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Minor in
(for students other than Computer Science and Engineering)
Effective from 2021-22

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Minor Program – Computer Science and Engineering

S. Course Course Title L T P Credits Sem.

No. Code
1 CSM01 Data Structures 2 0 2 3 III
2 CSM02 Computer Organization and 3 0 0 3 IV
3 CSM03 Principles of Database Systems 2 0 2 3 V
4 CSM04 Operating System Principles 3 0 0 3 VI
5 CSM05 Computer and Communication 3 0 0 3 VII
6 CSM06 Software Engineering Principles 3 0 0 3 VIII
Total 18
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

B.Tech. (Minors) – Computer Science and Engineering

2-0-2: 3
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the concept of ADT, identify data structures suitable to solve problems
CO2 Develop and analyze algorithms for stacks, queues
CO3 Develop algorithms for binary trees and graphs
CO4 Implement sorting and searching algorithms
CO5 Implement symbol table using hashing techniques and multi-way search trees

Introduction to Iterative and Recursive Algorithms
Abstract Data Types (ADTs), Implementation and Applications of Stacks, Operations and Applications
of Queues, Array Implementation of Circular Queues, Implementation of Stacks using Queues,
Implementation Queues using Stacks, Linked Lists, Search and Update Operations on Varieties of
Linked Lists, Linked List Implementation of Stacks and Queues
Introduction to Trees, Implementation of Trees, Binary Trees, Tree Traversals with an Application,
Binary Search Trees (BSTs), Query and Update Operations on BSTs, AVL Trees, Rotations, Search
and Update Operations on Balanced BSTs, Splay Trees, B-trees, Trie, C-Trie
Hashing: Implementation of Dictionaries, Hash Function, Collisions in Hashing, Separate Chaining,
Open Addressing, Analysis of Search Operations
Priority Queues: Priority Queue ADT, Binary Heap Implementation and Applications of Priority
Queues, Disjoint Sets.
Sorting Algorithms: Stability and In Place Properties, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap
Sort, Lower Bound for Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms, Linear Sorting Algorithms: Counting
Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort
Graph Algorithms: Graphs and their Representations, Graph Traversal Techniques: Breadth First
Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS), Applications of BFS and DFS, Minimum Spanning Trees
(MST), Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms for MST, Connected Components, Dijkstra’s Algorithm for
Single Source Shortest Paths, Biconnected Components.

Text Books / Reference Books / Online Resources:

1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, "Introduction to
Algorithms", Second Edition, PHI, 2009.
2. Mark Allen Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", Third Edition, Pearson
Education, 2006
3. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, "Fundamentals of Computer
Algorithms", Second Edition, Universities Press, 2011.
4. Michael T.Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, "Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and
Internet Examples", Second Edition, Wiley-India, 2006.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


3-0-0: 3
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Identify functional units, bus structure and addressing modes
CO2 Design the hardwired and micro-programmed control units.
CO3 Identify memory hierarchy and performance.
CO4 Design Arithmetic Logic Unit.
CO5 Interface I/O devices

Basic Structures of Computers: Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Bus
Structures, Software, Performance, Multiprocessors and Multicomputers, Historical Perspective
Machine instructions and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and Characters, Memory
Locations and Addresses, Memory Operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing
Modes, Assembly Language, Basic Input Output Operations, Stacks and Queues, Subroutines,
Additional Instructions, Example Programs, Encoding of Machine Instructions
Registers and Addressing, IA-32 Instructions, IA-32 Assembly Language, Program Flow Control,
Logic and Shift/Rotate Instructions, I/O Operations, Subroutines, Other Instructions, Program
Input/output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts, Processor Examples, Direct Memory
Access, Buses, Interface Circuits, Standard I/O Interfaces
The Memory System: Some Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories, Read Only Memories,
Speed Size and Cost, Cache Memories, Performance Considerations, Virtual Memories, Memory
Management Requirements, Secondary Storage
Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Multiplication of
Positive Numbers, Signed-Operand Multiplication, Fast Multiplication, Integer Division, Floating Point
Numbers and Operations, Implementing Floating Point Operations
Basic Processing Unit: Some Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Multiple-
Bus Organization, Hardwired Control, Microprogrammed Control
Pipelining: Basic Concepts, Data Hazards, Instruction Hazards, Influence on Instruction Sets, Data Path
and Control Considerations, Super Scalar Operation, UltraSPARC 2 Example, Performance
Large Computer Systems: Forms of Parallel Processing, Array Processors, the Structure of General-
Purpose Multiprocessors, Interconnection Networks

Text Books / Reference Books / Online Resources:

1. Carl Hamacher, "Computer Organization", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Publishers, 2002.
2. Wiiliam Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance", 8th
Edition, Pearson Education, 2010
3. John P Hayes, "Computer Architecture and Organization", 3rd revised Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


2-0-2: 3
Pre-requisites: CSM01 – Data Structures
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand functional components of the DBMS.
CO2 Devise queries using Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus and SQL.
CO3 Design database schema.
CO4 Develop E-R model.
CO5 Evaluate and optimize queries.
CO6 Analyze transaction processing, concurrency control and recovery techniques.

Introduction to DBMS: Historical perspective, File Versus a DBMS, Advantages of DBMS, Describing
and storing data in DBMS, Architecture of a DBMS, Different Data Models;
Entity Relationship(ER) model: Features of ER model, conceptual design using ER model, design for
large enterprises; Relational model–structure and operations, Integrity constraints over relations;
Query languages: Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus and SQL– Queries, Constraints, Form of
SQL query, UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT, Nested queries, Aggregate Operators, Null values,
Complex Integrity constraints in SQL, triggers and Embedded SQL;
Database Design: Mapping ER model to Relational form; Functional Dependency–Closer of functional
dependencies, closer of attributes, canonical cover and Properties of Decompositions; Normalization
process – 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF; Multivalued dependency– Closer properties of Multivalued
dependency and 4NF; Join dependency– PJNF, Decomposition Algorithms;
Transaction Management: ACID properties, transactions, schedules and concurrent execution of
transactions; Concurrency control – lock based protocol, Serializability, recoverability, dealing with
deadlocks and Concurrency control without locking;
Query Processing: Overview of Query Evaluation, operator evaluation; Algorithms for relational
operations– Selection operation, General selection condition, Projection operation, Join operation, set
operation and aggregate operation, Evaluation of relational operations; Query optimization: Alternative
plans, functions of query optimizer, translating SQL queries into relational algebra, estimating the cost
of a plan, relational algebra equivalences, and other approaches to query optimization;
Database Recovery: Failure classification, Recovery and atomicity, Log-based recovery shadow paging
and Advanced Recovery Techniques:
Security and Authorization: Access control, direct access control and Mandatory access control, Role
of DBA, Application development.
Text Books / Reference Books / Online Resources:
1. Elamsri, Navathe, Somayajulu and Gupta, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 6th Edition,
Pearson Education, 2011.
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", 3nd Edition, McGraw
Hill, 2003.
3. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudharshan, "Database System Concepts", 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


3-0-0: 3
Pre-requisites: CSM02 – Computer Organization and Architecture, CSM01- Data Structures
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Distinguish functional architectures of operating systems and file systems
CO2 Develop algorithms for subsystem components
CO3 Design device drivers and multi-threading libraries for an OS
CO4 Develop application programs using UNIX system calls
CO5 Design and solve synchronization problems

Introduction: Batch, iterative, time sharing, multiprocessor, distributed, cluster and real-time systems,
UNIX system introduction and commands
Operating system structures: Computer system structure, Network structure, I/O Structure, Storage
Structure, Dual mode operation, System components, Operating-System Services, System Calls,
System Programs, System structure, Virtual Machines, System Design and Implementation, System
Processes and Threads : Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Cooperating
Processes, Interprocess Communication, Communication in Client – Server Systems, Multithreading
Models, Threading Issues, Pthreads Basic Concepts,
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real-
Time Scheduling, Algorithm Evaluation, Process Scheduling Models
Process Synchronization: Synchronization Background, the Critical-Section Problem, Synchronization
Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Critical Regions, Monitors, OS
Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock
Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock
Memory Management : Memory Management Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory
Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging,
Process Creation, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Operating-System Examples,
Other Considerations
File System: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File-System Mounting, File Sharing,
Protection File-System Structure, File-System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation
Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery, Log-Structured File
System, NFS
I/O Systems : Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O to
Hardware Operations, STREAMS, Performance, Disk Structure , Disk Scheduling , Disk Management,
Swap-Space Management, RAID Structure , Disk Attachment, Stable-Storage Implementation,
Tertiary-Storage Structure
Text Books / Reference Books / Online Resources:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, "Operating System Principles", Wiley, 8/e
2. Richard Stevens, Stephen Rago, "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment", Pearson
Education, 2/e
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


3-0-0: 3
Pre-requisites: CSM04-Operating Systems
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand OSI and TCP/IP models
CO2 Analyze MAC layer protocols and LAN technologies
CO3 Design applications using internet protocols
CO4 Implement routing and congestion control algorithms
CO5 Develop application layer protocols

Introduction – network architecture - protocol implementation issues - network design. Reference
models- The OSI Reference Model- the TCP/IP Model - A Comparison of the OSI and TCP/IP Models
Datalink Layer-Ethernet, Token ring, wireless LANs-Issues with data link Protocols-Encoding framing
and error detection and correction-sliding window Protocol-Medium access control
Network layer – network layer design issues - Routing algorithms - Congestion control algorithms –
Internetworking - The network layer in the internet - Internet Protocol (IP) - Unicast, multicast, and
inter domain routing
Transport layer - Elements of transport protocol - Congestion control – The Internet’s Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) - Remote Procedure Call (RPC) – Implementation semantics of RPC – BSD
sockets - client-server applications
Application layer - Domain name server – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol – File Transfer Protocol -
World wide web - Hypertext transfer protocol -Presentation formatting and data compression-
Introduction to Network security - Web Services architectures for developing new application

Text Books / Reference Books / Online Resources:

1. Larry L Peterson, Bruce S Davis, "Computer Networks", 5th Edition, Elsevier, 2012.
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J Wetherall, "Computer Networks", 5th Edition, Pearson Edu, 2010.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering


3-0-0: 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Comprehend software development life cycle
CO2 Prepare SRS document for a project
CO3 Apply software design and development techniques
CO4 Identify verification and validation methods in a software engineering project
CO5 Implement testing methods for software
CO6 Analyze and Apply project management techniques for a case study


The Software Problem - Cost, Schedule, and Quality, Scale and Change ; Software Processes- Process
and Project , Component Software Processes; Software Development Process Models - Waterfall
Model, Prototyping , Iterative Development , Rational Unified Process , Time boxing Model , Extreme
Programming and Agile Processes , Using Process Models in a Project. Software Requirements
Analysis and Specification - Value of a Good SRS , Requirement Process , Requirements Specification;
Formal Specification- Formal Specification in the Software process, Sub-system interface specification,
Behavioural Specification; Desirable Characteristics of an SRS - Components of an SRS, Structure of
a Requirements Document; Functional Specification with Use Cases - Basics , Examples , Extensions,
Developing Use Cases; Other Approaches for Analysis - Data Flow Diagrams , ER Diagrams ,
Validation; Software Architecture - Role of Software Architecture, Architecture Views - Component
and Connector View - Components, Connectors, An Example. Architecture Styles for C&C View -
Pipe and Filter, Shared-Data Style , Client-Server Style, Some Other Styles, Documenting Architecture
Design - Evaluating Architectures; Design - Design Concepts - Coupling , Cohesion , The Open-Closed
Principle . Function-Oriented Design (from Pressman) - Structure Charts, Structured Design
Methodology, An Example. Object-Oriented Design (from Jalote)- OO Concepts, Unified Modeling
Language (UML) , A Design Methodology , Examples; Detailed Design - Logic/Algorithm Design,
State Modeling of Classes; Verification - Metrics - Complexity Metrics for Function-Oriented Design,
Complexity Metrics for OO Design; Coding and Unit Testing -Programming Principles and Guidelines
- Structured Programming , Information Hiding, Some Programming Practices, Coding Standards;
Incrementally Developing Code - An Incremental Coding Process ,Test-Driven Development, Pair
Programming; Managing Evolving Code - Source Code Control and Build, Refactoring; Unit Testing -
Testing Procedural Units, Unit Testing of Classes; Code Inspection - Planning, Self-Review, Group
Review Meeting; Metrics - Size Measures, Complexity Metrics; Testing - Testing Concepts - Error,
Fault, and Failure, Test Case, Test Suite, and Test Harness , Psychology of Testing , Levels of Testing;
Testing Process - Test Plan, Test Case Design, Test Case Execution; Black-Box Testing - Equivalence
Class Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis , Pairwise Testing, Special Cases, State-Based Testing;
White-Box Testing - Control Flow-Based Criteria, Test Case Generation and Tool Support; Metrics -
Coverage Analysis, Reliability, Defect Removal Efficiency.

Text Books / Reference Books / Online Resources:

1. Pankaj Jalote, "Software Engineering Precise Approach" , Wiley Publishers, 2012
2. Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering", 8/e Pearson Publishers, 2012.
3. Roger Pressman, "Software Engineering", 5th edition, MCgrawHill, 2002

Minor in
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(for B.Tech. students other than EEE and CSE)

(w.e.f. 2021-22)

Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department of ECE

S.No Code Course Title L T P Credits Sem
1 EC131 Basic Electronic Engineering 3 0 0 3 2-1
2 EC281 Digital Electronics 3 0 0 3 2-2
3 ECM01 IC Applications 3 0 0 3 3-1
4 EC395 Communication Systems 3 0 0 3 3-2
5 EC445 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 0 0 3 4-1
6 EC317 Internet of Things 3 0 0 3 4-2
Total 18

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Course Code : Credits

Basic Electronic Engineering
EC131 3-0-0 : 3
Pre requisites: NIL

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1 Comprehend the characteristics of semiconductor devices, and operational amplifiers

CO2 Understand the principles of working of amplifiers
CO3 Understand and design of simple combinational and basics of sequential logic circuits
CO4 Understand the principles of electronic measuring instruments and Transducers
CO5 Understand the basic principles of electronic communication

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes:

COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 3 1 1
CO2 2 3 1 1
CO3 2 3 1 1
CO4 2 3 1 1
CO5 2 2 2 1 1

Detailed Syllabus:

Electronics Systems: Introduction to electronics, review of p-n junction operation, diode applications,
Zener diode as regulator.
Transistor and applications: Introduction to transistors, BJT Characteristics, biasing and applications,
simple RC coupled amplifier and frequency response. FET and MOSFET characteristics and
Feedback in Electronic Systems: open loop and closed loop systems, Negative and positive Feedback,
merits and demerits, Principles of LC and RC oscillators.
Integrated Circuits: Operational amplifiers – characteristics and linear applications
Digital Circuits: Number systems and logic gates, Combinational Logic circuits, Flip-Flops, counters
and shift registers, data converters, Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters (ADC/DAC’s),
Introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers.
Laboratory measuring instruments: principles of digital multi-meters, Cathode ray oscilloscopes
Electronics Instrumentation: Measurement, Sensors, principles of LVDT, strain guage and
thermocouples. Introduction to data acquisition system.
Principles of Communication: Need for Modulation, Definitions of various Modulation and
Demodulation techniques, AM radio transmitter and receiver, brief understanding of FM and mobile

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Text books:
1. Bhargava N. N., D C Kulshreshtha and S C Gupta, Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits, 2nd
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. Malvino and Brown, “Digital Computer electronics” Mcgraw Hill, 3rd Edition.
3. Keneddy and Davis, “Electronic Communication Systems” Mcgraw Hill, 4th Edition.
4. Helfrick and Cooper, “ Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”
PHI, 2011

1. Salivahanan, N Suresh Kumar Electronic Devices and circuits, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Neil Storey, Electronics A Systems Approach, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Publishing
Company Pvt Ltd.

Online Resources:


Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Course Code: Credits

Digital Electronics
EC281 3-0-0 : 3

Pre-requisites: EC131 - Basic Electronic Engineering

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1 Design combinational and sequential digital circuits to meet a given

specification and be able to represent logic functions in multiple forms-
understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each.
CO2 Understand how CMOS transistors can be used to realize digital logic circuits
and understand basic characteristics of logic gates (such as power, noise
margins, timing, tri-state circuitry, etc.).
CO3 UnderstandnumericalandcharacterrepresentationsindigitallogicincludingASCII,
sign magnitude, 2’s complement, and floating point and the corresponding
design of arithmetic circuitry.
CO4 Understand the importance and need for verification and testing of digital logic
CO5 Understand the principle of operation and design of a wide range of electronic
circuits such as computer RAM and ROM.
CO6 Understand how convert signals from analog to digital and digital to analog.

Detailed syllabus:
Number system and codes: Analog versus digital, merits of digital system, number systems,
base conversions, complements of numbers, weighted and unweighted codes, and error
detecting and correcting codes.
Switching algebra and switching functions: Boolean algebra, postulates, theorems and
switching algebra, completely and incompletely specified switching functions, minimization
of Boolean functions using Karnaugh map and Quine McCluskey methods.
Logic Families: Characteristic parameters, Transistor-Transistor logic, TTL subfamilies,
CMOS logic family, Implementation of Boolean function using CMOS logic, various logic
gate ICs.
Combinational Logic: Principles and practices, Logic design of combinational circuits code
conversion, parity generation and checking, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, encoders, decoders,
buffers, tri-state buffers, IC Versions of Combinational logic circuits.
Sequential Logic: Review of Flip-Flops, Finite State model of sequential Circuits, modulus
counter, shift registers, IC Version of sequential logic circuits. Semiconductor Memories:
RAM, ROM (Cell Structures and Organization on Chip)
Data Conversion Circuits: D/A converter specifications, A/D converter specifications, D/A
converters such as DAC 0808, DAC 1408/1508, Integrated circuit A/D Converters ADC 0808,
ICL 7106/7107.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

1. Linear Integrated Circuits, S Salivahanan, TATA MC GrawHill.
2. Jain R.P, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Third edition, Tata Mc GrawHill,2003
3. Floyd T.L., “Digital Fundamentals ", Prentice Hall, 9 th Edition, 2006
4. Anil K. Mani: Digital Electronics-Principles and Integrated Circuits, Wiley-India,
5. Herbert Taub, Schilling: Digital Integrated Electronics, TATA MC Graw Hill, 2008.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Course Code:
Credits :
ECM01 IC Applications
3-0-0 : 3

Pre-requisites: None

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO1 Design op-amp circuits to perform arithmetic operations.

CO2 Analyze and design linear and non-linear applications using op-amps.
CO3 Analyze and design oscillators and filters using functional ICs.
CO4 Choose appropriate A/D and D/A converters for signal processing applications.

Detailed Syllabus:
INTRODUCTION TO OP-AMPS: ideal Characteristics, Pin configuration of 741 op-amp.
Bias, offsets and drift, bandwidth and slew rate. Offset and Frequency compensation. Exercise
problems. Practical op amps, Basic building blocks: Current sources and active loads
inverting amplifiers and their analysis, Applications: inverting and non- inverting summers,
difference amplifier, differentiator and integrator, Voltage to current converter, Exercise
problems. Instrumentation amplifier, Log and antilog amplifiers. Precision rectifier, Non-linear
function generator, solving differential equations using analog computing blocks. Analog IC
Multipliers and applications Comparators, regenerative comparators, input - output
Characteristics, Astable and Monostable multi vibrator, Triangular wave- generators, RC-
phase shift oscillator, and Wein’s bridge oscillator
ACTIVE FILTERS: Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band Reject filters, Butterworth,
Chebychev filters, Different first and second order filter Topologies, Frequency
TIMERS & PHASE LOCKED LOOPS: 555 Timer functional diagram, monostable and
astable operation, applications. PLL- basic block diagram and operation, capture range and
lock range; applications of PLL IC 565, AM detection, FM detection and FSK demodulation.
VCO IC 566.
IC VOLTAGE REGULATORS: Series op amp regulator, three terminal IC voltage regulator
exercise problems. IC 723 general purpose regulator, Switching Regulator.
resistor DAC, R-2R and inverted R-2R DAC. IC DAC-08. Counter type ADC, successive
approximation ADC, Flash ADC, dual slope ADC, 1-bit converters, sigma-Delta ADC. DAC
and ADC Specifications, Specifications of AD 574 (12 bit ADC).

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

1. G B Clayton, Operational Amplifiers, 5th Edition, Elsevier science, 2003
2. Sergio Franco, Design With Operational Amplifier And Analog Integrated Circuits, 4th
Edition, TMH, 2011.
3. Roy Choudary D. and Shail B. Jain, Linear Integrated circuits, 4th Edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2010
4. Ramakant A.Gayakward, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, 4th Edition, PHI,

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Course Code : Credits

EC395 3–0–0 : 3

Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Understand different modulation and demodulation schemes for analog communication
CO2 Design analog communication systems to meet desired application requirements
CO3 Evaluate fundamental communication system parameters, such as bandwidth, power,
signal to quantization noise ratio etc.
CO4 Elucidate design trade-offs and performance of communications systems.

Detailed syllabus:
Signal Analysis: Communication Process, Sources of Information, Communication Channels,
Modulation Process, Types of Communication, Random Process, Gaussian Process,
Correlation Function, Power Spectral Density, Transmission of Random Process through an
LTI Filter.

Noise Analysis: External Noise, Internal Noise, White Noise, Narrow Band Noise,
Representation of Narrow Band noise in phase and Quadrature Components, Noise Figure,
Noise Bandwidth, Noise Temperature.

Amplitude (Linear) Modulation: Linear Modulation Schemes, Generation of AM, Envelope

Detector, DSB-SC Product Modulator, Switching Modulator, Ring Modulator, Coherent
Detection, Costas receiver, SSB Signal Representation, Filtering Method, Phase Shift Method,
Coherent Demodulation, VSB Modulator and Demodulator, Carrier Acquisition using
Squaring Loop and Costas Loop, Receiver Model, SNR, Noise in SSB and DSB receivers using
coherent detection, Noise in AM Receiver using Envelope detection, Threshold Effect.
Angle (Exponential) Modulation: Types of Angle Modulation, Relation between FM and
PM, Narrow Band FM, Wideband FM, Transmission Bandwidth of FM Signals, Generation of
FM using Direct and Indirect methods, FM Demodulation using Slope Circuit, Frequency
Discriminator, Interference in Angle Modulation, Noise in FM Receiver, FM Threshold Effect,
Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis in FM, Model of PLL for FM Demodulation.

Pulse Modulation: Sampling Process, PAM, PWM, PPM, Quantization, PCM, TDM, Digital
Multiplexer Hierarchy, DM, DSM, Linear Prediction, DPCM, ADPCM, Noise in PCM System,
Companding, Comparison of the Noise Performance of AM,FM,PCM and DM.

Information Theory: Uncertainty, Information, Entropy, Source Coding Theorem, Data

Compaction, Mutual information, Channel Capacity, BSC Channel, Information Capacity
Theorem, Bandwidth - Power Tradeoff, Huffman Coding.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE


1. S. Haykin, Communication Systems, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore,
2. B.P. Lathi, Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems, 3rd Edn, Oxford
University Press, Chennai, 1998.
3. Leon W.Couch II., Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Sixth Edition, Pearson
Education inc., New Delhi, 2001.
4. A Bruce Carlson, PB Crilly, JC Rutledge, Communication Systems, Fourth Edition,
MGH, New York, 2002.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Course Code : Microprocessors and Credits

EC445 Microcontrollers 3-0-0 : 3
Pre-requisites: Digital Electronics
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the architecture and instruction set of 8086 microprocessor and 8051
CO2 Design and develop various interfacing circuits with 8086 using 8255.
CO3 Understand the concepts of interrupt mechanism and serial communication.
CO4 Develop various applications by interfacing various modules to 8051.

Detailed syllabus:

Introduction to Microprocessor Architecture Introduction and evolution of Microprocessors–

Architecture of 8086–Register Organization of 8086–Memory organization of 8086– General
bus operation of 8086–Introduction to 80286–80386 and 80486 and Pentium.

Minimum and Maximum Mode Operations Instruction set, Addressing modes– Minimum and
Maximum mode operations of 8086–8086 Control signal interfacing–Read and write cycle
timing diagrams.

I/O Interface 8255 PPI: Architecture of 8255–Modes of operation– Interfacing I/O devices to
8086 using 8255–Interfacing A to D converters– Interfacing D to A converters– Stepper motor
interfacing– Static memory interfacing with 8086–DMA controller (8257)–Architecture–
Interfacing 8257 DMA controller– Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259)–Command
words and operating modes of 8259– Interfacing of 8259–Keyboard/display controller (8279)–
Architecture–Modes of operation–Command words of 8279– Interfacing of 8279

Introduction to 8051 Micro Controller : Overview of 8051 Micro Controller– Architecture–

Register set–I/O ports and Memory Organization– Interrupts–Timers and Counters–Serial

Interfacing and Applications of 8051: LEDs and push buttons Interfacing, Relays and Latch
connections, Keyboard interfacing, seven segment display interfacing, A/D and D/A converter

Learning Resources:

1. Prescribed Text Books

1. D. V. Hall. Microprocessors and Interfacing, TMGH.2’1 edition 2006.

2. Kenneth. J. Ayala. The 8051 microcontroller 3rd Edition, Cengage learning,
2. Reference Text Books

1. Barry B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors”, PHI, 7th Edition 2006

2. Muhammad Ali Mazid, Janice Gillispie Mazid and Rolin D Mckinaly,” The
8051 microcontroller and Embedded systems”,Pearson, 2nd Edition.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

3. Liu and GA Gibson,” Microcomputer system 8086/8088 Family Architecture,

Programming and Design”, PHI 2nd Edition
4. Ajay. V. Deshmukh, “Microcontrollers and applications”, TMGH 2005

3. Digital Learning Materials:

1. Microcomputers: Design and applications, IIT, Delhi, Prof. Anshul Kumar,
No. of Lectures: 37
2. Microprocessors and applications, IIT, Madras, Prof. S.Srinivasan, No. of
Lectures: 34.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of ECE

Course Code : Credits

Internet of Things
EC317 3-0-0 : 3

Pre-requisites: None

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Understand IOT design requirements
CO2 Compare various technologies and protocols
CO3 Study Cloud storage and intelligent analytics
CO4 Analyze security requirements along with threat model
CO5 Design and experiment various applications

Detailed Syllabus:

Architectures: IoT and the connected world, Architecture of IoT, Security issues,
Opportunities for IoT, Relevance of Internet to network of Things, network management,
security, mobility and longevity, desirable features of a distributed architecture for a system of

Technologies: Wireless protocols, Connectivity options, Low-power design, range extension

techniques, data-intensive IoT, MAC and routing aspects.

Data storage and analysis: Managing high rate sensor data, Processing data streams, Data
consistency in an intermittently connected or disconnected environment, Identifying outliers
and anomalies

Security in IOT: Threat models, Defensive strategies and examples.

Cloud Computing: Introduction, Types of Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing: A Paradigm

Shift, Price and Value Models, Security and Governance, IAAS AND PAAS, SAAS, AWS,
Azure, IBM Watson

Text Books:
1. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley 2013
2. Naveen Balani, “Enterprise IoT”, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2016
3. NAYAN B. RUPARELIA, “Cloud Computing”, MIT Press 2016

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22


Minor in
for B.Tech. Program

(Effective from AY2021-22)


Department of Electrical Engineering

B.Tech.- Minor Program – Electrical Engineering
S. Course L T P Credits Sem.
No. Code
1 EEM01 Electrical Circuits & Energy Conversion 3 0 0 3 III
2 EEM02 Electrical Measurement Technique 3 0 0 3 IV
3 EEM03 Elements of Electrical Power Systems 3 0 0 3 V
4 EEM04 Industrial Applications of Electrical 3 0 0 3 VI
5 EEM05 Power Converters and Applications 3 0 0 3 VII
6 EEM06 Energy Conservation & Audit 3 0 0 3 VIII
Total 18 0 0 18

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Department of Electrical Engineering

B.Tech. Minor – Electrical Engineering

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Department of Electrical Engineering


Pre-Requisites: None

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze the given electric and magnetic circuits to solve for unknown parameters
CO2 Understand the principles of Electro-mechanical Energy conversion
Identify the type and rating of rotating machines and transformers for given
CO4 Evaluate the performance of DC machines and AC machines.

Electrical Circuits: DC Circuits-Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, AC circuits- complex
representation of impedance, phasor diagrams, power & power factor, solution of single-phase
series and parallel circuits.

Magnetically Coupled Circuits & Energy Conversion: Review of basic concepts, leakage and
magnetizing inductance. Principles of energy flow, concept of field energy and co-energy.

DC Machines: Constructional details, classification, EMF and torque equation, characteristics of

generators and motors. Speed torque characteristics, Speed control methods, applications of
D.C. motors, losses and efficiency.

Single Phase Transformers: Construction, principle of operation, EMF equation, Equivalent

circuit, determination of equivalent circuit parameters, Losses, calculation of efficiency and
regulation by direct methods.

Three-Phase Induction Motor: Constructional details, types, production of rotating magnetic

field-principle of operation and ratings of induction motors. Analysis of Induction Motors:
equivalent circuit, Torque-slip characteristics and applications. Speed control methods.

Synchronous Machines: Construction, types of synchronous machines (generators & motors),

principle of operation and method of starting synchronous motor, principle of operation, rating of
synchronous generator, production of emf and applications.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Electrical & Electronic Technology, Edward Hughes, Pearson Education, 2016, 12th Edition.
2. Electrical Machinery - Theory, Performance & Applications, P.S. Bimhbra, Khanna Publishers
2014, 7th edition.
3. Basic Electrical Engineering, V N Mittle and Arvind Mittal, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005, 2nd Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Electrical Machines, A Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen Umans, McGraw Hill Education,
2017, 6th edition.
2. The Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, M.G. Say, CBS Publishers and
Distributors Pvt Ltd; 2005, First Edition.
3. Electric Machinery, Stephen.J.Chapman, McGraw Hill International Edn., 2017, 4th edition.
Online Resources:

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Department of Electrical Engineering


Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Evaluate the performance of PMMC, MI, dynamometer & induction type measuring
CO2 Determine the circuit parameters using AC and DC bridges.
CO3 Compute the errors in CTs and PTs.
CO4 Select transducers to measure temperature, displacement, strain, angular velocity.

Introduction: Definitions: Accuracy, tolerance, sensitivity, reproducibility, absolute and secondary
measuring instruments, recording instruments.

Analog Ammeters and Voltmeters: PMMC and MI instruments: construction, torque equation,
range extension, advantages and disadvantages.

Analog Wattmeter and Power Factor Meters: Electrodynamometer type wattmeter and power
factor meter: construction, working, torque equation, advantages and disadvantages;
Measurement of active and reactive power in single phase; Measurement in three phase.

Analog Energy Meter: Single phase induction type energy meters, construction, working, lag
adjustments, errors; Maximum demand indicators.

Electrical Bridges: DC bridges: Wheatstone, Kelvin’s, Kelvin’s double bridge, Megger, Earth
resistance measurement; AC bridges: Maxwell’s, Anderson, Schering; Applications and

Instrument Transformers: Construction, working, testing & applications of current transformer

and potential transformer.

Transducers: Thermistor, RTD, thermocouple, LVDT, strain gauge, piezoelectric transducers,

digital shaft encoders, tachometer, Hall Effect sensors.

Electronic Instruments: Digital voltmeters, Digital Energy Meter, CRO, measurement of voltage
and frequency, Lissajous patterns, wave analyzers, harmonic distortion analyzer, LCRQ-meter.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. A Course in Electrical Measurements, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, A. K.
Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 2015.
2. Modern Electronic instrumentation and Measurements Techniques, William D. Cooper, Albert
D. Helfrick, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2002.
3. Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Prithwiraj Purkait, Budhaditya
Biswas, Santanu Das, Chiranjib Koley, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2013.

Reference Books:
1. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, E.W. Golding, F.C. Widdis, Reem
Publications, 2011.
2. Measurement Systems-Applications and Design, Ernest O. Doebelin, McGraw-Hill College,
8|Page Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22
Department of Electrical Engineering

4th edition, 1989.

Online Resources:

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Department of Electrical Engineering


Pre-Requisites: Electric Circuits & Energy conversion Systems.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
Understand the operation of conventional generating stations and renewable sources
of electrical power
CO2 Analyze the power economics and power tariff methods.
CO3 Identify the types of insulators and its working
CO4 Evaluate power system sustainability and reliability


Introduction: Typical Layout of an Electrical Power System Present Power Scenario in India.
Generation of Electric Power (Qualitative): Conventional Sources: Hydro station, Steam
Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant and Gas Turbine Plant. Renewable energy Sources: Wind
Energy, Fuel Cells, and Solar Energy, Tidal
Economics of Generation: Introduction, definitions of connected load, maximum demand,
demand factor, load factor, diversity factor, Load duration curve, number and size of generator
units. Base load and peak load plants. Cost of electrical energy-fixed cost, running cost, Tariff on
charge to customer.
AC Distribution: Introduction, single line diagram of a typical power system, AC distribution,
Single phase, 3-phase, 3 phase 4 wire system, bus bar arrangement, Selection of site and layout
of substation,
Overhead Line Insulators: Introduction, types of insulators, Potential distribution over a string of
suspension insulators, Methods of equalizing the potential, testing of insulators.
Insulated Cables: Introduction, insulation, insulating materials, Extra high voltage cables,
grading of cables, insulation resistance of a cable, Capacitance of a single core and three core
cables, Overhead lines versus underground cables, types of cables.
Sustainability of Power System: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social
sustainability, concept of power system reliability
Technology Drivers (Qualitative): Technologies associated with Distributed energy
Resources (e.g. Fuel cells, Microturbines, Solar PV)

Learning Resources
Text Books:
1. Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, C.L. Wadhwa, New-Age
International, Second Edition, 2009.
2. Electrical Power Systems, C.L. Wadhwa, New-Age International, Fifth Edition, 2009.
3. Elements of Power System Analysis, W.D.Stevenson, McGraw Hill, Fourth Edition, 1984.

10 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering

Reference Books:
1. Sustainable Power Systems, Nava Raj Karki, Rajesh Karki, Ajit Kumar Verma, Jaeseok Choi,
Springer Singapore, 2017.
2. Modeling and Control of Sustainable Power Systems, Lingfeng Wang, Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2012.
3. Elements of Electrical Power Station Design, M.V.Deshpande, Wheeler Pub., Third Edition,
Online Resources:

11 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering


Pre-Requisites: none
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand basic principles of electric heating and welding.
CO2 Determine the lighting requirements for flood lighting, household and industrial needs
CO3 Estimate heat developed in induction furnace.
Evaluate power requirement in electrolytic processes & speed time curves for

Illumination Science: Laws of illumination, coefficient of Utilization and depreciation, Polar
curves, photometry, integrating sphere, sources of light, fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent
lamps, LED lamps discharge lamps, mercury vapour lamps, sodium vapour lamps and neon
lamps, comparison between tungsten filament lamps and fluorescent tubes. Basic principles of
light control, Types and design of lighting scheme, lighting calculations, factory lighting, street
lighting and flood lighting.
Electric Heating: Principles of Electric Heating, Various Schemes and methods of Resistance
heating-Direct and Indirect heating, Induction heating, Dielectric heating and Microwave heating.
Applications of Heating and modern heating methods. Simple problems.
Electric Arc Welding: Electric welding equipment, resistance welding and arc welding,
comparison between AC and DC welding.
Electrolytic Process: Basic principles, Faraday’s law of Electrolysis, Electro deposition,
Extraction and refining of metals, Power supply of Electrolytic processes.
Electric Traction: Systems of electric traction and track electrification- DC system, single phase
and 3-phase low frequency and high frequency system, composite system, kando system,
comparison between AC and DC systems, problems of single-phase traction with current
unbalance and voltage unbalance. Systems of train lighting, special requirements of train lighting,
methods of obtaining unidirectional polarity constant output- single battery system, Double battery
parallel block system, coach wiring, lighting by making use of 25 kV AC supply, Speed control of
Traction motors(DC Series motors) series-Parallel connection, Shunt Transition, Bridge
Transition. Problems on series-parallel control.
Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy, H. Partab, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2017.
2. Modern Electric Traction, H. Partab, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2017.
3. Utilisation of Electric Energy, E. Openahaw Taylor, Orient Longman, 1971.
Reference Books:
1. Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, C.L. Wadhwa, New Age
International Publishers, 3rd Edition, 2017.
2. Utilisation of Electrical power including Electric drives and Electric Traction, N.V.
Suryanarayana, New Age Publishers, Second Edition, 2017.

12 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering

Online Resources:

13 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Select switching devices for a given power converter.
CO2 Evaluate the performance of phase-controlled rectifiers.
CO3 Identify and design DC-DC converter for a given application.
CO4 Analyze & evaluate the Inverters and ac voltage controllers for a given application.

Introduction: Concept of power electronics, scope and applications, types of power converters,
power semiconductor switches and V-I characteristics: Diodes, SCR, TRIAC, power MOSFET,
IGBT devices and applications. Line commutation of SCR, gate drive circuit.

Phase-Controlled Rectifiers: Principles of single-phase full- & half-controlled converter with R,

RL, and RLE load, Principles of three- phase fully controlled converter operation with RLE load,
and applications.

DC-DC Converters: Introduction, chopper classification of choppers, Basic principles of step-

down and step-up operation, study of Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters and applications.

Inverters: Introduction, principle of operation, performance parameters, single phase bridge

inverters with R, RL and RLC loads, 3-phase bridge inverters-180 and 120 degrees mode of
operation, voltage control of single phase inverters-single pulse width modulation, sinusoidal
pulse width modulation and applications.

A.C. Voltage Controllers: Introduction, principle of operation of single-phase voltage controllers

for R, R-L & R-L-E loads and applications.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications, M.H.Rashid, Pearson Education;
Fourth edition, 28 November 2017.
2. Power Electronics: Essentials & Applications, L. Umanand, Wiley publishers, Kindle Edition,
1 January 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Elements of Power Electronics, Philip T. Krein, Oxford University Press, Indian Edition,
Second edition, 1 November 2017.
2. Power Electronics - Converters, Applications and Design, Mohan Undeland Robin, John Wiley
& Sons, 2006.

Online Resources :

14 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Assess energy conservation opportunities in electrical system
CO2 Applying energy conservation techniques in power transmission and distribution
CO3 Identify energy conservation opportunities in thermal system
CO4 Know energy auditing procedure and reporting

Module I: Basics of energy Conservation
Potential areas in the Power Industries for energy saving. Energy Saving methods with typical
examples and exercises for power stations. Peak Demand controls, Methodologies, Types of
Industrial Loads, Optimal Load Scheduling-Case studies

Module II: Energy Conservation in Power transmission and Distribution

Ways to minimize losses in power transmission & distribution system, Components of the System
That Contribute to Losses – transformer, transmission system conductors, distribution stations,
voltage regulators, distribution lines. reducing line losses, power factor and reactive power,
Demand response program in managing line losses.

Module III: Energy conservation in power plants

Waste Heat areas and their utilization, Types of boilers, Combustion in boilers, Performances
evaluation, Feed water treatment, Blow down, Energy conservation opportunities in boiler.
Properties of steam, Assessment of steam distribution losses, Steam leakages, Steam trapping,
Condensate and flash steam recovery system, Identifying opportunities for energy savings.
Classification, General fuel economy measures in furnaces, Excess air, Heat Distribution,
Temperature control, Draft control, Waste heat recovery.

Module V: Energy audit (Through Course project)

Energy audit -Definition, Need, Types of energy audit, Energy audit Instruments. Cogeneration-
Types and Schemes, Optimal operation of cogeneration plants - Case study. Computer aided
energy management,

Module VI: Energy audit execution and reporting (Through course project)
Economic analysis methods-cash flow model, time value of money, evaluation of proposals, pay-
back method, average rate of return method, internal rate of return method, present value method,
life cycle costing approach,

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Energy Conservation and Management, M Jayaraju and Premlet, Phasor
Books, 2008.
2. Optimizing Energy Efficiencies in Industry, G.G. Rajan, Tata McGraw Hill, Pub. Co., 2001.
3. Energy Audit and Management, Volume-I, IECC Press
4. Energy Efficiency in Electrical Systems, Volume-II, IECC Press

15 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22

Department of Electrical Engineering

Reference Books:
1. Handbook of Energy Audits, Albert Thumann, William J. Younger, CRC Press, 2003.
2. Industrial energy conservation, Charles M. Gottschalk, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
3. Industrial Energy Management and Utilization, L.C. Witte, P.S. Schmidt, D.R. Brown,
Hemisphere Publication, Washington, 1988

Online Resources:

16 | P a g e Minor in EE w.e.f. AY2021-22


Minor in
for B.Tech. Program

(Effective from 2021-22)


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Scheme of Instruction
Minor in Mechanical Engineering

S.No. Subject name Semester

1 MEM01 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer III
2 MEM02 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery IV
3 MEM03 Manufacturing Processes V
4 MEM04 Applied Thermal Engineering VI
5 MEM05 Solid Mechanics and Machine Design VII
6 ME401 Robotics VII
7 ME415 Total Quality Management VII
8 MEM06 Operations Management VIII
9 MEM07 Measurements & Metrology VIII

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code:

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
Evaluate the hydrostatic forces acting over a plane solid surface of any
Apply the conservation equations to fluid flow problems and also estimate the
losses in pipe flows
CO3 Evaluate the heat transfer rate for one-dimensional regular geometries
Apply the conservation equations to solve problems involving fluid flow for
convective heat transfer rate
Estimate the heat transfer performance of heat exchangers using LMTD

Fluid properties: Density, specific weight, specific gravity, Viscosity, Vapor Pressure, Surface

Fluid statistics: Pressure, hydrostatic pressure force on a curved surface, buoyancy,

floatation and stability

Fluid kinematics: Eulerian & Lagrangian approach, classification of flows, stream lines streak
lines and path lines, Acceleration and material derivative, Control volume.

Integral and Differential analysis of fluid flow: Derivation of Conservation equations,

Euler’s equation and Bernoulli’s equation.

Viscous flows in pipes: Laminar and turbulent flows, Pipe flow losses: major losses, minor
losses, Flow over Immersed bodies: Boundary layer, Lift and drag

Basic modes of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation

Heat Conduction: General Heat Conduction Equation, One –dimensional steady state heat
transfer, Lumped heat capacity system.

Convection Heat Transfer: Derivation of energy equation, Analogy between fluid flow and
heat transfer. Forced Convection –Internal flow and External flow, Free Convection.

Heat Exchangers: Types of Heat Exchangers, LMTD method,

Radiation: Radiation exchange between Black bodies and grey bodies.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Introduction to fluid mechanics, Fox, R. W., McDonald, A. T., & Pritchard, P. J. Hoboken,
N.J: Wiley.2008
2. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Incropera, Frank P, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley,
2011, 7th edition.

Reference Books:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
1. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, Munson, B. R., Young, D. F., & Okiishi, T. H Hoboken,
NJ: J. Wiley & Sons, 2006
2. Heat Transfer, Holman, J. P., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Heat Transfer - A Basic Approach, M. Necati Ozisik, McGraw Hill, New York.

Online Resources:
1. Fluid Mechanics, NPTEL course by S.K. Som, IIT Kharagpur
2. Heat and mass transfer NPTEL Web Course

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code:

Pre-Requisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the principles of Four bar mechanism and planar mechanisms
CO2 Understand the Velocity and Acceleration Analysis
CO3 Characterize and design flywheels
CO4 Design centrifugal governors
CO5 Understand the principles of mechanical vibrations

Basics of Mechanisms: Definitions of Mechanism and Machine and distinguishing these two.
Plane and space mechanisms with examples. Four bar mechanism and slider crank
mechanism with practical examples; deriving the latter from the former. Kinematic pairs with
examples. Kinematic chains with examples. Kinematic inversions of single and double slider
crank mechanisms. Degrees of freedom of mechanisms. Grashof and non-Grashof
mechanisms. Quick return mechanisms and time ratio. Geneva and eccentric mechanisms,
Cam and follower mechanism and applications.

Velocity and Acceleration Analysis: Concept of instantaneous center, Kennedy’s theorem.

Velocity analysis. Concept of relative velocity method. Examples on simple mechanism.
Acceleration analysis: Klein’s construction, slider crank linkage, Coriolis acceleration
component, Crank and slotted lever.

Spur Gears: Kinematics of gears, law of gearing, involute teeth, terminology such as
addendum, dedendum, addendum circle, dedendum circle, pitch circle, base circle, pitch
point, pressure line, pressure angle, clearance, rack and pinion, different types of pitches, path
of contact.

Gear Trains: Kinematics of gear trains, simple gear trains and velocity ratio. Planetary gear
trains and analysis; simple problems only. Differential gear of automobiles.

Flywheels: Working principle, Force analysis of single slider crank chain. Turning moment
diagrams. Maximum fluctuation of energy and its determination. Coefficient of fluctuation of
speed. Rim type versus solid type flywheel.

Gyroscope: Principle of gyroscope, Roll, Pitch and Yaw motions, Gyroscopic effect in a two-
wheeler, car, ship and airplane.

Balancing of Rotors: Balancing and its types, Rotor balancing, Single plane and two plane
balancing. Unbalanced forces and couples. Static and dynamic balancing, Balancing of rotors
by analytical method and graphical method. Balancing of reciprocating machines- primary and
secondary and higher order unbalanced forces.

Mechanical Vibrations: Free and forced vibrations of spring mass system with and without

damper. Natural frequency, Degree of freedom, Resonance. Energy method and Rayleigh’s
method. Vibration of undamped system under harmonic excitation, Effect of frequency of
excitation on the amplitude of vibrations. Magnification Factor, Phase difference between
excitation and motion. Rotating unbalance, whirling of shaft, critical speed and its practical

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
importance in the design of shafts. Vibration isolation and some practical cases.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallik, East
West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2017, 3rd edition.
2. Theory of Machines, S.S.Rattan, McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi, 2011, 3rd edition.
3. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Shigley J. E. and John Joseph Uicker, McGraw-
Hill international edition 2003, 2nd edition.
4. Design of Machinery: An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and
Machines, Robert Norton, McGraw-Hill, 2003, 5th edition.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Code:

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Design patterns and cores for metal casting process

CO2 Design near net shaped components from metal and ceramic powders
CO3 Develop joints using solid state and fusion joining, brazing and soldering

CO4 Develop process-maps for metal forming processes using plasticity principles

CO5 Understand the classification of AM processes

Introduction to Manufacturing, History of Manufacturing, Net and near-net shape
manufacturing and their evolution

Primary Processes:
Casting: Introduction, Types of different Casting Methods, Solidification of Alloys and its
mechanism, Gating System Design and Estimation of Solidification time, Riser Design and
Riser Placement, Process Variations, Defects and Remedies. Problems on casting
Powder Metallurgy: (Metals and Ceramics) Techniques of near net shape manufacturing,
techniques of powder manufacturing, powder compaction methods, introduction to sintering,
Sintering phenomenon, post sintering operations. Problems on sintering
Welding: Physics of Welding - Types of welding - Fusion and Solid-state welding processes-
- Solidification Phenomenon in Welding – Microstructural Evolution – Different Zones of Weld
Region and their Microstructural Evolution - Brazing and Soldering, Defects and Remedies -
Problems on welding

Deformation Processes:
Metal Forming: Introduction, Types of Forming Methods - Bulk and Sheet, Mechanism of
plastic deformation, State of Stress and boundary conditions in Upsetting/forging, Rolling,
Wire and tube drawing, Extrusion and Deep Drawing, Defects, Load estimation for one plane
strain and one axi-symmetric bulk deformation processes. Problems on forming

Subtractive Processes
Machine Tools: Introduction: Generatrix and Directrix, Elements of M/C Tools, M/C Tool
drives, Classification of Machine Tools.
Lathe: Types, Parts, Feed Mechanisms, Specifications of lathe, Lathe Operations,
Accessories and Attachments, Machining time estimation.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Shaper and Planer: Types, Specifications, Crank and slotted link mechanism, Stroke length
and position adjustments, Automatic feed mechanisms, Shaper Vs Planer, Machining time
Drilling: Operations, Types, Mechanisms, Nomenclature of a drill, Machining time estimation.
Milling: Types, Up Milling Vs Down Milling, Types of milling cutters, Operations, Machining
time estimation, Methods of indexing, dividing head
Grinding: Specification and selection of grinding wheels, Truing, Dressing, Classification of
Grinding wheels.

Additive Processes:
Introduction to AM and its need, categorization of AM process, steps in AM process, Additive
processes for non-metal, metal based additive manufacturing process, development of
functionally graded material, applications of AM using case studies

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Science, Amitabha Ghosh and Mallick A. K, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.
Ltd. 2010
2. Manufacturing Technology Vol1 – Foundry, Forming and Welding, P N Rao, 2018, 5th
3. Manufacturing Technology Vol2 – Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, P N Rao, 2018, 4th

Reference Books:
1. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (SI Edition), Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R.
Schmid, Pearson, 2014, 7th Edition
2. DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, J. T. Black, Ronald A. Kohser,
2019, 13th Edition

Online Resources:


Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code:

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Apply thermodynamic concepts to understand the working of thermal systems.
Understand the construction and principle of operation of boiler, compressor,
nozzle, turbine and condenser.
Understand the concepts of air conditioning, psychrometry and cooling load
CO4 Analyse the steam power plant and air standard cycles.
CO5 Design and analysis of steam nozzles and steam turbines.

Review of thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics; process and cycles, Closed and
Open Systems, Mass and energy balance, Rankine cycle and modified Rankine cycle

Boilers: Different types of boilers, description and working procedure, boiler mountings and
accessories. Performance characteristics.

Compressor: Types of compressors: Reciprocating, rotary and centrifugal Compressors.

Principle of Operation, Temperature-Entropy diagram, velocity triangles, Flow analysis

Steam turbines: Types of turbines: Impulse and reaction turbines, compounding of turbines,
optimum velocity ratio, reheat factor, losses in steam turbines, steam turbine governing

Nozzles: Convergent and convergent-divergent nozzles, mass flow rate, choking of nozzles,
performance characteristics of nozzles.

Analysis and sizing of power plant components: Steam generators, condenser, Cooling
tower and heat exchangers.

Air standard cycles: Otto Cycles, Diesel Cycles, Dual cycle, Actual cycles.

Refrigeration: Vapour compression refrigeration systems, Refrigerants and their properties.

Vapour absorption refrigeration system: Water-Lithium bromide; Aqua-ammonia

Air-conditioning: Introduction to Psychrometric principles. Application of mass and energy

balances to air-conditioning systems. Wet and dry bulb temperatures. Psychrometric chart.
Air conditioning processes and Cooling Load basic calculations.

Text Books:

1. Thermal Engineering, R K Rajput, 6th Edition, Laxmi Publications Limited, New Delhi.
2. A Course in thermal Engineering, Domkundwar and Kothandaraman, Dhanpat Rai & Co,
3. Textbook of Thermal Engineering, R S Khurmi, JK Gupta, S Chand & Co Ltd, 2006.

Reference Books:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
1. Yonus A Cengel and Michale A Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach,
McGraw Hill, 2002
2. P L Ballaney, Thermal Engineering, 5th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2010

Online reference:

1. Basic Thermodynamics, NPTEL COURSE by Prof. S.K.Som, IIT Kharagpur

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code:

Pre-Requisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the types of stresses and strains in machine members while
subjected to axial, flexural and torsional loads
CO2 Evaluate principal stresses, strains and apply the concept of failure theories for
designing the mechanical components
CO3 Design the required size of shaft, coupling and gear for a mechanical system
CO4 Select a suitable bearing for the given load conditions in a mechanical system

Concept of Stress and Strain: Various types of loads and its responses in solids – Tension,
compression and shear stresses and strains-Thermal Stresses and strains – volumetric
strains- pure shear – Young’s modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, Modulus of rigidity and
Bulk modulus - Relation between elastic constants - Stress-strain diagrams for brittle and
ductile materials - working stress.
Bending of Beams: Types of supports - Types of beams - Types of loads – Assumptions
(Euler and Bernoulli) - Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams. Governing equation of
bending. Deflection of Beams - Bending stresses in beams. Flexural, shear stress distribution
in different cross sections of beams.
Torsion of Circular cross sections: Theory of pure torsion - transmission of Power in Solid
and Hollow circular shafts -Governing equation of torsion - Combined bending and torsion.
Analysis of Uniaxial, Biaxial and Triaxial state of stresses with and without shear – Principal
stresses and strains– Stress-Strain relations–Graphical representation of stress-strain
behaviour of solids (Mohr's Circle).
Theories of failure: Distortion - Maximum Principal Stress Theory - Maximum Principal
Strain Theory - Maximum Shear Stress Theory - Strain Energy Theory - Distortion energy
theory. Cyclic loading - Fatigue Failure.
Design of Shafts and Couplings: Types of loading on shafts, causes of stress concentration
in shafts, Design of shafts based on strength, Design of shafts based on rigidity, use of fatigue
and stress concentration factors in Shaft Design. Purpose of shaft couplings, Different types
of couplings, Design of rigid couplings - muff coupling and working principles of flanged
couplings and other types of couplings “Oldham’s coupling and Universal coupling”.
Design of Gears: Classification of Gears, Law of gearing, Terminology of spur gear,
Standard Systems of gear tooth, Interference and undercutting, backlash, Stresses produced
in a gear tooth, Concept of uniform strength beam, Shape of uniform strength cantilever beam
with point load at its free end, Lewis’s equation, Design of spur gear tooth based on strength.
Design of Friction Bearings: Conditions of proper lubrication, Mechanism of dry friction,
Petroff’s law, Assumptions involved in Petroff’s law, Hydrodynamic lubrication. hydrodynamic
conditions in a bearing, McKeey’s equation. Stability of lubrication, bearing modulus. Design
of journal bearing. Introduction and working principle of antifriction bearings.
Other Mechanical components: Design of flat belt. Design of band brake, block brake and
single plate clutch.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials, Timoshenko and Gere, CBS Publishers, 2011.
2. Strength of Materials, R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications, 2013.
3. Mechanical Engineering Design. Richard G. Budynas, J Keith Nisbett, Shigley’s.
McGraw Hill, 2011, Ninth edition.
4. Design of Machine Elements, V B Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
Limited, 2012, Third Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mechanics of Solids, E. P. Popov, PHI, 2009.
2. Machine design an integrated approach., Robert L Norton, Pearson Education,
2009, Second edition.
3. Machine Design, Black and Adams, McGraw Hill and Co, New Delhi, 2002.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code:
ROBOTICS 3-0-0: 3

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the basic components of robots and their grippers.

CO2 Model forward and inverse kinematics of robot manipulators.

CO3 Analyze forces in links and joints of a robot.

CO4 Develop a program for the robot to perform tasks in industrial applications.

CO5 Design intelligent robots using sensors.

Course Articulation Matrix:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
CO5 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3

Introduction: Multibody systems, Automation, Classification of robots, Anatomy, Sensors
(velocity, proximity, touch, torque etc), Grippers, selection of Robot based on the Application.
Demonstration of different types of Robots & tools using Robot Simulator Software like

Kinematics: Manipulators Kinematics, Rotation Matrix, Homogenous Transformation Matrix,

Direct and Inverse Kinematics for industrial robots for Position and orientation. Demonstrate
FK and IK using simulation tools.

Differential Kinematics, statics and Dynamics: Jacobian, Lagrangian Formulation,

Newton- Euler Formulation for RR & RP Manipulators. Demonstrate differential kinematics
using simulation tools.

Trajectory planning: Motion Control- Interaction control, Rigid Body mechanics.

Demonstrate trajectory planning using simulation tools.

Control: architecture- position, path velocity and force control systems, computed torque
control, Adaptive control, and Servo system for robot control.

Advanced Topics in Robotics: Motion Planning (Methods of Path planners), Robot Vision
(Feature Detection & Matching, Motion Tracking, Machine Learning methods).

Robot programming: Programming of Robots and Vision System- overview of various

programming Languages.

Applications: Application of Robots in production systems- Application of robot in welding,

machine tools, material handling, and assembly operations parts sorting and parts inspection.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control, Craig, J.J., Addison Wesley, 1999.
2. Introduction to robotics, Saha, Subir Kumar, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.
3. Robot modeling and control, Spong, Mark W., Seth Hutchinson, and Mathukumalli
Vidyasagar. New York: Wiley, 2006.

Reference Books:
1. Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control, Kevin M. Lynch, Frank C. Park,
Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Online Resources:
1. nptelCourses: ,,,
2. Stanford Lecture Series:

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand quality management philosophies, techniques, and frameworks
CO2 Adopt TQM methodologies for continuous quality improvement
CO3 Identify the areas of improvement through measurement of cost of poor quality,
effectiveness and efficiency of processes
CO4 Apply TQM process and concepts to enhance the performance of systems
CO5 Understand the implications of quality management standards and systems

Course Articulation Matrix:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PS02
CO1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2
CO4 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3
CO5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2
1 - Slightly; 2 - Moderately; 3 – Substantially
Introduction: Dimensions of Quality, Quality Planning, Quality Costs and Analysis, Axioms of
Contribution of Quality Gurus: Shewhart SPC, Deming Philosophy, Juran Trilogy, Crosby
zero Defect Philosophy, Barriers to TQM Implementation, Benefits of TQM, Characteristics of
successful quality leader, Contributions of Gurus of TQM, Case studies.
TQM Principles: Customer satisfaction - Customer Perception of Quality, Customer
Complaints, Service Quality. Customer Retention, Employee Involvement - Motivation,
Empowerment teams, Continuous Process Improvement - Juran Trilogy, PDSA Cycle, Kaizen,
Supplier Partnership, Performance Measures, Case studies.
TQM Tools: Benchmarking, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - House of Quality, Taguchi
Robust Design Concept, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), FMEA, The seven tools of
quality, Process capability, Concept of six sigma, New seven management tools, Case
Quality Systems: Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems, ISO 9000:2000 Quality
System - Elements, Implementation of Quality System, Documentation, Quality Auditing, QS
9000, ISO 14000 - Concept, Requirements and Benefits, Case Studies
Text Books:
1. Total Quality Management, Dale H.Besterfiled, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2006.
2. Total Quality Management, Subburaj Ramasamy, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
3. Quality Management - Concepts and Tasks, Narayana V and Sreenivasan N.S., New
Age International, Delhi, 1996.

Reference Books:

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
1. Out of the Crisis, Edward Deming, MIT Press, July, 2000
2. ISO 9000: Concepts, Methods and Implementation, Tapan P Bagchi, A.H.Wheeler, 1999

Online Resources:
1. - Video by Edward Deming
2. - For ISO 9000 standards

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code:

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Explain production systems and their characteristics.
CO2 Evaluate MRP and JIT systems against traditional inventory control systems.
CO3 Analyze aggregate planning strategies.
CO4 Apply forecasting and scheduling techniques to production systems.

Introduction: Milestones in the evolution of production systems, Overview of Production
Planning and Control Hierarchy; Review of EOQ and Inventory control systems.
Material Requirements Planning: Concept of Dependent Demand; Structure of MRP
system, MRP Calculations, Planning Issues, Implementation Issues.
Just in Time Production Systems: Evolution, Characteristics of JIT Systems: Small lot
production, Stable MPS, Kanban System, Continuous Improvement, TPM, Strategic
Implications of JIT System.
Aggregate Planning: Purpose & Methods, Reactive and Aggressive Alternatives, Planning
Strategies, LP Formulation, Master Production Scheduling.
Scheduling: Scheduling in Manufacturing, Sequencing Operations for One Machine,
Sequencing Operations for a two-station Flow Shop, Job Shop Dispatching.
Forecasting Methods: Demand Forecasting: Principles and Methods, Judgment methods,
Causal methods, Time-series methods.
Text Books:
1. Operations Management: Strategy and Analysis, Krajewski L.J. and Ritzmen L.P , Pearson
Education, 2010, 9th Edition.
2. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, Chase R.B. Jacobs F.R. and
Aquilano N.J., Tata McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 2011, 11th Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Operations Management: Theory and Practice, Mahadevan. B., Pearson Education, 2015,
3rd Edition.
Online Resources:
1. Swayam/NPTEL lectures

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Code:

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Outcomes:

Comprehend the basic measurement terminology and the concept of generalized

measurement system.
CO2 Estimate errors and uncertainty in measurements using statistical analysis.
Understand the principals involved in measuring various thermos-physical
Understand the various linear and angular measurement principles and apply

Introduction to metrology: Definition, types, terminologies, standards, generalized
measurement system
Statistical Analysis of experimental data: Types of errors, Error Propagation, Uncertainty
analysis, Error distribution (Guassian or Normal distribution), Chi-square test for goodness of
Pressure measurement: Mechanical-pressure measurement devices, dead weight tester,
Bourdon tube pressure gauge, McLeod pressure gauge
Flow Measurement: Flow obstruction Methods, Hot Wire Anemometers, Magnetic Flow
Temperature Measurement: Liquid-in-glass Thermometers, Thermocouples, Resistance
Temperature Detectors, Thermistors, Pyrometry
Force measurement: Direct Methods, Load Cells, Cantilever Beams, Proving Rings,
Differential Transformers
Torque Measurements: Torsion-bar Dynamometer, Servo-controlled Dynamometer
Absorption Dynamometer
Strain Measurement: Mechanical Strain Gauges, Electrical Strain Gauges
Linear metrology: Steel rule, Vernier Instruments, Micrometre Instruments, Slip Gauges
Angular Measurement: Protractors, Sine bar, Interferometers
Comparators: Mechanical and Electrical Comparators
Limits fits and Tolerances: Principle of interchangeability and selective assembly, Limits, fit
and tolerances, limit gauging, design of limit gauges

Text Books
1. Engineering Metrology and Metrology, N.V Raghavendra & L Krishnamurthy, Oxford
University press, 2013
2. Engineering Metrology, R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers, 19/e, 2005.
3. Experimental Methods for Engineers, J P Holman, McGraw hill,7 edition,2001

Reference books
1. Mechanical Measurements by Thomas G Beckwith, Pearson publications, 6th edition,

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
2. Measurement systems by Ernest O Doebelin, Tata McGraw Hill publications
4. Mechanical Measurements, S.P Venkatesan, publications, 2 edition, 2015

Online Resources:
1. Engineering Metrology, NPTEL Course by J.Ram Kumar and Prof Amandeep singh

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Minor in
(for B.Tech. students other than Chemical Engineering)

(Effective from 2021-22)


Department of Chemical Engineering

Minor Program* – Chemical Engineering
S. Course Course Title L T P Credits Sem.
No. Code
1 CHM01$ Introduction to Unit Operations and 3 0 0 3 III
Process Calculations
2 CHM02$ Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3 III
3 CHM03 Chemical Engineering 3 0 0 3 IV
4 CHM04$ Chemical Reaction Engineering 3 0 0 3 IV
5 CH203 Mechanical Operations 3 0 0 3 V
6 CHM05 Mass Transfer 3 0 0 3 VI
7 CH302 Elements of Transport Phenomena 3 0 0 3 VII
8 CH351 Process Dynamics and Control 3 0 0 3 VIII
* Out of the above, six courses (18 credits) should be completed by students for the award of Minor.
Mandatory courses: CHM01, CHM02, CHM04

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Department of Chemical Engineering



Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Convert physico-chemical quantities from one system of units to another
CO2 Calculate mass and energy balances on non-reactive systems
CO3 Selection of a process for manufacture of chemicals
CO4 List chemical reactions and their mechanism involved.

Introduction to unit operation and unit process concept, Chemical processing and role of
chemical engineers.
Units and Dimensions - Conversion of Units, Systems of units; Process and process
variables – mass and volume, density, specific gravity, specific gravity scales, mass and
volumetric flow rates; Chemical composition - mole concept, molecular and equivalent
weights; Composition of streams; other expressions for concentration;

Fundamentals of material balances: Process classification; Balances; Material balance

calculations – flow charts, basis of calculation, balancing a process, degrees of freedom
analysis, general procedure for single unit process material balance calculations,
examples including – Evaporation, Absorption, Distillation, etc.; Balances on multiple unit
processes – Recycle and bypass

Energy balances: Elements of energy balance calculations – reference states, process

paths, procedure for energy balance; Sensible heat and heat capacities, estimation of heat
capacities as function of temperature.

Chloro-Alkali Industries: Soda ash, Solvay process, dual process, Natural soda ash from
deposits, Electrolytic process, Caustic soda.

Phosphorus Industries: Phosphoric acid, Wet process, Electric furnace process,

Nitrogen Industries: Ammonia, Nitric acid, Urea from ammonium carbonate. Sulfur and
Sulfuric Acid Industries: Elemental sulfur mining by Frasch process, Sulfuric acid. Contact
process, Chamber process. Sugar and Starch Industries. Pulp and Paper Industries

Polymer manufacturing processes, Ethenic polymer processes, Polycondensation

processes, Polyurethanes. Rubber: Elastomer polymerization processes, Rubber
polymers, Butadiene-Styrene copolymer, Polymer oils and rubbers based on silicon.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, R.M. Felder, R.W. Rousseau, L.G.
Bullard, Wiley, 2016, 4th Edition.

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Department of Chemical Engineering

2. Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, D.H. Himmelblau, J. B. Riggs,

Prentice Hall, 2012, 8th Edition.
3. Sittig M. and Gopala Rao M., Dryden's Outlines of Chemical Technology for the 21st
Century, 3rd Edition, WEP East West Press, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Austin G.T., Shreve's Chemical Process Industries - International Student Edition,
McGraw Hill Inc., 5th Edition, 1998.
2. Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes: Material and Energy Balances,
NayefGhasem, R. Henda, CRC Press, 2015, 2nd Edition.
3. Stoichiometry and Process Calculations, K.V. Narayanan, B. Lakshmikutty, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd., 2015, 7th Edition.
4. Chemical Process Principles (Part-I): Material and Energy Balances, O.A. Hougen, K.M.
Watson, R.A. Ragatz, CBS Publishers, 2004, 2nd Edition.
5. Stoichiometry, B.I. Bhatt, S.M. Thakore, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
2010, 5th Edition.
Online Resources:

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Department of Chemical Engineering


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Estimate pressure drop under laminar and turbulent flow conditions in a pipe.
CO2 Understand motion of particles in fluid, fluid–solid operations in packed beds and
fluidized beds.
CO3 Select machinery and measuring devices for fluid flow.
CO4 Identify the modes of heat transfer.
CO5 Calculate heat transfer coefficients for forced and natural convection.
CO6 Solve problems related to heat exchangers.

Fluid Mechanics:
Fluid Statics and Its Applications: Nature of Fluids, Hydrostatic Equilibrium, Applications of
Fluid Statics.

Fluid Flow Phenomena: Boundary layer, Laminar flow, Shear rate, Shear stress, Rheological
properties of fluids, Turbulence

Basic Equations of Fluid Flow: Equations of continuity and motion, Bernoulli equation.

Incompressible Flow in Pipes and Channels: skin friction in pipes, laminar and turbulent flow
in pipes and channels, form friction.

Flow of Compressible Fluids: Definitions and basic equations.

Flow past Immersed Objects: Friction in flow through beds of solids, Motion of particles
through fluids, Fluidization.

Transportation and Metering of Fluids: Pipes, fittings and valves. Pumps - positive
displacement and centrifugal pumps, Flow measuring devices.

Heat Transfer:
Introduction: Modes of heat transfer, material properties of importance in heat transfer.

Heat Transfer by Conduction in Solids: Steady state heat conduction, Conduction through
bodies in series; Unsteady state heat conduction - lumped capacity method

Principles of heat flow in fluids - Concept of heat transfer coefficient; Individual and overall
heat transfer coefficient;

Heat Transfer to fluids without phase change - Principle of convection; Forced convection in
laminar and turbulent flows; Natural convection; Heat Transfer to fluids with phase change -
Condensation and boiling of liquids.

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Radiation: Concepts of radiation; Laws of radiation; Radiation between black surfaces; View

Heat Exchange equipment: Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers; Concept of fins

Evaporation: Types of evaporators, Performance of tubular evaporators; Capacity &

Economy; Multiple effect evaporator;

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Warren L. McCabe, Jullian C. Smith, Peter Harriott
McGraw Hill, 2005, 7th Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Chemical Engineering, Coulson J. M and Richardson J. F, Elsevier, Volume I - 6th Edition, 2000
and Volume II – 5th 2003.
2. Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, De Nevers N H, McGraw Hill, NY, 2004, 3rd Edition.

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Department of Chemical Engineering




Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to chemical processes

CO2 Estimate heat and work requirements for industrial processes.

CO3 Evaluate heat effects involved in industrial chemical processes

CO4 Calculate Bubble-P & T, Dew-P & T for binary systems

CO5 Evaluate the efficiency of expansion and compression flow processes.

Course Articulation Matrix:


CO1 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 3 3

CO2 2 3 2 2 1 - - - - - - - 2 2 3

CO3 2 2 3 3 2 - - - - - - - 2 1 1

CO4 2 2 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 3 1 2

CO5 2 2 3 2 1 - - - - - - - 3 2 2

1 - Slightly; 2 - Moderately; 3 – Substantially

Introduction and First Law of Thermodynamics: First Law of Thermodynamics, Energy
Balance for Closed Systems, Equilibrium, The Phase Rule, General P-V-T Behavior of Pure
Substances, Virial Equations of State, The Ideal Gas, Application of the Virial Equations.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Statements of the Second Law, Heat Engines,
Entropy, Entropy Changes of an Ideal Gas, Mathematical Statement of the Second Law,
Entropy Balance for Open Systems, Calculation of Ideal Work, Lost Work, The Third Law of

Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids: Thermodynamic Property Relations for Single Phase

Systems, Residual Property Relations, Residual Property Calculation by Equations of State,
Two-Phase Systems, Thermodynamic Diagrams, Tables of Thermodynamic Properties,
Generalized Property Correlations for Gases.

Heat Effects: Sensible heat effects, Temperature dependency of heat capacity, Latent Heat
of pure substance, Standard heats of reaction, formation and combustion, Heat effects of
industrial reactions.
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Department of Chemical Engineering

VLE at low to moderate pressures: The nature of equilibrium, Criteria of equilibrium, The
phase rule, Duhem’s theorem, Raoult’s law, Henry’s law, Modified Raoults’s law, Dew point
and bubble point calculations, Relative volatility, Flash calculations.

Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes: Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids,

Turbines (Expanders), Compression Processes. Refrigeration and Liquefaction: Carnot
Refrigerator, Vapor-Compression Cycle, Choice of Refrigerant, Absorption Refrigeration, Heat

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Smith J. M, H. C. Van Ness and M.
M. Abbott, McGraw-Hill, 2018, 8th Edition.
2. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, K. V. Narayanan, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
2013, 2nd Edition
Reference Books:
1. Thermodynamics and its Applications, J.W. Tester and M. Modell, Prentice Hall, 1999, 3rd
2. Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodyn amics, Stanley I. Sandler, Wiley,
2020, 5th edition 2020.
Online Resources:

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Department of Chemical Engineering


Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Derive the rate law for non-elementary chemical reactions.

CO2 Determine the kinetics of chemical reaction using integral, differential, fractional life
methods and method of initial rates.

CO3 Design reactors for homogenous reactions under isothermal conditions.

CO4 Select optimal sequence in multiple reactor systems

CO5 Analyze the performance of non-ideal reactors using segregation model, tanks-in
series model and dispersion model.

Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions: Concentration-Dependent Term of a Rate Equation,
Temperature-Dependent Term of a Rate Equation, Searching for a Mechanism, Predictability
of Reaction Rate from Theory.

Conversion and Reactor Sizing: Definition of Conversion, Batch Reactor Design Equations,
Design Equations for Flow Reactors, Applications of the Design Equations for Continuous-
Flow Reactors, Reactors in Series.

Analysis of Rate Data: The Algorithm for Data Analysis, Batch Reactor Data, Method of Initial
Rates, Method of Half-Lives, Differential Reactors, Experimental Planning, Evaluation of
Laboratory Reactors.

Isothermal Reactor Design: Mole Balances in Terms of Conversion- Design Structure for
Isothermal Reactors, Scale-Up of Liquid-Phase Batch Reactor Data to the Design of a CSTR,
Design of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs), Tubular Reactors. Mole Balances
Written in Terms of Concentration and Molar Flow Rate- Mole Balances on CSTRs, PFRs,
and Batch Reactors, recycle reactor.
Design of multiple reactions: Design of parallel reactions, Irreversible reactions in series,
Successive irreversible reactions of different orders. Reversible reactions, Complex reactions

Non-isothermal reactor design: Energy balances, Adiabatic tubular reactor design. Multiple
steady state in CSTR.

RTD for Chemical Reactors: General Characteristics, Measurement of the RTD,

Characteristics of the RTD, RTD in Ideal Reactors, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting, Reactor
Modelling Using the RTD, Zero-Parameter Models, RTD and Multiple Reactions.

Analysis of non-ideal reactors: One- parameter models, two-parameter models, Tanks-in-

Series (T-I-S) Model, Dispersion Model.

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Wiley India, 3rd Edition, 2006.
2. H. Scott Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall India Learning
Private Limited,5th Edition, 2016.

Reference Books:
1. Ronald W. Missen, Charles A. Mims, Bradley A. Saville, Introduction to Chemical Reaction
Engineering & Kinetics, Wiley, 1998.
2. E. Bruce Nauman, Chemical Reactor Design, Optimization and Scaleup, Wiley, 2nd
Edition, 2008.
3. Mark E. Davis & Robert J. Davis, Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering,
McGraw Hill, 2002.
4. Martin Schmal, Chemical Reaction Engineering: Essentials, Exercises and Examples, CRC
Press, 2014.
5. Smith J. M., Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill India, 1981.

Online resources

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Department of Chemical Engineering


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Identify the role of mechanical unit operations in chemical industries
CO2 Select suitable size reduction equipment based on performance and power
CO3 Analyse particle size distribution of solids
CO4 Evaluate solid-solid and solid-fluid separation equipment
CO5 Demonstrate agitation and mixing processes

Introduction: Unit operations and their role in chemical industries; Types of mechanical

Properties and handling of particulate solids: Characterization of solid particles, Properties of

masses of particles, Mixing of solids, Size reduction, Ultrafine grinders.

Screening: Screening equipment, Screen capacity.

Cake filters: Centrifugal filters, Filter media, Principles of cake filtration, Washing filter cakes.

Clarifying filters: Liquid clarification, Gas cleaning, Principles of clarification.

Cross flow filtration: Types of membranes, Introduction to ultrafiltration, diafiltration and


Sedimentation: Gravity sedimentation processes, Centrifugal sedimentation processes.

Agitation and mixing: Introduction to agitation and mixing process

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McCabe W. L., Jullian Smith C and Peter Harriott,
McGraw-Hill international Edition, 2005,7thEdition.

Reference Books:
1. Chemical Engineering, Coulson J.M., Richardson J.F, Vol. II,Elsevier India, 2006,4th Edition
2. Principles of Unit Operations, Alan S. Foust, Leonard A. Wenzel, Curtis W. Clump, Louis
Maus and L. Bryce Andersen,, Wiley, 2008, 2nd Edition.
3. Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Walter L. Badger and Julius T. Banchero,Tata
McGraw Hill Edition, 2001.
4. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations), Christie
John Geankoplis, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited, 2004,4th Edition.
Online Resources:
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Department of Chemical Engineering

CHM05 MASS TRANSFER 3-0-0 3 Credits

Pre-Requisites: None

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Identify diffusion phenomena in various chemical processes.

CO2 Determine diffusivity coefficient and mass transfer coefficient

CO3 Design equipment for gas-liquid mass transfer operations.

CO4 Calculate drying rates and moisture content for batch and continuous drying

Course Articulation Matrix:


CO1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
CO2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2
CO4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1
1 - Slightly; 2 - Moderately; 3 – Substantially


Introduction:Unit operations with mass transfer phenomena, Introduction to solute transport.

Molecular Diffusion: Stefan tube experiment to determine diffusion coefficient in gases,

Fick‘s law of diffusion, Determination of diffusion coefficient in liquids, Correlations for
diffusion coefficient in gases and liquids, Dependence on temperature and pressure,

Inter-Phase Mass Transfer: Pure liquid (stationary) to gas mixture (gently mixed), Concept
of mass transfer coefficient and driving force, Concept of Sherwood number, Two film
resistance theory.

Equipment for Gas-Liquid Operations: Components of equipment in packed towers,

Bubble column, Tray towers, etc.

Gas Absorption: Equilibrium solubility of gases in liquids, one component transferred -

material balances, one component transferred counter-current multistage operation, stage
efficiency, continuous contact equipment.

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Distillation: Vapor-Liquid Equilibria, single stage operation - flash vaporization, differential or

simple distillation, continuous rectification - binary systems, Design of multistage tray towers:
McCabe-Thiele method.

Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Liquid-Liquid equilibria, stage-wise contact, design of stage type

extractors and differential (continuous contact) extractors: immiscible and partially miscible

Drying: Equilibrium, drying operations - batch drying, mechanism of batch drying and
continuous drying, drying equipment.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Mass Transfer Operations, Treybal R.E., McGrawHill, 1981, 3rd Edition.
2. Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Binay K. Dutta, Prentice-Hall India,
2007, 2nd Edition.
3. Mass Transfer – Theory and Applications, K V Narayanan and B Lakshmikutty, CBS
Publishers & Distributors pvt. ltd., 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Transport processes and Separation Process Principles, Geankoplis C.J., Prentice-Hall
India, 2003, 4th Edition.
2. Diffusion – Mass transfer in fluid systems, E. L. Cussler, Cambridge University Press,
2009, 3rd Edition.
3.Separation Process Principles, Ernest J. Henley, J. D. Seader, D. Keith Roper, Wiley, 2011,
3rd Edition.

Online Resources:

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Department of Chemical Engineering


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Estimate the transport properties of solids, liquids and gases.

CO2 Formulate mathematical representation of momentum / energy / mass transport
CO3 Solve flow/heat/mass transfer problems either individually or coupled for simple
geometries analytically.
CO4 Apply analogy between momentum, energy and mass transport.


Introduction to Transport phenomena.

Momentum Transport: Viscosity & mechanisms of momentum transport – Newton’s law of

viscosity and its generalization, Pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity, Viscosity
of suspensions and emulsions, convective momentum transport; Shell momentum balances
and velocity distributions in laminar flow; Equations of change for isothermal systems -
Continuity equation, Equation of motion, Navier-Stokes Equation, Laminar velocity profiles in
simple geometries such as flow between parallel plates, flow in a circular pipe, flow down an
inclined plane, Dimensional analysis of equations of change; Time dependent flow of
Newtonian fluids.

Energy Transport: Thermal conductivity & mechanisms of heat transport – Fourier’s law of
heat conduction, temperature and pressure dependence of thermal conductivity, Thermal of
conductivity of solids, Effective thermal conductivity of composite solids, Convective transport
of energy; Shell energy balances and temperature distributions in solids and laminar flow;
Equations of change for non-isothermal systems – Energy equation and its special forms,
Boussinesq equation of motion, Use of equations of change to solve steady state problems -
Temperature profile for simple geometries with/without heat generation, Temperature profile
in laminar flowing fluids with/without heat generation, free convection; Dimensional analysis of
the equations of change for non-isothermal systems; Time dependent Temperature profile in

Mass Transport: Diffusivity & mechanisms of mass transport – Fick’s law of binary diffusion,
temperature and pressure dependence of diffusivities, Mass and molar transport by
convection, summary of mass and molar fluxes; Concentration distributions in solids and
laminar flow - Shell mass balances; boundary conditions; Diffusion through stagnant gas film;
Diffusion with chemical reaction; Diffusion into a falling liquid film; Diffusion and chemical
reaction inside a porous catalyst; Equation of continuity for a multicomponent mixture;

14 | P a g e Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f.2021-22

Department of Chemical Engineering

Summary of multicomponent equations of change and fluxes; Simultaneous heat and mass

Analogies: Analogies between momentum, heat & mass transfer correlations for friction
factor/Nusselt Number/Sherwood Number.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Transport Phenomena, R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, E.N. Lightfoot, John Wiley & Sons,
2007, 2nd Edition.
2. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, C.J. Geankoplis, Prentice Hall
Inc., 2009, 4th Edition.

Reference Books:

1. Heat and Mass Transfer: A Transport Phenomena Approach, K.S. Gandhi, New Age
International Publishers, 2017.
2. Analysis of Transport Phenomena, W.M. Deen, Oxford University Press, 2013, 2nd
3. Introduction to Transport Phenomena: Momentum, Heat, and Mass, Bodh Raj, Prentice
Hall India Learning Private Limited, 2012.
4. Transport Phenomena: Chemical Processes, T. Sunil Kumar, Studium Press (India) Pvt.
Ltd. 2016.

Online Resources:


15 | P a g e Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f.2021-22

Department of Chemical Engineering


Pre-Requisites: MA236Partial Differential Equations, Statistics and Numerical

Methods, CH255 Process Instrumentation
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand the dynamic behavior of processes

CO2 Analyze components of a control loop

CO3 Evaluate the stability of feedback control system

CO4 Design controllers for first and second order processes

CO5 Determine the frequency response for controllers and processes

Course Articulation Matrix:


CO1 3 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - 1 2 3 3

CO2 3 3 3 2 3 - - - - - - 1 2 3 3

CO3 3 2 3 3 3 - - - - - 1 1 2 3 3

CO4 - - - - - 1 3 3
3 3 2 3 3 - 1

CO5 - - - - - 2 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 1 1

1 - Slightly; 2 - Moderately; 3 – Substantially

Motivation and Introduction to the course: Open and closed loop control, Review of
Laplace transforms, Hierarchical levels in process control
State space models: Transfer Functions, Linearization, Forcing Functions and Responses.
Physical examples of First and Second order systems.
Block Diagram: Controllers and Final Control Elements. Control Valves: Valve
Characteristics, Valve Positioner.
Closed loop Transfer functions: Transient response of control systems: Servo Problem,
Regulatory Problem, Controllers: Proportional, Proportional-Integral, Proportional-Integral –
Derivative (PID) Controllers.
Stability: Routh Test, Root Locus, Direct substitution method.

16 | P a g e Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f.2021-22

Department of Chemical Engineering

Controller Design: Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon Controller Settings. Direct synthesis

method, Internal model control (IMC),
Frequency Response: Substitution Rule, Bode Diagrams. Control system design based on
frequency response: Bode and Nyquist Stability Criterion, Gain and Phase Margins.
Advanced Regulatory Control Strategies: Cascade Control, Feed-forward Control, Ratio
Control, Dead-Time Compensation (Smith Predictor), Split-range control, Override control and
inferential control.
Introduction to model predictive control.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Coughanowr D.R., Process System analysis and Control, McGraw Hill, 2012, 3rd Edition.
2. Seborg D.E., Edgar T. E and Millichamp D.A, Process Dynamics and Control, John Wiley &
Sons, 2016, 4th Edition.
3. RaghunathanRengaswamy, Babji Srinivasan, NiravPravinbhai Bhatt, Process Control
Fundamentals: Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Diagnosis, CRC Press, 2020.

Reference Books:
1. Stephanopolis G., Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall India, 2008.
2. Bequette, B.W., Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation, 2007.

17 | P a g e Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f.2021-22


Minor in
(for B.Tech. students other Metallurgical and Materials Engineering)

(Effective from 2021-22)

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Scheme of Instruction

Minor: Materials Engineering

MINOR: Materials Engineering (3 credits x 6 courses = 18 credits)

S. No Course Code Course Name Year/Sem

1 MMM01 Structure and Properties of Materials 2/1
2 MMM02 Engineering Materials 2/2
3 MMM03 Advanced Materials Testing 3/1
4 MMM04 Characterization Techniques 3/2
5 MMM05 Materials Degradation 4/1
6 MMM06 Advanced Materials 4/2
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


MMM01 3-0-0: 3

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Classify materials based on their structure

CO2 Correlate the structure with properties of materials

CO3 Analyse the binary phase diagrams

CO4 Appraise the importance of basic heat treatment processes

Introduction: Historical perspective on materials, Classification of materials, Modern materials’ needs,
Materials tetrahedron, Bonding in solids - metallic bond, ionic bond, covalent bond.
Structure of solids: Crystal systems, Unit cells and space lattices, Coordination number, Metallic
crystal structures, Atomic packing fraction for cubic and hexagonal close packed structures, Miller
indices of planes and directions, Amorphous and polycrystalline materials. Ceramic crystal structures,
Structure of polymers, Crystal imperfections – point defects, line defects, surface defects and volume
Properties of materials: Physical properties, Thermal Properties, Electrical Properties, Magnetic
Properties, Optical Properties, Mechanical properties, Structure-property correlations.
Constitution of alloys: Necessity of alloying, Substitutional and Interstitial solid solutions, Hume
Rothery Rules, Intermediate phases.
Binary phase diagrams: Basic definitions, Gibbs phase rule, Construction of isomorphous phase
diagram from cooling curves, Tie-line rule, Lever rule, Equilibrium heating and cooling of an
isomorphous alloy, Eutectic, Eutectoid, Peritectic, Peritectoid, Monotectic and Syntectic reactions.
Study of important binary systems of Fe-Fe3C, Cu-Zn, Cu-Sn, Al-Cu and Al-Si, Introduction to
strengthening mechanisms.
Basic heat treatment processes: Annealing, Normalising, Hardening and Tempering, Carburising,
Nitriding, Influence of these processes on properties.
Text books:
1. W.D. Callister, D.G. Rethwisch, Materials science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th ed.,
Wiley, 2010.
2. S.H. Avener, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
3. V. Raghavan, Materials Science & Engineering: A first course, 5th ed., PHI Learning, 2004.
4. R E. Hill and Abbaschain, Physical Metallurgy Principles, PWS Publishing Company, 4nd ed.,
Reference books:
1. D S Clark and W. R. Varney, Physical Metallurgy for Engineers, CBS Publications, 1st ed.,
New Delhi, 1979.
2. R. E. Smallman A.H.W. Ngan, Modern Physical Metallurgy, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann
Publications, 1999.
Online resources:
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


MMM02 3-0-0: 3

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Classify materials based on structure and properties

CO2 Describe structure, properties and applications of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
CO3 Differentiate metals/polymers/ceramics and their composites

CO4 Suggest materials for a given engineering application

Introduction: Historical perspective of engineering materials, importance of materials, materials for
daily life, need for new materials development. Metallic materials: ferrous alloys- carbon steels, low
& high alloy steels, stainless steels, special steels: HSLA, duplex, marageing, HNS, light-weight steels,
Fe-Si alloys, cast irons, non-ferrous alloys: aluminium, magnesium, titanium and nickel alloys.
Ceramics: typical structure of ceramics, glasses, silicate ceramics, carbon fibres, glasses. Polymers:
polymerisation, thermosetting and thermoplastics, polymeric materials for special applications: high
temperature, absorbing high energy impacts, limitations. Composites: classification based on matrix
and dispersed phase, reinforced concrete, carbo-carbon composites, applications and limitations.

Text books:
1. Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys, Smith, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 2nd ed., 1993.
2. Engineering materials, A. K. Bhargava, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2nd ed., 2013.
3. Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, Kennath Budinski, Michel K Budinski,
Pearson Education India, 9th ed., 2009.
4. Materials – Introduction & Applications, Witold Brostow, H E Hagg Lobland, Wiley & Sons,
5. Science and Engineering of Materials, Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule, Thomson
Learning, 5th ed., 2007.
6. An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science: for Chemical and Materials Engineers,
Brian S. Mitchell, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.
7. Materials Science and Engineering – A First Course, V. Raghavan, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, 4th ed., 1999.
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


3-0-0: 3

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Discuss the destructive testing methods to measure the mechanical properties

CO2 Explain creep and stress rupture test and their implications

CO3 Explain the working principles of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods

CO4 Identify suitable NDT methods for defect detection

Destructive Tests: Hardness test, Tensile test, Compression test, Impact test, Microhardness and
indentation fracture toughness test, Fracture toughness test, Creep test, Fatigue test. Non-Destructive
Tests: Introduction to NDT, Classification of NDT processes, Working principle, advantages,
disadvantages of Liquid penetrant testing, Eddy Current Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing,
Radiographic Testing, Ultrasonic Testing and Acoustic Emission Testing. Precautions against radiation

Text Books:
1. Mechanical Metallurgy, G. E. Dieter, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. R. W. Hertzberg: Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, 4th Edition,
John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2012.
3. Practical Non-Destructive Testing, Baldev Raj, T.Jayakumar, M.Thavasimuthu, Narosa
Publishing House, 2014.
4. Non-Destructive Testing Techniques, Ravi Prakash, New Age International Publishers, 2010,
1st revised edition.

Reference Books:
1. T. L. Anderson: Fracture Mechanics- Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, 2011.
2. ASM Metals Handbook, Non-Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control, American Society of
Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, Volume-17.
3. Charles, J. Hellier, Handbook of Nondestructive evaluation, Charles, J. Hellier, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2001.

Online Resources:
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


MMM04 3-0-0:3
Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Describe the principles of optical and electron microscopy.

CO2 Analyse the X-ray diffraction data.

CO3 Choose suitable characterization techniques for microstructural analysis of materials.

CO4 Select suitable characterization techniques for compositional analysis of materials.

CO5 Apply thermal analysis techniques for materials characterization.

Microscopy: Working principle of microscope, optical microscope, concepts of magnification,
resolution, numerical aperture, depth of field, principles of image formation, advantages, limitations
and applications. Electron microscopy, SEM and TEM, electron source, electron-specimen interaction,
mode of imaging, image contrast, SAD. Comparison of OM, SEM and TEM. Advantages, limitations
and applications. X-Ray diffraction, Properties of X-rays, X-Ray diffraction methods, applications of
XRD. Composition analysis techniques: EDS, WDX, XRF, XPS and AES, and EPMA. Thermal
analysis techniques TGA, DSC, DTA and TMA.
Text Books:
1. Materials Characterization Techniques, S Zhang, L. Li and Ashok Kumar, CRC Press, 2008.
2. David B. Williams, C. Barry Carter, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Textbook for Materials
Science, Springer, 2nd Edition, 2009.
3. An Introduction to Material Characterization, Khangaonkar P R, Penram Intl. Publishing (India)
Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, 2010.
4. Elements of X-Ray Diffraction, B.D.Cullity and S.R.Stock, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2001.

Reference Books:
1. ASM Handbook, Vol.10, Materials Characterization, ASM International, USA, 1998.
2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) instrumentation: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray
Microanalysis. Springer, Goldstein JI, Newbury DE, Michael JR, Ritchie NW, Scott JH, Joy DC
New York, NY, 4th Edition, 2018.
3. Practical of Electron Microscope in material science: Electron Diffraction in the Electron
Microscope- J. W. Edington, (Philips Technical Library) Macmillan Education UK (1975).
4. Practical of Electron Microscope in material science: J Interpretation of Transmission Electron
Micrographs - J. W. Edington, (Philips Technical Library) Macmillan Education UK (1975).
Online Resources:
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


MMM05 3-0-0: 3

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Discuss the thermodynamic and kinetic principles governing the material degradation in
aqueous environment

CO2 Explain corrosion mechanisms of materials in industry

CO3 Predict the corrosion behaviour from corrosion data of material

CO4 Select suitable materials/methods for corrosion prevention using electrochemical and
metallurgical principles

Environmental degradation of a material: Definition and significance, overview of common material
failures due to environmental degradation in industry, corrosion - basic definition and its cost.
Thermodynamics of metallic corrosion: EMF series and Nernst’s law, EMF vs corrosion potential,
Pourbaix diagram – construction, applications and examples, Effect of environmental variables on
corrosion, passivity in metals and alloys
Kinetic of corrosion, corrosion rate expressions, polarisation: Types, mixed potential theory, Evans
diagram – construction and interpretation
Forms of corrosion: Uniform, dealloying, intergranular, galvanic, crevice, pitting, environmentally
induced cracking – types, erosion corrosion - cavitation, high temperature corrosion- oxidation-
Ellingham diagrams, hot corrosion, microbially induced corrosion
Corrosion testing procedures: Weight loss, spectroscopy and electrochemical methods, polarisation
methods – linear, cyclic and Tafel methods, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiostatic
and galvanostatic techniques to study passivity
Corrosion control, monitoring and prevention: change of environment, material design and
optimisation - effect of metallurgical variables on corrosion, sorting of metallic materials based on their
corrosion behaviour in various environments such as fresh water, marine and soil, anodic and cathodic
protection, coatings, corrosion of non-metallic materials-composites, polymers and ceramics.
Text Books:
1. Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, Denny A. Jones, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 1996.
2. Corrosion Engineering, Mars G. Fontana, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 3rd Edition, 1986.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Metallic Corrosion: Atmospheric and Media Corrosion of Metals, Philip A.
Schweitzer, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2006.
2. An Introduction to Corrosion and Corrosion Engineering, H.H. Uhlig, R. Winston Revie, John
Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 2008.
Online Resources:
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


MMM06 3-0-0: 3

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Describe synthesis, properties, applications of nanomaterials

CO2 Suggest advanced composite materials for innovative applications

CO3 Discuss unique aspects of bulk metallic glasses and high entropy alloys

CO4 Suggest appropriate biomaterials for desired biomedical applications

Introduction: Introduction to advanced materials, classification.
Advanced Nanomaterials: Introduction, Classification of nanomaterials, Physical, chemical,
mechanical properties of nanomaterials; applications. Preparation of nanomaterials by solid, liquid and
vapour routes; Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), preparation, properties and applications, Graphene and other
emerging 2-D nanomaterials
Advanced Composites: General characteristics and classification of composites, Advanced metal-
matrix composites (AMMCs), advanced ceramic matrix composites (ACMCs), advanced polymer
matrix composites (APMCs), hybrid composites; Types of reinforcements, interface bonding,
toughening mechanism, Unique properties, Applications in structural and aerospace sectors,
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and High entropy alloys (HEAs): Introduction to metallic glasses,
Glass formation, essential properties and applications of BMGs, synthesis through solid and liquid
routes. HEAs: Concept of thermodynamic stability, essential properties, applications and synthesis of
Advanced Biomaterials: Overview of biomaterials, Biocompatibility; Advanced biometallics,
bioceramics, biopolymers, applications; cardiovascular implants, orthopedic implants, ophthalmology
biomaterials, dental materials, Nanobiomaterials for medical imaging.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P. Poole Jr., Frank J. Owens, Wiley India, New Delhi,
2. Composite Materials, Krishan K. Chawla, Springer, 3rd Ed., 2015.
3. Bulk Metallic Glasses, C. Suryanarayana and A. Inoue, CRC Press, 2017.
4. Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineering: Principles and Methods, Bikramjit Basu, Cambridge
Press, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Structural Nanocrystalline Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, Carl C. Koch, Ilya A.
Ovid'ko, Sudipta Seal, and Stan Veprek, Cambridge Press, 2007.
2. Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, B. S. Murty et al., Universities Press, 2013.
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Online Resources:

Minor in
(for B.Tech. students other than Civil Engineering)

(Effective from 2021-22)


Department of Civil Engineering

Minor Program – Civil Engineering

S. Course Name of the Course L T P Credits Sem.

No. Code
1 CEM01 Geomatics 3 0 0 3 III
2 CEM02 Building Construction Practices 3 0 0 3 IV
3 CEM03 Elements of Structural Engineering 3 0 0 3 V
4 CEM04 Hydrology and Environmental 3 0 0 3 VI
5 CEM05 Soil and Foundation Engineering 3 0 0 3 VII
6 CEM06 Transportation Engineering 3 0 0 3 VIII
Total 18

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering

Minor – Civil Engineering

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code: Credits

GEOMATICS 3-0-0: 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Map the geospatial features
CO2 Identify different navigation systems and constellations
CO3 Acquire and process geospatial data
CO4 Prepare geospatial features in computing environment

Introduction to Geomatics: Definition, disciplines and techniques constituting Geomatics,
Elements of Cartography- Earth shape, Reference systems and Coordinate systems, Scale,
Map Classification and Map reading.

Land Surveying: Definition, Principles, Distance measuring instruments and methods, Angle
measuring instruments and methods, Leveling and Contouring, Applications, Types of maps

Remote Sensing: Definition- Electromagnetic spectrum-Energy interactions with atmosphere

and earth surface features-spectral reflectance of vegetation, soil and water- Classification of
sensors, Active and Passive, Resolution-spatial, spectral radiometric and Temporal resolution,
Multi spectral scanning-Along track and across track scanning, Earth observation satellites

Global Navigation Satellite System: Types, GNSS-Components and Principles, Satellite

ranging-calculating position, GNSS measurement techniques, Phases of GPS Survey -
Planning and preparation, GPS errors and biases, Other navigation systems, Regional
navigation systems

Geographical Information System: components of GIS, GIS operations, Modelling Real

World Features Data, Data Models – Spatial and Non-spatial, Components, Data Collection
and Input, Data Conversion, Metadata.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Surveying Vol I & II, B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain, Laxmi publications
(P) Ltd, 2005
2. Surveying Vol. II, S.K. Duggal, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd, Reprint 2015
3. Introduction to GIS, Kang-Tsung Chang, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 8e, 2016
4. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Lillesand M and Kiefer W, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., 2015

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Chang,K , Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd, 2008
2. Surveying Theory and Practice, James M Andersen, Edward M Mikhail, McGraw Hill
education, 7e, 2014

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Comprehend the different components of building
CO2 Study the construction practices and techniques for the different components of
CO3 Comprehend the use of Formwork in construction
CO4 Plan the sequence of construction of Buildings

Types of Buildings, Components of buildings, Foundation and its functional requirements,
Characteristics of soil, types of foundations, construction of foundation

Masonry: Definitions of terms used in masonry, Materials used, Stone masonry, Brick
masonry, Different bonds used for brick masonry

Floors, Roofs and Staircases: Components of a floor, materials used for floor construction,
Different types of flooring, Types of roofs, Basic roofing elements and Roof coverings,
Functional requirements of a good stair, type of steps, type of stairs, planning a staircase.

Formwork in Construction: Requirements of Formwork, Types of formwork, Timber, Steel,

Modular shuttering, Slip forms, Scaffolding.

Planning for Construction, Selection of site for building construction, Sequence of


Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Building construction, Varghese P. C. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2016, Second Edition.
2. Building construction, Punmia B. C., Jain A. J. and Jain A. J ,Laxmi Publications, 2016,
Eleventh Edition

Reference Books:
1. The text book of building construction, Arora S. P., and Bindra S. P. Dhanpat Rai
Publications, 2010
2. Handbook on Building Construction Practices (Excluding Electrical Work), SP62 (1997),
Bureau of Indian Standards.

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Visualize, conceptualize and synthesize structural elements
CO2 Analyse structural elements for bending, shear and torsion
CO3 Apply design concepts to structural steel elements
CO4 Apply design concepts to RCC elements

Introduction to Structural Engineering Concepts: Types of structures, Geometrical and
structural classification, Material laws, Laws of structural mechanics, Action and displacement
in structures- examples simply supported / hinged beam, Cantilever beam, Use of principle of
superposition, Visualize, Conceptualize and Synthesize structural elements
Concepts of Bending and shear stresses: Assumptions - Theory of Simple Bending -
Bending stresses in beams – Flexural shear stress distribution in various shapes of cross
section of beams.
Analysis of structural elements: Combined action of bending and shear, shear and torsion,
concept of principal stress and strain, structural analysis using tables and charts. Examples on
continuous beams.
Methods of Structural steel design and its principles: Introduction-Types of loads- Design
Philosophies- working stress method, Limit State Method, Safety factors for Materials and
Loads-Indian Standards, Standard sections, General concept in the design of structural
elements- tension, compression, beam, column and floor elements
Concepts of RCC Design: Introduction- Design Philosophies- working stress method, Limit
State Method, Safety factors for Materials and Loads-Indian Standards, General concept in the
design of structural elements- tension, compression, beam, column and floor elements.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Engineering Mechanics (In SI Units), S. Timoshenko, D.H. Young, J.V. Rao and Sukumar
Pati, McGraw Hill Publishers, 2017, 5th Edition.
2. Mechanics of Structures Vol 1 (Strength of Material), S. B. Junarkar and H. J. Shah, Charotar
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
3. Design of Steel Structures, L S Negi, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers, 2017.
4. Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, IS:456-2000, N.Krishnaraju, CBS Publications,
2019, 4th Edition

Reference Books:
1. Strength of Materials - Pytel & Singer, Harper & Row Publishers, 4th Edition, 2018.
2. Mechanics of Materials (SI Edition), R. C. Hibbeler, Pearson Publications, 2018.
3. Limit State Design of Steel Structures, S K Duggal, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers, 2019, 3rd
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, Devdas Menon , S. Pillai, Tata McGraw Hill Pub., 2017, 3rd
Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering


Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering


Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Comprehend the components of hydrologic cycle
CO2 Explain the various hydrological processes
CO3 Estimate yield from surface and subsurface resources
CO4 Assess water demand and identify the components of water treatment systems
CO5 Estimate the wastewater quantity and comprehend the components of wastewater
treatment systems

Description of Hydrologic Cycle, Components of hydrologic cycle, Forms and types of
precipitation, Abstractions from Precipitation, Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, Infiltration
process, and effective rainfall.
Stream flow, flow duration curve and flow mass curve, Hydrograph, Basics of unit hydrograph
theory, Concepts of flood routing and flood frequency analysis, Occurrence of groundwater,
types of aquifers, aquifer properties.
Estimation of water demand, water consumption rate, fluctuations in rate of demand, design
period, population forecasting methods, working principles and design of water treatment units,
screening, plain sedimentation, sedimentation aided with coagulation, filtration, disinfection,
water softening, miscellaneous treatments, water distribution.
Wastewater Collection and transfer, Preliminary & primary treatment of wastewater,
secondary treatment of wastewater, disposal.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Engineering Hydrology, Subramanya, K., Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 5th Edition, 2020
2. Environmental Engineering, Peavy, H.S, Rowe, D.R., and G. Tchobanoglous, McGraw Hill
Education, 2017 First Indian Edition

Reference Books:
1. Environmental Engineering (Vol. I): Water supply Engineering, P.N. Modi, Standard Book
House, 2018, 5th Edition
2. Environmental Engineering (Vol.II): Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering, S.K.
Garg, Khanna Publishers, 1999, 40th Edition
3. Introduction to Hydrology, Viessman, W., and Lewis, G.L., Prentice Hall of India, 2008

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Comprehend the soil as a natural supporting and construction material
CO2 Calculate 3-phase soil parameters and classify the soils
CO3 Apply effective stress principle to engineering works
CO4 Apply the principles of soil compressibility and settlements
CO5 Comprehend the significance of shear strength and different types of foundations

Introduction: Soil formation- Development of soil engineering - Importance of soil engineering-
Major soil deposits of India and their engineering concerns.

Phase Soil System: 3-phase diagram, basic definitions and formulations, Index properties and
soil classification.

Soil – water: Types of soil- water, permeability of soils, effective stress principle, Estimation of
effective stress for different field conditions.

Compressibility and shear strength of Soils: a) Stresses in soil under applied loads.
b) Compaction of soils – Purpose, IS light and Heavy compaction, compaction quality control.
c) Consolidation of soils- Definitions, total settlement and rate of settlement.
d) Shear strength: Definition and significance of shear strength - Source of shear strength,
Mohr’s stress circle.

Types of foundations and Bearing Capacity: Importance of bearing capacity, Shallow

foundations and Deep foundations, their suitability and selection.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R. Rao, New Age Int.
Publishers,2019, 3rd Edition.
2. Geotechnical Engineering, V.N.S. Murthy, CBS Publishers, 2018, First Edition.
3. Principles of Foundation Engineering, Braja.M. Das, Cengage Learning India Private
Limited, 2011, Seventh Edition

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Braja M. Das and N. Sivakugan, Cengage
Learning, 2015, Second Edition.
2. Geotechnical Engineering, C. Venkata Ramaiah, 2019, New Age Int. Publishers, New Delhi.

Online Resources:
1. courses

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Differentiate different systems of transportation
CO2 Estimate travel demand
CO3 Analyze the traffic flow data and propose road safety measures.
CO4 Design highway geometrics and flexible pavement
CO5 Appraise different intelligent transportation systems to ensure effective traffic

Transportation Systems: Role of transport in national development, the transportation
system, modes of transportation and their characteristics, urban and regional transportation
problems, travel characteristics, transport development plans, highway classification, and
network patterns.

Travel Demand: Issues related to regional and urban transportation planning, long-term and
short-term plans, travel attributes, data Collection, four stage travel demand forecasting, Trip
Generation Model, Trip Distribution Model, Mode Split Model and Traffic Assignment

Traffic Engineering and Safety: Traffic characteristics, flow-speed-Density, q-k-v

relationships, road traffic studies and analysis, hourly design volume, types of intersections
and design considerations, Traffic Signs and Signals, road accidents and measures, Road
Safety Analysis and Audit.

Highway Design: Highway alignment, engineering surveys, design control and criteria, ross-
sectional elements, sight distances, design of horizontal and vertical curves.
Types of pavement structures, functions of pavement component layer, basic properties of soil,
aggregates, and bitumen, overview of bituminous mix design, Design of Flexible Pavement

Smart Mobility: Intelligent transportation Systems, advanced vehicle control and safety
systems, electronic toll collection, Traveler Information System, Autonomous vehicles, electric
trucks, hyperloop and drones.

Learning Resources:
1. Highway Engineering, Khanna, S.K., Justo C.E.G., and Veeraragavan A., Nem Chand and
Bros., Roorkee, India, 2017, Tenth Edition.
2. Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Kadiyali L.R., Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
India, 2018, Ninth Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Highway Engineering, Daniel Jonathan Findley, Bastian J. Schroeder, Christopher Michael
Cunningham Thomas H. Brown, Jr. Maximize., 2015.
2. Introduction to Transportation Systems, Joseph Sussman., 2000.
3. Principles of Transportation Engineering, Chakroborty, P. and Animesh Das., Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India, 2017, Second Edition.
4. Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering, Papakostas. C.S., Pearson Education India,
2015, Third Edition.

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Minor in
(for B.Tech. students other than Biotechnology)

(Effective from 2021-22)

Department of Biotechnology

Minor Program in – Biotechnology
S. No. Course Name L T P Credits Sem.
1 BTM01 Essential Biochemistry 2 0 2 3 III
2 BTM02 Foundations in Cell Biology 2 0 2 3 IV
3 BTM03 Principles of Bioprocess Engineering 2 0 2 3 V
BTM04 Elements of Bioseparations Technology /
4 2 0 2 3 VI
BTM05 Systems Biology for Engineers
BTM06 In silico Drug Discovery /
5 BTM07 Introductory Modelling Simulation and 2 0 2 3 VII
Optimization of Bioprocesses
6 BTM99 Mini Project 0 0 6 3 VIII
Total 12 0 14 18

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Department of Biotechnology

Course Code: Credits

BTM01 2-0-2: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Identify the structure and functions of biomolecules

CO2 Understand complex biochemical pathways and metabolism
CO3 Determine the kinetic parameters of enzymatic reactions
CO4 Estimate and separate biomolecules using Chromatography and Electrophoresis
CO5 Demonstrate biochemical reactions of proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids with
organic and inorganic solvents

Introduction: The Facts of Life, Water: The Medium of Life, pH, acids, bases, buffers, weak
bonds and covalent bonds. Thermodynamics of Biological Systems.

Molecules of Life: Amino acids and Peptides: Classification of amino acids, Structure and
properties of amino acids, Peptide bond and peptide Proteins: Structure and Classification of
Proteins. Primary structure, Secondary structure, Tertiary structure and Quaternary structure,
aggregated proteins, Structural importance in function, denaturation and renaturation. Nucleic
acids: Structure of nucleic acids, Structure of DNA, specialized secondary structures,
Principle kinds of RNA and their structures, Carbohydrates: Structure and functions of
carbohydrates and glycoproteins. Lipids: Structure of Fats and Oils, Phospholipids,
membrane lipids, Vitamins: Introduction, classification and functions of vitamins, disease of
vitamins deficiency.

Metabolism: Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway, The Citric
Acid Cycle, Amino Acid Oxidation, Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation,
DNA Metabolism, RNA Metabolism, Protein Metabolism, Analytical techniques in
biochemistry for small molecules and macro- molecules for quantification.

Enzymes: Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics: Enzymes as biological catalysts, classification,

Examples of enzymes catalyzed reactions, Michaelis–Menten approach to enzyme kinetics,
and mechanism of enzyme action

Laboratory: Any five experiments

1. Qualitative analysis of carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins.

2. Quantitative estimation of protein by Biuret method and Lowry method.
3. Quantitative estimation of reducing sugars by DNS method.
4. Quantitative estimation of total sugars by anthrone method.
5. Quantitative estimation of DNA by diphenylamine method.
6. Quantitative estimation of RNA by orcinol method.
7. Determination of absorption maxima (λmax).
8. Estimation of nucleic acids andprotein purity by spectrometric analysis.
9. Quantitative estimation of protein and nucleic acids concentration by UV-absorption
10. Effect of substrate concentration and determination of Michaelis–Menten parameters
Vmax& Km.

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Department of Biotechnology

11. Separation of amino acids by thin layer chromatography

12. Determination of molecular weight of a protein by SDS-PAGE.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, David L. Nelson,Michael M. Cox, W. H. Freeman and

Company, 2017, 7th Edition.
2. Biochemistry, Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham, Cengage Learning, 2017,
3. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques, Keith Wilson and John Walker,
Cambridge University Press,2000, 5thEdition.

Reference Books:

1. Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry, Victor Rodwell, David Bender, Kathleen M. Botham,

Peter J. Kennelly and P. Anthony Weil, Tata McGraw – Hill, 2015, 30thEdition.
2. Biochemistry, Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Gatto, Jr., and LubertStryer,
Macmillan, 2015, 8thEdition.

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Department of Biotechnology

Course Code: Credits

BTM02 2-0-2:3
Pre-Requisites: BTM01

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand cell theory and cellular compartmentalization

CO2 Describe structure and function of the plasma membrane and cell organelles.
CO3 Comprehend the molecular mechanisms of cell cycle.
CO4 Relate the importance of cell cycle on cancer development
CO5 Explain the role of apoptotic cell death in cellular development
CO6 Perform cell manipulation techniques used in basic cell biology research.


Introduction to Cell, Structure and Function: Discovery of cells & Basic properties of cell,
Cell theory; Cell complexity, Different classes of cells; Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cell. Structural
organization and function of intracellular organelles, Cell membrane components, Basics of
membrane transport systems.

Cell Division and Cell Cycle: Mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle checkpoint, molecular mechanics of
cell cycle, role of cyclin dependent kinases in controlling the cell cycle, cell death and cell

Cell Signaling: Introduction to cell signaling, Intracellular signaling and types of signal
receptors, Signal Transduction by hormones - Steroid / Peptide hormones, Concept of
Secondary messengers.

Stem Cells and Cancer: Embryonic and adult stem cells, Cell differentiation, Cancer biology
basics, Characteristics of Cancer Cells, Types of Tumors, Molecular Basis of Cancer – Proto
oncogene, Tumor Suppressor gene.

Laboratory: Any five experiments.

Demonstration of microscopes, determining the cell concentration using hemocytometer,

smear preparation and staining (bacteria, animal and plant cells), cell division – mitosis,
microscopic determination of cell viability using membrane permeability assay, fluorescent
labeling and microscopic detection of cellular components (direct and indirect labeling).

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. The Cell: A Molecular Approach, Geoffrey M. Cooper, Robert E Hausman, Oxford

University press, 2015, 7thEdition.
2. Karp's Cell and Molecular Biology, Karp, G., Iwasa, J., Marshall, W. Wiley, 2019.

Reference Books:

1. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts, Alexander D. Johnson, Julian Lewis, David
Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts: Garland Science, 2015, 6thEdition.

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Department of Biotechnology

2. Laboratory Investigations in Cell and Molecular Biology, Allyn A. Bregman, Wiley, 2001,

Online Resources:

1. The Cell, An Image Library (

2. The Hidden Life of the Cell (

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Department of Biotechnology

Course Code: Credits

BTM03 2-0-2:3
Pre-Requisites: None

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand the roles and responsibilities of a bioprocess engineer

CO2 Understand sterilization techniques and estimate the sterilization time
CO3 Comprehend rheology of fermentation fluids& determine power requirement in
CO4 Develop design equations for bioreactors & calculate oxygen demand for cell growth.
CO5 Understand the scale up concepts for bioprocesses.
CO6 Identify sensors and instruments needed for measurement and control


Introduction to Bioprocessing: Role of a bioprocess engineer, Kinetics of microbial growth,

substrate utilization and product formation; Simple structured models, Design of fermentation
Sterilization: Media sterilization; kinetics of thermal death of cells & spores, design of batch
and continuous thermal sterilization, sterilization of air and filter design, Radiation and
chemical sterilization.
Batch, Fed-Batch and Continuous Processes: Operation of batch, continuous and fed-
batch processes and industrial applications, Comparison of batch, fed-batch and continuous
Rheology of Fermentation Fluids: Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Aeration and
agitation, power requirement for gassed and un-gassed systems, time calculation for mixing.
Mass Transfer in Bioreactors: Theories of mass transfer, metabolic oxygen demand,
measurement of KLa, Maximum cell concentration
Instrumentation in Bioreactors: On-line and off-line measurement various types of
microbial and enzyme reactors, Bioreactor Considerations for Animal Cell Culture and plant
cell culture. Fermentation: Structured and Unstructured Models, Optimization of Fermentation
Laboratory: Any five experiments.

Growth kinetics of bacteria in a fed-batch reactor, enzyme immobilization, microbial death

kinetics, residence time distribution, fluidized bed bioreactor for cell cultivation, determination
of mixing time and power number in chemostat, effect of temperature, pH substrate
concentration on enzyme activity, inhibition kinetics and estimation of biomass.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Bioprocess Engineering Principles. By Paulin M. Doran. Elsevier Science & Technology

Books, 2008, 2ndEdition.
2. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, Second Edition, James E. Bailey, David F. Ollis.

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Department of Biotechnology

Mc Graw Hill, 2004, 2ndEdition.

3. Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts 2nd Edition, Michael Shuler, FikretKargi. Prentice-
Hall India, 2006, 2ndEdition.

Reference Books:

1. Bioprocess Engineering: Kinetics, Mass Transport, Reactors and Gene Expression by

Wolf. R. Vieth. A Wiley-Inter science Publication, 2009, 1stEdition.
2. Principles of fermentation technology, P F Stanbury and A Whitaker, Pergamon press,
2005, 3rdEdition.

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Department of Biotechnology



Pre-Requisites: BTM03

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand separation techniques used in downstream process

CO2 Design and optimize downstream processes
CO3 Understand the requirements for successful operation of downstream processes
CO4 Understand the principles of major unit operations used in downstream processing of


Scope of Bioseparations Technology: Importance of Bioseparations technology in

biotechnology, Characteristics of products, criteria for selection of bio-separation techniques.
Economics of bioseparations in biotechnology, cost-cutting strategies

Recovery of Intracellular Products: Cell disruption methods – physical methods (osmotic

shock, grinding with abrasives, solid shear, liquid shear) – chemical methods (alkali,
detergents) – enzymatic methods.

Solid- Liquid Separation: Centrifugation: Principles of centrifugation, various centrifuges;

basket centrifuge, tabular centrifuge, disc-bowl centrifuge. Membrane separation processes:
Basic principles of membrane separation, different types of membranes, criteria for selection
of membranes.

Chromatography: Principles of chromatographic separation methods, different types of

chromatographic methods, ion – exchange chromatography, gel chromatography, affinity
chromatography etc. Applications in bio-processing. Electrophoresis of proteins, Protein
Precipitation, Dialysis; Extraction and Freeze Drying.

Laboratory: Any five experiments.

Extraction of intracellular proteins by cell disruption methods, centrifugation methods,
precipitation methods, dialysis, lyophilization, ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration
chromatography, affinity chromatography, tangential filtration methods, NATIVE
electrophoresis, storage methods for isolated products.
Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Bioseparations: Downstream Processing for Biotechnology, Paul A. Belter, Wiley-

Blackwell, 2008, 1stEdition.
2. Bioseparations: Principles and Techniques, Sivasankar, Prentice Hall India, 2010,
3. Downstream Process Technology, Prasad, Prentice Hall India, 2010,1stEdition.

Reference Books:

1. Product Recovery in Bioprocess technology, BIOTOL series, Butterworth –Heinemann,

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Department of Biotechnology

2010, 1stEdition.
2. Principles of Downstream processing, by Ronald & J. Lee, Wiley Publications, 2007,
3. Handbook of Bioseparations, Ahuja S, Academic Press, 2000, 1stEdition.
4. Bioseparations: Science and Engineering, Harrison RG, Oxford University Press, 2003,
5. Protein Purification: Principles and Practice: Scopes, Robert K, Springer, 2014, 3rdEdition.
6. Downstream Processing of Proteins: Methods and Protocols, Mohamed A. Desai, Humana
Press, 2012, 1stEdition.

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Department of Biotechnology

Course Code: Credits

BTM05 2-0-2:3
Pre-Requisites: BTM01, BTM03

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand basic, advanced principles of systems biology and biological networks
CO2 Understand networks behavior and emergent properties of biological networks/
CO3 Apply kinetics principles to develop systems level mathematical models in biology
CO4 Create predictive mathematical models of biological interaction networks to explore
their emergent behavior
CO5 Draw insights form systems level models/ studies for biotechnological and biomedical


Systems Biology Fundamentals: Introduction to systems biology; high throughput

experimental techniques: gene array, protein array, two-hybrid systems; model formulation
based on enzyme kinetics, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, mass actions kinetics, Hill equation,
steepness, threshold phenomenon, ultra-sensitivity, steady state, dynamic and stochastic
models in system biology.

Molecular Networks to Cellular Behavior: Emergent properties of biological networks;

complexity, adaptability, biostability, robustness and evolvability; introduction to network
motifs, elements of transcription networks, dynamics and response time of simple gene
regulation, autoregulation, feed forward loops (FFLs), temporal expression programs and
global structure

Case Studies, Computations Tools and Applications: Signal transduction networks, E. coli
chemotaxis network, infection model, robustness patterning in development- morphogen
profiles, fruit fly patterning, threshold and negative feedback loop in rhythmic processes
(oscillations) of complex biological system, Computational tools and software packages,
Synthetic biology: building and analyzing synthetic networks, systems pharmacology,
Systems Biology and Artificial Intelligence.

Laboratory: Any five experiments

Dynamics of a simple gene regulation, Dynamics of small interaction network with coupled
ODE, Bi-stable Switch and Multi-stability, Dynamics of Circadian Rhythm and limit cycle,
Dynamics of MOTIFs, Pattern formation using PDE. Dynamics of Prey-predatory model,
Dynamics of SIR model and disease spread.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Introduction to Systems Biology, Uri Alon, Chapman and Hall / CRC Mathematical and
Computational Biology, 2007, 1st Edition.

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Department of Biotechnology

2. Systems Modeling in Cellular Biology: From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts, Zoltan Szallasi,
JörgSterlling, Vipul Periwal, Prentice Hall of India, 2007, 1st Edition.

Reference Books:

1. Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems, Eberhard O. Voit, Cambridge University

Press, 2000, 1st Edition.
2. An Introduction to computational Systems Biology: System-level modelling of cellular
networks. CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2021, 1st Edition.

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Department of Biotechnology

Course Code: Credits

BTM06 2-0-2: 3

Pre-Requisites: None

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand the concept of structure-function relationship of lead molecules in drug

CO2 Understand the process of target identification in drug discovery
CO3 Apply proteomics and genomics techniques in drug-discovery and design process
CO4 Understand the drug delivery systems
CO5 Design new drugs using computational methods


Insights into the Drug Design Process: Drug design process for a known protein target –
Structure based drug design process, finding initial hits, Compound refinement. Ligand based
drug design process, finding initial hits using online/offline software.

Stereochemistry in Drug Design: Peptides, Peptidomimetics. Bonded and non - bonded

interactions, Drug delivery systems for proteins, peptides with special reference to oral &
nasal routes. Delivery consideration of biotechnological products: Stability profile, Barriers to
peptides, protein delivery, Delivery of protein and peptide drugs, Toxicity profile
characterization, druggable targets.

Computational Approaches: Quantification of Molecular diversity and design of compound

libraries, physicochemical concept of in drug design. History of QSAR, 2D-QSAR; 3D-QSAR,
descriptors of QSAR, Tools and techniques of QSAR, Parameters Used in QSAR,
Applications of QSAR, 3D pharmacophore hypothesis

Introduction to Docking: Scoring functions, Docking Process – Protein Preparation, Building

the ligand, setting the bounding box, running the docking calculations. Molecular docking
software and their utilities in drug design. High-throughput screening.

Laboratory: Any five experiments

Design and 2D sketching of ligand /drug, introduction to protein structure and visualization
tools, generation and preparation of 3D optimized structure of ligand and receptor for docking,
docking of receptor-ligand and analysis of results, docking of protein-protein and analysis of
results, estimation of binding free energy of ligands and receptor, introduction to molecular
dynamics simulation methods, introduction to molecular dynamics analysis methods.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Textbook of Drug Design and Discovery, PovlKrogsgaard-Larsen, Ulf Madsen, Kristian
Stromgaard, CRC Press, 2017, 5th Edition.
2. Modern Methods of Drug Discovery, Gerhard Edwin Seibold, Alexander Hillisch, Rolf
Hilgenfeld, Birkhauser, 2003, 1st Edition.
3. Modern Biopharmaceuticals: Design, Development and Optimization. JorgKnablein, Wiley

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Department of Biotechnology

– VCH, 2005, 1st Edition.

4. Molecular Modelling, Principles & Applications, Andrew R. Leach, Addison Wesley
Longman, Singapore, 1996, 1st Edition.
5. Molecular Modelling and Simulation – An interdisciplinary Guide, Schlick, Tamar,
Springer, 2010, 1st Edition.
6. David C Young: Computational Drug Design (A guide for computational and medicinal
chemists) Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA, 2009, 1st Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Molecular Modelling for Beginners, Alan Hinchliffe, Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2008, 2nd Edition.
2. Advanced Drug Design and Development: A medicinal Chemistry Approach. Kourounakis
Taylor and Francis, 1994, 1st Edition.
3. Computational medicinal chemistry for drug discovery, Patrick Bultinck, Marcel Dekker,
CRC Press, 2004, 1st Edition.

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Department of Biotechnology



Pre-Requisites: BTM03
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Understand modeling principles

CO2 Formulate balance equations
CO3 Analyze batch, semi continuous / fed batch operation
CO4 Develop enzyme and growth kinetic models
CO5 Comprehend bioreactor modeling
CO6 Develop models for biological systems


Introduction to Modeling: - Modeling principles, use of models for understanding, design

and optimization of bioreactors, concepts of models, types of models., use of models in

Classification of Models: Mathematical model, Physical models, static and dynamic models,
analytical and mathematical models, linear and nonlinear models, stable and unstable
models, steady state and transient models, descriptive and normative models, distributed lag
model, mechanistic models, structured and unstructured models, segregated and un
segregated models

Approaches for Model Development: Mass balance models, formulation of balance

equations, types of mass balance equations, balancing procedure, continuous stirred tank
bioreactor, tubular reactor, component balances for reacting systems, constant volume
continuous stirred tank reactor, semi-continuous reactor with volume change, steady-state
oxygen balancing in fermentation, bioreactor modeling, biomass productivity, modeling of
tubular plug flow bioreactors, simulation examples of biological reaction, processes using
Berkeley Madonna, batch fermentation, chemostat fermentation, fed batch fermentation,
kinetics of enzyme action, repeated fed batch culture

Laboratory: Any five experiments

Bioprocess Modeling using SuperPro Designer: Flow sheeting of the bioprocess using
SuperPro designer, design of various bioreactors using SuperPro designer, case studies of
bioprocess optimization.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Bioreactors: Analysis and Design, Panda, Tapobrata, McGraw-Hill Education, 2011, 1st
2. Biological Reaction Engineering: Dynamic Modeling Fundamentals with Simulation
Examples, I. J. Dunn, E. Heinzle, J. Ingham, J. E. Pfenosil, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &
Co. KGaA, Weinheitn, 2003, 1st Edition.

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Department of Biotechnology

Reference Books:

1. Modeling and Control of fermentation Processes, J.R. Leigh, Peter Peregrinus, London,
2000, 1stEdition.
2. Hand book of food and bioprocess modeling techniques, Syam S. Sablani, Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC, 2006, 1stEdition.

Online Resources:


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Minor in



(for all B.Tech. students)

(Effective from 2021-22)

Department of Mathematics

Minor Program – Applied and Computational Mathematics

S. Course L T P Credits Sem.

No. Code
1 MAM01 Mathematical Foundations for Machine 3 0 0 3 III
2 MAM02 Statistics for Data Science 3 0 0 3 IV
3 MAM03 Computational Methods and Design of 3 0 0 3 V
4 MAM04 Search Methods in Artificial Intelligence 3 0 0 3 VI
5 MAM05 Fuzzy Logic and Applications 3 0 0 3 VII
6 MAM06 Mathematics with Applications in 3 0 0 3 VIII
Total 16 0 4 18

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Department of Mathematics

Course Code: Credits

Mathematical Foundations for Machine Learning
MAM01 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the concepts of Vector space and inner-product spaces
CO2 Apply the linear algebra concepts in approximations and matrix decompositions
CO3 Understand functions of several variables, gradients relevant for machine learning
CO4 Apply optimization techniques in real life problems
CO5 Acquire sound mathematical aspects of machine learning

Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, linear independence, basis, linear transformations,
coordinates, matrix representation of linear transformations, affine spaces, affine mappings;
inner-product spaces – inner products and norms on a vector space, lengths, angles,
orthogonal complements, projections, least square approximations, Gram-Schmidt process,
rotations; matrix decompositions – Cholesky decomposition, eigen decomposition and
diagonalization, singular value decomposition;

Calculus and Optimization: Functions of several variables, gradients of matrices, useful

identities for computing gradients, backpropagation and automatic differentiation, gradients in
a deep network, linearization and multivariate Taylor series; optimization using gradient
descent, constrained optimization using Lagrange multipliers, convex optimization - convex
sets, convex functions, linear programming, quadratic programming, Legendre-Fenchel
Transform and convex conjugates

Mathematical aspects in Machine Learning: Linear Regression and parameter estimation;

Dimensionality reduction - Principal Component Analysis, linear discriminant analysis; Density
estimation with Gaussian mixture models; classification with support vector machines –
separating hyperplanes, primal and dual support vector machines, kernels;

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Mathematics for Machine Learning, Mark Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal and Cheng
Soon Ong, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Reference Books:
1. Linear Algebra, Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel and Lawrence E. Spence,
Pearson, 2019, Fifth Edition
2. Linear Algebra and Learning from Data, Gilbert Strang, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2019
3. Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning, Charu C. Aggarwal, Springer, 2020

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Department of Mathematics

Course Code: Credits

Statistics for Data Science
MAM02 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand functions of one random variable, functions of multiple random variables
with all relevant parameters
CO2 Utilize the knowledge of random variables, distributions in multivariate analysis
CO3 Apply the concepts of regression in predictive models
CO4 Understand the concept of dimension reduction and PCA
CO5 Learn the concepts about KKN, K-means clustering and Naïve Baye’s classifier

Random Variables: Brief overview of random variables, known special probability distributions;
Functions of one random variable – mean, variance, moments;

Multivariate Analysis: Two random variables – bivariate distributions, joint distributions;

functions of multiple random variables - Expectation, Scatter plots and spread, Variance and
standard deviation, Covariance and correlation, Inequalities; Multiple continuous random
variables; Averages of random variables, Jointly Gaussian random variables;

Regression: Brief overview of simple linear regression; Multiple linear regression; logistic

Multivariate Description and Dimension Reduction: Overfitting, Principal component

analysis, log-linear models;

Brief Introduction to: K Nearest Neighbours, K means clustering, Naïve Baye’s classifier

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, Athanasios Papoulis and S.
Unnikrishnan Pillai, Mc-Graw Hill, 2002, Fourth Edition
2. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Douglas C. Montgomery and George C.
Runger, John Wiley & Sons, 2018, Seventh Edition
3. Machine Learning: An Applied Mathematics Introduction, Paul Wilmott, Panda Ohana
Publishing, 2019
Reference Books:
1. Probability and Statistics for Data Science: Math + R + Data, Norman Matloff, CRC Press,
2. Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics using R, Daniel J. Denis, John Wiley &
Sons, 2020

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Department of Mathematics

Course Code: Credits

Computational Methods and Design of Experiments
MAM03 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the concepts of statistical learning
CO2 Apply Monte Carlo methods
CO3 Discover the concepts behind supervised and unsupervised learning
CO4 Learn the concepts connected with regularization methods and classification
CO5 Design and analyse single-factor and multi-factors experiments

Statistical Learning: Supervised and unsupervised learning; Modelling data – linear,
multivariate Gaussian and Bayesian models; collinearity; multicollinearity; auto-correlation;

Monte Carlo Methods: Monte Carlo sampling – generating random numbers, simulating
random variables, random vectors; Monte Carlo estimation – bootstrap method, variance
reduction; Monte Carlo optimization – simulated annealing, cross-entropy method, splitting for

Unsupervised Learning: Expectation-Maximization algorithm; clustering via mixture models;

clustering via vector quantization – K-means; hierarchical clustering;

Brief Introduction to: regularization and Kernel methods – kernel Hilbert spaces; Classification
– metrics, classification via Baye’s rule, K-Nearest Neighbors classification;

Design of Experiments: Design and analysis of single-factor experiments - completely

randomized single factor experiment; the analysis of variance; the random effects model;
randomized complete block design – latin squares design and related designs; Design of
experiments with several factors – factorial and general factorial experiments; 2k-factorial

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Dirk P. Kroese,
Zdravko I. Botev, Thomas Taimre, Radislav Vaisman, CRC Press, 2020
2. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Douglas C. Montgomery and George C.
Runger, John Wiley & Sons, 2018, Seventh Edition
Reference Books:
1. Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments with Applications to Engineering and
Science, Robert Mason, Richard F. Gunst and James L. Hess, Wiley-Interscience, 2003,
Second Edition
2. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Douglas C. Montgomery, John Wiley & Sons, 2001,
Fifth Edition

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Department of Mathematics

Course Code: Credits

Search Methods in Artificial Intelligence
MAM04 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Apply search-based algorithms to solve problems
CO2 Construct decomposition and rule-based methods
CO3 Explain the relation between search methods and other with other formulations
CO4 Solve problems
including using
planning, stochastic,
constraints andlocal, andreasoning.
logical population-based search algorithms
CO5 Implement game playing algorithms

Introduction: History and philosophy. The Turing Test. The Winograd Schema Challenge.
State space search. Depth first, breadth First, DFID, comparison

Heuristic Search: Heuristic functions. Solution space search. Escaping local optima,
Stochastic local search. Population based methods. Genetic algorithms, emergent systems,
ant colony optimization

Finding Optimal Paths: Algorithm A*. Admissibility of A*. The monotone condition. Space
saving versions of A*. Sequence alignment

Game Playing: Board games. Algorithms Minimax, Alpha-Beta, and SSS*. Automated domain
independent planning. Goal Stack Planning, Partial Order Planning. Algorithm Graphplan.
Problem decomposition with goal trees. Algorithm AO*

Inference Systems: Pattern directed inference systems. Forward chaining inference engine.
The Rete algorithm. Deduction as search. Logic. Forward chaining, backward chaining.

Constraint Processing: Waltz algorithm. Model based diagnosis. Arc consistency. Combining
search and reasoning

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. A First Course in Artificial Intelligence, Deepak Khemani, McGraw Hill Education, 2013
(Chapters 1 – 8, some parts from Chapters 9 and 10)
Reference Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea, A Bradford Book, John Haugeland, The MIT Press,
2. Machines Who Think: A Personal Inquiry into the History and Prospects of Artificial
Intelligence, Pamela McCorduck, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2004, Second Edition
3. How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics, Zbigniew Michalewicz and David B. Fogel, Springer,
2004, Second Edition
4. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall,
2009, Third Edition

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mathematics

Course Code: Credits

Fuzzy Logic and Applications
MAM05 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain real-world imprecision using fuzzy logic
CO2 Compare Propositional Logics for inference rules
CO3 Define Fuzzy Relations
CO4 Construct fuzzy-logic based approximate reasonings
CO5 Apply fuzzy rule-based methods to engineering problems

Crisp set theory (CST): Introduction, Relations between sets, Operations on sets,
Characteristic functions, Cartesian products of crisp sets, crisp relations on sets.

Fuzzy set theory (FST): Introduction, concept of fuzzy set (FS), Relation between FS,
operations on FS, properties of standard operations, certain numbers associated with a FS,
certain crisp sets associated with FS, Certain FS associated with given FS, Extension principle.

Propositional Logic (PL1): Introduction, Syntax of PL1, Semantics of PL1, certain properties
satisfied by connectives, inference rules, Derivation, Resolution.

Predicate Logic (PL2): Introduction, Syntax of PL2, Semantics of PL2, certain properties
satisfied by connectives and quantifiers, inference rules, Derivation, Resolution

Fuzzy Relations (FR): Introduction, Operations on FR, Alpha-cuts of FR, Composition of FR,
Projections of FR, Cylindrical extensions, cylindrical closure, FR on a domain.

Fuzzy Logic (FL): Introduction, Three-valued logics, N-valued logics and infinite valued logics,
Fuzzy logics, Fuzzy propositions and their interpretations in terms of fuzzy sets, Fuzzy rules
and their interpretations in terms of FR, fuzzy inference, More on fuzzy inference,
Generalizations of FL Switching functions (SF) and Switching circuits (SC): Introduction, SF,
Disjunctive normal form, SC, Relation between SF and SC, Equivalence and simplification of
circuits, Introduction of Boolean Algebra BA, Identification, Complete Disjunctive normal form.

Applications: Introduction to fuzzy logic controller (FLC), Fuzzy expert systems, classical
control theory versus fuzzy control, examples, working of FLC through examples, Details of
FLC, Mathematical formulation of FLC, Introduction of fuzzy methods in decision making.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, M. Ganesh, PHI, 2009, First Edition (Reprint)
2. Fuzzy set theory and its applications, H. J. Zimmermann, Springer Science & Business
Media, 2011, Fourth Edition
Reference Books:
1. Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration, Earl Cox, Elsevier

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mathematics

– Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005

2. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: The Info-Fuzzy Network (IFN) Methodology, Oded
Maimon and Mark Last, Springer, 2001
3. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications, G. J. Klir and B. Yuan, Prentice-Hall
of India Pvt. Limited, 2008, First Edition (Reprint)

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Mathematics

Course Code: Credits

Mathematics with Applications in Finance
MAM06 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the Simplest financial Model
CO2 Understand Central Limit Theorem Brownian Motion
CO3 Apply Black–Scholes Formula
CO4 Estimate the Volatility Parameter
CO5 Evaluate the Deterministic and Probabilistic Optimization Models

Introduction: Probability - Random Variables- Central Limit Theorem- Brownian Motion.

Interest Rates and Present Value Analysis: Pricing Contracts via Arbitrage- The Arbitrage
Theorem- The Black–Scholes Formula- Additional Results on Options: Call Options on
Dividend-Paying Securities-Adding Jumps to Geometric Brownian Motion-Estimating the
Volatility Parameter-Valuing by Expected Utility

Optimization Models: A Deterministic Optimization Model-A General Solution Technique

Based on Dynamic Programming -A Solution Technique for Concave- Return Functions -The
Knapsack Problem- Probabilistic Optimization Problems-A Gambling Model with Unknown Win
Probabilities -An Investment Allocation Model

Data-Driven Finance: Fundamentals of data reduction and clustering applied specifically to

financial data; derivative pricing – discretized and continuous approach

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance - Options and Other Topics, Sheldon
M. Ross, Cambridge University Press, 2002
2. Mathematical Techniques in Finance: Tools for Incomplete Markets, Ales Cerny, Princeton
University Press, 2009
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Discrete Time Models, S. R. Pliska, Blackwell
Publishers Inc, 2002

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22


Minor in



(for all B.Tech. students)

(Effective from 2021-22)


S. Course TITLE L T P Credits Semester

No. Code (to be offered)
1. CYM01 General Chemistry 3 0 0 3 IV
2. CYI311 Environmental Chemistry 3 0 0 3 IV
3. CYI312 Statistical Treatment of Data and Quality 3 0 0 3 V
Control in Chemical Analysis
4. CYI313 Applied Chemistry 3 0 0 3 VI
5. CYI364 Instrumental Analysis for Industrial 3 0 0 3 VII
6. CYM06 Project Work 0 0 6 3 VIII
Total Credits 18
Vision and Mission of the Institute
National Institute of Technology Warangal

Towards a Global Knowledge Hub, striving continuously in pursuit of excellence in Education,
Research, Entrepreneurship and Technological services to the society

• Imparting total quality education to develop innovative, entrepreneurial and ethical future
professionals fit for globally competitive environment.

• Allowing stake holders to share our reservoir of experience in education and knowledgefor
mutual enrichment in the field of technical education.

• Fostering product-oriented research for establishing a self-sustaining and wealth creating

centre to serve the societal needs.

Vision and Mission of the Department

Department of Chemistry

Towards Serving as a Potential Hub of Knowledge in Chemical Sciences and Allied Areas So
as to Uphold and Strengthen the Vision of the Institute as One among Many Pillars While
Striving Continuously in Pursuit of Excellence in Chemical Education, Chemical Research,
Chemical Industry and All Interfaces of Chemistry with Society

• Imparting Total Quality Education in Basic and Applied Chemistry to Develop Innovative,
Entrepreneurial and Environment Friendly Graduates of Chemical Sciences of International

• Offering Relevant Fundamental and Applied Attributes of Chemistry, the Central Science,
to Engineering Students as an Integral Part of Technical Education.

• Promoting Chemical Industry and Societal Service Sectors towards Environment-Friendly

and Green Chemical Protocols by Innovation and Research in Cutting Edge Areas of
Chemical and Allied Sciences

• Augmenting the Country’s Needs of Human Resources and Scientific Manpower in Basic
and Advanced Chemistry through Learner-Centric and Atma Nirbhar Bharath Modern
Education and Research.
Department of Chemistry:
Brief about the Department:
The Department of Chemistry was established in the year, 1959, as an integral part of
the Regional Engineering College Warangal (RECW). Since its inception, the Department is
rated as one of the most academically active Departments in the Institute. The Department
has a two-year M.Sc. Chemistry with specializations in Organic and Analytical Chemistry and
offers chemistry course to all branches of Engineering. A 5-Year Integrated M.Sc. Programme
in Chemistry will commence from the Academic Year, 2021-22. The Department is actively
engaged in research in cutting-edge areas of Chemistry and contemporary topics of Organic,
Inorganic, Physical and Analytical and Computational Chemistry. It offers PhD program in all
branches of Chemistry and cutting-edge areas of Chemistry. It had produced the highest
number of PhDs to date from any single Department in not only NIT Warangal but also among
any other NIT in the country. The faculty members of the Department are active in quality
teaching, research, and out-reach programs. Many of them are carrying out sponsored R&D
projects in frontier areas of Chemical Sciences and Technologies besides popularization of
sciences among the school students and masses. The Department completed FIST project
level 1 and now level 2 FIST program is currently under progress.

The Department houses various state-of-the-art facilities such as a 400 MHz NMR, X-
Band ESR, FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR and Fluorescence Spectrometers, LC-HRMS Spectrometer,
Gas Chromatographs, HPLC, Electrochemical Workstations, Advanced Molecular Modelling
Chemistry Software, etc. besides access to ICP-OES, CD-ORD, Powder XRD, SEM, TGA-
DTA-DSC, Fuel Cell Workstations, etc. As a part of continuing education and outreach
activities, the Department has been organizing several National and International
Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops.
Industrial Chemistry
Course Code: Credits
CYM01 3-0-0:3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Understand some of the basic concepts of chemistry which are the stepping stones
for advanced chemistry concepts
CO2 Acquire knowledge about the atomic structure and stoichiometry of chemical
CO3 Understand the characteristics of bonds and the properties of elements
CO4 Understand the states of matter and structural aspects of crystals
CO5 Apply the basic concepts of organic chemistry in day to day life

Chapter-1 Chemical bonding: Lewis structure, Valence Bond theory, hybridization,
Resonance and resonance energy, Molecular orbital theory. Molecular orbital diagrams of
diatomic and simple polyatomic molecules, Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory
(VSEPR), Covalent character in ionic compounds, polarizing power and polarizability, Fajan’s
rules and consequences of polarization, Ionic character in covalent compounds, Percentage
ionic character from dipole moment and electronegativity difference, Qualitative idea of
valence bond and band theories. Semiconductors and insulators, van der Waals forces, ion-
dipole forces, dipole-dipole interactions, induced dipole interaction. Hydrogen bonding
(theories of hydrogen bonding, valence bond treatment.

Chapter-2 Co-ordination Chemistry: Jorgenson chain theory, Werner's theory,

Nomenclature of coordination compounds, Stereochemistry of coordination compounds,
coordination numbers of 4, 5 and 6, Various types of isomerism in coordination complexes,
Theories of metal-ligand bonding in transition metal complexes- Valence bond theory of
coordination compounds, high-spin and low- spin complexes, hybridization and structures of
octahedral, tetrahedral and square- planar complexes-Limitations of valence bond theory,
Crystal-field theory- Qualitative idea about d-orbital splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and
square planner complexes, explanation of magnetism, geometry and colour of coordination
compounds, CFSE and its calculation in different stereo chemistries, Weak field and strong
field, Low spin and high spin complexes, Pairing energy, Molecular orbital theory, LCAO
rules, MOED of octahedral, tetrahedral and square-planar complexes.

Chapter-3 Physical Chemistry: States of Matter: Gaseous State: The gas laws, deviation of
real gases from ideal behaviour (recapitulation)-compressibility factor (Z) van der Waals
equation of state for real gases, discussion at different conditions and its limitation-other
equations of state-Critical phenomenon, Andrew isotherms of CO2 - van der Waals equation
and critical state, derivation of relation between critical constants and van der Waals
constants-critical compressibility factor-The law of corresponding states- liquefaction of gases.
Liquid state: Vacancy theory of liquids, free volume in a liquid, Physical properties of liquids-
Vapor pressure, heat of vaporisation, vapor pressure vs temperature curves of some common
liquids; surface tension, effect of temperature on surface tension and its determination using
stalagmometer, parachor and heptachlor related to structural elucidation, Viscosity, viscosity
coefficient, effect of temperature on viscosity and its determination using Ostwald’s
viscometer, structure related to viscosity.
Solid State: Laws of crystallography-i. Law of constancy of interfacial angles ii. Law of
symmetry-symmetry elements in crystals iii. Law of rationality of indices or intercepts, structure
of crystals-space lattice, unit cell, Bravais lattices and seven crystal systems, description of
orientation of lattice plane by its miller indices, band theory of solids, energy band theory of
conductors, semiconductors and insulators

Chapter-4 Phase Rule: Phase, components, Degree of freedom, conditions for Equilibrium
between phases, Gibbs Phase rule, Phase equilibria of one component system- water system,
Phase equilibria of two component system-simple Eutectic-Pb-Ag system-desilverisation of
lead. Colloids and Surface Chemistry: Definition, classification, Properties of colloids-kinetic,
optical and electrical properties (recapitulation)-solid in liquids (sols)-preparation, protective
action-gold number, liquids in liquids (emulsions), types, preparation, emulsifier; liquid in solids
(gel), classification, preparation and properties; applications of colloids, Micelles (surfactants)
and reverse micelles: Definition, classification, mechanism of their formation, cleaning action
of soap, critical micelle concentration and factors affecting it. Surface chemistry: Freundlich
adsorption isotherm, Langmuir theory of unilayer adsorption isotherm, applications.

Chapter-5 Basics of Organic Chemistry: Concept of hybridization, resonance, orbital

pictures of bonding (sp3, sp2, sp, C-C, C-N & C-O system). Inductive effect, bond polarization,
and polarizability, steric inhibition of resonance. Hückel’s rules for aromaticity & anti-
aromaticity, homo-aromaticity. Concept of acids and bases: effect of structure, substituent and
solvent on acidity and basicity.

Chapter-6 Basic reaction mechanism and intermediates: Mechanism classifications - ionic,

radical and pericyclic; heterolytic bond cleavage and heterogenic bond formation, homolytic
bond cleavage and homogenic bond formation; representation of mechanistic steps using
arrow formalism. Reactive intermediates: carbocation (carbenium and carbonium ions),
carbanions, carbon radicals, carbenes, nitrenes- structure using orbital picture,
electrophilic/nucleophilic behavior, stability, generation and fate (elementary idea). Functional
group interconversion: halides, alcohols, phenols, ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids,
ethers, derivatives of carboxylic acids, amines.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee, Wiley India, 2015, 5th Edition.
2. Unified Chemistry paper I and II, O.P. Agarwal, Jai Prakash Nath Publications, 2019, 3rd
3. Organic Chemistry, R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd and S. K. Bhattacharjee, 7th Edition,
Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
1. A textbook of Physical Chemistry, K.L. Kapoor Macmillan Publisher, 2019, Volume 1, 6th
2. Inorganic Chemistry: Principle of structure and reactivity, Huheey, J. H.; Keiter, E. A.;
Keiter, R. L.; Medhi, O. K., Pearson Education India, 2006, 4th Edition.
3. Principles of physical chemistry, Samuel H. Maron and Carl F. Prutton, Oxford & IBH
Publishing, 2017, 4th Edition.
4. Organic Chemistry, I. L. Finar, Vol-1, Pearson Education, 6th edition.
Course Code: Credits
Environmental Chemistry
CYI 311 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Identify relationship between chemical exposure and effects on physiological

CO2 Understand causes and effects of environmental pollution and mitigation
CO3 Apply basic chemical concepts to analyse chemical processes involved in
different environmental problems
CO4 Describe water purification and waste treatment processes and the practical
chemistry involved
CO5 Discuss local and global environmental issues based on the knowledge gained
throughout the course

Chapter-1 Chemistry of Atmosphere: Origin, composition and structure of atmosphere-
particles, ions and radicals in the atmosphere, Greenhouse effect-Causes, consequences and
abatement of Greenhouse effect-Ozone depletion- Causes, consequences and abatement of
ozone depletion, Photochemical smog-Effects and control.

Chapter-2 Air Pollution-Monitoring and Control: Air sampling techniques-Sources and

effects, of oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of carbon, monitoring of air pollutants
by Instrumental methods, Monitoring and Control of particulate pollution- Monitoring of air
pollutants by Instrumental methods, Control of air pollution by raw material change, process
modification, adsorption, absorption and combustion methods.

Chapter-3 Water Pollutants and waste water treatment: Unique characteristics of water;
Water and the Living Environment; Water and the Non-living Environment, The Different Types
of Pollutants; Chemical Pollutants; Physical Pollutants; Physiological Pollutants; Thermal
Pollution, Pollution indicators, Dissolved Oxygen; Biological Oxygen Demand; Chemical
Oxygen Demand, Waste water: Constituents – Microorganisms, Solids, Inorganic
constituents, Organic matter, Water Quality requirements, pH values of Wastes and Receiving
water, Suspended solids, preliminary, primary, secondary, tertiary treatment, Waste water
from some typical industries, sources, characteristics, effect and treatment.

Chapter-4 Soil chemistry: Nature and composition of soil, Acid base and ion exchange
reactions in soil, macronutrients in soil, Micronutrients in soil, Nitrogen, phosphorous and
potassium in soil, Fertilizers, wastes and pollutants in soil, Soil loss and degradation,
Agriculture and health.

Chapter-5 Solid Waste Management and environmental impact assessment: Solid waste
disposal and management: classification and origin, methods of solid waste disposal,
Microbiology involved in solid waste disposal, Environmental Impact Assessment,
Environmental Impact Assessment process in India-Environmental acts and rules.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, G.S. Sodhi, Narosa publishing House,
2005, 2nd edition.
2. Waste water treatment, M.N. Rao and A.K. Datta, Oxford Publications, 2013, 3rd edition.

Reference Books:
1. Environmental Science and Engineering, J. Glynn Henry and Garry W. Heinke, Prentice-
Hall, Inc., New Jersey, USA, 1996, 2nd edition.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Understand the importance of statistics in the chemical analysis

CO2 Identify the errors occurring in the measurements and related data treatment
CO3 Apply statistical tools for improving the quality of analytical measurements
CO4 Choose the appropriate analytical method for the calibration and proper use of the
CO5 Develop a standard method for the optimization of experimental procedures in
analytical chemistry

Chapter-1 Errors in Data Analysis: Accuracy and Precision; Errors and Error Distributions;
Propagation of error, signal vs noise, Statistical Treatment of Data; Gaussian Curve, Finite
Data Analysis; Standard Deviation; Standard Deviation for Computed Results, Significant
Figures and Rounding the Results. LOD and LOQ, Numerical Problems related to Chemical

Chapter-2 Significance tests: Comparison tests - Q-test, z-test, t-test (normal t-test and t- set
for means), F-test outliers.

Chapter-3 Quality Control in Chemistry: Quality control methods – Introduction, Control

Charts – Shewart Charts for Mean values and Ranges, Numerical calculations.

Chapter-4 Analytical methods. Various types of analytical methods, Calibration of

instruments, Calibration methods. Standard addition, External standard, Internal standard and
dilution methods.

Chapter-5 Standard Method Development and Validation: Optimization of experimental

procedures in analytical chemistry, response surfaces, specific examples.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Skoog D. A., West D M, Holler, F J and Crouch S
R, Saunders College Publishing, 2004, 8thEdn.
2. Waste water treatment, M.N. Rao and A.K. Datta, Oxford Publications, 2013, Third edition.

Reference Books:
1. Modern Analytical Chemistry, David Harvey, McGraw Hill-Education., 2000, International
2. Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory, Piotr
Konieczka and Jacek Namiesnik, CRC Press, 2009, 2nd Edition.

Online Resources:
1. Website reference links
Course Code: Credits
CYI 313 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Apply the theoretical knowledge of organic chemistry for the synthesis of molecules
with industrial importance
CO2 Use the knowledge of organic chemistry in paint, agriculture and cosmetic
CO3 Understand the essentials of organic chemistry in drug synthesis
CO4 Use the knowledge of organic chemistry for the development of sustainable
synthetic processes
CO5 Apply the knowledge of organic chemistry in food industry

Chapter-1 Paints, Varnishes and Soaps: Paints & Varnishes: Primary constituents of
paints, Dispersion medium (solvent), binder Pigments, formulation of paints and varnishes.
Requirements of a good paint. Surface Coatings: Objectives of coatings surfaces, preliminary
treatment of surface, classification of surface coatings. Paints and pigments-formulation,
composition and related properties. Oil paint, Vehicle, modified oils, Pigments, toners and
lakes pigments, Fillers, Thinners, Enamels, emulsifying agents. Special paints (Heat retardant,
Fire retardant, Eco-friendly paint, Plastic paint), Dyes, Wax polishing, Water and Oil paints,
additives. Soaps: manufacture of soaps by hot and cold process, classification of soaps,
cleansing of soap and classification of detergents (anionic and cationic).

Chapter-2 Fertilizers and Pesticides: Fertilizers: natural fertilizers, nitrogenous fertilizer

(NH4NO3, urea), phosphatic fertilizer (superphosphate, TSP, polyphosphate), potash fertilizer
(KCl, KNO3, K2SO4), bio fertilizers. Pesticides: classification, structure of some important
pesticides (DDT, BHC, allethrin and pyrethrin). Insecticides: Pesticides – classification of
Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides as organic and inorganic – general methods of application
and toxicity. Safety measures when using pesticides. Insecticides: Plant products – Nicotine,
pyrethrin – Inorganic pesticides – borates. Organic pesticides – D.D.T. and BHC. Fungicides
and Herbicides: Fungicide: Sulphur compounds, Copper compounds, Bordeaux mixture.
Herbicides: Acaricides – Rodenticides. Attractants – Repellents. Preservation of seeds.

Chapter-3 Chemistry of Essential oils, Perfumes and Cosmetics: Essential oil:

Definition–occurrences–Methods of production from plants–Steam distillation and expression
method. Perfumes: Formulations–Requirements for a good perfume–Compositions of
perfumes–classification of perfumery materials–animals-synthetic formulations– manufacturing
and packaging process of perfumes. Cosmetics: Face cream–Sun screen lotion–shaving
cream–composition and formulation–Uses and hazards, Sprayer–Hand lotion– nail lacquers–
nail bleaches–hair oil–hair dyes–composition and formulations–Uses and hazards

Chapter-4 Chemistry of Drugs: Classification of drugs based on structure and action:

Antibacterial: sulfa drugs, synthesis of sulfathiazole, sulfapyridine, Antibiotics: β-Lactam
antibiotics and synthesis of penicillin, chloramphenicol, Antiviral drugs: Azidothimidine,
acyclovir; Antipyretics: Paracetamol, Analgesics: Analgine, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs: Ibuprofen, Antimalarial: Chloroquine, Antacids: Ranitidine
Chapter-5 Introduction to Green Chemistry: Principles of green chemistry (12 principles),
Green reagents (water and bio-based), solvents (green solvents eg. Water), and alternative
reaction media (ionic liquids), multicomponent reactions, atom economy (examples: Diels-
Alder reaction, Claisen rearrangement), sustainable organic chemistry

Chapter-6 Food Chemistry: Flavouring agents: Definition of flavours–Classification–

Chemical composition–common characteristics–Formulations–Uses and hazards, Preserving
agents, antioxidants, Sugar industry: Double sulphitation process. Refining and grading of
sugar. Saccharin: synthesis and use as a sugar substitute – aspartame (structure and
synthesis). Ethanol: manufacture from molasses by fermentation.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Synthetic Organic Chemistry, G. R. Chatwal and Gurudeep, Himalaya Publishers, 2009.
2. Medicinal Chemistry, Ashutosh Kar, New Age Publications, 5th Ed. 2010
3. New trends in green chemistry: V. K. Ahluwalia and M. Kidwai, New Age Publications,
4. Food Science, Srilakshmi B., New age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers, III ed. 2003.

Reference Books:
1. Edition Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, 3rd Edition, John W.
Nicholson, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012.
2. High-Performance Organic Coatings, Ed. by A S Khanna, Elsevier, 2008.
3. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. P.T. Anastas and J.C. Warner. Oxford University
Press, 2000.
4. Food Chemistry, H.-D. Belitz, Werner Grosch, Peter Schieberle, 4th Edition, Springer
Science & Business Media, 2009.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Explain the theoretical principles behind the instrumental techniques and their
CO2 Model concepts and techniques in instrumental analysis independently towards
industrial applications.
CO3 Analyze instrumental results for deriving conclusions with relevance to experimental
CO4 Assess the appropriateness of an instrumental method for the analysis of samples in
various formats and from complex matrices.
CO5 Design experimental methodology for determining analytes of interest of domestic and
industrial applications.

Chapter-1 UV-Visible Spectrophotometry and Fluorescence: Overview of bioorganic
chemistry- historical connection between organic and biological chemistry; weak interactions in
organic Beer-Lambert’s law, Instrumentation of Absorption Spectrophotometer, Quantitative
analysis, limitations, Enzyme linked immunosorbent analysis (ELISA), Molecular fluorescence,
influencing factors, basic instrumentation, standardization, quantitative methods, Applications,
Diagnostics of biomarkers.

Chapter-2 Thermoanalytical and Chromatography methods: Thermogravimetry, Differential

thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, Principle, Block diagram, Applications. Gas
chromatography, High performance liquid chromatography, size exclusion chromatography,
Principle, Basic instrumentation, terminology, NPC, RPC, Qualitative and Quantitative
applications, Capillary Electrophoresis: Principle and application.

Chapter-3 Diffraction and Microscopic methods: X-ray absorbance and fluorescence, Principle,
instrumentation, quantitative analysis. X-ray diffraction, Principle, Crystal structure and size
analyses. Medical diagnostics, Analysis of geological samples and ores. SEM, Principle, Sample
preparations, Surface morphology and particle size analysis, TEM, Principle, Sample preparation,
Surface morphology, Structural determination of nanoparticles. Metal and non-metal
nanocomposites, industrial materials.

Chapter-4 Atomic spectrometry, Electroanalytical methods, BET and DLS: Atomization,

Flame atomic emission and absorption, flame emission photometer, flame absorption
spectrometer, spectral interferences, quantitative aspects. Analysis of geological samples and
ores. Ion selective electrodes, Electrochemical sensors, Ion selective and Potentiometric sensors,
Amperometry, Principles, Applications. BET- Principle, Pore width, particle size and surface area
analysis, Dynamic light scattering – Principle, instrumentation and applications.

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R.
Crouch, Cengage Learning India, 7th edn., 2020.
2. Physical Methods for Chemists, Russel S. Drago, Saunders College Publishing, 2nd edn.,

Reference Books:
1. Instrumental Methods in Food and Beverage Analysis (Developments in Food Science), D L
B Wetzel, George Charalambous, Elsevier, 1998.
2. The Analysis of Controlled Substances (Analytical Techniques in the Sciences (AnTs),
Michael D. Cole, Wiley, 2003.
Course Code: Credits
CYM06 0-0-6:3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Develop the skill in obtaining data and to verify the purity of the samples
CO2 Apply the concept of physical chemistry to understand the distribution of a solute in
two immiscible liquids

CO3 Understand the organic chemistry laboratory safety protocols and synthesis the
compounds of industrial importance

CO4 Apply various purification methods in the separation of organic mixtures

CO5 Apply various chromatographic methods in the separation if organic compounds

Minor in
(for all B.Tech. students)

(Effective from 2021-22)



S. Course Course Name L T P Credits Sem.

No. Code
1 PHM01 Physics of Semiconductor 3 0 0 3 III
2 PHM02 Fabrication and Testing of 3 0 0 3 IV
Optical Materials and
3 PHM03 Science and Applications of 3 0 0 3 V
4 PHM04 Physics of Nanomaterials 3 0 0 3 VI
and Applications
5 PHM05 Computational Physics 3 0 0 3 VII
6 PHM06 Project work 0 1 4 3 VIII
Total 15 1 4 18

Minor in
Professional Communication Skills for STEM
(for all B.Tech. students)

(Effective from 2021-22)


Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Minor Program in – Professional Communication Skills for STEM
S. No. Course Name L T P Credits Sem.
1 HSM01 Critical and Creative Thinking Skills 3 0 0 3 III
2 HSM02 Media and Language 3 0 0 3 IV
3 HSM03 Globalization and World Englishes 3 0 0 3 V
4 HSM04 Practical and Communicative Writing 3 0 0 3 VI
5 HSM05 Psychology of Life and Career Transition 3 0 0 3 VII
6 HSM06 Project 1 0 4 3 VIII

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Course Code: Credits

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Describe the concept of critical thinking and why it is so important for establishing
facts before making workplace decisions

CO2 Demonstrate skills in creative thinking by identifying and refining a ‘problem’ and
approaching problem-solving from different angles

CO3 Build stronger arguments with evidence-based decision making by discerning fact
from fiction, and drawing on reasoned arguments for solving problems

CO4 Analyse context and information to clearly understand and identify a problem

CO5 Combine both critical and creative thinking to approach problems with sound
judgement, and by offering innovative solutions


21st Century Skills:

Understanding Learning Skills (Critical & Creative Thinking, Collaborating and

Communicating), Literacy Skills (Information Literacy, Technology and Media Literacy) and
Life Skills (Flexibility, Initiative, Productivity & Leadership)

The Iceberg Principle and the Understanding-Resolution Ratio

Critical Thinking:
 Defining Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking Skills, The Essential Skills
 Critical Thinking Models - Fayetteville State University (FSU) Quality Enhancement
 Programme Model, Paul Elder Model & Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)
 Intellectual Standards, Traits and Elements of Reasoning
 The 3 C’s: context, credibility and consistency
 How not to judge prematurely?
 The importance of maintaining a broad perspective, acquiring facts, listening and
 How to make judgments in a disciplined way, with rationality whilst minimising emotion

Problem Solving & Decision Making

 The problem-solving process – various models
 Obstacles and counterproductive approaches
 Problem-solving techniques for groups and individuals
 Individual and collective decision-making traps
 How to choose: criteria, goals and vision-based decision-making
 Individual and group decision-making tools and techniques
 Applying a problem-solving model & Decision-making application to a workplace

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Creative Thinking
 Defining Creativity, Levels of Creativity (Primary Creativity, Secondary Creativity,
Integrated Creativity, Combinatorial Creativity, Exploratory Creativity, Transformational
 The nature of creative thinking
 The importance of defining and redefining the problem
 The development of skills in ideation, illustration, refection, asking good questions and
iterative reconsideration of the problem/ solution process
 The role that intuition plays
 Ways of thinking laterally by yourself and with others

Combining creative and critical thinking in the problem-solving process

 Creative Vs Critical Thinking
 Convergent and Divergent Thinking
 Development of skills using class-based problems and real-life scenarios for practical
Text Books/Reference Books/Online Resources:
1. Bowell, T., Cowan, R. and Kemp, G. (2019) Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide. 5th
Edition. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY.
2. Paul, R. and Elder, L., 2019, The Nature and Functions of Critical & Creative Thinking,
Rowman & Littlefield.
3. Birgili, B., 2015, Creative and Critical Thinking Skills in Problem-based Learning
Environments, Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 71-80.
4. Paul, R. and Elder, L., 2006, Critical Thinking: The Nature of Critical and Creative Thought,
Journal of Developmental Education, vol. 30, no. 2, p.34.
5. Wechsler, S.M., Saiz, C., Rivas, S.F., Vendramini, C.M.M., Almeida, L.S., Mundim, M.C.
and Franco, A., 2018, Creative and Critical Thinking: Independent or Overlapping
Components?, Thinking Skills and Creativity, vol. 27, pp. 114-122.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Course Code: Credits


Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Understand the ways in which language is used by the media in an era of global
communication technologies

CO2 Explore the influence of new media on contemporary language practices

CO3 Demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills, inclusive of information literacy across a
range of print and electronic genres

CO4 Analyse how media discourse is created through language

CO5 Create digital messages in order to achieve communicative goals

Digital Media Literacy
 The 21st-century media, becoming active users of media
 Types of Media: Traditional vs. Social
 The ethical and legal issues in creating media
 Bias in the Media

History of Digital media and the Internet

 History of Digital Communication
 Implications of history on Digital Media
 Implications of how that history is told

Media and Society

 Role of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, motion pictures and the internet in
 The Internet-fueled democratization of media creation
 Sociology of the digital society and communication
 The social conditions that enabled the growth of technology and the expansion of its

Language for Digital media

 Media and language use
 Different styles of media language
 Words and images
 Speech, writing and media
 Boundaries of media discourse
 The future of media language

Digital Citizenship – Managing Digital Presence

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

 Social Media Past & Present

 The “Social” of Social Media: Interpersonal Communication
 Social Media and Academics
 Social Media and Personal Brand

Text Books/Reference Books/Online Resources:

1. Allen, Brenda. Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity. Long Grove IL:
Waveland Press, 2004.
2. Baym, Nancy. Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Malden, MA: Polity, 2010.
3. Livingstone, Sonia (2004). Media literacy and the challenge of new information and
4. communication technologies [online]. London: LSE Research Online.
5. Mihailidis, P. et al. (2003). Theorizing Journalism Education, Citizenship, and New
6. Media Technologies in a Global Media Age.
7. Vossen, Gottfried and Hagemann, Stephan (2007). Unleashing Web 2.0: From
8. Concepts to Creativity

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Course Code: Credits

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Provide interdisciplinary introduction to key debates about globalization

CO2 Demonstrate the understanding of English as a global language

CO3 Analyze the complex ensemble of political, economic and cultural processes and
discourses that operate under the term “globalization”.

CO4 Recognise and apply the uses of English all over the world

CO5 Identify and differentiate the different variety of English

Introduction to Globalization
Historicizing Globalization, Optimism & The Liberal Alliance, : Enduring Global Inequality and
the Weakening of the State, Actor-Oriented Analyses of Globalization & Culture, Globalization
and Gender, Globalization, Racism & Neo-colonialism, Communication barriers.
English as a Global Language
English language- historical context, need for a global language, why English? English
language Standards and Standardization, the cultural foundation to English, English and its
cultural legacy, The future of global English
Language and Cultural Diversity
Cultural imperialism, human rights, ethnic cleansing, multiculturalism, family structures,
property rights, religious conflicts, Cosmopolitanism, Case analysis on cultural diversity,
Intercultural communications.
Impact of Globalization on English language
English around the world, Leaderships, Global issues and local interest, English at home and
abroad, Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, Interpretability, Power & Politics, framework of Peace
Sociolinguistics, Status of English, Language variation and standard English
World Englishes
British English, American English, International English, The English language today, Indian
English, Indenisation of English, English around the world: Sociolinguistics perspectives,
Standard Australian English, English in Kenya, The Englishes of English Test, China’s
English language Policy
Text Books/Reference Books/Online Resources:
1. Canagarajah, Suresh. Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan
Relations. Oxon: Routledge, 2013
2. Crystal, David. English as a Global Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2003
3. PrintEades, Diana, et al. “Pidgin, Local Identity, and Schooling in Hawai’i.” Dialects,
Englishes, Creoles, and Education. Shondel J. Nero. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum,
2006. 139- 163. Print

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Course Code: Credits

Pre-Requisites: HS131 or HS181.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Identify the stages of writing.
CO2 Use authentic sources for writing, appropriately.
CO3 Apply features of coherence and cohesion in drafting.
CO4 Demonstrate ability to write selected text-types.
CO5 Revise the draft after editing, proof-reading and conducting a plagiarism check.

Stages in Writing - Types
[Syllabus, administrative matters of the course, introduction to the course, plagiarism
● Stages of writing: pre-writing, research, drafting, revising and editing.
● Pre-writing: Think and decide
● Writer’s block
● Stasis theory
● Brainstorming and Developing an outline
Research for writing
● Finding, citing and organising relevant sources
● Purpose of references and citation
● Main reference system and use of quotations
Drafting - the theory of writing
● Main idea and arranging details in logical sequence
● Topic sentence, introduction paragraphs
● Contents and structure: Introductions, Discussion and Conclusions
● Linking paragraphs: achieving coherence & cohesion.

Writing Lab
● Writing about yourself
● Describing someone, an object, an experience, a place (using -ing verbs, negative
verbs, articles, prepositional phrases and adjectives)
● Basics principles and examples of writing for blogs, social media, advertising and
other text-types (content writing)
● Writing practice: Statement of purpose, blogs, LinkedIn profile entries.
Revising writing
● Interpreting titles, blurbs
● Editing and proof-reading
● Rearranging words, sentences or paragraphs.
● Avoiding subjectivity, clichés, ambiguity, generalisation, expletives/nominalisation
● Conduct plagiarism check
Learning and Assessment:
Lectures, assignments, writing-groups, interactive quizzes and online/classroom discussion,
instructor & peer evaluation will form teaching-learning mode. Learners are expected to work

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

on written assignments, classroom tasks as part of fulfilling the course objectives.

Assessment will be continuous and will be carried out through interactive quizzes, written
work, instructor & peer evaluation. There will also be two minor tests followed by a mid-exam
and an end semester exam.
Text Books/Reference Books:
1. Content Writing Handbook: A Practical Crash Course to Write 30+ Content Types & Earn
Online. (2020). (n.p.): Henry Harvin.
(drawn from the list prescribed by AICTE)
2. Effective Communication Skills. (2016). India: KHANNA Publishers.
3. Lata, P., Kumar, S. (2015). Communication Skills, Second Edition. India: Oxford
University Press.

Online Resources:
1. Excelsior Online Writing Lab -
2. The Purdue Writing Lab Resources -
3. Queen’s University Student Academic Service Sources (SASS)
4. Teacher resources:Video scripts, Email newsletters, Keynote speeches, Social media
posts, Podcast titles, Web page copy, Landing pages, YouTube video descriptions.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Course Code: Credits

Pre-Requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the importance of self, career, relationship management.
CO2 Apply the principles of self and career management
CO3 Demonstrate inclusive behaviour
CO4 Resolve workplace conflicts constructively (Case studies)
CO5 Prioritise collaborative problem-solving skills
CO6 Collaborate for interpersonal, community, and institutional progress (Minor


Understanding Self and Others

The ability to understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence
behaviour across contexts. This includes capacities to recognize one’s strengths and
limitations with a well-grounded sense of confidence and purpose. The units include the
 Integrating personal and social identities
 Identifying personal, cultural, and linguistic assets
 Identifying one’s emotions
 Demonstrating honesty and integrity
 Linking feelings, values, and thoughts
 Examining prejudices and biases
 Experiencing self-efficacy
 Having a growth mind-set
 Developing interests and a sense of purpose
Social Awareness and Managing Relationships:
The abilities to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those
from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.
This includes the capacities to feel compassion for others, understand broader historical and
social norms for behavior in different settings, and recognize family, school, and community
resources and supports.
 Taking others’ perspectives
 Recognizing strengths in others
 Demonstrating empathy and compassion
 Showing concern for the feelings of others
 Understanding and expressing gratitude
 Identifying diverse social norms, including unjust ones
 Recognizing situational demands and opportunities
 Understanding the influences of organizations/systems on behaviour.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Managing Self and Others

The abilities to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different
situations and to achieve goals and aspirations. This includes the capacities to delay
gratification, manage stress, and feel motivation & agency to accomplish personal/collective
goals. Such as:
 Managing one’s emotions well
 Identifying and using stress-management strategies
 Exhibiting self-discipline and self-motivation
 Setting personal and collective goals
 Using planning and organizational skills
 Creating a career plan · The differences between jobs and careers – and how the two can
be dependent on each other
 Networking to strengthen and advance your career ·
 Mentoring for success
 Managing upward relationships

Collaboration Skills
The abilities to establish and maintain healthy and supportive relationships and to effectively
navigate settings with diverse individuals and groups. This includes the capacities to
communicate clearly, listen actively, cooperate, work collaboratively to problem solve and
negotiate conflict constructively, navigate settings with differing social and cultural demands
and opportunities, provide leadership, and seek or offer help when needed.
 Communicating effectively
 Developing positive relationships
 Demonstrating cultural competency
 Practicing teamwork and collaborative problem-solving
 Resolving conflicts constructively
 Resisting negative social pressure
 Standing up for the rights of others
Riding through the Waves of change:
The abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behaviour and social
interactions across diverse situations. This includes the capacities to consider ethical
standards and safety concerns, and to evaluate the benefits and consequences of various
actions for personal, social, and collective well-being.
 Demonstrating curiosity and open-mindedness
 Identifying solutions for personal and social problems
 Learning to make a reasoned judgment after analysing information, data, facts
 Anticipating and evaluating the consequences of one’s actions
 Recognizing how critical thinking skills are useful both inside and outside of school
 Reflecting on one’s role to promote personal, family, and community well-being

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. Bliss,S.( 2018 ). Change your career, change your life. Gallery Books: London and NY
2. Durlak, J A, Celene A Domoitrovich, Roger P Weisberg, and Thomas B
Gullota.(2015).Handbook ofSocial and Emotional Learning. The Guildford Press: NY
3. Goleman,D.(1998). Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books: NY

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

4. Goleman,D.(1998). Working with Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books: NY

5. Merell , K W and Barbara A Gueldner. (2010). Social and Emotional Learning in the
classroom. The Guildford Press
6. Scott, E, A. (20 13). 8 keys to Stress Management. W.W. Norton and Company: London

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Course Code: Credits

PROJECT 1-0-4: 3

Article Writing on Discipline specific topics:

Data Collection /samples in Writing a research paper)

Writing a Research Proposal

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22


Minor in
(for all B.Tech. students)

(Effective from 2021-22)

School of Management

Scheme of Instruction
Minor Program – Management

S. Course Course L T P Credits Sem.

No. Code
1 SMM01 Principles of Marketing 3 0 0 3 III
2 SMM02 Human Capital Management 3 0 0 3 IV
3 SMM03 Financial Markets and Investment 3 0 0 3 V
4 SMM04 Agile Project Management 3 0 0 3 VI
5 SMM05 Operations Management 3 0 0 3 VII
6 SMM06 Innovations Management 3 0 0 3 VIII
Total 18 0 0 18
School of Management

Course Code: Credits:


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Analyze the importance of Marketing in a business organization.
CO2 Identify environmental factors which influence business firm.
CO3 Analyze the effect of competition on the business environment.
CO4 Implement different models and strategies used by organizations.

Introduction: Introduction to Marketing Management, Core Concepts of Marketing,
Marketing Orientations, Analyzing Marketing Environment, Marketing Research, Marketing
Mix, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Product Life Cycle and Branding: The concept of product lifecycle and the various
strategies used by the marketer in each stage. Product characteristics and classification,
Product mix and product line decisions Branding Decisions, Building Brand Equity.
Pricing: Importance of Pricing, Factors influencing pricing decisions. Various pricing methods-
cost based and demand based methods.
Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Channels: Consumer Behavior, Segmentation,
Targeting and Positioning, Distribution systems, Channels of distribution
Communication: Sales teams and targets, Integrated Marketing communications, Role of
Social Media, Promotion mix elements, Role of contemporary modes of marketing
communications, CRM and International Marketing

Learning Resources:
Text Books:

1. Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Pearson, 2015 & 15th Edition

2. Marketing Management: Indian Context Global Perspective, Ramaswami and
Namakumari, Sage Publishing, 2018 and 6th Edition
Reference books:
1. Michael Etzer, Bruce J Walker, William Stanton, Ajay Pandit, Marketing Management,
School of Management


SMM02 3-0-0:3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Define the concepts and factors contributing to human resource management
CO2 Outline the functions of human resource management in decision making
CO3 Analyse the contributions of people practices at industrial and strategic level of
human resource management.
CO4 Apply the digital solutions of human resource management in decision making
CO5 Adapt the principles of human resource management in solving problems in

Human Resource Management- Concept, nature, scope, and Objectives; Human
resource planning - determining the demand for workforce, predicting the future supply; Job
analysis and Job design;
Functions of HRM - Recruitment and selection, Training and Development- Methods and
Evaluation of Training; Career Development and planning; Performance Appraisal-
Performance Management, Compensation, Measuring human Capital Management, HR
Accounting, HR Audit, HR Research.
Industrial Relations- Nature, Importance, Trade Unions. Collective bargaining, workers
participation movement, HRM- Diversity Management, Employee Engagement, HR
analytics, Digital HRM, Green HRM

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Human Resource Management, Dessler, G., & Varkkey,B, Pearson Education, 2018

Reference Books:
1. Human Resource Management, Bohlander George W, Snell Scott A, Veena Vohra,
Cengage Learning, 2015
2. Human Resource Management, David A. Decenzo and Stephens P. Robins, John
Wiley & Sons, 2018
3. Human Resource Management, Robbins, Stephen, & Sanghi, S., Pearson
Education, 2018
School of Management



Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Acquaint students with the basic concept of the Indian Financial System and its
components such as Financial Institutions, Markets, Instruments, and Financial
CO2 Create familiarity of operations of Money market and Capital Market mechanism.

CO3 Impart on the student’s knowledge of the financial institutions, their functions and
role they play in the economy of India.
CO4 Understand various financial services and their significance in the operations of
markets as well as economy.
CO5 Relate students with the basic concepts and principles of investment analysis.

Indian Financial System: Overview of Indian Financial System, Components of Indian
Financial System – Financial Institutions, Markets, Instruments and Financial Services,
Functions of a Financial System, Financial Markets- Functions and Organization.

Money Market & Capital Markets: Functions of Money Market, Benefits of Efficient Money
Markets, The Indian Money Market. Functions of Capital Market, History of Indian Capital
Market, Capital Market Scams, Reforms in Capital Market, The Primary Market and The
Secondary Market.

Financial Institutions: Meaning and Role of Financial Institutions, Development Financial

Institutions in India – Industries Development Bank of India (IDBI), Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Export-
Import Bank of India (EXIM) etc.

Financial Services: Meaning and Definition of Financial Services, Importance, Various

Financial Services – Investment Banking, Merchant Banking, Depositories and Custodians,
Credit Rating, Mutual Funds, Securitization, Venture Capital Financing, Factoring and
Forfaiting Services.

Investment: Meaning, Objectives and Characteristics of Investments, Investment vs.

Speculation, Investment vs. Gambling, Types of Investors, Investment Avenues.

Investment Analysis – Concepts of Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis,

Fundamental Analysis – Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis and Company Analysis,
Technical Analysis – Meaning and Basic Principles of Technical Analysis, Dow Theory, Tools
of Technical Analysis, Important Chart Formations or Price Patterns and Technical Indicators,
Criticisms of Technical Analysis.
School of Management

Learning Resources:
Text Books:

1. The Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutions and Services, Pathak, B, Pearson
Education, Delhi, 2018.
2. Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services, Gomez, C, Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Fischer, D. E. and Jordon, R. J,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Kevin, S, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Delhi,

Reference Books:

1. Financial Institutions and Markets: Structure, Growth and Innovations, Bhole, L. M.

and Mahakud, J, McGraw Hil, 2018.

2. Indian Financial System, Khan, M. Y, McGraw Hill, 2018.

3. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Chandra, P, McGraw Hill Education,

4. 2. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Pandian, P, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2012.

Online Resources:

School of Management

Course Code: Credits

SMM04 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Demonstrate the issues that drive organizations to embrace iterative

CO2 Analyze the various estimation and planning methods of iterative methodology
CO3 Evaluate the advance constructs and the challenges faced by organizations to
display these.
CO4 Determine the organizational culture and its impact on agile methodologies
CO5 Compare and contrast the lean and agile methods.

Introduction – The organizations need to embrace iterative development methodologies;
various development methodologies; Constructs in Agile methodology.

Estimation and planning – The various estimation and planning methods followed in iterative

Advanced constructs – Shared decision-making; trust; teamwork and their importance in

iterative development and the challenges in achieving these.

Organizational culture and Agile – the cultural aspects that impede and drive Agile

Lean and Agile – The lean and agile combinations and the purposes that these can meet.
Learning Resources:
1. Agile estimating and planning, Cohn, M., Pearson Education,2018
2. Agile foundations: principles, practices and frameworks, Levy, R., Short, M., & Measey,
P. BCS,2018

Reference Books:
1. Agile software requirements: lean requirements practices for teams, programs, and
the enterprise, Leffingwell, D., Addison-Wesley Professional, 2020
2. Cloud enhances agile software development, Gochhait, S., Butt, S. A., Jamal, T., &
Ali, A. In Cloud Computing Applications and Techniques for E-Commerce (pp. 28-49).
IGI Global,2020
Online Resources:
School of Management

Course Code: Credits

Operations Management 3-0-0: 3

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Expose the student to the role of competitive priorities in achieving overall
business objective.
CO2 Familiarize about current trends and challenges of operations at strategic level.
CO3 Develop different demand forecasting methods in business environment.
CO4 Evaluate various location and layout methods at supply chain level.
CO5 Understand role of Quality management in Manufacturing and Services.

Objectives of operations Management - Functions of Operations Management –
Competitive Priorities & Challenges of Operations Management - Forecasting - Use of
forecasting in operation planning - Techniques of forecasting - Regression analysis, Time
series, Moving average, exponential smoothing - Accuracy of forecasts.

Strategic Design of Operations -Plant location concepts - Factors affecting location

decisions and techniques - Plant layout concepts - Types of layouts and their characteristics
– Performance measures for layout design , capacity planning

Operations decisions - Inventory Functions & Types of Inventories – Inventory costs -

Economic order quantity calculations - Modification of E.O.Q under quantity discounts.
Inventory Control Systems (P & Q Systems) – certain and uncertain environments of supply
and demand. Techniques of Selective Inventory control - Pareto analysis – Just-in-time (JIT)
Manufacturing concepts – Kanban system

Aggregate production planning strategies - Material requirement planning (MRP) – MRP

inputs & outputs - scheduling and Sequencing problems, Introduction to Quality Management,
ISO Standards.

Learning Resources:
1. Operations Management-Strategy and Analysis ,Lee J. Krajewski and Larry P. Ritzman,
Pearson Education, 2005, 6th ed.

Reference Books:
1. Industrial Engineering & Management, Dr. Ravishankar, Galgotia Publishers, 2007.
2. Production and Operations Management: (Strategies and Tactics), Heizer J and Render
B, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 2008, 9th ed.
3. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, Chase R B, Aquilano N J and
Jacobs F R, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006, 11th ed.
4. Modern Production / Operations Management ,Buffa E S, Sarin R K, John Wiley &
Sons, Singapore, reprint 2009, 8th ed.
5. Operations Management,Norman Gaither and Greg Fraizer, Cengage Publishers, 9th

Online Resources:
School of Management

Course Code: Credits


Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO1 Demonstrate the role of innovation and its macroeconomic view.

CO2 Analyze the various dimensions of innovation.
CO3 Explain the various ways of adopting innovations
CO4 Explain the diffusion of innovation by considering various opinions and impacts
CO5 Analyze open innovations for firm-centric, network management, and role of users.

Introduction to innovation – What is innovation? Schumpeter’s distinction between invention
and innovation. Macroeconomic view of innovation – Process (innovation; core), Offering
(Product/Service performance, Service systems, customer service), Delivery (Channel, Brand,
customer experience), Finance (Biz model, value network); Assumptions and barriers to

Dimensions of Innovation – Product, Process, Position, and Paradigm; Innovation typology

Diffusion of innovation - considering the forming and framing of public opinion and the
societal impacts using scientific and interactive methods are necessary, and possible with
technology assessment.

Open Innovation (OI) – Outside-In; Inside-out. Firm centric OI; Management of OI networks;
Role of users and communities in OI.
Learning Resources:
1. Managing Innovation: Technology, Consumer and Sustainability Perspective, and the
Challenges, Tan, S. F, In Leveraging Consumer Behavior and Psychology in the Digital
Economy (pp. 205-216). IGI Global, 2020
2. Leveraging Constraints for Innovation: New Product Development Essentials from the
PDMA, Gurtner, S., Spanjol, J., & Griffin, A, John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Reference Books:
1. New frontiers in open innovation, Chesbrough, H., Vanhaverbeke, W., & West, J.
(Eds.), Oup Oxford, 2014
2. Open innovation results: Going beyond the hype and getting down to business,
Chesbrough, H., Oxford University Press, 2019
3. Open innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology,
Chesbrough, H. W. Harvard Business Press, 2003.
Online Resources:

Minor in
(for all B.Tech. students)

(Effective from 2021-22)

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Minor Program – NCC

Special Instructions:
 The curriculum is proposed by NCC Group Head Quarters to offer NCC as a Minor
 Eligibility: The students who are the cadets of NCC at school level are only eligible and
hence the CGPA eligibility for this Minor is relaxed.
 Starts from First Semester: The Minor program in NCC starts from I Year, I Sem and
completing by III Year, II Semester
 Credits for Practical training: The credit for NCC-Practical is also to be considered equal
to that of L (T) because of the intensity of the training in Practical and Camps.

S. Course Name of the Course L T P Credits Sem.

No. Code
1 ICM01 NCC Foundation Course: Part 1 1 1 0 2 I
2 ICM02 NCC Foundation Course: Part 2 1 1 0 2 II
3 ICM03 NCC Intermediate Course: Part 1 1 1 3* 5 III
4 ICM04 NCC Intermediate Course: Part 2 1 1 0 2 IV
5 ICM05 NCC Advance Course: Part 1 1 1 3* 5 V
6 ICM06 NCC Advance Course: Part 2 1 1 0 2 VI
Total 18

* 3 Credits for summer camps at the end of 2nd and 4th semesters are shown in 3rd and 5th semesters

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Minor – NCC

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Imbibe the conduct of NCC cadets.
CO2 Respect the diversity of different Indian culture.
CO3 Practice togetherness in all walks of their life.
CO4 Use different strategies for stress management.
CO5 Make a team and will work together for achieving the common goals.
CO6 Do the social services on different occasions

a) Theory Component:
Unit-I. NCC General: Introduction of NCC, History, AIMS, Objective of NCC & NCC as
organization, Incentives of NCC, Duties of NCC cadet. NCC camps: Types & Conduct.
Unit-II. National Integration & Awareness: National Integration: Importance & Necessity,
Factors Affecting National Integration, Unity in Diversity & Role of NCC in National Building,
Threats to National Security.
Unit-III. Social Service and Community Development: Basics of social service and its need,
types of social service activities, objectives of rural development programs and its importance,
NGO’s and their contribution in social welfare, contribution of youth and NCC in social welfare.
Unit-IV. Personality Development: Intra & Interpersonal skills, self-awareness SOWT
analysis, Emotional Intelligence, Time Management, Stress Management, Inter-personal
Relations, change your mind set, Teamwork, CIVIC sense
b) Practical Content
Unit-I. DRILL: Foot Drill- Drill ki Aam Hidayaten, Word ki command, Savdhan, Vishram, Aram
Unit-II. Weapon Training: Introduction & Characteristics of 0.22 Riffle, Handling of 0.22 Riffle.
Unit-III. Map Reading (MR): Definition of Map, Conventional signs, scale and Grid System,
Topographical forms and Technical terms, Relief, Contours and Gradients, Cardinal points and
types of North, Magnetic Variation and Grid Convergence.
Unit-IV. Field Craft & Battle Craft: Introduction of Field Craft & Battle Craft, Judging distance,
Method of Judging distance.
Unit-V. Social Service and community Development: Cadets will participate in various
activities throughout the semester, e.g.: Blood donation camp, Swachhata Abhiyan, Constitution
Day, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.

Learning Resources:

Reference Books:
1. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Common subject
2. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Specialized subject

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Course Code: Credits


Pre-requisites: NCCM01
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Define thinking, reasoning, critical thinking and creative thinking

CO2 To think critically about different life related issues
CO3 Think divergently and will try to break functional fixedness

a) Theory Content
Unit-I. Personality Development: Thinking- Meaning and Concept of thinking, Reasoning,
Process of thinking, Critical Thinking- Meaning & concept of critical thinking, Features of critical
thinking, Process of critical thinking, Creative Thinking- Meaning & concept of creative thinking,
Features of creative thinking, Process of creative thinking, levels of creativity, Characteristics
of creative person.
Unit-II. Leadership Development: Leadership capsule, Important Leadership traits,
Indicators of leadership and evaluation, Motivation-Meaning & concept, Types of motivation,
Factors affecting motivation, Ethics and Honor codes.
Unit-III. Disaster Management: Disaster Management Capsule, Introduction to disaster
management, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) organization and functions,
National Disaster Response force- Organization and functions, Types of Disasters- Natural &
Man made, Role of NCC Cadets during the disaster, Types of Maintenance required for
essential services.
Unit-IV. Social Service and Community Development: Protection of Children & Women
safety Creatively in their real-life problems
b) Practical Content
Unit-I. DRILL: Foot Drill, Dahine, Baen, Aage aur Piche Kadam Lena, Tej Chal se Murdna,
Tej Chal se Salute Karna, Tej kadam Taal aur Tham, Tej Kadam Taal se Kadam Badalna,
Teeno Teen se Ek File aur ek file se Teeno Teen Banana
Unit-II. Weapon Training: Range procedure & Theory of group, Short Range firing
Unit-III. Map Reading (MR): Protractor Bearing and its conversion methods, service protractor
and its uses, Prismatic compass and its uses and GPS, Navigation by compass and GPS
Unit-IV. Field Craft & Battle Craft: Indications of landmarks and Targets, Intro, Definitions,
Types of Ground, Indication of Landmarks, Methods of identification of targets, difficult targets
Unit-V. Social Service and Community Development: Cadets will participate in various
activities throughout the semester, e.g. : Blood donation camp, Swachhata Abhiyan,
Constitution Day, Jan Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.., as per the
requirement and similar announced days- National level.

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Learning Resources:

Reference Books:
1. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Common subject
2. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Specialized subject

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: NCCM02
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Define and identify the problem
CO2 Take decisions their decision effectively
CO3 Manage crises in real life settling

Theory Content:
Unit-I. Personality Development: Problem solving & Decision Making, Problem Solving-
Meaning & concept of problem, Types of problem, Representation of problem, Process of
problem-solving (Real life problems), crises Management, Decision Making- meaning nature,
characteristics, elements and process.
Practical Content:
Unit-I. DRILL: Arm Drill, Rifle ke saath Savdhan, Vishram aur Aram se, Rifle ke saath Parade
Par aur Saj, Rifle ke saath Visarjan, Line Tod, Bhumi Shastra aur Uthao Shastra, Bagal Shastra
aur Baju Shastra
Unit-II. Weapon Training: Short Range firing
Unit-III. Map Reading (MR): Setting of Map, Findings North and Own Position
Unit-IV: Field Craft & Battle Craft: Observation camouflage and Concealment
Unit-V. Social Service and Community Development: Cadets will participate in various
activities throughout the semester, e.g.: Blood donation camp, Swachhata Abhiyan, Constitution
Day, Jan Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.., as per the requirement and
similar announced days- National level.
Unit-VI. Obstacle Training: Obstacle training- Introduction, Safety-measures, Benefits,
Obstacle Course- Straight balance, Clear Jump, Gate Vault, Zig-Zag Balance, High Wall

Learning Resources:

Reference Books:
1. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Common subject
2. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Specialized subject

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: NCCM03
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Be motivated to join the army
CO2 Develop the qualities of effective speakers
CO3 Communicate effectively
CO4 Lead some formals and informal groups for achieving the common goals

Theory Content:
Unit-I. Personality Development: Communication Skills-Understanding basics of
communication, Component of effective communication skills, Common barriers in effective
communication skills, how to reduce communication gap, Public Speaking Skills- Stage
presentation, Voice control, Body language, Delivery, Audience relation, Group Discussions.
Unit-II. Leadership Development: Case Studies- Shivaji, APJ Abdul Kalam, Deepa Malik,
Maharana Pratap, Ratan Tata, Kiran Majumdar, Jhansi Ki Rani, Narayana Murthy, Prakash
Padukone, Tipu Sultan, Rabindra Nath Tagore
Unit-III. Disaster Management: Creation of Groups, Civil defense services and their duties,
Initiative training, Organizational Skills and Do’s and Don’ts natural and manmade Disasters,
Tipes of save life, Fire services and Fire Fighting.
Unit-IV. Military History: Biographies of renowned Generals
Practical Content:
Unit-I. DRILL: Arm Drill, Salami Shastra, Squad Drill
Unit-II. Weapon Training: Short Range firing
Unit-III. Map Reading (MR): Map to Ground, Ground to Map
Unit-IV. Field Craft & Battle Craft: Fire and Move Capsule, Field signal-with hand, with
Weapons, Signal with whistle, Field signals as means of giving orders, Field signals by day, Field
signals by night, selection formation
Unit-V. Social Service and Community Development: Cadets will participate in various
activities throughout the semester, e.g.: Blood donation camp, Swachhata Abhiyan, Constitution
Day, Jan Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.., as per the requirement and
similar announced days- National level.
Unit-VI. Health & Hygiene: Hygiene & Sanitation (Hygiene-Personal & Camp Hygiene), First
Aid in common medical emergencies, Treatment & Care of Wounds

Learning Resources:

Reference Books:
1. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Common subject
2. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Specialized subject

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: NCCM04
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Get motivated to join arm forces
CO2 Write their CV effective and appealing
CO3 Face interview effectively in their future
CO4 Imbibe the feeling of patriotism

Theory Content:
Unit-I. Personality Development: Career counselling- Introduction of Career counselling, Need
and Benefits, SSB Procedure- Screening test, Psychological test, Team work, Group Discussion
etc., Interview Skill- CV writing, Interview Skills-Before interview, and conducting yourself during
Unit-II. Armed Forces: Armed Forces, Command Head Quarters- Armed force (Army, Navy,
Air Force), Police organizations and Central Armed Police Forces, Badges, Ranks, Honours and
awards- Armed Force, Police and Central Armed Police Forces.
Unit-III. Military History: Study of battles of Indo-Pak War 1965, War Movies and war Hero
(Paramveer Chakra)
Practical Content:
Unit-I. DRILL: Ceremonial Drill- Guard Mounting
Unit-II. Weapon Training: Short Range firing
Unit-III. Map Reading (MR): Google Maps & applications
Unit-IV. Field Craft & Battle Craft: Fire control orders, Types of fire control orders, Fire and
Movement- When to use fire and movement tactics, Basic considerations, Appreciation of
ground cover, Types of cover, Dead ground, Common Mistakes, Map and air photography,
Selection of Fire position and fire control.
Unit-V. Social Service and Community Development: Cadets will participate in various
activities throughout the semester, e.g. : Blood donation camp, Swachhata Abhiyan, Constitution
Day, Jan Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.., as per the requirement and
similar announced days- National level.
Unit-VI. Health & Hygiene: Yoga- Introduction, Definition, Purpose, Benefits. Asanas-
Padamsana, Siddhasana, Gyan Mudra, Surya Namaskar, Shavasana, Vajrasana,
Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Sarvaangasana, Halasana, etc
Unit-VII. Obstacle Training: Obstacle training- Intro, Safety measures, Benefits, Obstacle
Course- Straight balance, Clear ‘Jump, Gate Vault, Zig-Zag Balance, High Wall

Learning Resources:
Reference Books:
1. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Common subject
2. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Specialized subject
Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

National Institute of Technology Warangal

Course Code: Credits

Pre-requisites: NCCM06
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Use RT during different activities
CO2 Use the multimedia, video conferencing, IT etc. efficiently in day-to-day life

Theory Content:
Unit-I. Social Service and Community Development
Unit-II. Armed Forces: Roles and task of army, Police, CAPF, Other Central Investigation and
Intelligence Agencies, Modes of entry to Army & Police, CAPF
Unit-III. Military History: Study of battles of Indo-Pak War 1971, Kargil, War Movies and war
Hero (Paramveer Chakra)
Unit-IV. Introduction of Infantry Weapons & Equipment: Organization of Infantry Battalion,
Company Support Weapons, Battalion Support Weapons.
Unit-V. Communication: Introduction to Communication and Latest Trends, Line
communication, Radio Communication, Radio Relay, Characteristics of Wireless Technology-
Features, Equipment and limitations, Characteristics of Walkie/Talkies, Features and its use.
Latest trends and Development in communication
Practical Content:
Unit-I. DRILL: Ceremonial Drill- Guard of Honor
Unit-II. Weapon Training: Short Range firing
Unit-III. Map Reading (MR): Google Maps & applications
Unit-IV. Field Craft & Battle Craft: Knots, Lashing and Stretchers
Unit-V. Social Service and Community Development: Cadets will participate in various
activities throughout the semester, e.g.: Blood donation camp, Swachhata Abhiyan, Constitution
Day, Jan Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.., as per the requirement and
similar announced days- National level.
Unit-VI. Introduction of Infantry Weapons & Equipment: Characteristics of 5.56mm INSAS
rifle, Ammunition, Fire Power, Stripping, Assembling & Cleaning Practice
Unit-VII. Communication (COM): Basic Radio Telephony (RT) Procedure, Introduction,
Advantages, Disadvantages, Need for standard procedures, Types of Radio telephony
communication, Radio telephony procedure, Documentation.

Learning Resources:

Reference Books:
1. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Common subject
2. Cadets Hand Book (ARMY), Specialized subject

Online Resources:

Scheme and Syllabi w.e.f. 2021-22

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