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Data Mining and Data warehousing

Unsupervised Learning
Clustering ٍ

◼ Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami

◼ Associate Professor of AI & Intelligent Systems
◼ Sana’a University
Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ Types of Clusterings
◼ Types of Clusters
◼ Clustering Algorithms
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 2

Supervised learning vs. unsupervised
◼ Supervised learning: discover patterns in the
data that relate data attributes with a target
(class) attribute.
❑ These patterns are then utilized to predict the
values of the target attribute in future data
◼ Unsupervised learning: The data have no
target attribute.
❑ We want to explore the data to find some intrinsic
(‫ )جوهري‬structures in them.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 3
◼ Clustering is a technique for finding similarity groups
in data, called clusters. I.e.,
❑ it groups data instances that are similar to (near) each other
in one cluster and data instances that are very different (far
away) from each other into different clusters.
◼ Clustering is often called an unsupervised learning
task as no class values denoting an a priori grouping
of the data instances are given, which is the case in
supervised learning.
◼ Due to historical reasons, clustering is often
considered synonymous with unsupervised learning.
❑ In fact, association rule mining is also unsupervised

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 4

An illustration
◼ The data set has three natural groups of data points,
i.e., 3 natural clusters.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 5

What is clustering for?
◼ Let us see some real-life examples
◼ Example 1: groups people of similar sizes
together to make “small”, “medium” and
“large” T-Shirts.
❑ Tailor-made for each person: too expensive
❑ One-size-fits-all: does not fit all.
◼ Example 2: In marketing, segment customers
according to their similarities
❑ To do targeted marketing.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 6

What is clustering for? (cont…)
◼ Example 3: Given a collection of text
documents, we want to organize them
according to their content similarities,
❑ To produce a topic hierarchy
◼ In fact, clustering is one of the most utilized
data mining techniques.
❑ It has a long history, and used in almost every
field, e.g., medicine, psychology, botany,
sociology, biology, archeology, marketing,
insurance, libraries, etc.
❑ In recent years, due to the rapid increase of online
documents, text clustering becomes important.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 7
What is not Cluster Analysis?
◼ Supervised classification
❑ Have class label information

◼ Simple segmentation
❑ Dividing students into different registration groups
alphabetically, by last name

◼ Results of a query
❑ Groupings are a result of an external specification

◼ Graph partitioning
❑ Some mutual relevance and synergy, but areas are not
Aspects of clustering
◼ A clustering algorithm
❑ Partitional clustering
❑ Hierarchical clustering
❑ …
◼ A distance (similarity, or dissimilarity) function
◼ Clustering quality
❑ Inter-clusters distance  maximized
❑ Intra-clusters distance  minimized
◼ The quality of a clustering result depends on
the algorithm, the distance function, and the
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 9
Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ Types of Clusterings
◼ Types of Clusters
◼ Clustering Algorithms
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 10

Types of Clusterings
◼ A clustering is a set of clusters
◼ Important distinction between hierarchical
and partitional sets of clusters
◼ Partitional Clustering
❑ A division data objects into non-overlapping subsets (clusters)
such that each data object is in exactly one subset

◼ Hierarchical clustering
❑ A set of nested clusters organized as a hierarchical tree
Partitional Clustering

◼Original Points ◼A Partitional Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering

p3 p4
p1 p2 p3 p4
◼Traditional Hierarchical Clustering ◼Traditional Dendrogram (tree)

p3 p4
p1 p2 p3 p4

◼Non-traditional Hierarchical ◼Non-traditional Dendrogram (tree)

Other Distinctions Between Sets of Clusters

◼ Exclusive versus non-exclusive

❑ In non-exclusive clusterings, points may belong to multiple
❑ Can represent multiple classes or ‘border’ points
◼ Fuzzy versus non-fuzzy
❑ In fuzzy clustering, a point belongs to every cluster with some
weight between 0 and 1
❑ Weights must sum to 1
❑ Probabilistic clustering has similar characteristics
◼ Partial versus complete
❑ In some cases, we only want to cluster some of the data
◼ Heterogeneous versus homogeneous
❑ Cluster of widely different sizes, shapes, and densities
Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ Types of Clusterings
◼ Types of Clusters
◼ Clustering Algorithms
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 15

Types of Clusters
◼ Well-separated clusters

◼ Center-based clusters

◼ Contiguous clusters

◼ Density-based clusters

◼ Property or Conceptual

◼ Described by an Objective Function

Types of Clusters: Well-Separated

◼ Well-Separated Clusters:
❑ A cluster is a set of points such that any point in a cluster is
closer (or more similar) to every other point in the cluster than
to any point not in the cluster.

◼3 well-separated clusters
Types of Clusters: Center-Based

◼ Center-based
❑ A cluster is a set of objects such that an object in a cluster is
closer (more similar) to the “center” of a cluster, than to the
center of any other cluster
❑ The center of a cluster is often a centroid, the average of all
the points in the cluster, or a medoid, the most “representative”
point of a cluster

4 center-based clusters
Types of Clusters: Contiguity-Based

◼ Contiguous Cluster (Nearest neighbor or

❑ A cluster is a set of points such that a point in a cluster is
closer (or more similar) to one or more other points in the
cluster than to any point not in the cluster.

◼8 contiguous clusters
Types of Clusters: Density-Based

◼ Density-based
❑ A cluster is a dense region of points, which is separated by
low-density regions, from other regions of high density.
❑ Used when the clusters are irregular or intertwined, and when
noise and outliers are present.

6 density-based clusters
Types of Clusters: Conceptual Clusters

◼ Shared Property or Conceptual Clusters

❑ Finds clusters that share some common property or represent
a particular concept.

2 Overlapping Circles
Types of Clusters: Objective Function

◼ Clusters Defined by an Objective Function

❑ Finds clusters that minimize or maximize an objective function.
❑ Enumerate all possible ways of dividing the points into clusters and
evaluate the `goodness' of each potential set of clusters by using
the given objective function. (NP Hard)
❑ Can have global or local objectives.
◼ Hierarchical clustering algorithms typically have local objectives
◼ Partitional algorithms typically have global objectives
❑ A variation of the global objective function approach is to fit the data
to a parameterized model.
◼ Parameters for the model are determined from the data.
◼ Mixture models assume that the data is a ‘mixture' of a number of
statistical distributions.
Types of Clusters: Objective Function …

◼ Map the clustering problem to a different

domain and solve a related problem in that
❑ Proximity matrix ‫مصفوفة قرب‬defines a weighted graph,
where the nodes are the points being clustered, and
the weighted edges represent the proximities between

❑ Clustering is equivalent to breaking the graph into

connected components, one for each cluster.

❑ Want to minimize the edge weight between clusters

and maximize the edge weight within clusters
Characteristics of the Input Data Are Important

◼ Type of proximity or density measure

❑ This is a derived measure, but central to clustering
◼ Sparseness
❑ Dictates type of similarity‫نوع قواعد التشابه‬
❑ Adds to efficiency
◼ Attribute type
❑ Dictates type of similarity
◼ Type of Data
❑ Dictates type of similarity
❑ Other characteristics, e.g., autocorrelation
◼ Dimensionality
◼ Noise and Outliers
◼ Type of Distribution
Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ Types of Clusterings
◼ Types of Clusters
◼ Clustering Algorithms
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 25

Clustering Algorithms

◼ K-means and its variants

◼ Hierarchical clustering

◼ Density-based clustering
K-means Clustering
◼ Partitional clustering approach
◼ Each cluster is associated with a centroid (center point)
◼ Each point is assigned to the cluster with the closest
◼ Number of clusters, K, must be specified
◼ The basic algorithm is very simple
K-means Clustering – Details
◼ Initial centroids are often chosen randomly.
❑ Clusters produced vary from one run to another.
◼ The centroid is (typically) the mean of the points in the
◼ ‘Closeness’ is measured by Euclidean distance, cosine
similarity, correlation, etc.
◼ K-means will converge for common similarity measures
mentioned above.
◼ Most of the convergence happens in the first few
❑ Often the stopping condition is changed to ‘Until relatively few
points change clusters’
◼ Complexity is O( n * K * I * d )
❑ n = number of points, K = number of clusters,
I = number of iterations, d = number of attributes
Hierarchical Clustering

◼ Produces a set of nested clusters organized as a

hierarchical tree
◼ Can be visualized as a dendrogram
❑ A tree like diagram that records the sequences of

merges or splits
6 5
3 4
0.15 2

3 1

1 3 2 5 4 6
Strengths of Hierarchical Clustering

◼ Do not have to assume any particular number

of clusters
❑ Any desired number of clusters can be obtained
by ‘cutting’ the dendogram at the proper level

◼ They may correspond to meaningful

❑ Example in biological sciences (e.g., animal
kingdom, phylogeny reconstruction, …)
Hierarchical Clustering
◼ Two main types of hierarchical clustering
❑ Agglomerative:
◼ Start with the points as individual clusters
◼ At each step, merge the closest pair of clusters until only one cluster
(or k clusters) left

❑ Divisive:
◼ Start with one, all-inclusive cluster
◼ At each step, split a cluster until each cluster contains a point (or
there are k clusters)

◼ Traditional hierarchical algorithms use a similarity or

distance matrix
❑ Merge or split one cluster at a time
Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm
◼ More popular hierarchical clustering technique
◼ Basic algorithm is straightforward
1. Compute the proximity matrix
2. Let each data point be a cluster
3. Repeat
4. Merge the two closest clusters
5. Update the proximity matrix
6. Until only a single cluster remains

◼ Key operation is the computation of the proximity of

two clusters
❑ Different approaches to defining the distance between
clusters distinguish the different algorithms
Density-Based Clustering Methods

◼ Clustering based on density (local cluster criterion),

such as density-connected points
◼ Major features:
❑ Discover clusters of arbitrary shape
❑ Handle noise
❑ One scan
❑ Need density parameters as termination condition
◼ Several interesting studies:
❑ DBSCAN: Ester, et al. (KDD’96)
❑ OPTICS: Ankerst, et al (SIGMOD’99).
❑ DENCLUE: Hinneburg & D. Keim (KDD’98)
❑ CLIQUE: Agrawal, et al. (SIGMOD’98)

◼ DBSCAN is a density-based algorithm.

◼ Definitions:
❑ Density = number of points within a specified radius (Eps)

❑ A point is a core point if it has more than a specified number

of points (MinPts) within Eps
◼ These are points that are at the interior of a cluster

❑ A border point has fewer than MinPts within Eps, but is in

the neighborhood of a core point

❑ A noise point is any point that is not a core point or a border

DBSCAN: Core, Border, and Noise Points
DBSCAN Algorithm

◼ Eliminate noise points

◼ Perform clustering on the remaining points
DBSCAN: Core, Border and Noise Points

Original Points Point types: core,

border and noise
Eps = 10, MinPts = 4
Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 38
K-means clustering
◼ K-means is a partitional clustering algorithm
◼ Let the set of data points (or instances) D be
{x1, x2, …, xn},
where xi = (xi1, xi2, …, xir) is a vector in a real-
valued space X  Rr, and r is the number of
attributes (dimensions) in the data.
◼ The k-means algorithm partitions the given
data into k clusters.
❑ Each cluster has a cluster center, called centroid.
❑ k is specified by the user

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 39

K-means algorithm
◼ Given k, the k-means algorithm works as
1)Randomly choose k data points (seeds) to be the
initial centroids, cluster centers
2)Assign each data point to the closest centroid
3)Re-compute the centroids using the current
cluster memberships.
4)If a convergence criterion is not met, go to 2).

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 40

K-means algorithm – (cont …)

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 41

Stopping/convergence criterion
1. no (or minimum) re-assignments of data
points to different clusters,
2. no (or minimum) change of centroids, or
3. minimum decrease in the sum of squared
error (SSE),
SSE = 
j =1
xC j
dist(x, m j ) 2 (1)

❑ Ci is the jth cluster, mj is the centroid of cluster Cj

(the mean vector of all the data points in Cj), and
dist(x, mj) is the distance between data point x
and centroid mj.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 42

An example


Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 43

An example (cont …)

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 44

An example distance function

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 45

A disk version of k-means
◼ K-means can be implemented with data on
❑ In each iteration, it scans the data once.
❑ as the centroids can be computed incrementally
◼ It can be used to cluster large datasets that
do not fit in main memory
◼ We need to control the number of iterations
❑ In practice, a limited is set (< 50).
◼ Not the best method. There are other scale-
up algorithms, e.g., BIRCH.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 46
A disk version of k-means (cont …)

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 47

Strengths of k-means
◼ Strengths:
❑ Simple: easy to understand and to implement
❑ Efficient: Time complexity: O(tkn),
where n is the number of data points,
k is the number of clusters, and
t is the number of iterations.
❑ Since both k and t are small. k-means is considered a
linear algorithm.
◼ K-means is the most popular clustering algorithm.
◼ Note that: it terminates at a local optimum if SSE is
used. The global optimum is hard to find due to
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 48
Weaknesses of k-means
◼ The algorithm is only applicable if the mean is
❑ For categorical data, k-mode - the centroid is
represented by most frequent values.
◼ The user needs to specify k.
◼ The algorithm is sensitive to outliers
❑ Outliers are data points that are very far away
from other data points.
❑ Outliers could be errors in the data recording or
some special data points with very different values.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 49

Weaknesses of k-means: Problems with

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 50

Weaknesses of k-means: To deal with
◼ One method is to remove some data points in the
clustering process that are much further away from
the centroids than other data points.
❑ To be safe, we may want to monitor these possible outliers
over a few iterations and then decide to remove them.
◼ Another method is to perform random sampling.
Since in sampling we only choose a small subset of
the data points, the chance of selecting an outlier is
very small.
❑ Assign the rest of the data points to the clusters by
distance or similarity comparison, or classification

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 51

Weaknesses of k-means (cont …)
◼ The algorithm is sensitive to initial seeds.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 52

Weaknesses of k-means (cont …)
◼ If we use different seeds: good results
◼ There are some
methods to help
choose good

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 53

Weaknesses of k-means (cont …)
◼ The k-means algorithm is not suitable for
discovering clusters that are not hyper-ellipsoids (or

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 54

K-means summary
◼ Despite weaknesses, k-means is still the
most popular algorithm due to its simplicity,
efficiency and
❑ other clustering algorithms have their own lists of
◼ No clear evidence that any other clustering
algorithm performs better in general
❑ although they may be more suitable for some
specific types of data or applications.
◼ Comparing different clustering algorithms is a
difficult task. No one knows the correct
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 55
Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 56
Common ways to represent clusters
◼ Use the centroid of each cluster to represent
the cluster.
❑ compute the radius and
❑ standard deviation of the cluster to determine its
spread in each dimension

❑ The centroid representation alone works well if the

clusters are of the hyper-spherical shape.
❑ If clusters are elongated or are of other shapes,
centroids are not sufficient

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 57

Using classification model
◼ All the data points in a
cluster are regarded to
have the same class
label, e.g., the cluster ID.
❑ run a supervised learning
algorithm on the data to
find a classification model.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 58

Use frequent values to represent cluster
◼ This method is mainly for clustering of
categorical data (e.g., k-modes clustering).
◼ Main method used in text clustering, where a
small set of frequent words in each cluster is
selected to represent the cluster.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 59

Clusters of arbitrary shapes
◼ Hyper-elliptical and hyper-
spherical clusters are usually
easy to represent, using their
centroid together with spreads.
◼ Irregular shape clusters are hard
to represent. They may not be
useful in some applications.
❑ Using centroids are not suitable
(upper figure) in general
❑ K-means clusters may be more
useful (lower figure), e.g., for making
2 size T-shirts.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 60

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 61
Hierarchical Clustering
◼ Produce a nested sequence of clusters, a tree,
also called Dendrogram.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 62

Types of hierarchical clustering
◼ Agglomerative (bottom up) clustering: It builds the
dendrogram (tree) from the bottom level, and
❑ merges the most similar (or nearest) pair of clusters
❑ stops when all the data points are merged into a single
cluster (i.e., the root cluster).
◼ Divisive (top down) clustering: It starts with all data
points in one cluster, the root.
❑ Splits the root into a set of child clusters. Each child cluster
is recursively divided further
❑ stops when only singleton clusters of individual data points
remain, i.e., each cluster with only a single point

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 63

Agglomerative clustering

It is more popular then divisive methods.

◼ At the beginning, each data point forms a
cluster (also called a node).
◼ Merge nodes/clusters that have the least
◼ Go on merging

◼ Eventually all nodes belong to one cluster

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 64

Agglomerative clustering algorithm

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 65

An example: working of the algorithm

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 66

Measuring the distance of two clusters
◼ A few ways to measure distances of two
◼ Results in different variations of the
❑ Single link
❑ Complete link
❑ Average link
❑ Centroids
❑ …

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 67

Single link method
◼ The distance between
two clusters is the
distance between two
closest data points in
the two clusters, one
data point from each
◼ It can find arbitrarily
shaped clusters, but Two natural clusters are
split into two
❑ It may cause the
undesirable “chain effect”
by noisy points

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 68

Complete link method
◼ The distance between two clusters is the distance
of two furthest data points in the two clusters.
◼ It is sensitive to outliers because they are far

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 69

Average link and centroid methods
◼ Average link: A compromise between
❑ the sensitivity of complete-link clustering to
outliers and
❑ the tendency of single-link clustering to form long
chains that do not correspond to the intuitive
notion of clusters as compact, spherical objects.
❑ In this method, the distance between two clusters
is the average distance of all pair-wise distances
between the data points in two clusters.
◼ Centroid method: In this method, the distance
between two clusters is the distance between
their centroids
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 70
The complexity
◼ All the algorithms are at least O(n2). n is the
number of data points.
◼ Single link can be done in O(n2).
◼ Complete and average links can be done in
◼ Due the complexity, hard to use for large data
❑ Sampling
❑ Scale-up methods (e.g., BIRCH).

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 71

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 72
Distance functions
◼ Key to clustering. “similarity” and
“dissimilarity” can also commonly used terms.
◼ There are numerous distance functions for
❑ Different types of data
◼ Numeric data
◼ Nominal data
❑ Different specific applications

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 73

Distance functions for numeric attributes
◼ Most commonly used functions are
❑ Euclidean distance and
❑ Manhattan (city block) distance
◼ We denote distance with: dist(xi, xj), where xi
and xj are data points (vectors)
◼ They are special cases of Minkowski distance.
h is positive integer.
dist(xi , x j ) = (( xi1 − x j1 ) + ( xi 2 − x j 2 ) + ... + ( xir − x jr
h h h h

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 74

Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance
◼ If h = 2, it is the Euclidean distance
dist(xi , x j ) = ( xi1 − x j1 ) 2 + ( xi 2 − x j 2 ) 2 + ... + ( xir − x jr ) 2

◼ If h = 1, it is the Manhattan distance

dist (xi , x j ) =| xi1 − x j1 | + | xi 2 − x j 2 | +...+ | xir − x jr |

◼ Weighted Euclidean distance

dist(xi , x j ) = w1 ( xi1 − x j1 ) 2 + w2 ( xi 2 − x j 2 ) 2 + ... + wr ( xir − x jr ) 2

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 75

Squared distance and Chebychev distance
◼ Squared Euclidean distance: to place
progressively greater weight on data points
that are further apart.
dist (xi , x j ) = ( xi1 − x j1 ) 2 + ( xi 2 − x j 2 ) 2 + ... + ( xir − x jr ) 2

◼ Chebychev distance: one wants to define two

data points as "different" if they are different
on any one of the attributes.
dist (xi , x j ) = max(| xi1 − x j1 |, | xi 2 − x j 2 |, ..., | xir − x jr |)

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 76

Distance functions for binary and
nominal attributes
◼ Binary attribute: has two values or states but
no ordering relationships, e.g.,
❑ Gender: male and female.
◼ We use a confusion matrix to introduce the
distance functions/measures.
◼ Let the ith and jth data points be xi and xj

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 77

Confusion matrix

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 78

Symmetric binary attributes
◼ A binary attribute is symmetric if both of its
states (0 and 1) have equal importance, and
carry the same weights, e.g., male and
female of the attribute Gender
◼ Distance function: Simple Matching
Coefficient, proportion of mismatches of their
dist (xi , x j ) =

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 79

Symmetric binary attributes: example

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 80

Asymmetric binary attributes
◼ Asymmetric: if one of the states is more
important or more valuable than the other.
❑ By convention, state 1 represents the more
important state, which is typically the rare or
infrequent state.
❑ Jaccard coefficient is a popular measure
dist(xi , x j ) =
❑ We can have some variations, adding weights

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 81

Nominal attributes

◼ Nominal attributes: with more than two states

or values.
❑ the commonly used distance measure is also
based on the simple matching method.
❑ Given two data points xi and xj, let the number of
attributes be r, and the number of values that
match in xi and xj be q.
dist (xi , x j ) =

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 82

Distance function for text documents
◼ A text document consists of a sequence of
sentences and each sentence consists of a
sequence of words.
◼ To simplify: a document is usually considered a
“bag” of words in document clustering.
❑ Sequence and position of words are ignored.
◼ A document is represented with a vector just like a
normal data point.
◼ It is common to use similarity to compare two
documents rather than distance.
❑ The most commonly used similarity function is the cosine
similarity. We will study this later.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 83

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 84
Data standardization
◼ In the Euclidean space, standardization of attributes
is recommended so that all attributes can have
equal impact on the computation of distances.
◼ Consider the following pair of data points
❑ xi: (0.1, 20) and xj: (0.9, 720).

dist (xi , x j ) = (0.9 − 0.1) 2 + (720 − 20) 2 = 700.000457,

◼ The distance is almost completely dominated by

(720-20) = 700.
◼ Standardize attributes: to force the attributes to have
a common value range
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 85
Interval-scaled attributes
◼ Their values are real numbers following a
linear scale.
❑ The difference in Age between 10 and 20 is the
same as that between 40 and 50.
❑ The key idea is that intervals keep the same
importance through out the scale
◼ Two main approaches to standardize interval
scaled attributes, range and z-score. f is an
xif − min( f )
range( xif ) = ,
max( f ) − min( f )
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 86
Interval-scaled attributes (cont …)
◼ Z-score: transforms the attribute values so that they
have a mean of zero and a mean absolute
deviation of 1. The mean absolute deviation of
attribute f, denoted by sf, is computed as follows
( )
s f = | x1 f − m f | + | x2 f − m f | +...+ | xnf − m f | ,
m f = x1 f + x2 f + ... + xnf ,
xif − m f
Z-score: z ( xif ) = .
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 87
Ratio-scaled attributes
◼ Numeric attributes, but unlike interval-scaled
attributes, their scales are exponential,
◼ For example, the total amount of
microorganisms that evolve in a time t is
approximately given by
❑ where A and B are some positive constants.
◼ Do log transform:
log( xif )
❑ Then treat it as an interval-scaled attribuete

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 88

Nominal attributes
◼ Sometime, we need to transform nominal
attributes to numeric attributes.
◼ Transform nominal attributes to binary
❑ The number of values of a nominal attribute is v.
❑ Create v binary attributes to represent them.
❑ If a data instance for the nominal attribute takes a
particular value, the value of its binary attribute is
set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
◼ The resulting binary attributes can be used as
numeric attributes, with two values, 0 and 1.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 89
Nominal attributes: an example
◼ Nominal attribute fruit: has three values,
❑ Apple, Orange, and Pear
◼ We create three binary attributes called,
Apple, Orange, and Pear in the new data.
◼ If a particular data instance in the original
data has Apple as the value for fruit,
❑ then in the transformed data, we set the value of
the attribute Apple to 1, and
❑ the values of attributes Orange and Pear to 0

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 90

Ordinal attributes

◼ Ordinal attribute: an ordinal attribute is like a

nominal attribute, but its values have a
numerical ordering. E.g.,
❑ Age attribute with values: Young, MiddleAge and
Old. They are ordered.
❑ Common approach to standardization: treat is as
an interval-scaled attribute.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 91

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 92
Mixed attributes
◼ Our distance functions given are for data with
all numeric attributes, or all nominal
attributes, etc.
◼ Practical data has different types:
❑ Any subset of the 6 types of attributes,
◼ interval-scaled,
◼ symmetric binary,
◼ asymmetric binary,
◼ ratio-scaled,
◼ ordinal and
◼ nominal

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 93

Convert to a single type
◼ One common way of dealing with mixed
attributes is to
❑ Decide the dominant attribute type, and
❑ Convert the other types to this type.
◼ E.g, if most attributes in a data set are
❑ we convert ordinal attributes and ratio-scaled
attributes to interval-scaled attributes.
❑ It is also appropriate to treat symmetric binary
attributes as interval-scaled attributes.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 94

Convert to a single type (cont …)
◼ It does not make much sense to convert a
nominal attribute or an asymmetric binary
attribute to an interval-scaled attribute,
❑ but it is still frequently done in practice by
assigning some numbers to them according to
some hidden ordering, e.g., prices of the fruits
◼ Alternatively, a nominal attribute can be
converted to a set of (symmetric) binary
attributes, which are then treated as numeric
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 95
Combining individual distances
◼ This approach computes
 f =1 ij dij
individual attribute  f f

distances and then dist (xi , x j ) =

 f =1 ij
combine them.  f

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 96

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 97
How to choose a clustering algorithm
◼ Clustering research has a long history. A vast
collection of algorithms are available.
❑ We only introduced several main algorithms.
◼ Choosing the “best” algorithm is a challenge.
❑ Every algorithm has limitations and works well with certain
data distributions.
❑ It is very hard, if not impossible, to know what distribution
the application data follow. The data may not fully follow
any “ideal” structure or distribution required by the
❑ One also needs to decide how to standardize the data, to
choose a suitable distance function and to select other
parameter values.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 98

Choose a clustering algorithm (cont …)
◼ Due to these complexities, the common practice is
❑ run several algorithms using different distance functions
and parameter settings, and
❑ then carefully analyze and compare the results.
◼ The interpretation of the results must be based on
insight into the meaning of the original data together
with knowledge of the algorithms used.
◼ Clustering is highly application dependent and to
certain extent subjective (personal preferences).

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 99

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 100
Cluster Evaluation: hard problem
◼ The quality of a clustering is very hard to
evaluate because
❑ We do not know the correct clusters
◼ Some methods are used:
❑ User inspection
◼ Study centroids, and spreads
◼ Rules from a decision tree.
◼ For text documents, one can read some documents in

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 101

Cluster evaluation: ground truth
◼ We use some labeled data (for classification)
◼ Assumption: Each class is a cluster.
◼ After clustering, a confusion matrix is
constructed. From the matrix, we compute
various measurements, entropy, purity,
precision, recall and F-score.
❑ Let the classes in the data D be C = (c1, c2, …, ck).
The clustering method produces k clusters, which
divides D into k disjoint subsets, D1, D2, …, Dk.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 102

Evaluation measures: Entropy

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 103

Evaluation measures: purity

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 104

An example

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 105

A remark about ground truth evaluation
◼ Commonly used to compare different clustering
◼ A real-life data set for clustering has no class labels.
❑ Thus although an algorithm may perform very well on some
labeled data sets, no guarantee that it will perform well on
the actual application data at hand.
◼ The fact that it performs well on some label data
sets does give us some confidence of the quality of
the algorithm.
◼ This evaluation method is said to be based on
external data or information.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 106

Evaluation based on internal information

◼ Intra-cluster cohesion (compactness):

❑ Cohesion measures how near the data points in a
cluster are to the cluster centroid.
❑ Sum of squared error (SSE) is a commonly used
◼ Inter-cluster separation (isolation):
❑ Separation means that different cluster centroids
should be far away from one another.
◼ In most applications, expert judgments are
still the key.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 107
Indirect evaluation
◼ In some applications, clustering is not the primary
task, but used to help perform another task.
◼ We can use the performance on the primary task to
compare clustering methods.
◼ For instance, in an application, the primary task is to
provide recommendations on book purchasing to
online shoppers.
❑ If we can cluster books according to their features, we
might be able to provide better recommendations.
❑ We can evaluate different clustering algorithms based on
how well they help with the recommendation task.
❑ Here, we assume that the recommendation can be reliably

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 108

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 109
Holes in data space
◼ All the clustering algorithms only group data.
◼ Clusters only represent one aspect of the
knowledge in the data.
◼ Another aspect that we have not studied is
the holes.
❑ A hole is a region in the data space that contains
no or few data points. Reasons:
◼ insufficient data in certain areas, and/or
◼ certain attribute-value combinations are not possible or
seldom occur.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 110

Holes are useful too
◼ Although clusters are important, holes in the
space can be quite useful too.
◼ For example, in a disease database
❑ we may find that certain symptoms and/or test
values do not occur together, or
❑ when a certain medicine is used, some test values
never go beyond certain ranges.
◼ Discovery of such information can be
important in medical domains because
❑ it could mean the discovery of a cure to a disease
or some biological laws.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 111

Data regions and empty regions
◼ Given a data space, separate
❑ data regions (clusters) and
❑ empty regions (holes, with few or no data points).
◼ Use a supervised learning technique, i.e.,
decision tree induction, to separate the two
types of regions.
◼ Due to the use of a supervised learning
method for an unsupervised learning task,
❑ an interesting connection is made between the
two types of learning paradigms.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 112

Supervised learning for unsupervised
◼ Decision tree algorithm is not directly applicable.
❑ it needs at least two classes of data.
❑ A clustering data set has no class label for each data point.
◼ The problem can be dealt with by a simple idea.
❑ Regard each point in the data set to have a class label Y.
❑ Assume that the data space is uniformly distributed with
another type of points, called non-existing points. We
give them the class, N.
◼ With the N points added, the problem of partitioning
the data space into data and empty regions
becomes a supervised classification problem.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 113
An example

◼ A decision tree method is used for

partitioning in (B).

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 114

Can it done without adding N points?
◼ Yes.
◼ Physically adding N points increases the size
of the data and thus the running time.
◼ More importantly: it is unlikely that we can
have points truly uniformly distributed in a
high dimensional space as we would need an
exponential number of points.
◼ Fortunately, no need to physically add any N
❑ We can compute them when needed

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 115

Characteristics of the approach
◼ It provides representations of the resulting data and
empty regions in terms of hyper-rectangles, or rules.
◼ It detects outliers automatically. Outliers are data
points in an empty region.
◼ It may not use all attributes in the data just as in a
normal decision tree for supervised learning.
❑ It can automatically determine what attributes are useful.
Subspace clustering …
◼ Drawback: data regions of irregular shapes are hard
to handle since decision tree learning only generates
hyper-rectangles (formed by axis-parallel hyper-
planes), which are rules.
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 116
Building the Tree
◼ The main computation in decision tree building is to
evaluate entropy (for information gain):
|C |
entropy( D) = −  Pr(c ) log
j =1
j 2 Pr(c j )

◼ Can it be evaluated without adding N points? Yes.

◼ Pr(cj) is the probability of class cj in data set D, and
|C| is the number of classes, Y and N (2 classes).
❑ To compute Pr(cj), we only need the number of Y (data)
points and the number of N (non-existing) points.
❑ We already have Y (or data) points, and we can compute
the number of N points on the fly. Simple: as we assume
that the N points are uniformly distributed in the space.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 117

An example
◼ The space has 25 data (Y) points and 25 N points.
Assume the system is evaluating a possible cut S.
❑ # N points on the left of S is 25 * 4/10 = 10. The number of
Y points is 3.
❑ Likewise, # N points on the right of S is 15 (= 25 - 10).The
number of Y points is 22.
◼ With these numbers, entropy can be computed.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 118

How many N points to add?
◼ We add a different number of N points at each
different node.
❑ The number of N points for the current node E is
determined by the following rule (note that at the root
node, the number of inherited N points is 0):

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 119

An example

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 120

How many N points to add? (cont…)
◼ Basically, for a Y node (which has more data
points), we increase N points so that
#Y = #N
◼ The number of N points is not reduced if the
current node is an N node (an N node has
more N points than Y points).
❑ A reduction may cause outlier Y points to form Y
nodes (a Y node has an equal number of Y points
as N points or more).
❑ Then data regions and empty regions may not be
separated well.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 121

Building the decision tree

◼ Using the above ideas, a decision tree can be

built to separate data regions and empty
◼ The actual method is more sophisticated as a
few other tricky issues need to be handled in
❑ tree building and
❑ tree pruning.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 122

Road map
◼ Basic concepts
◼ K-means algorithm
◼ Representation of clusters
◼ Hierarchical clustering
◼ Distance functions
◼ Data standardization
◼ Handling mixed attributes
◼ Which clustering algorithm to use?
◼ Cluster evaluation
◼ Discovering holes and data regions
◼ Summary
Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 123
◼ Clustering is has along history and still active
❑ There are a huge number of clustering algorithms
❑ More are still coming every year.
◼ We only introduced several main algorithms. There are
many others, e.g.,
❑ density based algorithm, sub-space clustering, scale-up
methods, neural networks based methods, fuzzy clustering,
co-clustering, etc.
◼ Clustering is hard to evaluate, but very useful in
practice. This partially explains why there are still a
large number of clustering algorithms being devised
every year.
◼ Clustering is highly application dependent and to some
extent subjective.

Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hegami 124

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