Amino Acids and Protein-SK Sir
Amino Acids and Protein-SK Sir
Amino Acids and Protein-SK Sir
Quaternary Structure
Most proteins, particularly those with molecular masses >100 kD, consist of more than one
polypeptide chain. These polypeptide subunits associate with a specific geometry. The spatial
arrangement of these subunits is known as a protein’s quaternary structure. A multisubunit
protein may consist of identical or nonidentical polypeptide chains. Proteins with more than one
subunit are called oligomers, and their identical units are called protomers. A protomer may
therefore consist of one polypeptide chain or several unlike polypeptide chains. Hemoglobin, for
example, has the subunit composition α2β2. In this sense, hemoglobin is a dimer of αβ protomers.
There are several reasons why multisubunit proteins are so common. Defects can be repaired by
simply replacing the flawed subunit; the site of subunit manufacture can be different from the
site of assembly into the final product. In the case of enzymes, increasing a protein’s size tends
to better fix the three-dimensional positions of its reacting groups. Increasing the size of an
enzyme through the association of identical subunits is more efficient than increasing the length
of its polypeptide chain because each subunit has an active site.
Protein Stability (Forces holding the polypeptide together)
Protein stability depends primarily on hydrophobic effects and secondarily on electrostatic
interactions. The hydrophobic effect, which causes nonpolar substances to minimize their
contacts with water, is the major determinant of native protein structure. The combined
hydrophobic and hydrophilic tendencies of individual amino acid residues in proteins can be
expressed as hydropathies. The greater a side chain’s hydropathy, the more likely it is to
occupy the interior of a protein, and vice versa. Hydropathies are good predictors of which
portions of a polypeptide chain are inside a protein, out of contact with the aqueous solvent, and
The protein must be broken down into fragments small enough to be individually sequenced, and
the primary structure of the intact protein is then reconstructed from the sequences of
overlapping fragments. Polypeptides that are longer than 25 to 100 residues cannot be directly
Once the peptide fragments formed through specific cleavage reactions have been isolated, their
amino acid sequences can be determined. This can be accomplished through repeated cycles of
Edman degradation. In this process (named after its inventor, Pehr Edman),
phenylisothiocyanate (PITC; also known as Edman’s reagent) reacts with the N-terminal
amino group of a polypeptide under mildly alkaline conditions to form a phenylthiocarbamyl
(PTC) adduct. This product is treated with anhydrous trifluoroacetic acid, which cleaves the N-
terminal residue as a thiazolinone derivative but does not hydrolyze other peptide bonds. Edman
degradation therefore releases the N-terminal amino acid residue but leaves intact the rest of the
polypeptide chain. The thiazolinone-amino acid is selectively extracted into an organic solvent
and is converted to the more stable phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) derivative by treatment with
aqueous acid. This PTH-amino acid can later be identified by chromatography.
The two steps of the peptide cleavage process take place under different conditions. Hence, the
amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain can be determined from the N-terminus inward by
subjecting the polypeptide to repeated cycles of Edman degradation and, after every cycle,
identifying the newly liberated PTH-amino acid.
Up to 100 residues can be identified before the cumulative effects of incomplete reactions, side
reactions, and peptide loss make further amino acid identification unreliable.