Course Code: MCT321 Course: Computer Applications L: 3 HRS., T: 1 HRS., Per Week Total Credits: 07
Course Code: MCT321 Course: Computer Applications L: 3 HRS., T: 1 HRS., Per Week Total Credits: 07
Course Code: MCT321 Course: Computer Applications L: 3 HRS., T: 1 HRS., Per Week Total Credits: 07
Course Objective
1. To learn arrays, pointers, structures and
graphics in C language and to write C programs
efficiently for engineering applications.
Course Objective
3. To provide a sound foundation to design,
normalize and implement database schema and
query writing using SQL for problem solving.
Unit – I : Arrays and applications :
• Introduction to arrays, Types of arrays, arrays
and functions, Searching : linear and binary.
Sorting : bubble insertion, selection, quick and
merge. Pointers : Introduction (declaration and
initialization), address arithmetic, Pointers to
pointers, Pointers and multidimensional arrays,
Concept of dynamic memory allocation.
MCT321- Computer Applications
Unit - II :
Structure and Union : Structure declaration and
initialization, structure within structure, self
referential structures, structures and functions,
Union, typedef.
Introduction to Graphics : Graphics initialization,
Graphical functions, Graphics Programming.
MCT321- Computer Applications
Unit - III :
Introduction to Networks : Introduction, Communication
Media, Topologies, Protocols, Network Model.
Unit - IV :
Data Models : Introduction, Types of Data Models
and Entity-Relationship Model, Entity
Relationship Diagram, Reducing E-R- Diagrams
to Table, Generalization, Aggregation.
Unit - V :
Integrity Constraints and Relational Database
Design : Domain Constraints, Referential
Integrity, Functional Dependencies,
Normalization, Assertions, Pitfalls in relational
Text Books :
1. Mastering C : K.R. Venugopal and S.R.Prasad, Tata
McGraw Hill (For Practical's)
2. Programming in ANSI C, 5th ed. : E. Balguruswami
McGraw Hill (Unit I and II)
3. Database Systems Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth,
Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill. (Unit III, IV and V)
4. Computer Networks, Andrew Tanenbaum, PHI
Publication. (Unit III)
5. Scilab by Example, Dr. M. Affouf, CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform (Unit VI)
MCT321- Computer Applications
Reference Books :
1. The C Programming Language, B.W. Kernighan, Dennis
M.Ritchie, PHI/Pearson Education
2. C Programming with problem solving, J.A. Jones & K.
Harrow, dreamtech Press.
3. An Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date, Narosa.
4. An Introduction to Database Systems, by Bipin C. Desai,
5. PL/SQL, Ivan Bayross.
6. Engineering and Scientific Computing with Scilab,
Claude Gomez, Springer Science & Business Media
MCT321- Computer Applications
Course Outcomes
• On successful completion of the course, students will be
able to :
Course Outcomes
• On successful completion of the course, students will be
able to :
Course Outcomes
• On successful completion of the course, students will be
able to :
Internal Assessment (40 marks): (Best Two from Test1, Test2 and
Test3)/2 + Assesment1 + Assesment2+ Attendance
Course Code : MCT321
Course: Computer Applications
P: 2 Hrs., Per week
Total Credits: 02
List of Practical:
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to :
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to :
List of Practicals :