12D Tutorial Exercises 1-3
12D Tutorial Exercises 1-3
12D Tutorial Exercises 1-3
1. Create New Project
2. On the Plan Design window
3. Make sure that Vertices are toggled ON. Take Note:
5. Type “0 0” as the starting point, then 0 for the bearing, and the calculated value of T as
the length.
6. Since the CAD traverse function is still active, the starting point of the new string is the
second point of the last string by default. Type the value of I as the bearing, and the
value of T as the length.
7. Click and hold on Cad Text Commands and release the cursor at Create. Select and
accept the position of the text and type the desired text to be displayed. Use this function
to label PC, PI, and PT.
8. Click on Traverse Again and click on PC and enter the bearing and distance that you
have computed. The bearing will be in Degrees Minutes Seconds, so make sure to use
the converted angle. The distance that you will enter will be your chord length.
9. Repeat Step 7 over and over again until you reach the last chord length and bearing and
bearing. Afterwhich your figure must look similar to this.
10. After which draw your curve by using the 2 points and radius then click on PC as your
first point.
11. Then type in your radius then add your radius value then after click on PT as your
second point then accept.
12. Here is how your curve will look like
13. Then measure the necessary dimensions needed by using the measuring tool.
Exercise 2 – Simple Curve Tangent Offset
Data needed to plot the curve in 12D:
1. Create a New Project.
2. Select the Plan DESIGN window.
3. Make sure that Vertices are toggled ON.
Take Note:
4. Click and hold on CAD Line then release the cursor on Traverse.
5. Type “0 0” as the starting point, then 0 for the bearing, and the calculated value of T as
the length.
6. Since the CAD traverse function is still active, the starting point of the new string is the
second point of the last string by default. Type the value of I as the bearing, and the
value of T as the length.
7. Press ESC to break the string chain. To determine the position of the first station, select
and accept PC as the starting point for the new string. Select and accept PI to follow the
bearing of the tangent. Place the corresponding value of Y as the distance.
8. Following the creation of the Y string, the X string can be determined. Hold the “P” key
on your keyboard and select and accept the tangent. This will input a bearing that is
perpendicular to the selected tangent. Input the value of X as the length. The end point
of the X string is where the POC is located.
9. Repeat Steps 6-8 for the other stations based off PC.
10. Repeat steps 6-8 for the stations based off PT.
The curve should look like this.
11. Click and hold on Cad Text Commands and release the cursor at Create. Select and
accept the position of the text and type the desired text to be displayed. Use this function
to label PC, PI, and PT.
12. Click and hold the cursor at Cad Dimension and release the cursor at Create Linear
Dimension. Select and accept the ends of each string, then select and accept the final
position of the dimension line.
Exercise 3 – Simple Curve Moving Up
Data needed to plot the curve in 12D:
1. Create a New Project.
2. Select the Plan DESIGN window.
3. Make sure that Vertices are toggled ON.
Take Note:
4. Click and hold on CAD Line then release the cursor on Traverse.
5. Type “0 0” as the starting point, then 0 for the bearing, and the calculated value of T as
the length.
6. Since the CAD traverse function is still active, the starting point of the new string is the
second point of the last string by default. Type the value of I as the bearing, and the
value of T as the length.
7. Click and hold on Cad Text Commands and release the cursor at Create. Select and
accept the position of the text and type the desired text to be displayed. Use this function
to label PC, PI, and PT.
8. Refer to your specific deflection angle and sub-chord length values. Then solve for
actual bearing. The actual bearing is just a cumulative sum of your deflection angles
from Station PC to your reference station.
PC 1+ 500.08 0 0 0
1 1+ 520.00 2.65 19.91 2.65
2 1+ 540.00 5.32 19.99 7.97
3 1+ 560.00 5.33 19.99 13.30
4 1+ 580.00 5.33 19.99 18.63
5 1+ 600.00 5.33 19.99 23.96
6 1+ 620.00 5.33 19.99 29.29
7 1+ 640.00 5.33 19.99 34.62
8 1+ 660.00 5.33 19.99 39.95
9 1+ 680.00 5.33 19.99 45.28
10 1+ 700.00 5.33 19.99 50.61
PT 1+ 706.46 0.86 6.46 51.47
9. Left click and hold on Cad line function, then release on the fifth icon Traverse.
10. Click and accept on the vertex of PC. Then input the actual bearing and the chord
length of the stations respectively.
13. The figure below shows the finished layout of the simple curve by Moving up Method.
14. Add dimensions with respect to the created vertices from the moving up on the curve
method. Click and hold on Cad dimension then release on the first icon, Create Linear
15. Zoom in on the first station after PC to see the discrepancies of the simple curve and the applied
method. Click and accept on the vertex of the chord. Right click anywhere on the model and
click on Perpendicular. Then click and accept on the Simple Curve (cyan color) then a yellow
perpendicular line will appear. Click and accept back on the vertex. A green arrow dimension will
appear, just hover your mouse on the simple curve and accept or you can click and accept on
the vertex.
16. Repeat step 15 on the succeeding stations until PT to generate an output as shown below.
17. To change the number of decimal places of the dimensions click on CAD > Dimension >
Utilities > Styles. Then click on Working Folder.
18. Open the Set ups drop-down list and locate and click on Arial Aligned. Then click Copy on the
upper left part of the window.
19. Scroll up and click on Dimension styles. Then click on Paste.
20. Scroll up on the top most part of the left panel and click on Arial aligned under Drafting. Then
on the right panel, locate the Number of decimals for length and change the value from 2 to 4.
Then click Write, Apply, and Finish.
21. The dimensions on your project will now have 4 decimal places as shown below.
Export Exercise:
1. To export the curve as PDF, select View Plotting “DESIGN” on the Plan Design window,
then select Quick sheet plot. Select pdf_12d for plotter type. Fill in Plot File, Title Line 1,
and Title Line 2. Change the title color to black. Select Place rectangle by origin to set
the borders around the curve. Select Plot when finished.
Take Note: