD inbetween the
SD bead pairs from the last round and 1
x S15, 1 Bicone and 1 x S15 between the
pairs of SDs from the last round (9 x SD,
18 x S15 and 9 x Bicones).

Repeat the principle of Steps 6-7 of Super Step 1
Crystal Petals to add Loops and then
Picots around the new Bicones.
As you add the Loops you’ll weave
through a S15, 3 x SDs and an S15 (63 x

Bead Steps 8-9 of Super Crystal Petals to
cover the back of your piece.

Step 2 Step 3
Claw Bezels | SHAPED BEADS

Claw Bezels
Grab a hold of your Rivoli with these striking beads
Materials STEP 7 Step 12
Each Claw Bezel uses: *Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into
• 1 x 14mm Rivoli each of the next 2 spaces and then bead
• 1g of size 15 Miyuki seed beads - S15 a Peyote Stitch Decrease in the next*.
• 1g of size 11 Miyuki seed beads - S11 Repeat from * to * three more times (8 x
• 12 x 3x10mm Crescent beads - CR S15).
• Findings of choice - I used earring
findings and small tassels but these are STEP 8
optional Bead a round of Peyote Stitch with 1 x S15
between each bead of the previous step
I used including just 1 in each large space made by
• Rivoli: Majestic Blue the decreasing (8 x S15).
• Seed beads: #4202
• Crescents: Matte Gold Metallic STEP 9
*Using Peyote Stitch add 1 x S15 into a
Techniques space and then bead a Peyote Stitch Step 13
• Peyote Stitch Decrease, Page 11 Decrease in the next*. Repeat from * to *
• Stepping-Up with SuperDuos, Page 147 three more times (4 x S15).
• Peyote Stitch
THE STEPS... Bead a round of Peyote Stitch with 1 x
STEP 1 S15 between each from the previous step
Base Ring. including just 1 in each large space made by TOP TIP
*Pick up 1 x S11 and 1 x CR*. Repeat from * the decreasing. Then weave through all 4 If you want to add findings or
to * eleven more times until you have 12 of new beads to unite them (4 x S15). tassels etc. then pick them up in the
each. Circle through the first S11 to join into appropriate spot when adding loops of
a ring and then all around the beads again STEP 11 S15 beads in Step 12
finishing by exiting an S11 (12 x S11 and 12 Weave through your work and then Step-Up
x CR). to exit the empty hole in any Crescent, just
as you would with a SuperDuo (described on
STEP 2 Page 147).
Beading the back.
Pick up 3 x S15 and thread into the next STEP 12
S11. Repeat 11 more times and then Step- Pick up 5 x S15 and thread into the next
Up to exit the 2nd S15 (36 x S15). Crescent. Repeat all around to add loops
between each Crescent and then Step-Up to
STEP 3 exit the 2nd bead in the first loop (60 x S15).
Pick up 3 x S15 and thread into the 2nd S15
in the next 3-bead loop added in the last STEP 13
round. Repeat 11 more times and then Step- Adding Picots - Optional.
Up to exit the 2nd S15 (36 x S15). *Missing the 3rd S15 (this will make it ‘pop
out’) thread through the 4th and 5th S15,
STEP 4 the Crescent and then the 1st and 2nd S15
Repeat Step 3. in the next loop*. Repeat from * to * eleven
more times to finish the round (no beads),
Pick up 1 x S15 and thread into the 2nd S15
in the next 3-bead loop added in the last
round. Repeat 11 more times and then Step-
Up to exit the first S15 (12 x S15). TOP TIP
After Step 1 you’ll be working at the back of
STEP 6 your bezel so make sure to have the Crescent Front of Back of
Insert your Rivoli and then bead a round of beads facing you with their ‘claws’ up the Bezel the Bezel
Peyote Stitch with 1 x S15 between each
from the previous step (12 x S15).

Rivoli Beadwork by Jean Power | 165

My final word…

All the bezels and projects in this book can be experimented with, whether that’s changing the Rivoli size, altering colours, swapping pearls for
crystals, turning an earring into a pendant, changing the shaped bead you use and many, many more options.

Persevere and, even if the project doesn’t have the exact effect you were planning on, you’ll soon have some sparkly, unique beadwork to call
your own

For example, these pendants began with me taking a Rivoli

bezelled using the Basic Bezelling Technique and then adding
(using Stitch-In-The-Ditch - see Page 11) SuperDuos with
picots made from 5 x S15s...

...Then I swapped the SuperDuos for Bricks and the Picots for
smaller strands of S15s...

...Next I swapped the Bricks for Gem Duos and the Picots for
simple loops...

...I’ll show you what I did next in Volume 2...

This book is dedicated to all the beaders, beading venues and bead shops all around the world who support and encourage me through
purchasing my work, attending classes with me, stocking my products, asking me to teach for you and showing me photos of what you’ve
made from my instructions.

You motivate me to create new, original and hopefully inspiring beadwork and so this book is for you
Learn how to add a touch of sparkle and
delight to your beading…
Join Jean Power as she shows you all you need to create colourful & light-
catching beadwork using the incredible round, colourful crystal cabochons
so popular in the beading world .
Travelling right from the basic techniques & tips needed to over 40 projects
with hundreds of variations & options for many more dive on in to see what
wonders you can create...

Jean Power is an award-winning beadwork designer and author whose

love of beadwork, and specifically geometric & crystal beading, began the
first time she put beads to thread

UK - £29

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