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February 2022




© 2022 Shell Group of companies

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior
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DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions
International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies.
These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international,
regional, national and industry standards.
The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and
gas production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help
achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to
implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each
locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information
set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely respons ble for such use, including the quality
of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not
specifically covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve
at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without
detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal.
The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell
Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and
other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three
categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished:
1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these
Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement.
2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a
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3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which
requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply
with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims
any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever
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PART I. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................4
1.1 SCOPE ..............................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................5
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES ....................................................................................5
1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES......................................................................5
1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP ..............................................................................6
1.7 DUAL UNITS......................................................................................................6
1.8 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) .....................................................6
PART II. GENERAL ..........................................................................................................7
PART III. AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO IOGP S-616...........................................8
8. Manufacturing ....................................................................................................8
8.1 Process of manufacture .....................................................................................8
9. Acceptance Criteria............................................................................................8
9.8 CVN impact test for PSL 2 pipe .........................................................................8
10. Inspection...........................................................................................................8
10.2 Specific inspection .............................................................................................8
PART IV. AMENDMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS TO DNV-ST-F101 ...............................9
7. Construction - linepipe .......................................................................................9
7.1 General ..............................................................................................................9
7.2 Carbon Manganese (C-Mn) steel linepipe .........................................................9
7.5 Hydrostatic testing ...........................................................................................14
7.6 Non-destructive testing ....................................................................................14
7.7 Dimensions, mass and tolerances ...................................................................15
7.8 Marking, delivery condition and documentation ..............................................17
7.9 Supplementary requirements...........................................................................17
APPENDIX D. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) ...........................................................19
PART V. REFERENCES ................................................................................................21

APPENDIX 1. END MACHINING ............................................................................................22

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This DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the manufacture and
supply of carbon and low-alloy steel line pipe for use in pipelines in critical service.
Guidance on the evaluation of pipeline service criticality and line pipe selection is given in
Part III of this DEP is based on IOGP S-616, which defines a minimum common set of
supplementary requirements for the specification for procurement of Line Pipe in
accordance with API Specification 5L, 46th Edition, April 2018 plus errata May 2018. Part III
of this DEP amends various clauses of IOGP S-616. Part III of this DEP follows the clause
numbering of IOGP S-616 for easy reference.
This DEP applies to the latest published version of IOGP S-616.
ISO 3183 Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems for application in the Petroleum and
Natural Gas Industries aligns with API SPEC 5L, 46th Edition and Shell adopts S-616 as an
overlay to ISO 3183 as well as API SPEC 5L.
Part IV of this DEP is based on DNV-ST-F101 2017. If pipe is specified as complying with
DNV-ST-F101 2017, the changes and options applicable when using DNV-ST-F101 are
detailed in Part IV of this DEP. Part IV of this DEP follows the clause numbering of
DNV-ST-F101 2017 for easy reference.
This DEP is applicable only to grades L245 up to L555 (X80) as designated in
API SPEC 5L, 46th Edition.
This DEP contains mandatory requirements to mitigate process safety risks in accordance
with Design Engineering Manual (DEM) 1 – Application of Technical Standards.
This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2021; see (1.5) regarding
the changes.
Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell
companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated
by them. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an
authorisation to any documents, data or information to which the DEPs may refer.
This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production, gas handling, oil
refining, chemical processing, gasification, distribution and supply/marketing. This DEP may
also be applied in other similar facilities.
When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented;
this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable with regards to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all
cases, the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of
this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective
being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.

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1.3.1 General definitions
The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor. In API SPEC 5L 46th Edition the
term Manufacturer is used. In this DEP, the term Manufacturer/Supplier is considered to be
equivalent to Manufacturer.
The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
Principal. In API SPEC 5L 46th Edition the term Purchaser is used. In this DEP, the term
Purchaser is considered to be equivalent to Principal.
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The capitalised term SHALL [PS] indicates a process safety requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.
The word may indicates a permitted option.
1.3.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are specific to this DEP.

Term Definition

LPMDS Line Pipe Material Data Sheet (project specific data sheet)

MPQT Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test

Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section or
clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed
in (Part V).
This DEP is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2021. The 2021
revision was an administrative update only and the February 2019 revision of this DEP
represents the most recent technical update. The following are the non-editorial changes
from the 2019 revision.

Section/Clause Change

Scope Clarification of application to ISO 3183

PART II Clarification of application to ISO 3183

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Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following

Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at

(Users with access to https://www.shelldeps.com
Shell DEPs Online) Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for that
Click on the “Give feedback” link, fill in the online form and
DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback System
(Users with access to which is accessible from the Technical Standards Portal
Shell Wide Web)
Select “Submit DEP Feedback”, fill in the online form and
DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form to record
(other users) feedback and email the form to the Administrator at

Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above
options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP.
This DEP contains both the International System (SI) units, as well as the corresponding
US Customary (USC) units, which are given following the SI units in brackets. When agreed
by the Principal, the indicated USC values/units may be used.
Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as
explanation or background information only.
Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP

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This DEP is based on IOGP S-616, Supplementary Specification to API SPEC 5L and
ISO 3183, which defines a minimum common set of supplementary requirements for the
specification of Line Pipe. IOGP S-616 is written as a supplement to API Specification 5L,
46th Edition, April 2018 plus errata May 2018.
ISO 3183:2019 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Steel pipe for pipeline transportation
systems for application is closely aligned with API SPEC 5L and follows the structure and
clause numbering of API Spec 5L, 46th edition (2018). Shell adopts IOGP S-616 as equally
applicable to ISO 3183 when projects are using the ISO standard.
ISO 3183:2019 Annex A is not generally applied by Shell but could be specified in individual
As ISO 3183:2019 now references API SPEC 5L 46th Edition, this DEP only refers to
clauses in API SPEC 5L 46th in the expectation that it will also comply with ISO 3183:2019.
1. Part III of this DEP is written as amendments and supplements to IOGP S-616 which in
turn amends API SPEC 5L 46th Edition. Wherever reference is made to IOGP S-616 or
to API SPEC 5L, it shall be understood to mean API SPEC 5L 46th Edition as
amended/supplemented by IOGP S-616 and by this DEP.
For ease of reference, the clause numbering of IOGP S-616 have been used
throughout (Part III) of this DEP.
2. Clauses in IOGP S-616 which are not mentioned in this DEP shall remain valid as
3. Part IV of this DEP is written as amendments and supplements to DNV-ST-F101,
referencing IOGP S-616 as appropriate. Wherever reference is made to DNV-ST-F101,
it shall be understood to mean DNV-ST-F101 as amended/supplemented by this DEP.
For ease of reference, the clause numbering of DNV-ST-F101 have been used
throughout (Part IV) of this DEP.
4. Clauses in DNV-ST-F101 which are not mentioned in this DEP shall remain valid as

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8. Manufacturing
8.1 Process of manufacture
9. Acceptance Criteria
9.8 CVN impact test for PSL 2 pipe
9.8.3 Pipe weld and HAZ tests

Replace the first sentence of this clause with the following:

1. For a set of three test pieces, the minimum average absorbed energy for each pipe
weld and HAZ test SHALL [PS] be as specified in Table 8, based upon full-size test
pieces and a test temperature as specified in Table 31.
Rationale: The purpose of this change is to reinforce that the requirement in the
IOGP S-616 specification is considered to be DEM1 in Shell.
10. Inspection
10.2 Specific inspection
10.2.5 Macrographic and metallographic tests

Replace this clause with the following:

1. For HFW pipe, a metallographic examination of the weld seam SHALL [PS] be carried
out at a magnification of at least x200.
Rationale: The purpose of this change is to reinforce that the requirement in the
IOGP-S-616 specification is considered to be DEM1 in Shell.

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7. Construction - linepipe
7.1 General
7.1.4 Process of manufacture

Replace the first sentence of the “High Frequency Welding (HFW)” section with the
1. Pipe formed from strip and welded with one longitudinal seam formed by
electric-resistance welding applied by induction or conduction with a welding current
frequency > 100 kHz, without the use of filler metal.
Replace the final sentence of the “Submerged arc-welded (SAW)” section with the
2. The forming shall be followed by either cold expansion or reduction.
7.1.7 Manufacturing procedure specification

Add the following to this section:

1. IOGP S-616 Appendix B sections B2 to B8 shall also apply.
2. Weldability testing shall be undertaken as described in Appendix 2 of IOGP S-616.
7.1.8 Manufacturing procedure qualification test

Add the following to this section:

1. Weldability testing may be undertaken prior to MPQT.
a. Alternatively, previous qualification on the same grade, chemistry and
manufacturing route and size may be used subject to the approval of the Principal.
7.2 Carbon Manganese (C-Mn) steel linepipe
7.2.3 Manufacturing

Delete “if agreed” from the first sentence.

Add the following to this clause:

1. For HFW pipe to be installed by reel lay, full body heat treatment of the pipe shall be
7.2.4 Acceptance criteria Table 7-3 Chemical composition for C-Mn steel pipe with delivery condition N
or Q, applicable for seamless and welded pipe

Add the following note to this table:

10. Refer to Section 9.2.6 of IOGP S-616 for the requirements for chemical composition

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Page 10 Table 7-4 Chemical composition for C-Mn steel pipe with delivery condition M
(thermo-mechanical formed or rolled according to Table 7-1)

Add the following note to this table:

8. Refer to Section 9.2.6 of IOGP S-616 for the requirements for chemical composition
tolerances. Table 7-5 C-Mn steel pipe, mechanical properties

Replace Charpy V-notch energy values in Table 7-5 with the following:
1. Refer to clause 9.8.3 of IOGP S-616 and Table 8 of IOGP S-616. Table 7-6 C-Mn steel linepipe, Charpy V-notch impact testing temperatures
T0 (°C) as a function of Tmin (°C) (minimum design temperature)

Replace Table 7-6 with the following:

1. Refer to clause of IOGP S-616 and table S-616.2 of IOGP S-616.

Replace this clause with the following:

1. The measured fracture toughness shall have a minimum CTOD value of 0.25 mm
(9.8 mils) when tested at the minimum design temperature.

Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to Appendix 2 of IOGP S-616 for weldability test requirements.
7.2.5 Inspection

Add the following to this section:

1. Refer to clause of IOGP S-616 and Table S-616.2 of IOGP S-616 for
additional requirements.

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Table 7-7 Inspection frequency for C-Mn steel linepipe during production 1, 2)

Replace the table with the following:

Applicable to Type of test Frequency of testing Acceptance criteria
All pipe Heat analysis One analysis per heat Table 7-3 or Table 7-4
Product analysis Two analyses per heat (taken
from separate product items)
Tensile testing of the pipe Once per test unit of Table 7-5
body not more than 50/1003)
pipes with the same cold-
expansion ratio
CVN impact testing of the Once per test result of not more Table 7-5 and Table 7-6
pipe body 7) than 50/100 4) pipes with the
same cold expansion ratio (AR)

Hardness testing Once per test result of not more Table 7-5
than 503) pipes with the same
cold expansion ratio (AR)
Hydrostatic testing Each pipe ( to (

Pipe dimensional testing See (7.7) See (7.7)

NDT including visual See (7.6) (MR and AR) See (7.6) (MR and AR)
SAWL, SAWH, Tensile testing of the seam Once per test result of not more ( and (
HFW weld (cross weld test) than 50/1005) pipes with the
same cold expansion ratio (MR)
CVN impact testing of the Once per test result of not more Table 7-5 and Table 7-6 and
seam weld of pipe with than 50/1004) pipes with the Table 8 of IOGP S-616
specified wall thickness as same cold expansion ratio 6)
given in Table 22 of API 5L
Hardness testing of hard Any hard spot (D.8.5)
Macrographic testing of the At least once per operating shift (
3) 6)
seam weld

SAWL, SAWH Guided-bend testing of the Once per test result of not more (
seam weld of welded pipe than 50/1003) pipes with the
same cold expansion ratio
HFW Flattening test As shown in Figure 6 of API 5L ( and (

CVN testing of seam weld One set of 3 per not less than Table 8 of IOGP S-616 and
50 pipes and when any the Centre of V-notch not
significant excursions in heat more than ± 0.25 mm
treatment or weld upsets occur (0.01 in.) from fusion line
Metallographic examination At least once per operating shift ( and (
and when any significant
excursions in heat treatment or
weld upsets occur

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Applicable to Type of test Frequency of testing Acceptance criteria

Pipes supplied as CVN impact testing of the At least once per 50 coil/ plate Table 7-5 and Table 7-6
coiled line pipe coil/plate end weld 7) end welds from pipe with the
same cold-expansion ratio8).
All welded gas DWT test Two transverse tests per heat Section 9.9 of IOGP S-616
pipelines with OD
of 406.4 mm (16
in) and greater
All Offshore pipe CVN impact testing of the At least once per 50 pipes Table 7-5 and Table 7-6 and
pipe body 7) irrespective of diameter Table 8 of IOGP S-616

Guided-bend testing of the At least once per 50 pipes (

seam weld of welded pipe irrespective of diameter

Tensile testing of the pipe At least once per 50 pipes Table 7-5
body irrespective of diameter
NOTES: 1. Sampling of specimens and test execution performed in accordance with Appendix B of DNV-ST-F101. For tensile, CVN,
hardness, guided-bend and flattening testing Appendix B reference to ISO 3183 is replaced with table J6 of IOGP JIP 33 S616.
2. The number orientation and location of test pieces per sample for mechanical tests in accordance with Table 7-9.
3. Not more than 100 pipes with D ≤ 508 mm (20 in) and not more than 50 pipes for D > 508 mm (20 in).
4. Not more than 100 pipes with 114.3 mm (4.5 in) ≤ D ≤ 508 mm (20 in) and not more than 50 pipes for D > 508 mm (20 in).
5. Not more than 100 pipes with 219.1 mm (8.62 in) ≤ D ≤ 508 mm (20 in) and not more than 50 pipes for D > 508 mm (20 in).
6. At least once per operating shift plus whenever any change of pipe size occurs during the operating shift.
7. Applicable to pipes with wall thickness > 6 mm (0.24 in).
8. Testing shall be performed on finished pipe.
D = Specified outside diameter

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Table 7-8 Additional testing for manufacturing procedure qualification test for C-Mn steel pipe 1

Replace this table with the following:

Applicable to Type of test Frequency of testing Acceptance criteria

All pipe All production tests as One test for each pipe Refer to Table 7-7
stated in Table 7-7 provided for
qualification 5)
Base metal longitudinal
tensile test 2), AR

CTOD base material for Section and

pipe 13 mm (0.51 in) wall of IOGP S-616
thickness and above and CTOD a minimum of
0.25 at the minimum
design temperature
SMLS pipe 3) 4) with t CVN testing at ID of Table 7-5 and Table 7-6
> 25 mm (1 in.) quenched and tempered and Table 8 of
seamless pipe with t > 25 IOGP S-616
mm (1 in.) AR
SAWL, SAWH pipe 4) CVN testing at ID of the Table 8 of IOGP S-616
with t > 25 m (1 in.) seam weld
Welded pipe (all All-weld tensile test AR Table 7-5
Fracture toughness (CTOD) (
test of weld metal 6) 7) AR

HAZ CTOD for LSAW pipe Section and of IOGP S-616
and CTOD a minimum of
0.25 at the minimum
design temperature
Ageing test, see ( Table 7-5
For gas pipelines with outer Two transverse tests Section 9.9 of
diameter at least 406.4 mm IOGP S-616
(16 in.): DWT test
NOTES: 1. Sampling of specimens and test execution performed in accordance with Appendix B of DVNGL-ST-F101.
2. Additional longitudinal test specimen is not necessary if already required by (Part IV, Table 7-7) of this DEP and Table
7-9 of DVNGL-ST-F101 for production testing.
3. Only applicable to pipe delivered in the quenched and tempered condition.
4. Sampling 2 mm (0.08 in.) from the internal surface, see (B.2.4) of DVNGL-ST-F101.
5. One pipe from two different test units of different heats selected for the MPQT, see (7.1.8) of DVNGL-ST-F101 (a total
of 2 pipes).
6. CTOD testing is not required for pipes with t < 13 mm (0.5 in.). CTOD testing is not required of HAZ, only the centre of
the weld.
7. For HFW pipe the testing applies to the fusion line (weld centre line). Centre of V-notch note more than ± 25 mm (1 in.)
from the fusion line
8. Only when cold forming during pipe manufacture exceeds 5 % strain.
9. Only SMYS, SMTS and elongation applies.
t = specified nominal wall thickness

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Table 7-9 Number, orientation, and location of test specimens per tested pipe1, 2)

Add the following as a note to this table:

7. Refer to Table J7 of IOGP S-616, for additional tensile and CVN tests in Longitudinal
7.5 Hydrostatic testing
7.5.1 Mill pressure test

Add the following after the first sentence of this clause:

1. Use of the alternative approach shall be subject to approval by the Principal.

Add the following to this clause:

1. The test pressure shall be as specified in Section of IOGP S-616, with a
minimum of 95 % of minimum yield strength based on pipe thickness at the lowest
manufacturing tolerance.

Replace this clause with the following:

1. Pipes with reduced pressure utilization shall not be acceptable.

Delete this clause.

7.6 Non-destructive testing

7.6.1 Visual inspection

Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to Section J.6.5 of IOGP S-616 for the requirements for the surface condition of
pipe ends.
7.6.2 Non-destructive testing

Add the following to this clause:

1. For NDT requirements refer to Annex E, Annex H, and Annex K of API SPEC 5L as
amended by IOGP S-616, whichever are applicable.
2. Refer to Appendix 3 of IOGP S-616 for the requirements for mill qualification of UT
(AUT & MUT).

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7.7 Dimensions, mass and tolerances

7.7.3 Inspection

Table 7-17 Diameter tolerances, SMLS pipe

Replace the table with the following:

Diameter [mm] Pipe body 1) Pipe ends 2), 3)
D < 66.7 ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
66.7 ≤ D < 100 ± 0.0075*D
100 ≤ D < 320 ± 0.005*D
320 ≤ D ≤ 610 ± 1.6 mm (0.063 in)
610 < D < 1422 and D/t ≥ 75 ± 0.01*D ± 2.0 mm (0.08 in)
610 < D < 1422 and D/t < 75 ± 0.01*D ± 0.0075*D to a maximum
of ± 6.0 mm (0.25 in)
D = Nominal outside diameter
1) Dimensions of pipe body shall be measured approximately in the middle of the pipe length.
2) The pipe end includes a length of 100 mm at each of the pipe extremities.
3) The tolerances apply for t ≤ 25.0 mm. For heavier wall thickness the tolerances shall be agreed between
purchaser and supplier, but in any case not larger than ± 2.0 mm.

Add the following to the table:

1. For pipe with outside diameter of 219.1 mm (8.63 in) or smaller, the diameter tolerance
and out of roundness shall be determined using the measured inside diameter.
a. The OD OOR requirements shall also be maintained.
Where indicated in the LPMDS, tighter tolerances on pipe end out-of-roundness and
internal diameter might apply.
Most offshore projects will require 100 % each pipe end inspection of ID and OOR by
automatic laser measurement system, with the results recorded in spreadsheets.
2. Where required by the LPMDS, tighter tolerances on pipe end out-of-roundness and
internal diameter shall apply as specified in Table J1 premium of API SPEC 5L as
amended by IOGP S-616.

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Table 7-23 Inspection and recording frequency, all pipes

Replace the table with the following:

Characteristic to be Inspection frequency Record test values,
tested as frequency of
Normal Suppl. req. D inspected pipes
Diameter, pipe end 5 %, but minimum 3 Each pipe end 100 %
pipes per 8-hour
Out-of-roundness, pipe 100 %
end For D ≤ 168.3 mm;
once per test unit of
Diameter and out-of- not more than 50 5 %, but minimum 3 100 %
roundness, pipe body lengths of pipe, but pipes per 8-hour shift
minimum one (1)
and maximum 6
pipes per 8-hour
Wall thickness Each pipe Each pipe 10 %
Geometric deviations 10 % 10 % 100 %
(only welded pipes)
Straightness, full length 5 %, but minimum 3 5 %, but minimum 3
and pipe end region pipes per 8-hour pipes per 8-hour shift
100 %
Out-of-squareness For D ≤ 168.3 mm;
maximum 6 pipes
per 8-hour shift.
Length 100 % 100 % 100 %
Cap reinforcement 5 %, but minimum 3 5 %, but minimum 3
height (longitudinal weld) pipes per 8-hour pipes per 8-hour shift 100 %
Cap reinforcement 100 % 100 %
height (longitudinal weld) -
– pipe ends
Radial offset of 5 %, but minimum 3 5 %, but minimum 3
strip/plate edges pipes per 8-hour pipes per 8-hour shift
(longitudinal weld) shift
Deviation of weld toe 100 %
from a straight line
(double-sided SAW in
pipe mills)
Weld flash (HFW
longitudinal welds only)

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7.8 Marking, delivery condition and documentation

7.8.1 Marking

Add the following clause:
1. Refer to Section 11.2 of IOGP S-616 for pipe marking requirements.
2. If Inspection Certificate 3.2 is required in the project specific line pipe order forms, then
the 3.2 Certificate may be by one of the following:
a. the Manufacturer/Supplier employing an independent certifying authority;
b. the Principal employing a Third Party inspector or Certifying Authority to endorse
all reports to enable a 3.2 Certificate to be issued by the line pipe
7.9 Supplementary requirements
7.9.1 Supplementary requirement, H2S service (S)

Add the following to this clause:

1. Annex H API SPEC 5L as amended by IOGP S-616 shall also apply.

Replace this clause with the following:

1. The hardness in pipe body, weld (excluding weld cap) and HAZ shall not exceed
240 Hv10.
2. The hardness of the weld cap shall not exceed 275 Hv10.
a. The hardness of the weld cap shall not exceed 250 Hv10 unless specific
exemption has been provided by the Principal.
7.9.2 Supplementary requirement, fracture arrest properties (F)

Add the following to this clause:

1. Annex G clauses G.1.3 and G.6 of API SPEC 5L as amended by Annex G of
IOGP S-616 shall also apply.
7.9.3 Supplementary requirements, linepipe for plastic deformation (P)

Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to (Appendix 1) of this DEP for additional requirements.

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B.2 Mechanical testing and chemical analysis
B.2.4 Charpy V-notch impact testing

Add the following to this clause:

1. For a set of three test pieces, the minimum average absorbed energy for each pipe
weld and HAZ test SHALL [PS] be as specified in Table 8, based upon full-size test
pieces and a test temperature as specified in Table 31.
Rationale: The purpose of this change is to reinforce that identical constraints
applied for DNV-ST-F101 and IOGP S-616 specification are considered to be DEM1
in Shell.

Replace this clause with the following:

1. For test pieces taken in the weld of HFW pipe, the axis of the notch shall be located
within ± 0.25 mm (± 9.8 mils) of the weld fusion line.
B.2.10 Metallographic examination and hardness testing


Add the following to this clause:

1. For HFW pipe, a metallographic examination of the weld seam SHALL [PS] be carried
out at a magnification of at least x200.
Rationale: The purpose of this change is to reinforce that identical constraints
applied for DNV-ST-F101 and IOGP S-616 specification are considered to be DEM1
in Shell.
B.2.11 Straining and ageing

Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to (Appendix 1) of this DEP for additional requirements.
B.3 Corrosion testing
B.3.3 Hydrogen induced cracking test


Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to Annex H.7.3.1 of API SPEC 5L as amended by IOGP S-616 for additional
B.3.4 Sulphide stress cracking test


Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to Annex H.7.3.2 of API SPEC 5L as amended by IOGP S-616 for additional

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D.7 Non-destructive testing of pipe body of welded pipes
D.7.1 General

Add the following clauses:

1. The fault limitations shall be the more stringent of those in DNV-ST-F101 and
IOGP S-616.
2. The requirements of Annex E and Annex K of API SPEC 5L as amended by
IOGP S-616 shall be applied.
This can be significant for reference reflectors and sensitivity settings.
3. Mill NDT qualification in accordance with Appendix 3 of IOGP S-616, shall apply.
D.8 Non-destructive testing of linepipe at pipe mills
D.8.1 General

Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to Annex E of IOGP S-616 and Annex K of IOGP S-616 for the requirements for
reference reflectors, sensitivity settings, and the acceptance levels for AUT.
2. Welded pipe shall be subject to final acceptance inspection after hydrostatic testing is
D.8.4 General requirements for automated non-destructive testing systems

Add the following clause:

1. Refer to Annex E of IOGP S-616 and Annex K of IOGP S-616.
The requirements of Annex E of IOGP S-616 and Annex K of IOGP S-616 for
reference reflector and sensitivity settings are considered have at least the same
sensitivity and capability in detection of imperfections as DNV-ST-F101 and are
therefore acceptable and in compliance with DNV-ST-F101 requirements.
2. Any the conflicts between this Appendix D and IOGP S-616 shall be brought to the
attention of the Principal for decision on applicable requirements.
3. All mills shall undergo UT verification for MUT and AUT.
a. Refer to Appendix 3 of IOGP S-616 for the requirements for the performance test
of AUT for mill qualification.
D.8.6 Non-destructive testing of pipe ends not tested by automated NDT equipment

Replace this section with the following:

1. Refer to Section 3.2 of IOGP S-616.
D.8.8 Non-destructive testing of seamless pipe


Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to the sections of IOGP S-616 Annex E and Annex K related to seamless pipe for
modified for additional requirements.

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D.8.9 Non-destructive testing of high frequency welding pipe


Add the following to this clause:

1. Refer to IOGP S-616, Annex E and Annex K for requirements for HFW.
2. DNV side drilled hole reference reflectors shall be replaced by IOGP S-616 specified
flat bottom holes (FBH).
D.8.13 Non-destructive testing of submerged arc-welding longitudinal and submerged arc-
welding helical pipe


Add the following to this clause

1. Refer to IOGP S-616, Annex E and Annex K for requirements for SAW.
2. DNV side drilled hole reference reflectors shall be replaced by IOGP S-616 specified
flat bottom holes (FBH).
Table D-13 Required reflectors in SAWL/SAWH pipe weld AUT reference standard
For Reference Reflector E, replace “side drilled hole” with “flat bottom hole aligned with the
weld bevel”.

D.8.14 Manual non-destructive testing at pipe mills

Add the following to this section:

1. Refer to IOGP S-616, Annex E and Annex K for requirements.

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In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications:
Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used,
together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.

DEP DEP feedback form

DEP Pipeline engineering (amendments/supplements to ISO 13623)

DEM 1 Shell HSSE & SP Control Framework, Design Engineering Manual

(DEM) 1 – Application of Technical Standards


API SPEC 5L Specification for Line Pipe – 46th Edition; Effective Date: Nov 1


ISO 3183 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipeline
transportation systems


DNV-ST-F101 Submarine pipeline systems

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This appendix specifies the requirements for end machining of line pipe. It applies when
stated in the LPDMS or if the mill deems it necessary to achieve the pipe end tolerances as
stated in the LPDMS. These requirements are in addition to those specified in this DEP and
IOGP S-616.

1. If End Machining is required to meet Hi Low requirements specified in the order form,
the mill shall supply evidence of having performed a qualification test for the internal
machining of pipe ends on line pipe of a suitable diameter of that being ordered.
2. The qualification test parameters and associated acceptance criteria shall be subject to
approval by the Principal.

1. The ID of the pipe ends shall be machined to the dimensions specified in the order
2. The internal machining of the pipe ends shall be performed in a manner that protects
the pipe from damage.
3. Pipe end for the purposes of pipe end tolerances shall be defined as a minimum
longitudinal distance of 203 mm (8 in) from the pipe end.
4. Pipe OD and ID surfaces shall be parallel to within 1 degree over a minimum of
203 mm (8 in) of the pipe end.
5. ID end tolerance shall be such that internal diameter hi-lo fit-up of any two ends shall
not exceed 0.5 mm (0.020 in) (for SCR) and 1.5 mm (0.060 in) (for others) over the
entire internal pipe end circumference along the 203 mm (8 in) minimum distance from
the pipe end.
6. OD end tolerance shall be such that outside diameter hi-lo fit-up of any two ends shall
not exceed 1.5 mm (0.060 in) over the entire outside pipe end circumference.
7. The wall thickness range at the pipe ends shall not exceed 2 mm (0.08 in) for riser
applications and 3 mm (0.12 in) for others.
8. The alignment of the cutting or boring machine shall be referenced from the outside
surface of the pipe.
9. The machining tool shall produce a taper greater than or equal to 4 to 1 (axial to radial)
from the machined section to the original non-machined pipe internal surface.
10. The taper region shall be free from transitional steps or stress raisers.
a. The taper region shall have a radius of curvature at the transition of not less than
3.2 mm (1/8 in).
11. The equipment to be used and the methodology for metal removal shall be subject to
approval by the Principal.
12. No grinding shall be performed on the machined surface.
13. A sanding flapper wheel may be used, if necessary, to achieve a smoother surface and
associated transition.

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14. A flapper wheel shall also be used, if necessary, to achieve a smooth transition
between all machined and non-machined internal surfaces.
15. The lubricants utilized in the machining operations shall be non-sulphur based
a. The lubricants utilized in the machining operations shall be completely removed
from the inside surface prior to final inspection.

1. All machined pipe ends shall be inspected using the Principal-approved equipment and
2. A visual inspection for stress risers anywhere on the machined surface shall be
performed on each pipe end.
3. The taper region shall be specifically inspected and documented to be free of stress

1. The taper angle (transition from machined area to base metal or unmachined end) shall
be measured at four locations 90 degrees apart, using a Principal-approved protractor
(see Figure A1.1).
Figure A1.1 Taper angle

2. Each end of the machined taper shall transition smoothly to the non-tapered section,
around the full circumference of the seamless pipe.
3. The machined surface roughness shall be measured at four locations 90 degrees
apart, using a Principal-approved comparator.
4. The inside diameter and wall thickness shall be measured and recorded for each end
of each pipe, after machining, at 8 diameter measurement locations (with 16
associated wall thickness measurements) equally spaced around the pipe
circumference from an indelibly marked reference point.
a. These measurements shall be taken at distances of 25 mm (1 in) and 100 mm
(4 in) from the pipe end.
5. The measuring tool shall be certified to have a combined accuracy and repeatability of
± 0.05 mm (± 0.002 in) with temperature compensating/adjusting capability.

1. The inside surface of the pipe after machining shall be free of any surface
imperfections, gouges, scratches or other stress raisers.
2. Machining marks shall be aligned within 30 degrees of the longitudinal axis of the pipe.
3. The machined surface roughness shall be less than 125 micro-inch RMS.
4. The RMS surface finish shall be measured with a Principal-approved comparator.

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1. The inspection of the pipe ends shall be documented in a spreadsheet format.

2. The following shall be included in the documentation:
a. ID and WT measurements at locations relative to a marked reference point;
b. Measurement of the final length of the machined area, measured to an accuracy
of ± 3.2 mm (0.125 in);
c. Surface finish measurement;
d. Taper angle.

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