PPD Assignment 1-CCCU LSC BABS With Foundation
PPD Assignment 1-CCCU LSC BABS With Foundation
PPD Assignment 1-CCCU LSC BABS With Foundation
Assignment number: 1
Learning outcomes assessed: LO2: Appraise the relevance of personal development to the
role of a manager, for one's own and others' development.
LO3: Manage one's own development effectively and apply
newly acquired skills using effective feedback.
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 1
Assignment 1 brief:
Assessment Task Description
You are required to prepare an individual presentation paper on your career plan.
Then you need to identify your dream job and career paths within the selected field. You
will also identify your strengths and discuss how they will help you with your chosen career
path; and areas for improvement (weaknesses).
NOTE: Turnitin will not display slide notes if you submit your work as a PowerPoint
presentation. Therefore, you must export/convert your slides into a Word document and
select the option to include notes below the slide prior to submission!
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 2
5. Research: Your research should use reliable/credible and relevant sources of
information e.g. academic textbooks, academic journals that have been peer
reviewed. The research should be extensive.
The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed
journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable
statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should
be in Harvard style.
1. Research-informed Literature: Extent of research and/or 15
own reading, selection of credible sources, application of
appropriate referencing conventions.
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100-80 79-70 Very 69-60 Good 59-50 Sound 49-40
Excellent Good Satisfactory
Coherence Strong logical Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Shows limited
organisation s logical sound, generally sound, organisation.
Coherence and organisation and organisation thoughtful conventional
of assignment coherence and organisation. organisation.
PRESENTATION AND enhances coherence.
STYLE) fulfilment of
Clarity Fluent writing Language Language Meaning clear, Generally
style fluent. generally fluent. but language not understandab
Clarity of expression (incl. appropriate Grammar Grammar and always fluent. but language
accuracy, spelling, to the and spelling spelling mainly Grammar and/or contains error
grammar, punctuation assignment. mainly accurate. spelling contain which detract
(PRESENTATION AND Grammar accurate. errors. from the
STYLE) and spelling argument.
Communication Effective Good Communication Communication Generally clea
communicati communicati is effective and, is generally but limited
Communication and on which on in a in a format, effective and evidence of
presentation (appropriate to demonstrates format appropriate to shows discipline's
discipline) (PRESENTATION a strong appropriate the discipline. awareness of academic styl
AND STYLE) understandin to the the discipline's
g of the discipline. academic style.
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and and reference list. sources, inaccuracies,
reference list reference list Referencing appropriate to inconsistencie
and used and used to follows a the discipline. and/or
effectively to support systematic Entries in the omissions.
support discussion. approach, bibliography/refe Integration
discussion. Referencing appropriate to rence list are between text
Referencing follows a the discipline. generally and reference
follows a systematic Entries in the accurate/ list is
systematic approach, bibliography/refe appropriate. inconsistent.
approach, appropriate rence list are Entries in the
appropriate to the accurate/ bibliography/re
to the discipline. All appropriate. rence list cont
discipline. All elements of some errors.
elements of individual
individual references
references are present.
are present.
Objectives Defines Defines Outlines Outlines some Uses
appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate generalised
Clarity of objectives and objectives in objectives objectives and objectives and objectives to
focus of work detail and and addresses them addresses them provide
(CONFORMING TO addresses addresses in a manner in a manner adequate but
INSTRUCTIONS) them them which gives a which gives a limited focus t
comprehensi coherently clear focus to general focus to the work.
vely. throughout the work. the work.
the work.
Address Question Addresses Addresses Addresses the Makes a sound Makes an
the purpose the purpose purpose of the attempt at adequate
Addressing the question(s) of the of the question(s) addressing the attempt at
(CONFORMING TO question(s) in question(s) clearly. question(s). addressing the
INSTRUCTIONS) depth and clearly and question(s), b
with some comprehensi with some
creativity. vely. digression.
Knowledge Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Evidence of
s a detailed, s a detailed, good factual sound factual some knowled
Content and range of systematic, systematic and/or and/or of topic and us
knowledge displayed in-depth, knowledge conceptual conceptual of appropriate
(CONTENT AND theoretically base, both knowledge base knowledge base terminology.
KNOWLEDGE) informed theoretical and uses and uses May contain
knowledge and/or appropriate appropriate some errors
base, with substantive. terminology. terminology. and/omissions
of the
nature of
Use of Literature Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of
broad and/or independent independent some reading from
Use of literature / evidence in-depth reading from reading from a independent appropriate
of reading (CONTENT AND independent a fairly wide range of reading from sources.
KNOWLEDGE) reading from range of appropriate appropriate Literature is
appropriate appropriate sources. sources. Sound presented in a
sources. sources. Literature well application of descriptive wa
Clear, Clear, applied and literature.
accurate, accurate, shows some
systematic systematic critical insight.
application of application of
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 5
material, with material.
effective Shows
critical developing
appraisal. ability to
Sources Significant Uses a Mostly uses Mostly uses Uses
use made of balanced higher quality appropriate appropriate
Quality of sources used primary combination secondary secondary secondary
(CONTENT AND sources in of primary sources, with sources, with sources.
KNOWLEDGE) conjunction and higher some use of some limited use
with high quality primary sources. of primary
quality secondary sources.
secondary sources.
Theory Demonstrate Shows a Shows an Sound Selection of
s a detailed, systematic accurate descriptive theory is
Knowledge and application accurate, and accurate understanding of knowledge of satisfactory bu
of theory (CONTENT AND systematic understandin key theories, key theories with application
KNOWLEDGE) theoretical g of key which are some and/or
understandin theories, appropriately appropriate understanding
g. which are applied within application. limited.
Appropriately consistently the context of
selected and the assignment
theoretical appropriately task.
knowledge applied
integrated within the
into the context of
overall the
assignment assignment
task. task.
Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions Logical Generally sound Some relevan
are well show critical conclusions are conclusions are conclusions a
Conclusions developed, insight and drawn which drawn which are drawn which a
(THINKING/ANALYSIS/CON analytical, development show some supported by derived from
CLUSION) use of thinking. critical insight evidence / limited
appropriate They relate and are clearly theory / understanding
forms of clearly and derived from literature. evidence /
conceptualisa logically to evidence / theory /
tion, and evidence / theory / literature.
show some theory / literature.
originality. literature.
They are
grounded in
theory /
evidence /
They form an
part of the
argument /
Analysis Makes Makes very Makes effective Makes fair / Makes
excellent use good use of use of conventional use satisfactory bu
Analysis of a range of established established of established limited use of
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 6
(THINKING/ANALYSIS/CON relevant techniques of techniques of techniques of established
CLUSION) analytic analysis analysis relevant analysis, techniques of
techniques relevant to to the discipline. relevant to the analysis,
and is able to the Shows some discipline. relevant to the
apply these discipline. awareness of discipline.
to new and/or Shows alternative
abstract developing theories /
information ability to analytic
and compare approaches
situations. alternative (where relevant).
Shows well theories /
developed analytic
ability to approaches
compare (where
alternative relevant).
theories /
Critical Well Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
developed, s critical insight some limited critical
Critical reasoning theoretically / considerable and some ability conventional insight. Some
(THINKING/ANALYSIS/CON conceptually critical to contrast critical insight recognition of
CLUSION) informed insight and alternative and recognises alternative
critical ability to positions alternative positions.
thinking is contrast through the use positions.
consistently alternative of theory.
integrated positions
into the work. through the
Shows ability use of
to evaluate theory.
theories /
concepts /
/ data.
Select Methods The process Methodology Methodology Methodology Choice of
and rationale selected is chosen is used is methodology i
Selecting research methods for selection effective and appropriate to appropriate to generally
(Relationship between of one from appropriate the task and the task and appropriate to
method chosen and the several to the aims attention given brief rationale the task with a
nature of the inquiry) methodologie and to the selection offered makes limited rationa
(METHODOLGY/IES) s is objectives of of a reference to offered.
effectively the task and methodology established
explored to a good from the range guidance.
collect rationale for of prescribed
information its selection ones.
from self- is provided.
Apply Methods Information / Information / Information / Information / Some attempt
data is data is data is data is collected made to collec
Evaluation of process and organised organised organised using and analysed to and analyse
the quality of information / using using structures and form valid information/da
data developed appropriate structures processes conclusion(s). to form valid
(METHODOLGY/IES) structures and provided to conclusion(s).
and processes answer given
processes to provided to question(s).
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 7
construct reorganise
emergent existing
knowledge/ knowledge in
ideas which standard
address formats to
existing answer given
questions. question(s).
Evaluation Methods Evaluates Effectively Effectively Shows sound, Shows limited
information / evaluates evaluates basic evaluation evaluation of t
Evaluation of process and data and the information / information / of the inquiry inquiry
the quality of information / inquiry data and the data and the methodology methodology
data developed process inquiry inquiry process and information / and informatio
(METHODOLGY/IES) comprehensi process, using prescribed data generated. data generate
vely using including guidelines.
appropriate critique of
criteria some the
of which are techniques
self- used.
Professional Values Develops Develops Develops Uses objectives Objectives use
specific objectives objectives which which are show an
Work within a framework of objectives which are are consistent consistent with awareness of
professional values / code which are consistent with professional professional the needs of
of conduct achievable, with values / code of values / code of clients and
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON consistent professional conduct and conduct but are professional
AL SKILLS) with values / code generally set by the values / code
professional of conduct appropriate to clientele. Limited conduct, but
values / code and the clientele. consideration of these are
of conduct appropriate appropriateness sometimes
and to the and inconsistently
appropriate clientele. practicability. reconciled.
to the
Gather Information Selects Selects Selects mostly Selects some Selects some
highly appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
Information gathering / relevant information information and information and information bu
processing information. and processes it processes it processed it w
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON Demonstrate processes it adequately. adequately. limited succes
AL SKILLS) s effectively.
g of the
complexity of
processes it
Creative Process Creative work Creative Creative works Creative work Creative work
shows highly work shows shows shows a basic shows a basic
Creative process developed well- interesting level of level of
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON technique in developed imagination and imagination and imagination an
AL SKILLS) the service of imagination technique. technique. technique.
a lively and Processes Processes Processes
creative technique. involved have involved have involved are n
imagination. Processes creative little creative evident and
Processes involved are application and consequence. personal style
involved are manipulated outcomes. Personal style is lacking.
handled with to achieve Personal style lacking in favour
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 8
assurance to creative makes its mark of work which is
achieve results. at times in work derivative in
innovative Personal which shows origin.
results. style makes some original
Personal its mark on application and
style models and adaptation of
consistently moulds models.
marked in influences
work which with
builds on originality
models with and style.
flair and
Performance Highly Focussed Performance Performance Performance
focused, performance demonstrates that reasonably that mostly
Performance convincing demonstratin communication, demonstrates demonstrates
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON performance g commitment and communication, communicatio
AL SKILLS) demonstratin communicati understanding of commitment and commitment a
g on, the genre with understanding of understanding
communicati commitment reasonable the genre but the genre but
on, and a attention to with limited with little
commitment, thorough detail, displaying attention to attention to
and thorough understandin a good level of detail and detail and
understandin g of the style technical ability. technical ability. displaying a lo
g of style with with careful Improvised Improvised level of techni
careful attention to passages show passages show ability.
attention to detail, a sound some Improvised
detail, displaying understanding of understanding of passages sho
displaying consistently style. Well- style. Limited little
consistently high level of rehearsed. confidence and understanding
high level of technical Stage craft attention given style. Lacks
technical ability. presentation of a to presentation. confidence an
ability and Improvisation good standard. little attention
interpretive is stylistically given to
skills. correct and presentation.
Improvised considered.
passages are Performance
creative, well-
stylistically prepared /
assured and rehearsed,
considered. assured, and
Performance focussed.
well Stage craft
prepared, presentation
assured and of a high
thoroughly standard.
Stage craft
of a very high
Form/Content Demonstrate Evidence of Beginning to Evidence of an Some evidenc
s an ability to critically evidence some appropriate of understand
Form and content in a critically relating awareness of relationship the relationshi
practical context engage with theory to the relationship between form between form
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON theory and practice. between theory and content. and content.
AL SKILLS) practice. Demonstrate and practice. Limited Limited degre
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 9
Synthesises s well Work tends to be presence of of technical an
creative developed conventional but creativity. professional
strategies ability to show good Moderate competence a
and analyse, ability to relate degree of creativity.
interrelated synthesise form and technical and
forms and and content. Some professional
styles. experiment aspects of competence.
Experiments with creativity
with relationships present.
conventional between Structure and
forms. Work form and content are
shows clear content. relevant and
evidence of Good approaching
intellectual evidence of technical and
rigour and/or some professional
creativity. creativity. competence
Technically Technically throughout.
and and
professionally professionall
competent. y competent
in most
Reflection Confidently Able to Demonstrates a Is largely Dependent on
reflects on evaluate own degree of dependent on criteria set by
Reflection (including self- own strengths autonomy and criteria set by others. Begins
criticism / awareness) strengths and and independence in others. recognise own
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON weaknesses weaknesses evaluating / Recognises own strengths and
AL SKILLS) and the and shows monitoring own strengths and weaknesses.
criteria by developing contribution. weaknesses.
which such understandin
judgements g of criteria
are made. for
Prepared to judgements.
interrogate Prepared to
received question
opinion, received
prejudices opinion,
and value prejudices
sets and value
operating. sets
Reflective Practice Analyses Evaluates Able to evaluate Interpretation of Able to interpr
personal personal own practice and practice draws own practice a
Reflective practice contribution contribution that of others on a number of that of others
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON and that of and that of using a number frames of using prescrib
AL SKILLS) others to others to of frames of reference which frameworks.
practice practice and reference. inform decisions Identifies som
through develops Considers about further further actions
reflection and plans of alternative future action.
develops action. actions.
ideas of
Autonomy Identifies Identifies Shows a degree Largely works Undertakes
CCCU BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Assessment Brief Template Page 10
learning learning of autonomy and independently. clearly directe
Independence / autonomy needs by needs and independence in Accesses and work
(including planning and actively follows planning uses a range of independently
managing learning) seeking out activities to learning and learning Uses the
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON feedback improve identifying resources and standard
AL SKILLS) from a range performance. appropriate support. learning
of sources Is learning resources.
and makes autonomous resources.
effective use in
of available straightforwa
resources. rd learning
Interpersonal Adopts an Demonstrate Can adopt both Adopts both a Shows
effective style s flexibility in a formal and formal and awareness of
Self presentation / of self- the style of informal style informal style different styles
interpersonal skills presentation, presentation and uses basic and uses basic self-presentat
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON employing a and interpersonal interpersonal and is willing t
AL SKILLS) range of interpersonal skills skills but not use them in
interpersonal skills appropriately. always matching different
skills adopted the needs of the situations.
consistent which are situation.
with the appropriate
individual's to the
aims and setting(s).
to the
Time Management Meets Meets Makes plans and Meets important Deadlines are
deadlines. deadlines. implements deadlines. acknowledged
Time management / self- Plans well Plans and them in a Exhibits some and time
management ahead. Sets monitors satisfactory limited evidence allocated is
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON self- progress to manner to meet of planning. appropriate bu
AL SKILLS) determined allow deadlines. not always
targets and sufficient adhered to.
contingency time for
plans development
allowing of the work.
sufficient time
to receive
and act on
Group Skills Effectively Interacts Meets Shows Uses basic
uses a range effectively obligations to awareness of interactive ski
Interactive and group skills of networking within a others (tutors the need for appropriately
(including teamwork, skills within a learning and/or peers) adopting a range contribute to t
negotiation, understanding learning or group, giving providing of responses to group aims.
group dynamics and professional and receiving contributions to interact
empathy) group. information support shared effectively.
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON Addresses and ideas objectives. Contributes
AL SKILLS) conflict. and Recognises and effectively to
Seeks to modifying assesses group aims.
promote responses alternative
relationships where options.
which serve appropriate.
the group
Peer Review Assesses / Assesses / Examines work Comments in Comments on
evaluates the studies the of others and general terms on the work of
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Critical review (to be used in work of work of identifies its the work of others using
peer assessment) others using others and strengths and others. prescribed
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON a range of judges weaknesses formats.
AL SKILLS) criteria. against using existing
Provides existing criteria.
rationale for criteria,
judgements indicating
and offers possibilities
specific for
insights into improvement
how work .
could be
Initiative Uses Effectively Assesses the Where goals and Will act
imagination assesses the needs of a methods are independently
Initiative (taking action, in assessing needs of a situation and defined, will when selectin
independence) the needs of situation and takes action undertake tasks alternative
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON a situation takes towards requiring some strategies from
AL SKILLS) and develops independent achieving goals. independence. If those provided
an underlying action If in a group in a group If in a group
series of necessary to setting, shows setting, shows setting, shows
actions to achieve some awareness limited limited
achieve goals. If in a of the needs and awareness of awareness of
goals. If in a group views of others. the needs and the needs and
group setting, setting, views of others. views of other
takes recognises
account of the needs
the needs and views of
and views of others.
Decision Making Uses a range Uses Uses available Recognises When decision
of appropriate information to benefits and are made, a
Decision making appropriate information evaluate disadvantages of limited, but
(PRACTICAL/INTERPERSON information to to evaluate possible options. some possible tenable,
AL SKILLS) evaluate options. Final decision is options but rationale for
options and Selection of clear and linked provides limited decisions is
applies clear final outcome to the clarity on provided.
criteria to clearly evaluation. rationale for final
demonstrate derived from decision.
reasons for evaluation.
decision /
choice /
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