Ca Próstata & Dieta 2020 Zuniga
Ca Próstata & Dieta 2020 Zuniga
Ca Próstata & Dieta 2020 Zuniga
Author manuscript
Urol Oncol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 March 01.
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Purpose—To review the literature and provide recommendations on diet and lifestyle
considerations in patients with prostate cancer using evidence from randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) with additional considerations based on observational evidence.
Materials and Methods—We initiated our search on combining the term
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“prostate cancer” with a variety of diet and lifestyle factors. We then supplemented our summary
of publications from registered trials by including other publications available on Pubmed.
Corresponding author: Stacey Kenfield, 550 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94143, Phone: 415 476 5392, Fax: 415 476 5366,
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Zuniga et al. Page 2
Conclusions—Our search demonstrated that most diet and lifestyle factors identified from
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observational studies have limited data from RCTs. Few items have shown early evidence of
benefit. The best recommendation for patients with prostate cancer is to form a habit of wellness
through healthy eating, aerobic and resistance exercise, and psychological well-being. Future trial
development should consider how interventions can be implemented into real world practice.
Prostatic neoplasms; Diet; Life Style; Exercise; Dietary Supplements; Integrative Medicine
Prostate cancer has the highest cancer incidence among men in the U.S., with an estimated
164,690 new cases diagnosed in 2018.[1] Improved understanding of how diet and lifestyle
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interventions alter prostate cancer progression and disease morbidity and treatment is
essential to improve outcomes and quality of life (QOL). Multiple epidemiologic studies
have sought to understand which diet and lifestyle factors contribute to prostate cancer
outcomes. For example, metabolic syndrome may increase prostate cancer risk, result in
higher grade tumors, and reduce survival.[2–4] Thus, lifestyle modifications targeting a
healthy body mass index (BMI) may improve clinical and QOL outcomes.
Observational studies allow for inferences about the association between prostate cancer and
diet and lifestyle factors that would not be possible with the use of randomized controlled
trials (RCTs), either due to ethical reasons or feasibility. Still, the most reliable way to
determine causal associations is through conducting RCTs. We saw a sobering example of
this when vitamin E was shown to increase prostate cancer risk in the Selenium and Vitamin
E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) (HR 1.17, p = 0.008),[5] a finding not suggested by
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found in Table 2.
control studies, but this result was not corroborated when stratifying by green versus black
tea nor when accounting for available cohort studies.[8]
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black tea versus water for three weeks prior to RP. Those in the green tea group had reduced
tissue markers of inflammation and urinary markers of oxidative damage. The green tea
group also had a modest average reduction in PSA from baseline (−1.2ng/ml) compared to
the black tea (+0.4ng/ml) and control groups (+0.1ng/ml) (p < 0.05).[10]
castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) with 6g of green tea extract reported a median
increase in PSA by 43%, and 69% of participants experienced green tea toxicity (e.g.,
nausea, insomnia, diarrhea).[12]
Overall, green tea may confer modest benefit in localized disease. No RCT exists to support
its use in advanced disease.
Lycopene/tomato products
Lycopene is a carotenoid molecule with antioxidant properties found primarily in tomato
products. Observational studies suggest lycopene-rich diets may help prevent prostate cancer
incidence and progression.[13–16]
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one of three groups: a tomato-supplemented diet, a “tomato-plus” diet (tomato products plus
selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, soy/isoflavones, grape/pomegranate juice, and green/black
tea), or usual diet. During the brief three-week intervention, there was no statistically
significant difference in change in median PSA between groups. However, in a subgroup
analysis of participants with intermediate risk disease (n = 41), those in the tomato-product
group saw a modest reduction in median PSA (−0.23ng/ml) compared to the control group
(+0.45ng/ml, p = 0.016), while the tomato-plus group did not experience a similar
significant benefit compared to the control group (+0.28ng/ml, p = 0.094).[18]
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Advanced prostate cancer.[20, 21]—One study reported that patients with metastatic
disease assigned to a lycopene and orchiectomy group versus orchiectomy alone had a lower
average PSA at 24 months (3.0 versus 9.0ng/ml, p < 0.001), a higher proportion of
responders (defined as PSA < 4ng/ml) (78% versus 40%, p < 0.05), and reduced all-cause
mortality (13% versus 22%, p < 0.001).[20]
The benefit of lycopene needs to be explored further in longer-term studies, and trials on
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Omega-3 fatty acids—Fish oil and flaxseed supplements, rich sources of omega-3 fatty
acids, are popular for their perceived benefit in cardiovascular disease[22] and cancer.[23] For
example, fish consumption was associated with reduced prostate cancer mortality in a
prospective study of healthy individuals.[24] On the other hand, secondary case-control
analyses from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) and SELECT suggest omega-3
fatty acids may increase prostate cancer risk.[25, 26] More recently, the Vitamin D and
Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) demonstrated no statistically significant difference in prostate
cancer-specific mortality between the omega-3 fatty acid supplement versus placebo groups
among initially healthy participants.[27]
supplements, both alone and in combination with a low-fat diet, may improve molecular
markers of progression in localized disease (e.g., proliferation index, oxidative stress
response),[17, 28–30] but those studies examining markers of clinical progression (e.g., PSA)
have demonstrated no benefit.[29–30]
Overall, evidence is conflicting, but substituting processed red meat and poultry with skin
(foods high in saturated fat) for healthier lean proteins (e.g., fish, skinless poultry) is still
recommended based on observational data. Ongoing trials in localized (NCT02176902) and
advanced (NCT03753334) prostate cancer may clarify the association; however, the
exposure tested in these trials is supplement intake rather than fish/flaxseed intake, with the
latter potentially having additional unknown benefits.
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There is limited observational data on pomegranate in prostate cancer, though emerging
research demonstrates that it may inhibit carcinogenesis on a molecular level. For example,
the ellagitannins in pomegranate extract (POMx) may induce apoptosis through inhibition of
Akt and mTOR phosphorylation in prostate cancer cells.[31]
Localized prostate cancer.[32]—An RCT (n = 68) on POMx given for four weeks prior
to RP reported no difference in PSA change from placebo.[32]
daily 500ml of pomegranate juice versus 500ml of placebo beverage.[33] Perhaps ongoing
studies in localized (NCT02095145) and advanced (NCT00060086) prostate cancer will
clarify these findings.
Soy products contain the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, which are types of
phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds with estrogen-like activity, and
it has been proposed that phytoestrogens may have anti-cancer properties through hormonal
and non-hormonal activity.[36] A large body of observational research suggests that soy may
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reduce the risk of prostate cancer;[36] however, observational research in patients with
prostate cancer is limited.
Localized prostate cancer.[19, 37–41]—In those with localized disease, soy may affect
genes involved in the cell cycle, apoptosis, and metastatic potential.[37, 38] One three-week
intervention in patients scheduled for RP reported that those assigned to take a daily 50g of
soy grits had a reduced PSA compared to the control group (−12.7% versus 40%, p = 0.02).
[39] However, subsequent studies have not replicated this benefit.[19, 37, 40, 41]
and in combination with venlafaxine versus placebo on hot flash symptom severity scores in
patients on androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). There was no statistically significant
difference in these scores between groups, although those in the soy arm did report modestly
improved emotional and functional scores on QOL assessment.[43]
Based on available evidence, it does not appear that soy alters prostate cancer prognosis or is
beneficial in treating the adverse effects of ADT. Research on soy continues, however,
focused on cancer progression (NCT02759380) and cardiometabolic dysfunction in patients
on ADT (NCT02766478).
A future direction for supplement studies includes exploring their interaction with
conventional therapies. For example, one study is investigating PSA changes among
mCRPC patients treated with docetaxel with or without vitamin C (NCT02516670).
Trials have been carried out on supplemental forms of Larrea tridentata,[54] milk thistle,[55]
and white button mushroom[56] as well as on combination formulations[57–59] in patients
with prostate cancer to observe their effect on serum biomarkers (e.g., PSA, IGF-I).
Silibinin, a flavolignan derived from milk thistle, was not shown to be different from placebo
in reducing IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels in localized prostate cancer patients.[55]
ease symptoms of incontinence following RP and radiation therapy (RT), and multiple trials
have demonstrated a reduction in incontinence frequency and severity in the immediate post-
operative setting.[64, 65] More recent studies have explored how multidisciplinary
interventions may improve the long-term efficacy of PFMT.[66–70] Another study reported
that Pilates had a benefit similar to PFMT.[71] One study comparing PFMT alone versus
PFMT with biofeedback (from surface or inserted electromyogram electrodes) found that
both were effective in reducing incontinence over a 12 month period (50% and 59%
reduction in incontinence episodes, respectively), and they were not statistically significantly
different from each other.[66]
Exercise—In 2006, a small (n = 10) pilot study in patients with prostate cancer on ADT
reported that an exercise intervention was feasible and may improve physical functioning
and QOL.[72] Several observational studies demonstrate that exercise, from moderate
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activity (e.g., brisk walking) to vigorous activity (e.g., jogging, biking, swimming), improves
prostate cancer prognosis and reduces prostate cancer-specific mortality.[73–75] RCTs have
explored the effect of light-to-moderate,[76] moderate,[77–79] moderate-to-vigorous,[80–84]
and vigorous[85–88] exercise using aerobic training,[77, 78, 80, 85–87] resistance training,
[72, 81, 82, 89, 90] and a combination of these modalities[76, 79, 83, 84, 88] on a variety of clinical,
Localized prostate cancer.[76–78, 84, 87]: There are limited RCTs exploring the effect of
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exercise on QOL and clinical outcomes in localized prostate cancer alone. An aerobic
intervention among post-RP patients did not demonstrate an improvement in sexual
dysfunction.[77] The Active Surveillance Exercise Clinical Trial (ASX) is investigating the
effects of a home-based walking intervention among patients with localized prostate cancer
on tumor biomarkers and QOL (NCT02435472, open for enrollment in the San Francisco
Bay Area).
Advanced prostate cancer.[72, 76, 78–90]: Exercise studies have been carried out in patients
with[79, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90] and without[72, 78, 83, 88] bone metastases. The trial periods ranged
from a brief 60-minute intervention to a short term 11-week intervention to one year, and
were mostly supervised exercise[72, 76, 78, 79, 81–83, 86–90] while some were remote-based
exercise.[80, 84] These interventions have consistently been shown to improve strength and
physical functioning.[72, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90] Placebo-controlled trials have reported
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studies have reported small but not clinically meaningful benefits on body composition (lean
mass[90]) and metabolic health (HDL cholesterol[78]). Exercise has also been explored as a
tool for combating ADT-induced sexual dysfunction. One study randomized patients to a
combined aerobic and resistance training program versus a usual care control group. At
baseline, 20.6% of the intervention and 22.2% of the control participants had a major
interest in sex (i.e., high libido). At the end of the intervention, 17.2% of the intervention
versus 0% of the control reported a major interest in sex (p = 0.024).[83] Sexual activity was
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maintained in the intervention arm and decreased in the control group (p = 0.045).[83]
Multiple trials indicate that exercise may reduce disability in patients with prostate cancer on
ADT. Multimodality studies exploring combined exercise and dietary interventions
demonstrate more promising metabolic health outcomes, but more research is needed on
prostate cancer-specific and cardiovascular outcomes. Inspired by an early pilot study
demonstrating feasibility and safety of an exercise intervention among patients with
advanced prostate cancer metastatic to multiple bone sites[90] as well as observational data
reporting that post-diagnosis exercise (adjusted for pre-diagnosis exercise) may reduce risk
of prostate cancer-specific and overall mortality, the INTense Exercise foR surVivAL
Among Men With Metastatic Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer (INTERVAL) trial was
launched in 2016. This international phase III RCT will examine the effect of a two-year
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mental health in patients with prostate cancer has become apparent as a result of
observational studies demonstrating increased risk of psychological distress (e.g., anxiety,
depression, insomnia) among patients with prostate cancer.[92] One study reported a 6.5
times increased risk of suicide among newly diagnosed patients compared to healthy age-
matched controls.[93] Multiple interventions have been employed to encourage healthy
behaviors and improve QOL in patients suffering from both the effects of their cancer and
the adverse effects of treatment.
Localized prostate cancer.[94, 95]: Studies exploring the efficacy of hypnosis[94] and short-
term in-person therapy groups[95] did not prove to be effective. An ongoing study is
exploring the use of web-based modules to improve sexual intimacy among couples coping
with the adverse effects of RP and RT. The goals of this study are to improve sexual
functioning and QOL in patients and their partners.[96]
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Advanced prostate cancer.[97–99]: Guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation (GI/
PMR),[97] massage,[98] and qigong (may have included some localized patients)[99] may be
effective tools for improving QOL in advanced cancer patients. GI/PMR was studied in
patients with advanced breast (T3N1M0, n = 104) and prostate (T3a, Gleason score ≥ 8, n =
104) cancer receiving chemotherapy. Participants in the intervention group experienced
clinically meaningful improvements pain, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, anxiety, and depression.
They also reported improved body image and sexual function scores.[97]
healthy BMI and smoking cessation are well-established ways of improving prostate cancer
outcomes. One meta-analysis of observational studies examining the association between
BMI and prostate cancer reported that, per 5kg/m2 increase in BMI, there was a
corresponding 21% increased risk of BCR and a 20% increased risk of prostate cancer-
specific mortality.[100] Another study reported that smoking was associated with a 61%
greater risk of BCR, but those who had quit smoking for at least 10 years had a prostate
cancer-specific mortality risk similar to those who had never smoked.[101]
Other observational studies on dietary factors have reported preliminary evidence of a lower
risk of prostate cancer progression in those with higher (versus lower) intakes of cruciferous
vegetables (e.g., broccoli, cauliflower, kale),[102] coffee,[103] and vegetable-derived fats.[104]
On the other hand, a higher (versus lower) intake of eggs/choline may increase the risk of
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prostate cancer recurrence,[105] and both recurrence and mortality risk may be elevated with
greater intake of dairy,[106, 107] poultry with skin,[105] and saturated fat.[108, 109] There is
also a suggestive positive association between processed red meat and risk of prostate cancer
progression,[105, 110] and it is best avoided when possible due to its adverse effect on all-
cause mortality.[111] Although these dietary factors have not been individually examined
through RCTs, multimodality diet and lifestyle trials have incorporated this observational
evidence into their design.
post design taught patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer to increase intake of
plants and whole grains and reduce intake of meat, dairy, and refined carbohydrates. The
investigators reported a reduced rate of PSA rise, with median PSADT increasing from 11.9
months pre-study to 112.3 months after the 6-month intervention.[112] Since then, many
multimodality interventions including dietary[113] and combined diet and lifestyle
interventions[114–130] have been conducted in patients with localized prostate cancer,
[58, 113–115, 117–119, 129] patients after RP,[119, 120] patients on ADT,[121–123, 128, 130] and
nutritional education encouraging a plant-based diet, and group counseling versus usual
care. Comparing the intervention to the control group, the authors reported a statistically
significant improvement in mobility performance (p < 0.02), muscular strength (p < 0.01),
weight (−1.81 versus +0.90kg, p = 0.02), and fat mass (−1.05 versus +0.82%, p = 0.04) at 3-
month follow up.[128]
Ongoing studies such as the Prostate Cancer: Evidence of Exercise and Nutrition Trial
(PrEvENT) are continuing to examine the effects of diet and lifestyle modifications on
prostate cancer-related and overall health.[131] The Men’s Eating and Living (MEAL) study
is a recently completed phase III RCT investigating the effect of a high-vegetable diet in
preventing progression among patients on active surveillance, and preliminary results
suggest feasible implementation.[132] Multimodality studies are important because they
demonstrate that, although certain interventions may not have a significant effect alone,
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intensive interventions that combine multiple factors may result in improved prostate cancer
Future directions—Few dietary and lifestyle factors have been rigorously investigated
through RCTs, and in most cases, additional research is needed to draw firm conclusions of
benefit. The use of large, high-quality observational cohorts with diverse socio-demographic
and clinical characteristics are still needed to generate hypotheses, to inform exposures to be
tested in RCTs, to provide evidence for exposures that cannot be evaluated in an RCT, and to
provide further supportive evidence, for example, regarding dosage/quantity, timing, and
relevant population (e.g., disease stage). Moreover, as observational data grow for multiple
lifestyle factors, future RCTs may focus on more comprehensive diet and exercise
interventions rather than single factors. To complement this, there is ongoing need for
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observational and pre-clinical studies examining each factor individually to identify new
associations and understand biological mechanisms.
having undergone RP. Over the 12-week period, participants wore their Fitbit a median of 82
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days (IQR 72–83, 98% of the intervention period), replied to a median 71% of text messages
(IQR 57–89%), and visited the website a median of three times (IQR 2–5). There was also a
statistically significantly higher proportion adopting the dietary recommendations and
greater changes made in intake for these dietary behaviors compared to the control group. A
subsequent study (Prostate 8 – II) includes lifestyle coaching and improved personalization,
and it will include prostate cancer-specific and metabolic health outcomes. Finally, the True
NTH Community of Wellness feasibility pilot trial is testing the feasibility and acceptability
of enrolling U.S. patients nationwide with all stages of prostate cancer into an internet- and
phone-based diet and exercise intervention.[133]
Adoption of these factors can be improved not only on the patient level but also on the
physician and public health policy level. Physician provision of diet and lifestyle advice
during office visits is essential. Physician education may improve information delivery, as
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the evidence and implement best practices will have great impact.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
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This project was supported by funding from R01CA207749, the National Center for Complementary and
Integrative Health (T32AT003997), the Steven & Christine Burd-Safeway Distinguished Professorship, and the
Helen Diller Family Chair in Population Science for Urologic Cancer.
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• Physical activity (e.g., exercise, PFMT) may improve prostate cancer QOL.
Table 1.
Recommendations on individual diet and lifestyle factors for patients with localized and advanced prostate
Author Manuscript
Cruciferous vegetables*
Larrea tridentata*
Author Manuscript
Vegetable-derived fats*
Avoidance of dairy*
Avoidance of eggs*
Lifestyle factors
Pilates*** [71]
Smoking cessation†
Qigong** [99]
Massage** [98]
Author Manuscript
Hypnosis [94]
= Citations are provided for factors with RCTs with a placebo/usual care control group in patients with localized (including post-radical
prostatectomy/radiation therapy) and advanced prostate cancer (including patients on androgen deprivation therapy).
= Evidence leans toward potential benefit based on at least one placebo-controlled RCT, but clinical significance is modest
= Evidence leans toward potential benefit based on at least one placebo-controlled RCT with clinically significant effect
= Well-established benefit based on two or more placebo-controlled RCTs with clinically significant effect
Author Manuscript
= Overwhelming observational evidence suggests benefit despite lack of RCTs focused on this factor alone.
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Author Manuscript
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Table 2:
Selected ongoing randomized controlled trials on diet and lifestyle factors in patients with prostate cancer.
Author Manuscript
Name of Trial (NCT Start Participants Inclusion Criteria Intervention Outcomes (Primary,
No.) Secondary)
Tangerine or Red June 2015 45 Biopsy-proven Daily tangerine or red Feasibility, safety, carotenoid
Tomato Juice in prostate cancer tomato juice (2 5.5oz. levels in blood and prostate
Treating Patients with scheduled for RP cans) tissue, change in
Prostate Cancer histopathologic and
Undergoing Surgery immunohistochemical markers
(NCT02144649) of tumorigenesis
Effects of EPA in Men July 2017 Estimated 30 Biopsy-proven Daily MAG-EPA PSADT, red blood cell fatty
With Biochemical prostate cancer, supplement (5g fish oil acid profiles
Recurrence or biochemical including 4g purified
Progression of Prostate recurrence monoglycerides EPA)
Cancer. (RCT-EPAII- following RP or RT
BCR) (NCT03753334)
A Study to Examine the December 104 Biopsy-confirmed Daily Vitamin D Feasibility; progression as
Effectiveness of Aspirin 2016 prostate cancer, (4000IU) alone or with measured by changes in lesions
and/or Vitamin D3 to clinical stage <T3, high (300mg) or low on multi-parametric MRI, rising
Author Manuscript
Prevent Prostate Cancer Gleason 6 or 7, (100mg) dose aspirin PSA, and/or increased Gleason
Progression serum PSA score or maximum cancer core
(PROVENT) ≤15ng/mL, <10mm length; toxicity
(NCT03103152) of cancer in single
Trial of Curcumin to January Estimated Biopsy-proven Twice daily curcumin Rate of progression as defined
Prevent Progression of 2019 291 prostate cancer, supplement (500mg by receipt of primary therapy
Low-risk Prostate Clinical stage T1c- BCM-95) (RP, RT, hormonal therapy)
Cancer Under Active T2a/b, Gleason ≤6 or pathologic progression (>4
Surveillance with no pattern 4, cores involved, ≥50% of any
(NCT03769766) serum PSA core involved, Gleason ≥4)
≤10ng/mL, <4 cores
with cancer
Cannabis Oil and January Estimated Metastatic High (2.5mg THC/ Cancer pain intensity and
Radiation Therapy for 2019 420 carcinoma of the 2.5mg CBD) or low quality, QOL, functional status,
the Management of Pain prostate, lung, or (1mg THC/1mg CBD) fatigue, cognitive status
(NCT03763851) breast dose cannabis capsule
with RT
Active Surveillance May 2016 Estimated Biopsy-proven 4 home-based walking Cancer biomarker changes,
Author Manuscript
Exercise Clinical Trial 150 prostate cancer on sessions/week at 55– circulating & tumor biomarkers,
(ASX) (NCT02435472) AS, clinical stage 75% individual exercise general and prostate cancer-
<T3, Gleason ≤6 or capacity specific anxiety, adherence to
3+4 in <34% of active surveillance
cores, serum PSA
≤10 ng/ml or PSAD
CHAMP: A July 2016 Estimated 39 Biopsy-proven Three sessions per week Feasibility, tolerance, safety,
Randomized Controlled metastatic castrate of either aerobic general and prostate cancer-
Trial of High-intensity resistant prostate exercise consisting of specific QOL, anxiety,
Aerobic and Resistance cancer on ADT with two high-intensity depression, pain, physical
Exercise for Metastatic GnRH agonist/ interval training function, strength
Prostate Cancer antagonist or prior workouts and one
(NCT02613273) bilateral continuous vigorous
orchiectomy intensity workout or
resistance exercise for
12 weeks
INTense Exercise foR December Estimated Biopsy-proven 24 28-day cycles of Overall survival; time to
surVivAL Among Men 2015 866 metastatic castrate high intensity aerobic prostate cancer progression;
With Metastatic resistant prostate and resistance training symptomatic skeletal related
Author Manuscript
Castrate-Resistant cancer on ADT with three times per week, events; biomarker analysis of
Prostate Cancer GnRH agonist/ psychosocial support inflammatory markers, insulin/
(INTERVAL) antagonist or prior glucose metabolism, and
(NCT02730338) bilateral androgen biosynthesis; QOL;
orchiectomy physical function; pain; opiate/
analgesic use
Comprehensive Yoga January 44 RT for prostate Yoga instruction (Week Change in QOL, depression,
Program (SKY) as 2016 cancer 1: 3 hours daily for 5 anxiety, psychological well-
Name of Trial (NCT Start Participants Inclusion Criteria Intervention Outcomes (Primary,
No.) Secondary)
Adjunct Therapy for days, Weeks 2–13: 2 being, fatigue, and pain,
Author Manuscript