Bsmath 1-B
> In junior high school, I used to ask myself, " Im I doing my exercise right?" And now i realize
that all this time, I've been performing my exercise program incorrectly? " And now understand
how important it is because if we train incorrectly, it could result in damage and prevent our
bodies from becoming better. It is preferable to begin our training cautiously so that we can
progress toward our objectives.
B 5. Basic principle in doing exercise that means performing “more than the normal”
a. Progression b. Overload c. Reversibility d. Specificity
C 6. This principle of exercise can be sum up or simplify by the fact that “if you don’t use it,
you will lose it.”
a. Specificity b. Overload c. Reversibility d. Rest and Recovery
D 7. Jasper is teaching in special education school. He was assigned by his principal to come
up with an exercise program to develop the overall fitness of the students with special
needs. What is/are the primary consideration/s that he need/s to considera. Principle of progression b.
Principle of individuality
c. Principle of specificity d. All of the above
D 8. In executing stretching exercises, the degree of stretch should be…
a. to about 80 percent of capacity.
b. to mild tension at the end of the range of motion.
c. applied until the muscle(s) start shaking.
d. progressively increased until the desired stretch is attained.
C 9. The recommended number of repetitions for strength exercises for better health is
a. 1 and 6 reps.
b. 4 and 10 reps.
c. 8 and 12 reps.
d. 10 and 25 reps.
D 10. Choose the letter that does not belong to the group.
a. Deep full squat, hero, and donkey kick
b. Knee pull down, knee to chest, swan stretch
c. Abdominal crunch, one leg stretche, quad stretch
d. Neck circling, hurdle stretch, standing toe touch
Mode/Type: List any activity or combination of aerobic activities that you will use in your
cardiorespiratory training program:
> Moderate or vigorous activities such as walking, jogging, running, and dancing.
> At least 30 minutes of continuous moderate activities, 20 minutes of vigorous activities, and
the rest of time for cool down.2
> 2-3 days per week with a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes in a non-
consecutive days.