Park 2022
Park 2022
Park 2022
Usefulness of Procalcitonin in the Diagnosis of Bacterial
Infection in Immunocompetent Children
Hae Na Park 1 , Su Yeong Kim 1 , Na Mi Lee 1 , Dae Yong Yi 1 , Sin Weon Yun 1 , Soo Ahn Chae 1 , In Seok Lim 1 ,
Yong Kwan Lim 2 and Ji Young Park 1, *
Abstract: Bacterial infections (BIs) need to be differentiated from non-BIs (NBIs) to enable prompt
administration of antibiotics. Therefore, inflammatory biomarkers are needed as they can accu-
rately identify BIs. This study evaluated the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) in the diagnosis
of BI in immunocompetent children. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of pa-
tients <18 years who underwent PCT measurements between July 2012 and June 2019. In total,
474 patients were enrolled and divided into the BI (n = 205) and NBI groups (n = 269). The BI
group was subcategorized into the invasive BI (IBI; n = 94), mucosal BI (MBI; n = 31), toxigenic
BI (TBI; n = 23), and localized BI (LBI; n = 57) subgroups. The NBI group was further subcatego-
rized into the viral infection (VI; n = 118) and inflammatory disease groups (ID; n = 151). PCT was
compared with the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell (WBC), and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR). Between the BI and NBI groups, PCT (4.2 ± 16.9 vs. 1.1 ± 2.5 ng/mL;
p = 0.008) and ESR (39.1 ± 32.4 vs. 54.8 ± 28.2 mm/h; p < 0.001) were significantly different. Be-
tween the IBI and other groups, WBC (14,797 ± 7148 vs. 12,622 ± 5770 × 106 /L; p = 0.007), ESR
(35.3 ± 30.3 vs. 51.5 ± 30.3 mm/h; p < 0.001), and PCT (8.1 ± 23.8 vs. 1.0 ± 3.4 ng/mL; p = 0.005)
Citation: Park, H.N.; Kim, S.Y.; Lee,
N.M.; Yi, D.Y.; Yun, S.W.; Chae, S.A.;
were significantly different. However, none of the biomarkers were useful in differentiating BI from
Lim, I.S.; Lim, Y.K.; Park, J.Y. NBI. While WBC (area under curve (AUC) = 0.615, p = 0.003) and PCT (AUC = 0.640, p < 0.001) were
Usefulness of Procalcitonin in the useful, they fared poorly in differentiating IBI from other groups. Thus, additional studies are needed
Diagnosis of Bacterial Infection in to identify more accurate biomarkers capable of differentiating BIs, especially IBIs.
Immunocompetent Children.
Children 2022, 9, 1263. https:// Keywords: bacterial infections; child; procalcitonin
states that PCT is secreted from hematopoietic cells, parenchyma of the lung, or the liver by
proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-8, and tissue necrosis factor α post
BI [6]. In South Korea, studies regarding PCT were initiated in the late 1990s [7,8]. Over the
past decades, PCT has gradually been introduced in the clinical praxis as an inflammatory
marker to differentiate various types of BI [9], and has been used along with other markers.
Although early studies have shown the potential of PCT in differentiating various types of
BI, recent studies have reported that PCT has no significant benefit when compared with
CRP [10,11]. However, PCT had been recently studied again as an inflammatory marker to
rule out invasive BI (IBI) [12,13].
Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the usefulness of PCT in the diagnosis of BI in
children, especially IBI, by comparing it with other inflammatory markers.
infection (UTI) Cases with WBC count ≥5 (based on high-power microscopy) and single
bacterial pathogens ≥105 colony forming unit/mL (based on cultures) were defined as
urinary tract infection (UTI). The presence of bacterial pathogens in CSF culture indicated
bacterial meningitis, while the presence of viral pathogens in CSF specimens, detected
via PCR test, indicated viral meningitis. Pathogenic single bacterial infection identified
by blood culture studies from more than two blood samples was defined as bacteremia.
Scarlet fever, 4S, TSS, and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis were diagnosed by
their characteristic features. Rheumatic fever was diagnosed using Jones criteria. Group
A streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis was diagnosed only if confirmed by a positive rapid
antigen detection test or culture study. In our institute, the reference cut-off value and the
measuring range for PCT were 0.5 ng/mL and 0.05–200 ng/mL, respectively.
3. Results
3.1. Demographics and Diagnosis of Patients
During the 7-year study period, 24,691 immunocompetent children under 18 years
of age visited our medical center. Among them, 3203 children underwent PCT tests in
our emergency department (n = 350), outpatient clinic (n = 577), and hospitalized ward
(n = 2276). Overall, 1567 cases were revealed to be follow-up cases and were excluded.
Additionally, 193 neonatal intensive care unit cases were excluded. Moreover, 952 children
who did not undergo PCR tests were excluded due to unclarified etiologies. Furthermore,
17 cases were excluded because they were combined BI/VI cases or were IDs with VIs.
Finally, 474 patients were enrolled in this study. All demographic data are listed in Table 1.
In total, 197 patients were females (41.6%) with a mean age of 3.7 ± 4.0 years. Among the
462 admitted patients, the mean duration of hospitalization was 6.7 ± 7.1 days.
Table 1. Comparison of demographics between bacterial infection and non-bacterial infection groups.
n = 205 (%) VI, n = 118 (%) ID, n = 151 (%)
114 (42.4) 0.679
Sex, female 83 (40.5)
49 (41.5) 65 (43.0) 0.889
3.4 ± 3.0 0.057
Age, years † 4.2 ± 5.0
2.9 ± 2.6 3.8 ± 3.2 0.027
5.3 ± 2.7 <0.001
Hospitalization days † 8.7 ± 10.1
5.1 ± 3.1 5.5 ± 2.4 <0.001
Abbreviations: BI; bacterial infection, NBI; nonbacterial infection, VI; viral infection, ID; inflammatory disease.
† Theses variables are presented as means ± standard deviations.
Two-hundred and five patients (43.2%) were classified into the BI group and 269
(56.8%) into the NBI group. The BI group was further subclassified into the IBI (n = 94;
45.9%), LBI (n = 57; 27.8%), MBI (n = 31; 15.1%), and TBI groups (n = 23; 11.2%). The NBI
group was subclassified into the ID (n = 151; 56.1%) and VI groups (n = 118; 43.9%). The
IBI group included patients with UTI (n = 73; 77.7%), bacteremia (n = 12; 12.8%), bone
Children 2022, 9, 1263 4 of 8
and joint infections (n = 5; 5.3%), and meningitis (n = 4; 4.3%). The MBI group included
patients with acute otitis media or sinusitis (n = 23; 74.2%) and group A streptococcus
pharyngotonsillitis (n = 8; 25.8%). The TBI group consisted of patients with scarlet fever
(n = 12; 52.2%), 4S (n = 7; 30.4%), and TSS (n = 2; 8.7%); one patient (4.4%) had rheumatic
fever and another had acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis. The LBI group included
patients with skin and soft tissue infections (n = 21; 36.2%), acute cervical lymphadenitis
(n = 14; 24.1%), intra-abdominal infection (n = 13; 22.4%), bacterial enteritis (n = 6; 10.3%),
deep-neck infections (n = 2; 3.5%), and mastoiditis (n = 2; 3.5%). In the ID group, Kawasaki
disease was the most common (n = 137; 90.7%), followed by Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease
(n = 8; 5.3%), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (n = 5; 3.3%), and ulcerative colitis (n = 1; 0.7%).
The number of females in the BI and NBI groups was 83 (40.5%) and 114 (42.4%),
respectively, with no significant differences between the groups (p = 0.679). Between
the two groups, there was no significant difference in age (BI: 4.2 ± 5.0 years,
NBI: 3.4 ± 3.0 years; p = 0.057); however, a significantly longer hospitalization was ob-
served in the patients in the BI group (8.7 ± 10.1 days) than those in the NBI group
(5.3 ± 2.7 days; p < 0.001). There was no statistical sex-based difference among the BI, VI,
and ID groups (females in BI: 83 [40.5%], in VI: 49 [41.5%], in ID: 65 [43.0%]; p = 0.889);
however, significant differences were noted with respect to age (BI: 4.2 ± 5.0, VI: 2.9 ± 2.6,
ID: 3.8 ± 3.2 years; p = 0.027) and duration of hospitalization (BI: 8.7 ± 10.1, VI: 5.1 ± 3.1,
ID: 5.5 ± 2.4 days; p < 0.001). Upon comparison of the three groups, age differences
were observed between the BI and VI groups (p = 0.020). Additionally, differences in
the duration of hospitalization were observed between the BI and VI groups and the BI
and ID groups (all p < 0.001). (Table 1) When comparing the IBI group with the other
groups, sex-based differences were not observed (p = 0.342). However, the mean age was
lower (1.5 ± 3.3 vs. 4.3 ± 4.0 years; p < 0.001) and the mean duration of hospitalization was
higher in the IBI group (10.1 ± 11.0 vs. 5.8 ± 5.3 days; p = 0.001). A comparison among
the BI subgroups revealed no significant difference with respect to sex (p = 0.360). The
mean age and hospitalization duration were significantly different among the BI subgroups
(p < 0.001 and p = 0.033, respectively). Detailed comparisons among the BI subgroups
revealed that the mean age of patients in the IBI group (1.5 ± 3.3 years) was significantly
lower than that of patients in MBI (4.4 ± 4.5 years, p = 0.008), TBI (5.8 ± 3.9 years, p < 0.001),
and LBI groups (7.8 ± 5.5 years, p < 0.001). Patient age in the MBI and LBI groups was
also significantly different (p = 0.002). The mean duration of hospitalization was different
between the IBI and MBI groups (10.1 ± 11.0 vs. 3.8 ± 1.7 days, p = 0.026). The mean
duration of hospitalization was 6.6 ± 4.3 days in the TBI group and 7.8 ± 5.5 days in the
LBI group.
in the IBI group than in the other groups. Additionally, ESR was lower (35.3 ± 30.3
vs. 51.5 ± 30.3 mm/h; p < 0.001) in the IBI group than in the other groups, while CRP
in the IBI group was not significantly different from the other groups (69.3 ± 77.6 vs.
60.0 ± 60.6 mg/L; p = 0.207). When analyzing the inflammatory markers among the BI sub-
groups, there were significant differences in WBC count and PCT (p = 0.011 and p = 0.025,
respectively); however, CRP and ESR did not yield any significant difference (p = 0.060 and
0.357, respectively). Additionally, WBC count (14,797 ± 7148 vs. 11,941 ± 6203 × 106 /L)
and PCT comparisons (8.1 ± 23.8 vs. 0.6 ± 1.1 ng/mL) between the IBI and LBI groups
yielded significant differences (all p = 0.040).
There were significant differences according to the age groups between the BI and
NBI groups and among the BI subgroups (all p < 0.001). Among infants, ESR alone was
different between the BI and NBI groups (31.4 ± 27.6 vs. 48.1 ± 24.6 mm/h, p = 0.008) and
the IBI and other groups (31.6 ± 27.5 vs. 46.1 ± 25.7 mm/h, p = 0.019). Among toddlers, no
biomarker showed significant differences between the BI and NBI groups or the IBI and
other groups (all p > 0.05). Among preschoolers, ESR was different between the BI and NBI
(38.3 ± 34.8 vs. 58.1 ± 29.5 mm/h, p = 0.013) groups, while WBC was different between the
IBI and other groups (19,295 ± 4280 vs. 12,782 ± 5206 × 106 /L, p = 0.015). Among middle
childhood and teenagers, there was no difference between the BI and NBI groups or the IBI
and other groups (all p > 0.05).
Table 3. Comparison of area under curve values between bacterial infection and nonbacterial infec-
tion groups.
Children 2022, 9, 1263 6 of 8
AUC 95% CI p Cut-Off Sensitivity Specificity
WBC3. Comparison of0.495
Table area under 0.430-0.560 0.876 bacterial
curve values between 16530 infection
71.2and nonbacterial
CRP groups. 0.443 0.380–0.506 0.075 4.1 20.8 89.5
ESR AUC 0.335 95% 0.274–0.395
CI p <0.001Cut-Off34.0 Sensitivity
54.6 74.4
BI–NBI 0.498 0.433–0.563 0.958 4.6 84.9 5.6
WBC groups 0.495 0.430-0.560 0.876 16530 71.2 22.7
CRP 0.443 0.380–0.506 0.075 4.1 20.8 89.5
ESR 0.335 0.6150.274–0.395
<0.001 0.003 34.0
15860 46.8
54.6 74.476.3
CRP 0.498 0.5080.433–0.563
0.434–0.5810.958 0.843 4.645.2 84.9
55.3 5.6 52.8
IBI–other groups
WBC 0.615 0.3360.532–0.698
0.262–0.4110.003 <0.001 15860
44.0 68.6
46.8 76.358.4
PCT 0.508 0.6400.434–0.581
0.562–0.7190.843 <0.001 45.21.8 55.3
39.4 52.887.1
ESR 0.336 0.262–0.411 <0.001 44.0 68.6 58.4
PCT AUC;0.640
area under the curve, CI:<0.001
0.562–0.719 confidence interval,
1.8 BI; bacterial
39.4 infection, 87.1NBI; non-
bacterial infection, WBC; white blood cell, CRP; C-reactive protein, ESR; erythrocyte sedimentation
Abbreviations: AUC; area under the curve, CI: confidence interval, BI; bacterial infection, NBI; nonbacterial
rate, PCT; WBC;
infection, procalcitonin.
white blood cell, CRP; C-reactive protein, ESR; erythrocyte sedimentation rate, PCT; procalcitonin.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.1.Comparison
Figure Comparisonof ofreceiver operatingcharacteristic
receiver operating characteristiccurve
curve analyses
analyses of inflammatory
of inflammatory markers
between the (a) bacterial infection and nonbacterial infection group, and between the
between the (a) bacterial infection and nonbacterial infection group, and between the (b) invasive (b) invasive
infectiongroup and all
group and allother
groups. Abbreviations:
Abbreviations: WBC,WBC, white
white bloodblood cell;C-reactive
cell; CRP, CRP, C-reac-
tive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; PCT, procalcitonin.
protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; PCT, procalcitonin.
4. 4. Discussion
retrospective study,
study, we
we compared
inflammatory biomarker
biomarker levels in children
levels in children
with BI and NBI and reported that PCT and ESR were significantly different in these groups.
with BI and NBI and reported that PCT and ESR were significantly different in these
WBC, ESR, and PCT yielded significant differences, which aided in the differentiation of IBI
groups. WBC, ESR, and PCT yielded significant differences, which aided in the differen-
from other infections. However, ROC analysis revealed that none of the four inflammatory
tiation of IBI from other infections. However, ROC analysis revealed that none of the four
markers were useful in differentiating BI from NBI. However, WBC and PCT were useful in
IBI fromwere
other useful in but
infections differentiating
yielded poorBI from NBI.
accuracy basedHowever, WBC and
on ROC analysis.
PCT were useful in differentiating IBI from other infections but yielded
ESR was not shown to be useful in the ROC analysis. Additionally, WBC and PCT yielded poor accuracy
based on ROC analysis. ESR was not shown to be
lower sensitivity but higher specificity than CRP and ESR. useful in the ROC analysis. Addition-
ally, WBC
Given and PCT
that PCT yielded
can be lower
measuredsensitivity but higher
to differentiate specificity
patients with LBIthan
or CRP andthose
VI from ESR.
severethat PCT
BI [9], canstudies
many be measured
have beento published
differentiate patients
in support of with LBI or VI from
this hypothesis. those
ing to several studies, PCT reflects the severity of BI and is more elevated
with severe BI [9], many studies have been published in support of this hypothesis. Ac- in cases of severe
BI. Additionally,
cording to several astudies,
study with
PCT175 children
reflects the revealed
severity ofthat
BIpatients with septic
and is more elevatedshock had of
in cases
severe BI.PCT levels than those
Additionally, withwith
a study no infection, VI, orrevealed
175 children LBI and that
that PCT values
patients were
with further
septic shock
increased in patients with severe BI [15]. Harbarth et al. measured PCT levels in patients
with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic
shock. PCT levels were found to be significantly different among the four groups, and more
severe infections were found to be associated with higher PCT values [16]. Simon et al.
Children 2022, 9, 1263 7 of 8
demonstrated that PCT was more effective than CRP for differentiating BIs in patients with
SIRS admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit [17]. Moreover, Casado et al. concluded
that PCT was superior to CRP or WBC count in children with sepsis, even in infants [18].
A study conducted on infants observed better sensitivity and specificity for PCT than
CRP [7]. In pediatric patients with suspected UTIs, PCT was effective in differentiating
upper UTIs [8]. In a previous study that compared VI and BI in children (ages: 1–36 months)
who visited the emergency room with fever, CRP and PCT exhibited similar sensitivity for
the diagnosis of BI; however, the specificity of PCT was better. In differentiating IBI, PCT
showed better sensitivity and specificity than CRP [1].
Conversely, some studies have argued that there was no significant difference in the
efficacy of PCT compared with those of other inflammatory indicators, especially CRP.
According to a study wherein non-infectious patients and infectious patients admitted to
ICU were compared, PCT had lower sensitivity, specificity, and AUC than CRP, and the
authors concluded that PCT had low-diagnostic efficacy [19]. In addition, some studies
revealed that among children who visited the emergency room with fever, CRP was more
convenient and sensitive as an indicator for predicting severe BI in comparison with
PCT [20]. A study on malnourished children also concluded that CRP was a useful marker
to identify patients at risk for death [21]. Additionally, in another study, PCT was more
sensitive and specific than CRP in patients with bacterial sepsis [12]. A study, conducted
in febrile children under the age of 3 years showed that PCT was a more accurate marker
than WBC, absolute neutrophil, and band count in children with serious BI [22].
The limitations of this study are that it was conducted in a single center. As such, the
number of enrolled patients was limited. Secondly, the number of patients per group and
the diagnoses were uneven owing to the retrospective nature of the study. Lastly, there may
be a possibility of misclassification of bacterial respiratory infections as VI, especially single
boca-viral infections. However, all four patients who were diagnosed with pneumonia
or bronchiolitis improved without the administration of antimicrobials. However, this
study has strengths in that BIs were divided into four groups, and analyses were conducted
between their classified subgroups. In addition, we compared and analyzed the findings
from patients with inflammatory diseases in a manner similar to previous studies.
This study utilized retrospective analysis. Accordingly, there was a possibility of
selection bias as the PCT tests were not performed in all patients. Additional, well-designed
studies are required to identify newer and more accurate biomarkers to discriminate
between BI and IBI prospectively.
In conclusion, a comparison of mean values revealed that PCT and ESR were the
most useful inflammatory markers to differentiate BI from NBI and IBI from other types of
infection. Though the PCT value proved to be useful, it had poor accuracy.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.N.P. and J.Y.P.; methodology, H.N.P.; software, J.Y.P.;
validation, D.Y.Y., S.W.Y. and S.A.C.; formal analysis, J.Y.P.; investigation, J.Y.P.; resources, S.Y.K.
and N.M.L.; data curation, H.N.P.; writing—original draft preparation, H.N.P.; writing—review and
editing, J.Y.P. and Y.K.L.; visualization, J.Y.P.; supervision, I.S.L.; project administration, J.Y.P.; funding
acquisition, J.Y.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by Chung-Ang University Research Grants in 2022.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Chung-Ang University Hospital
(no. 2004-002-19803).
Informed Consent Statement: Patient consent was waived due to the retrospective nature of the
study based on medical record reviews.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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