This document contains 16 references from various sources related to obstetrics and gynecology such as journals, textbooks, and guidelines. The references discuss topics like placenta previa, preterm labor, electrolyte imbalances, cervical length, intravenous fluids, leukocyte and platelet indices, and the objectives of obstetric ultrasounds. The references range in date from 2004 to 2021 and come from various countries including the United States, Iraq, Thailand, Indonesia, and Turkey.
This document contains 16 references from various sources related to obstetrics and gynecology such as journals, textbooks, and guidelines. The references discuss topics like placenta previa, preterm labor, electrolyte imbalances, cervical length, intravenous fluids, leukocyte and platelet indices, and the objectives of obstetric ultrasounds. The references range in date from 2004 to 2021 and come from various countries including the United States, Iraq, Thailand, Indonesia, and Turkey.
This document contains 16 references from various sources related to obstetrics and gynecology such as journals, textbooks, and guidelines. The references discuss topics like placenta previa, preterm labor, electrolyte imbalances, cervical length, intravenous fluids, leukocyte and platelet indices, and the objectives of obstetric ultrasounds. The references range in date from 2004 to 2021 and come from various countries including the United States, Iraq, Thailand, Indonesia, and Turkey.
This document contains 16 references from various sources related to obstetrics and gynecology such as journals, textbooks, and guidelines. The references discuss topics like placenta previa, preterm labor, electrolyte imbalances, cervical length, intravenous fluids, leukocyte and platelet indices, and the objectives of obstetric ultrasounds. The references range in date from 2004 to 2021 and come from various countries including the United States, Iraq, Thailand, Indonesia, and Turkey.
S.L., Spong, C.Y., Dashe, J.S., Hoffman, B.L., 11. Bartel, B., Gau, E. Fluid and Electrolyte et al. William Obstetrics. 24th ed. New York Management. In: Johnson TJ. Critical care Chicago San Fransisco Lisbon London pharmacotherapeutics. 1st ed. Burlington Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Jual Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto: Mc (MA): Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC; 2015. Graw Hill; 2014. P. 396-404. p. 11 – 13. 2. Yeni, C.M., Hutagalung, B.M.Z., Eljatin, 12. Salwani, D. Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana D.S., Basar, A.A. Plasenta Previa Totalis Hipokalemia. Aceh: Universitas Syiah Kuala; pada Primigravida: Sebuah Tinjauan Kasus. 2015. Journal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala. 13. Chawanpaibonn, Sutantawibul. Effectof 2017;17(1):38-42. Cervical Lengthto The Efficacyof Nifedipine 3. Sarwono, Prawiroharjo. Ilmu and Bed Rest forInhibiting Threatened Kebidanan. Jakarta: PT Bina Pustaka; 2014. Preterm Labor. Thailand. Journal Med 4. American College of Obstetricians and Assoc Thai. 2012; 95 (5): 636-43. Gynaecologists (ACOG). Special Problems of Multiple Gestation. Practice Bulletin. 14. Jawad, A.K. Tranexamic Acid for 2004. Antenatal Bleeding of Unknown Origin in 5. Ayu, R.N.P., Sari, R.D.P. Peran The Second and Third Trimesters: A Kortikosteroid dalam Pematangan Paru Prospective Clinical Trial. Iraq. Journal Intrauterin. Journal Majority. 2017;6 (3) : Medical Sciences. Departement of 142-146. obstetrics and Gynecology . 2021;25(2):532-43. 6. Saifuddin, A.B. Buku Panduan Praktis Pelayanan Kontrasepsi. Edisi 3. Jakarta: 15. Floss K, Borthwick M, Clark C. Yayasan Bina Pustaka; 2003. H. 6. Intravenous Fluids Principles of Treatment. 7. Khasanah, M.N., Harjoko, A., Journal Clinical Pharmacist. 2011 October Candradewi I. Klasifikasi Sel Darah Putih 01;3:274-283. Berdasarkan Ciri Warna dan Bentuk dengan 16. Radiological Society of North America, Metode K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN). inc (RSNA). Objectives of Obstetrics Indones Journal Electron Instrumentations Ultrasound: Guidelines for Obstetric Syst. 2016;6(2):151–162. Ultrasound. 2005. 8. Manuaba, I. Ilmu Kebidanan, Penyakit Kandungan, dan KB. Edisi 2. Jakarta: EGC; 2014.
9. Ersoy, Orzler, S., Oztas, E., Kirbas, A,
Danisman, N. The Association Between Placenta Previa and Leukocyte and Platelet Indices. Turki. Jurnal Ginekologia Polska. 2016;87(5): 367–371. 10. Yaswir, R., Ferawati, I. Fisiologi dan Gangguan Keseimbangan Natrium, Kalium dan Klorida serta Pemeriksaan