Atmosphere 1 1
Atmosphere 1 1
Atmosphere 1 1
A thick gaseous envelope which surrounds the earth from all sides and is attached to
the earth's surface by gravitational force is called “Atmosphere”.
Atmosphere is a physical mixture of atmospheric gases, water vapour and
suspended particulates.
Besides providing all necessary gases for the sustenance of all life forms in the
biosphere, it also filters the incoming solar radiation and thus prevents the
ultraviolet solar radiation waves to reach the earth's surface.
The height of the atmosphere is estimated between 16 to 29 thousand kilometres
from the sea level.
It is estimated that 97 per cent of the effective atmosphere is up to the height of 29
km. But with increasing altitude, density of atmosphere decreases.
There are only few gases which are found in abundance in the earth’s atmosphere.
Nitrogen tops the rank followed by Oxygen in terms of their percentage in total
volume of air.
A chart is given:
The major gases, their percentage shares have been given in the following points:
Water vapour-
The atmospheric vapour is received through the evaporation of moisture and water
from the water bodies (like seas and oceans, lakes, tanks and ponds, rivers etc.),
vegetation and soil covers.
Distribution of water vapour drastically varies region to region (horizontally and
vertically both) in the atmosphere.
If we study the general pattern of the distribution of water vapour in atmosphere,
we notice that-
o It decreases with increasing altitude. Around 50 percent of water vapour is
found below an altitude of 2 kilometres only. More than 90 per cent of the
total atmospheric vapour is found up to the height of 5 km.
o In general water vapour decreases with increasing distance from equator
also. In tropical areas it can reach up to 4 percent of total volume of air
where as in dry and desert areas (either cold or hot) it can fall below 1
percent of total volume of air.
Water vapour, present in atmosphere, plays number of important role which
1. The moisture content in the atmosphere creates several forms of condensation
and precipitation e.g. clouds, fogs, dew, rainfall, frost, hailstorm, ice, snowfall
2. Vapour is almost transparent for incoming shortwave solar radiation but vapour
is less transparent for outgoing shortwave terrestrial radiation and therefore it
helps in heating the earth's surface.
3. Releases latent heat which leads to the stability or instability of atmosphere also
to some extent.
Particulate Matter-
The solid particles present in the atmosphere include dust particles, salt particles,
pollen, smoke and soot, volcanic ashes etc.
Most of the solid particles are kept in suspension in the atmosphere. These are
minor but important part of atmosphere especially from meteorological standpoint
as they act as an ‘’hygroscopic nuclei’’.
Distribution of dust particle is also uneven-
o In equatorial and polar atmosphere, their presence is less as in equatorial
region high rainfall brings them down on the surface and in polar areas
surface remains frozen that’s why wind is unable to blow them up.
o In sub-tropical and temperate regions, presence of dust particle is good
enough due to windy, dry weather conditions.
Structure of atmosphere represents vertical arrangement of atmospheric gases. These
layers are further identified on the basis of their chemical properties and physical
properties. On this basis, structure of atmosphere is studied in two ways:
On the basis of composition of gases only, the atmosphere may be divided into two parts-
1. Homosphere, and
2. Heterosphere
The Homosphere extends from the Mean Sea Level to an altitude of 80 km.
Speciality of this layer is that the blend of gases is nearly uniform throughout the
In this layer only the ‘ozone layer’ is found from 19-50 km. The main constituent
gases are oxygen (20.946%) and nitrogen (78.084%). Other gases are argon, carbon
dioxide, neon, helium, krypton, xenon, hydrogen etc.
On the basis of thermal conditions the homosphere has been divided into three
layers viz.
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere.
The Heterosphere begins at the altitude of 80 km from MSL and extends upward up
to 10,000 km.
However, for all the practical reasons, most of the meteorologists consider the top of
the atmosphere at around 480 km. This is the altitude which is taken to measure
‘’Solar Constant’’.
*(The solar constant is the amount of energy that normally falls on a unit area (1-m2) of
the earth's atmosphere per second when the earth is at its mean distance from the sun.
Value of the solar constant is found experimentally to be 1.35 kW m-2).
The gaseous area surrounding the planet is divided into several concentric strata or
The physical structure is identified on the basis of temperature of atmospheric
layers, inter-relationship between altitude and temperature and density of
atmospheric layers.
Hence, atmospheric layers are accordingly classified into two categories viz.
1. Major Layers
2. Transitional Layers
Major layer of atmosphere include troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and
In troposphere and mesosphere, temperature declines with increasing altitude.
In stratosphere and thermosphere, temperature increases with increasing altitude.
The troposphere is the atmospheric layer closest to the Mean Sea Level and contains
the largest percentage (around 80%) of the mass of the total atmosphere.
Temperature and water vapour content in the troposphere decrease rapidly with
altitude. Temperature decreases with increasing height at the rate of 6.5°C per
1000m. This rate of decrease of temperature is called normal lapse rate or
environmental lapse rate.
Water vapour plays a major role in regulating air temperature because it absorbs
solar energy and thermal radiation from the planet’s surface.
All weather phenomena like cloud formation, cyclone formation, rainfall etc. occur
within the troposphere, although turbulence may extend into the lower portion of
the stratosphere.
Troposphere means "region of mixing" and is so named because of vigorous
convective air currents within the layer. Because of turbulence, this layer is not
suitable for air transport.
The upper boundary of the layer, known as the Tropospause, ranges in height from 8
km near the poles up to 18 km above the equator. This variation in height is due to
differential convection at equator and poles.
There is higher extent of convection at equator compared to that at poles. Its height
also varies with the seasons; highest in the summer, due to maximum convection,
and lowest in the winter.
It extends above 90 km from MSL. Based on the vertical temperature profile in the
atmosphere, the thermosphere is the highest layer, located above the Mesosphere.
While in the troposphere and the mesosphere, the temperature decreases with
In the stratosphere and thermosphere the temperature increases with height (called
temperature inversion).
It is separated from the mesosphere by the Mesopause, in which the temperature
does not change much vertically.
Above the thermosphere, the upper limit of the atmosphere, the exosphere can be
found blending into space.
Because there are relatively few molecules and atoms in the thermosphere, even
absorbing small amounts of solar energy can significantly increase the air
temperature, making the thermosphere the hottest layer in the atmosphere.
Above 200 km, the temperature becomes independent of altitude.
Thermosphere is divided into two layers viz.
1. ionosphere, and
2. exosphere.
The ionosphere is defined by atmospheric effects on radio wave propagation as a result of
the presence and variation in concentration of free electrons in the atmosphere. This layer
is used for radio transmission. It has many layers-
1. D-region is about 60 - 90 km in altitude but disappears at night.
2. E-region is about 90 - 140 km in altitude.
3. F-region is above 140 km in altitude.
The exosphere is the most distant atmospheric region from Earth’s surface, MSL. In
the exosphere, an upward travelling molecule can escape to space (if it is moving
fast enough) or be pulled back to Earth by gravity (if it isn’t) with little probability of
colliding with another molecule. The altitude of its lower boundary, known as the
Thermopause ranges from about 250-500 km depending on solar activity.
In conclusion, troposphere, tropospause, stratosphere, stratopause, mesosphere
and mesopause are part of homosphere.
Thermosphere and related ionosphere and exosphere are part of Heterosphere.