Towards High Performance Security Policy Evaluation: Fei Chen Qiang Wang Alex X. Liu
Towards High Performance Security Policy Evaluation: Fei Chen Qiang Wang Alex X. Liu
Towards High Performance Security Policy Evaluation: Fei Chen Qiang Wang Alex X. Liu
DOI 10.1007/s11227-011-0569-5
The work of Qiang Wang is done during his visit at Michigan State University.
Z. Qin
College of Software, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China
Q. Wang · Z. Qin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology
of China, Chengdu 610054, China
Q. Wang
Z. Qin
1578 Z. Qin et al.
1 Introduction
high complexity of EPAL policies makes brute force searching appear to be the nat-
ural way of processing requests. In this paper, we present Eengine, a fast and scalable
EPAL policy evaluation engine. Eengine has two key ideas. First, Eengine converts all
string values in an EPAL policy to numerical values. In processing requests, Eengine
also converts the string values in a request to their corresponding numerical values.
We call this technique EPAL policy numericalization. Second, Eengine converts a nu-
mericalized EPAL policy with a list of rules and one conflict resolution mechanism
into a tree structure, and uses it to efficiently process numericalized requests. Intu-
itively, Eengine outperforms the standard EPAL policy evaluation engines (which we
call IBM PDP) for three major reasons. First, in checking whether a request satisfies
a predicate, Eengine uses efficient numerical comparison thanks to the EPAL policy
numericalization technique. Second, when it receives a request, Eengine can find the
correct decision without comparing the request with a list of rules in the policy due
to the EPAL policy normalization technique. Third, EPAL numericalization and nor-
malization open many new opportunities for building efficient data structures for fast
request processing.
To evaluate the performance of Eengine, we compare it with the standard IBM
PDP implementation. We conducted extensive experiments on synthetic policies with
different number of rules. The experimental results show that Eengine is orders of
magnitude more efficient than IBM PDP, and the performance difference between
Eengine and IBM PDP grows almost linearly with the number of rules in EPAL
As the core of access control systems, the correctness of Eengine is critical. Thus,
we not only formally prove that Eengine makes the correct decision for every request
based on the EPAL 1.2 specification [1], but also empirically validate the correctness
of Eengine in our experiments.
In our experiments, we first randomly generate 10,000 single-valued requests and
10,000 uncertainly valued requests; we then feed each request to Eengine and IBM
PDP and compare their decisions. The experimental results confirmed that Eengine
and IBM PDP are functionally equivalent.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We first review related work in
Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we briefly introduce EPAL. In Sect. 4, we describe the policy
numericalization and normalization techniques. In Sect. 5, we present the algorithms
for processing requests. We prove the correctness of our the policy numericalization
and normalization techniques in Sect. 6. In Sect. 7, we present our experimental re-
sults. Finally, we give concluding remarks in Sect. 8.
2 Related work
Prior work that is closest to ours is the XEngine [2], which is an XACML policy
evaluation engine. Because both EPAL and XACML are similar in terms of function-
ality, the basic idea of XEngine and Eengine is similar, which aims to convert EPAL
(or XACML) policies to tree structures and uses them to efficiently process numer-
icalized requests. However, in terms of semantics, there are three major differences
between EPAL policies and XACML policies [3], which lead to different solutions
1580 Z. Qin et al.
for Eengine and XEngine. First, EPAL polices have flat structures, i.e., an EPAL
policy only includes a list of rules. In contrast, XACML policies have hierarchical
structures, i.e., an XACML policy consists of policies or policy sets and a policy set
further consists of policies or policy sets. Second, the vocabulary of an EPAL policy
is an important component and has a complex structure; in contrast, the vocabulary
of an XACML policy is an optional component. The vocabulary of an EPAL policy
has six elements and three of them have hierarchical structures. Third, EPAL policies
have one rule combining algorithm (i.e., first-match); in contrast, XACML policies
have four rule/policy combination algorithms. Therefore, the algorithms in XEngine
cannot to applied to EPAL policies and we need to propose new algorithms for our
EPAL policy evaluation engine.
Beyond XEngine, very few previous work focus on high performance application-
level policy evaluation [4–6]. Borders et al. proposed a new access control policy
language which was designed with the goal of high performance policy evaluation
[4]. In contrast, we do not invent new policy languages or modify existing ones.
Crampton et al. proposed a caching mechanism to speed up policy evaluation [5, 6].
In contrast, we may employ their caching mechanism as a technique at the evaluation
engine level. Thus, the caching mechanism is transparent to application developers in
our scheme, but not in [5, 6].
One of the relevant areas of EPAL policy evaluation is packet classification (e.g.,
[7, 8]), which focuses on the performance of checking a packet using a packet classi-
fier. A classifier is a collection of rules or policies. Although similar in spirit, packet
classification is different from EPAL policy evaluation. First, EPAL rules are speci-
fied using application specific string values, while packet classification rules are spec-
ified using ranges and prefixes. Second, some components of the vocabulary in EPAL
policies have hierarchical structures; in contrast, the structure of packet classifiers is
flat. Third, the number of possible values that a request attribute can be small, while
the number of possible values that a packet field can be much bigger (e.g., 232 ).
These differences mean that it is usually not suitable to directly apply prior packet
classification algorithms to EPAL policy evaluation. Our procedures of EPAL policy
numericalization and normalization take a step in bridging the two fields. Although
packet classification concerns access control in the network level while EPAL policy
evaluation works in the application level, they share essential characteristics.
Other works on the EPAL policy language focused on the policy analysis, exten-
sion, application, and comparison with other access control languages. Stufflebeam
et al. [9] investigated how to deploy EPAL and P3P policies into real systems and
measured the results against security requirements. Hung [10] briefly summarized
the research issues of web services privacy technologies including the EPAL policy
language. Backes et al. [11] studied unification over EPAL policies such that pol-
icy evaluation engines can support general queries and quantitative measurements.
Barth et al. [12] proposed an extended version of the EPAL language, which can sup-
port guaranteed safety, local reasoning, and closure under combination. Barth and
Mitchell [13] presented a data-centric model to check whether the deployed policies,
e.g., EPAL policies meets the access control requirements.
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1581
3 Background
There are many technical challenges in EPAL policy numericalization and nor-
malization: noninteger values, uncertainly valued requests, compound requests, and
inefficient sequential searching. Next, for each challenge, we formulate the problem,
present our solution, and give an illustrating example.
Problem In sequential range rules, the constraints on each attribute are specified
using integers. However, in EPAL rules, the constraints on each attribute are specified
using ASCII strings in the EPAL vocabulary of the EPAL policy, and three elements
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1583
in the EPAL vocabulary, user categories, data categories, and purposes, can have
hierarchical structures.
Solution For user categories (data categories, or purposes), if they have a hierarchi-
cal structure, we parse and model them as a tree, where each terminal node represents
only one item, and each nonterminal node represents the set of items represented by
its children. Because this tree represents the structure of user categories (data cate-
gories, or purposes), we call it the structure tree of user categories (data categories,
or purposes). At each node, we store the corresponding ASCII string. Next, for each
structure tree, we first map the string in each terminal node to a set that contains a
distinct integer, and all the mapped integers of terminal nodes in the tree should form
a range. Second, we convert the string in each nonterminal node to a set of integers,
where the set is a union of the sets represented by its children. Third, we can easily
convert each set in the structure tree to a range.
For actions (containers or obligations) that have a list of items with no ordering
issue, we can map each distinct string in actions (containers or obligations) to a dis-
tinct integer, and all the mapped integers in actions (containers or obligations) should
form a range.
After the above two steps, we can convert the string on each attribute in a rule to a
range. However, recall that if a request does not match any rule in the EPAL policy,
the decision default-ruling is the decision of the request. Considering the example
EPAL policy in Fig. 1, the decision default-ruling in line 14 is deny. To fulfill this
goal, we add rule R∞ : true → dec as the default rule to make the sequence of range
rules complete, where dec is the default-ruling of the EPAL policy. If no rule before
R∞ matches the request, the decision of the default rule is the decision of the request.
After EPAL policy numericalization, an EPAL policy becomes a sequence of range
rules. Such representation is called the sequential range rule representation. The for-
mat of a range rule is predicate → decision. A request has z attributes F1 , . . . , Fz ,
where the domain of each attribute Fi , denoted D(Fi ), is a range of integers. The
predicate defines a set of requests over the attributes F1 through Fz . The decision
defines the action (permit or deny) to take upon the requests that satisfy the predicate.
The predicate of a rule is specified as F1 ∈ S1 ∧ · · · ∧ Fz ∈ Sz where each Si is a range
of integers and Si is a subset of the domain of Fi . The semantics of a sequence of
rules follows first-match, that is, the decision for a request is the decision of the first
rule that the request matches. To serve as a security policy, a sequence of range rules
must be complete, which means for any request, whose Fi value is in D(Fi ), there is
at least one matching rule.
Example Taking the EPAL policy in Fig. 1 as an example, we convert two hierarchi-
cal elements, user categories and purposes to two structure trees as shown in Fig. 2.
The normalization table of the EPAL vocabulary is shown in Fig. 3. The converted
rules after mapping are shown in Fig. 4. Note that “a” and “d” in Fig. 4 denote allow
and deny, respectively.
have multiple uncertain values. We call them uncertainly valued requests. For the
example EPAL policy in Fig. 1, the user category in an EPAL request may be an
“employee,” which can be a “professor” or a “secretary.” However, in the sequential
range rule representation, rules are specified under the assumption that each attribute
in a request has a singular value.
Second, the semantics of an EPAL policy and sequential range rules are different
in checking whether a rule matches a request. In an EPAL policy, given a request
with a specified category (user category, data category, or purpose), a deny rule can
apply to its descendants or its ancestors in the structure tree of the category. More
formally, given a deny rule Ri : (F1 ∈ S1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ (Fz ∈ Sz ) → deny and a request
Q : (F1 ∈ S1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ (Fz ∈ Sz ), the deny rule Ri can match the request Q if one of
two following conditions satisfies.
1. Ri is a superset of Q if for any j (1 ≤ j ≤ z) the condition Sj ⊇ Sj holds. In
other words, deny rules can apply to the descendants of a specified category. For
simplicity, we use Ri ⊇ Q to denote that Ri is a superset of Q.
2. Ri is a subset of Q if for any j (1 ≤ j ≤ z) the condition Sj ⊂ Sj holds. In other
words, deny rules can apply to the ancestors of a specified category. For simplicity,
we use Ri ⊂ Q to denote that Ri is a subset of Q.
However, in the sequential range rules, a rule matches a request if and only if Ri is a
superset of Q.
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1585
Solution To solve the first problem, we break an uncertainly valued request into
multiple single-valued requests. For the example EPAL policy in Fig. 1, if a request
is “an employee wants to change grades with the purpose grading,” we break it into
two single-valued requests: “a professor wants to change grades with the purpose
grading” and “a secretary wants to change grades with the purpose grading.”
To solve the second problem, for each decomposed single-valued request, our ba-
sic idea is to find all the rules that this single-valued request matches based on the
semantics of sequential range rules, and then compute the decision of the original
uncertainly valued request based on all these rules and their decisions. For simplicity,
in the rest of this paper, the sentence “a request matches a rule” only means that a
request matches a rule based on the semantics of sequential range rules. Let Q be
an uncertainly valued request and q1 , . . . , qk be the resulting single-valued requests
q q
decomposed from Q. For each qx , we use N (qx ) = {n1x , . . . , naxx } (1 ≤ x ≤ k) to
denote the set of sequence numbers of all rules that qx matches. Note that we can
q q
easily sort sequence numbers in ascending order (i.e., ∀1 ≤ i < j ≤ ax , ni x < nj x ).
Because the last rule matches all the requests, there should be at least one common
sequence number included by each set N (qx ) (1 ≤ x ≤ k). Therefore, the minimum
common sequence number included by each set N (qx ) (1 ≤ x ≤ k) always exists.
Let nmin denote the minimum common sequence number included by all these sets.
To find the decision of Q, first, we only consider the condition Ri ⊇ Q. Since
Rnmin is the first rule that each qx (1 ≤ x ≤ k) matches, and hence Q matches, the
decision of Q is the decision of Rnmin . Next, we consider the condition Ri ⊂ Q.
Because Rnmin is the first rule that Q matches and also a superset of Q, if we want
to find a rule that is a subset of Q and is a deny rule, the sequence number of this
deny rule should be less than nmin . Therefore, as long as we can find a rule whose
sequence number is less than nmin and whose decision is deny, the decision of Q is
deny; otherwise, the decision of Q is the decision of Rnmin .
Problem In the sequential range rules representation, each attribute in a request has
a singular value. However, a EPAL request can be a compound authorization re-
quest, which contains a non-empty set of user-categories U , a nonempty set of data-
categories D, a nonempty set of purposes P , and a nonempty set of actions A. For
example, a person belongs to multiple user categories and he want to check whether
there is one of his user categories that allows him to perform multiple actions for
multiple purposes on multiple data categories [1].
1586 Z. Qin et al.
Note that in the EPAL specification [1] the result of a compound request is a set
of rules and the decision of each rule in this set is one decision of the compound
request. The EPAL specification [1] does not define the procedure to compute the
final decision based on this set, which gives the user flexibility to define their own
strategy to compute the final decision.
Solution We solve this problem in two steps. First, we decompose a compound re-
quest into multiple single user-category requests. For example, “a person who is not
only a professor of computer science, but also a professor of electrical engineering,”
we break it into two single user-category requests: “a professor of computer science”
and “a professor of electrical engineering.” Note that a single user-category request
can be a single-valued request or an uncertainly valued request.
Second, to compute the final decision of the original compound request, our ba-
sic idea is to find the decision for each decomposed single user-category request
and then compute the final set of ruleid-decision pairs based on the semantics of
processing multiple user categories. A ruleid-decision pair consists of two parts, the
sequence number of a rule and the corresponding decision. More formally, let CQ
be a compound request with multiple user categories, and Q1 , . . . , Qm be the result-
ing single user-category requests decomposed from CQ. Suppose decQi is the deci-
sion of Qi and decQi comes from the rule RnQi , we first compute the set of ruleid-
decision pairs of all single user-category requests decomposed from CQ, which is
RD = {(nQ1 , decQ1 ), . . . , (nQm , decQm )}. Second, find the first ruleid-decision pair
with an allow decision and delete all the other ruleid-decision pairs with an allow
decision in RD. Similarly, find the first ruleid-decision pair with a deny decision and
delete all the other ruleid-decision pairs with an deny decision RD. Third, output RD
as the result set for the compound request CQ.
Problem After EPAL policy numericalization, the EPAL policy is converted to the
sequence of range rules. To process an EPAL request, we need to conduct sequential
searching, i.e., comparing the request against all the rules until finding the rule that
matches the request, which is not efficient. To accelerate this operation, we want to
convert the sequence of range rules to the policy decision diagram, which enables our
evaluation engine to process an EPAL request without comparing the request against
all the rules until finding the rule that matches the request. The key challenging issue
in EPAL policy normalization is how to convert the sequence of range rules to an
equivalent policy decision diagram.
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1587
Solution The policy decision diagram (similar to the firewall decision diagram in
[14, 15]) is the core data structure in this conversion. A Policy Decision Diagram
(PDD) with a decision set DS and over attributes F1 , . . . , Fz is an acyclic and di-
rected graph that has the following five properties: (1) There is exactly one node that
has no incoming edges. This node is called the root. The nodes that have no out-
going edges are called terminal nodes. (2) Each node v has a label, denoted F (v).
If v is a nonterminal node, then F (v) ∈ {F1 , . . . , Fz }. If v is a terminal node, then
F (v) ∈ DS. (3) Each edge e:u → v is labeled with a nonempty set of integers, de-
noted I (e), where I (e) is a subset of the domain of u’s label (i.e., I (e) ⊆ D(F (u))).
(4) A directed path from the root to a terminal node is called a decision path. No
two nodes on a decision path have the same label. (5) The set of all outgoing edges
of a node v, denoted E(v), satisfies the following two conditions: (a) consistency:
I(e) ∩ I (e ) = ∅ for any two distinct edges e and e in E(v); (b) completeness:
e∈E(v) I (e) = D(F (v)).
To correctly solve EPAL requests, the terminal node of the policy decision dia-
grams should have the capability to store multiple ruleid-decision pairs. Let RD de-
note the set of ruleid-decision pairs stored in the terminal node. Let R1 , . . . , Rg de-
note the sequence of range rules after EPAL policy numericalization. We first change
the decision of each rule Ri from decision to a ruleid-decision pair (i, decision).
A sequence of range rules R1 , . . . , Rg and a PDD are equivalent if and only if
the following two conditions hold. First, for each Ri denoted as (F1 ∈ S1 ) ∧ · · · ∧
(Fz ∈ Sz ) → RD and each decision path P denoted as (F1 ∈ S1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ (Fz ∈ Sz ) →
RD , either Ri and P are non-overlapping (i.e., ∃j (1 ≤ j ≤ z), Sj ∩ Sj = ∅) or
P is a subset of Ri (i.e., ∀j (1 ≤ j ≤ z), Sj ⊆ Sj ). In the second case, the ruleid-
decision pair that consists of i (the sequence number of Ri ) and Ri ’s decision should
be included in the set RD that is stored in P’s terminal node. Second, using P (or
Ri ) to denote the set of requests that match P (or Ri ), the union of all the rules in
R1 , . . . , Rg is equal to the union of all the paths in the PDD. After converting an
EPAL policy with n rules to a PDD, the processing time of a single-valued request
decreases from O(n) to O(1). The pseudocode of the policy decision diagram con-
version algorithm is in Algorithm 1. Note that in this paper we use e.t to denote the
node that e points to.
The EPAL policy decision diagram conversion algorithm is similar to the algo-
rithm AllMatch2FirstMatch in XEngine [2]. The only difference between these two
algorithms is the data structure for storing rules in the terminal nodes. In Eengine,
such a data structure is ruleid-decision pairs, while in XEngine [2], such a data struc-
ture is origin blocks.
Example Figure 5 shows the PDD converted from the rule sequence R1 , R2 ,
R3 , R∞ in Fig. 4.
1 Build a decision path with root v from rule R1 , and add the rule-decision pair of
R1 to the terminal node of this path;
2 for i := 2 to g do Append(v, i, Ri );
3 return v;
4 Append(v, i, Fm ∈ Sm ∧ · · · ∧ Fz ∈ Sz → RD) /*F (v) = Fm ,
E(v) = {e1 , . . . , ek }*/
5 if (Sm − (I (e1 ) ∪ · · · ∪ I (ek ))) = ∅ then
6 add to v an outgoing edge ek+1 with label Sm − (I (e1 ) ∪ · · · ∪ I (ek ));
7 build a decision path P from rule Fm+1 ∈ Sm+1 ∧ · · · ∧ Fz ∈ Sz → RD, and
make ek+1 point to the first node of P;
8 add RD to the terminal node of P;
9 if m < z then
10 for j := 1 to k do
11 if I (ej ) ⊆ Sm then Append(ej .t, i,
Fm+1 ∈ Sm+1 ∧ · · · ∧ Fz ∈ Sz → RD);
12 else if I (ej ) ∩ Sm = ∅ then
13 add to v an outgoing edge e with label I (ej ) ∩ Sm ;
14 make a copy of the subgraph rooted at ej .t, and make e points to the
root of the copy; replace the label of ej by I (ej ) − Sm ;
15 Append(e.t, i, Fm+1 ∈ Sm+1 ∧ · · · ∧ Fz ∈ Sz → RD);
16 else if m = z then
17 for j := 1 to k do
18 if I (ej ) ⊆ Sm then add RD to terminal node ej .t;
19 else if I (ej ) ∩ Sm = ∅ then
20 add to v an outgoing edge with label I (ej ) ∩ Sm ;
21 make a copy of the subgraph rooted at ej .t, and make e points to the
root of the copy; replace the label of ej by I (ej ) − Sm ;
22 and add RD to the terminal node e.t;
using PDD. The straightforward approach to processing requests is that using the
PDD to find the decision, namely the decision diagram approach. The decision di-
agram approach consists of two steps. First, we numericalize the request using the
same numericalization table in converting the EPAL policy to range rules. For exam-
ple, a request (secretary, grades, grading, change) will be numericalized as a tuple
of four integers (1, 0, 0, 0). Second, we search the decision for the numericalized re-
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1589
quest on the constructed PDD. Note that every terminal node in a PDD stores multiple
ruleid-decision pairs.
To further facilitate the processing of a request, we use the forwarding table ap-
proach [2]. The forwarding table approach is based on the PDD that is constructed in
the decision diagram approach. The basic idea of the forwarding table approach is to
convert a PDD to z tables, which we call forwarding tables, such that we can search
the decision for each single-valued request by traversing the forwarding tables in z
steps. Obviously, the time complexity for processing a single-valued request is O(z).
Considering the same request (1, 0, 0, 0) in the above example, Fig. 6 shows the
process using the forwarding table approach. We can find the correct decision for this
request in the following four steps. First, we use 1 (value of secretary in the request)
to find the value T1 [1]. Second, we use 0 (value of grades in the request) to find the
value T2 [0, T1 [1]]. Third, we use 0 (value of grading in the request) to find the value
1590 Z. Qin et al.
T3 [0, T2 [0, T1 [1]]]. Fourth, we use 0 (value of change in the request) to find the value
T4 [0, T3 [0, T2 [0, T1 [1]]]]. This process continues until we find the value in T4 , which
contains the ruleid-decision pair for the given request.
Lemma 1 Given an EPAL policy E, for any single-valued request q, the set of ruleid-
decision pairs in the terminal node of a path P that q matches includes all the rules
that q matches in E.
Proof Let E be R1 , . . . , Ri ,where each Ri is a rule. We build a PDD such that for
any decision path P in the PDD and any Ri , using P (or Ri ) to denote the set of re-
quests that match P (or Ri ), if P ∩ Ri = ∅, then P ⊆ Ri and Ri ’s decision belongs to
P’s set of ruleid-pairs. For any request q, there exists at most one decision path in the
partial PDD that q matches. Suppose there exists a decision path P that q matches.
Thus, for any Ri that q ∈ Ri , then Ri ∩ P = ∅, which means that Ri ’s decision be-
longs to P’s set of ruleid-pairs, P’s RD contains all the rules that q matches in E.
Lemma 2 Given an EPAL policy E, for any single-valued request q, using RD(q)
to denote the set of ruleid-pairs that Q matches, the decision of the rule with the
minimum sequence number in RD(Q) is the same decision that E makes for q.
Proof Let E be R1 , . . . , Ri ,where each Ri is a rule. Lemma 2 is correct because the
first-match semantics computes the decision of RD(q) based on the first rule that q
matches in E.
Theorem 3 Given an EPAL policy E and its normalized version E , for any single-
valued request q, E and E have the same decision for q.
Theorem 4 Given an EPAL policy E and its normalized version E , for any uncer-
tainly valued request Q, E and E have the same decision for Q.
Theorem 5 Given an EPAL policy E and its normalized version E , for any com-
pound request Q, E, and E have the same decision for Q.
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1591
7 Experimental results
We implemented Eengine using Java 1.6.3. Our experiments were carried out on a
desktop PC running Windows Server 2003 with 8 GB of RAM and dual 2.56 GHz
Dual Core AMD processors. We evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of Eengine
on synthetic EPAL policies.
In terms of efficiency, we measured the request processing time of Eengine in
comparison with that of IBM PDP. For Eengine, the processing time for a request
includes the time for numericalizing the request and the time for finding the decision
for the numericalized request. For IBM PDP, the processing time for a request is the
time for finding the decision. Note that we only considered single-valued and un-
certainly valued requests in our experiments. Because in both our Eengine and IBM
PDP, processing single-valued and uncertainly valued requests are two core opera-
tions for evaluating EPAL policies. Processing compound requests can be decom-
posed of processing multiple single-valued and/or uncertainly requests.
It is difficult to get real-life EPAL policies, as access control policies are often
deemed confidential. Therefore, we generated random synthetic EPAL policies. The
experimental results showed that Eengine is orders of magnitude more efficient than
IBM PDP, and the performance difference between Eengine and IBM PDP grows
almost linearly with the number of rules in EPAL policies. For EPAL policies of
large sizes (with thousands of rules), the experimental results showed that Eengine
is three to four orders of magnitude faster than IBM PDP for both single-valued and
uncertainly valued requests.
We also measured the preprocessing time of EPAL policies for Eengine. The pre-
processing time of an EPAL policy includes the time for numericalizing the policy,
the time for normalizing the policy, and the time for building the internal data struc-
ture (of a PDD or forwarding tables). For synthetic EPAL policies (of large sizes
with thousands of rules), the preprocessing takes a few seconds. For example, numer-
icalizing and normalizing an EPAL policy of 4,000 rules takes about 0.35 second on
In terms of effectiveness, we compared the decisions made by Eengine and IBM
PDP for each request. In our experiments, we first generated 10,000 random single-
valued requests and 10,000 random uncertainly valued requests; and then fed each
request to both Eengine and IBM PDP and compared their decisions.The experi-
mental results showed that Eengine and IBM PDP have the same decision for every
Figure 7 shows the preprocessing time versus the number of rules in a three-
layered policy for Eengine. Note that for all figures in this section, we use PDD
1592 Z. Qin et al.
to denote the decision diagram approach and use Table to denote the forwarding
table approach. We observe that there is an almost linear correlation between the pre-
processing time of Eengine and the number of rules, which demonstrates that Eengine
is scalable in the preprocessing phrase. Figure 8 shows the memory size of Eengine
versus the number of rules in a three-layered policy for Eengine. Similar to the pre-
processing time of Eengine, there is an almost linear correlation between the memory
size of Eengine and the number of rules.
Figure 9 shows the difference between IBM PDP and Eengine for the total process-
ing time of 10,000 randomly generated single-valued requests. This figure shows that
Eengine is orders of magnitude faster than IBM PDP and the performance difference
grows almost linearly with the number of rules in EPAL policies.
Figures 10 and 11 show the experimental results as a function of the number of
rules in a three-layered policy for processing single-valued requests and uncertainly
valued requests, respectively. Figure 12 shows the results as a function of the num-
ber of layers for processing single-valued requests in three-layered policies, which
consist of 2,000 rules. Figure 13 shows the evaluation results as a function of the
number of layers for processing uncertainly valued requests in three-layered policies,
which consist of 2,000 rules. Note that the vertical axes of these four figures are in
logarithmic scales.
These figures demonstrate that Eengine is highly scalable and efficient in compar-
ison with IBM PDP. For single-valued requests, under different numbers of rules, say
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1593
400, 2,000, and 4,000 rules in a three-layered policy, the forwarding table approach
is 63, 354, 712 times faster than IBM PDP, respectively, and the PDD approach is 56,
303, 636 times faster than IBM PDP, respectively. For uncertainly valued requests,
under different numbers of rules, say 400, 2,000, and 4,000 rules in a three-layered
policy, the forwarding table approach is 128, 819, 1,195 times faster than IBM PDP,
respectively, and the PDD approach is 104, 640, 1,047 times faster than IBM PDP, re-
spectively. For EPAL policies with 2,000 rules but with various number of layers, for
single-valued requests, say in a 1, 4, 8 layered policy, the forwarding table approach
1594 Z. Qin et al.
is 718, 1,204, 8,852 times faster than IBM PDP, respectively, and the PDD approach
is 524, 1,009, 5,838 times faster than IBM PDP, respectively. For EPAL policies with
2,000 rules but with various number of layers, for uncertainly valued requests, say in
a 1, 4, 8 layered policy, the forwarding table approach is 143, 266, 1,055 times faster
than IBM PDP, respectively, and the PDD approach is 113, 170, 578 times faster than
IBM PDP, respectively.
8 Conclusions
In this paper, we present Eengine, an EPAL policy evaluation engine. We make three
major contributions. First, we propose algorithms that build efficient data structures
for EPAL policy evaluation. Second, we propose optimization techniques for uncer-
tainly valued requests and compound requests. Third, we conducted extensive exper-
iments and demonstrated Eengine’s efficiency and effectiveness on large-scale EPAL
policies. Our experimental results show that Eengine is orders of magnitude faster
than the standard IBM implementation.
Acknowledgements This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foun-
dation under Grant Numbers CNS-0845513. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Towards high performance security policy evaluation 1595
Science Foundation. The work of Zheng Qin is partially supported by the National Science Foundation of
China under Grant No. 61070194, the Information Security Industrialization Fund from NDRC of China
in 2009 (No. [2009]1886), the major achievements transfer projects of MOF and MIIT of China in 2010
(No. CJ [2010] 341), and NSF of Hunan Province, China (No. 09JJ3124).