An Improving Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Method For Pallet Exchange Rack Risk Analysis
An Improving Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Method For Pallet Exchange Rack Risk Analysis
An Improving Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Method For Pallet Exchange Rack Risk Analysis (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
In order to enhance quality and reliability of mechanical and electrical products, the methods of taking corresponding
corrective measures to eliminate or alleviate product failure in advance have been widely concerned. Failure mode and
effects analysis (FMEA) is a typical prevention reliability analysis method. However, there are some drawbacks in
traditional FMEA method. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose a hybrid risk evaluation method, which combines
picture fuzzy sets (PFSs), the PF-linear programming model (PF-LPM) method and the PF-weighted aggregated sum
product assessment (PF-WASPAS) method. We adopt PFSs to evaluate risks of products. In order to overcome drawback
of the traditional distance between PFSs, some new distance measures between PFSs based on the Dice similarity and the
Jaccard similarity are proposed by us. The PF-LPM method which considers the subjective weights of risk factors and
calculates synthetical deviation with the Dice similarity-based distance is utilized to calculate the weights of risk factors.
Moreover, the PFWA operator and the PFWG operator are used by us to fuse experts’ evaluation information. Then, the
PF-WASPAS method is utilized to rank failure modes. Finally, an illustrative example with respect to pallet exchange rack
is introduced, and the rationality, effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method are verified by a discussion and
Keywords Failure mode and effects analysis Picture fuzzy sets PFWA operator PFWG operator WASPAS
15222 C. Jin et al.
The ease of use of FMEA technique has let to the neutral degree of membership, negative degree of mem-
extension of its application in different fields, for example, bership and refusal degree of membership, which can
risk assessment of maritime autonomous surface ships express the hesitation and uncertainty of experts’ evalua-
(Chang et al. 2021), failure analysis of diesel engine piston tion information; (2) the traditional distance measure
in transport utility vehicles (Deulgaonkar et al. 2021), risk between PFSs fails to satisfy the axiomatic requirements of
evaluation and mitigation of sustainable road freight being PF distance measures, and may produce counterin-
transport operation (Dadsena et al. 2019) and risk analysis tuitive results in calculating the distance between different
of sequential processes in food industry (Rezaee et al. PFSs. Therefore, it is necessary for us to develop new
2018) and so on. However, the traditional FMEA method distance measures between PFSs to solve this problem. The
does not have absolute advantages in the efficiency and distance measure based on Dice similarity and Jaccard
effectiveness of risk evaluation. The reasons for this similarity can solve this problem well; (3) because experts
problem mainly include the following aspects (Zheng and come from different fields and have different knowledge
Tang 2020; Boral et al. 2020b): (1) Rating risks by using background, the experts’ evaluation information may be
crisp value, which ignores the hesitation and uncertainty of inconsistent. In order to reach a consensus, we need to fuse
experts’ evaluation information; (2) The weights of the the experts’ evaluation information under PFSs environ-
three risk factors (S, O and D) are equal. It is not irrational, ment. PFSs provide a parameterized family of aggregation
for different risk analysis cases, their weights should not be operators such as the PFWA operator and the PFWG
equal; (3) The mathematical form (i.e., multiplication) operator; (4) in the traditional FMEA method, the risk
adopted for calculating the RPN value is irrational, because factors are equally weighted. However, for different risk
it is strongly sensitive to variations in criticality factor evaluation cases, the weights of risk factors should not be
evaluations; (4) The same RPN value may indicate totally equal. Moreover, the subjective weights of risk factors
different risk implications. should be taken into account. The PF-LPM method can
In order to overcome the above drawbacks and improve solve these problems well, which calculates synthetical
the effectiveness and efficiency of the traditional FMEA deviation with the Dice similarity-based distance, and
method, in this paper, we propose a new risk evaluation calculates the weights of risk factors by establishing a
method based on the PF-LPM and the PF-WASPAS. linear programming model; (5) the ranking mechanism of
Moreover, in order to extend the traditional distance traditional FMEA method is irrational. However, the PF-
measures between two PFSs, some new distance measures WASPAS method is simple and direct, and can yield rea-
based on Dice similarity and Jaccard similarity are pro- sonable, acceptable and relatively accurate results in
posed by us. The proposed FMEA method mainly includes ranking failure modes.
three parts: risk evaluation, calculating the weights of risk Therefore, the major contributions of this paper are as
factors with PF-LPM and prioritizing risks with the PF- follows: (1) rating risks by using PFSs, which overcomes
WASPAS method. In risk revaluation, taking the hesitation the drawback that the traditional FMEA method rates risks
and uncertainty of experts’ evaluation information into by crisp values and cannot express the hesitation and
account, PFSs are utilized to rate risks. In calculating the uncertainty of experts’ evaluation information; (2) devel-
weights of risk factors with PF-LPM, we consider the oping some new distance measures based on Dice simi-
subjective weight of risk factors, and adopt the Dice sim- larity and Jaccard similarity, which extends traditional
ilarity-based distance to calculate synthetical deviation. In distance measure between PFSs, and overcomes the
order to obtain more consistent expert evaluation infor- drawback that the traditional distance measure fails to
mation, the PFWA operator and the PFWG operator are satisfy the axiomatic requirements of being PF distance
utilized to fuse experts’ evaluation information. Finally, the measures, and may produce counterintuitive results in
weights of risk factors are calculated with PF-LPM. For calculating the distance between different PFSs; (3) fusing
prioritization of risk factors, the PF-WASPAS method is experts’ evaluation information by using the PFWA oper-
utilized to rank failure modes. ator and the PFWG operator, which can make experts’
Based on the above analysis, we can sum up the main evaluation information more consistent; (4) calculating the
motivation of this paper as follows: (1) in risk revaluation, weights of risk factors with the PF-LPM, which can
under time pressure and limited knowledge and data, for overcome the drawback that the risk factors are weighted
some complex products or systems, experts may not be so equally in the traditional FMEA method; (5) ranking fail-
focused, and different experts have different information ure modes with the PF-WASPAS method, which can
processing capabilities. Therefore, the obtained experts’ overcome the drawback that the ranking mechanism of the
evaluation information may be uncertain and hesitant. traditional FMEA method is irrational.
However, the PFSs is of great help in solving this problem. The organization of the rest paper is as follows: The
Its parameters include positive degree of membership, literature review is synthesized in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, some
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15223
basic knowledge of the PFSs, the PFWA operator and the between PFSs to determinate the flood disaster risk in the
PFWG operator is briefly reviewed. Some new distance South region of India. Son et al. (2017) introduced some
measures between PFSs are introduced in Sect. 4. Section 5 new distance measures between PFSs and adopted them in
presents the proposed FMEA method, which includes risk the clustering analysis. Khan et al. (2020) proposed a Bi-
evaluation, calculating the weights of risk factors with PF- parametric PF distance measure and demonstrated the
LPM and prioritizing risks with the PF-WASPAS method. application of the PF distance measure in the pattern
In Sect. 6, an illustrative example with respect to the pallet recognition and medical diagnosis. Ganie et al. (2021)
exchange rack is introduced. A discussion and comparison proposed the concepts of the PF correlation measures and
process are reported in Sect. 7, and conclusions are finally adopted it in pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, and
drawn in Sect. 8. clustering analysis. Liu et al. (2019b) presented a picture
fuzzy ordered weighted distance measure and adopted it in
a practical application of investment alternatives selection.
2 Literature review Duong et al. (2021) proposed a novel dissimilarity measure
on PFSs and adopted it in multi-criteria decision-making
2.1 The applications of PFSs problem. Although these distance measure methods are
widely used, these distance measures cannot satisfy the
The concept of PFSs was first proposed by Coung in 2014. axiomatic requirements of being distance measures
It emerged from IFSs, but compared with IFSs, it is more between PFSs, and may produce counterintuitive results in
powerful and suitable to deal with cases requiring human calculating the distance between different PFSs. To this
opinion involving more answers of types: yes, abstain, no end, we propose some new distance measures between
and refusal (Xu et al. 2019). The ease of use of the PFSs PFSs based on Dice similarity and Jaccard similarity. To
has let to the extension of its application in different fields. the best of our knowledge, there is no study that does these
For example, Luo et al. (2020) adopted PFSs to indicate the works.
subjective evaluation information in evaluating the thermal
comfort of underground mines. In order to select the 2.3 Weighting methods and ranking methods
optimal electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) site from
all the feasible sites in Beijing, the PFSs was utilized by Ju In traditional FMEA method, the risk factors are equally
et al. (2019) to rate EVCS sites. In the same vein, to select weighted. It is irrational, because for different risk cases,
an optimal emergency alternative from four feasible the weights of risk factors should not be equal. In order to
emergency alternatives, Li et al. (2019b) adopted PFSs to deal with this problem, many weighting methods have been
rate emergency alternatives. Wang et al. (2018a) adopted proposed, For instance, in order to consider the experts’
PFSs to determine whether the risks are prioritized to psychological behavior in the risk evaluation in FMEA
guarantee the quality, safety, and timely completion of the approach, Wang et al. (2018b) adopt the prospect theory to
construction project. Zhang et al. (2020) adopted PFSs to calculate the weights of risk factors. A weighting method
rate suppliers in a practical supplier selection of a pump based on fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) which
enterprise. In addition, the PFSs were also utilized in has capability to incorporate inherent inconsistencies of a
medical diagnosis and pattern recognition (Zeng et al. decision-making process was developed by Boral et al.
2019), risk evaluation of flood disaster (Singh et al. 2018), (2020a) to calculate the weights of risk factors. Gul et al.
multiple attribute decision making problems (Van Dinh (2020) built a fuzzy best–worst method (FBWM) which
and Xuan Thao 2018), building materials recognition (Wei determines the importance weights of criteria using two
and Gao 2018), and so forth. However, to the best of our comparison matrices to weight risk factors. Mohsen et al.
knowledge, there is no study that rates risks by using PFSs (2017) utilized the concept of Shannon entropy to deploy
in FMEA. objective weights, and took the subjective weights of risk
factors assigned by experts into account. A consensus-
2.2 Distance measures of PFSs driven methodology was proposed by Zhang et al. (2019)
to generate the weights of risk factors. Additionally, data
In order to describe difference between two PFSs, many envelopment analysis was also utilized to calculate the
distance measure methods have been proposed. For objective weights of risk factors. In this paper, we combine
instance, Dinh et al. (2018) proposed some new distance PFSs and LPM method to calculate the weights of risk
measures between PFSs and adopted it in the Dinah pattern factors, and take the subjective weights of risk factors into
recognition problem. Some new PF distance measures were account. For LPM method, it is also widely used in dif-
proposed by Dutta et al. (2018) to solve medical diagnosis ferent fields. For example, to highlight the overall differ-
problem. Singh et al. (2018) used the distance measures ence among the performance values of alternatives, Yi
15224 C. Jin et al.
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15225
To measure the deviation or difference between two 4.1 The Dice similarity-based distance measure
PFNs, the normalized Hamming distance of PFSs was
proposed by Zhang et al. (2020). The concept of the Dice similarity was first proposed by
Dice (1945), it is defined as follows:
Definition 5 Suppose T1 = (a1, b1, c1) and T2 = (a2, b2, c2)
are two arbitrary PFNs, then the normalized Hamming Definition 7 Let T1 ¼ ha1 ðxi Þ; b1 ðxi Þ; c1 ðxi Þi and T2 ¼
distance between T1and T2 can be obtained as follows: ha2 ðxi Þ; b2 ðxi Þ; c2 ðxi Þi be two PFSs in a given finite set
1 X ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; xn g. Then, the Dice similarity between T1
dðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ ðja1 a2 j þ jb1 b2 j þ jc1 c2 jÞ ð3Þ and T2 can be obtained as follows:
SD ðT1 ; T2 Þ
1X 2ða1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi ÞÞ
3.2 PFWA operator and PFWG operator n i¼1 a21 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ
To fuse experts’ evaluation information, the picture fuzzy
weighted averaging (PFWA) operator and the picture fuzzy
weighted geometric mean (PFWG) operator of PFSs are Then, the Dice similarity-based distance measure
defined. between PFSs is proposed by us to extend traditional dis-
Definition 6 Wei (2017) Let Tj = (aj, bj cj) (j = 1,2,…,n) tance measure, it is defined as follows:
be a collection of PFNs. The PFWA operator is a mapping Definition 8 Let T1 ¼ ha1 ðxi Þ; b1 ðxi Þ; c1 ðxi Þi and T2 ¼
Pn ? P such that ha2 ðxi Þ; b2 ðxi Þ; c2 ðxi Þi be two PFSs in a given finite set
n X ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; xn g. Then, the Dice similarity-based dis-
PFWAðT1 ; T2 ; . . .; Tn Þ ¼ ðxj Tj Þ
j¼1 tance measure between T1 and T2 can be obtained as
! ð4Þ
n x Y n Y
n follows:
x x
¼ 1 1 aj j ; bj j ; cj j
dDS ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1 SD ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
1X 2ða1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi ÞÞ
where x = (x1,x2,…,xn)T is the weight vector of Tj
n i¼1 a21 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ
(j = 1,2,…,n), it can be calculated by a weighted genera-
tion method based on the normal distribution (Chen et al.
2020), and xj [ 0, nj¼1 xj ¼ 1.
Definition 7 Wei (2017) Let Tj = (aj, bj cj)(j = 1,2,…,n) Property 1 Based on the above definition, we can obtain
be a collection of PFNs. The PFWG operator is a mapping that:
Pn ? P such that
(1) 0 dDS ðT1 ; T2 Þ\1;
PFWGðT1 ; T2 ; . . .; Tn Þ ¼ ðTj Þ xj (2) dDS ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ dDS ðT2 ; T1 Þ;
! (3) dDS ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 0 if and only if T1 ¼ T2 .
n xj Y
n xj Y
n xj
¼ aj ;1 1 bj ;1 1 cj Proof
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
15226 C. Jin et al.
a21 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þþ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ. Definition 10 Let T1 ¼ ha1 ðxi Þ; b1 ðxi Þ; c1 ðxi Þi and T2 ¼
then, ða1 ðxi Þ a2 ðxi ÞÞ2 þðb1 ðxi Þ b2 ðxi ÞÞ2 þ ha2 ðxi Þ; b2 ðxi Þ; c2 ðxi Þi be two PFSs in a given finite set
X ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; xn g. Then, the Jaccard similarity between
ðc1 ðxi Þ c2 ðxi ÞÞ2 ¼ 0. Thus, a1 ðxi Þ ¼ a2 ðxi Þ,
T1 and T2 can be obtained as follows:
b1 ðxi Þ ¼ b2 ðxi Þ and c1 ðxi Þ ¼ c2 ðxi Þ, that is, T1 ¼ T2 .
This completes the proof.
1X n
a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ
SJ ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 2
n i¼1 a1 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ
Because the weights of PFNs have great influence on the Then, the Jaccard similarity-based distance measure
distance measure between PFNs, we proposed the concept between PFSs is proposed by us to extend traditional dis-
of the Dice similarity-based weighted distance measure, it tance measure, it is defined as follows.
is defined as follows.
Definition 11 Let T1 ¼ ha1 ðxi Þ; b1 ðxi Þ; c1 ðxi Þi and T2 ¼
Definition 9 Let T1 ¼ ha1 ðxi Þ; b1 ðxi Þ; c1 ðxi Þi and T2 ¼ ha2 ðxi Þ; b2 ðxi Þ; c2 ðxi Þi be two PFSs in a given finite set
ha2 ðxi Þ; b2 ðxi Þ; c2 ðxi Þi be two PFSs in a given finite set X ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; xn g. Then, the Jaccard similarity-based
X ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; xn g. Then, the Dice similarity-based distance measure between T1 and T2 can be obtained as
weighted distance measure between T1 and T2 can be follows:
obtained as follows: dJS ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1 SJ ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1
x 0 1
dDS ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1 SD ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1
n B C
1X n
2ða1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi ÞÞ 1X B
B a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ C
xi 2
n i¼1 a1 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ n i¼1 @ a1 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þ þ a2 ðxi Þ þ b2 ðxi Þ þ c2 ðxi Þ C
B 2 2 2 2 2 2
ð8Þ a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ
2ða1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi ÞÞ a21 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ
) a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ a21 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ
a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ
a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ
) 1
a21 ðxi Þ þ b21 ðxi Þ þ c21 ðxi Þ þ a22 ðxi Þ þ b22 ðxi Þ þ c22 ðxi Þ
a1 ðxi Þa2 ðxi Þ þ b1 ðxi Þb2 ðxi Þ þ c1 ðxi Þc2 ðxi Þ
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15227
15228 C. Jin et al.
Table 1 Linguistic terms and corresponding picture fuzzy numbers for rating failure modes are expressed as linguistic terms.
Linguistic terms and corresponding picture fuzzy numbers
Linguistic terms Picture fuzzy numbers
are shown in Table 1. In order to rate risks, three of seven
Very very low (VVL) (0,0,1) experts in expert team are invited to provide their assess-
Very low (VL) (0,0.05,0.9) ments over failure modes using linguistic terms to establish
Low (L) (0.2,0.45,0.25) linguistic terms decision matrices, denoted by T k ¼
Fair (F) (0.45,0.4,0.1)
High (H) (0.8,0.1,0.05) Tiyk ; k ¼ 1; 2; l; i ¼ 1; 2; m; y ¼ 1; 2; p;
Very high (VH) (0.9,0.05,0)
where Tiyk indicates a linguistic term information of failure
Very very high (VVH) (1,0,0)
mode FMi with respect to risk factor RFj given by expert
ek . After converting linguistic terms information into cor-
responding PFNs based on Table 1, the PF evaluation
information of the ith failure mode with respect to the jth
RF ¼ RF1 ; RF2 ; RFp ¼ fS; O; Dg; p ¼ 3, where risk factor provided by expert ek can be denoted as xkiy ¼
RFy ðy ¼ 1; 2; pÞ means the yth risk factor.
ðaiy ; biy ; ciy Þ; k ¼ 1; 2; l; i ¼ 1; 2; m; y ¼ 1; 2; p,
Step 2 Evaluate risks by linguistic terms and construct and PFNs decision matrices can be established as
PFNs decision matrices. X k ¼ Xiyk .
In the real life, due to time pressure and lack of
knowledge or data, there may be hesitation or uncertainty Step 3 Standardize PFNs decision matrices.
about experts’ evaluation information. In this paper, we
define that seven grades of experts’ evaluation information
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15229
In order to make experts’ evaluation information more • Step 4 Calculate syncretic decision matrix.
realistic, we need to standardize PFNs decision matrices as
In order to obtain more consistent evaluation results, the
( k PFWG operator is utilized to fuse standardized PFNs
xiy S and O decision matrices. So syncretic decision matrix X ¼
Xiy ¼ aiy ; biy ; ciy ¼ k c
xiy D ðxiy Þmp can be calculated as follows:
xiy ¼ PFWGðx1iy ; x2iy ; x3iy Þ ¼ ðxkiy Þwk
5.2 Calculating the weights of risk factors !
Y wk 3
Y w k 3
Y wk
with PF-LPM ¼ akiy ;1 1 bkiy ;1 1 ckiy
k¼1 k¼1 k¼1
y¼1Sðay Þ
solving the above model, we can get the objective weight
where xSy indicates the subjective weight of yth risk factor. vector of risk factors xO ¼ xOy :
15230 C. Jin et al.
Step 7 Determine synthetical weight vector of risk Step 4 Calculate the linear combination value of WSM
factors. and WPM.
In the end, the synthetical weight vector of risk factors In order to obtain joint optimal solution, we need to
x ¼ ðxy Þ1p can be calculated as follows: calculate the linear combination value of WSM and WPM.
xy ¼ bxSy þ ð1 bÞxO ð18Þ QAi ¼ kWSMi þ ð1 kÞWPMi ð21Þ
where b 2 ½0; 1 is the importance coefficient of subjective where QAi indicates the obtained linear combination value
weights. of ith failure mode, and k 2 ½0; 1 is importance coefficient
of the weighted sum value.
5.3 Prioritizing risks with PF-WASPAS method Step 5 Rank failure modes.
In this section, we propose a new extension to WASPAS In order to rank failure modes, it is necessary for us to
method under PFSs environment to rank failure modes. It calculate score function value Qi of the linear combination
overcomes drawback that ranking mechanism is irrational value of each failure mode.
in the traditional FMEA method. Similar to the VIKOR Qi ¼ SðQAi Þ ð22Þ
ranking method, the WASPAS method is a compromise
If any failure modes have the same Qi values, we need to
solution method that is based on the idea of weighted sum
calculate accuracy function value, and based on Definition
method (WSM) and weighted product method (WPM).
4, the values are assigned in descending order, that is, the
Combined with PFSs, the PF-WASPAS method have an
failure mode with maximum value is ranked first. For
innate superiority in ranking failure modes, because it has
critical failure modes, it is necessary for us take the cor-
many advantages, for instance, it has simple and straight-
responding corrective measures to eliminate them.
forward process, and follows joint optimality concept for
obtaining the final rank of failure modes. Moreover, it
determines the final ranking order based on the linear
6 An illustrative example
combination of WSM and WPM and also uses PFSs to
describe uncertain preference information. The concrete
6.1 Background
process includes the following five steps.
Step 1 Determine syncretic decision matrix and weights In order to explain the implementation process of the
of risk factors. proposed FMEA method, in this paper, we take the pallet
exchange rack of a horizontal machining center produced
According to Sect. 5.2, we can obtain syncretic decision
by a large CNC machine tool manufacturing company in
matrix X ¼ ðxiy Þmp and weight vector of risk factors
China as research object. The pallet exchange rack is an
x ¼ ðxy Þ1p . important functional part of the horizontal machining
Step 2 Calculate the weighted sum value for each failure center. Its main function is to realize the position exchange
modes. between the processed workpiece and the blank to be
processed, so as to send the blank to be processed to the
The weighted sum value of ith failure mode can be processing position, and realize the automatic positioning
calculated as follows: of the workpiece. At the same time, the processed work-
p piece is sent out of the processing position. The structure of
WSMi ¼ xy xiy ð19Þ
y¼1 the pallet exchange rack is presented in Fig. 2, which
mainly includes pallet lifting mechanism driven by the
hydraulic lifting cylinder and pallet rotating mechanism
Step 3 Calculate the weighted product value for each driven by the hydraulic rotating cylinder. When working,
failure modes. the bracket 4 is lifted by the hydraulic lifting cylinder first.
Then, the rack is driven by the rotating hydraulic cylinder,
The weighted product value of ith failure mode can be
and is meshed with gear shaft 5 to realize the rotation of the
calculated as follows:
bracket 4. There are two pallets, the included angle
WPMi ¼ ðxiy Þxy ð20Þ between the two pallets is 180 degrees, and they can rotate
y¼1 around the mandrel 3. The two pallets are symmetrically
arranged with the mandrel 3 as the center, and when
working, the blank and the processed workpiece are,
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15231
15232 C. Jin et al.
FM1 The pallet was not exchanged to the correct X1: The pallet did not lift to the correct position; X2: The pallet did not 8 6 7 336
position rotate to the correct position
FM2 The speed of pallet exchange was too fast FM5; FM6 4 7 6 168
or too slow
FM3 The pallet collided with magazine door X3: Control program error 8 3 3 72
during the exchange
FM4 Pallet exchange stagnation X4: Control program error; FM7; 6 4 6 144
X5: Detection switch fault
FM5 The hydraulic flow was too large X6: The adjustment of throttle valve is unreasonable; 4 5 6 120
X7: throttle valve failure
FM6 The hydraulic flow was too small X8: The adjustment of throttle valve is unreasonable; 4 6 6 144
X9: throttle valve failure;
X10: The solenoid valve is blocked;
X11: The pipeline is blocked;
X12: The solenoid valve fault
FM7 Hydraulic failure X13: The solenoid valve is blocked; 6 7 4 168
X14: The pipeline is blocked;
X15: The solenoid valve fault
evaluation results are shown in Table 5. For example, the matrix of risk factors xS ¼ ðay Þ3 , the fused results are
evaluation information of risk factor S given by experts e1 presented in Table 5. For instance,
is H. Then, all linguistic terms will be translated into cor- a1 ¼ PFWAðxS1 S2 S3
1 ; x1 ; x1 Þ ¼ PFWAðð0:8; 0:1; 0:05Þ;
responding PFNs, so the subjective weight matrices xSk ¼ ð0:9; 0:05; 0Þ; ð0:9; 0:05; 0ÞÞ ¼ ð0:8851; 0:0574; 0Þ.
y Þ13 ; k ¼ 1; 2; 3 can be obtained.
According to Eq. (14), the subjective weights vector of
Based on Eq. 13, the experts’ evaluation information is risk factors can be obtained, that is,
fused by PFWA operator. The weights of experts are x ¼ ð0:5458; 0:0978; 0:3564Þ. For example, x1 ¼
w¼ ð0:2; 0:45; 0:35Þ, which can be calculated by a P3jSða1 Þj ¼ j0:88510jþj0:32410:1655
jþj0:65110:0732j ¼ 0:5458.
weighted generation method based on the normal distri- y¼1
j Sða y Þ j
bution. Then, we can obtain syncretic subjective weight In the calculation process of objective weights, firstly,
we need to fuse experts’ evaluation information based on
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15233
Table 3 Linguistic terms decision matrices we can obtain synthetical deviation about objective weights
e Risk factors Failure modes
of risk factors as follows:
FM1 FM2 FM3 FM4 FM5 FM6 FM7 D xO ¼ ð13:4492xO O
1 þ 18:2079x2 þ 3:8432x3 Þ
where deviation
D H H F H H H L dDS xiy ; xhy ; i; h ¼ 1; 2; 7and i 6¼ h; y ¼ 1; 2; 3
can be calculated by using the Dice similarity-based dis-
tance, for instance, dDS ðx11 ; x21 Þ ¼ 1
D VH H F F H H F 2ð0:91920:3826þ0:04020:4104þ00:1322Þ
e3 S VH F VVH VH L L VH ¼ 0:3753.
0:91922 þ0:04022 þ02 þ0:38262 þ0:41042 þ0:13222
O F F VL L L F H After that, we can construct a linear programming model
D VH H H H VH VH F based on Eq. (17) as follows:
< Max DðxO Þ ¼ 1 ð13:4492xO þ 18:2079xO þ 3:8432xO Þ
1 2 3
: Subjcect to P3 xO ¼ 1; xO
0; y ¼ 1; 2; 3
y¼1 y y
Eq. (15) to obtain the syncretic decision matrix
X ¼ ðxiy Þ73 . The fused results are presented in Table 8 of By solving the above linear programming model, we can
Appendix A. For example, obtain objective weight vector of risk factors.
x11 ¼ PFWGðx111 ; x211 ; x311 Þ xO ¼ ð0:3788; 0:5129; 0:1083Þ
¼ PFWGðð0; 0; 1Þ; ð0:9; 0:05; 0Þ; ð0:9; 0:05; 0ÞÞ
Finally, based on Eq. (18), we can assume that b = 0.5, and
¼ ð0:9192; 0:0402; 0Þ
obtain the synthetical weight vector of risk factors
Then, we need to calculate synthetical deviation and
xS ¼ ð0:4623; 0:3054; 0:2323Þ
establish linear programming model. Based on Eq. (16),
e1 S (0, 0, 1) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (1, 0, 0) (0.9, 0.05, 0) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.9, 0.05, 0)
O (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0, 0, 1) (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.8, 0.1, 0.05) (0.9, 0.05, 0)
D (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.1, 0.4, 0.45) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.25, 0.45, 0.2)
e2 S (0.9, 0.05, 0) (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (1, 0, 0) (0.8, 0.1, 0.05) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.8, 0.1, 0.05)
O (0.8, 0.1, 0.05) (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.8, 0.1, 0.05) (0.8, 0.1, 0.05)
D (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.1, 0.4, 0.45) (0.1, 0.4, 0.45) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.1, 0.4, 0.45)
e3 S (0.9, 0.05, 0) (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (1, 0, 0) (0.9,0.05, 0) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.9, 0.05, 0)
O (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.2, 0.45, 0.25) (0.45, 0.4, 0.1) (0.8, 0.1, 0.05)
D (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0.05, 0.1, 0.8) (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0, 0.05, 0.9) (0.1, 0.4, 0.45)
15234 C. Jin et al.
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15235
The concept of the Singh’s distance was proposed by that the proposed Dice similarity-based distance is better
Singh in 2018 (Singh et al. 2018), it is defined as follows: than the Ganie’s distance and the Singh’s distance, and
these three distance measures are better than the traditional
Definition 14 Let T1 ¼ ha1 ðxi Þ; b1 ðxi Þ; c1 ðxi Þi and T2 ¼
ha2 ðxi Þ; b2 ðxi Þ; c2 ðxi Þi be two PFSs in a given finite set
X ¼ fx1 ; x2 ; xn g. Then, the Singh’s distance measure
7.2 Comparison analysis of different ranking
between T1 and T2 can be obtained as follows:
" methods
1 Xn
DS ðT1 ; T2 Þ ¼ 1 max ja1 ðxi Þ a2 ðxi Þj2 ;
4n i¼1 When different ranking methods are utilized to rank failure
i12 modes of the pallet exchange rack, we can obtain different
jb1 ðxi Þ b2 ðxi Þj2 ; jc1 ðxi Þ c2 ðxi Þj2 ; jp1 ðxi Þ p2 ðxi Þj2 ranking results. Some of these ranking results are quite
different, and some are almost consistent. In order to verify
the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed method, in
this section, a comparison analysis with respect to the
traditional RPN, the intuitionistic fuzzy-linear program-
The final ranking results of these four distance measures ming model-multi-attributive border approximation area
are shown in Table 6. In order to provide a more visual comparison (IF-LPM-MABAC) method which calculates
comparison, a line chart is utilized by us to describe the weights of risk factors with LPM, and ranks failure modes
final ranking results, as shown in Fig. 4. with MABAC method (Liu et al. 2019c), the spherical
According to Table 6 and Fig. 4, we can obtain that the fuzzy-WASPAS (SF-WASPAS) method (Aydogdu and
ranking results of the proposed Dice similarity-based dis- Gul 2020) which calculates weights of risk factors with
tance are highly related with those of the Ganie’s distance entropy measure, and ranks failure modes with MABAC
and the Singh’s distance, but have great difference with method and the proposed FMEA method is conducted.
those of the traditional distance. For example, except for Based on the above case, the ranking results of these four
FM3 and FM5, the ranking results of the Ganie’s distance methods are shown in Table 7. Similar to Sect. 7.1, a line
and the proposed Dice similarity-based distance are iden- chart is utilized by us to describe the final ranking results,
tical. In the same vein, except for FM1 and FM7, the as presented in Fig. 5.
ranking results of the Singh’s distance and the proposed The comparison of the ranking results mainly includes
Dice similarity-based distance are identical. However, for three aspects. Firstly, in order to find the statistical sig-
the traditional distance, except for FM5 and FM7, the nificance of the difference between the ranking results
ranking results of the traditional distance and the proposed obtained using the proposed FMEA method and the ones
Dice similarity-based distance are completely different. obtained from the traditional RPN method, the IF-LPM-
Moreover, the first-ranked and the last-ranked failure MABAC method and the SF-WASPAS method, the
modes of the proposed Dice similarity-based distance are Spearman rank correlation coefficient (SRCC) is utilized
consistent with traditional RPN method, that is FM1 and by us. It was first proposed by Raju in 1999, and was
FM3. Therefore, based on above analysis, we can obtain defined as follows:
15236 C. Jin et al.
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15237
Finally, compared with the IF-LPM-MABAC method employees of the company, we give the following five
and the SF-WASPAS method, by comparing the IF-LPM- suggestions:
MABAC method and the proposed FMEA method, based
(1) Conducting a training in the company to improve the
on Table 7 and Fig. 5, we can obtain that the ranking
quality and reliability awareness of employees. For
results of the proposed FMEA method are consistent with
an enterprise, only when the quality and reliability
the IF-LPM-MABAC method, except for FM5 and FM6.
awareness of each employee is improved, the quality
The reasons that lead to this phenomenon mainly include
and reliability of products can be improved. There-
the following three aspects: (1) IFSs and PFSs are utilized
fore, it is necessary for managers to conduct a
to rate risks in the IF-LPM-MABAC method and the pro-
training with respect to the quality and reliability of
posed FMEA method, and PFSs is an extension of FSs and
IFSs, which can overcome the drawback that the risks are
(2) Establishing a professional quality and reliability
rated with crisp values, which cannot express the uncer-
team in the company. In the proposed FMEA
tainty and hesitation of experts’ evaluation information in
method, we need to form a technical team and an
traditional RPN method; (2) The LPM method is utilized to
expert team to rate risks. To facilitate implementa-
calculate the weights of risk factors in these two methods,
tion, the members of the technical team and expert
which can overcome the drawback that three risk factors
team can be selected from the quality and reliability
are equally weighted in the traditional RPN method; (3)
The ranking mechanism of these two methods are different,
(3) Arranging the staff to formulate corresponding
one is MABAC method, the other is WASPAS method,
corrective measures to eliminate or alleviate failure
both theses two ranking methods can overcome drawback
of products based on the ranking results and the
that the ranking mechanism is irrational in the traditional
actual situation of the company, and invite profes-
RPN method. In the same vein, by comparing the SF-
sional technicians to carry out these formulated
WASPAS method and the proposed FMEA method, based
corrective measures.
on Table 7 and Fig. 5, we can obtain that the ranking
(4) For the important links in the production process, the
results of these two methods have slight differences, for
quality and reliability warning or early warning
instance, FM2, FM4 and FM6. The reasons that lead to this
should be set up. The establishment of quality and
phenomenon mainly include the following three aspects:
reliability warning or early warning can remind
(1) SFSs and PFSs are utilized to rate risks in the SF-
employees to pay attention to important links in the
WASPAS method and the proposed FMEA method; (2)
production process.
The LPM method is utilized to calculate the weights of risk
(5) Regularly carrying out quality and reliability com-
factors in the proposed FMEA method, while the SF-
munication activities in the company. The improve-
WASPAS method calculates weights of risk factors with
ment of the quality and reliability of a product is the
entropy measure; (3) The WASPAS method is utilized to
result of the cooperation of various departments, so
rank failure modes in these two methods. The above
carrying out such activities is conducive to the
mentioned aspects can overcome the drawbacks of the
communication between various departments.
traditional RPN method, too. Therefore, based on the above
comparison analysis, we can obtain the proposed FMEA Therefore, the proposed FMEA method is not only
method is rational and effective in ranking failure modes rational and effective, but also applicable. As long as
and overcome the drawbacks of the traditional RPN managers manage properly, this method has innate
method. advantages in improving the quality and reality of products
and enterprise competitiveness.
7.3 Managerial implications
15238 C. Jin et al.
8 Conclusions
similarity are proposed. In the proposed FMEA method,
firstly, PFSs are utilized to rate risks. Secondly, the PFWA
we take the pallet exchange rack of a horizontal machining
analysis of different distance measures, comparison anal-
RPN method, the IF-LPM-MABAC method, the SF-
WASPAS method and the proposed FMEA method, the
Appendix A
An improving failure mode and effect analysis method for pallet exchange rack risk analysis 15239
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no known
(0.7607, 0.0799, 0)
(0, 0.1251, 0.4099)
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
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