Class 7 PBL II
Class 7 PBL II
Class 7 PBL II
Problem Statement:
A company supplies concrete tiles. All tiles in every box are identical. Customers can order from a small
range of standard sizes and colours. All measurements are given in centimetres. The price is calculated
at 100 PKR for a volume of 1000 cm 3 of ceramic of 1 tile; red and green ceramic is charged at 10% more.
Customers can choose their own colours; a custom colour has an initial set-up cost of 500 PKR.
• Your program or programs must include appropriate prompts for the entry of data; data must be
validated on entry.
• Error messages and other outputs need to be set out clearly and understandably.
• All variables, constants, and other identifiers must have meaningful names. You will need to complete
these three tasks. Each task must be fully tested.
All necessary information (Colours, Shapes of tiles, Length of tiles) should be displayed on the screen
either in the table or as text form at the beginning of the program.
Using the information above set up a routine that allows a customer to choose the ceramic tiles they
require and calculate a price for a batch of 12 tiles. The details of the tile chosen and the price for a
batch of 12 tiles (1 box) should be displayed on the screen.
Using the information from TASK 1, the customer places an order for the number of tiles they require.
Orders for fewer than 1 box or more than 5 boxes are not accepted; orders that are not a multiple of 12
are rounded up to the next multiple of 12 tiles. Display the order price and the number of tiles to be
The cost of ceramic tile is variable. The cost of 1 box can be input and two colours are available; 10%
discount will be applicable on more than 2 boxes. Use a copy of your program for TASK 1 to develop
TASK 3 to input the cost and colour of tiles before calculating the price for 2 boxes.
Strategy Phase:
Deliverable Checklist
Suggested Tools:
1. Python 3.11
2. E-Draw max / Microsoft Visio
Students are at liberty to use tools of their own choice if they are meeting the project objectives.