Task 2: Managing Learning: Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Task 2: Managing Learning: Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Task 2: Managing Learning: Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
CLO 3: Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical
aspects of their implementation.
Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive CRM
,student engagement)
Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)
The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and
Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly
or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the
student behavior that it hopes to achieve.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
Name/Description Give the When and where Aim of the routine How did/do the students learn about this
of the routine. instructions that the routine is used? routine?
the routine uses (what student How is the routine reinforced?
(e.g. at the end of the behaviour it hopes to
school day etc.; or to achieve) (e.g. mentoring; classroom signs; reminders by
guide presentations the teacher; use of peer interaction by the
after group work) teacher to promote such behaviour etc.)
1 Set on the At the begging of Memorizing the The teacher interduce the routine and she
Days of the week carpet. the day. days of the week had a song about days of the week. After
Eyes on me. and telling the date being familiar with the song the teacher
What is day of in correct order. was singing with the student with the
the week today, audio. Then the student should guess the
what was day of the week alone.
yesterday, and
what will be
2 The teacher When students are Managing student’s The teacher did a practice with one
123 eyes on me clubs Then she noisy, and the behavior during student for a week so the other got the
says 123 eyes teacher need to get teaching. idea and understood that they should
on me and the their attention. keep quiet and reply to the teacher “12
student should eyes on you”.
replay 12 eyes
on you.
3 The teacher Every Sunday. Learning how to At the beginning the student were not
Writing a recount start talking write a recount and able to write but the teacher encourages
about her use simple past and them and help then to write and she
weekend on recount words. always was asking them to correct their
Sunday and mistakes on simple past and recount
then ask one words. Also, she displayed he recount
student about words on the wall and the words that they
his weekend
need to write on their disks.
and ten she ask
them to share
with their
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
Lesson objectives
play a simple game which is stick the frog on the twig to add and subtract.
solve the problems using the number line and cubes.
solve the problem then put the clip on the right answer.
The first activity is for the lowest group and it will be scaffold by the teacher. the second
activity is for average groups. Finally, is the high group activity. So as a teacher I
differentiate the activity depending on the student’s levels.
Behaviour expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing stations;
The teacher expects sharing the recourse from the teacher. Also, they should assess
their partner and having a brief discussion.
Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from plenary to
group work between main activity one and main activity two)
I had a variety of transition such as bill, counting down, and club. The bill will be to move
from the carpet to the disks. counting down will be to be done from the activity and
clean their classroom. Finally, the club was to make a line to go to the next class.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
Place in today’s class (when will you Before starting the After teaching the student
perform the routine) lesson so the student the lesson. The teacher can
can guess the topic. play with them to engage
them before having post
Importance to the smooth functioning of It will support the It will help the teacher to
today’s class student learning and engage the student and get
get the student’s their attention.
How well did this routine work in today’s The routine was good, The routine was perfect
class and the student because students love
enjoyed the video also playing and it helps me as a
they guess the lesson teacher to teach by playing.
form the video.
If you had to teach this class over, how I will ask the student In next time I will use the
would you adjust this routine and why to read the title same game but to more
before watching the difficult levels to assess and
video and guess what challenge the students.
they will see in the
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
I observed many routines in this semester, but I will talk about 3 of them which are days of the
week, 123 eyes on me, and writing a recount. I liked this routine and I would use them in the
UAE primary. First, days of the week is a very useful strategy because it teaches the student the
days of the week and how to tell the date in correct format. Second, 123 eyes on me, it helps
the teacher to manage student’s behavior during the class. Also, the teacher can use it as a
transition from the discs to the carpet or asking the student to pay attention after the pair
work. Finally, writing a recount, it helps the student memorize and practice using simple past
and the recount words. Also, it helps the teacher to practice writing recount with the students
every week.