Juni - DLP (Q2 - W3)
Juni - DLP (Q2 - W3)
Juni - DLP (Q2 - W3)
Department of Education
Schools Division Office - Quezon City
2nd Laguna St., NIA Village, Sauyo, Q.C.
B. Establishing a purpose Ask the students, “How do Infer to the class that one of
for the lesson (Engage) you say that you’re alive?” the characteristics of living
things is having cellular
C. Presenting Let the students do the group Show a picture of human or
examples/instances of activity about living things vs. any living organism to the
the new lesson (Explore) non-living things. class. Ask them, “What makes
up the living organism?”
D. Discussing new concepts Using the PPT presentation, Explain how to do the Using the PPT presentation, Explain how to do the activity.
and practicing new skills discuss and process student’s activity. discuss and process student’s
(Explain) output. output.
E. Developing Mastery Ask the students about the Let the students do the Let the students describe Let the students do the Explain to the class the
(Engage) characteristics of living activity. each level in the biological activity. instruction of the quiz.
organism. organization. Let the students answer the
F. Finding practical Ask the students, “What is Ask the students, “What is Ask some suggestion to the Ask some suggestion to the
application of concepts the importance of non-living the importance of non-living class on how to take care the class on how to take care the
& skills in daily living things to the living things to the living biological organization from biological organization from
organisms? organisms? cell to biosphere. cell to biosphere.
G. Making generalization & Let the students share what Let the students share what Let the students share what Let the students share what
abstractions about the they have learned to the class they have learned to the class they have learned to the class they have learned to the class
lesson (Elaborate) about today’s lesson. about today’s lesson. about today’s lesson. about today’s lesson.
H. Evaluating Learning Let the students do the Students output in the Let the students answer a Students output in the Students output in the quiz.
(Evaluate) seatwork. activity. seatwork. activity..
I. Additional activities for Bring materials for What are the levels of Bring materials for Be ready for a quiz about Make an advance reading
application/ tomorrow’s activity. biological organization? tomorrow’s activity. levels of biological about cell and its parts.
remediation/ Agreement organization next meeting.
A. No. of learners who *** No. of cases who got a score: _____ and ____ above _____ and _____ below
earned 75% in the ____ Mirasol ____ Waling-Waling ____ Mirasol ____ Waling-Waling
B. No. of learners who *** For students who scored _____ and below: ____ Mirasol ____ Waling-Waling
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 75%
C. Did the remedial lesson *** No. of learners who caught up with the lesson: ____ Mirasol ____ Waling-Waling
work? *** After remediation/re-teaching, no. of students who scored ____ and above: ____ Mirasol ____ Waling-Waling
D. No. of learners who *** No. of students who scored ______ and below: ____ Mirasol ____ Waling-Waling
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching *** Pointers why it worked well:
strategies worked well? 1.
Why did this work? 2.
F. What difficulties did I *** Assistance from my:
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I
wish to share with other