Module 6 Atmosperic Chemistry and Air Pollution

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Chapter 6

Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution


Atmospheric chemistry: is a branch of atmospheric science in which the

chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere and that of other planets is studied.
The composition and chemistry of the atmosphere is of importance for several
reasons, but primarily because of the interactions between the atmosphere and living
organisms. The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere has been changed by human
activity and some of these changes are harmful to human health, crops and
ecosystems. Examples of problems which have been addressed by atmospheric
chemistry include acid rain, photochemical smog and global warming. Atmospheric
chemistry seeks to understand the causes of these problems, and by obtaining a
theoretical understanding of them, allow possible solutions to be tested and the effects
of changes in government policy evaluated.

Learning Outcomes
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
✓ Explain the scope of atmospheric chemistry and describe the composition of
the earth’s atmosphere.
✓ Explain the regions of the atmosphere defined on the basis of temperature
✓ Discuss the characteristics of the major regions of the atmosphere
✓ Describe the chemical reactions taking place in the atmosphere
✓ Define air pollution and describe its natural and anthropogenic sources
✓ Explain the various ways of classifying air pollutants
✓ Explain the relationship between air-pollution and acid-rain
✓ Describe the influence of air-pollution on ozone layer depletion and global

Earth's Atmosphere

Earth’s atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth and

retained by the Earth’s gravity. It contains roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93%
argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases, in addition to water
vapor. This mixture of gases is commonly known as air. The atmosphere protects life
on earth by absorbing solar UV radiation and reducing temperature extremes between
day and night.
The gases ozone, water vapor, and carbon dioxide are only minor components
of the atmosphere, but they exert a huge effect on the Earth by absorbing radiation.
Ozone in the upper atmosphere filters out the ultraviolet light below about 360 nm that
is dangerous for living things. In the troposphere ozone is an undesirable pollutant. It
is toxic to animals and plants, and it also damages materials.
The atmosphere slowly becomes thinner and fades away into space.
Therefore, there is no definite boundary between the atmosphere and outer space.
Seventy five percent of the atmosphere’s mass is within 11 km of the planetary surface.

Temperature and the Atmospheric layers

Although atmospheric pressure decreases in a regular way at higher altitudes
the profile of temperature versus altitude is much more complex. The temperature of
the Earth’s atmosphere varies with altitude and the mathematical relationship between
temperature and altitude varies between the various atmospheric layers:

Four regions of the atmosphere: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere

and thermosphere, have been defined based on the temperature curve shown in the
above figure.
The Troposphere is the region nearest the earth’s surface. This is the region
between the surface of the earth and 7 km altitude at the poles and 17 km at the
equator with some variation due to weather factors. Air temperature drops uniformly
with altitude at a rate of approximately 6.5° Celsius per 1000 meters. Top is reached
at an average temperature of -56.5°C
In the stratosphere, temperature remains constant with height in the first 9
kilometers (called an isothermal layer) and then goes on increasing.
Above the stratosphere in the region from 50 to about 80 km, the temperature
again decreases in the mesosphere. The atmosphere reaches its coldest
temperatures (about -90°C) at the top layer of the mesosphere (a height of about
The upper atmosphere is characterized by the presence of significant levels of
electrons and positive ions. Because of the rarefied conditions, these ions may exist
in the upper atmosphere for long periods before recombining to form neutral species.
At altitudes of approximately 50 km and up, ions are so prevalent that the region is
called the ionosphere. Ultraviolet light is the primary producer of ions in the
ionosphere. In darkness, the positive ions slowly recombine with free electrons. The
process is more rapid in the lower regions of the ionosphere where the concentration
of species is relatively high.
Atmospheric temperature again increases at the thermosphere. Temperature
in this layer can be as high as 1200°C.
The boundaries between these regions are named the tropopause,
stratopause, mesopause, and thermopause. The average temperature of the
atmosphere at the surface of Earth is 14 °C. Passenger jets normally fly near the top
of the troposphere at altitudes of 10 to 12 km, and the world altitude record for aircraft
is 37.65 km – roughly in the middle of the stratosphere.

The Troposphere
This is the region close to the surface of the Earth. Excluding water vapor, the
major gaseous components of the atmosphere in this region are N2 (78.1%), O2
(21%), Ar (0.9%), CO2 (0.03%) and variable amounts of CH4, NO2, CO, N2O, H2,
SO2, Kr, Ne and O3. About 80 % of the total mass of the atmosphere is contained in
this layer of the atmosphere.
In the troposphere, air temperature drops uniformly with altitude at a rate of
approximately 6.5° Celsius per 1000 meters. Top is reached at an average
temperature of -56.5°C.
The Stratosphere
The stratosphere contains about 19.9 % of the total mass found in the
atmosphere. A thin layer in the upper stratosphere (known as the ozone layer) has a
high concentration of ozone.
Ozone absorbs ultraviolet light very strongly in the region 220-330 nm. By doing
so, ozone converts the radiation’s energy to heat and is responsible for the
temperature maximum encountered at the boundary between the stratosphere and the
mesosphere at an altitude of approximately 50 km.
The region of maximum ozone concentration is found within the range of 25-
30 km high in the stratosphere where it may reach 10 ppm. However, the temperature
maximum occurs at a higher altitude. This is due to the fact that ozone is such an
effective absorber of UV radiation and most of this radiation is absorbed in the upper
stratosphere where it generates heat. Only a small fraction reaches the lower altitudes,
where ozone is more concentrated, which remain relatively cool.
This layer is primarily responsible for absorbing the ultraviolet radiation from
the sun. The higher temperatures found in the upper region of the stratosphere occurs
because of this localized concentration of ozone gas molecules. Ozone molecules
absorb UV light creating heat energy that warms the stratosphere.

The Mesosphere
Mesosphere: The layer above the stratosphere is known as the Mesosphere
and this layer extends from about 50 to 80 km. It is separated from the thermosphere
by a thin layer known as the mesopause.
Temperature goes on decreasing in the mesosphere and the atmosphere
reaches its coldest temperatures (about -90°C) at the end of the mesosphere (at a
height of about 80km).

The Thermosphere
This is part of the atmosphere which is above 80 km altitude. In the outer space
of the thermosphere, most particles consist of single atoms, H, He, and O etc. At lower
altitude (200 - 100 km), diatomic molecules N2, O2, NO etc are present. The high
temperature in this layer is generated from the absorption of intense solar radiation
by oxygen molecules (O2).
In this region of the atmosphere, while temperature seems extreme, the amount
of heat energy involved is very small. Since molecules which can store heat are small
in quantity. (Note: that heat stored is directly proportional to quantity of substance).
The air in the thermosphere is extremely thin with large distance between gas
molecules. This makes the process of measuring the temperature of the thermosphere
with a thermometer very difficult.

Atmospheric Chemical Reactions

Two constituents of utmost importance in atmospheric chemistry are radiant
energy from the sun, predominantly in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, and the
hydroxylradical, HO•. The former provides a way to pump a high level of energy into a
single gas molecule to start a series of atmospheric chemical reactions, and the latter
is the most important reactive intermediate of daytime atmospheric chemical
Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, is one of the most photochemically active species found
in a polluted atmosphere. A species such as NO2 may absorb light to produce an
electronically excited molecule,

NO2 + hv NO2

An electronically excited molecule is a molecule which has absorbed energetic

electromagnetic radiation in the UV or visible regions of the spectrum.
Electronically excited molecules, free radicals, and ions consisting of
electrically-charged atoms or molecular fragments are the three relatively reactive
and unstable species that are encountered in the atmosphere. They are strongly
involved in atmospheric chemical processes.

A) Formation of Free Radicals

Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with unpaired electrons. Such
species may be produced by the action of energetic electromagnetic radiation on
neutral atoms or molecules. The strong pairing tendencies of the unpaired electrons
make free radicals highly reactive and are involved with most significant atmospheric
chemical phenomena.
The hydroxyl radical, HO•, is the single most important reactive intermediate
species in atmospheric chemical processes. It is formed by several mechanisms. At
higher altitudes it is produced by photolysis of water:

In the relatively unpolluted troposphere, hydroxyl radical is produced as the result of

the photolysis of ozone,
Hydroxyl radical is removed from the troposphere by reaction with methane or
carbon monoxide:

The hydrogen atom produced in the second reaction reacts with O2 to produce
hydroperoxyl radical which in turn may react with another hydroperoxyl or hydroxyl

or reactions that generate hydroxyl radical:

B) Acid – Base Reactions in the Atmosphere

The atmosphere is slightly acidic because of the presence of a low level of
carbon dioxide, which dissolves in atmospheric water droplets and dissociates slightly:

In terms of pollution, however, strongly acidic HNO3 and H2SO4 formed by the
atmospheric oxidation of N oxides, SO2, and H2S are much more important because
they lead to the formation of damaging acid rain.
Basic species are relatively less common in the atmosphere. Particulate
calcium oxide, hydroxide, and carbonate can get into the atmosphere from ash and
ground rock, and can react with acids such as in the following reaction:

The most important basic species in the atmosphere is gas-phase ammonia,

NH3. The major source of atmospheric ammonia is the biodegradation of nitrogen
containing biological matter and bacterial reduction of nitrate:

Ammonia is the only water-soluble base present at significant levels in the

atmosphere. This makes it particularly important as a base in the air. Dissolved in
atmospheric water droplets, it plays a strong role in neutralizing atmospheric acids:

C) Reactions of Atmospheric Oxygen

In addition to O2, the upper atmosphere contains oxygen atoms, O; excited
oxygen molecules, O2*; and ozone, O3. Atomic oxygen, O, is stable primarily in the
thermosphere, where the atmosphere is so rarefied that the three-body collisions
necessary for the chemical reaction of atomic oxygen seldom occur. Atomic oxygen is
produced by a photochemical reaction:

At altitudes exceeding about 80 km, the average molecular weight of air is lower
than the 28.97 g/mole observed at sea level because of the high concentration of
atomic oxygen. This condition has divided the atmosphere into a lower section with a
uniform molecular weight (homosphere) and a higher region with a nonuniform
molecular weight (heterosphere).
Molecular oxygen and excited oxygen atoms (O*) are produced due to the
photolysis of atmospheric ozone
or by highly energetic chemical reactions such as

Oxygen ion, O+, which may be produced by ultraviolet radiation acting upon
oxygen atoms,

is the predominant positive ion in some regions of the ionosphere. It may react with
molecular oxygen or nitrogen to form other positive ions:

In intermediate regions of the ionosphere, O2+ is produced by absorption of

ultraviolet radiation at wavelengths of 17-103 nm.

and by the reaction between N2 + and O2

Atmospheric ozone is produced by photochemical dissociation of molecular

oxygen followed by a three body reaction

in which M is another species, such as a molecule of N2 or O2, which absorbs the

excess energy given off by the reaction and enables the ozone molecule to stay
In addition to undergoing decomposition by the action of ultraviolet radiation,
stratospheric ozone reacts with atomic oxygen, hydroxyl radical, and NO:

The HO• radical is regenerated from HOO• by the reaction,

D) Reactions of Atmospheric Nitrogen

Unlike oxygen, molecular nitrogen is not readily dissociated by ultraviolet

radiation. However, at altitudes exceeding approximately 100 km, atomic nitrogen is
produced by photochemical reactions:

Other reactions which may produce monatomic nitrogen are:

In the region above 105 km of the ionosphere a plausible sequence of reactions

by which NO+ is formed is the following:

In the lowest region of the ionosphere, which extends from approximately 50 km in

altitude to approximately 85 km, NO + is produced directly by ionizing radiation:

E) Atmospheric Carbon dioxide

Although only about 0.035% (350 ppm) of air consists of carbon dioxide, it is
the atmospheric “nonpollutant” species of most concern. Chemically and
photochemically, however, it is a comparatively insignificant species because of its
relatively low concentrations and low photochemical reactivity. The one significant
photochemical reaction that it undergoes, and a major source of CO at higher altitudes,
is the photodissociation of CO2 by energetic solar UV radiation in the stratosphere:
F) Atmospheric Water
The water vapor content of the troposphere is normally within a range of 1–3%
by volume with a global average of about 1%. However, air can contain as little as
0.1% or as much as 5% water. The percentage of water in the atmosphere decreases
rapidly with increasing altitude.
The cold tropopause serves as a barrier to the movement of water into the
stratosphere.Thus, little water is transferred from the troposphere to the stratosphere,
and the main source of water in the stratosphere is the photochemical oxidation of

The water thus produced serves as a source of stratospheric hydroxyl radical

as shown by the following reaction:

Air Pollution
Air Pollution can be defined as the addition of harmful substances to the
atmosphere resulting in damage to the environment, human health, and quality of life.
Air pollution causes breathing problems and promotes cancer. It harms plants,
animals, and the ecosystems in which they live. Some air pollutants return to Earth in
the form of acid rain and snow, which corrode statues and buildings, damage crops
and forests, and make lakes and streams unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal
Especially the pollutants that result from the use of combustion as a source of
energy: oxides of sulfur, oxides of nitrogen, and carbon monoxide.

Classification of Air Pollutants

There are a number of ways of classifying air pollutants. Most commonly they
are classified on the basis of 1) differences in their physical or chemical characteristics,
2) by their origin, 3) by the nature of the response they elicit, 4) by their legal status.
1) Based on differences in their physical or chemical characteristics
Aerosols:- are tiny particles dispersed in gases and include both liquid and
solid particles. Air pollution terminology relating to atmospheric aerosols includes
dusts, fog, fumes, hazes, mists, particulate matter, smog, smoke, and soot.
Gases and vapors:- are composed of widely separated freely moving
molecules which will expand to fill a larger container and exert a pressure in all
directions. A substance is a true gas if it is far removed from the liquid state (i.e. the
temperature of the substance is above its critical point). A vapor is a substance in the
gaseous state which is not far from being a liquid (i.e. it can be condensed to a liquid
relatively easily).

2) Based on their origin

Air pollutants are classified in different ways based on their origin. These are:
A) Mobile and Stationary sources
Mobile sources of emissions include automobiles, trains, and airplanes while
stationary sources include all other sources. Electric power plants, chemical
manufacturing industries, air strippers, and soil vapor extraction operations are
examples of stationary sources.
B) Direct and Indirect
A direct source emits pollutants directly while indirect sources do not
themselves emit pollutants but attract mobile sources (e.g. a shopping mall, athletic
C) Point source and Area sources
A point source is defined as a stationary source whose emissions significantly
impact air quality. Area sources are those that, individually do not have significant
impact on air quality but, are significant when viewed together (e.g. dry cleaners, open
3) Based on the way pollutants reach the atmosphere
Air pollutants are classified as primary and secondary pollutants based on the
way they reach the atmosphere
Primary pollutants are those that are emitted directly into the atmosphere
from an identifiable source. Examples include carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.
Secondary pollutants, on the other hand, are those that are produced as a result of
chemical reactions in the atmosphere. For example, ozone, which is a major
component of urban smog, formed as a result photochemical reaction between oxides
of nitrogen, VOCs, and other atmospheric constituents, is a secondary pollutant. In
the case of secondary pollutants, the precursors to the pollutant are generally

4) Based on their legal status

Based on the way in which they are regulated, or their legal status, six
pollutants have been identified by the EPA as criteria pollutants because they are both
common and detrimental to human health. These are: particulate matter having
diameters of 10 μm or less (PM 10), sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide,
ozone, and lead. For each criteria pollutant, EPA has established a primary and
secondary ambient air quality standard. The purpose of the primary standard is to
protect public health while the secondary standard is set at a level to protect public
welfare from adverse effects. Collectively, these standards are known as the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards (or NAAQS).

Major Sources of Air Pollution

Human activities such as: burning coal and petroleum products (gasoline,
kerosene, fuel oil etc; driving a car, and industrial activities, such as manufacturing
products or generating electricity are among the major sources of air pollutants.
The generation of energy through the combustion of fossil fuels produces
plenty ofwater and carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. When coal,
gasoline, and similar fuels are burned, the hydrocarbons and other impurities in them
are oxidized. The sulfur of the pyrite that remains in coal, for example, oxidizes to sulfur
dioxide, an irritating gas with a harsh, acrid odor. The reaction for the oxidation is

The oxides formed under this condition combine with water vapor in the air to
form acids, which return to the ground as acid rain.
Powered by sunlight, oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds react
in the atmosphere to produce photochemical smog. Smog contains ozone, a form of
oxygen gas made up of molecules with three oxygen atoms rather than the normal
two. In the lower atmosphere Ozone is a poison—it damages vegetation, kills trees,
irritates lung tissues, and attacks rubber. The severity of smog is determined by
measuring the ozone level in the smog. When the ozone level is high, other pollutants,
including carbon monoxide, are usually present at high levels as well.
The very young, the very old, and people who suffer from asthma or heart
disease, are more seriously affected by smog. Smog may cause headaches or
dizziness and cause can breathing difficulties. In extreme cases, it can lead to mass
illness and death, mainly from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Still another pollutant, a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon or
organic compounds, such as the hydrocarbons of gasoline, one that we can’t see and
that produces no sense of irritation, is carbon monoxide, CO. This gas is known as the
silent killer because it is odorless, tasteless, and invisible. Its major symptom is a
drowsiness sometimes accompanied by headache, dizziness, and nausea. CO is
primarily a pollutant of cities and usually fluctuates with flow of traffic.

B) Natural Sources
Some of the pollutants resulting from human activities also come from natural
sources. For example, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted into the
atmosphere from forest fires or simply by evaporating. The common air pollutant VOCs
➢ volatile hydrocarbon components of consumer products such as paint thinners,
roof tar, and glazing compounds, which are often listed on ingredients labels
as “petroleum distillates,”
➢ evaporating solvents and propellants of personal care and household products
such as nail polish, deodorants, after-shave lotions, hair sprays, and
➢ ethyl acetate and more exotic additives that we exhale when we chew gum and
breath fresheners for what advertisers call a “fresh, clean breath.”
Volcanoes spew out sulfur dioxide and large amounts of volcanic ash. Unlike
pollutants from human activity, however, naturally occurring pollutants tend to remain
in the atmosphere for a short time and do not lead to permanent atmospheric change.

Air Pollution and Acid-Rain

Rainwater which was considered to be the purest form of water available in the
past, is now known to be often contaminated by pollutants in the air. In the presence
of atmospheric moisture, gases such as sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, resulting
from industrial emissions, turn into droplets of pure acid floating in smog, known as
acid rain.
These airborne acids are bad for
the lungs and attack anything
made of limestone, marble, or
metal. Forests and lakes that are
far away from industrial activities
may be damaged by acid rain
resulting from pollutants that may
be carried by winds in the
troposphere and descend in acid
form, usually as rain or snow. Figure: Acid-Rain formation
Leaves of plants are burned and
lakes will be too acidic to support fish and other living things due to acid precipitation.

Air Pollution and Ozone Depletion

The lower portion of the stratosphere from approximately 15 km to 35 km above
Earth’s surface contains high concentration, over 90%, of the ozone (O3) in earth’s
atmosphere. This part of the Earth’s atmosphere is known as the ozone layer. Nearly
all, 97-99%, of the sun’s high frequency UV-radiation which is potentially damaging
to life on Earth is absorbed in this layer.
Several pollutants attack the ozone layer. However, chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) are known to be chief among them. CFC molecules are stable, virtually
indestructible until they reach the stratosphere. Here, the CFC molecules are broken
apart by intense ultraviolet radiation and release the chlorine atoms they contain.
These chlorine atoms react with ozone and break it down into ordinary oxygen
molecules that do not absorb UV-radiation.
The chlorine acts as a catalyst Chlorine takes part in several chemical
reactions—yet at the end emerges unchanged and able to react again. Therefore, it
acts as a catalyst. A single chlorine atom can destroy up to 100,000 ozone molecules
in the stratosphere. In addition to CFCs, other pollutants, such as nitrous oxide from
fertilizers and the pesticide methyl bromide, also attack atmospheric ozone. Scientists
are finding that under this assault the protective ozone layer in the stratosphere is

Global Warming
At present, our Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most
scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. Such an increase in
the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses of Earth in
general is known as Global warming.

What are the reasons?

The energy that lights and warms Earth comes from the Sun. Most of this
energy comes as short-wave radiation. Earth’s surface, in turn, releases some of this
heat as long-wave infrared radiation. Much of the emitted infrared radiation goes back
out to space, but a portion remains trapped in Earth’s atmosphere. Certain gases in
the atmosphere, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, provide the trap.
Absorbing and reflecting infrared waves radiated by Earth, these gases conserve heat
as the glass in a greenhouse does and are thus known as greenhouse gases. As the
atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining
more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun. The net result; more heat is
received from the sun than is lost back to space, a phenomenon known as
“greenhouse effect”.
Because of this greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature of the
Earth is maintained at a relatively comfortable 15°C. Was this not the case, the surface
temperature would average around -18°C. The problem with global warming is that
man is adding to and changing the levels of the greenhouse gases and is therefore
enhancing this warming.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the gas most
significantly enhancing the greenhouse
effect. Plant respiration and decomposition of
organic material release more than 10 times
the CO2 than released by human activities,
but these have generally been in balance
before the industrial revolution. Since the Figure: Gases from Industrial Emission
industrial revolution amounts have increased drastically due to combustion of fossil
fuel (oil, natural gas and coal) by heavy industry and other human activities, such as
transport and deforestation.
Other factors slow the warming, but not to the same degree.

What are the effects?

➢ The world is expected to have a more extreme weather, with more rain during
wet periods, longer droughts, and more powerful storms.
➢ Melting of the polar ice caps, leading to a rise in sea level. Such a rise would
flood coastal cities, force people to abandon low-lying islands, and completely
inundate coastal wetlands. Diseases like malaria may become more common
temperate zones.
➢ Climate change may bring extinction for many of the world’s plant species, and
for animal species that are not easily able to shift their territories as their habitat
grows warmer.

Solving the Problem

What can be done about acid rain and other forms of air pollution? Several
options are available, including
➢ the use of alternative energy sources,
➢ removal of pollutants from the products of combustion,
➢ improvement in the efficiency of the combustion process itself, and
➢ energy conservation.

We will look briefly at the first two, which make use of chemicals and chemical
There are several alternative energy sources for motor vehicles. Of these,
natural gas is particularly appealing because of its small potential for air pollution. This
fuel contains few sulfur impurities; it burns cleanly with little formation of sulfur or
nitrogen oxides. While electric cars powered by batteries might seem to be a
completely pollution free alternative, their use might only shift environmental concerns
from one source or location to another. After all, if we switched from the internal
combustion engine to electric batteries as a source of power, the total quantity of
energy now provided by gasoline, diesel fuel, and similar refinery products would have
to be replaced by an equivalent quantity of electricity, which would be needed to
recharge the newly introduced transportation batteries. The burden of producing this
additional quantity of electricity would have to be taken up by existing or new electric
power generators, which would in itself introduce new environmental concerns.
Cars and other vehicles account for less than half of the total emissions of SOx
and NOx (but most of the CO) in the United States. Electric utilities and other stationary
facilities produce the majority of these pollutants. While these plants might be designed
to use alternative energy sources, perhaps including nuclear power, more practical or
more immediate approaches include improving the efficiency of the combustion
process itself and removing pollutants from exhaust gases before they reach the
Several different approaches are used to reduce pollutants in industrial
exhausts, including electrostatic precipitation, filtration, and scrubbing.
Electrostatic precipitation removes particulates and aerosols, which are small particles
of liquids and solids dispersed in smoke. (Smaller particles, less than 10-3 mm in
diameter, make up the aerosols; the larger particles are the particulates). Exhaust
gases pass between two charged vertical plates or electrodes. The particles pick up
electrons supplied by the negative electrode and move to the more positive one. There
the liquid particles accumulate and flow the bottom of the collector; with agitation the
solid particles drop off.

Formative Assessment:
Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

1. Which of the following disciplines studies the chemistry of the earth’s atmosphere?
a) Earth chemistry c) Global warming chemistry
b) Atmospheric chemistry d) Acid rain chemistry
2. An environmental problem which atmospheric chemistry does not addressed is
a) acid mine water c) photochemical smog
b) acid rain d) global warming
3. Which of the following is not affected by air pollution?
a) Aquatic animals c) Ecosystem
b) Crops d) None

4. The largest gaseous component of the atmosphere is

a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) nitrogen d) water vapor
5. Ozone is
a) desirable in the troposphere
b) an undesirable pollutant in the stratosphere
c) filters harmful UV-radiation in the stratosphere
d) none
6. Which of the following characteristics of the atmosphere is crucial in protecting
life on earth?
a) Reducing temperature extremes between day and night.
b) Acid-base neutralization reactions taking place in the troposphere
c) Existence of O3 in the troposphere
d) Production of O2 by plants
7. Which of the following is true about atmospheric pressure?
a) Atmospheric pressure increases when one progresses from troposphere to
b) Atmospheric pressure decreases in a regular way as one progresses from
lower to higher altitudes
c) Atmospheric pressure increases in a regular way at higher altitudes
d) None
8. Harmful UV-radiation is blocked by ozone layer in the
a) mesosphere
b) troposphere
c) stratosphere
d) thermosphere
9. The high temperature in the thermosphere is due to
a) existence of larger concentration of gaseous molecules which can absorb
radiant energy than the other layers.
b) the absorption of intense solar radiation by oxygen molecules (O2).
c) the absorption of intense UV-radiation by ozone
d) all
10. Free radicals are highly reactive due to the reason that
a) they are free to move in the atmosphere
b) the unpaired electron of a free radical has a strong tendency of pairing.
c) they contain oxygen and hydrogen atoms which are highly reactive
d) a & b
11. Which of the following atmospheric species is not an unstable species?
a) Electronically excited molecules
b) free radicals
c) ions having electrically-charged atoms
d) None
12. The most important reactive intermediate of daytime atmospheric chemical
phenomena is
a) O• b) HO• c) H3C• d) HOO•
13. The reaction, H2O + hv → HO• + H, represents
a) the formation of hydroxyl radical at higher altitudes
b) formation of the hydroxyl radical in the relatively unpolluted troposphere.
c) the strong reactivity of the hydroxyl radical.
d) destruction of the hydroxyl radical at higher altitudes
14. Which of the following reactions does not represent removal of the hydroxyl
radical from the troposphere?
a) CO + HO• → CO2 + H
b) CH4 + HO• → H3C• + H2O
c) NH4 + HO• → H3N• + H2O
d) a & b
15. The atmosphere is slightly acidic because of
a) the presence of a low level of carbon dioxide
b) the existence of high amount of nitrogen
c) the formation of hydrochloric acid by the dissolution of chlorine gas in water
d) the presence of low level of ammonia.

16. The most important basic species in the atmosphere is

a) gas phase carbon monoxide
b) gas-phase ammonia, NH3.
c) Calcium carbonate
d) Calcium oxide.
17. A highly energetic chemical reaction between three oxygen atoms may produce
a) ozone molecule and oxygen radical
b) molecular oxygen and excited oxygen atom
c) ozone molecule
d) all
18. At altitudes exceeding above 80 km, the average molecular weight of air is lower
than the 28.97 g/mol observed at sea level. Which of the following reasons can be a
reason for this fact?
a) The air in the upper atmosphere is rarefied
b) Atomic oxygen is stable in the upper atmosphere while it forms molecular
oxygen in the lower atmosphere
c) Gaseous atoms and molecules are heavier in the upper atmosphere than in
the lower atmosphere.
d) All
19. The heterosphere is layer of the atmosphere
a) that does not contain oxygen atoms
b) having uniform molecular weight of air
c) where excess molecular oxygen exists
d) none
20. Air pollutants which are emitted directly into the atmosphere from an identifiable
source are said to be
a) primary pollutants
b) Aerosols
c) VOCs
d) all

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Carl H. Snyder; Chemicals, Pollution, and the Environment, the meaning of pollution,
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Howard, Alan G., Aquatic Environmental Chemistry, Oxford University Press,

Oxford, UK, 1998.

Murray N. McBride; Environmental Chemistry of Soils, Oxford university press Inc,


J. Greyson, Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulfur Pollutants and Their Determination in

Air and Water. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990

Fred H. Redmore, Fundamentals of Chemistry, Apson Enterprises, 1980

Environmental Chemistry,

Environmental Issues,
Water Pollution and Society,
Environmental Issues,
Water Structure and Behavior,

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