Class 7
Class 7
Class 7
This question paper consists of four sections,A,B,C and D
1. Section-A, has 7 questions and each carries 1 mark.
2. Section-B, has 11 questions and each question carries 3 marks.
3. Section-C, has 7 questions and each question carries 5 marks.
4. Section-D, has map based question and carries 5 marks.
1. Choose the correct option (4x1 mark = 4 )
a. Cartographer is a person who makes ---------------.
(a) Cartoons (b) Maps (c) Manuscripts (d) None of these
b. Name of Akbar’s revenue minister was ------------------.
(a) Bairam khan (b) Todarmal (c) Abulfazl (d) Shah Jahan
c. Which type of healthcare facility is costly ?
(a) Private (b) public (c) Both (d) Both are same
d. Solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth is called as :
(a) Atmosphere (b) lithosphere (c) biosphere (d) hydrosphere
6. What was the role of the Zamindar in Mughal administration ?
7. What is Shikhara ?
8. In a democracy why is “Universal Adult Franchise” important ?
9. What is health ?
10. Differentiate between ruling party and opposition party.
11. Write three differences between public and private health care.
12. How are the domestic workers in general treated by the employers ?
Answer the following question (Any 7) (7x5 Marks = 35)
17. How do historians divide the past into Periods ?
18. Who was Mahmud of Ghazni ? How did he expand his kingdom ?
19. Describe the duties of mansabdars .
20. What were the qualification necessary to become a member of a committee of the Sabha in chola
empire ?
21. Differentiate between Biotic and Abiotic Environment .
22. Define the three layers of the earth with suitable diagram .
23. Give Reasons :-
(i) Some rocks have a shape of a mushroom .
(ii) Flood Plains are very Fertile .
24. Explain the composition of air Show it with diagram.
25. In what ways was Omprakash Valmiki’S experiences Similar of the Ansaris ?
28. On an out line map of India locate the following :- (1x5 Marks = 5)
i) Kalinga ii) Chennai iii) Delhi
iv) Palas v) The Bay of Bengal
Objective: to find out the main points of the text:
1.1. Marking------8 Marks----01 mark for each correct answer--------------------(1x8=08 Marks)
(i) that half of all fat children aged between 10 to 13 tend to be obese.
(ii) whose parents are overweight.
(iii) their weight almost was similar though different adopted life style influenced them.
(iv)Yes to some extent.
(v) between the age of 10 to 13.
(vi)by bribing children with sweets/eatables.
(vii)canavoid bribing children with sweets and celebrate evenings/occasions only by eating.
(viii)by eating only/by amusing themselves with food.
2.objective:to find out the main points of the text:
2.1. Marking-------02 marks to each correct answer --------------------------------(2x4=08 marks)
(i) as he cant hear others and has nothing to imitate.
(ii) the medical knowledge was not developed like the present days.
(iii) she learned to understand and to make signs------to read, speak’ and write---to complete her
(iv)as she herself was deaf, dumb and blind-----she was able to express her feelings in a better manner.
2.2 Marking----Word Meaning------01 Mark for each correct meaning---------------------(1x4=04 Marks)
(i) imitate
(iii) difficulties
(iv) perhaps
Q3.Message-------------04 Marks--------------format--------------01.Content-------------------01
Q4.Speech in Morning Assembly--------06 Marks------------Format------01.Content----02
Q5.Story Writing--------------10 Marks---------Content-----06 Marks.Fluency-----02 Marks
.Accuaracy-------02 Marks
Q6.Unedited Passage---------1/2x6=03 Marks
Q7.Filling Blanks--------1/2x8=04 Marks.
(i)waswatching, came (ii)rises, rising) (iii)reacted (iv)leaving
(v) finished (vi)staying (vii)did (viii)see
Q8.Re-organising into meaningful sentences------1x4=04 Marks.
(i)You will never hurt him. (ii)She was praised by everyone. (3)
(iii)Let the poor be helped. (iv)Their daughter was named as Riya.
Q9.Reported Speech----------- 1x4=04 Marks.
Ravi asked Mridu what she was doing.
Mridu replied that she is reading a book.
Ravi asked/enquired about the author of the book/who is the author of the book.
Mridu informed/replied/told that it is Ruskin Bond.
Further Ravi asked whether it is an interesting book and where did he find it.
Mridu clarified/replied that the book is an interesting one and he found it in the Library.
Q.10.01 Mark for each correct answer--------- 1x4=04 Marks
(i)Rebels are needed to bring change. His choices are different from other people.
(ii)Because the society does not like Rebels/not accepted by society..
(iii)He makes his own rules and lives his own life.
(iv)The society/most of the people.
Q11.01 mark for each correct answer------------ -1x4=o4 Marks
(i)The Hermit (ii)present time is most valuable as we can act or can do something
(iii)The present time. The past is gone and future is uncertain. We don’t have control over them.
(iv)The listener is the king. Yes, he is satisfied with the answer.
Q12.Answer any four questions-------- 2x4=08 Marks. (4)
(i)The tail of the squirrel curved at the top------appears question mark.
(ii)The ladies are very kind----generous----enabled him to survive a week with food.
(iii)Gopal was half shaven, smeared his face with ash and dressed in rags.
(iv) because he wants to keep others in fear of the shed----to scare them and enjoy the shed himself.
(v)---------as he was kind and good to others
--------------he was greedy, cruel and wicked/he offended the Diamo.
Q13.Answer any two of the following--------- -2x2=04 Marks.
(i)Kari needed training----to sitdown,walk,to walk fast, to get slow---moreover his call was more of a
Baby than an Elephant.
(ii)Camels can withstand high body temperature and don’t sweat—drink lot of water and retain it for
longer period.
(iii)Birds flying southwards, people wearing warm coats and sweaters.
Q14.Long answer-------- -5x1=05 mark
--------extrapolation----marks can be suitably rewarded
With reference to the text------logical presentation of ideas with own creativity.
Content---------03 Marks. Fluency-----------02 Marks
Atomic Energy Central Schools Rawatbhata
1. Chlorophyll
2. Pseudopodia
3. Sericulture
4. Temperature
5. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
6. Ozone
7. Rain Gauge
8. Lighter
9. Humus
10. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
QII:- Choose the correct option for the questions given below:
1. a) Symbiosis
2. c) 32
3. d) Both a and c.
4. b) Convection
5. b) A base
6. d) Green.
7. c) Tropical rain forests
8. b) Eye
9. d) All of these
10. b) Afforestation
1. Parasite:-Depends on other living organism for their food.Saprotrophs:-obtain food from dead
decaying matter.
2. Villi-finger like outgrowths in the inner lining of small intestine.
Function- increase surface area for absorption
3. Rhizobium bacteria in root nodules of leguminous plants , convert atmospheric Nitrogen into
soluble form & fix it.
4. Wool -bad conductor of heat ,cotton has pores through which body heat moves out.
5. Reaction b/w acid n base to form salt n water, any example
6. Iodine test
7. Substance use to test acid or basic solution. Ex- litmus paper ,turmeric
8. A-ascorbic acid b –acetic acid, c-formic acid ,d- lactic acid
(ii) HCL- kills bacteria n makes d medium acidic to help digestion
2. A) rust
b) iron + oxygen+ water →rust
c) paint, grease ,galvanization
3. a, c, e- chemical;
b , d, f – physical
4. Cyclone:-formed due to high speed wind, low pressure of air.
Violent rotating mass of air with speed of 150- 250 km/h
Wind speed , wind direction, temp. ,humidity-factors
5. whitecolour
Thick skin
Layer of fat, webbed feet, streamlined body
6. kept upright not tilted,Bulbshould not touch d surface,Not hold by d bulb ( any 3)
7. a) percolation rate( ml/min) = amount of water/percolation time
200ml/40 min =5ml/min
b) sandy soil
8. rain with excess of acid, pollutants( CO2, SO2,NO2) dissolve in rain drop to form acid, damage to
building, historical monuments, plants animal.
4. Sorting of cocoons
, boiled or exposed to sun to kill d larva
Placed alternatively in hot n cold water to separate fibre
Fibres taken out by reeling
Spinning into silk threads
1. Choose the correct option:- (4x1 mark = 4)
(a) = b , (b) = b , (c) = a , (d) =b
2. Fill in the blanks:- (3x1 mark =3)
(a)= Morocco
(b)= Government
SECTION-B (11x3 marks=33)
3. In the past, any stranger who was not a part of that society or culture was considered to be a foreigner.’
4. (i) Manuscripts were copied by scribes by hand,which was difficult to understand.
(ii)Historians have to read different versions of the same and guess what that author had
originally written.
(iii)Historians have to depend on the copied version as original are rarely count.
5. The Gurjara-prathihara, Rashtrakuta and pala dynasties were involved in the”tripartite struggle” over the
occupation of city of kanauj in Ganga valley.
6. (a)The main source of income for Mughal rulers was the tax on the agricultural production.
(b)Zamindars were intermediaries between the king and peasants.
(c)Local headman of the villages, powerful chieftains were the Zamindars.
7. “Shikhara” is a Sanskrit word which means’ mountain peak.’It is the rising tower and the most pointed
portion of a temple.
8. It is based on the idea of equality all the adult citizens who are 18 years and above of age have the right to
vote irrespective of their back grounds. It is one of the most important aspects of democracy.
9. Health means our ability to remain free of illness and injuries. It is a condition of complete physical, mental
and social well being, not only the absence of diseases.
10. Ruling party- The party that secures maximum number of seats in Legislative assembly and gets the chance to
make the government is called the ruling party.
Opposition party- The party that is unable to secure more than half of the total seats in the legislative
assembly is called the opposition party.
11. Public health care- (i) Government provide health care to its citizens. (ii) Government obtains money to run those
Private health care-(i) A large number of doctor s run their own private clinics.
(ii)Urban areas have a large number of doctors ,many of them providing specialized services.
12. (i) A domestic worker’s every day usually begins at 5 in the morning and ends at 12 at night . The employers do
not show them much respect. They do lots of work but are not given proper diet.
13. (i) Natural components such as-land air, water and many other components that the nature provides us.
14. (i) stones, slates granite, are used for building houses, bridges, etc.
(ii) Rocks they are used in various games like pithoo, seven stones etc.
15. At times the river over flows its banks. This leads to the flooding of the neighbouring areas. As it floods, it
deposits layers of fine soil and other material called sediments along its banks. This leads to the formation of flat
fertile flood plain.
16. Water is life. It is a very precious natural resource of the nature. It quenches our thirst and for every activity . We
need water like washing, cooking ,gardening ect.
17. (i) On the basis of social and economic factors of the past.
(ii) considerable changes that occurred between two centuries. There were many technological ,cultural,social
etc. development in medieval period , but it is still contrasted with the ‘modern period;
18. (i) He was the ruler of Afganistan. Extended control over parts of central Asia,Iran,and north-western part of the
(ii) His later invasions were specially directed to temple town, including that of Somnath Gujarat,as Indian
temples were depositories of great wealth.
19. Mansabdar performed two types of duties-civil and Military.
(i) Their military responsibilities meant to maintain a specific number of sawar or cavalrymen according to their
(ii) i- to bring them for review.
ii- to get them registered.
iii- getting their horses branded.
iv-paying them salary.
20. (i) A person should be owner of land from which revenue was collected.
(ii) He should have his own home.
(iii)He should be between 35 and 70 years of age
(iv)He should have the knowledge of Vedas.
21. Biotic- (i) The living parts of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
(ii) All living things plants, animals, fungi, bacteria.
(iii)Ability to a adapt to change .
Abiotic-(i)The non- living parts of an ecosystem are called abiotic or non- biotic components.
(ii)water, sunlight,wind,soil, humidity, minerals,gases.
(iii)Non-ability to adapt to change.
22. (i) Core- At the centre of the Earth lies the core a dense mass of liquid iron and nickel that is solid at very centre.
(ii) Mantle –Enclosing the metallic core is the mantle,composed of silica and Magnesium
(iii)Crust ----- The outer most layer is the crust . Lithosphere the outer most sheet or rigid, brittle rocks, includes the crust.
23. Give reasons:-
(i) because of the following reasons. In desert areas, rocks fall in the course of running dust storms. Winds
usually erode the lower section of the rock more than the upper part and take up the shape of mushroom.
(ii) (a) Flood plains formed due to the desposition of five soil and other material are called sediments on the river
(b)Due to spread of the new silt, the flood plains are fertile areas.
24. Air is a mixture of gases 78, Nitrogen and 21% oxygen , The remaining 1% is made of Argon , carbon Dioxide, and
other trace gases.
25. (i)The dignity of people was violated in both the Cases.
(ii)They suffered discrimination as they belonged to a different caste and religion.
(iii)Both them were denied equal opportunity, Thus 30th the incidents show that inequalities exist in our society.
26.(1) The chief minister is the head of the ruling party in state Legislature.
(ii) As the chief spokesman of the state government , he explains the government policies. He passes the
important bills.
27. (i) Pandita Ramabai initiated the causes of women’s education.
(ii) She could read and write Sanskrit . She was given the title of Pandita because of these remarkable
achievement . She setup a mission in Khedgaon near Pune in 1898. Widows and poor women were encouraged not
only to become literate but to be independent in this mission.
28.For the map question of India see the Geographical and Historical Atlas.
परमाणु ऊर्ाा केन्द्रीय विद्याऱय – राितभाटा
कऺा– 7 टमा-१ (अर्ािावषाक परीऺा ) सत्र -2019 पूणाांक- 80
मूलयाांकन हे तु ननर्दे शिका एिां अांक योर्ना
विषय – हहांर्दी
प्रश्न-1-कोए सा एक अऩठित गदमाॊश ऩय 2+2+2+1+1= 8 अॊक
क --कुछ राख वषो ऩहरे भनुष्म वनभानुष जैसा जॊगरी था, तफ उसे अऩनी जीवन-यऺा के लरए नाखूनों की
ज़रूयत थी | वाही उसके अस्त्र थे | अऩने प्रततदवॊदववमों को ऩछाड़ने के लरए नाखून आवश््क अॊग थे | 2
{ख}-भनुष्म के नाखून अफ बी फढ़ यहे हैं, रेखक ने एसा इसलरए कहा क्मोंकक भनुष्म की ठहॊसक प्रववृ ि
इतने घातक शस्त्र-अस्त्र जट
ु ा रेने ऩय बी शाॊत नहीॊ हुई है | 2
{ग}-अऩने प्रततदवॊदववमों को ऩछाड़ने हे तु भनुष्म नाखूनों का प्रमोग कयता था | धीये -धीये उसने फाहयी
वस्त्तुओॊ का सहाया रेना आयॊ ब कय ठदमा | ऩत्थय के ढे रे औए ऩेड़ की डारें काभ भें राने रगा | 2
घ-भनुष्म के नाखून अफ बी फढ़ यहे हैं | अफ बी प्रकृतत भनुष्म को उसके बीतय वारे अस्त्र से वॊचचत नहीॊ
कय यही है |अफ बी वह माद ठदरा दे ती है कक तुम्हाये नाखून को बुरामा नहीॊ जा सकता | महाॉ भनुष्म के
ह्रदम भें फसी ठहॊसक प्रववृ ि की ओय सॊकेत ककमा गमा है | 1
ङ-हड्डडमों दवाया तनभरयत सफसे भजफूत औय सफसे ऐततहालसक अस्त्र था-वज्र, जो दधीचच भुतन की हड्डडमों
से फना था | इसके फाद भनुष्मों ने धातु के हचथमाय फनाने शरू
ु कय ठदए | 1
{क} -अटूट औय गहया 2
ू औय पर 2
{ग}-जीवनदाता 2
{घ}-अॊधाधुॊध दोहन 1
{ङ}-कुल्हाड़ी 1
प्रश्न-2 – ककसी एक अऩठित ऩदमाॊश ऩय 2+2+1+1+1=7 अॊक
{क}-कवव स्त्वमॊ को अबागा भानता है , क्मोंकक दस
ु ये रोगों की तयह शोय-गर
ु उसे अच्छा नहीॊ रगता हैं |
उसे शाॊतत चाठहए | वह इसलरए बी अबागा कक दब
ु ााग्म से राउडस्त्ऩीकय फजाने वारों की दक
ु ान उसके घय से
रगी हुई है |वह साभान्म आदभी है | इसलरए दक
ु ानदाय उसका कहना बी नहीॊ भानता |
{ख}-कवव राउडस्त्ऩीकय के शोय को सन
ु कय ववचाय कयता है कक आने वारे सभम भें ऩानी औय हवा के
ु ण से अचधक ध्वनी-प्रदष
ु ण होने की सॊबावना है | उस सभम शाॊतत की अत्मचधक कभी यहे गी |
{ग}-क्ाॊतत की फातें अफ भनुष्मों को योज़ी-योटी के साभने अच्छी नहीॊ रगती हैं | इलसमे रोग क्ाॊतत से दयू
यहते हैं | 1
{घ}-कवव शाॊतत बॊग होने से ऩये शान है | वह जानता है कक फदरते हुए ऩरयवेश भें भनष्ु म को केवर अऩनी
योटी की ऩड़ी है | इसलरए कहने भार से राउडस्त्ऩीकय फॊद नहीॊ हो सकता | रेन -दे न के बफना तो प्रशासन बी
उसकी फात नहीॊ सुनेगा |इसलरए वववश होकय रेन-दे न के व्मव्हाय से ही राउडस्त्ऩीकय को फॊद कयने के
लरएकहता है | 1
{ङ}-शाॊतत | 1
(क)-भेहनत 2
(ख)-साहसी 2
(ग)-भॊजजर 1
(घ)-काॉटों का 1
(ङ)-आशा के 1
प्रश्न-3- - उचचत वाक्म फनाने ऩय 1 +1= 2 अॊक
प्रश्न-4- सही वाक्म प्रमोग ऩय 1 +1=2 अॊक
प्रश्न-5-साथाक वाक्म ऩय -1 +1 = 2 अॊक
प्रश्न-6- सही प्रत्मम वारे शब्द ऩय 1 +1=2 अॊक
प्रश्न-7- सभास के सही उदाहयण के लरए 1+1=2 अॊक
प्रश्न-8- हथकड़ी,हथगोरा, हथनार | सोनऩयी , सोनजुही ,सोनबद्र मा अन्म कोई बी सही दो- दो
शब्दों ऩय ½+ ½=1 , ½+ ½=1 कुर 2 अॊक
प्रश्न-9-चॊचर-नठदमाॉ ,सभतर- आॊगन , घना-जॊगर ,सॊभ्ाॊत-भठहरा ½ + ½ + ½ + ½ =2 अॊक
ु , झेरभ-ववतस्त्ता, अजभेय-अजमभेरु, योऩड़-रूऩऩुय ½+½+½+½=2 अॊक
प्रश्न – 11- प्रत्मेक प्रश्न के लरए एक-एक अॊक कुर 5 अॊक
क-ऩोलरमो की |
ख-वह िीक से चर नहीॊ ऩाता था, ऩे ड़ ऩय चढ़ना उसके लरए कठिन था इसलरए उसने ककसी ऩेड़ को तनजज
सॊऩवि नहीॊ फनामा |
ग-मठद फड़े सन
ु ते तो डाॊटऩडती |
घ-वह अऩने लभर मासुकी-चान के घय जा यही है |
ङ-यॉकी को
प्रश्न-12- कोई से बी चाय प्रश्न , प्रत्मेक प्रश्न के लरए 2-2 अॊक कुर 8 अॊक
क- वह धनी था,सॊगभय की कोिी होना , सन्
ु दय फगीचा होना , नौकय होना | वह खुश नहीॊ था- खारीऩन
था , फच्चे नहीॊ थे , चहचहता नहीॊ था | कोई बी दो-दो बफॊद ु रेखन ऩय ऩयू े अॊक |
ख- मे फातें अच्छी रगी- अच्छे -फुये रोगों की ऩहचान कयना , घटनाओॊ का ऻान यखना , बूत-बूत कयके
डयाना | कोई बी दो बफॊद ु लरखने ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
ग- योगाणुओॊ से भुकाफरा कयना , योगाणुओॊ को शयीय भें घुसने न दे ना , योगाणुओॊ से यऺा कयना | कोई
बी दो बफॊद ु रेखन ऩय ऩयू े अॊक |
घ- क्मोंकक वह बावक
ु हो गमा था , अऩने फच्चो की माद आ गमी थी , उसका भन बय आमा था , उन
फच्चों भें अऩने फच्चे ठदखे थे | कोई बी दो बफन्दओ
ु ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
ङ- नठदमों, कालरदास, काका कारेकय , झयने, ऩवात आठद कोई से बी दो बफन्दओ
ु ॊ ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
च-फदफूदायऩानी भें नहाने की,वववाहभें औयतोंके अलबनम की,दादी भाॉदवाया दस
ू यों की भददकयने की , दादी की
सेवा कयने की , याभीचाची की धटना की |कोई बी दो बफन्दओ
ु ॊ ऩय ऩयू े अॊक |
प्रश्न-13 हय प्रश्न की लरए एक –एक अॊक कुर 5 अॊक
क-ककसान के रूऩ भें
ख-ककसान के सापें के रूऩ भें
ग-चादय के रूऩ भें
घ-जरती अॉगीिी की बाॉतत
ङ-झुॊड भें फैिी बेड़ो से
प्रश्न-14 कोई से बी चाय प्रश्न के लरए 2+2+2+2=8 अॊक
क-फहता जर ऩीना , कडवी तनफोयी खाना , ऊॉची उडान बयना , डारी ऩय झूरना , खुरे आकाश भें उड़ना ,
क्षऺततज लभरना आठद कोई बी दो बफॊद ु ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
ू यों के इशायों ऩय नाचने से , वववशता से , ऩयतॊरता से अऩने ऩैयों ऩय खड़े होने के लरए , कोई बी
दो बफॊद ु ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
ग-क्मोंकक दस
ू यी किऩुतलरमों की स्त्वरॊता की जजम्भेदायी से डय जाती है | उसका मह कदभ सफको भुजश्कर
भें ना डार दे | जजम्भेदायी से घफया जाती है | कोई बी दो बफॊद ु ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
घ-आजाद होना चाहती थी | फॊधन से भुक्त होना चाहती थी | कोई बी एक बफॊद ु ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
ङ-मठद भें स्त्वरॊत होता तो क्षऺततज तक उड़ने का भक
ु ाफरा कयता, भैं इन छोटे -छोटे ऩॊखो से क्षऺततज तक
उड़ता मा कपय साॉसे पूर जाती | कोई बी एक बफॊद ु ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
प्रश्न-15 कोई से बी चाय प्रश्न के लरए 2+2+2+2=8 अॊक
क- कोई बी चाय लशऺाओॊ ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
ख- श्रीकृष्ण ने ककमा क्मोंकक सौ अऩयाध कय ठदए थे |
ग - दम
ु ोधन ने , ऩुयोचन नाभक भॊरी से |
घ - बीष्भ थे | सम
ु च
ा न्द्र दे वता आठद को साऺी भानकय प्रततऻा कयने के कायण |
ड- खाने भें जहय लभराकय , रताओॊ से फाॊधकय गॊगा भें फहामा |
च - सूमा एवॊ कुॊती का | अचधयथ नाभक सायचथ ने ककमा |
प्रश्न-16- भूल्मऩयक प्रश्न कोई सा एक प्रश्न 3 अॊक
क- भाधवदास के ऩास सबी सवु वधाएॉ होना , कपय बी सॊतोष नहीॊ है , अकेराऩन होना | एक ठदन चचडड़मा
की फच्ची का आना औय चहचहाय से आकवषात कयना | भाधवदास चाहता है कक वह उसका भन फहराए |
मही वजह है कक वह चचडड़मा को बी यखने हे तु रारावऩत हो उिता है |
ख-अऩने घय का ऩता माद यखना , अकेरे अनजान जगह ऩय न जाना , भाता-वऩता का भोफाइर नॊ माद
यखना , अजनफी से फातें न कयना , अकेरे न जाना , अनजान से खाने की वास्त्तु न रेना आठद कोई बी
तीन बफन्दओ
ु ॊ ऩय ऩूये अॊक |
प्रश्न-17- कोई से एक ववषम ऩय तनफॊध / अनच्
ु छे द , कुर 7 अॊक
प्रस्त्तावना ----------------------------१.५
ववषम-वास्त्त-ु -------------------------३
प्रश्न-18- ककसी एक ऩय ऩर के लरए 5 अॊक
ठदनाॊक , ऩता , सॊफोधन , अलबवादन , प्रायॊ ब ----------२
ववषम-वास्त्त-ु ----------------------------------------------२
ऩयभाणु ऊजाा केन्द्रीम ववदमारम, यावतबाटा
अध्दा वावषाक ऩयीऺा-2019
अॊक मोजना
कऺा – सातवीॊ सभम – 1.30 घॊटा
ववषम – सॊस्त्कृत ऩण
ू ाांक – 40
प्र.1अ औय आ. लशऺक स्त्ववववेकानस
ु ाय सही अथा ऩय अॊक दें ।
प्र.2 क. आकाश ख. वववऩनबफहायीदासेन ग. तुन्दस्त्म घ. लशव् ङ. रम् 5
प्र.3 लशऺक स्त्ववववेकानुसाय अॊक प्रदान कयें 4
प्र.4 अशोकचक्भ प्रगते् न्मामस्त्म च प्रवताकभ ्। 2.5
बरवणाध्वजस्त्य़ स्त्वीकयणॊ 22 जर
ु ाई 1947 तभे वषे जातभ ्।
केशयवणा् शौमास्त्म त्मागस्त्म च सूचक्।
हरयतवणा् सुषभामा् उवायतामा् च सूचक्।
बरवणाध्वजस्त्म स्त्वाधीनतामा् याष्रगौयवस्त्म च प्रतीक्।
प्र.5 लशऺक स्त्ववववेकानस
ु ाय अॊक प्रदान कयें । 5
प्र.6 सभानाथाक शब्दों का लभरान कीजजए। 2.5
लशरामाॊ प्रस्त्तये
ऩशव् जन्तव्
अम्फा भाता
नेराणण नमनातन
तष्ू णीभ ् भौनभ ्
प्र.7 उऩरय, फठह्, सुरबभ ्, तनच्चै् 2
प्र.8 उऩरय, अरॊ, फठह, अध्, अन्त् 2.5
प्र.9 आभ, न, आभ, न, आभ 2.5
प्र.10 एतभ ् एतौ एतान 3
एतेन एताभ्माभ ् एतौ
प्र.11 चरयष्मतत चरयष्मत् चरयष्मजन्त 3
चरयष्मालभ चरयष्माव् चरयष्माभ्