Bio Unit 1
Bio Unit 1
Bio Unit 1
1.1 Photosynthesis
• Plants capture energy from light, and transfer some of the energy into the food that they make.
• In this unit, we will look at how plants use energy from light to make food.
Making with light
• Photosynthesis is the way that plants make food, using energy from light.
1. Think of two more words that begin with ‘photo’. What does each of your
words mean?
2. In the food chain above, at which point does photosynthesis take place?
What else do plants need for photosynthesis?
• Water and carbon dioxide are changed into food and oxygen, using energy
from light.
• Plants use the food that they make in photosynthesis to make new cells and tissues.
Ø You are going to find out what happens to plants that do not get light.
1. Sow some small seeds on damp filter paper, in two identical dishes. Leave them in a
warm place to germinate. Make sure that they do not dry out.
2. When the seeds have germinated, put one set into a dark cupboard, or into a closed
cardboard box. Leave the other set in a light place. Keep giving them both a little
water. Try to make sure that the temperature is the same for both sets of seedlings.
3. After two days, compare the appearance of the two sets of seedlings. You could also
make labelled drawings of a seedling from each set.
A1. Explain why it was important to keep one set of seedlings in the light.
A2. Explain why it was important that the temperature was the same for
both sets of seedlings.
• Photosynthesis is the way that plants make food, using energy from light.
• Some of the food that is made becomes new biomass in the plant.
• Plants use water and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.
• Plants make food and oxygen by photosynthesis.
• In most plants, the leaves are the
organs that carry out photosynthesis.
3. Think back to Activity 1.1, where you grew some seedlings in the dark. What
happened to the chlorophyll in them?
Activity 1.2
Which surface has the most stomata?
• Take a fresh, green leaf.
2. The bubbles contained gas that came out from inside the leaf. Which
part of the leaf do you think the gas came from? (Look at the diagram of
the inside of the leaf above.)
4. Use what you know about the eff ect of heat on gases to explain why
the gases came out of the leaf when it was put into warm water.
• If it is very warm and sunny, you may see the gas collecting quickly.
• If it is colder and not so bright, you may need to leave it for a day to
give time for the gas to collect.
• When you have collected about half a test tube of gas, you can test it
to see if it is oxygen, like this:
1. Put your hand into the water in the beaker, and hold the test tube
near its opening. Put your thumb over the opening, taking care to keep
the test tube under water.
2. Keeping the tube open end downwards, take it out of the water.
3. Get a partner to light a wooden splint, then blow it out so that it is just
4. Now gently take off your thumb, to let the water fall out of the tube.
5. When all the water has fallen out, quickly but carefully put the
glowing splint into the tube. Try not to touch the wet sides, or you will
put it out!
6. If the gas is oxygen, it will make the glowing splint burst into flame.
• You are going to plan and carry out an experiment to investigate this
• Think carefully about all the variables that you must keep the
same in your experiment.
4. Now carry out your experiment. Make changes to your plan if you
think you can improve it.
• Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. These are then
transported to all the other parts of the plant.
• Roots anchor the plant fi rmly in the ground, so it is not pulled out
when the wind blows strongly, or when an animal pulls on the leaves.
• Some plants store food in their roots.
• For each root, fi nd out what the complete plant looks like.
• Make a labelled drawing of the plant. Describe how we use the root
for food.
How roots absorb water and minerals
• You may remember that special cells called root hairs grow out of the
surface of roots. Root hair cells provide a really big surface through
which water and minerals can be absorbed.
2 Suggest why most plants die very quickly if their roots are cut off .
3 Explain how root hairs help plants to absorb a lot of water in a short
Activity 1.4B
Which way up?
• 1 Take a tall glass jar. Roll up a piece of strong
absorbent paper so that it fits inside the jar. Add a little
water and allow it to soak into the paper.
• A1 What do you notice about the directions the roots have grown in?
• Roots absorb water and minerals from the spaces between soil
• Roots can sometimes survive harsh conditions that kill the above
ground parts of the plant.