Chemistry of Life
Chemistry of Life
Chemistry of Life
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In Chapter 2, students will use diagrams, lab activities, and analogies to learn about
the chemistry of life. In the Chapter Mystery, they will apply basic chemical principles
to understand how certain fish can survive without oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
At the end of the chapter, students will demonstrate their understanding of the
molecular basis of life by creating a storybook on the topic for a lower grade.
32 Chapter 2
What’s Online
• 2.1 The Nature of Matter Most fish, just like you and other Extend your reach by using
• 2.2 Properties of Water vertebrates, have red blood. Red these and other digital assets offered at
blood cells carry oxygen, a gas
• 2.3 Carbon Compounds essential for life. The cells’ red color
• 2.4 Chemical Reactions and Enzymes comes from an oxygen-binding protein CHAPTER MYSTERY
called hemoglobin. In The Ghostly Fish, students can investigate the
But a very small number of fish chemistry involved in an organism that lacks red
don’t have such cells. Their blood is blood cells.
clear—almost transparent. Because
they live in cold antarctic waters and
have a ghostly appearance, they are
Follow the Untamed Science crew as they explore the
nicknamed “ice fish.” How do these
unique chemistry of water.
animals manage to survive without red
blood cells?
As you read this chapter, look
for clues to help you explain the ice
fish’s unusual feature. Think about the
chemistry that might be involved. Then,
solve the mystery.
This animation shows the process of salt crystals dis-
solving in water.
Students can analyze data about the ecological
impact of acid rain.
• Untamed Science Video • Chapter Mystery VISUAL ANALOGY
The Chemistry of Life 33
Using this animation, students can further explore
the lock-and-key analogy for an enzyme and its
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Chapter 2
Big Idea: Matter
and Energy 2.1 GQ: What is the matter in organisms
made of?
34 Chapter 2 • Lesson 1
Elements and Isotopes
How are all of the isotopes of an element similar? Teach
A chemical element is a pure substance that consists entirely of one
type of atom. More than 100 elements are known, but only about
two dozen are commonly found in living organisms. Elements Use Models
are represented by one- or two-letter symbols. C, for example,
stands for carbon, H for hydrogen, Na for sodium, and Hg Have students model isotopes using beads of two
for mercury. The number of protons in the nucleus of an different colors to represent protons and neutrons.
element is called its atomic number. Carbon’s atomic number Tell them to place six beads of one color and six
is 6, meaning that each atom of carbon has six protons and,
consequently, six electrons. See Appendix E, The Periodic Table,
beads of the other color together in a pile on their
which shows the elements. desk. Explain that each pile of beads represents the
nucleus of a carbon-12 atom. Then, tell students to
Isotopes Atoms of an element may have different numbers of neu-
select more beads as needed to model the nuclei of
trons. For example, although all atoms of carbon have six protons,
some have six neutrons, some seven, and a few have eight. Atoms of carbon-13 and carbon-14 isotopes.
the same element that differ in the number of neutrons they contain
FIGURE 2–2 Droplets of Mercury Ask How many protons does each isotope have?
are known as isotopes. The total number of protons and neutrons in
the nucleus of an atom is called its mass number. Isotopes are identi- Mercury, a silvery-white metallic (six) How many electrons? (six)
element, is liquid at room temperature
fied by their mass numbers. Figure 2–3 shows the subatomic compo- and forms droplets. It is extremely Add a proton bead to a student’s model of
sition of carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14 atoms. The weighted poisonous.
average of the masses of an element’s isotopes is called its atomic mass.
“Weighted” means that the abundance of each isotope in nature is Ask Do the beads still model the nucleus of a carbon
considered when the average is calculated. Because they have the isotope? (No; carbon isotopes have six protons.)
same number of electrons, all isotopes of an element have the same
chemical properties.
Isotopes of Carbon L1 Struggling Students Have students use a dif-
FIGURE 2–3 Carbon Isotopes
Isotope Number of Number of Number of Isotopes of carbon all have 6 protons
ferent element to make sure they understand the
Protons Electrons Neutrons but different numbers of neutrons—6, general relationship between atoms and isotopes.
7, or 8. They are identified by the total
6 6 6 number of protons and neutrons in the
Tell students that an atom of helium has two protons
nucleus: carbon–12, carbon–13, and and two neutrons in its nucleus.
Carbon–13 6 carbon–14. Classify Which isotope
6 7
of carbon is radioactive? Ask How many protons and neutrons are in the
Carbon–14 6 6 8
(radioactive) nucleus of the isotope helium-5? (two protons and
three neutrons)
Radioactive Isotopes Some isotopes are radioactive, meaning that
Ask How many electrons do helium and helium-5
their nuclei are unstable and break down at a constant rate over time. have? (two)
The radiation these isotopes give off can be dangerous, but radioactive
isotopes have a number of important scientific and practical uses.
Geologists can determine the ages of rocks and fossils by analyz- ELL Focus on ELL:
ing the isotopes found in them. Radiation from certain isotopes can
be used to detect and treat cancer and to kill bacteria that cause food
Extend Language
to spoil. Radioactive isotopes can also be used as labels or “tracers” to BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE SPEAKERS
follow the movements of substances within organisms. Have students complete an ELL Frayer Model
In Your Notebook Draw a diagram of a helium atom, which has an for each vocabulary term as it is introduced in
atomic number of 2. the lesson. They should define each term in their
own words. For example, they might define the
The Chemistry of Life 35 term atom as “the tiniest particle that makes
up matter.” Their drawing of an atom might
be based on Figure 2–1, and they might list a
0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S1.indd 2 6/2/09 5:57:34 PM carbon atom as an example. If possible, have
students translate each term into their own
How Science Works language, or have them write a definition of the
THE SAME YET DIFFERENT term in their native language.
In the early nineteenth century, British chemist John Dalton proposed several highly Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S26, ELL Frayer
significant postulates about matter. One of Dalton’s postulates was that all atoms of Model. Transparencies, GO10.
a given element are identical. About a century later, scientists working on radioactive
decay discovered that many atoms seemed to refute Dalton’s postulate. For example,
another British chemist and physicist, Francis Aston, found that neon atoms can have
a mass number of either 20 or 22. He suggested that atoms with both mass numbers Answers
should be considered neon, given that they both have the same number of protons FIGURE 2–3 carbon-14
and differ only in their number of neutrons. He called them isotopes, based on a term
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Students’ diagrams should
coined earlier by the British chemist Frederick Soddy. Soddy had conceived of the
resemble Figure 2–1 but show an atom with two
idea of isotopes (from the Greek words for “same” and “place”) to describe different
protons, two neutrons, and two electrons.
atoms that could occupy the same place in the periodic table.
The Chemistry of Life 35
LESSON 2.1 Chemical Compounds
Teach continued In what ways do compounds differ from their
component elements?
In nature, most elements are found combined with other elements
Build Science Skills in compounds. A chemical compound is a substance formed by the
chemical combination of two or more elements in definite propor-
Demonstrate how different chemical compounds tions. Scientists show the composition of compounds by a kind of
that contain the same elements may vary in their shorthand known as a chemical formula. Water, which contains two
properties. Place tap water in a beaker labeled atoms of hydrogen for each atom of oxygen, has the chemical formula
H2O. The formula for table salt, NaCl, indicates that the elements that
H2O and a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide in make up table salt—sodium and chlorine—combine in a 1 : 1 ratio.
a beaker labeled H2O2 . As students observe, pour The physical and chemical properties of a compound are
a few drops of each liquid onto two pieces of the usually very different from those of the elements from which it is
same colored fabric. Students will see that the water formed. For example, hydrogen and oxygen, which are gases at room
BUILD Vocabulary temperature, can combine explosively and form liquid water. Sodium
only wets the fabric, while the hydrogen peroxide
RELATED WORD FORMS The verb is a silver-colored metal that is soft enough to cut with a knife. It reacts
bleaches it. Challenge students to infer why the react means to act in response to explosively with water. Chlorine is very reactive, too. It is a poisonous,
two compounds behave so differently, even though something. The adjective reactive
yellow-greenish gas that was used in battles during World War I. Sodium
describes the tendency to respond
they contain the same elements. ( The elements or react. chloride, table salt, is a white solid that dissolves easily in water. As you
are combined in different proportions in the two know, sodium chloride is not poisonous. In fact, it is essential for the
compounds, which gives each compound different survival of most living things.
chemical properties.)
Chemical Bonds
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION What are the main types of chemical bonds?
reality. Use the analogy of a model car to make this either Na or Cl—that they then hold up
point by discussing as a class how a model car differs during the activity.
from a real car. Then, explain some of the ways that ANALYZE AND CONCLUDE
simple atomic models differ from real atoms. PURPOSE Students will model the 1. Students representing Na lose
attraction between oppositely charged one kernel and become posi-
ions in an ionic compound. tive. Students representing Cl gain
MATERIALS bags of popcorn one kernel and become negative.
kernels, paper 2. Sample answer: We huddled close
SAFETY Tell students not to eat any of together to represent Na+ ions sur-
the popcorn kernels and to wash their rounding Cl – ions, and Cl – ions sur-
hands after they finish the lab. rounding Na+ ions. Describe how
PLANNING Review how bonds hold
the ions are closely packed to form a
together the atoms in compounds. Have crystal lattice.
students create labels for themselves—
36 Chapter 2 • Lesson 1
A. Ionic Bonding
Sodium atom (Na) + Chlorine atom (Cl) Sodium ion (Na+) + Chloride ion (Cl–)
Build Study Skills
Use familiar phenomena as analogies to help stu-
dents understand and distinguish between ionic and
covalent bonds. After students have read about the
two types of bonds, explain that ionic bonding can
be summed up as “opposites attract.” Electrons are
of electron
transferred from one atom to the other, forming
positive and negative ions that attract and bind with
Protons +11 Protons +17 Protons +11 Protons +17 one another like the north and south poles of two
Electrons –11 Electrons –17 Electrons –10 Electrons –18
magnets. You may want to use magnets to demon-
Charge 0 Charge 0 Charge +1 Charge –1
strate this type of attraction. Then, explain that cova-
B. Covalent Bonding lent bonding involves the sharing of electrons. When
electrons are shared between atoms, the atoms bind
Ionic Bonds An ionic bond is formed when one or more –
– together like two people sharing the same umbrella.
electrons are transferred from one atom to another. Recall that Challenge students to think of other analogies for
atoms are electrically neutral because they have equal numbers covalent bonds in which two people or objects are
– O –
of protons and electrons. An atom that loses electrons becomes
held together by sharing something between them.
positively charged. An atom that gains electrons has a negative – – –
charge. These positively and negatively charged atoms are known – –
Figure 2–4A shows how ionic bonds form between sodium
LPR Less Proficient Readers Have students work
and chlorine in table salt. A sodium atom easily loses its one
valence electron and becomes a sodium ion (Na+). A chlorine Water molecule (H2O) together in pairs to make a Venn Diagram for
atom easily gains an electron and becomes a chloride ion (Cl-). ionic and covalent bonds. Similarities might include
In a salt crystal, there are trillions of sodium and chloride ions. FIGURE 2–4 Ionic Bonding and
Covalent Bonding A. The compound that they hold atoms together. Differences might
These oppositely charged ions have a strong attraction, forming
an ionic bond.
sodium chloride forms when sodium include that ionic bonds involve the transfer of
loses its valence electron to chlorine.
B. In a water molecule, each hydrogen electrons, whereas covalent bonds involve the
Covalent Bonds Sometimes electrons are shared by atoms atom shares two electrons with the sharing of electrons.
instead of being transferred. What does it mean to share elec- oxygen atom.
trons? It means that the moving electrons actually travel about Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S33, Venn Diagram.
the nuclei of both atoms, forming a covalent bond. When the Transparencies, GO18.
atoms share two electrons, the bond is called a single covalent
bond. Sometimes the atoms share four electrons and form a L3 Advanced Students Challenge creative stu-
double bond. In a few cases, atoms can share six electrons, form- dents to develop three-dimensional or computer-
ing a triple bond. The structure that results when atoms are joined
together by covalent bonds is called a molecule. The molecule
generated models of ionic and covalent bonds. Their
is the smallest unit of most compounds. The diagram of a water Fish do not break water models should show how the two types of bonds
molecules into their form and how they differ. Ask students to present
molecule in Figure 2–4B shows that each hydrogen atom is
component atoms to
joined to water’s lone oxygen atom by a single covalent bond. obtain oxygen. Rather, their models to the class.
When atoms of the same element join together, they also form a they use oxygen gas
molecule. Oxygen molecules in the air you breathe consist of two dissolved in the water.
oxygen atoms joined by covalent bonds. How are the atoms in an
oxygen molecule (O2)
joined together?
Students should respond that the atoms
In Your Notebook In your own words, describe the differences
between ionic and covalent bonds. in an oxygen molecule are joined
together by covalent bonds. Ask them
to predict what factors might affect how much oxy-
Lesson 2.1 • Art Review 37
gen will dissolve in water. Students can go online to to gather their evidence.
0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S1.indd 4 6/2/09 5:57:42 PM
REMEDIATION SUGGESTION Review Key Concepts 4. a. Review What are two types of bonds that
1. a. Review Describe the structure of an atom. hold the atoms within a compound together?
L1 Struggling Students If students have trouble
b. Infer An atom of calcium contains 20 pro- b. Classify A potassium atom easily loses
with Question 5, have them reread the first para- its one valence electron. What type of bond
graph of the lesson. tons. How many electrons does it have?
will it form with a chlorine atom?
2. a. Review Why do all isotopes of an element
have the same chemical properties?
b. Compare and Contrast Compare the struc-
Students can check their under- ture of carbon–12 and carbon–14.
3. a. Review What is a compound? Matter and Energy
standing of lesson concepts with the Self-
b. Apply Concepts Water (H2O) and hydrogen 5. Why do you think it is important that
Test assessment. They can then take an online peroxide (H2O2) both consists of hydrogen and biologists have a good understanding
version of the Lesson Assessment. oxygen atoms. Explain why they have different of chemistry?
chemical and physical properties.
38 Chapter 2 • Lesson 1
Assessment Answers
1a. An atom is an extremely small particle
with a nucleus in the center. The nucleus 0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S1.indd 5 6/2/09 5:57:45 PM
3a. a substance formed by the chemical com- take place within and outside their bodies.
is formed of smaller particles called pro-
bination of two or more elements in defi- Therefore, to understand living things,
tons, which are positively charged, and
nite proportions biologists need to have a good under-
neutrons, which have no charge. Smaller
3b. The two compounds have different proper- standing of chemistry.
particles called electrons, which are nega-
tively charged, are in constant motion in ties because they contain hydrogen and
the space surrounding the nucleus. oxygen in different proportions.
1b. 20 electrons 4a. ionic bonds and covalent bonds
2a. because they all have the same number of 4b. an ionic bond
protons and electrons 5. Sample answer: Like all matter,
2b. Carbon-12 and carbon-14 each have living things are made up of
six protons and six electrons. However, elements and chemical com-
carbon-12 has six neutrons, whereas pounds. In addition, the survival of living
carbon-14 has eight neutrons. things depends on chemical reactions that
38 Chapter 2 • Lesson 1
Connect to the Real World
After students read the feature, have them discuss
their own experiences with adhesive bandages.
If it works for the gecko, why not for us? That’s Ask What are some situations in which adhesive
A Nature-Inspired bandages don’t stay on very well? (when they are
the thinking of researchers at the Massachusetts
Adhesive Institute of Technology, who have now used the placed on hands or other surfaces that often get
People who keep geckos as pets have always same principle to produce a bandage. This new wet; when they are placed on knees and other
marveled at the way these little lizards can climb bandage is held to tissue by van der Waals places that bend often)
up vertical surfaces, even smooth glass walls, forces alone. Special materials make it possible
for the new bandage to work even on moist sur- Ask Why don’t bandages stay on well in these situa-
and then hang on by a single toe despite the
pull of gravity. How do they do it? No, they do faces, which means that it may be used to reseal tions? ( The adhesive stops sticking after it gets wet
not have some sort of glue on their feet and they internal tissues after surgery. By learning a trick or is loosened repeatedly by a joint bending.)
don’t have suction cups. Incredibly, they use van or two from the gecko, scientists may have found Ask Why might the new bandages described in
der Waals forces. a way to help heal wounds, and even save lives
the text work better in these situations? ( They stay
A gecko foot is covered by as many as half a in the process.
in place with van der Waals forces even without
million tiny hairlike projections. Each projection
is further divided into hundreds of tiny, flat- Suppose you are a doctor reviewing
surfaced fibers. This design allows the gecko’s this new bandage for its potential applications. In Ask What do doctors typically use to hold together
what ways might you use such a bandage? Present
foot to come in contact with an extremely large
your ideas as a list.
tissues after surgery? (stitches or staples)
area of the wall at the molecular level. Van der
Ask Why might bandages be a better alternative?
Waals forces form between molecules on the
( They might cause less pain and bleeding; they might
surface of the gecko’s foot and molecules on the
surface of the wall. This allows the gecko to actu- hold tissues together more smoothly and with fewer
ally balance the pull of gravity. gaps than stitches or staples.)
L1 Special Needs Students may have difficulty
40 Chapter 2 • Lesson 2
Hydrogen Bonding Because of their partial positive and negative
charges, polar molecules such as water can attract each other. The (–)
attraction between a hydrogen atom on one water molecule and the
oxygen atom on another is known as a hydrogen bond. Hydrogen
Hydrogen Bond Teach
bonds are not as strong as covalent or ionic bonds, and they can form
in other compounds as well. Because water is a polar molecule, O
H Build Study Skills
it is able to form multiple hydrogen bonds, which account for many
of water’s special properties. Tell students that visualization is a good way to
䊳Cohesion Cohesion is an attraction between molecules of the same remember material they are studying. Suggest they
substance. Because a single water molecule may be involved in as many form mental images of the major concepts intro-
as four hydrogen bonds at the same time, water is extremely cohesive. duced on this page. For example, to remember
Cohesion causes water molecules to be drawn together, which is why cohesion, they might envision water forming beads
drops of water form beads on a smooth surface. Cohesion also produces
on a waxed car. Have the class brainstorm ideas for
surface tension, explaining why some insects and spiders can walk on a
pond’s surface, as shown in Figure 2–7. mental images to help them remember adhesion and
high heat capacity.
䊳Adhesion On the other hand, adhesion is an attraction between
molecules of different substances. Have you ever been told to read the
volume in a graduated cylinder at eye level? As shown in Figure 2–8, DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION
the surface of the water in the graduated cylinder dips slightly in the LPR Less Proficient Readers Draw a Cause and
center because the adhesion between water molecules and glass mol-
ecules is stronger than the cohesion between water molecules. Adhe- Effect Diagram on the board with one Cause box,
sion between water and glass also causes water to rise in a narrow tube FIGURE 2–7 Hydrogen Bonding
and three Effect boxes. Ask students to redraw this
against the force of gravity. This effect is called capillary action. Capil- and Cohesion Each molecule of diagram on a sheet of paper. Then, have them fill
lary action is one of the forces that draws water out of the roots of a water can form multiple hydrogen
bonds with other water molecules.
it in to help them relate hydrogen bonding with
plant and up into its stems and leaves. Cohesion holds the column of
The strong attraction between water’s properties of cohesion, adhesion, and high
water together as it rises. water molecules produces a force
sometimes called “surface tension,”
heat capacity. Suggest they use simple sketches to
䊳Heat Capacity Another result of the multiple hydrogen bonds which can support very lightweight represent hydrogen bonding and each of its effects.
between water molecules is that it takes a large amount of heat energy objects, such as this raft spider.
to cause those molecules to move faster, which raises the temperature of Apply Concepts Why are water Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S18, Cause and Effect
the water. Therefore, water’s heat capacity, the amount of heat energy molecules attracted to one another?
Diagram. Transparencies, GO1.
required to increase its temperature, is relatively high. This allows large
bodies of water, such as oceans and lakes, to absorb large amounts of
heat with only small changes in temperature. The organisms living
within are thus protected from drastic changes in temperature. At the ELL Focus on ELL:
cellular level, water absorbs the heat produced by cell processes, regu- Access Content
lating the temperature of the cell.
ALL SPEAKERS Pair beginning and intermediate
In Your Notebook Draw a diagram of a meniscus. Label where speakers with advanced or advanced high
cohesion and adhesion occur.
speakers. Have partners use the lesson figures
to preview the properties of water that are
described in the lesson. Tell students to write one
FIGURE 2–8 Adhesion Adhesion
between water and glass molecules is
or two questions that are raised by each figure.
responsible for causing the water in For example, for Figure 2–6, they might write,
these columns to rise. The surface of the What is a polar molecule? As students read the
water in the glass column dips slightly
in the center, forming a curve called lesson, they should try to find answers to their
a meniscus. questions. At the end of the lesson, as you
review lesson content, ask partners to share their
questions and answers with the class.
The Chemistry of Life 41
Quick Facts
In addition to the properties described in the text, water has other unique properties
that are important to life on Earth. One property is its high boiling point. Because of
this property, water remains in a liquid state over most of Earth’s surface. This is cru- Answers
cial for life, because virtually all organisms need liquid water to survive. Unlike most FIGURE 2–7 The hydrogen atoms have a slight
other compounds, water is less dense as a solid than it is as a liquid. This causes ice negative charge, and the oxygen atoms have a slight
to float on water in temperate zone lakes in the winter. The floating ice insulates the positive charge.
water beneath it and prevents it from freezing. This, in turn, allows aquatic organisms
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Diagrams should resemble
that live in the water to survive during cold weather.
Figure 2–8, with the meniscus curving downward.
Arrows should point to where water meets glass
(adhesion), and to the water (cohesion).
Increasingly Basic
reaction can be summarized by a chemical equation in which Ammonia solution
bases, and pH. Point out that pH is a measure of
double arrows are used to show that the reaction can occur in 11 hydrogen ion concentration. Then, explain that acids
either direction.
10 Soap
have a higher hydrogen ion concentration and bases
H2O H+ + OH–
a lower hydrogen ion concentration than pure water.
Have students find the value for pure water on the
water hydrogen ion + hydroxide ion 8 Seawater pH scale. (7) After explaining that the pH of pure
Human blood water is the point of neutrality on the scale, have
How often does this happen? In pure water, about 1 Neutral 7 Pure water
water molecule in 550 million splits to form ions in this way. Milk students find the pH of stomach acid and bleach.
6 Normal rainfall
Because the number of positive hydrogen ions produced is
Ask How does the hydrogen ion concentration of
Increasingly Acidic
equal to the number of negative hydroxide ions produced, 5
pure water is neutral. Acid rain stomach acid and bleach compare with that of pure
4 Tomato juice water? (H+ ion concentration is higher for stomach
The pH Scale Chemists devised a measurement system
called the pH scale to indicate the concentration of H+ ions 3 acid and lower for bleach.)
Lemon juice
in solution. As Figure 2–10 shows, the pH scale ranges from 0 2
to 14. At a pH of 7, the concentration of H+ ions and OH– ions Stomach acid DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION
is equal. Pure water has a pH of 7. Solutions with a pH below 7 1
are called acidic because they have more H+ ions than OH– L1 Struggling Students It may seem counterintui-
ions. The lower the pH, the greater the acidity. Solutions with a tive to students that pH, which measures hydrogen
pH above 7 are called basic because they have more OH– ions ion concentration, decreases as the hydrogen ion
than H+ ions. The higher the pH, the more basic the solu- FIGURE 2–10 The pH Scale The
concentration increases. To reinforce the fact that
tion. Each step on the pH scale represents a factor of 10. For concentration of H+ ions determines
example, a liter of a solution with a pH of 4 has 10 times as whether solutions are acidic or basic. hydrogen ion concentration and pH have an inverse
The most acidic material on this pH relationship, have students create a simple, Two-
many H+ ions as a liter of a solution with a pH of 5. scale is stomach acid. The most basic
material on this scale is oven cleaner. Column Table to help them remember the relation-
In Your Notebook Order these items in order of increasing
acidity: soap, lemon juice, milk, acid rain.
ship between pH and hydrogen ion concentration.
Students should make a column for pH and another
for Hydrogen ion concentration. Then, ask them to
fill in “high” and “low” accordingly in the table, to
show that low pH = high H+ concentration, and high
pH = low H+ concentration.
Acidic and Basic Foods 4 Use a scalpel to cut a piece off each solid. Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S31, Two-Column
CAUTION: Be careful not to cut yourself. Do not eat Table. Transparencies, GO16.
the food. Touch the cut surface of each sample to a
1 Predict whether the food samples provided square of pH paper. Use a dropper pipette to place a
are acidic or basic. drop of any liquid sample on a square of pH paper.
Record the pH of each sample in your data table. Have students access Data Analy-
2 Tear off a 2-inch piece of pH paper for each
sample you will test. Place these pieces on a Analyze and Conclude sis: Acid Rain to use data to learn more
paper towel. 1. Analyze Data Were most of the samples acidic about the ecological impact of acid rain.
or basic?
3 Construct a data table in which you will
record the name and pH of each food sample. 2. Evaluate Was your prediction correct?
Address Misconceptions
The Chemistry of Life 43 Corrosive Properties of Bases Most students know
that strong acids are harsh solutions that may “eat
away” other substances, but many do not realize
0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S2.indd 43 6/9/09 1:22:17 PM that bases can be corrosive too. Show the class a
juices. Most foods are at least slightly bottle of drain cleaner. Point out that it contains
acidic, but there are a few exceptions, sodium hydroxide, a base. Sodium hydroxide will
including egg white and tofu. You may “eat away” at the clog, eliminating it.
PURPOSE Students will make and test
want to include one of these foods. If
predictions about which foods are acidic you use egg white, cook it first to kill
and which are basic. any bacteria. Items can be placed in
small, paper sample cups available from
MATERIALS solid foods and fruit
restaurant or party supply stores.
juices, pH paper, paper towel, scalpel,
dropper pipette ANALYZE AND CONCLUDE
SAFETY Warn students to handle 1. Answers will vary depending on the
scalpels with care. Remind them not to food and juice samples tested. Answers
eat any of the foods tested in the lab. 2. Students’ predictions were correct if IN YOUR NOTEBOOK soap, milk, acid rain, lemon
PLANNING Prepare small samples
they agree with the pH test results. juice
of a variety of solid foods and fruit
The Chemistry of Life 43
LESSON 2.2 FIGURE 2–11 Buffers Buffers help prevent
drastic changes in pH. Adding acid to an
Acids Where do all those extra H+ ions in a low-pH
solution come from? They come from acids. An acid is any
Teach continued unbuffered solution causes the pH of the
unbuffered solution to drop. If the solution compound that forms H+ ions in solution. Acidic solutions
contain higher concentrations of H+ ions than pure water
contains a buffer, however, adding the acid
will cause only a slight change in pH. and have pH values below 7. Strong acids tend to have pH
Connect to Health Science values that range from 1 to 3. The hydrochloric acid (HCl)
produced by the stomach to help digest food is a strong acid.
Explain that normal blood pH is between 7.35–7.45. Base Neutral Acid
A lower or higher blood pH can be a sign of ill Bases A base is a compound that produces hydroxide (OH–)
health. Have students discuss why regulating blood ions in solution. Basic, or alkaline, solutions contain lower
concentrations of H+ ions than pure water and have pH values
pH is vital to maintaining homeostasis. above 7. Strong bases, such as the lye (commonly NaOH) used
in soapmaking, tend to have pH values ranging from 11 to 14.
Buffers The pH of the fluids within most cells in the
L3 Advanced Students Explain that the acid- human body must generally be kept between 6.5 and 7.5.
ity of blood is reduced by the actions of the kid- If the pH is lower or higher, it will affect the chemical reac-
Unbuffered base + acid = acidic pH tions that take place within the cells. Thus, controlling pH
neys and lungs. The kidneys filter out and excrete is important for maintaining homeostasis. One of the ways
excess H ions from the blood, while the lungs that organisms control pH is through dissolved compounds
exhale more CO2 when blood acid levels are high. called buffers. Buffers are weak acids or bases that can react
Ask students how blood pH might be affected by FPO #1977 with strong acids or bases to prevent sharp, sudden changes
a disease that reduced lung function. (The blood in pH. Blood, for example, has a normal pH of 7.4. Sudden
changes in blood pH are usually prevented by a number of
might be more acidic.) chemical buffers, such as bicarbonate and phosphate ions.
Buffers dissolved in life’s fluids play an important role
in maintaining homeostasis in organisms.
Have students write a paragraph that explains how
the concentration of hydrogen ions determines the
acid-base properties of a solution. Then, have them
complete the 2.2 Assessment. Review Key Concepts c. Infer During exercise, many chemical
1. a. Review What does it mean when a molecule changes occur in the body, including a drop in
REMEDIATION SUGGESTION is said to be “polar”? blood pH, which can be very serious. How is
the body able to cope with such changes?
L1 Special Needs If students have difficulty b. Explain How do hydrogen bonds between
water molecules occur?
answering Question 1c, remind them that a polar
c. Use Models Use the structure of a water
molecule is like a magnet: it has a positive end and a molecule to explain why it is polar. Creative Writing
negative end. Then, have them study Figure 2–7. 2. a. Review Why is water such a good solvent? 4. Suppose you are a writer for a natural history
b. Compare and Contrast What is the differ- magazine for children. This month’s issue will
ence between a solution and a suspension? feature insects. Write a paragraph explaining
why some bugs, such as the water strider, can
Students can check their under- 3. a. Review What is an acid? What is a base?
walk on water.
standing of lesson concepts with the Self- b. Explain The acid hydrogen fluoride (HF)
can be dissolved in pure water. Will the pH of
Test assessment. They can then take an online the solution be greater or less than 7?
version of the Lesson Assessment.
Lesson 2.2 • Self-Test • Lesson Assessment
44 Chapter 2 • Lesson 2
Assessment Answers
1a. A molecule is polar when there is an
uneven distribution of electrons between 0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S2.indd 5 6/2/09 5:58:46 PM
molecule, and the hydrogen atoms are on hydrogen ions in solution. A base forms
its atoms. This causes the molecule to have
the other end. Therefore, the oxygen end hydroxide ions in solution.
an area with a slight negative charge and
of the molecule is slightly negative while 3b. The pH of the solution will be less than 7.
an area with a slight positive charge.
the hydrogen end is slightly positive—
1b. A hydrogen bond occurs when the slight 3c. A drop in blood pH is countered by chemi-
resulting in a polar molecule.
positive charge on a hydrogen atom in one cal buffers such as bicarbonate and phos-
2a. Water is such a good solvent because of phate ions.
water molecule is attracted to the slight
its polarity. It can dissolve both ionic com-
negative charge on the oxygen atom in
pounds and other polar molecules.
another water molecule.
2b. A solution is a mixture of two or more 4. Each molecule of water can form multi-
1c. With eight protons in its nucleus, the
substances in which the molecules of the ple hydrogen bonds with other water
oxygen atom in a water molecule has a
substances are evenly distributed. A sus- molecules. The strong attraction between
much stronger attraction for electrons than
pension is a mixture of water and nondis- water molecules produces “surface ten-
do the hydrogen atoms in the molecule.
solved materials. sion,” which can support very lightweight
The oxygen atom is on one end of the
3a. An acid is a compound that forms objects, such as the water strider.
44 Chapter 2 • Lesson 2
Getting Started
Carbon Compounds Objectives
2.3.1 Describe the unique qualities of carbon.
2.3.2 Describe the structures and functions of each
THINK ABOUT IT In the early 1800s, many chemists called the Key Questions of the four groups of macromolecules.
compounds created by organisms “organic,” believing they were fun- What elements does carbon
damentally different from compounds in nonliving things. Today we bond with to make up life’s
understand that the principles governing the chemistry of living and molecules?
nonliving things are the same, but the term “organic chemistry” is still Student Resources
What are the functions
around. Today, organic chemistry means the study of compounds that of each of the four groups of Study Workbooks A and B, 2.3 Worksheets
contain bonds between carbon atoms, while inorganic chemistry is the macromolecules?
study of all other compounds. Spanish Study Workbook, 2.3 Worksheets
Lab Manual B, 2.3 Data Analysis Worksheet
The Chemistry of Carbon monomer • polymer •
carbohydrate •
What elements does carbon bond with to make up life’s monosaccharide • Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes
molecules? lipid • nucleic acid •
• Assessment: Self-Test, Lesson Assessment
nucleotide • protein •
Why is carbon so interesting that a whole branch of chemistry amino acid
should be set aside just to study carbon compounds? There are two
For corresponding lesson in the
reasons for this. First, carbon atoms have four valence electrons, allowing Taking Notes
them to form strong covalent bonds with many other elements. Compare/Contrast Table As you
Foundation Edition, see pages 37–41.
Carbon can bond with many elements, including hydrogen, read, make a table that compares
oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and nitrogen to form the molecules of and contrasts the four groups of
life. Living organisms are made up of molecules that consist of carbon organic compounds.
and these other elements.
Activate Prior Knowledge
Even more important, one carbon atom can bond to another, Ask students to name compounds they know that
which gives carbon the ability to form chains that are almost unlim- contain carbon. As they make suggestions, create a
ited in length. These carbon-carbon bonds can be single, double, or class list on the board. Use their list to start a discus-
triple covalent bonds. Chains of carbon atoms can even close up on
sion on the wide variety of carbon compounds that
themselves to form rings, as shown in Figure 2–12. Carbon has the
ability to form millions of different large and complex structures. No exist in nature.
other element even comes close to matching carbon’s versatility.
H H H H Answers
H H H H C H H C H FIGURE 2–12 three
Methane Acetylene Butadiene Benzene Isooctane
Lesson 2.3 • Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes 45
I, V
0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S3.indd 1 6/2/09 5:59:09 PM
Explain to your students that dehydration and hydro-
lysis reactions are extremely common in biochemical
processes. 46 Chapter 2 • Lesson 3
0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_S3.indd 2 6/2/09 5:59:16 PM
46 Chapter 2 • Lesson 3
䊳 Complex Carbohydrates The large macromolecules formed from
monosaccharides are known as polysaccharides. Many animals store
excess sugar in a polysaccharide called glycogen, which is sometimes Build Reading Skills
called “animal starch.” When the level of glucose in your blood runs
low, glycogen is broken down into glucose, which is then released into Ask students if they ever heard the expression, “A
the blood. The glycogen stored in your muscles supplies the energy for picture is worth 1000 words.” Tell them that looking
muscle contraction and, thus, for movement. at the photographs, diagrams, and graphs in their
Plants use a slightly different polysaccharide, called starch, to store textbook when they read can help them understand
excess sugar. Plants also make another important polysaccharide
the material. When they read about carbohydrates,
called cellulose. Tough, flexible cellulose fibers give plants much of
their strength and rigidity. Cellulose is the major component of both have them examine Figure 2–14, and when they
wood and paper, so you are actually looking at cellulose as you read read about lipids, have them look at Figure 2–15.
these words! The figures will help students understand the struc-
Lipids Lipids are a large and varied group of biological tures of the two types of macromolecules. For exam-
molecules that are generally not soluble in water. ple, Figure 2–15 will show them the composition of
Lipids are made mostly from carbon and hydrogen lipids and help them understand how saturated and
atoms. The common categories of lipids are fats, oils, and unsaturated lipids differ. Suggest they check their
waxes. Lipids can be used to store energy. Some comprehension by asking themselves: What makes
lipids are important parts of biological membranes
and waterproof coverings. Steroids synthesized by the the lipid in Figure 2–15 unsaturated?
body are lipids as well. Many steroids, such as hor-
mones, serve as chemical messengers. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION
Many lipids are formed when a glycerol mol-
ecule combines with compounds called fatty acids, L1 Special Needs Use Cloze Prompts to help
as shown in Figure 2–15. If each carbon atom in a students focus on the most important information
lipid’s fatty acid chains is joined to another carbon about lipids. Have them write the following prompts
atom by a single bond, the lipid is said to be satu- on a sheet of paper and try to fill in the missing
rated. The term saturated is used because the fatty
acids contain the maximum possible number of words as they read:
hydrogen atoms.
• Lipids are made mostly from carbon and ______.
If there is at least one carbon-carbon double
bond in a fatty acid, the fatty acid is said to be unsat- (hydrogen atoms)
urated. Lipids whose fatty acids contain more than • Lipids can be used to store ______. (energy)
one double bond are said to be polyunsaturated. If
the terms saturated and polyunsaturated seem famil- • Lipids are part of biological ______. (membranes
iar, you have probably seen them on food package and waterproof coverings)
labels. Lipids that contain unsaturated fatty acids, • Lipids contain glycerol and ______. (fatty acids)
such as olive oil, tend to be liquid at room tempera-
ture. Other cooking oils, such as corn oil, sesame • Lipids that are liquid at room temperature contain
oil, canola oil, and peanut oil, contain polyunsatu- ______ fatty acids. (unsaturated)
rated lipids.
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S2, Cloze Prompts.
In Your Notebook Compare and contrast
saturated and unsaturated fats. L3 Advanced Students Have students learn about
48 Chapter 2 • Lesson 3
䊳 Structure and Function More than 20 different amino Heme
acids are found in nature. All amino acids are identical in group
the regions where they may be joined together by covalent
bonds. This uniformity allows any amino acid to be joined
Assess and Remediate
to any other amino acid—by bonding an amino group EVALUATE UNDERSTANDING
to a carboxyl group. Proteins are among the most diverse
macromolecules. The reason is that amino acids differ from
Ask a volunteer to explain what macromolecules are.
each other in a side chain called the R-group, which have Ask another student to go to the board and list the
a range of different properties. Some R-groups are acidic four main groups of macromolecules found in organ-
and some are basic. Some are polar, some are nonpolar, and isms. Call on one student after another to describe
some even contain large ring structures. the structure or identify a function of one of the
䊳 Levels of Organization Amino acids are assembled into groups of macromolecules. Then, have students
polypeptide chains according to instructions coded in complete the 2.3 Assessment.
DNA. To help understand these large molecules, scien-
tists describe proteins as having four levels of structure. REMEDIATION SUGGESTION
A protein’s primary structure is the sequence of its amino Amino
acids. Secondary structure is the folding or coiling of LPR Less Proficient Readers If students have trou-
the polypeptide chain. Tertiary structure is the com- ble with Question 2c, have them reread the defini-
plete, three-dimensional arrangement of a polypeptide tion of polymer. Then, have them look closely at the
chain. Proteins with more than one chain are said to have structure of lipids in Figure 2–15 and the structure
a fourth level of structure, describing the way in which the
different polypeptides are arranged with respect to each of proteins in Figure 2–18.
other. Figure 2–18 shows these four levels of structure in
hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that helps FIGURE 2–18 Protein Structure
to transport oxygen in the bloodstream. The shape of a The protein hemoglobin consists of four subunits.
The iron-containing heme group in the center of Students can check their under-
protein is maintained by a variety of forces, including
each subunit gives hemoglobin its red color.
ionic and covalent bonds, as well as van der Waals forces An oxygen molecule binds tightly to each heme standing of lesson concepts with the Self-
and hydrogen bonds. In the next lesson, you will learn molecule. Interpret Visuals How many levels of Test assessment. They can then take an online
why a protein’s shape is so important. organization does hemoglobin have?
version of the Lesson Assessment.
Assessment Answers
1a. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, 2b. Sample answer: Carbohydrates provide
sulfur, and nitrogen energy, lipids store energy, nucleic acids
store and transmit hereditary information, 3a. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
1b. Carbon atoms can bond to the atoms of
many other elements. Carbon atoms can and proteins control the rate of reactions 3b. carbohydrates
also readily bond to one another to form and regulate cell processes.
short chains, long chains, or rings, and 2c. Proteins are considered polymers because
these bonds can be single, double, or triple they are made of chains of amino acids.
covalent bonds. This means that carbon Lipids are not considered polymers because
atoms can be combined to make millions they are not made of chains of smaller
of different types of structures. units; they are made of a glycerol molecule
2a. carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and combined with fatty acids.
The Chemistry of Life 49
LESSON 2.4 Chemical Reactions
Getting Started
and Enzymes
2.4.1 Explain how chemical reactions affect
chemical bonds.
2.4.2 Describe how energy changes affect how Key Questions THINK ABOUT IT Living things, as you have seen, are made up of
easily a chemical reaction will occur. What happens to chemical chemical compounds—some simple and some complex. But chem-
bonds during chemical reactions? istry isn’t just what life is made of—chemistry is also what life does.
2.4.3 Explain why enzymes are important to living Everything that happens in an organism—its growth, its interaction
How do energy changes
things. affect whether a chemical reac- with the environment, its reproduction, and even its movement—is
tion will occur? based on chemical reactions.
What role do enzymes play
Student Resources in living things and what affects
their function?
Chemical Reactions
Study Workbooks A and B, 2.4 Worksheets What happens to chemical bonds during chemical reactions?
Vocabulary A chemical reaction is a process that changes, or transforms, one set
Spanish Study Workbook, 2.4 Worksheets chemical reaction • reactant • of chemicals into another. An important scientific principle is that
product • activation energy • mass and energy are conserved during chemical transformations.
catalyst • enzyme • substrate
Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes This is also true for chemical reactions that occur in living organ-
• Activity: Visual Analogy • Assessment: Self- isms. Some chemical reactions occur slowly, such as the combination
Taking Notes
of iron and oxygen to form an iron oxide called rust. Other reactions
Test, Lesson Assessment Concept Map As you read,
occur quickly. The elements or compounds that enter into a chemical
make a concept map that shows
the relationship among the reaction are known as reactants. The elements or compounds pro-
For corresponding lesson in the vocabulary terms in this lesson. duced by a chemical reaction are known as products. Chemical
Foundation Edition, see pages 42–45. reactions involve changes in the chemical bonds that join atoms in
compounds. An important chemical reaction in your bloodstream
that enables carbon dioxide to be removed from the body is shown
in Figure 2–19.
Activate Prior Knowledge
Body Tissues Lungs
Ask students if they have ever put together a jigsaw
puzzle. Call on a volunteer to draw a simple sketch CO2 CO2
that shows how two adjacent puzzle pieces might
look. Ask students how they can tell that the two
puzzle pieces fit together. (They have complemen-
tary shapes.) Tell them that certain proteins called Capillary H2O
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
FIGURE 2–19 Carbon Dioxide in
enzymes fit together with other molecules in a the Bloodstream As it enters the
similar way. blood, carbon dioxide reacts with
water to produce carbonic acid
(H2CO3), which is highly soluble.
This reaction enables the blood to CO2 Air sac
carry carbon dioxide to the lungs.
In the lungs, the reaction is reversed
and produces carbon dioxide gas,
which you exhale.
50 Chapter 2 • Lesson 4
Energy in Reactions
How do energy changes affect whether a chemical reaction
will occur?
Energy is released or absorbed whenever chemical bonds are formed
or broken. This means that chemical reactions also involve changes Use Visuals
in energy.
Use Figure 2–20 to help students understand energy
Energy Changes Some chemical reactions release energy, and
other reactions absorb it. Energy changes are one of the most impor-
changes in reactions. Have each student copy the
tant factors in determining whether a chemical reaction will occur. two graphs in the figure, including all the arrows and
Chemical reactions that release energy often occur on their labels. When they finish copying the graphs, have
own, or spontaneously. Chemical reactions that absorb energy will them point out the arrows that represent activation
not occur without a source of energy. An example of an energy- energy in the graphs. Then, have students draw
releasing reaction is the burning of hydrogen gas, in which hydrogen
reacts with oxygen to produce water vapor.
similar arrows to represent the difference in energy
between the reactants and products in the two reac-
2H2 + O2 2H2O tions. Call on volunteers to describe, in their own
FIGURE 2–20 Activation Energy
The energy is released in the form of heat, and sometimes—when The peak of each graph represents words, the difference between the two graphs.
the energy needed for the reaction to
hydrogen gas explodes—light and sound. go forward. The difference between Ask What happens during a chemical reaction when
The reverse reaction, in which water is changed into hydrogen and this required energy and the energy products contain more energy than the reactants?
oxygen gas, absorbs so much energy that it generally doesn’t occur by of the reactants is the activation
itself. In fact, the only practical way to reverse the reaction is to pass energy. Interpret Graphs How (Energy is absorbed.)
do the energy of the reactants and
an electrical current through water to decompose water into hydro- products differ between an energy- Ask What happens during a chemical reaction when
gen gas and oxygen gas. Thus, in one direction the reaction produces absorbing reaction and an energy- products contain less energy than the reactants?
energy, and in the other direction the reaction requires energy. releasing reaction?
(Energy is released.)
Energy Sources In order to stay alive, organisms Energy-Absorbing Reaction Ask Which graph could represent a reaction in
need to carry out reactions that require energy. Because
which food is broken down for energy? (the energy-
matter and energy are conserved in chemical reactions,
every organism must have a source of energy to carry releasing reaction)
out chemical reactions. Plants get that energy by trap- Products
ping and storing the energy from sunlight in energy-rich DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION
compounds. Animals get their energy when they con-
Activation energy
sume plants or other animals. Humans release the energy ELL English Language Learners Remind students
needed to grow tall, to breathe, to think, and even to Reactants that reactants are the chemicals at the beginning of
dream through the chemical reactions that occur when a reaction and products are the chemicals at the end
we metabolize, or break down, digested food. Course of Reaction
of a reaction. One mnemonic device to help the stu-
Activation Energy Chemical reactions that release dents remember which is which, would be: “Reac-
Energy-Releasing Reaction
energy do not always occur spontaneously. That’s a good tants react to produce products.”
thing because if they did, the pages of this book might
burst into flames. The cellulose in paper burns in the
presence of oxygen and releases heat and light. However, Activation
paper burns only if you light it with a match, which sup-
plies enough energy to get the reaction started. Chemists
Address Misconceptions
call the energy that is needed to get a reaction started Reactants Spontaneous Chemical Reactions Students may tend
the activation energy. As Figure 2–20 shows, activation to equate “spontaneous” with “fast.” Explain to
energy is involved in chemical reactions regardless of students that spontaneous reactions do not neces-
whether the overall chemical reaction releases energy or Course of Reaction sarily occur quickly. A spontaneous reaction proceeds
absorbs energy.
on its own without an added source of energy, but it
could take quite a long time. For example, diamonds
The Chemistry of Life 51 spontaneously decay into graphite, but this process
takes millions of years!
Biology In-Depth
Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in living cells.
The reactions include both exothermic (energy-releasing) and endothermic (energy-
absorbing) reactions. Exothermic reactions make up catabolism—reactions that break
down molecules and release energy. An example of catabolism is the breakdown of
ATP to form ADP and a phosphate group. This reaction releases about 13 kilocalo- Answers
ries of energy per mole and provides most of the energy used by cells. Endothermic
FIGURE 2–20 Energy-absorbing reaction—the
reactions make up anabolism—reactions that synthesize macromolecules and
energy of the reactants is less than the energy
absorb energy. An example of anabolism is the synthesis of ATP from ADP and a
of the products; Energy-releasing reaction—the
phosphate group.
energy of the reactants is greater than the energy
of the products.
Reactants with enzyme
the enzyme.) Explain how lowering the activation Reaction pathway
energy speeds up the reaction by allowing many with enzyme Nature’s Catalysts Enzymes are proteins that act as
biological catalysts. Enzymes speed up chemical
more molecules to react. Have students look at
Products reactions that take place in cells. Like other catalysts,
Figure 2–22, and point out the cyclic nature of enzymes act by lowering the activation energies, as
Course of Reaction
the diagram. illustrated by the graph in Figure 2–21. Lowering the
Ask Why is a cycle diagram appropriate to show activation energy has a dramatic effect on how quickly
the reaction is completed. How big an effect does it
how an enzyme works? ( The enzyme can be used have? Consider the reaction in which carbon dioxide
over and over again, which allows the process to combines with water to produce carbonic acid.
keep repeating.)
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
FIGURE 2–22 An Enzyme-Catalyzed
Reaction The enzyme carbonic anhydrase
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION converts the substrates carbon dioxide
Left to itself, this reaction is so slow that carbon
and water into carbonic acid (H2CO3). dioxide might build up in the body faster than the
L1 Struggling Students Have students make a
Predicting What happens to the carbonic bloodstream could remove it. Your bloodstream contains
simplified Cycle Diagram of Figure 2–22 to show anhydrase after the products are released? an enzyme called carbonic anhydrase that speeds up the
the sequence of steps in an enzyme-catalyzed reac- Carbon dioxide
reaction by a factor of 10 million. With carbonic anhy-
tion. For each step in the diagram, they should write drase on the job, the reaction takes place immediately
Water and carbon dioxide is removed from the blood quickly.
a sentence describing in their own words what hap- Enzyme Substrates Enzymes are very specific, generally catalyzing
pens in that step. (carbonic bind to
enzyme only one chemical reaction. For this reason, part of an
enzyme’s name is usually derived from the reaction it
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S23, Cycle Diagram. catalyzes. Carbonic anhydrase gets its name because it
Transparencies, GO6. also catalyzes the reverse reaction that removes water
Active site
from carbonic acid.
The Enzyme-Substrate Complex How do enzymes
Enzyme -
substrate do their jobs? For a chemical reaction to take place,
Carbonic complex the reactants must collide with enough energy so that
Discuss Figure 2–23, the lock-and-key analogy, with acid
existing bonds will be broken and new bonds will be
the class. Have students identify what the lock, key, are released
formed. If the reactants do not have enough energy,
and keyhole represent in the analogy. (lock—enzyme; they will be unchanged after the collision.
Enzymes provide a site where reactants can be
key—substrates; keyhole—active site) Tell students
brought together to react. Such a site reduces the energy
that the analogy is a simplified representation of needed for reaction. The reactants of enzyme-catalyzed
what happens when substrates bind to the active site are converted reactions are known as substrates. Figure 2–22 pro-
of an enzyme. For example, rather than being rigid into products vides an example of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
like a keyhole, the active site may actually change
shape when substrates bind to it.
52 Chapter 2 • Lesson 4
52 Chapter 2 • Lesson 4
The substrates bind to a site on the enzyme called the active site.
The active site and the substrates have complementary shapes. The fit
is so precise that the active site and substrates are often compared to a Frigid water would reduce the fish’s
lock and key, as shown in Figure 2–23. need for oxygen, because the
The chemical reactions
Regulation of Enzyme Activity Enzymes play essential roles in con- of living things, fish’s chemical reactions would occur
trolling chemical pathways, making materials that cells need, releasing including those that more slowly at lower temperatures. Students can go
require oxygen, occur
energy, and transferring information. Because they are catalysts for more slowly at low
online to to gather their evidence.
reactions, enzymes can be affected by any variable that influences a temperatures. How
chemical reaction. Temperature, pH, and regulatory molecules would frigid antarctic
can affect the activity of enzymes. waters affect the ice
Many enzymes are affected by changes in temperature. Not surpris-
ingly, those enzymes produced by human cells generally work best at
fish’s need for oxygen?
Assess and Remediate
temperatures close to 37°C, the normal temperature of the human EVALUATE UNDERSTANDING
body. Enzymes work best at certain ionic conditions and pH values. Ask students to write a paragraph explaining
For example, the stomach enzyme pepsin, which begins protein diges- how chemicals combine and break apart inside
tion, works best under acidic conditions. In addition, the activities of UNLOCKING ENZYMES
most enzymes are regulated by molecules that carry chemical signals FIGURE 2–23 This space-filling living things. Then, have them complete the
within cells, switching enzymes “on” or “off ” as needed. model shows how a substrate binds 2.4 Assessment.
to an active site on an enzyme.
The fit between an enzyme and its
substrates is so specific it is often REMEDIATION SUGGESTION
compared to a lock and key.
L1 Special Needs If students have trouble with
54 Chapter 2 • Pre-Lab
Pre-Lab Answers
0001_Bio10_se_Ch02_SCA.indd 54 6/9/09 1:24:01 PM
a. Reactions in cells are often too slow or PRE-LAB QUESTIONS produces the oxygen depends on the activity
require an activation energy that is not prac- of the enzyme. The more active the enzyme,
1. I will observe bubbles of oxygen on the sur-
tical for living tissue. Enzymes lower the acti- the faster the oxygen is produced, and the
face of the liver. The filter paper disk will rise
vation energy of reactions. quicker the disk will rise.
to the top of the purée.
b. pH, temperature, and regulatory molecules
2. temperature; reaction time
c. Sample answer: The frying pan is like an
3. Oxygen produced in the reaction causes the
enzyme. It provides a location where the
disk to float. The rate of the reaction that
eggs can be cooked. The control knob
allows the user to control the temperature
of the frying pan, which affects how fast the
eggs cook.
54 Chapter 2 • Pre-Lab
2 Study Guide Study Online
Living things use carbohydrates as their main
Matter and Energy
source of energy. Plants, some animals, and other
Chemical bonds join together the molecules and organisms also use carbohydrates for structural REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT
compounds of life. Water and carbon compounds play purposes. RESOURCES
essential roles in organisms, which carry out chemical
reactions in their daily life processes. Lipids can be used to store energy. Some lipids
are important parts of biological membranes and Editable Worksheets Pages of Study Workbooks
2.1 The Nature of Matter waterproof coverings. A and B, Lab Manuals A and B, and the Assessment
Resources Book are available online. These docu-
Nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary, or
The subatomic particles that make up atoms are genetic, information. ments can be easily edited using a word-processing
protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Some proteins control the rate of reactions and program.
All isotopes of an element have the same chemi- regulate cell processes. Some proteins build tissues
cal properties, because they have the same number such as bone and muscle. Others transport materials Lesson Overview Have students reread the Lesson
of electrons. or help to fight disease. Overviews to help them study Chapter 2 concepts.
The physical and chemical properties of a com-
monomer (46) nucleic acid (48) Vocabulary Review The Flash Cards and Match
pound are usually very different from those of the polymer (46) nucleotide (48)
elements from which it is formed. carbohydrate (46) protein (48) It provide an interactive way to review chapter
The main types of chemical bonds are ionic monosaccharide (46) amino acid (48) vocabulary.
bonds and covalent bonds. lipid (47)
Chapter Assessment Have students take an online
atom (34)
nucleus (34)
ionic bond (37)
ion (37)
2.4 Chemical Reactions and Enzymes version of the Chapter 2 Assessment.
electron (34) covalent bond (37) Chemical reactions always involve changes in the Standardized Test Prep Students can take an
element (35) molecule (37) chemical bonds that join atoms in compounds.
isotope (35) van der Waals forces (38) online version of the Standardized Test Prep. You will
compound (36) Chemical reactions that release energy often receive their scores along with ideas for remediation.
occur spontaneously. Chemical reactions that absorb
2.2 Properties of Water energy will not occur without a source of energy. Diagnostic and Benchmark Tests Use these tests
Water is a polar molecule. Therefore, it is able Enzymes speed up chemical reactions that take to monitor your students’ progress and supply
to form multiple hydrogen bonds, which account for place in cells. remediation.
many of its special properties. Temperature, pH, and regulatory molecules can
Water’s polarity gives it the ability to dissolve affect the activity of enzymes.
both ionic compounds and other polar molecules. chemical reaction (50) catalyst (52)
Buffers play an important role in maintaining reactant (50) enzyme (52)
homeostasis in organisms. product (50) substrate (52)
activation energy (51)
hydrogen bond (41) solution (42) pH scale (43)
cohesion (41) solute (42) acid (44) Think Visually Create a table in which you com-
adhesion (41) solvent (42) base (44) pare the structures and functions of the following
mixture (42) suspension (42) buffer (44) macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
2.3 Carbon Compounds and nucleic acids.
Lesson 2.2
2.2 Properties of Water
10. b 11. b 12. c Understand Key Concepts
a. a sugar c. an amino acid
13. Cohesion is an attraction between molecules 10. When you shake sugar and sand together in a test b. a starch d. a fatty acid
tube, you cause them to form a
of the same substance. An example is water a. compound. c. solution. 19. Proteins are polymers formed from
molecules drawing together, forming beads b. mixture. d. suspension. a. lipids. c. amino acids.
on a smooth surface. Adhesion is an attraction b. carbohydrates. d. nucleic acids.
Connecting Concepts
33. 35°C A student measured the pH of water from a small 38. Interpret Graphs At what time of day is the
34. The total product was doubled when the tem- pond at several intervals throughout the day. Use the pond most acidic?
graph to answer questions 38 and 39. a. between noon and 6:00 p.m.
perature of the reaction increased from 25°C b. at noon
to 35°C. It decreased to almost zero when the pH of a Local Pond c. between midnight and 6:00 a.m.
temperature was increased to 45°C. Enzymes 8.5 d. at 6:00 p.m.
work best at certain temperatures. The enzyme 8.0 39. Form a Hypothesis Which of the following is
involved in this reaction works best at about the most reasonable hypothesis based on the
7.5 results obtained?
35°C. A much higher temperature inhibits the
because enzymes will be destroyed.
36. Students’ paragraphs may vary. However, they
58 Chapter 2 • Assessment
Standardized Test Prep Answers
Multiple Choice Questions 8–9 1. D
1. The elements or compounds that enter into a The enzyme catalase speeds up the chemical reaction
2. B
chemical reaction are called that changes hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
A products. C active sites. The amount of oxygen given off is an indication of the 3. C
B catalysts. D reactants. rate of the reaction.
4. A
2. Chemical bonds that involve the total transfer of Concentration of Catalase and 5. D
electrons from one atom or group of atoms to Amount of Oxygen Given Off
another are called 3.5
6. C
A covalent bonds.
7. C
Production (mL/s)
Rate of Oxygen
B ionic bonds.
C hydrogen bonds. 8. C
D van der Waals bonds.
1.5 9. D
3. Which of the following is NOT an organic 1
molecule found in living organisms? 10. Sample answer: Properties of water that make it
A protein such a unique substance include the polarity of
B nucleic acid 0 5 10 15 20 its molecules, which allows them to form hydro-
C sodium chloride Concentration of Catalase (%) gen bonds with each other. Because of these
D lipid
properties, water exhibits cohesion, adhesion,
4. Which combination of particle and charge is 8. Based on the graph, what can you conclude about high heat capacity, and the ability to dissolve
correct? the relationship between enzyme concentration
A proton: positively charged
many substances.
and reaction rate?
B electron: positively charged A Reaction rate decreases with increasing enzyme
C neutron: negatively charged concentration.
D electron: no charge B Reaction rate increases with decreasing enzyme
5. In which of the following ways do isotopes of the
same element differ? C Reaction rate increases with increasing enzyme
A in number of neutrons only concentration.
B in number of protons only D The variables are indirectly proportional.
C in numbers of neutrons and protons 9. Which concentration of catalase will produce the
D in number of neutrons and in mass fastest reaction rate?
6. Which of the following molecules is made up of
A 5%
glycerol and fatty acids? B 10%
A sugars C lipids C 15%
B starches D nucleic acids D 20%
Test-Taking Tip
Advise students to skip to the next question if they get stuck on a difficult one. Sug-
gest they respond to the questions they can answer easily first, and then go back to
questions they have trouble answering. For these difficult ones, make sure they take
the time to reread the entire question before attempting to answer it.
3 Applies relevant knowledge and understanding of Experimental designs are logical and test the hypotheses.
unit concepts (i.e., pH scale) to experimental designs Experimental conditions are controlled and variables are
and predictions. correctly identified.
Project Assessment 2 Applies relevant knowledge and understanding of Experimental designs need some revisions—some parts
unit concepts (i.e., pH scale) incompletely to are unclear or do not fully test the hypotheses. Variables
Make sure students use the rubric and reflection experimental designs and predictions. and controls need corrections.
questions to assess their work. Then, use the rubric
1 Does not correctly apply knowledge and understand- Experimental designs are unclear and do not test the
to assign a final score. Note that it is important to ing of unit concepts (i.e., pH scale) to experimental hypotheses. Variables and controls listed are incorrect or
value the creativity of students’ work as well as the designs and predictions. absent.
content when you score their projects. If desired, talk
with students about any differences between their
self-assessment scores and your assigned score.
60 Unit 1 Project
To be successful in the 21st century, students need skills and learning experiences that
NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS extend beyond subject area mastery. The Unit 1 Project helps students build the fol-
lowing 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking; Problem Identifica-
tion, Formulation, and Solution; Self-Direction; and Accountability and Adaptability.
FOCUS ON COMMUNICATION Extend this Unit Project by having small groups of
students design and create a magazine advertisement for a hypothetical heartburn
INQUIRY A.1.a, A.1.b, A.2.a medication. Suggest that the advertisement not only extol the virtues of the
medication but also teach the consumer about heartburn medications by briefly
describing an experiment that supports the medication’s effectiveness. Have groups
present their ads to the class.
For more practice building 21st Century Skills, see The Chapter Mystery pages in
Study Workbook A.
60 Unit 1 Project