Maple 2018
Maple 2018
Maple 2018
1. Click the link we have provided you to download the installer file. Select “Windows 64 Bit” or “Windows 32
Bit”. You will likely want to select “Windows 64-bit”, but you can check if your system is of this type by
going to “Control Panel” > “System and Security” > “System” and view the “System type”:
2. Once the appropriate choice is made, your installer file will download:
3. Navigate to the installer file. The standard location is your “Downloads” folder:
4. Run the file as administrator. To do so, right-click on the file and choose “Run as administrator”:
7. Choose the path to install Maple. A default path is already chosen, and is recommended:
8. Decide whether or not you would like Maple 2018 to be the default for opening Maple files:
11. Keep “Single User License” selected (This will also apply to a Home Use code associated with a network
12. Choose whether you would like the installer to check for updates available to your Maple 2018 installation:
If you receive an error, "There was an unknown network error", please proceed to Offline Activation.
1. Click the link we have provided you to download the installer file. Select “Macintosh”. Save the file:
2. Navigate to the installer file. The standard location is your “Downloads” folder:
3. Right-click “Maple2018.0MacInstaller.dmg” > “Open”:
4. Right-click “Maple2018.0MacInstaller” > “Open”. Confirm that you want to open it:
5. The installer will open, click “Next”:
8. Keep “Single User License” selected (This will also apply to a Home Use code associated with a network
9. Choose whether you would like the installer to check for updates available to your Maple 2018 installation:
If you receive an error, "There was an unknown network error", please proceed to Offline Activation.
1. Click the link we have provided you to download the installer file. Select “Linux 64-bit”. Save the file:
2. Once the installer file has downloaded, open up the Terminal. Change the directory to where the installation
file was downloaded to. The default is /home/$USER/Downloads where $USER represents your
3. Use “chmod +x” to change access permissions to the installer file. Then, run the file:
4. The installer will open, click “Forward”:
9. Keep “Single User License” selected (This will also apply to a Home Use code associated with a network
10. Choose whether you would like the installer to check for updates available to your Maple 2018 installation:
If you receive an error, "There was an unknown network error", please proceed to Offline Activation.
1. Get to the download page for Maple Network Tools 2018 from the bottom of this webpage. Select
“Windows” (32-bit) or “Windows 64-bit” to download the installer file.
3. Navigate through the installer. You may change the default locations if necessary.
4. Once the installation is complete, navigate to the “activate” folder in the “Program Files”. By default, this is:
6. Input your network “Purchase Code”, “License server name”, and the “Port number” you would like the
“lmgrd.exe” license manager daemon to operate over.
7. Input your information. Also, you will decide how many licenses this server license will serve at this step.
Your maximum available is listed.
Note: You may need to create an empty text file for the log. You may name it whatever you like as long as the
path is properly set. Due to permissions, the file may need to be created on the “Desktop” and then dragged over.
4. Check “Use Services” and decide if you want to “Start Server at Power Up”.
7. Check the “Force Server Shutdown” checkbox and then click “Stop Server”.
8. In the bottom dialogue you will see “Stopping server”. Wait a few moments and then uncheck the “Force
Server Shutdown” checkbox.
10. In the bottom dialogue you should now see “Server Start Successful”.
1. Run the Maple installer and proceed through the installation as normal. When prompted to “Choose the
Type of Licensing”, select the “Network License” option.
2. Input the “License server” name and “Port number” to coincide with the port used for the “lmgrd” in the
“Maple2018.lic” file.
4. The default port for the “lmgrd.exe” in the client license file will be 27000, so if a different port was used in
the server license file, “Maple2018.lic”, then this change will also need to be made in the “license.dat” file.
1. Get to the download page for Maple Network Tools 2018 from the bottom of this webpage. Select
“Macintosh” to download the installer file.
5. Once the installation is complete, navigate to the “activate” folder. By default, this is:
7. Input your network “Purchase Code”, “License server name”, and the “Port number” you would like the
“lmgrd.exe” license manager daemon to operate over.
8. Input your information. Also, you will decide how many licenses this server license will serve at this step.
Your maximum available is listed.
./lmgrd –c <full path to the network license file> -l <full path to the
debug log file> &
Note: You may need to make an empty file called “log.rtf” (or whatever you prefer), save it to the Desktop and then
move it into the above directory.
1. Run the Maple installer and proceed through the installation as normal. When prompted to “Choose the
Type of Licensing”, select the “Network License” option.
2. Input the “License server” name and “Port number” to coincide with the port used for the “lmgrd” in the
“Maple2018.lic” file.
4. The default port for the “lmgrd.exe” in the client license file will be 27000 so if a different port was used in
the server license file, “Maple2018.lic”, then this change will also need to be made in the “license.dat” file.
1. Get to the download page for Maple Network Tools 2018 from the bottom of this webpage. Select “Linux 64
Bit” to download the installer file.
2. Open the Terminal. Change the directory to the location where the installer file was downloaded to.
chmod +x
5. Once the installation is complete, open the Terminal to run the activation script. Using the default location,
the commands will be:
cd /home/$USER/MapleNetworkTools/activate
6. The activation will launch. Input your Network Purchase Code, License server name, and the port you would
like the “lmgrd.exe” license manager daemon to operate over.
7. Input your information. Also, you will decide how many licenses this server license will serve at this step.
Your maximum available is listed.
./lmgrd –c <full path to the network license file> -l <full path to the
debug log file> &
cd /home/$USER/MapleNetworkTools/FLEXlm/
./lmgrd –c /home/$USER/MapleNetworkTools/activate/Maple2018.lic -l
/home/$USER/MapleNetworkTools/FLEXlm/ &
Note: If you are unable to start the server (Eg. bash: ./lmgrd: No such file or directory), you may
need to install 32-bit compatibility libraries. For help on this, see Installing 32-bit Compatibility Libraries.
cd /home/$USER/MapleNetworkTools/FLEXlm/
1. Run the Maple installer and proceed through the installation as normal. When prompted to “Choose the
Type of Licensing”, select the “Network License” option.
2. Input the “License server” name and “Port number” to coincide with the port used for the “lmgrd” in the
“Maple2018.lic” file.
4. The default port for the “lmgrd.exe” in the client license file will be 27000 so if a different port was used in
the server license file, “Maple2018.lic”, then this change will also need to be made in the “license.dat” file.
1. Follow the steps of your operating system’s setup until you launch the activation.
3. Leave the “License server HostID” and “License server name” inputs as they are.
4. Click “Yes” for “Redundant server setup?”. This dialogue will appear:
5. Input the “Server name” and “HostID” for each of the three machines. All three may use the same “Port” or
they may all be different.
6. Click “Ok”.
7. Click “Next”.
8. Input your information. Also, you will decide how many licenses this server license will serve at this step.
Your maximum available is listed.
9. Click “Next”.
11. Return to your operating system’s setup to continue the license manager configuration process.
If you receive an error during this process and are unable to activate, please go to:
Server requires a stop/restart. Any changes to the network license file or the license manager requires that
the service be stopped and then restarted.
Mismatched “lmgrd” port numbers. The “lmgrd” port numbers in the client and server license files must be
the same.
Unspecified “maplelmg” port number. If this port number is omitted, a random port will be used, one which
might be blocked or in use. See Invalid or Missing License File for help.
“lmgrd” or “maplelmg” port numbers are closed or in use. The “lmgrd” port number, and the “maplelmg” port
number if specified, must be opened in the firewall TCP/IP connections and unused elsewhere.
Server names are mismatched. The server names in both the client and server license files must be the same,
including case (capital and lowercase letters). Also, if the clients are on a different sub-network, the full
server name needs to be specified.
Multiple network license files. Older versions of server license files may conflict with the current version.
This is because there would likely be multiple instances of the same "FEATURE" among the licenses. You
should remove or rename old license files.
Multiple FLEXlm services. If there are multiple services of the same version of FLEXlm, they should be
combined on the same instance. However, services of different versions of FLEXlm should be on separate
Improper Paths: One or more of the three paths in "Config Services" (for Windows) don't point to the proper
file, or only specify a folder.
Manual changes made to the license file. If someone made a non-trivial change to the license file, but did not
obtain/generate a new license file, you may use the Offline Activation to regenerate a proper license file.
Loss of formatting for license file: Sometimes, after manually modifying a license file, the text editor will ruin
the formatting. The license file will need to be regenerated by re-activating.
1. This usually indicates that the server cannot pick up the license file because of a blocked connection.
2. Ensure that the port used for the “lmgrd.exe” in the “Maple2018.lic” file is opened in the firewall.
3. There is a second connection being made for the “maplelmg.exe” that by default is not explicitly stated. In
your “Maple2018.lic” file you will see this line:
VENDOR maplelmg
Where <port> is replaced by the port you desire for this connection and is different than the port being used
for the “lmgrd.exe”. This port will also have to be given the correct permissions for the firewall.
To install 32-bit compatibility libraries on 64-bit Linux, one or more of the following packages should be installed:
To install a package, you will need to execute a distribution-specific command at Terminal window with, obviously,
"%package%" replaced by the package name:
If the automatic activation did not work properly for your redundant server setup, please follow these steps:
1. Follow the steps of your operating system’s setup until the point of activation.
4. Select “Host ID” or “Disk Serial Number” from the dropdown list.
5. Input the three values for the three server machines, separated by commas, like this:
6. Click “Next”.
7. Input the three server names corresponding to the correct server Host IDs, and the port(s) you would like
the “lmgrd.exe” to operate over.
8. Input your information. Also, you will decide how many licenses this server license will serve at this step.
Your maximum available is listed.
9. Click “Next”.
10. Confirm the email for the “Maple2018.lic” file to be sent to. This email will contain instructions on where to
place the file.
You can visit our Support Center to find a range of FAQs and help documentation.
If the above methods have not solved the problem or your issue was not listed please
contact Maplesoft Technical Support at For network setup issues,
please attach your “Maple2018.lic” and debug log file to the request along with information
about any error messages you are seeing.