25.02.22 8E 1 Lesson Plan
25.02.22 8E 1 Lesson Plan
25.02.22 8E 1 Lesson Plan
Subsidiary Aims: develop students’ speaking skills, develop students’ skills of reading for gist
and specific information
Personal aims
to stop talking so much, to give clearer instructions, to monitor more effectively, to maintain a
good pace, to correct students after giving them some time to think
Presentation, pictures, additional information from internet resources
Language Analysis
I have completed (highlight one of the following):
☐a language analysis sheet (grammar)
☐ a language analysis sheet (vocabulary)
☐ a language analysis sheet (functions)
The students will be familiar with Modals. The students may misunderstand some words, so I’ll
do my best i.e. paraphrase my sentences and use the body language.
3min S
Individual work of
The students watch the video Materials
about “Airport terminal. Around distributed via:
students the world” from youtube. my presentation,
The teacher asks questions
related to the text and video
material. Materials
The teacher asks: “What can you distributed via:
see in the pictures on page 83?” my presentation,
Controlled practice “What kind of airports were SB p.83
To make sure mentioned in the text and
5min T-Ss immediately what video ?”
students have
caught/understood The students answer the
5min S
Individual work of
students The students watch the video Materials
5min S Listening and about “Illegal souvenirs” from distributed via:
watching for detailed youtube. my presentation,
information youtube