Sap MM

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Question 1: What MRP procedures are available in MMCBP (Consumption Based Planning)?


A: Various material planning methods are used in MRP (Material Requirements Planning).
Reorder point procedure (VM) Forecast-based planning (VV) Time-Phased materials planning
(PD) These are specified in material creation (MM01) under the MRP 1 tab.

Question 2: Under what conditions are “planned orders” created? What may planned orders
be converted to and how is that conversion accomplished? 17

A: Planned orders are always created when the system creates an internal procurement
proposal. In the case of vendor procurement, the MRP Controller may create a planned order
or directly create a PR. The next step for a planned order is to be converted to a PR so it goes to
purchasing and is to eventually become a PO. A planned order can be converted to a PR using
transaction code MD14.

Question 3: What are the organizational levels of the Enterprise Structure in R/3? 18

A: The top level of the organizational plan is the Client, followed by Company Code, which
represents a unit with its own accounting, balance, P&L, and possibly identity (subsidiary). The
next level down is Plant, an operational unit within a company (HQ, Assembly Plant, Call Center,
etc.). The Purchasing Organization is the legally responsibly group for external transactions. This
group is further subdivided into Purchasing Groups.

Question 4: What are the different ways to organize purchasing organizations? 19

A: A Purchasing Organization may be responsible for multiple plants and this is referred to as
“Distributed Purchasing”. On the other hand, “Centralized Purchasing” features one Purchasing
Organization per Plant. A Purchasing Organization doesn’t necessarily need to be assigned to a
Company Code. This would enable procurement for every company code as long as buyers are
acting for an individual Plant, and that Plant is assigned to the Purchasing Organization. Hence,
a plant may be assigned to more than one Purchasing Organization.

Question 5: What are “Special Stocks”? 20

A: Special Stocks are stocks that are accounted for but are not owned by the client, or are not
stored at a regular facility. Consignment, sales order, and project stock are examples.

Question 6: What are some of the options available to transfer materials from one plant to
another? 21

A: Although it is possible to transfer materials from one plant to another without a Stock
Transport Order, many advantages are lost including entering a vendor number, planning a
goods receipt in the receiving plant, monitoring process from PO history, and the ability to
create STO directly from a MRP PR.
Question 7: What are some of the common Stock Transport Order Movement Types? 22

A: One step transfers of materials can be posted using MT 301. Other various transport
scenarios differ in the MTs by the Goods Issues and Good Receipts. Common Goods Issues may
use MTs 303, 351, 641, or 643 in the STO. A STOs Good Receipt often uses MT 101.

Question 8: What is the difference between a Purchase Order and a Purchase Requisition? 23

A: A Purchase Requisition is a document type that gives notification of a need for materials or
services. A Purchase Order is a document type that is a formal request for materials or services
from an outside vendor or plant. Procurement types may be defined at the line item and can be
standard, subcontracting, consignment, stock transfer, or an external service.

Question 9: What is an “indirectly created” Purchase Requisition? 24

A: An indirectly created Purchase Requisition has been initiated by CBP, the PS Project System,
PM Maintenance, and Service Management, or PP Production Planning and Control. The
“directly created” Purchase Requisition, on the other hand, is created by a person manually in
the requesting department specifying what materials/services, units, and a delivery date.

Question 10: What is an RFQ and how is it different from the Quotation Form? 25

A: A RFQ is a purchasing document and an invitation to a vender(s) for quotation regarding

needed materials or services. If multiple an RFQ is sent to multiple vendors, the system can
automatically determine the best quote and send rejection letters in response to all others. The
RFQ and the Quotation Form are one in the same in the system as vendor’s quotes are entered
directly in the RFQ.
Question 30: What is the Source List? 46

A: The Source List identifies preferred sources of supply for certain materials. If the Source List
has been properly maintained, it will identify both the source of a material and the period of
time in which you can order the material from the source.

Question 31: What is an Invoice Verification? 47

A: The Invoice Verification component completes the material procurement process and allows
credit memos to be processed. Invoice Verification includes entering invoices and credit memos
that have been received, checking accuracy of invoices with respect to price and arithmetic, and
checking block invoices (these are the ones which differ too much from the original PO).

Question 32: What are the different types of Invoice Verification? 48 Part II: Configuration
Related Questions 51

A: Invoices based on Purchase Orders. With purchase-order-based Invoice Verification, all of

the items of a purchase order can be settled together, regardless of whether or not an item has
been received in several partial deliveries. All of the deliveries are totaled and posted as one
item. Invoices based on Goods Receipts. With goodsreceipt-based Invoice Verification, each
individual goods receipt is invoiced separately. Invoices without an order reference. When
there is no reference to a PO, it is possible to post the transaction directly to a Material
Account, a G/L Account, or an Asset Account. You can park Invoices that reference POs and GRs
as well as Invoices with no reference in the system. When you park a document or change a
parked document, neither substitution nor validation is supported. The system only carries out
these functions after you actually post a parked document.

Why would an organization need to allow Negative Stocks?

A: Negative Stocks are necessary when Goods Issues are entered necessarily (business process
reasons) prior to the corresponding Goods Receipts and the material is already located
physically in the warehouse.

Question 34: How do you create a movement type? When will movement type numbers be
odd? 52

A: When prompted by a dialog box after an activity, you copy a movement type. Select the field
“Movement Type” and “Continue”. In the Define Work area, enter the movement type to be
copied in From: and the name your new movement type in the To: field. Now choose Continue.
Choose the desired movement type you want then choose Edit Æ Copy as and re-type the
selected movement type with the new type copy all dependent entries and make sure to begin
with a proper prefix (9,X,Z). All control indicators are copied to the new movement type.
Review the new movement type changing any necessary controls. Reversal movement types
are numbered as the number type plus one. The reversal for movement type 451 (Returns From
Customer) is 452. As a last step before saving your settings, add a copy the reversal movement
type and enter it in Reversal/follow-on movement types.
Question 35: How do you adopt standard settings for the Message Determination Facility In
MM-PUR? 53

A: The Message Determination Facility is by default active and message determination schema
is supplied for all purchasing documents including POs, PRs, RFQs etc. All of the desired
message types must be maintained. Choose Master data Æ Messages Æ Purchasing document
Æ Create or Change from the Purchasing menu. Add the message type and pick the key
combination. The key combination decides the condition table where the condition record is
stored. Enter all needed items. Next screen, create the individual condition records. Using the
menu options Goto Æ Means of Communication, enter the proper peripheral, or output for
each message record. Save.

Question 36: How do you set price control for receipts (goods/invoice) telling the system how
to value stocks? 54

A: Transaction Code OMW1 allows you to set price control to S (Standard Price) or V (Moving
Average Price). Under Standard Price (S), the materials and accounting documents are both
valid. The one with the lower value will be posted with a price variance entry.

Question 37: How do you access the Materials Management Configuration Menu? 55

A: Transaction Code OLMS has a host of options that are not accessible through the IMG.

Question 38: How are the various MM configuration Transactions accessed? 56

A: Transaction Codes OLMD accesses MM-CBP, OLMB accesses MM-IM, OLME accesses MM-
PUR, OLML accesses MM-Warehouse Management, OLMS accesses Material Master Data, and
OLMW is the proper transaction for valuation and account assignment.

Question 39: What are some of the more important Materials Management Tables? 57

A: EINA contains general data of the (Purchasing) Information Record; EINE includes Purchasing
Organization of the same. MAKT is the Materials Description table, MARA-General Materials
data, MARC-Plant Data for Materials, MARD-Storage Location Data for Material, MAST-Material
to BOM Link, MBEW-Material Valuation, and MKPF-Header Material Document. Some of the
tables that directly pertain to the document types are T156 Movement Type and T023/T024
Groups Material and Purchasing.
Question 40: Can you add custom fields to POs and RFQs? 58

A: Yes. You must add custom fields to the customer including structures I_EKKODB and
I_EKPODB. Create a project via CMOD for enhancement MM06E005. Follow the documentation
for MM06E005, and create the sub-screens for function group XM06 using transaction SE80.
Add fields to the appropriate screen. It is recommended that you call the screen fields EKPO_CI-
name or EKKO_CI-name. This simplifies transferring data to/from the screen. Put code in
EXIT_SAPMM06E_018 to transfer data from subscreen to structure E_CI_EKPO. Put code in
EXIT_SAPMM06E_016 to transfer data from database to sub-screen using structure I_CI_EKPO.
In the PBO of the sub-screen, do any processing to make fields display only, or hide them. If you
need values from the main screen to make decisions in the sub-screen, define variables in the
global data part of the function module, and fill the variables in EXIT_SAPMM06E_016 (PBO of
main screen) Make sure everything has been activated like user exists, screens, etc.
SAP EDI, IDOC, and Interfacing Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations
......................................... xi
Question 1: Output File With Filled Inbound IDOC File
Is it possible to create an output file with a filled inbound IDOC file for the purpose of creating an
inbound DESADV shipping notification? ✍


You could “test” using transaction code WE19. Construct your own IDOC file with this tool, fill the fields
of the segments (control + data) and submit. Generally, the obligatory fields of the IDOC file segments
are the same as the fields in the online transaction

Question 2: Flat File Creation ............................................2

How can I create a flat file from IDOC file generated through transaction code WE19 for outbound
processing? ✍


Choose the standard outbound processing and send the created IDOC file to your file. Port type file is
maintained in transaction codes WE20 and WE21

Question 3: Single Partner Profile ......................................3

We have approximately 100 different customers we want to send EDI invoices to. The Business
Connector will treat each customer in the same way with the same XML schema sent to the same URL.
Can a group of customers be setup as a single partner profile in transaction code WE20, or will we need
to set up a partner profile for each one? ✍


First create a customer profile. Then create a partner profile for this group of customers. Include a
partner ID in the partner function RE -Bill to Party on each of the sold-to which you want to combine

Question 4: How To Handle Change Pointers For Table ADR6 For DEBMAS .............................4
I need change pointers activation for table ADR6 for message type DEBMAS. However, the standard
function module ‘MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_DEBMAS’ is not reading change pointers for table ADR6
(object ADRESSE). What must I do to obtain change pointers activation for table ADR6? ✍


In order to obtain change pointers activation implement transaction code BD52

Question 5: Populate Extended IDOC File Segments .....5

How do you populate extended IDOC file segments? ✍


Once you extend an IDOC file, it is an enhancement of the standard IDOC file. Write some coding in the
USER-EXIT for each outbound/inbound message. Go to CMOD and search for whether the message type
exists for the user exit. If the message type exists take that exit in the CMOD, and create a project and
write the code

Question 6: RFC SAP -> Excel Via VB -> More Parameters .......................................................6
I am attempting to extract stocks from SAP/R3 to Excel via VB using the code in Figure 1. When I run the
code, I receive the stock for material 123 on plant 0001 and storage location 0001 (See figure 2). Then I
receive the error message “System Failure”. The code works fine for one parameter, but I need to
extract the material, the plant and the storage location. Is it possible to do this? Figure 1 (abridged)
‘connect to SAP ‘call function Set MyFunc = R3.Add(“RFC_READ_TABLE”) Set oParam1 =
MyFunc.Exports(“QUERY_TABLE”) Set oParam2 = MyFunc.Tables(“FIELDS”) Set oParam3 =
MyFunc.Tables(“OPTIONS”) Set oParam4 = MyFunc.Exports(“DELIMITER”) Figure 2 (abridged) ‘ materials
to select, please choose from your number range oParam3.Rows.Add oParam3.Value(1, “TEXT”) =
“MATNR = 000000000000000123” oParam3.Rows.Add oParam3.Value(2, “TEXT”) = “WERKS = 0001”
oParam3.Rows.Add oParam3.Value(3, “TEXT”) = “LGORT = 0001


The select code in the RFC looks like this: select * from (query_table) into work where (options). The
options must look like a “where” clause, but without the “where”. Instead, put “and” in front of the
second and third lines of the code in Figure 2

Question 7: SAP Gateway Failure ......................................8

I have been using a simple program that would access some information in the R3 system. However,
each time I run the code, I receive an error. Must I configure something on the portal and/or the SAP
R/3 system? Does SAProuters have something to do with these parameters? ✍


If there is a SAP router, you must include it. The simplest way to do this is to add it to the beginning of
the server address/name, surrounded by /H/ (upper case is important). Also, check your services file for
the SAPgw00 entry to make sure the system knows which port to connect to
Question 8: Creating Inbound Delivery Via DESADV .....9
What are the required fields and/or segments for Message Type DESADV? I am attempting to create an
inbound delivery via the test tool transaction code WE19. ✍


Here is an example of a working IDOC file: E1EDL20 LIFEX=testASN E1EDT13 QUALF=007

QUALI=001 BSTNR=4500056164 POSEX=00001 Be sure to include some shipment details in your IDOC
file, such as the following: E1EDL37-EXIDV E1EDL37-VHILM_KU E1EDL44-EXIDV

Question 9: Qualifiers and Message Types ......................10

Where can I find documentation on what each qualifier is and what is mandatory for message types in
general? ✍


View the User Settings on transaction code WE60

Question 10: RSRLDREL Program Function ....................11

While inserting values into table SRRELROLES, I found an OSS note and it suggested running program
RSRLDREL. What is the purpose of this report and what type of IDOC files will it delete? ✍


This program deletes relations and roles from the database for which no instance of objects exist in the
Business Object Repository (BOR). The existence of objects is only checked for the local system. It also
deletes the links between IDOC files and application documents if one of the documents has been
archived. For example, if your company archives IDOC files you can run this program to have the IDOC
file number link removed from the application documents that they posted
Question 30: BAPI/RFC For Maintaining Components ...31

In a 4.6b environment, is there a BAPI or RFC for maintaining components in a BOM? ✍


You should maintain components in BOM using the following RFC function module:

Question 31: Processing An IDOC File Through Transaction Code BD87 ................................32

When I attempt to process an IDOC file through transaction code BD87, I receive the following error: ‘No
batch data input for screen’. Application document not posted. What am I doing wrong? ✍


Some of the SAP standard function modules for processing IDOC files internally use BDCs. The problem
is with the BDC and it could be either missing data for the screen or it could also be a pop-up message.
Analyze the screen fields. You could also reprocess this IDOC file via transaction code WE19 instead of
transaction code BD87. In transaction code WE19 you should tell the system to process the IDOC file in
foreground and this should bring up the BDC screen

Question 32: Fast Testing Of A RFC Connection Destination .....................................................33

I am having trouble with the following function: CALL FUNCTION ‘RFC_PING’ DESTINATION DEST TABLES
COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = 2 MESSAGE RFC_MESS. It is from SAP and it runs into the routine to “test”
a TCP/ IP Destination connection. (See SM59). When you execute it the connection has problems. Before
the function issues the exception COMMUNICATIONS_FAILURE, there is a wait time that lasts several
seconds: Do you know a function module or procedure to quickly check if the connection has problems,
avoiding any wait time? ✍


If your RFC destination is specified by a hostname, make it an IP address to eliminate the time for
hostname>IP address resolution. It is not SAP but a ping at OS level that tries many times to send
packets and it takes time. You could also ‘ping’ with options like -n (Number of echo request to send) or
-w (Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply). Options may differ depending on the platform. It
should be done like this: Create ‘ping’ command at OS level. Call the command against the destination
you want to check with option parameters - n and/or -w. Check returned message from ‘ping’ and make
sure it was delivered

Question 33: Calling R3 Functions From XI .....................34

Is it possible to call R3 RFC functions from XI without ABAP? ✍


Yes. You must import the BAPI into XI under imported Objects, RFCs. You should import IDOC files in a
similar way under imported Objects, IDOC files. Map the fields from sender to receiver or vice versa and
the postings will be made as long as the commit transaction function module is added to the BAPI
Question 34: Post Goods Issued Date ...............................35

I am using DELVRY03 and I must post goods issued. However, I cannot find any field in the IDOC file for
the post goods issued date. Is there a field in the IDOC file for this date? ✍


You should find the post goods issued date in E1EDT13- NTANF field (qualifier QUALF= ‘006’).

Question 35: URL For Open Document Method ..............36

I am attempting to open a word document saved on my front end, on a control area on a SAP window,
but I do not know how to build the corresponding URL. What should I do? ✍


In order to open the document, build the URL this way: file://c:/temp/test.doc

Question 36: SDPACK Inbound IDOC File .......................37

The same IDOC file runs in background and dialogue depending on the sender. We are having a problem
with the SDPACK inbound IDOC file. It was working fine sending from our datapass server to SAP 4.6. We
added another datapass server and now this new server does not work properly. The IDOC file processes
correctly (document is packed) but output determination is not run for the delivery. I have processed
the same IDOC file contents through both servers and they both behave differently when processing. I
ran a trace on both and each go through different programs, but both are SDPACK IDOC files. What
could be causing the problem? ✍


The new server is likely running an older version of SAPGUI and must be upgraded. The SAPGUI must be
accessed from the server when running IDOC files

Question 37: Message Type MATERIAL CODE ................38

We want to send material data to multiple logical systems. At the sender level the material should be
created in several plants. We want to use plant as a filter group. Material created in plant 1, would be
sent to logical system 1. Material created in plant 2, would be sent to logical system 2. How should we
configure this? ✍


You should define two model views for message type MATERIAL CODE, and assign the plant code into
each model view
Question 38: Error In Distribution Model .........................39

When I am distributing a model in transaction code BD64 I am receiving the following message: “Model
view ZALEKFINO2 has not been updated.” The maintenance system for model view ZALEKFINO2 is
sending to a system in the US, but the maintenance system in receiving is in Germany. Should I delete
the model on the receiving side and then distribute it from the sending side? ✍


Yes, you must delete the model on the receiving side then redistribute it. If there are different
distribution models already defined for the same combination of logical systems on the receiving
system, you receive this message

Question 39: Time Involved In Setting Up A SAP Business Connector ..........................40

My customer is running a 4.6C system. He asked me for a rough estimate on the time involved in setting
up a SAP Business Connector with one standard interface to one distributor. Business Connector should
only convert IDOC file to XML without any additional mappings. I know that the installation is very
simple. How much time is involved in implementing this single interface? ✍


If there is no mapping involved and you communicate with SAP-XML, a rough estimate of the time
involved (regardless of the OS) would be: OS installed and an anti-virus. Installation by one SAP Business
Connector: 30 minutes to one hour. Patching of one SAP Business Connector: 1 hour . Additional setup:
1 hour Integration with SAP: 4 hours (including SAP system setup). Message setup: 4 hours (over-
estimated). Reverse invoke setup: 2 hours. Connection with partner: 1 hour. Test of sending/receiving
with partner: one week at least

Question 40: IDOC File Error During Application ...........41

I tried the IDOC file in transaction code BD87 in foreground but I am receiving the error message: Error
during application process. What is the problem? ✍


Before reprocessing the IDOC file, you must analyze the message of the application error to suppress the
cause. You should receive the detailed message from transaction code BD87 by double-clicking on the
status 51. For example, you may have an error because you are attempting to post on a closed financial
period. You must open the period before attempting to process again (or create an IDOC file with a
different date if your business process does not allow posting in the past.

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