Mobile Camps - Civil Site Assessments: DEP

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The document provides guidelines for designing mobile camps and assessing civil sites. It discusses foundation stability requirements and wind force calculations for accommodation units.

The document aims to set recommended standards for design and engineering practices applied by Shell companies to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.

Wind forces are calculated based on reference wind velocity, reference area, pressure coefficients and height above ground. Forces include windward, leeward and friction forces.



January 2008
(DEP Circular 103/08 has been incorporated)


This document is restricted. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Shell Global
Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands. The copyright of this document is vested in this company. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this
document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise)
without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.
January 2008
Page 2


DEPs (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of:
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI)
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. (SIEP)
Other Shell Service Companies.
They are based on the experience acquired during their involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities, and they are supplemented with the experience of Shell Operating Units.
Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is made to, international, regional, national and industry standards.
The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Shell companies
operating an oil refinery, gas handling installation, chemical plant, oil and gas production facility, or any other such
facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to
implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at
each locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the
information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the
attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically
covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those design and engineering practices which will achieve the same
level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting
from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.
The right to use DEPs is granted by Shell GSI, in most cases under Service Agreements primarily with Shell companies
and other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Service Company.
Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished:
1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or other Shell Service Company. The use of DEPs
by these Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service
2) Other parties who are authorized to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part
of a Service Agreement or otherwise).
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2)
which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said
users comply with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI
disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or
person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination
of DEPs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell
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Company, or companies affiliated to these companies, that may issue DEPs or require the use of DEPs.
Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall
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the DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be
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All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.
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1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................. 5
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES............................................................................................. 5
1.5 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP ...................................................................................... 5
2. GENERAL APPROACH ............................................................................................ 6
2.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 HAZID......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 RISK EVALUATION AND MITIGATION .................................................................... 6
2.4 WIND LOADING CLASSIFICATION.......................................................................... 7
3. DESIGN CRITERIA.................................................................................................... 9
3.1 SAFETY CRITICAL ELEMENTS ............................................................................... 9
3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS............................................................................. 9
3.3 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR OPERATIONS ................................................................ 10
4. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY .................................................................................... 11
4.1 DESIGN CONDITIONS ............................................................................................ 11
4.2 LOADING ................................................................................................................. 11
4.3 DETAILED ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 12
5.1 CERTIFICATION...................................................................................................... 14
5.2 HEAVY INTERIOR EQUIPMENT ............................................................................ 14
5.3 PLACEMENT OF HEAVY EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT .............................................. 14
5.4 WEATHER RESISTANCE ....................................................................................... 14
5.5 FIRE RESISTANCE ................................................................................................. 14
5.6 THERMAL RESISTANCE ........................................................................................ 14
5.7 EXPLOSION............................................................................................................. 15
5.8 LINKING OF UNITS ................................................................................................. 15
5.9 STAIRS..................................................................................................................... 15
6. CAMP DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 16
6.1 LAYOUT ................................................................................................................... 16
6.2 TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS ....................................................................................... 16
7. REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 18

APPENDIX 1 CHECKLIST FOR HAZID................................................................................ 20
APPENDIX 2 QUESTIONAIRE FOR PRE-START-UP AUDIT............................................. 21
APPENDIX 3 GUIDANCE DESIGN FOR STABILITY........................................................... 24
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This new DEP specifies requirements for site assessments of the integrity of mobile
modular camps and gives recommendations for their layout, design and inplace integrity.
These camps include construction camps in the broadest sense, e.g. construction sites,
seismic camps and drilling camps.
The camps may encompass accommodation units, canteen units, units for a clinic,
equipment containers, power generation and emergency power units, water supply, roads
and an airstrip and/or an helicopter landing area.
The purpose of this DEP is to ensure that HSE standards are met and technical integrity of
the camp is established and maintained for all design conditions, including transport and
This DEP contains the following main sections:
Section 2 describes the overall procedure for establishing technical integrity, underpinned
by a HAZID, and following a fit-for-purpose approach.
Section 3 describes the design criteria for the camp design and assessment, giving
amongst others the design wind velocities to be used in the analysis of the technical
Section 4 describes the requirements for the technical integrity, giving a description of
design conditions, load calculation and analysis.
Section 5 describes criteria for the accommodation units, containers and trailers.
Section 6 gives design guidance for the camp.
The appendices contain a checklist for the HAZID, a questionnaire and standard technical
solutions for integrity under wind loading and example calculations for the wind force.
A HAZID shall always be performed as part of the project, and it shall be attended by.
Representatives from the Contractor and the Principal. Where necessary, specialist advice
shall be sought to establish the risks.
Camps in Arctic areas are not covered by this DEP.
This DEP does not cover accommodation units in refineries, gas plants or chemical plants –
see (5.7).


Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell
companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated
by them.
This DEP is intended for design and construction of exploration and drilling camps,
construction camps and camps in fabrication sites.
When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process should be
implemented for registering deviations in the DEP; this is of particular importance when
existing facilities are to be modified.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable with regard to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all
cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of
this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective
being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.
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1.3.1 General definitions

The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.

Amended per
Circular 103/08
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.

1.3.2 Specific definitions

Term Definition
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
BBA British Board of Agrément
HAZID Hazard Identification
HEMP Hazard and Effects Management Process
IRPA Individual Risk Per Annum

Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section
number is shown in brackets. Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed in (7).


Comments on this DEP may be sent to the DEP Administrator at
Shell staff may also post comments on this DEP on the Surface Global Network (SGN)
under the Standards folder.
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Page 6


The approach to the campsite safety assessments is underpinned by the HEMP process.
This process comprises:
a. A HAZID to identify all potential hazards
b. A risk evaluation
c. Mitigation of risks to a level as low as reasonably practicable.
The application of the HEMP process to the assessment of a campsite is summarized in
Figure 1. Its objective is to provide fit-for-purpose solutions by focussing the effort in the
high-risk areas and adopting standard technical solutions, where appropriate. For instance,
a standard Level 1 solution is recommended for applications where the design wind speed
is less than 20 m/s. In contrast, in rare cases, where the extreme wind velocity exceeds
30 m/s/, advice shall be sought from relevant engineering specialists.
For other environmental hazards, e.g. flooding, steep slopes, landslides, earthquakes,
snow and blizzards, the importance shall be determined during the HAZID process and, if
needed, further specialist advice should be sought to develop appropriate solutions

As part of the overall HAZID when planning the camp, the risks and mitigation of the civil
aspects shall be discussed. Designers, contractor staff and discipline specialists shall
attend this HAZID. The HAZID shall be performed in line with EP 95-0312.
A checklist of notional hazards for the camp is given in the HAZID table in Appendix 1.
Further civil engineering issues to be addressed in the HAZID are: roads, fencing, escape
routes, local topography and orientation of any airstrip.
At least the following discipline specialists shall attend the HAZID: meteorological, HSE,
civil engineering.
For guidance during a pre-start up discussion a questionnaire is included in Appendix 2.
As part of the HAZID the following exposure levels shall also be addressed:
• Potential level of heat radiation
• Potential level of explosion pressures
These subjects shall be addressed in separate HSE reviews of the operations. The effects
of any heat radiation and explosions shall be included in the civil/structural review of the


The risk level for each hazard category in the list shall be evaluated in accordance with the
Group Risk Assessment Matrix. The actual risk levels shall be developed in the HAZID.
Recommended minimum evaluations for each risk level:
• For low risk level (blue in the RAM) manage for continuous improvement
• For the medium risk level (yellow in the RAM) the camp design shall be evaluated and
solutions adopted as per the technical guidance.
• For the high-risk level an in-depth design and analysis shall be performed to ensure the
risks are all below Company acceptance level (IRPA < 10-3/year). Where necessary a
principal civil technical specialist shall be consulted.
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All risks shall be made ALARP by considering risk mitigation measures and implementing
those measures that are cost effective. Further guidance on this subject can be found in
EP 2005-0300.


Standard technical solutions have been developed in this DEP to ensure the stability of the
units under wind loading. Three levels have been identified, based on the magnitude of the
extreme (100-year return period) wind velocity:
• Level 1: the extreme wind velocity is equal or less than 20 m/s and allows standard
accommodation units (Portakabin type), containers and trailers to be adopted.
• Level 2: the extreme wind velocity lies between 20 m/s and 30 m/s and requires
precautions to be taken. Technical guidance is given in the DEP for the precautions.
• Level 3: In cases where the extreme wind velocity is higher than (30 m/s, the detailed
guidance in Sections 3 and 4 shall be followed.
NOTE: The limit of 30 m/s has been chosen because it will cover the majority of locations and up to this wind
speed simple solutions will ensure integrity.

Ref. Level 1:
Units (containers and Portakabins) and trailers may be used, applying normal installation
practice as specified by the manufacturer, without additional requirements for extreme
winds up to Level 1. Adopt solutions in accordance with Appendix 3, Figures 3.1 and 3.2.
Ref. Level 2:
For extreme winds within Level 2 the following precautions have to be taken:
• The units and trailers will have to be stabilized by means of concrete slabs or big bags.
With trailers big bags can be attached, via cables, to the chassis or strong points on the
cabin. The preference is to attach them to strong points on the cabin.
• The big bags could be filled with rock or sandbags. The weight will ensure the stability
of the units and prevent them from rolling over.
• Units and trailers can be connected in pairs to increase stability.
• Alternatively the units can be placed as a combination of three units on a steel sub-
frame. This is a standard solution used in the field.
• Units and trailers can be placed in a row (recommended distance 1.5 m). It is
recommended not to place more than 10 intermediate units between two stabilized
• Adopt solutions as per Appendix 3, Figures 3.3 through 3.7.
It is not recommended to place the units in close proximity in two directions because of the
risk of spreading of fire. Further, the possibility shall be maintained to pull out a trailer from
the row at any time.
Ref. Level 3:
Design criteria and requirements for structural analysis are given in the following sections,
to establish the engineering designs beyond the extreme wind velocity of 30 m/s.
An overview of the procedure is given in Figure 1.
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Assessment Procedure
Perform HAZID

Wind overload Risk Identify, evaluate and mitigate other

significant risks (e.g. flooding,
landslides, earthquake)

Consult relevant specialists

Y Adopt level 1 solution

Wind speed* < 20 m/sec?
(appendix 3, figs 3.1 & 3.2)

Adopt level 2 solution
20 m/s < Wind speed *< 30 m/s?
(appendix 3, figs 3.3-3.7)

Wind speed* > 30 m/sec Detailed evaluation

* Extreme 100-year wind speed, ref. code EN 1991-1-4

Figure 1 Assessment procedure

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SCEs are those items of equipment or structures whose failure could lead to a Major
Accident or whose purpose is to prevent or limit the consequences of a Major Accident.
Safety critical elements (SCEs) shall be:
(1) defined or confirmed in the HAZID.
(2) designed to satisfy key performance standards e.g. withstand the extreme conditions.
This shall be discussed in the HAZID and action parties identified to address the agreed
activities, e.g. meteorological specialists shall be consulted.


3.2.1 General
The extreme environmental conditions shall be established for the camp location. For
safety critical elements extreme design conditions with a return period of 100 years should
be defined separately to cover extreme situations for amongst others wind loading, rainfall,
flooding and snow and winter storms.
It is advised to consult the local Meteorological Office or a Metocean engineer to establish
the extreme values of the environmental conditions at the location. It is also advised to seek
local knowledge for instance regarding flood levels.

3.2.2 Wind conditions

The integrity of equipment and accommodation units on site shall be evaluated for the
extreme (100-year return) environmental conditions. Phenomena to be considered are as
Extreme wind velocity:
• 100-year return 10 min sustained wind speed at 10 m height for integrity of the overall
• 100-year return 3 s gust at 10 m height for small elements and fixings
• The wind velocities shall be determined in accordance with EN 1991-1-4.
Wind directionality shall be established for prevailing wind conditions and for extreme wind
Include associated rain and/or snow contribution as 1-year rain and 1-year snow.

3.2.3 Rain, flooding and snow

Extreme values of rainfall, snow and resulting flooding shall be determined:
• Rainfall: 100-year return interval maximum seasonal rainfall
• Flooding: 100-year return interval maximum flooding level in the area, with
corresponding current velocities, if relevant.
• The accommodation units shall be placed at least 0.50 m above the design flood level.
• Snow: 100-year return interval maximum snow level
• Freezing rain

3.2.4 Earthquake conditions

Earthquake risks shall be addressed. The facilities critical to personnel safety shall be
designed to withstand an earthquake event with a return period of 2500 years.
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3.2.5 Landslides
The risk of landslides shall be addressed in a location assessment.


3.3.1 Transport
The feasibility of transport by road to the location shall be evaluated for the containers,
accommodation units and trailers:
• Maximum dimensions of the units shall be verified with the local authorities
• Limitations of weight on roads and bridges along the transport route
Logistics experts shall be consulted for the transport operation.
The transportation operation and conditions shall be agreed with the contractor and
relevant design criteria and conditions assessed.

3.3.2 Lifting of units

The Portakabin type units and containers shall be capable of withstanding the lifting
operations, where lifted units are used.
Normally the integrity of the padeyes of all units (containers and accommodation units) is to
be confirmed for the lift weight multiplied with a factor of 1.25 for dynamic loading. Using
the lift weight, an unequal split of the forces in the lifting slings shall be based on a ratio
75 % to 25 %.
For lifting operations reference is made to the lifting and hoisting standard
EP2005-0264-ST. Further information about lifting engineering can be found in API RP2A.
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4.1.1 General
The integrity of the camp equipment shall be evaluated for all relevant design conditions.
The design conditions should be derived from the risk evaluation. A design condition is a
combination of relevant loading effects with an accepted probability of exceedance.

4.1.2 Extreme weather conditions – Wind

The facilities on the campsite (units, containers, trailers and equipment) shall be designed
and analysed for extreme wind conditions, i.e. wind with associated rain and wind with
associated snow, as defined in (3.2).
The analysis shall include considerations of minimum and maximum operating loads:
• For rolling/overturning stability of the container or accommodation unit use dead load
• For sliding stability of the container or accommodation unit use dead load only.
• For foundation stability use the unit dead load combined with maximum operating load,
including snow load and appropriate ground water level.
The detailed analysis need only cover a campsite with extreme wind velocities
corresponding to Level 3 of the technical guidance. For Levels 1 and 2 solutions from the
technical guidance may be directly adopted.

4.1.3 Extreme weather conditions - Flooding

The facilities at the campsite shall be designed and analyzed for potential flooding.
The design and analysis shall cover the following considerations for flooding:
• A campsite shall preferably not be planned in an area with potential for flooding, e.g. in
a wadi.
• If the intended location is in an area with potential flooding and cannot be altered, it is
recommended to consult civil and meteorological engineering specialists on the risk
mitigation measures (e.g. build a berm to place the units above flood level).
• For flooding the design flooding level and the corresponding currents shall be

4.1.4 Earthquake Design

For earthquake design, the following design condition shall be considered:
• Integrity of the accommodation units in seismic conditions. The unit shall survive the
design earthquake, while allowing for ductility in the structure.
• Integrity of the foundation in seismic conditions. The foundation shall survive the design
earthquake and accommodate the movements imparted on the structure by the design
ground motions.
The seismic design conditions shall be determined in line with ASCE 7.


4.2.1 Dead loads and operational loading

Dead loads and all operational loading shall be considered in the design.
Operational loading:
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• Normal operational loading:

UDL of 3.0 kN/m
• Heavy operational loading:
UDL of 5.0 kN/m

4.2.2 Wind loads

Wind loads shall be determined in accordance with EN 1991-1-4.
The environmental specialist shall establish the directionality of the extreme wind loading.
For desert locations, where sand storms can occur, the effects of a sandstorm on wear of
equipment, increased local loading due to sand particles and sand movement and erosion
shall be considered.

4.2.3 Snow loads

In snow loading calculations the density of snow shall be taken as 700 kg/m .

4.2.4 Earthquake loading

Earthquake loading shall be determined in accordance with ASCE 7.


4.3.1 Transport and installation

An evaluation shall be made of the transport and installation operations in line with the
lifting and hoisting standard (EP2005-0264-ST).
Equipment inside the accommodation units and containers shall be secured to withstand
forces during transport.

4.3.2 Site assessment and analysis General
The integrity of containers and accommodation units shall be assessed for the design
conditions: i.e. a combination of dead loads, operational loading and environmental loading.
The assessment shall cover sections through below. Strength of containers and accommodation units

• Strength of container framing shall be checked against DEP or a local
standard agreed by the Principal.
• Deformations of the container shall be checked against the same standards.
The results of the inspection described in section 5.1 shall be included in the analysis. Foundation stability

Foundation design and analysis shall be performed in line with DEP
The stability of the containers, accommodation units and trailers foundation shall be
assessed for the design conditions:
• Extreme environmental conditions (horizontal and vertical loading, overturning
• Dead loads
• Operational loading (minimum and maximum).
This check shall include:
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(1) a foundation assessment, covering an assessment of the site soil properties,

maximum groundwater level and potential foundation settlements.
(2) stability of the container under 100-year design conditions with minimum operational
loading, i.e. no overturning, sliding and/or uplift due to wind loads.
The connection between the unit and any concrete foundation slabs shall be designed for
the forces in design conditions (e.g. tension force from overturning moments).
The overall safety factor for sliding and overturning shall be 1.5 for extreme conditions.
Slope stability of the campsite, where relevant, shall be addressed. Rain, snow and flooding

The drainage at the campsite shall be designed and analysed for the criteria for rainfall and
flooding conditions. Design high water levels at the campsite shall be considered and the
required levels of containers determined and/or any drainage or bund wall design prepared.
Bund walls, if applicable, shall be designed for the currents during flooding.
Flooding can be associated with run-off water and melt water, but also with seasonal and
non-seasonal rivers, e.g. wadis. A civil specialist shall always be consulted where a
campsite will be planned near or in a wadi area.
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The actual condition of the containers and accommodation units shall be established by
means of an on-site inspection. A certificate of the containers and other heavy equipment
shall be requested from the contractor. A BBA certificate or equivalent shall be provided.
The design of the accommodation units shall meet local standards.
The on-site inspection shall cover:
• The unit framing, cladding and/or walls.
• Lifting points: the lifting points and their condition shall be inspected (corrosion,
deformations, reports of NDE of welds).
• The condition of any big bags, or other holding down equipment, if any used, shall be
inspected. A once-use per location policy of big bags is recommended.
The certificate shall state at least the following:
• Manufacturer's name
• Date of manufacturing
• Weight
• Maximum floor loads
• Roof loads
• Wind loads
• Lifting points capacities
• Fire resistance
• Thermal resistance
The Contractor shall provide drawings of the units.


Tall, heavy interior equipment in accommodation units, such as lockers, tall filing cabinets,
and stacked beds shall be anchored in position.


Heavy exterior equipment, such as transformers, air conditioners, condensers or cooling
towers, shall not be placed on the roof of accommodation units or containers.


The units’ external cladding and roofing shall be watertight and dust proof.


The units shall have sufficient fire resistance where fire risks have been established in a
HAZID. Certification shall be supplied that the materials meet BS 476-3.


Extreme temperatures shall be assessed for thermal resistance of the containers. The
thermal resistance shall meet local building codes.
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In areas with a risk of explosions, portable accommodation modules shall comply with


Units may be linked in any of the following ways:
• side by side;
• end to end;
• stacked.
The stability of these configurations and the strength of the connections shall be analysed.

Stairs shall meet local regulations for width, slope and tread dimensions.
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6.1.1 Layout drawing

The Contractor shall prepare a layout and a general arrangement drawing of the camp for
approval by the Company.

6.1.2 Roads and fencing

Roads and any fencing shall be designed in line with local standards.
DEP may be used as guidance.
The road type adopted (e.g. off plot heavy duty, off plot light duty, Patrol or maintenance
track) shall be discussed in the HAZID.

6.1.3 Escape routes

The camp layout shall allow staff to escape in an emergency. Locations of doors and door
swing shall be considered in the layout design. Escape routes shall be established and
addressed in a HAZID and a drawing prepared.

6.1.4 Location and orientation of camp and airstrips

The location and orientation of the camp and any airstrips shall be designed considering
the local topography, local regulatory requirements, prevalent wind directions and risk of
flooding. Shell Aircraft specialists shall be consulted on the design of helicopter landing
areas and airstrip design and orientation.


6.2.1 Foundation stability of accommodation units and containers

The foundation stability of the accommodation units and containers can be provided in the
following ways:
• A level, firm and stable foundation shall be provided.
• Erosion of the foundation due to wind and in deserts from sandstorms shall be avoided.
• The units shall be placed on a foundation and may be bolted down on heavy concrete
• The units may be placed on a foundation and bolted/welded together (to increase the
base width)
• The units may be placed on a foundation and held down by foundation blocks or big
bags and cables.
• The units may be placed such that they prevent each other from over-turning.
Examples of possible arrangements are given in Appendix 3.

6.2.2 Flooding
Where appropriate a campsite shall be designed against flooding. This will entail designing
the level of the accommodation units above the maximum water levels, with a
recommended margin.
Any bund or berm shall be protected against erosion by the currents in such an event. The
berm shall be protected by suitably heavy rock. A filter shall be constructed to avert erosion
of the berm.
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6.2.3 Multiple accommodation units and containers

Stacking of accommodation units and containers is acceptable. A rigorous structural
analysis shall be made of the integrity of the stacked units, the overall stability of the
arrangement and the foundation stability. If stacked, the width of the stacked units should
be at least that of the height of the stacked units, unless stability is rigorously demonstrated
by calculation. Further, the units shall be bolted or secured together, if stacked. Stacking is
not permitted in areas of medium and high seismic risk, unless rigorous analysis of the
units is carried out to demonstrate structural integrity.

6.2.4 Trailers
The foundation of wheeled accommodation units may be guaranteed by holding down with
cables attached to foundation blocks or big bags. Another way to prevent any inadvertent
rolling of these units is to place them at close spacing and have stabilized units at the ends
of the row of units (reference is made to examples in appendix 3).
A local layer of gravel shall prevent scour of soil around the foundation pads of the trailers.

6.2.5 Tents
Tents in, for example, desert camps can be accepted under the following conditions:
• The tents are of a good standard, with ample local experience of use in similar
• The tent frames are tied to ground anchors able to withstand design wind conditions
• No loose items can be picked up by the wind and hit the tents
A civil engineer shall review the capacity of the tent ground anchors and approve the

6.2.6 Water towers, chimneys and flare stacks

Water storage shall be preferably on ground level. The integrity of any water towers,
chimneys and flare stacks shall be checked and the facilities may have to be stabilized by
guy wires. The guy wires shall be inspected on a yearly basis.

6.2.7 General Housekeeping

Camps shall be kept free of objects that can be blown away and become a hazard in strong
wind conditions. For example makeshift constructions of corrugated iron plating or plywood
shall be avoided.
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In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications:

NOTES: 1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used,
together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.
2. The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell
Wide Web) at http://sww05.

Structural design and engineering DEP
Geotechnical and foundation engineering DEP
Roads, paving, surfacing, slope protection and fencing DEP
Portable blast-resistant modules DEP
Shell Safety Standards EP 95-0000
Construction and commissioning EP 95-0240
Hazard identification EP 95-0312
Lifting and Hoisting standard EP 2005-0264-ST
Hazards & Effects Management EP 2005-0300
Process (HEMP) – General requirements
Risk Assessment Matrix Issue 3.0 of March 2006
Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures ASCE 7
Issued by:
ASCE publications,
1801 Alexander Bell Dr.,
Reston, VA 20191,

Fire tests on building materials and structures – BS 476-3
Part 3: Classification and method of test for external fire
exposure to roofs
Issued by:
British Standards Institution
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL

Lightning Protection BS 6651

Issued by:
British Standards Institution
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL

Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – EN 1991-1-4
Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions
January 2008
Page 19

Issued by:
Rue de Stassart 36
B-1050 Brussels

Copies can also be obtained from national standards


Aerodrome Design and Operations ICAO Annex 14 Vol I
Heliports- ICAO Annex 14 Vol II
Issued by:
International Civil Aviation Organization,
999 University Street,
Canada H3C 5H7
January 2008
Page 20

Exposure Risk Level Comment

Ref Group RAM
1 HSE: Heat radiation Has heat radiation been considered, e.g. too close proximity of units?
2 HSE: Escape routes Are escape routes designed in lines with the standards?
3 Extreme Wind Also: Sandstorms, Tornados, Hurricanes
4 Extreme Rain/Flooding – Run-off Is the location in or near an area at risk of flooding and/or extreme current, e.g. a
5 Extreme Snowfall
6 Blizzards
7 Seismic / Earthquake
8 Lightning Assess risk of lightning against risks of lightning pole erection activities.
9 Slope/Soil Stability of camp area Also: Land slides, Subsidence, Rock falls, due to extreme rainfall water run-off
10 Brush or Forest fires
11 Security
12 Stacked units Integrity of stacked units to be addressed
13 Loose items in camp Risk of round flying items during storm (particularly in case of tents)
14 Roads to camp Civil design of the roads to be discussed (type of road and duty)
January 2008
Page 21

Issue Question Action

HSE aspects Have all HSE aspects been considered: fire, explosion and Confirm HSE aspects have been addressed in the
dangerous gases, proximity of major construction operations overall HSE management of the camp.
and lifts?

Camp Proximity to Wells Is the camp location close to wells and thus risk of fire A typical safe distance to a drilling site is 300 m, with
radiation and explosions? the camp upwind of the drilling site.

Heat radiation Is there a risk of fire and heat radiation close to the camp? Confirm HSE aspects have been addressed in the
overall HSE management of the camp.

Dangerous gases Are there potential sources of dangerous gases in the Confirm HSE aspects have been addressed in the
vicinity of the camp (e.g. a H2S well or H2S processing overall HSE management of the camp.

Escape routes Are escape routes out of the camp identified? Confirm HSE aspects have been addressed in the
overall HSE management of the camp.

Location camp Has all information regarding environmental data and site Confirm environmental aspects have been addressed.
conditions been gathered? Consult a meteorological specialist.
January 2008
Page 22

Issue Question Action

Potentially hazardous natural phenomena (environmental conditions) It is advised to consult the local meteorological office
or a meteorological engineer to evaluate the risk these
phenomena pose for the camp.

Wind Has the extreme wind velocity and direction been Establish 100-year return period environmental design
established and considered in the design of the camp and criteria (ref. Section 3) and evaluate the stability of
specifically the stability of the accommodation units and accommodation units and containers (ref. Section 4).
Rain and/or snow, Has the extreme rainfall and/or snow been established and Determine effects of rainfall and where relevant snow.
avalanches considered in the design of the camp?
Flooding Is the camp location prone to (frequent) flooding? If prone to flooding, consider moving the camp or raising
the camp level above the design flooding level.
Seismic and/or volcanic Has risk of seismic and/or volcanic activity been established Establish seismic and volcanic information for the site
action. and considered? location.
Lightning Is the location prone to frequent thunderstorms? If prone to lightning, consider risks and placing lightning
conductors. Address risks of erecting lightning poles.
Slope stability, land Is the camp terrain sloping and, if so, is slope stability a Maximum slope in camp depends on soil. Terrain slope
slides concern? shall not exceed 1 in 10.
Forest and Brush Fires Is there in the area a significant risk of forest or brush fires? Clear the area of forest or brushes or relocate camp.
Camp Layout and What camp layout is being considered? Evaluate the layout and orientation for prevailing and
orientation extreme wind directions.
Bund wall around camp Is a bund wall around the camp planned, e.g. for logistics Evaluate the need for a bund wall.
and access control or in the desert protection against sand
January 2008
Page 23

Issue Question Action

Roads What traffic is planned to and from the camp, have the roads Design roads for the expected traffic intensity.
been designed for the traffic intensity? What is the heaviest DEP may be used as guidance. Choose
vehicle to use the roads regularly? between off plot heavy duty, off plot light duty, patrol or
maintenance track.
Accommodation units Does the contractor have certificates for the accommodation Obtain certificates for the accommodation units from the
units? contractor.
Sea-containers Does the contractor have certificates for the sea container Obtain certificates for the containers from the contractor.
Furniture Has the furniture and beds been fastened in the Consider fastening of the furniture.
accommodation unit?
Tools Are tools planned to be placed in the accommodation units? Do not place tools in the accommodation units.
Airstrip Has the prevailing wind direction been considered in the Consult Shell Aircraft specialists.
design of the airstrip orientation?
Airstrip Does the airstrip design meet the technical aviation Ensure the airstrip meets local regulatory and Shell Group
standards? standards for design. Consult ICAO Annex 14 Vol I and
request further assistance from Shell Aircraft specialists.
Helicopter landing area Has a helicopter landing area been planned at the camp? Ensure the helicopter landing area meets local regulatory
and Shell Group requirements for lighting and safe
distance to camp. For onshore heliport design ICAO
Annex 14 Vol II should be consulted.
Further assistance should be requested from Shell Aircraft
Water storage Is water storage planned at the camp? Plan any water storage preferably at ground level, thus
avoiding a water tower.
January 2008
Page 24


Design for Stability in Wind Conditions

Level Wind Velocity Mitigation Figures

(Ref. par. 2.4)
1 V < 20 m/s Normal use of accommodation 3.1 and 3.2
units, as per manufacturers
2 20 < V < 30 m/s Precautions to be taken 3.3 through 3.7

3 V >30 m/s Seek advice from civil specialists --

January 2008
Page 25

Wheeled Trailers – Normal Solution

Wind: V < 20 m/s

Chocks Simple Footing

(concrete slab + gravel)

Figure 3.1 Minimum foundation stability requirements for trailers, with design
wind speed < 20 m/s

A c c o m m o d a tio n U n its – N o rm a l S o lu tio n

W in d : V < 2 0 m /s

Figure 3.2 Minimum foundation stability requirements for Portakabin type

accommodation units and containers, with design wind speed < 20 m/s
January 2008
Page 26

Stabilized W heeled Trailers

Up to 10
W ind: 20 < V < 30 m /s intermediate Units
Stabilized 1.5 m Trailer

Big Bags for stabilized trailer

Shore bars, if Mass = 1.5 t Alternative:
needed Four bags per trailer, tw o on each side. Cables to
Cables to C abin Chassis

Figure 3.3 Minimum foundation stability requirements for trailers, with design
wind speed between 20 m/s and 30 m/s

Stabilized Accommodation Units

Wind: 20 < V < 30 m/s Single Units

Foundation Slabs
Fixed to unit by anchors

Foundation Slabs
Mass 1.5 t
Four slabs per unit Big Bags, 1.5 t each,
Four bags per unit

Figure 3.4 Minimum foundation stability requirements for single Portakabin type
units and containers, with design wind speed between 20 m/s and
30 m/s.
January 2008
Page 27

Stabilized Accommodation Units

Wind: 20 < V < 30 m/s

Wooden Spacer

Figure 3.5 Minimum foundation stability requirements for double Portakabin type
and container units, with design wind speed between 20 m/s and 30 m/s

Stabilized Accommodation Units

Wind: 20 < V < 30 m/s

Up to 10 Stabilized
intermediate Units ≤ 1.5 m Unit

Alternative using
Big Bags
foundation slab
(2 on each side, 4 in total)
Weight = 1.5 t
Weight = 1.5 t each

Figure 3.6 Minimum foundation stability requirements for Portakabin type

accommodation units and containers, with design wind speed between
20 m/s and 30 m/s
January 2008
Page 28

Stabilized Accommodation Units

Wind: 20 < V < 30 m/s

Steel Frame

Figure 3.7 Minimum foundation stability requirements for Portakabin type

accommodation units and containers, with design wind speed between
20 m/s and 30 m/s
January 2008
Page 29


Calculation Example

Wu c.o.g.
hw G
Ra, Rb = Reactions
RA b RB Wo, Wu, Wf = Wind forces
G = Weight (e.g. minimum weight,
the foundation blocks may be
included if properly connected to
the the container)
f = load factor, 1.5

Stability requirement:
The reaction on the windward side shall remain positive (no uplift), i.e. Rb ≥ 0
With the moment around A this gives:

− f .(Wo. hw + Wu .hw + W f .h) − Rb .b + G.e = 0

Þ G ≥ f .(Wo .hw + Wu .hw + W f .h) / e ............................................................. [equilibrium equation]

January 2008
Page 30

Wind Force Calculation (ref. EN 1991-1-4)

The wind is assumed to act perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the accommodation

External Force = Fw,e = c s c d .å we . Aref ................................................................ (eq. 5.5)


c s c d = 1 and Aref = the reference area of the individual surface

we = q p ( z e ).c pe ........................................................................................................ (eq. 5.1)

q p ( z e ) = ce ( z ).q b ..................................................................................................... (eq 4.8)

ce ( z ) is given in figure 4.2. For this application take ce ( z ) = 2.5

qb = 1
2 .ρ .vb2 ............................................................................................................ (eq. 4.10)

vb = the basic wind velocity in metres per second, defined as the 10-min mean wind
velocity at a height of 10 m above the ground.
Take ρ = 1.25 kg/m

c pe is given in Table 7.1

For upstream side D, c pe = 0.8

For downstream side E, c pe = 0.5



Dimensions of the unit: h = height, b = width and l = length (all dimensions in metres)

Friction Force

F fr = c fr .q p ( z e ). A fr ................................................................................................. (eq. 5.7)


c fr = 0.04 ....................................................................................................... (ref. Table 7.10)

and q p ( z e ) is as above.
January 2008
Page 31

Giving the final equations for the forces, expressed in newtons:

Wo = 1 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 1 2 ∗ 1.25. ∗ vb2 ∗ 0.8 ∗ h ∗ l

Wu = 1 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 1 2 ∗ 1.25 ∗ vb2 ∗ 0.5 ∗ h ∗ l

W f = 0.04 ∗ 2.5 ∗ 1 2 ∗ 1.25 ∗ vb2 ∗ (2 ∗ b ∗ h + b ∗ l )

Thus, from the equilibrium equation and the above wind force calculations, the mass of the
unit in tons is given by:

{ }
G ≥ 1,5 ∗ 1.25 ∗ v b2 ∗ h ∗ l ∗ hw + 0.78 ∗ v b2 ∗ h ∗ l ∗ hw + 0.063 ∗ v b2 ∗ (2 ∗ b ∗ h ∗ hw + b ∗ l ∗ h ) ∗ 10 −4 / e

Example Calculation
h = 2.6m, b = 2.44m, l = 12.2m
vb = 30 m/s
2 2
G = 1.5 x {1.25 x 30 x 2.6 x 12.2 x 2.6/2 + 0.78 x 30 x 2.6 x 12.2 x 2.6/2 +
2 -4
0.063 x 30 x (2 x 2.44 x 2.6 x 2.6/2+ 2.44 x 12.2 x 2.6) / (2.44/2)} x 10 = 9.8 t
This equates to a unit weighing 4.5 t and, for example, four concrete slabs (one on each
corner) weighing 1.3 t each (2 m x 2 m x 0.15 m).

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