Exp 13
Exp 13
Exp 13
AIM: To observe Study how the throughput of LTE network varies as the distance
between the ENB and UE (User Equipment) is increased.
NetSim Software Version 12.0.18
The path loss in LTE is the decay of the signal power dissipated due to radiation
on the wireless channels. Path loss may be due to many effects, such as free space
loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, aperture-medium coupling loss, and
Case 1: When no path loss Received power is same as Transmitted power, i.e., Pr
= Pt
Network Setup:
Open NetSim and click Examples > Experiments > Study-how-throughput-of-
an-LTE-varies- with-Distance > Sample-1 as shown below:
NetSim UI displays the configuration file corresponding to this experiment as
shown below:
Sample 1:
The following set of procedures were done to generate this sample:
NOTE: Before placement of any device grid length should be increased and it
should be 10000 meters X 10000 meters. Click on Environment Settings
present in the ribbon and set grid length as 10000.
Step 1: A network scenario is designed in NetSim GUI comprising of 1 User
Equipment, 1 ENB, 1 MME, 1 Router, and 1 Wired Node in the “LTE/LTE-A”
Network Library.
Step 2: TCP Protocol is disabled in Wired Node 1.
Step 3: The device positions are set as per the below table:
X/Lat 0 50
Y/Lon 0 50
Step 4: In the Interface LTE > Physical Layer > CA1 and CA2 Properties
of ENB 4, Channel Bandwidth is set to 20 MHz for both the carriers.
Step 5: In the General Properties of UE 5 “Velocity (m/s)” parameter is set to 0.
Step 8: Right click on the Application Flow App1 CUSTOM and select
Properties or click on the Application icon present in the top ribbon/toolbar.
A CUSTOM Application is generated from Wired Node 1 i.e. Source to UE 5
i.e. Destination with Packet Size set to 1460 Bytes and Inter Arrival Time set to
165 µs.
The Packet Size and Inter Arrival Time parameters are set such that the
Generation Rate equals 70 Mbps. Generation Rate can be calculated using the
Sample 2:
The following changes in settings are done from the previous sample for the
remaining samples:
Step 1: The device positions are changed as follows:
Change in UE Properties (X,Y)
Sample 2 (100, 100)
Sample 3 (150, 150)
Sample 4 (200, 200)
Sample 5 (250, 250)
Sample 6 (300, 300)
Sample 7 (350, 350)
Sample 8 (400, 400)
Step 1: Distance calculation:
Calculate the Distance between ENB (x1, y1) and UE (x2, y2) as follows: √(x2-
x1)2+ (y2-y1)2 For example, for Sample 1:
ENB (x1, y1) = (0, 0); UE (x2, y2) = (50, 50);
Step 2: Open any Excel File and note down the distance between the UE
and ENB and the throughput values as shown below:
Comparison Chart:
Distance between UE and ENB(m)
To draw these graphs by using Excel “Insert Chart” option and then select
chart type as “Line chart”.
As the distance increases between ENB and UE, throughput decreases. The
reason is that as the distance increases between the devices, the received signal
power decreases, and the LTE Phy Rate drops as the signal power reduces.