Chap 1 5 Descartes A 1

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This chapter deals with the presentation of the problem. Specifically, this

presents the introduction, statement of the problem, conceptual framework,

hypothesis of the study, scope and delimitations and definition of terms.


Education has always been a vital element for humans. It aims to help

people understand and develop their skills. Over the course of many years,

education has evolved in many different ways in order to reach and teach people

under different circumstances. As the Earth revolves, education evolves. Its

system has changed from where it stood years ago. The knowledge and skills

that have been piled up are passed from generation to generation, and they

become more advanced as time goes by. And it survived that way.

Advancements in education make it easier for people to learn. It also makes

studying more convenient.

It was 2020 when the COVID-19 virus struck globally forcing out a

pandemic worldwide. Ongoing classes were put to halt and the world was

shocked by the laws of quarantine. But education did not stop. We had to adapt

and develop new methods to ensure that learning remained effective in light of

the changes that occurred. It found ways to continue to teach learners through

the means of distance learning. Distance learning is a kind of learning in which

students receive instruction through the use of online classes, video recordings,

video conferencing, or any other audio/visual technology medium. It allows

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students to get an education without having to physically be in a classroom.

Under distance learning there are different modalities like Modular Distance

Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based


As per DepEd order no. 34 S. 2022, it is stated that this school year for the

first few months, we are to employ the blended learning, recognizing the COVID-

19 pandemic's impact on the requirement to restart 5 days of in-person

instruction, the DepEd wants to provide schools enough time to gradually adapt

to it by implementing either 5 days of in-person instruction or a blended learning

approach. As per blended modality, there will be a 3-day schedule for in-person

classes and 2 days of distance through modality, online, and television/radio-

based instruction. Thereafter, there will be 4 day in-person classes and 1 day of

distance learning. In-person classes will be implemented Mondays to

Wednesdays with Thursdays to Fridays of distance learning, and thereafter there

will be in-person classes from Mondays to Thursdays and Fridays for distance


Since the pandemic, the term "blended learning" has emerged in today's

educational system. According to DepEd Data Bits (2022), blended learning

refers to a method of delivering education that mixes in-person instruction with

one or more of the following: online distance learning, modular distance learning,

and TV/radio-based instruction. It is an approach to education that combines

online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with

traditional place-based classroom methods. Blended learning is the best of both

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worlds, giving learners the guidance and interaction of an in-class experience

along with dynamic and flexible learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

The premise of blended instruction is that it combines the advantages of

face-to-face interaction with the convenience and flexibility of online assignments

and discussions. One of the advantages of blended learning is the transition from

passive to active learning, which allows students to read, speak, and think.

Learners can also choose to work in groups or individually, both online and in

person. Furthermore, teachers can use human evaluation to assess students'

interest, accountability, and genuine evaluation.

The reasons for implementing the blended learning strategy range from

accommodating more students to improving course quality. It allows learners to

take more control of their learning by scaffolding their knowledge. It allows

students to have some control over their time, space, learning path, and pace. In

other words, blended learning promotes active learning because students arrive

prepared and with sufficient background knowledge about the topic, resulting in a

more rigorous, challenging, engaging, and thought-provoking classroom.

In addition, blended learning helps students improve their reading and

writing skills. The method is an efficient way of improving students' language

skills. It improves learners' participation in the lessons, the traditional approach,

and online learning It also provides learning materials and the roles of teachers,

as well as learner engagement and the social environment.

As stated by Hoffman (2014), the introduction of blended learning

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initiatives is part of these innovations but its uptake, especially in the developing

world, faces challenges for it to be an effective innovation in teaching and

learning. Given the unique learner characteristics and technological experiences,

one significant challenge is how users can effectively use the technology and

ensure learners' commitment.

With this background, the researchers decided to conduct a study on the

perception of blended learning of grade 12 students of the STEM Department in

terms of schedule, time allotment per subject and activities per discipline. This

aims to further broaden the vast exploration of what students do in a blended

learning set up. Moreover, this study intends to determine the significant

difference of the respondents on blended learning when grouped according to

their profile and the possible suggestions and recommendations to improve the

academic performance of the learners.

In line with this, this research is of great importance because it will identify

the different perspectives of grade 12 STEM learners towards blended learning.

In addition, this study aims to point out learning barriers that hinder students'

improvement. Furthermore, the results of this study will help the grade 12 STEM

learners to develop and encourage more in-depth learning, lessen stress, and

boost student satisfaction in classroom engagement.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of grade 12 STEM students

on blended learning. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

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1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 sex;

1.2 family monthly income; and

1.3 academic performance

2. What are the perceptions of the respondents in blended learning in terms


2.1 schedule;

2.2 time allotment per subject; and

2.3 activities per discipline

3. Is there a significant difference in the perception of the respondents on

blended learning when grouped according to their profile?

4. What plan of action may be recommended to improve the academic

performance of the respondents in blended learning based on the results

of the study?

Conceptual Framework

This study uses the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model as one of the

methods to ensure the study's validity.

As seen in the figure, the input box of the paradigm consists of the profile

variables of the students-respondents, specifically, sex, monthly income, and

academic performance. It also includes the perception of the students towards

blended learning. The second box, which is the process, all the inputs from the

respondents were used in the analysis of the data in order to determine the

perception of the respondents in blended learning. The process will be carried

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out using a questionnaire. Data will be analyzed using DATA tab software. The

last box, labeled as "output," contains the suggested plan of action for the

improvement of academic performances of the respondents. The said activities

are based on the findings of this research.

Figure 1
Research Paradigm of the Study


The study sought to test the hypothesis that there is no significant

difference on the perception of the respondents in blended learning when

grouped according to their profile.

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to determine the perception of the Grade 12 Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learners in blended learning.

In particular, the researchers will determine the profile of the respondents in

terms of sex, monthly family income and academic performance. Moreover, the

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perception of the learners in blended learning with regards to schedule, time

allotment per subject, and activities per discipline were also identified.

Additionally, the significant differences in the responses when grouped according

to their profile will be tested. The goal of this study is to recommend an action

plan to improve the academic performance of the respondents in blended

learning. This study was limited to 131 Grade 12 learners of Alangilan Senior

High School taking up Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) strand during the academic year 2022-2023. The respondents were

selected using stratified random sampling. Additionally, the instrument utilized in

this study is a questionnaire. The data that will be gathered will be statistically

treated using DATAtab software.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are deemed important for the better understanding of

this research. Hence, they are defined conceptually and operationally.

Academic Performance. It is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects (Ballotpedia, n.d). In this study, it refers to the

measurement of the student achievement in all subject areas for the first quarter

grade, first semester during the school year 2022-2023.

Activities. This is defined as the quality or condition of being active:

specific actions or behaviors (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d). In this study, it is

a type of planned, controlled, frequent school recreation to test the student’s

ability regarding a specific topic.

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Blended Learning. It refers to a method of learning that combines face-

to-face instruction with any or all of the following: online distance learning,

modular distance learning, and TV/Radio-based instruction (DEPED Data Bits,

2022). Operationally, these pertain to the comprehensive approach employed in

Alangilan Senior High School during the school year 2022-2023 which is the

combination of face-to-face and modular distance learning.

Monthly Income. It is defined as the gross countable income received or

projected to be received during the month (Law Insider, n.d). In this study it

specifies the amount of money that the family of the learner sustains every


Perception. It refers to the awareness of the elements of the environment

through physical sensation as defined in the dictionary (Merriam Webster

Dictionary, n.d). Operationally, it refers to the way of viewing, perceiving,

regarding, or interpreting the student towards blended learning.

Schedule. It is defined as a procedural plan that indicates the time and

sequence of each operation (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, n.d). In this study, it is

a structure that offers an organized list of tasks, events, and a timetable for when

a task or work should be accomplished.

Time Allotment. It is defined as the minimum amount of time for class

interaction is the time allotted for each subject. For the purpose of applying what

is learned to real-world situations as specified in the curriculum, the learning time

can be extended to include off-school learning experiences at home or in the

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community (Teacher PH, n.d). In this study, these are determined as the number

of minutes allotted given in each subject area.

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This chapter deals with the review of related concepts and studies found in

previous literature.

Blended Learning

According to Cronje (2020), the term "blended learning" was first used to

honor aspects of learning theory and pedagogy; the majority of definitions are

limited to addressing a combination of in-person and online learning. A

combination of direct instruction and learning by doing should be included in the

definition of blended learning, which should be based on learning theory.

In accordance with Halverson et al. (2014), at the start of the 2000’s,

blended learning became one of the most well-liked pedagogical concepts in

higher education and in contexts. Osgathorpe and Graham (2013) defined

blended learning as combining in-person instruction with online learning in order

to maximize the advantages of both approaches. Three models have actually

been put forth by them: a blend of activities, a blend of students participating in

both face-to-face instruction and online learning, and a blend of instructors, under

which students in face-to-face instruction can gain from the expertise of different

teachers via the online learning environment. Researchers tend to agree that

blended learning refers to the blending of in-person classroom learning

experiences with online learning experiences as the term continues to develop,

as stated by Owston et al, (2013).

As stated by Carlton (2022), blended learning has benefits and

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drawbacks. In many ways, blended classes offer the best of both worlds.

Students meet with their teachers and peers for in-person discussions and

lectures, but they can also complete their assignments online. The scheduling

flexibility of hybrid programs is greater than that of in-person sessions. Instead of

attending numerous on-campus class sessions each week, students complete

more than half of their homework online, giving them the freedom to fit their

studies around other commitments.

One strategy used to assist students in engaging in meaningful learning

through the use of information and communication technology in educational

settings is blended learning. In accordance with Gedik et. al (2012), the students

were taking the course for the first time, and this course served as their first

introduction to a blended learning setting. The data were then analyzed for

content. The implementation of the course, particularly with electronic activities,

had favorable effects on students from a learning and assessment standpoint,

according to the findings. Students reported that the blended learning

environment encouraged their active engagement in the course activities and

that they found it fascinating and helpful to follow the course material, homework,

and projects online.

In accordance with Asarta et. al (2020), results from a mixed course in

business and economic statistics are evaluated in light of students' prior online

and blended course experience. Experience with lecture formats that extensively

rely on online resources may lead to better results in later blended courses. It

was investigated whether students benefit significantly from prior experience in

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any way. There were no differences in outcomes between students with prior

experience and those without it when results were examined using the entire

sample of students. However, it was discovered that online and blended learning

had a somewhat favorable impact on outcomes for high-achieving transfer

students when the transfer status of the students and ranges of grade point

averages were taken into account.

In the study of Kamsin (2020), it is widely accepted that blended learning

is a method that combines the advantages of online and face-to-face learning

components. However, over time, concerns have been expressed about this

strategy of integrating online and in-person teaching components. There is a lack

of clarity regarding the difficulties that exist in the online component of blended

learning, despite the fact that numerous research has emphasized the general

difficulties of the blended learning method of instruction as a whole. In order to

identify the difficulties in the online component of blended learning from the

viewpoints of students, teachers, and educational institutions, a thorough

evaluation of the literature was carried out. The main difficulties that students

encounter is with self-regulation and with using educational technologies.

According to Hubackova et. al (2016), the field of blended learning is

expanding quickly, both in academia and business. It belongs to the modern

trends in education. It is blended learning, which combines in-person instruction

from a teacher with independent study using online instruction. Blended

learning's success depends not only on how well the course and virtual

environment are made, but also on how well-prepared the students are to

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operate in that context. It also depends on their capacity to arrange themselves

in a particular setting and make use of all tools offered in the LMS.


According to Cambridge Dictionary (2022), schedule is a list of activities or

things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen

or be done. It is a plan of procedure, usually written, for a proposed objective,

especially with reference to the sequence of and time allotted for each item or

operation necessary to its completion.

An amendatory DepEd Order No. 034, the series of 2022, sets the start of

classes on August 22 and will end on July 7, 2023. There will be 203 school days

or as may be determined by further issuance/s in case of changes in the school

calendar due to unforeseen circumstances. DepEd also provides direction and

guidance in the re-opening of classes and the gradual introduction of 5 days of

in-person learning modality classes, only prescribing the options of 5 days

person in-person classes, blended learning modality, and full distance learning.

Public and some private schools that implemented a 5-day in-person class

schedule during the school year 2021–2022 will continue that schedule. While

other schools are given a schedule to slowly transition into 5-day in-person

classes, with 3 days of in-person classes and 2 days of distance learning

[modular, online, or television- or radio-based instruction]; and thereafter, 4 days

of in-person classes and 1 day of distance learning (modular, online, television-,

or radio-based instruction) for Mondays through Wednesdays (in-person classes)

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and Thursdays through Fridays (distance learning) or Mondays through

Thursdays (in-person classes) and Friday (distance learning), this will remain

effective until October 31, 2022.

According to Department of Education (2022), the first three days of

blended learning will consist of in-person classes and two days of distance

learning (via modules, the internet, or broadcast TV instruction); the following

four days will consist of in-person instruction and one day of distance learning

(via modules, the internet, or television- or radio-based instruction).

All public and private schools must switch to five days of in-person

learning by November 2, 2022. Except for those that are implementing

Alternative Delivery Modes as specified in DO 27, no school shall be permitted to

deploy only remote learning or blended learning beyond the aforementioned

date. "Policy Guidelines on the K–12 Basic Education Program" (s.2019) and

"Revised Policy Guidelines on Homeschooling Program" (DO O1–5–2022).

As stated by Childers (2018), to have good school scheduling

characteristics, 21st century learning is to be accomplished. Schools must have

extremely effective teaching, curriculum, assessment, and support systems. The

timing and frequency of instruction can have an impact on students' learning, and

research has shown that class schedules and instruction time are inextricably

linked since they depend on one another. The success of a scheduling strategy

is heavily determined by a number of variables, such as student demographics,

appropriate professional development aimed at instructional tactics, and teacher

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Time Allotment

As per DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012, The time allotment for in-person

class hours shall be based on Annex 1 (Elementary Education) and Annex 2

(Secondary Education) of DO 21, s. 2019. The learning time can be extended to

include off-school learning experiences at home or in the community for the

transfer of learning to real-life situations as provided for in the curriculum. The

outputs of such off-school learning experiences are usually in the form of

products and performances which shall be monitored and credited accordingly.

The provision of a separate period for independent and cooperative learning (i.e.,

on top of their adoption by teachers as a teaching strategy or instructional

activity) is an option that schools might wish to consider for classes that can

benefit the most from such class programming.

Moreover, DepEd (2022) stated that time allotments for subject areas

were adjusted from the prescribed ten-day rolling cycle based on a 300-minute

instructional day. This change provided schools with more flexibility for

scheduling, timetabling, and staffing, and addressed concerns. Presenting the

allotments as percentages, rather than a specific number of minutes, reflects the

fact that schools vary in length of the day, opening and closing times, recesses,

and midday intermission. Schools are still expected to adhere to Regulation

101/95 which stipulates the minimum requirements of the instructional day. The

Literacy-Based Promotion Act (LBPA) requires that students who are deficient in

reading a minimum of ninety (90) minutes daily of evidence-based, scientifically

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research-based reading instruction that includes phonemic awareness, phonics,

fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension during regular school hours.

According to Talbert PhD (2019), the key to blended learning's success is

its emphasis on utilizing class time allotment almost completely for active work

on complex concepts. The learning objectives are made even more beneficial in

a blended environment by division for each time allotment. This division of tasks

provides useful constraints on how time should be used both before and during

class. By restricting pre-class work to just the basics, students are given work

that they can be reasonably expected to complete, along with permission not to

fully understand the advanced material yet. Likewise, by insisting that class time

only be focused on higher-level concepts, time isn’t wasted on redoing something

students did before class.


According to DepEd Order No. 034, the series of 2022, virtual activities

through different social media platforms which require reactions or sharing may

be done for advocacy, awareness, or collaboration purposes, but shall not form

part of the learner's scholastic grade. Curricular activities shall be conducted

during the academic quarter to ensure that learners can seamlessly connect and

integrate learning within and across learning areas while providing manageable

breaks consistent with Memorandum OUCI-2O20-3O7. On the other hand, co-

curricular activities shall be conducted after the quarter examinations to avoid

disruption of classes.

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Under the objectives of “Sulong Edukalidad”, schools shall strictly devote

ten (10) weeks of every academic quarter to actual classroom teaching. The

eleventh week of each quarter may be used for the conduct of co-curricular

activities. The Central Office, Regional Offices, Schools Division Offices (SDOs),

and other concerned external stakeholders that need to introduce co-curricular

activities, may do so by this provision on scheduling the same. Enclosure No. 3

schools are encouraged to integrate such celebrations/ observances into

curricular activities as they deem reasonable and appropriate, so long as the total

number of school days shall not be compromised.

As stated by Areola (2022), Director of the Bureau of Learning Delivery

(BLD), our students need activities outside of the classroom to release the stress,

tension, and worries the health crisis has caused them. Co-curricular activities

have been shown to have a positive impact on our students’ health and

wellbeing. Every extracurricular activity has been planned to keep students’

minds off the pandemic. Participating in the aforementioned activities will make

children stronger and help them avoid mental health problems.

Ghasia (2018) stated that Blended learning activities are learning activities

that teachers design to enhance teaching and learning process in a blended

learning environment. Students who employ BLE in schools and out of schools

learning are likely to perform well in BL learning activities due to its resourceful

environment that is accessible anywhere at any time. However, to ensure

successful students’ participation in BL activities efforts should be made to train

teachers on the new perceived roles in BLEs. The knowledge and skills teachers

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receive will help their students to manage, engage and participate in diverse

activities initiated by a teacher under a specific learning module. The amount of

time spent online versus traditional instruction is dependent on the nature of the

instruction, the individual student needs, curriculum contents, the preference of

the instructor and activities both teacher and students aspire to engage in BLEs.

However, for successful BL, teachers and students should balance their

engagement activities in BLEs based on the nature of instruction, individual

needs, time and preferences.

Students Perception Towards Blended Learning

According to Driscoll et. al. (2012), because the online version of learning

was designed to emphasize interaction, a student's preference for this method of

instruction could have had a significant impact on their performance and

satisfaction. In comparison to those who took the course online, those who

attended class in person typically had higher GPAs and were enrolled in more

credit hours. In the online sections, most of the students were older, had taken

more online courses, and put in more hours per week at work. According to

mean comparisons of the dependent variables, students in the F2F sections of

the course performed better on both assessments than students in the online

sections, and there were no discernible differences in student satisfaction

between the various course formats.

Murtha et. al (2013) studied 577 students’ perceptions of blended courses

in relation to their in-course achievement. Their perceptions were assessed in

four areas: overall satisfaction with blended learning, convenience afforded by

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blended learning, sense of engagement in their blended course, and views on

learning outcomes. Results showed that high achievers were the most satisfied

with their blended course and they found the course more convenient and more

engaging. Compared with low achieving students, high achievers preferred

blended format over fully face-to-face or online mode.

In a related study, Arnold et. al (2009) looked at student learning for

teacher education students in a hybrid and entirely online mode in a related

study. Surveys were given out to find out how well the students understood the

material and how satisfied they were with the course overall. The findings

showed that participants learned more in both hybrid classes than they had in the

fully online program. Additionally, even though the two hybrid classes had

different amounts of regular class time, they reported learning the same amounts

of material, which highlights the value of the in-person learning environment.

In agreement with Dennis et. al (2005), students who attend in-person

classes and use video conferencing benefit from the virtual classroom setting

(supporting website, asynchronous communication via electronic discussion

board and email, and the opportunity to review the recorded class), while Internet

students benefit from the opportunity to feel and experience the classroom

environment, which reduces anxiety and feelings of isolation. The hybrid learning

Environment (HLE), which offers alternative delivery modalities to accommodate

various learning models. According to Kumar (2021), hybrid learning aims to

provide the most effective and efficient education possible by integrating a variety

of delivery methods.

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It is stated by Di Marco et. al. (2017), students acknowledged being easily

distracted and lamented the lack of computer workstations and printers (by the

phone, naps, social networks, TV shows, etc.). It has also been suggested that

the infrastructure, support, and instructor qualities of information technology are

related to the acceptance of hybrid e-learning courses. In order to prevent this

distractibility, all personal learning tasks are listed in the planner with online

access to the resources. This means that, just like for face-to-face activities, a

specific time is selected and recorded in the online planner for these activities.

Students might require a specific environment to complete their individualized

learning tasks on-site or at school for a predetermined amount of time.

Based on the study of Sahni (2019), students felt motivated because, in

their opinion, they had some control over the time, place, or pace of learning.

There is evidence that the blended learning strategy increases student

engagement and boosts academic performance. Based on the analysis, the

study's insightful findings expand the body of knowledge about blended learning.

There are important implications for educators and organizations looking to

implement a blended learning strategy. As a result, the government might make

a decision in the future to pursue significant reforms in higher education.

Similar to this, 577 students' opinions on blended courses were examined

by Owston et al. (2013) in relation to their performance in the course. Four

aspects of their opinions were evaluated: general satisfaction with blended

learning, convenience provided by blended learning, sense of engagement in

their blended course, and perspectives on learning outcomes. According to the

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findings, top achievers were the most satisfied with their blended course and

thought it was more convenient and interesting. High achievers preferred the

hybrid format over fully face-to-face or online mode when compared to low


According to Shantakumari et al. (2015), participants in this study

believed that the blended learning process was less demanding and more

efficient than conventional in-class instruction. Findings are consistent with

research indicating that students are more satisfied in blended learning

environments than in traditional lectures. The blended design of the course, in

the viewpoint of the students, made it easier to follow and improved learning. The

interactions were increased by the online activities, which also had clear

objectives and time frames. To ensure a relationship between the two aspects of

the course, it is crucial that the intended learning objectives of the course match

the online activities. To ensure that the program is blended in design, not just in

delivery, blended learning necessitates an intentional approach to instructional


The blended approach of the course, in the opinion of the students, made

it easier to follow and improved learning. The online material was clearly

illustrated and simple to read. The interactions were increased by the online

activities, which also had clear objectives and time frames. To ensure a

connection between the two parts of the course, it is crucial that the intended

learning objectives of the course match the online activities. To ensure that the

program is blended in design, not just in delivery, blended learning necessitates

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an intentional approach to instructional design.

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This chapter deals with research methods used in the study. It includes

the discussion of research design, subjects of the study, data gathering

instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive research design. The researchers chose

a descriptive research design which uses a self-made questionnaire to gather

data. It aims to describe a population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and

systematically. It involves gathering data that describes events and then

organizing, tabulating, depicting, and describing the data collection. The

researchers deemed that this design is appropriate for the topic as it will facilitate

the collection of data from respondents. In this method, the researchers selected

an appropriate sample of respondents to attain the objectives of the study.

Subjects of the Study

The participants involved in this study are Grade 12 STEM students

enrolled at Alangilan Senior High School during the school year 2022-2023,

under blended learning. The researchers were able to determine the number of

respondents using a stratified random sampling technique and the Raosoft

sample size calculator. With a 5% margin of error, 131 respondents were

selected from the respondents from the STEM Strand.

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Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used in this research study is a method of surveying

through questionnaires. The self-made questionnaire was designed to investigate

and evaluate respondents' perceptions of blended learning at Alangilan Senior

High School. The questionnaire was divided into two parts: the first covered the

respondents' demographic profile in terms of sex, monthly income, and academic

performance. The second section discussed respondents' perceptions of blended

learning in terms of schedule, time allotment per subject, and activities per

discipline. This instrument was validated to ensure its accuracy and

dependability. As a result, the researchers sought assistance and expertise in

validating the questionnaire. The following scales will be used to interpret the

computed weighted mean and composite mean of the respondents' schedule,

time allotment per subject, and activities per discipline.


4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.50 – 3.24 Agree
2 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

Upon the approval and validation of the topic and statement of the

problem, the questionnaire was then formulated using information gathered from

literature related to the study. To elicit accurate responses, it was subjected to

content validity with the help of an expert in the field. Soon after the necessary

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revision, the researchers will select the approval of the school head to conduct

the study or to gather data from the respondents. The data will be gathered using

a survey method through a questionnaire which was administered to the

identified respondents. The researchers will seek the agreement of the

respondents to participate in the study through a consent form before proceeding

with the survey. The gathered data were tabulated and treated statistically

through DATAtab software.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

In analyzing and interpreting the gathered data, the researchers used the

following statistical tools.

Frequency, Percentage and Rank. These will be used to determine the

distribution of the respondents according to their profile.

Weighted Mean. This will be used to determine the assessment of

students' perception on blended learning in terms of schedule, time allotment per

subject, and activities per discipline.

Independent t-test. This will be used to test the significant difference on

students’ perception on blended learning when grouped according to their sex.

ANOVA. This will be used to test the significant difference in the students’

perception on blended learning when grouped according to their academic

performance and family monthly income.

To formulate the computation of data, the DATAtab software was utilized.

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This chapter covers the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the

quantitative data gathered in the investigation. The discussions of the findings

are patterned in a manner that coincides with the organization of the problems

posed in the study.

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Sex. Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of the


Table 1
Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 68 51.91
Female 63 48.09
Total 131 100

It can be seen from the table that the majority of the respondents were

male which obtained the highest frequency of 68 or 51.91 percent. The remaining

48.09 percent or 63 are females.

This result supports the findings of BlaŽev et. al. (2017), who indicated

that males were highly interested in STEM-related school subjects and females

were usually uninterested in them and more likely to think that STEM school

courses are a male domain. On the other hand, a study conducted among

students and academics by Ramsey (2017) found that agentic rather than

communal traits are more strongly related with success in science, inhibiting

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

women from pursuing a career in science Furthermore, the American Association

of University Women (AAUW) (2010) reports that social pressure, stereotype

threat, and perceptions about STEM fields are the main barriers to females

pursuing STEM.

1.2 Family Monthly Income. Table 2 presents the frequency and

percentage distribution of the respondents when they are grouped according to

family monthly income.

Table 2
Profile of the Respondents
in Terms of Family Monthly Income

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

₱ 5,000 and below 15 11.45 5
₱ 5,001 - ₱10,000 21 16.03 4
₱ 10,001 - ₱ 15,000 35 26.72 1
₱ 15,001 - ₱ 20,000 34 25.95 2
₱ 20,001 and above 26 19.85 3
Total 131 100

It can be gleaned in Table 2 that the majority of the respondents have a

family monthly income ranging from ₱10,001 and ₱15,000 with a frequency of 25

or 26.72 percent. It was followed by the respondents with a family monthly

income of ₱15,001 to ₱20,000 with a frequency of 34 or 25.95 percent. There

were 26 respondents, or the 19.85 percent of the respondents have a family

monthly income of ₱20,001 and above. It was followed by the respondents with a

family monthly income of ₱5,001 to ₱10,000 with a frequency of 21 or 16.03

percent. The remaining respondents have a family monthly income of ₱5,001

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

and below with a frequency of 15 or 11.45 percent.

The results were in contrast to the 2021 Family Income and Expenditure

Survey (FIES) conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), which

stated that the average income of Filipino households from January to December

2021 was predicted to be PHP 307.19 thousand. This means that the monthly

income is PHP 25,599.17. This was down -2.0 percent from the previous year's

average household income of PHP 313.35 thousand. Furthermore, according to

a personal finance survey conducted in the Philippines during the first quarter of

2022 by Statista Research Department (2022), 26 percent of respondents stated

that their household income decreased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,

and as the economy is reopening, the respondents are hoping that their income

will increase.

1.3 Academic Performance. Table 3 presents the frequency and

percentage distribution of the respondents when they are grouped according to

academic performance.

Table 3
Profile of the Respondents
in Terms of Academic Performance

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

95-100 0 0 5.5
90-94 38 29.01 2
85-89 70 53.44 1
80-84 21 16.03 3
75-79 2 1.53 4
74-below 0 0 5.5
Total 28 100

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

It can be seen from Table 3 that the majority of the respondents have a

GWA ranging from 85 to 89 with a frequency of 70, or 53.44 percent. It was

followed by 38, or 29.01 percent, whose GWA ranges from 90 to 94. There were

21 respondents, or 16.03 percent, whose GWA ranges from 80 to 84, and 2

respondents, or 1.53 percent, whose GWA ranges from 75 to 79. There were

none, or the 0 percent of the respondents have a GWA of 95-100 and 74-below.

This result contrast the findings of the study conducted by Ebora (2016),

who indicated that most of the students appear to obtained a GWA of 84-80

which describes as “Satisfactory”. Class participation is an important aspect of

student learning. When students speak up in class, they learn to express their

ideas in a way that others can understand. When they ask questions, they learn

how to obtain information to enhance their own understanding of a topic. Class

participation also is a valuable learning tool for teachers. Through students'

questions, you learn what they don't understand, and can adjust your instruction

accordingly. If students will not participate in class interaction then it will affect

their performance and no one will be of outstanding in the subject. In line with

this, Arellano (2015) on his study found out that majority of the students showed

average performance in some subject specifically Physics. He also added that

different approaches must be used by the teachers in to motivate the students

and develop interest among them; there should be sequence of activities that will

lead to the discovery of concepts .

2. Assessment of Respondents’ Perception on Blended Learning

2.1 Schedule. Table 4 shows students’ perception on blended learning in

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

terms of schedule.

Table 4
Students’ Perception on Blended Learning in Terms of
Weighted Verbal
Indicators Rank
Mean Interpretation

1. It optimizes the time wisely for 3.07 Agree 1

studies and breaks to refuel.

2. It is suitable for the duration of

2.86 Agree 5
period per subject.

3. It incorporates a scheme for

2.98 Agree 2
remedial classes.

4. It establishes natural routine

2.89 Agree 3
that is comforting to students.

5. It is flexible to suit the changing

needs and requirements of the
students, subjects, and other 2.87 Agree 4
internal or external
Composite Mean 2.93 Agree

The table clearly shows that the majority of students concur that they

should optimize their time wisely for studies and breaks to refuel. With a verbal

interpretation of agree and a weighted mean of 3.07. According to Youki Terada

(2018) regular breaks during the school day, from little "brain breaks" in the

classroom to longer breaks during recess, provide more than just idle time for the

pupils. These pauses boost their output and provide them the chance to improve

their social and creative abilities. Younger students in particular frequently have

trouble maintaining their attention for extended periods of time. Therefore, breaks

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

are a crucial component of learning. But the advantages go beyond just the

pupils' mental health. Regular breaks throughout the school day, especially for

younger pupils, can be an efficient strategy to lessen disruptive conduct. Short

physical activity breaks in the classroom have been shown in recent research to

enhance students' behavior, increase their effort in their tasks, and help them

stay on task.

According to Casey Dixon (2018), Russell Barkley, leading ADHD expert,

says refueling the cognitive gas tank is one of the most crucial strategies for

ADHD, according to him. He argues that since our brains use up a finite amount

of energy, it must be refilled in order for us to continue functioning. "The

executive [function] system has a finite gasoline tank and you can spend it out

fairly soon," he reminded his audience during the 2012 Burnett Lecture. If you

have ADHD, this can happen extremely quickly—within minutes—because every

time you utilize an executive function continually, you deplete the tank and lose

all self-control in the subsequent situation. As a result, even if you are working

pretty well, your performance may quickly deteriorate if you don't periodically

refuel. Additionally, researchers found that better breaks included activities that

employees chose rather than those that were imposed or supplied to them.

There was no evidence to support their hypothesis that breaks were better if

workers did not complete work-related tasks while on them. The choice for the

activity that benefited them the most was what made it so. Determining what you

want to accomplish, whether or not it is relevant to your job, seems to be the best

course of action.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Correspondingly, as shown in the table, the schedule that includes a plan

for remedial classes, ranked second, with a weighted mean of 2.98 and verbally

interpreted as agree. The use of remedial classes makes sure that every student

has closed the achievement gap and acquired the required learning

competencies and skills within a school year. In order to solve weaknesses

discovered during distance learning in the academic year 2021–2022, Maryknoll

College of Panabo, Inc. (2022) offers ongoing learning support even during this

epidemic. Accordingly, the lessons that are being given are intended to help

students in elementary and junior high schools catch up to required proficiency

levels in fundamental academic abilities including literacy and numeracy.

According to Dep. Ed Order No. 013, s. 2018, classes are offered during summer

to address the learners’ learning gaps or failure, deficiencies due to change of

track/specialization and/or transfer from one school to another; or to allow for an

advance subject for those Senior High School learners with work immersion in

the succeeding semester or school year. In line with this, DepEd (2022) stated

that, the time limit for intervention and remediation will be expanded in SY 2022–

2023 as part of DepEd's commitment to the success of learning. The Department

of Education (DepEd) stated on Tuesday, April 19, that it is hoping to start the

school year (SY) 2022–2023 by late August based on the newly planned school

calendar. The suggested school schedule includes one additional week for co-

curricular and extracurricular activities, as well as intervention and remediation

activities. The SY 2023–2024 may start on August 28, 2023. The intervention

and remediation activities are a basis and a reminder for teachers and students

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

to make sure that the learning process is uninterrupted during the school year


Sequentially, based on the table, the schedule established has a natural

routine that is comforting to students and ranked three with a weighted mean of

2.89, a verbal interpretation of agree. A well-planned timetable, in the study of

Harshika Agrawal (2019), creates a natural rhythm and regularity that could be

relaxing for both teachers and students. Making a plan is essential for students

since it enables them to prioritize and make the most of the things that are urgent

or important. Routine is vital for each and every one of us, claims Collier (2020).

Without a schedule, we become disorganized and frequently have no idea what

to do or even what day of the week it is. Having a schedule is very crucial for

kids, especially for their behavior and mental health. According to Spark School

(2022), flexibility enables pupils to better understand themselves and plan their

academic schedules accordingly. This implies that they will begin learning when

their level of concentration is high and their capacity for knowledge retention is

high. They will eventually provide superior results as a result of it.

Consecutively, the table demonstrated how a good timetable is adaptable

to meet shifting student demands and requirements, subject-specific

requirements, and other internal or external circumstances with a 2.87 as the

weighted mean and verbally interpreted as agree. It speaks to flexibility so that

students can set aside extra time to complete all of a subject's requirements

equally. According to Dep. Ed Order No. 35, s 2016, During the LAC, teachers

can work together to develop weekly lesson plans that can be put into action for

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

the allotted time. Following that, teachers can discuss their experiences to

improve future sessions. While improving their own critical and creative thinking,

teachers also get better at converting curriculum material into instructive learning

activities. Because the teacher will be more methodical and more contextualized

to the learning demands of the pupils, student learning will increase. A Learning

Action Cell in DepEd is a group of teachers who participate in cooperative

learning sessions to address common problems that arise in the school. These

sessions are supervised by the school principal or another certified LAC Leader.

LACs will develop into healthy, empathetic, and secure school-based

communities of practice.

Respectively, as indicated in the table, schedule are suitable for the

duration of the period per subject with a weighted mean of 2.86 and with a verbal

interpretation of agree. University of the People (N.D) claims that several

research has shown block scheduling to be counterproductive. According to

certain studies, block-schedule pupils performed worse in the subjects of

science, biology, physics, and chemistry. Because of the pace and lack of

continuity, block scheduling could be more difficult for kids. It requires teachers to

create longer lesson plans that should be condensed into fewer days. A schedule

of events is also provided by the International Bureau of Education (2000), which

schedules school activities throughout the day, week, term, or year. Typically, a

timetable specifies the beginning and ending times of each task. The shortest

time unit on the schedule is a period. The duration of a session might range from

30 to 60 minutes depending on the country, educational level, and type of

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

institution. Based on the suggested number of periods and the curriculum's

courses, time must be distributed efficiently and fairly. the duration of the school

day, week, and year; the recommended or necessary contact hours; the number

of courses offered; the number of teachers; the accessibility of facilities; and

other factors all have an effect on timetabling.

As shown in the table, the respondents generally agree on the perception

on blended learning in terms of schedule which is evidenced by the composite

mean of 2.93.

2.2 Time allotment per subject. Table 5 shows students’ perception on

blended learning in terms of time allotment per subject.

Table 5
Students’ Perception on Blended Learning in Terms of
Time Allotment per Subject
Weighted Verbal
Indicators Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. It is enough to complete the
2.63 Agree 3
learning activities.

2. It is sufficient for the

2.55 Agree 5
specialized subject.

3. It covers all the components

2.85 Agree 1
of classroom instruction.

4. It is feasible for creating

learning experiences through
2.84 Agree 2
interaction with the teachers
and students.

5. It is adequate to master the

2.56 Agree 4
Composite Mean 2.69 Agree

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

According to the table, allotted time per subject covers all the components

of classroom instruction with a weighted mean of 2.85 and verbally interpreted as

agree. The minimal amount of time for class engagement. The study period can

be extended to incorporate after-school learning activities at home or in the

community to help students apply what they have learned to practical

circumstances as specified in the curriculum. The results of these learning

opportunities outside of the classroom typically take the form of performances

and products that need to be evaluated and awarded appropriately. The

prescribed 2 hours per subject for a 6-week period, and 80 hours per subject for

Core Curriculum Subjects, Applied Track Subjects, and Specialized Subjects

allotted shall be used in determining the number of teaching loads of teachers

based on DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012. While DepEd Memo No. 291, Section

2008 offers that Public school teachers must devote no more than six (6) hours a

day to actual instruction, unless they are engaged in academic activities that

require them to be present outside of the school; With due consideration for

potential teaching intervals, school directors shall assign teaching loads to public

school instructors to fully utilize the six (6) hour real classroom teaching, i.e., six

teaching loads at one hour per teaching load; a.) The whole school year's worth

of advisory work and/or special assignments will be counted as one teaching

load; b.) The following list of special assignments and the related teaching load

that may be assigned to the teachers include c.) A teacher who has completed

six (6) hours of real classroom instruction and/or equivalent teaching-related

activities and tasks must complete the remaining two (2) hours of work on or off

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

school property in order to meet the eight-hour workday requirement.

The table indicates that it is possible to create learning opportunities

through interaction with the teachers and students in class given the time

allotment with a weighted mean of 2.84 and verbally interpreted as agree. For

instance, Carter and Rukholm (2008) hypothesized that teacher-student contact

in online education is a significant element impacting students’ learning results

when compared to traditional education. Interaction between teachers and

students enhances learning outcomes for students on two levels: interactive form

and interactive content. On this basis, Li et al. (2020) further clarified that

“Internet + teaching” is the “information interaction between teachers and

students and teaching elements” in a particular environment, reflecting the

change from one-way to multi-directional interaction. According to the student’s

point of view on the study of Frymier & Houser (2000), receiving a teacher’s

support makes them feel like they belong in the classroom, which improves their

affective learning, such as their attitude toward the subject matter and the

teacher, which supports their effective learning, active exploration of the school

environment, and participation in peer interactions. As stated by Henning et al.

(2017), the benefits of a positive teacher-student relationship highlight the

importance of comprehending how teachers may communicate with and maintain

positive contact with their students.

Respectively, the table indicates that the time allotment is sufficient to

finish the learning exercises with a weighted mean of 2.63 and verbally

interpreted as agree. According to Fink (2003), the instructor's assessment

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

of how well learning activities address the class's learning objectives should be

reflected in the lessons they teach. In class, discussions, role-playing, and

simulations are examples of "rich" activities that encourage advancement on

several goals. Service learning, situational observations, and genuine projects

are a few examples of outside-of-class activities. When students consider their

learning experience and what it means to them, learning is improved and made

more permanent. This can be done alone (in journals) or in groups (small group

discussions). Students are more likely to "own" and value their learning when

they reflect on what they are learning, how they are learning it, its importance,

and what further they need to know.

The table demonstrates that the time-alloted is sufficient to understand

lesson with a weighted mean of 2.56 and verbally interpreted as agree. A good

lesson needs to be planned. Making your teachings clear and well-timed can

assist pupils in keeping them engaged and interested. A certain amount of

flexibility is also incorporated into effective planning so that teachers can react to

what they learn about their student’s learning as they teach. Knowing the

students and their past knowledge, understanding how to go through the

curriculum, and identifying the appropriate tools and activities to aid in student

learning are all important when developing a plan for a set of sessions.

The table shows that it is sufficient for the specialized subject. with a

weighted mean 2.55 and verbally interpreted as agree. In any educational

system, teaching and understanding mathematics is a major challenge,

according to Arvin Guinocor and Porferio Almerino (2020). Numerous scholars

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

work hard to identify the factors that influence students' performance on the topic.

Despite all of these efforts, problems persist. Data on study habits and attitudes

were gathered using a descriptive-correlational design by the researchers. The

study was conducted at the Cebu Technological University San Francisco

Campus, Cebu, Philippines. The study orientations of the students and their

academic performance in Mathematics subjects were found to be significantly

positively and highly correlated. Mathematics is one of the disciplines that are

most important, and students are encouraged to study the subject (Leatham &

Peterson, 2010; Ronis, 2008). According to this theory, children's mathematical

guidance methods are far more active in the majority of Asian countries (Wei &

Dzeng, 2014). According to Etcuban and Pantinople (2018), that showing

resulted in an appealing modification in how the learning was conducted. In the

Philippines, mathematics is taught as a general education subject in both primary

and higher education, and students are expected to understand and appreciate

its principles as they are applied in problem-solving, critical thinking,

communicating, reasoning, making connections, representing ideas, and making

decisions in everyday life while using the appropriate technology (K to 12 Basic

Education Curriculum). It is necessary and hence required as a subject nearly in

every field. It is crucial and, as a result, practically every area needs it as a

subject, claim Blömeke and Delaney (2014). However, issues with arithmetic

proficiency continue to exist, not just in the Philippine context but also now in

other nations. The time allotment for every discipline is 2 hours per subject for a

6-week period, and 80-hour per subject for Core Curriculum Subjects, Applied

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Track Subjects, and Specialized Subjects allotted for Senior High School

according to DepEd Order No. 013, s. 2018

As shown in the table, the respondents generally agree on the perception on

blended learning in terms of time allotment per subject which is evidenced by the

composite mean of 2.69.

2.3 Activities per Discipline. Table 6 shows students’ perception on

blended learning in terms of activities per discipline.

Table 6
Students’ Perception on Blended Learning in Terms of
Activities per Discipline
Indicators Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. The activities cover real-life 3.00 Agree 5
or authentic tasks and
2. The activities encourage 3.21 Agree 1
critical thinking and
3. The activities foster a shared
sense of responsibility 3.07 Agree 3
through small group learning

4. The activities involve 3.11 Agree 2

appropriate use of
5. The activities allow students 3.04 Agree 4
to incorporate other

Composite Mean 3.09 Agree

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

It can be seen from the table that the activities encourage critical thinking

and creativity with a weighted mean of 3.21 and verbally interpreted as agree.

According to Kinnari-Korpela (2015), the educator needs to act as a facilitator to

allow for discussion and encourage a wider and open thought process, as well as

to encourage understanding of the different perception of every individual that

comes with thinking critically. Also engaged in this skill, it is important to

understand that students do not always end with the right answer, but instead,

sometimes end in more questions or differing evaluations of the topic. Critical

thinking is at the core of most intellectual activity that involves students learning

to recognize or develop an argument, use evidence in support of that argument,

draw reasoned conclusions, and use the information to solve problems. Creative

thinking involves students learning to generate and apply new ideas in specific

contexts, seeing existing situations in a new way, identifying alternative

explanations, and seeing or making new links that generate a positive outcome.

This includes combining parts to form something original, sifting and refining

ideas to discover possibilities, constructing theories and objects, and acting on

intuition. The products of creative endeavor can involve complex representations

and images, investigations and performances, digital and computer-generated

output, or occur as virtual reality.

Correspondingly, based on the table the activities involve appropriate use

of technology with a weighted mean of 3.11 and verbally interpreted as agree.

According to the Teaching Quantitative Skills in Teaching Geosciences, one of

the characteristics of well-designed activities (2005) is the appropriate use of

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

technology. Calculators and computers should be used to help students visualize

and explore data and relationships, not just to follow algorithms to predetermined

ends. Well designed activities with technology help students learn by providing a

tool to explore different ways to represent the same information. Rosdy et. al

(2015) stated that to ensure that teachers and students can utilize information

and communications technology to its full potential, the first phase of deployment

must be successful. Thus, appropriate implementation and support from the

school's senior management serve as the foundation for technology-based

teaching and learning preparations. Such integration in schools will be a

tremendous success and have benefits for everyone if the deployment process is

carried out correctly from the very beginning stage and the continual

maintenance are suitably supplied for both educators and especially learners.

Teachers must be given time to learn about and explore information and

communication technology in teaching and learning since it is more practical than

theoretical, and they must go through the "trial-and-error" phase before they can

utilize it effectively.

Concurrently, as shown in the table, activities foster a shared sense of

responsibility through small-group learning experiences with a weighted mean of

3.07 and verbally interpreted as agree. According to BMC Medical Education

(2020) when a small group learning experience involves active participation,

face-to-face contact between the participants and it is purposeful it can offer

many benefits and enhances students’ learning experiences in many ways. For

example, small group learning has the potential to help address gaps in student

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

knowledge, encourage self-directed learning, allow students to engage with a

range of perspectives from their peers, allow students to test their ideas and

attitudes with their peers, promote a willingness for students to share their ideas,

provide opportunities for students to give and receive feedback, help students to

develop skills in critical thinking and problem solving and help students to

develop communication, teamwork and leadership skills

Consecutively, as indicated in the table, activities allow students to

incorporate other disciplines with a weighted mean of 3.04 and verbally

interpreted as agree. According to Gibbs (2015), this method can help bring

students to a new awareness of the meaningful connections that exist among the

disciplines. It is efficient if the material can be taught in a logical sequence, with

skills building on skills. This supports students in progressing, practicing,

mastering, and pushing further within the subject matter. It helps students

develop deeper appreciation for the beauty, complexity, and depth of the subject

the t can lead to excitement and further engagement as the student goes deeper

and deeper into the area of focus.

Respectively, the table showed that the activities cover real-life or authentic

tasks and event with a weighted mean of 3.00 and verbally interpreted as agree.

According to Fraenkel & Wallen (2012), activity-based learning is the baseline for

creative and critical thinking skills enhancement. However, this method will not

function properly if students are not motivated enough to achieve their actual

potential. The most useful and effective method to teach concepts that are

complex in nature is by involving students in interactive activities, which is also

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

the backbone of ABL. By utilizing different activities in the classroom, the critical

thinking skills and creative skills of the students are also enhanced. Emphasizes

the importance of various activities and their relevance in everyday activity-based

teaching methodologies. He brings light to the fact that ABL is a cognitive-based

learning technique that works on constructive learning. Constructive learning

comprises prior knowledge along with personal experiences. This theory

emphasizes that learning is a process that comprises the psychological

environment of an individual along with their interactions with various other

structures of society.

As shown in the table, the respondents generally agree on the perception

on blended learning in terms of activities per discipline which is evidenced by the

composite mean of 3.09.

3. Difference Analysis between the Perception of the Respondents on

Blending Learning when Grouped According to the Profile of the


3.1 Difference Test Results between the Perception on Blended

Learning in terms of Schedule when Grouped According to the Profile of

the Respondents

Table 7 indulged us that there were no significant difference in the perception of

the respondents on blending learning in terms of schedule when grouped according to

their profile in terms of sex, monthly family income and general weighted average. The

computed p-values of 0.838, 0.391 and 0.854 all respectively had a greater value of 0.05

level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis of no significant difference is accepted.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Table 7

Difference Test Results between the Perception on Blended Learning in

terms of Schedule when Grouped According to the Profile of the


degree of
Variables t-value p-value Interpretation Decision
Sex -0.205 128 0.838 Not Significant Accept
Family Monthly
130 Not Significant Accept
Income 1.037 0.391
GWA 0.260 130 0.854 Not Significant Accept

3.2 Difference Test Results between the Perception on Blended

Learning in terms of Schedule Time Allotment per Subject when Grouped

According to the Profile of the Respondents

Table 8 shows that there were no significant difference in respondents'

perceptions of blended learning based on sex, monthly family income, and

general weighted average. The projected p-values of 0.383, 0.448, and 0.460 are

all more than the significance level of 0.05. As a consequence, the null

hypothesis, which states that there is no statistically significant difference, is


Table 8

Difference Test Results between the Time Allotment per Subject when

Grouped According to the Profile of the Respondents

degree of
Variables t-value p-value Interpretation Decision
Sex 0.876 127 0.383 Not Significant Accept
Family Monthly
0.932 130 0.448 Not Significant Accept
GWA 0.868 130 0.460 Not Significant Accept

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

3.3 Difference Test Results between the Activities per Discipline

when Grouped According to the Profile of the Respondents

Table 9 indicated that there were no significant differences in the

respondents' perceptions of blended learning when grouped according to their

sex, family monthly income, and general weighted average. The computed p-

values of 0.731, 0.249, and 0.218, respectively, confirm a greater value at the

0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis of no significant difference is


Table 9

Difference Test Results between the Activities per Discipline when

Grouped According to the Profile of the Respondents

degree of
Variables t-value p-value Interpretation Decision
Sex -0.345 127 0.731 Not Significant Accept
Family Monthly
1.367 130 0.249 Not Significant Accept
GWA 1.501 130 0.218 Not Significant Accept

4. Proposed Action/Intervention Plan

Table 10
Proposed Action/Intervention Plan

Goal: To design preparation and an intervention plan to ensure that the students

obtain the target competencies in terms of schedule, time allotment, and

activities per discipline.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

To assess Conduct Teachers February– MOOE Cultivate
pupils' remedial Students March students’
academic classes 2023 stock
skills knowledge

To maintain Hold Guidance March– April MOOE Foster the

and improve seminars that Teachers 2023 academic
students’ will enhance Advisers flexibility of
flexibility students’ Students students
and time

To ensure Organize a Teachers April-June MOOE Encourage

students' timetable Advisers 2023 students'
commitment example to Students commitmen
to their further widen t and
academics the diligence
and know
how to make
use of time.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter presents conclusions drawn from the findings and the



1. The majority of respondents were male, with a monthly family income of

10,000-15,000 and a general weighted average of 85-89.

2. The results revealed that in terms of schedule, majority of students

concur that they should optimize their time wisely for studies and breaks to

refuel. With a verbal interpretation of agree and a weighted mean of 3.07.

In addition, most of the respondents agree that the allotted time per

subject covers all the components of classroom instruction with a

weighted mean of 2.85 and verbally interpreted as agree. As well as,

majority of the respondents generally agree that activities encourage

critical thinking and creativity with a weighted mean of 3.21 and verbally

interpreted as agree in terms of activities per discipline.

3. There is no significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents in

blended learning in terms of schedule, time allotment per subject, and

activities per discipline when grouped according to their profile.

4. There is no significant difference in variables of sex, family income, and

general weighted average. The effects of students’ perception on blended

learning on various demographic groups are not noticeably different.

5. An action plan to improve the academic performance of the respondents

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

in blended learning was developed based on the results of the study.


Considering the significant findings revealed and conclusions drawn in this

study, the following recommendations are offered:

1. The school may offer remedial sessions for each subject to specifically

evaluate students' acquired competencies in blended learning.

2. To continuously convey to the students the significance of flexibility in

their real life, educators should prioritize addressing the learners' weaknesses

and strengths per subject.

3. Recommend activities that provide learners adequate time to

understand concepts and skills relevant to their chosen career. The new

curriculum aims to enhance students’ talents and knowledge, preparing them to

face the world of professionals. Using these objectives, instructional strategies

are established to increase learners' analytical thinking and to assist learners in

improving their creative thinking abilities. The instructional strategy should be

chosen from a collection of demonstrations, problem-based learning, or role-

playing activities. An active learning environment should promote students’

interest in the subject and encourage their participation. We want our students to

sense that we are enthusiastic about our teaching and confident in their learning

abilities. Students will quickly determine if a teacher respects their contributions

in class, or even wants contributions at all. Both are critical in creating an active

learning environment.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

4. Similar study may be conducted with other aspects of well-being to

generalize the findings and an experimental study about the effectiveness of the

suggested activities may be carried out to contribute to a better understanding of

the constructs.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

September 16, 2022

Teacher I
Alangilan Senior High School


Greetings of peace!

The undersigned are currently taking up Practical Research 2 and in the

process of writing research entitled “Perception on Blended Learning of
Grade 12 Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM)
Students of Alangilan Senior High School” that that aims to assess
perception of G12 STEM students in terms of schedule, time allotment per
subject and activities per discipline.
In view of this, may we humbly request you to share your expertise and
kindness in the field by validating the attached research instrument to be used in
the completion of our work. Your suggestions and comments will be highly

Attached herewith is a copy of the statement of the problem.

Looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.

Ghian Victor B. Aclan
Jhon Paulo B. Africa
Jhon Royd S. Aguado
Jeric M. Balleza
Athea Jefeale S. Abanilla
Alexa Joyce F. Acosta
Mary Ann M. Alfante
Raym Mikaela M. Ante
Aleah Mei D. Aranez

Research Adviser

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Approved by:
Teacher I

December 1, 2022

Alangilan Senior High School


Greetings of peace and solidarity!

We, students of Grade 12 Descartes are currently taking up Practical Research 2

and in the process of writing a research entitled “Perception on Blended Learning of
Grade 12 Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM) Students Of
Alangilan Senior High School” that aims to assess perception of G12 STEM students
in terms of schedule, time allotment per subject and activities per discipline.
In view hereof, we are asking permission to conduct the research in your school.
More so, may we ask the student participants to complete the survey in their classroom
or any other quiet setting in the school site during their free time. The survey process will
take no longer than twenty minutes. The results that will be pooled will remain
confidential and anonymous.  No costs will be incurred by either the school and/or the
individual participants.
Attached to this letter are the title, statement of the problem and the
questionnaire to be used in this research for your perusal and approval.
We are looking forward to your positive response regarding this research. Thank
you very much and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Ghian Victor B. Aclan
Jhon Paulo B. Africa
Jhon Royd S. Aguado
Jeric M. Balleza
Athea Jefeale S. Abanilla
Alexa Joyce F. Acosta
Mary Ann M. Alfante
Raym Mikaela M. Ante
Aleah Mei D. Aranez



Research Adviser

Approved by:

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Research Instrument

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Name (Optional): Grade & Section:



Dear Respondents,

This questionnaire's purpose is to assess how Grade 12 STEM students

perceive blended learning. Your participation in answering and filling it out would
be greatly appreciated by the researchers as your responses will be analyzed
and used as inputs when creating a plan of action to improve the academic
performance of the students. You can be sure that your responses will be kept
private and used only for educational purposes.
The Researchers

I. Demographic Profile

Directions: Kindly indicate your response in each item by putting a check (/)



Male Female

Family Income/ Monthly Income:

5,000 and below 5,000 – 10,000

10,000 – 15,000 15,000 – 20,000

20,000 and above

General Weighted Average in Grade 12 ( 1 st Quarter, 1st Semester):

95-100 85-89 75-79

90-94 80-84 74 and below

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

II. Perceptions in Blended Learning

Directions: Please read the following statements below and evaluate with full

honesty. Kindly indicate the extent of your agreement in the given statements by

putting a check (/) mark on the column parallel to your response.

Direction: Assess the perception of G12 STEM students using the scale below:

4- Strongly Agree (SA)

3- Agree (A)
2- Disagree (D)
1- Strongly Disagree (SD)
Schedule 4 3 2 1
The schedule… (SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. optimizes the time wisely for studies and
breaks to refuel.
2. is suitable for the duration of period per
3. incorporates a scheme for remedial
4. establishes natural routine that is
comforting to students.
5. is flexible to suit the changing needs and
requirements of the students, subjects and
other internal or external circumstances.
Time Allotment Per Subject 4 3 2 1
The time allotment… (SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. is enough to complete the learning
2. is sufficient for the specialized subject.
3. covers all the components of classroom
4. is feasible for creation of learning
experiences through interaction with the
teachers and students.
5. is adequate to master the lesson.
Activities Per Discipline 4 3 2 1
The activities… (SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. cover real-life or authentic tasks and event.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

2. encourage critical thinking and creativity.

3. foster a shared sense of responsibility
through small group learning experiences.
4. involve appropriate use of technology.
5. allow students to incorporate other

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Alangilan, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Divine Child Academy

P. Panganiban St., Batangas City

Elementary Divine Child Academy

P. Panganiban St., Batangas City

With Honors 2021-2022

Critical Thinker

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Tinga Labac, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Casa Del Bambino Emmanuel Montessori

Alangilan, Batangas City

Elementary Tinga Labac Elementary School

Tinga Labac, Batangas City

Achiever 2020-2021
With Honors 2021-2022

Good Caretaker

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Mahabang Parang, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Natalia Velasquez Ramos Integrated School

Conception, Batangas City

Elementary Conception Elementary School

Conception, Batangas City

Achiever 2017-2020
With Honors 2020-2022

Active listening

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Tinga Labac, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Princeton Science School

Bolbok, Batangas City

Elementary Princeton Science School

Bolbok, Batangas City

Best English Communicator 2016
Awardee 2016
Talasalitaan ng Wika Champion 2018
With Honors 2017-2021
With High Honors 2021-2022

English Vocabulary Skills
Critical Thinker
Fast paced

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Balagtas, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Batangas National High School

Rizal Avenue, Batangas City

Elementary Balagtas Elementary School

Balagtas, Batangas City

Achiever 2018-2020
With Honors 2020-2021
With High Honors 2021-2022

Active Listener and Observer

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Alangilan, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Casa Del Bambino Emmanuel Montessori

Alangilan, Batangas City

Elementary Alanglian Central Elementary School

Alangilan, Batangas City

Achiever 2018-2021
With Honor 2021-2022


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Sorosoro Karsada, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Saint Joseph Academy

San Jose, Batangas City

Elementary Alanglian Central Elementary School

Alangilan, Batangas City

Consistent Achiever 2011-2017
With Honors 2018-2021
With High Honors 2021-2022
DSPC (1ST Place –Radio 2016
Broadcasting Group Category)
DSPC (1ST Place- Best 2016
Infomercial in Radio
Broadcasting English Category)
DSPC Qualifier 2016
DSPC (5TH Place- Best Group in 2016
Radio Broadcasting English
Science Quiz Bee Placer 2017-2019

Critical Thinker
Leadership Skills
Can work under pressure

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Sorosoro Karsada, Batangas City

Senior High School Alangilan Senior High School
Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City

Junior High School Natalia Velasquez Ramos Integrated School

Conception, Batangas City

Elementary Conception Elementary School

Conception, Batangas City

Achiever 2018-2020
With Honors 2020-2022

Can quickly adapt to any situation


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