22 SP HECE3110 AS 2 GP Presentation 123122021
22 SP HECE3110 AS 2 GP Presentation 123122021
22 SP HECE3110 AS 2 GP Presentation 123122021
Assessment Specifications(2)
Purpose: In order to facilitate your learning, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of
ONE of the following curriculum approaches in early childhood education in groups (5-6
people per group).
1. Thematic approach
2. Project approach
3. Reggio Emilia approach
4. Montessori approach
5. High/Scope approach
The group will explain the philosophy of the selected curriculum approach and the
principles for planning the curriculum.
The group will demonstrate the major features of the approach when kindergartens adopt
your selected approach. The demonstration should include concrete examples, for
instance, role play, photos, theme web, concept web, props.
Content Demonstrates sound knowledge of the content being presented which is related to the 40%
curriculum in early childhood education.
Organization The content of the presentation is cohesive. 10%
Delivery The presentation is compelling, and speakers appear polished and confident, in terms of 10%
posture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness.
Supporting Provides a variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, 30%
Materials and quotations from relevant authorities) which make appropriate reference to information
that significantly supports the presentation.
Team spirit Supports a constructive team climate 10%
Score adjustment In order to minimize the discrepancies of scores, the University retains the
right to make score adjustments before submission to the Examination
Board concerned for final approval.
Originality No marks will be given for plagiarized work. Always give references for
quoted materials.
Format for citation Please follow APA format (7th edition) for citation and referencing
Group:______________________________________________________ Date:_______
Delivery 10% (The presentation is compelling, and speakers appear polished and confident, in terms of
posture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness).
The The The The The
presentation is presentation is presentation is presentation presentation
compelling, interesting, understandabl is is not
Speakers appear Speakers appear e, understandab understandab
polished and comfortable, Speakers le, but le and
confident, IT could be appear audience speakers
I T is more tentative. need to make appear
effectively effectively used I T is used but efforts. uncomfortab
applied quality could I T is used le.
be better but missing IT is not
quality used
Supporting Materials 30% A variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations,
statistics, and quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis
that significantly supports the presentation.
A variety of Some Supporting Insufficient Supporting
types of supporting materials are supporting Materials are
supporting materials make partially materials or irrelevant to
materials make appropriate provided. minimally the
appropriate reference to provided. presentation.
reference to information
information presented
Team spirit 10% (e.g. Treats team members respectfully by being polite and constructive in communication.
Provides assistance and/or encouragement to team members.
Supports a Supports a Supports a Supports a Did not
constructive constructive constructive constructive show any
team climate by team climate by team climate team climate team spirit as
doing all of the doing most of by by doing any mentioned in
items the items doing some of one of items the previous
mentioned mentioned the items mentioned column
above. above: mentioned above.
Grade: _____________