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Development of Project Risk of Project Risk
Management framework based on Management
Industry 4.0 technologies
Santosh B. Rane 1451
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Patel College of Engineering,
Received 16 March 2019
Mumbai, India Revised 2 July 2019
Prathamesh Ramkrishana Potdar Accepted 22 July 2019

Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai, India, and

Suraj Rane
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Goa College of Engineering, Ponda, India

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the risks involved in the construction project based on a
literature survey (LS), to develop a project risk management (PRM) framework based on Industry 4.0
technologies and to demonstrate the developed framework using Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
Design/methodology/approach – A comprehensive LS was carried out to know the different risks
involved in the construction project and developed a PRM framework based on Industry 4.0 technologies to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of PRM. Heavy equipment and parameters were identified to
demonstrate the developed framework based on IoT technology of Industry 4.0.
Findings – This paper demonstrates Industry 4.0 in the various stages of PRM. LS has identified 21 risks for
a construction project. The demonstration of the PRM framework has identified the sudden breakdown of
equipment and uncertainty of equipment as one of the critical risks associated with heavy equipment
of construction project.
Research limitations/implications – The project complexity and features may add a few more risks
in PRM.
Practical implications – The PRM framework based on Industry 4.0 technologies will increase the success
rate of the project. It will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of PRM.
Originality/value – The developed framework is helpful for the effective PRM of construction projects. The
demonstration of PRM framework using IoT technology provides a logical way to manage risk involved in
heavy equipment used in a construction project.
Keywords Internet of Things, Construction projects, Industry 4.0, Project risk management
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
The construction industry has a significant role in the fast-growing economy of the country
and emerged as one of the fastest-growing sectors of the market, as demand for housing and
commercial space has grown drastically. Consequently, the new construction is gaining
popularity over traditional construction to improve productivity and quality. The construction
industry also contributes heavily to increase greenhouse gas emission, which leads to
environmental issues and change in global climate (Wu et al., 2014; Zuo et al., 2015). The
construction industry of developed countries exploits almost 30–40 percent of natural
resources and consumes 50 percent of energy and 40 percent of materials (Bourdeau, 1999).
Comparatively, the same rate of consumption is expected in developing countries. The lack of
environmental consideration in the development and exploitation creates environmental Benchmarking: An International
issues, frequent change in climate and global warming, which impacts on human health. This Journal
Vol. 28 No. 5, 2021
situation of the environment has motivated the construction industry to focus on the efficient pp. 1451-1481
utilization of water, energy and resources. That helps to achieve sufficient waste management, © Emerald Publishing Limited
environmental quality, social health and sustainable site (Sahamir and Zakaria, 2014; DOI 10.1108/BIJ-03-2019-0123
BIJ Zhao et al., 2016). Ecology, landscaping, materials, waste reduction, water conservation and
28,5 energy conservation are identified as assessment categories for a new highway construction
(Huang and Yeh, 2008). A critical discourse analysis approach used to examine the resources
and constraints on environmental-communication practices in four construction projects of
Sweden (Gluch and Räisänen, 2009) analyzed the risks and their interactions in complex
building projects based on stakeholder-associated risk analysis method and developed a
1452 Social Network Analysis (SNA) (Yang and Zou, 2014), identified issues associated with the
overall sustainability strategies for the post-construction building based on useful information
management and aggregation of Building Performance Attribute Data (BPAD) within an
Asset Information Model (AIM) (Alwan and Gledson, 2015).
The companies are investing substantial economies in the construction and other
processing industries to own and operate heavy equipment fleets (Hildreth, 2018). In total,
36 percent of the construction project cost allocated for procurement of major construction
equipment, and it also has effects on project schedule owing to high delivery time uncertainty
(Yeo and Ning, 2006). The contractors have regularly faced problems related to high rate of
equipment breakdown and accidents in the operation phase of construction projects (Edwards
and Holt, 2002; Edwards and Nicholas, 2002). Cann et al. (2005) identified equipment exceeding
the health standards for the Vibration Dose Value included off-road dump trucks, wheel
loaders, scrapers, skid steer vehicles, backhoes, crawler loaders, bulldozers and ride-on power
trowels. The current problems and practices in heavy equipment management have been
investigated and identified practices for alleviating equipment management problems of
highway contractors in Thailand (Prasertrungruang and Hadikusumo, 2007). A time-activity
model was used to estimate surrogate values for replacement and maintenance exposure
assessment of heavy equipment (Boelter et al., 2007). Waters et al. (2008) identified the impact
of operating heavy equipment vehicles on lower back disorders of an operator. The main
characteristics of the heavy equipment supply chain identified in supporting the construction
sector is concerned with procurement and utilization cycles (Simatupang and Sridharan, 2016).
The effect of the data collection period length on the resulting period cost-based (PCB) models
has been investigated and recommendations have been developed regarding the minimum
period length (Hildreth, 2018). The survey shows that the environmental, technical, political,
operational and financial risks are involved in the construction projects, owing to which the
literature survey (LS) has been continued in project risk management (PRM) domain, and
some of them have been discussed in the LS section of the paper. The above LS gives insights
and issues related to the construction industry. Thus, this paper focused on to investigate the
risks involved in a construction project and to develop the PRM framework using Industry 4.0
technologies for increasing the success rate of the project.

2. Literature survey
In this section, the LS has been performed from period 2000 to 2019, in Risk in construction
projects, PRM framework and Industry 4.0 technologies. The first section of the survey
gives knowledge of PRM and identifies the risk involved in the construction project.
The next section provides a basic understanding of different PRM frameworks and Industry
4.0 technologies.

2.1 Project risk management

PRM is one of the standard research topics in the construction industry and project
management. Many researchers have taken efforts in PRM of the construction industry
(Tollin, 2011; Yang and Zou, 2014; Hwang et al., 2017). Williams (1995) discussed
techniques for the analysis of risk, to schedule (including analytical and more generally
applicable simulation techniques) cost and technical achievement, both were separate
analyses and the first step toward an integrated analysis. The ontological, epistemological
and methodological assumptions are explored and formulated in a research approach that Development
takes a practitioner’s lived experience of projects (Cicmil et al., 2006). The risk distribution of Project Risk
occurs at three stages of the whole bid-pricing process, and final settlement depends on a Management
set of complex and microeconomic factors (Laryea and Hughes, 2008). The rapid
development in the construction industry motivated few researchers to start focusing on framework
PRM and the green concept of a construction project (Zou and Couani 2012; Yang and
Zou 2014; Yang et al., 2016). A simple analytical tool that utilizes professional experience 1453
could be a viable option and uses risk cost as a common scale to facilitate closing the gap
between theory and practice of risk assessment (Taroun, 2014). Aven (2016) reviewed the
risk management with a particular focus on the fundamental ideas and thinking.
The grounded theory approach used to identify tools for risk analyze selected 25
Australian construction project managers with tool preferences ( Jepson et al., 2018).
Similarly, many researchers have worked on PRM practices for different applications such
as medical product development for dental-product-manufacturing company (Kirkire
et al., 2015, 2018). Thirty risks were identified related to just-in-time supply ( Jadhav et al.,
2015). The risk sources have explored in medical device development process (Rane and
Kirkire, 2017). The different risk categories and barriers were represented for risk
management in domestic and international projects (Dandage et al., 2017, 2018). Eight
different risk categories were explored in international projects and represented the
ranking of risk categories based on their importance in project success (Dandage et al.,
2018). Threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths matrix was used to develop
strategies for international PRM (Dandage et al., 2019).
The big data also helps in project risk management. Big data collected from the site of the
Chinese town of Wuhan helps to evaluate the tender price of construction projects (Zhang
et al., 2015). The usage of big data ensures a more accurate image of study related to objective
assessment and eliminates the smaller data sets (Lu et al., 2016). The questionnaire was
designed in such a way to know the situation between adopted assumptions at the design
stage and the results during the implementation of construction projects (Son and Kim, 2015).
Costs and time are the aspects used to orient the survey, and conclusions should serve the
future direction of the project at every stage of implementation. The data were collected based
on global positioning system (GPS) receivers include data of public vehicles (geographic
coordinates, speed, time of drive), personal devices and the onsite employee to ensure the
safety and health, but the GPS loses the signals inside the buildings, so it was recommended to
use in an open area (Zhang et al., 2015). The technologies like Hadoop, cloud and map-reduce
supported to collect the massive amounts of structured and unstructured data within
reasonable and close to real time (Latanision, 2014). The system information model can be
included in big data analysis based on the object-oriented approach (Love et al., 2017). The
different risks involved in the construction project were identified based on the LS and
discussed in section 2.2 In the next part, the LS continued in the domain of PRM framework to
explore the understanding and applications of the developed framework.

2.2 Risk in construction project

The comprehensive LS in the domain of PRM and construction project has identified 21
risks related to the construction project. Table I represents the identified risks, code
assigned and sources of risks. The LS indicates that financial and technical risks are the
most prominent risks in the construction industry. The new projects of the construction
industry are more focusing on environmental risk as to its consuming maximum energy
and natural resources to complete the projects. The LS identified significant risk
categories involved in construction projects, which are financial, political, environmental,
technical, operational, design and physical risk. Table II shows the mapping of risk
categories with identified risks of the construction project.
BIJ Code Risk Sources
R1 Technical issues Zou and Couani (2012), Yang and Zou (2014), Yang et al. (2016),
Qin et al. (2016)
R2 Unclear design details and Tollin (2011), Zou and Couani (2012), Yang and Zou (2014),
specifications Yang et al. (2016)
R3 Lack of streamlined tools and Lockwood (2009), Hwang and Tan (2012)
1454 processes
R4 Complex procedures to obtain Zou and Couani (2012), Qin et al. (2016)
R5 Delay in project completion Chanter and Swallow (2007), Pitt (2013)
R6 Environmental risk Zou and Li (2010), Chan et al. (2011), Ke et al. (2011), Yang and Zou
(2014), Yang et al. (2016)
R7 Lack of availability of materials Zou and Couani (2012), Yang and Zou (2014), Yang et al. (2016),
and equipment Qin et al. (2016)
R8 New building policies change Qin et al. (2016)
R9 High target Qin et al. (2016)
R10 Import/export restrictions Hwang et al. (2015), Zou and Couani (2012)
R11 Energy saving uncertainty Lockwood (2009), Yudelson (2010) Penny (2012)
R12 Industry risk Durmus-Pedini and Ashuri (2010), Drew (2011)
R13 Legal risk Wibowo and Mohamed (2010), Zou and Li (2010), Chan et al. (2011)
R14 Loose control over subcontractors Hwang et al. (2015)
R15 Safety and health Zhao et al. (2016)
R16 Financial risk Durmus-Pedini and Ashuri (2010), Penny (2012)
R17 Fluctuation in exchange rates Zou and Couani (2012), Zhao et al. (2016)
R18 Unskilled workers Zou and Couani (2012), Hwang, Zhao, See and Zhong (2015),
Zhao et al. (2016)
R19 Team performance risk Durmus-Pedini and Ashuri (2010)
R20 Unclear allocation of roles and Zou and Couani (2012), Yang and Zou (2014), Yang et al. (2016),
Table I. responsibilities Qin et al. (2016)
Risk associated with R21 Poor communication among Zou and Couani (2012), Yang and Zou (2014), Yang et al. (2016)
construction projects projects stakeholders

Sr. No. Risk categories Risk

1 Operational R4: complex procedures to obtain approvals, R5: delay in project completion, R21:
risk poor communication among projects stakeholders, R14: loose control over
subcontractors, R20: unclear allocation of roles and responsibilities R9: high target
2 Technical risk R1: technical Issues, R3: lack of streamlined tools and processes, R7: lack of availability
of materials and equipment, R18: unskilled workers, R19: team performance
3 Environmental R6: environmental risk, R15: safety and health, R11: energy saving uncertainty
Table II. risk
Mapping of risk 4 Design risk R2: unclear design details and specifications
categories with 5 Financial risk R16: financial risk, R17: fluctuation in exchange rates, R10: import/export restrictions
identified risks 6 Political risk R8: new building policies change, R13: legal risk, R12: industry risk

2.3 PRM framework

The PRM framework was developed and implemented by many researchers in different
sectors of industries but discussed only the selected and relevant frameworks. A risk
management model was developed by integrating the system hazard analysis with
Risk Management Process to assess safety and reliability risks associated with a system
(or a project) (Rao Tummala and Leung, 1996). A theoretical framework was developed
based on the phases of the risk management process for classifying techniques, phases of
the life cycle of a project and corporate maturity toward risk (Cagliano et al., 2015). Development
A PRM framework was proposed to emphasize effective and efficient PRM practices and of Project Risk
to support project managers in increasing the cost certainty of projects (Firmenich, 2017). Management
A model was developed for risk management in a project-based organization of Iran
( Jafari et al., 2011). An innovative risk management model was presented for the framework
design process of power tunnels projects (Soltani et al., 2018). A qualitative risk
mitigation framework was proposed for the risk management of construction project in 1455
developing countries (Wang et al., 2004). An integrated framework was developed
based on “grey theory, failure mode and effect analysis, and risk management matrices”
for comprehensive risk management in the defense sector (Perlekar and Thakkar,
2019). The above survey gives insights and basic outline to develop the PRM
framework. The next section of the review helps to understand the concepts and usage of
Industry 4.0 technologies.

2.4 Industry 4.0 technologies

In today’s era of technology revolution, more emphasis is on Industry 4.0 technologies,
which motivates to continue the LS in the domain of Industry 4.0. The term “Industry 4.0” is
derived from the project related to digital manufacturing and refers to the fourth industrial
revolution of the future in the year 2011 (Tjahjono et al., 2017). The big data, simulation,
additives manufacturing, autonomous robots, augmented reality (AR), cloud computing and
cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT) and system integration are the technologies used for
the implementation of Industry 4.0 (Moktadir et al., 2018). A framework was proposed
for operationalization of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector (Fatorachian and
Kazemi, 2018). The strategic response on Industry 4.0 in the Chinese automotive industry is
examined and the critical factors are identified for its successful implementation (Lin et al.,
2018). A sustainable Industry 4.0 framework was proposed based on Industry 4.0
technologies, process integration and sustainable outcomes (Kamble et al., 2018). The better
quality and flexibility in manufacturing impacted positively on Industry 4.0 supplier
performance, but the rate of delivery and cost reduction did not have any statistical
influence on the Industry 4.0 supplier performance (Salam, 2019).
AR helps the industry to provide services via information sharing. AR supports the
industry to collect real-time data of system/process/customer and improves the decision
making (Vaidya et al., 2018). AR system gives a variety of services, such as providing
training to employee from a remote location over a mobile device and helps in selecting a
product/part from inventory. The individuation of innovative methods for the design of
systems/products in production is done through the use of virtual reality in the
manufacturing systems (Laudante, 2017). Big data represents a high volume, velocity and
variety of data, which required specific technology and analytical method to transform in
useful information (De Mauro et al., 2016). Big data technologies are included with virtual
reality, robotic systems, cloud computing, IoT, simulation, prototyping and 3D printing as
the emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 (Kamble et al., 2018). In today’s era, most of the
business is on real-time data analysis and cloud computing for gaining maximum profit.
Cloud computing is one of the technologies used in Industry 4.0 for storage of large real-time
data captured from various sources (Gao and Zhao, 2011). Cyber-security and cloud
computing are going hand in hand in Industry 4.0 to enhance cybersecurity. It is essential to
connect physical systems to cloud in Industry 4.0 journey for system optimization, quick
decision, planning and quality management (Sridhar et al., 2012). The IoT is an industrial
internet or ecosystem that integrates the autonomous system, intelligent systems and
association of human-machine to achieve improvement in efficiency, reliability and
productivity of system/process (Wong and Kim, 2017; Vaidya et al., 2018). IoT provides
quick transfer of captured real-time data/information to enhance the decision making and
BIJ collaboration among the stakeholders/decision makers (Yang et al., 2017). The IoT-enabled
28,5 smart logistic patents are analyzed using the roadmap methodology to identify technology-
related business strengths and strategies (Trappey et al., 2017). Mishra and Singh (2019)
developed a framework for carbon management using life cycle assessment, IoT and carbon
sequestration to achieve sustainable manufacturing.
Industry 4.0 has the following three dimensions of system integration: horizontal
1456 integration, vertical integration and end-to-end engineering across the entire product
lifecycle (Stock and Seliger, 2016). In system integration technology, more than one
system has been integrated to achieve higher efficiency, reliability and productivity of
process/system. Additive manufacturing (AM) was introduced in Industry 4.0 to
manufacture complex and lightweight products in small batches of customized products
(Rüßmann et al., 2015). Fused deposition method, selective laser sintering (SLS) and selective
laser melting technologies are used in additives manufacturing to make faster and cheaper
production (Thomas-Seale et al., 2018). Additives manufacturing can reduce material
transportation and stock handling (Vaidya et al., 2018). The simulation is mostly used for the
optimization of design, and scientific modeling for visualization of the working system
(Heilala et al., 2008). Two- and three-dimensional simulations can be created for
system/product to estimate cycle time and energy consumption in virtual commissioning.
the simulation results helps to know failure probability of the system/product during the
startup phase of project. (Simons et al., 2017). Simulation technology improves the ability of
decision making with proper justification (Schuh et al., 2014). Autonomous robots are
introduced in Industry 4.0 to perform work precisely in such areas where human are
restricted or unable to deal with operations (Zhong et al., 2017). Autonomous robots are
designed to perform the assigned task accurately and intelligently with versatility,
flexibility and safety in a given period (Bahrin et al., 2016). The above survey helps to
understand the basic concepts and different applications of Industry 4.0 technologies. In the
next section, research gaps are discussed based on an LS.

2.5 Research gap based on LS

The LS shows the need to focus on real-time PRM of construction project, especially for
heavy equipment and to integrate the Industry 4.0 technologies in PRM practices for
improving project management.

2.6 Problem definition

In this paper, the Delphi method is used for problem identification and selection. The expert
panel decided based on an LS (Table III) and selected to demonstrate the Delphi method
from different construction industry such as LnT Construction, Hiranandani group and
Lodha group. The selected experts further categorized based on year of experience, i.e.
0–3 years, 4–6 years, 6–10 years and above 10 years. The experts were involved in
identifying the problems and parameters along with their weights. In the first discussion,
experts suggested more than ten problems and a few parameters. In the next discussion,
most active and prominent problems with parameters were selected to develop the matrix
based on experts suggestion. The matrix was generated (Table IV ) and shared with the

Sr. no. Expert Number of experts Percentage

1 Top management 3 15
2 Site managers 7 35
Table III. 3 Project managers 5 25
List of expert panel 4 Procurement managers 5 25
experts to give their preferences based on the scale (strong effect (10), moderate effect (7), Development
low effect (5) and no effect (3) (Potdar and Rane, 2018)). The response received from 20 of Project Risk
experts have been sorted and represented in Table II, which shows a particular scale has Management
received the highest response from experts, i.e. 12, 8 and 9 experts suggested strong effect
(10) and low effect (5) on business, cost-saving potential and customer satisfaction, framework
respectively, for first problem statement. The analysis identified a significant problem such
as project risk management, which has received the highest ranking, i.e. 8.5. In this research, 1457
the problem statement has been defined based on the significant problem and discussion
with experts as the development of a PRM framework based on Industry 4.0 technologies.

3. Research methodology
The research methodology flow chart has developed and shown in Figure 1. The
methodology starts with the selected domain, i.e. construction project followed by an LS and
discussion with experts. The literature identified reputed search engines such as science
direct, emerald insight, Taylor & Francis online. Similarly, the experts were selected from
different organizations having diverse experience. The discussion with an expert started
with the question of “what are the problems faced by the construction industry?”. In the
response, experts have suggested many problems and drivers, but in this research, the most
critical problems and key drivers are selected for further study based on experts’ judgment.
The LS and discussion with experts also help to confirm the problem statement and to
derive research objectives as discussed in section 3.1. Section 4 discusses the different
technologies of Industry 4.0-based strength, purpose and weakness approach to understand
insights of technologies and to explore the usage for PRM. The essential tools and
techniques for each stage of the PRM process have identified based on an understanding of
the process of PRM. The link has identified between PRM, tools & techniques and Industry
4.0 to develop PRM framework based on Industry 4.0. The developed framework
demonstrated heavy equipment of the construction industry (Section 5). The heavy
equipment has been selected based on the frequency of usage. The parameters have been
identified based on discussion with an expert to know the risk involved in heavy equipment.
The sensors and inbuild system (On-board diagnostics) of equipment used to collect the data
of selected parameters. In the next step, the data collection plan was developed to collect the
data and analyze the collected data by appropriate tools and techniques. Section 6 shows the
result, discussion and strategies for PRM; Section 7 represents conclusion, limitations and
future directions. In the next section, the PRM framework using Industry 4.0 technologies
for the construction project is discussed.

3.1 Research objectives

This research focuses on the following objectives:
(1) Identify the risk involved in a construction project.

Parameters with weights

Business Cost saving Customer
(0.5) potential (0.3) satisfaction (0.2)
Sr. no. Problem S S S Rating

1 Project scheduling and delayed 10 5 5 7.5

2 Project risk management 10 7 7 8.5
3 Reduce environmental issues 7 5 3 5.6 Table IV.
4 Improve productivity (man, material) 7 7 3 6.2 Problem selection
5 Enhance the safety and reliability 7 7 5 6.6 matrix (S-scale)
BIJ Construction Project
Literature Survey (LS) Discussion with experts

Project Risk Industry PRM

Management (PRM) 4.0 Framework
Research Gap based on LS Expert Comments

Identify Problem Development of project risk management framework

Definition based on Industry 4.0 technologies

Identify research Identify the risk involved in new construction project,

Objectives develop and demonstrate the PRM framework

Demonstrate the PRM framework using IoT technology

for Heavy Equipments

Is the
No solution

Figure 1. Results and Discussions
Research methodology
flow chart

(2) Develop a framework for PRM using Industry 4.0 technologies.

(3) Demonstrate the developed framework using IoT technology to manage the risk
involved in heavy equipment of the construction industry.

4. PRM framework based on Industry 4.0 technologies

The framework has been developed based on the understanding of Industry 4.0, PRM
concepts and working of the construction industry as shown in Figure 2. The framework
distributed into different sections such as Industry 4.0 technologies, cloud computing and
application layer (AL) for project risk management. Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK) (2008) discussed the PRM process and some required tools to make decisions, which
has been shown in Figure 2 by different modules such as tools and technique, risk
management drivers, the risk review process, quantitative and qualitative analysis. The
theoretical framework was designed for a supply chain network of Industry 4.0 (Sundarakani
et al., 2019); some discussed aspect of Industry 4.0 has been used to develop the framework
(Rane and Narvel, 2019). Rezaei et al. (2017) developed an IoT-based framework for
performance measurement of real-time supply chain decision, which has been used to design
the framework for project risk management. The developed framework shows that the data
are transferred from cloud computing to each stage of the framework to identify, asses,
prioritize and monitor the risk. The AL used systems interconnection and focused on process-
to-process communication across an internet protocols (IPs) network. It also consists of
protocols to provide a secure communication interface, end-user services and shared network
Industry 4.0 (Technologies/Pillars)
Big data
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
Internet of
of Project Risk
Application Layer framework
Literature survey Planning of Risk Quantitative analysis Qualitative analysis Data Store
(Risk Management, Management Identify Project
Industry 4.0) Brainstorming, Delphi objectives
Method, RCA, SWOT,
Checklist Analysis
and success factors
Stakeholders interview
Risk Probability and
Impact Assessment
Identify group of experts Risk Assessment Transfer
for proposed research Collect the Information
Impact Matrix, Quality
Risk Identification analysis, MCA, Expected Monetory
Unacceptable Decision Risk rating Matrix Analytics
Conduct experts interview values analysis
tree, Quantitative Identify tools and
and group discussions Risk Analysis
analysis techniques
Modeling and Risk Categorization Data
Risk Evaluating Variance and trend Processing
Document the risk
analysis, technical
performance Cost and schedule Risk urgency
measurement analysis assessment
Consultation, Monitoring

Risk Control Document risk

identification process

Acceptance Share
Risk audit, Reserve Expert judgment
analysis, Meetings
Avoidance Document updates,
Actions and post- Project Risk Categories
Tools and Techniques review follow-up
Output/Result of Risk Drivers of Risk Management
Risk assessment, audit, Review various aspects
Management Process
reserve analysis Quality, relationship,
People etc. Physical Political
(Quality Manager,
Risk Review Delivery Manager, etc.)

Review Events
Project Management
Preparation for review
Design Operational
Figure 2.
Tool and Techniques
(Quantitative and
plan Risk Register
Performance report
Financial Technical Project risk
Qualitative, etc.) management
Services (Training, framework based
Review, Support, etc.) on Industry 4.0

services with full end-user access for various users. AL is the top layer, where the actual
communication has initiated and reflected. It also provides the facility for data transfer,
processing and analysis. This layer has many responsibilities such as full network flow, data
flow over a network, error handling and recovery. AL provides the information on the current
project status, milestones and deviation of the project. This layer is the front end of the system
where the user can enter and retrieve the data based on the requirement.
PRM process starts with risk identification and ends at the stage of risk review. The
different risks are involved in the process of construction project management, which starts
from idea generation to completion or handover of construction to the client. In this process,
many people are involved from top management level till worker level to complete the
project; different tools and techniques are used to solve the different problems that arise at
the time of project execution and take services from clients in terms of training and support
to complete the project in a given period. In the idea generation phase of the project, big data,
simulation and system integration technologies of Industry 4.0, and brainstorming and
Delphi method are helpful in the combination for risk identification. The user has to select
the Industry 4.0 technologies to collect the data and choose the appropriate method based on
available data to identify the risk involved in the project. If the data are unavailable or
insufficient to take a decision, then the user has to select qualitative analysis for risk
analysis else to use quantitative analysis, which helps to identify the critical risk involved in
the project. In the next step of project risk management, the action plan has been developed
based on a comparison between current and historical data; if the data are similar to
historical data, the same actions can be implemented, else some new suggestions can be
derived based on experts suggestions. The suggestions are derived in a way to
accept/share/reduce/avoid the risks involved in the project. At the end of the process, the
risk review was performed to know the impact of risk on project management after
BIJ improvement; if results are positive, then update the document else revise the suggestions.
28,5 In the review stage of project risk management, the system integration, big data and
simulation technologies of Industry 4.0 are useful for decision making with justifications.
In Industry 4.0 scenario, construction site were equipped with sensors, actuators,
computational systems with integrated advance and intelligent digital applications to connect
various objects present on site, which develops digital networks of objects in the local/global
1460 area network. The digital network composed of three layers, such as hardware, communication
and middleware or AL (Edirisinghe, 2018). The hardware layer of the digital network includes
sensors, tags, tablets, smartphones, embedded chips (Arduino Uno) and smart gadgets for
sensing the selected parameters and for communication. In communication layer, a wireless
local area network, a GPS, wide area network, IPs, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Zigbee technologies
needed for communication in the digital network (Edirisinghe, 2018). The middleware or AL of
digital network helps for storage, cloud computing, analysis, computation and visualization
according to the application requirements. Visualization method has invented, by integrating
real and virtual construction, job site objects in a dynamic AR scene in real time (Kamat and
Dong, 2017). A depth-sensing device and color camera were used for capturing an image of a
construction job site object, a common coordinate system helps for registering the location of
images. The CAD data and geographic information system combined to generate the AR scene
(Kamat and Dong, 2017). A conceptual model was proposed for automated data collection
technology to locate construction workers and developed labor-tracking applications, which
was used by sacks (Navon and Goldschmidt, 2003). A system was proposed to automatically
analyze workers activities task-by-task, which uses a combination of thoracic posture and
real-time location sensors data to analyze worker’s activities by encoding material handling,
and idle and travel in various zones, including the storage zone, work zone and rest zone
(Cheng et al., 2013). A labor consumption measurement system was developed based on GPS,
which helps to determine a current laborer status within the boundaries of a predefined
construction region ( Jiang et al., 2015). The above discussion helps to understand the process of
developed framework and method to generate a large amount of data for the construction
project. The next subsection discussed the different Industry 4.0 technologies with a suitable
example of a construction project.

4.1 Augmented reality (AR)

Strength: it is helpful to collect real-time data of system/equipment/customer, which can
enhance the correct decision making with evidence.
Purpose: the purpose of AR technology in PRM is to manage different risks associated
with the project by sharing the appropriate data and actions. The AR technology helps to
monitor the environmental, design, operational and technical risks of the project.
How to use for risk management: a progress-monitoring system based on AR was
always involved in collecting on-site data by using various means such as photogrammetry
and laser scanning (Fu and Liu, 2018). The collected data are then organized and further
used to compare with planned data provided by model software such as BIM or 4D-CAD,
which helps to identify the difference between the planned and current status of the project.
At last, results are compared and presented in AR environment in which different colors are
used to indicate the status of work as “behind schedule,” “on schedule,” and “ahead of
schedule” (Ahmed, Hossain and Hoque, 2017). This way, the AR helps to monitor risk
related to the construction project as a delay in project activities. The AR supports to
enhance professional training, leverage customer satisfaction, avoid rework and increase
the cost saving as a project gets completed in time, with quality.
Weakness: the installation of AR technology required specialized systems with high
computing power and programming skills, and it is also useful to manage only a few risks of
the construction project.
4.2 Big data Development
Strength: it represents high volume, velocity and variety of data, which also shows the of Project Risk
variations in data with respect to time. Management
Purpose: big data provides information related to design, finance, operation, technical
and environmental aspects of the project and it is also useful to forecast contemporary framework
issues occurring in the system and suggests the remedial measures to stop from occurring.
How to use for risk management: the big data has been captured and collected at various 1461
levels of construction projects such as the design phase, construction phase and operational
phase. Environmental data, stakeholder input, survey the construction site (Drones) and social
media discussions help to capture big data of construction project. Dozzi and AbouRizk (1993)
specified that a low level of productivity is one of the significant challenge faced by the
construction industry. The Building Information modeling (BIM) also known Virtual Design
used to respond to the significant risk, i.e. productivity. BIM is a conceptual model that
consists of object-based design, relational data base and parametric manipulation. The BIM
introduced to convert the 2D technical drawing into the 3D design. Further, developments in
BIM leverage the capability to convert a 3D drawing in 4D. BIM 4D model used for the visual
animation of projects, but fundamentally, it enables progress tracking of construction projects.
Similarly, drones are used in construction projects to know the current status. E.g. a flight of
30 mins over a 150 acres site can generate millions of data points in 3D models, which
provides the current status of the project. This way, the big data helps to monitor the
productivity of a construction project. Big data also helps to identify the different risks
involved in a construction project such as unclear design details and specifications, loose
control over subcontractors, financial risk and team performance.
Weakness: the big data has some limitation related to security, transferability,
correlations and inconsistency in data, and it also needs high configuration systems and
advanced technologies to capture, store and analyze the data.

4.3 Cybersecurity and cloud computing

Strength: it supports to share data with authorized users anywhere at any time. It also
ensures the secure transaction of data.
Purpose: the purpose of cloud computing and cybersecurity technologies in PRM is to
store captured real-time data from various sources and provide security to data. Cloud
computing has developed in a recent year and described as scalability, availability, agility,
elasticity, extensibility (Paquette et al., 2010; Tisnovsky, 2010; Subashini and Kavitha, 2011).
How to use for risk management: Ashford (2009) stated data lost as Universal Serial Bus
(USB) flash drives and laptops lost or stolen. The measurement result shows that 66 percent of
USB sticks lost, and ~ 60 percent of those contain financial data. This scenario recognized that
data loss is a critical risk involved in the project. In response to the identified risk, the cloud
computing has introduced different service levels like Software as a Service (SaaS),
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). IaaS is the lower level of
cloud computing where pre-configured hardware was provided via a virtualized interface and
PaaS is at the middle level of cloud computing, which consists of operating system and
application services. The SaaS has been included in the last level of cloud computing to offer
fully functional applications and services such as e-mail management, customer relationship
management, enterprise resource planning (Ward and Sipior, 2010). Heiser and Nicolett (2008)
said that cloud computing helps for storing and processing data in multiple unspecified
locations, often sourced from other, unnamed providers and containing data from multiple
customers. This way, cloud computing and cyber security help to provide security to data by
encryption logic; this can reduce the risk associated with data loss of the project.
Weakness: cybersecurity and cloud computing is useful to manage only two risks of the
project as data security and data loss. It also has few weaknesses as loss of control, insider
BIJ theft and unsecured application programming interface. The practical implementation of
28,5 cybersecurity and cloud computing is required to moderate the bandwidth of internet to
share or use the data of the project.

4.4 Internet of Things

Strength: this technology is useful for behavior tracking of equipment/system. It is also
1462 helpful for increasing situational awareness and promotes sensor-driven analytics.
Purpose: the IoT helps to monitor system/equipment in real time using different layers
such as equipment layer, sensor layer, condition monitoring layer, security layer and
application layer, which is useful to manage real-time risks associated with the project.
How to use for risk management: in the first step of IoT implementation, identify the
equipment on which IoT has to demonstrate. In the next step, find out the most critical
parameters to monitor based on the objectives, also find the sensors/systems to monitor the
selected parameters (temperature sensors, camera, etc.). Develop the customized system to
transfer the data with security and identify the threshold values (range) of selected parameters
for condition monitoring. In the last step of IoT, the customized dashboard has been developed
for ease of operation. The few situations are discussed below to know the working of IoT for
risk management of the construction project. Cameras are placed on the construction site at
the appropriate location to monitor inventory, human resource and construction status. The
captured photos/videos of the project on a regular interval help to monitor different risks
involved in a construction project such as delay in the project, productivity, etc. In case, if the
inventory is insufficient to complete the assigned work, then the immediate action can be
taken by the system, e.g. identifying the nearest and reliable supplier to supply the required
inventory (Rane et al., 2019). The next action taken by the system is to place the order and ask
the supplier to supply material on very urgent bases, which can avoid discontinuity of the
work. IoT is also useful for decision makers to know the status of construction and can
compare with the planning. If there is a deviation in planning, then the system provides
remedial action based on historical data. This way, system also helps to enhance the
utilization of human resources, which can enhance resource productivity.
Similarly, the smart hard hat has been designed for construction workers to monitor
body temperature and heart rate along with ambient temperature and humidity. Also, sound
and vibration alert used if the worker is at risk of heatstroke. This way, the IoT enhanced
the safety of the on-site worker and reduced the risk. The IoT technology has been adopted
by a major manufacturer of heavy construction equipment to capture real-time information
of equipment, which helps to reduce the risk such as equipment breakdown and delays in
the project. The General Electric’s has the latest Evolution Series Tier 4 Locomotive is
loaded with 250 sensors that can measure 150 thousand data points per minute. The big
captured data get analyzed and suggested corrective actions to enhanced safety, on-time
performance, equipment uptime and durability. This way, the IoT helps to assess and
monitor the risks associated with the construction projects (quality, safety, lack of
availability of materials and health, equipment breakdown and delay in the project).
Weakness: IoT has some issues related to security and privacy of data. IoT develops a
diverse network to connect various devices, and a single loophole can affect the entire system.

4.5 System integration

Strength: it helps to develop the communication and working environment between all
horizontals and verticals of an organization for the entire life cycle of a product.
Purpose: system integration is a process of combination of various computing systems
and software packages to create a more extensive system, and this helps to monitor and
manage the project risk. System integration is useful to increase system value by creating
new functionalities through the combination of sub-systems and software applications.
How to use for risk management: enterprise resource planning and IoT technology have Development
been integrated to identify the risk involved in the construction project. In IoT of Project Risk
implementation, sensors are used to capture real-time data of selected parameters for Management
system/equipment. The threshold values are required to monitor the performance of
system/equipment, which can be identified from the ERP system. As the value of selected framework
parameters breaches to the threshold value, the system helps to identify the risk involved in
the project, also suggest few remedial actions to overcome from the issue. The system 1463
integration helps to identify the different risks related to the construction project as the
unclear allocation of roles and responsibilities, complicated procedures to obtain approvals,
design risk. System integration that has been identified as a complicated procedure to obtain
approval is a critical risk based on criteria as the completeness of project and time required
to take approval from higher authority, it also makes delay in project activities. The actions
are suggested to reduce the intensity of risk such as to distribute the approval authority
appropriately based on the importance and eliminate unnecessary steps for taking approval,
which is possible by using SAP system in the organization as it has been used in most of
the world-class organization. In SAP system, all the departments of the organization, from
the design department to the manufacturing section, are integrated to share the information
related to project, which can reduce the rework and enhance the success of the project.
Therefore, system integrator used to develop the project requirements during the
preliminary or conceptual design phase, which can drastically reduce project costs and
risks, also increase the likelihood of a successful project.
Weakness: system integration implementation is complex and challenging, which needs
substantial high investment. It also involves high vendor dependency and inflexibility at the
time of operations.

4.6 Additives manufacturing

Strength: this technology increases the use of 3D printing, rapid prototype, SLS used for the
prototype. It is also helpful to reduce the development time of the product.
Purpose: AM technology is used to produce personalized products with lower
development costs, shorter lead times, less energy consumed and less material waste. It also
helps to manufacture complex parts and enables manufacturers to reduce inventory, make
products on-demand and even reduce supply chains; this way, additives manufacturing
helps to manage project risk.
How to use for risk management: the construction project is facing few risks such as a
decrease in productivity, a decrease of a skilled workforce, safety during construction,
producing large amounts of waste material and on-site transportation of materials.
Shahtaheri et al. (2017) and Kalasapudi et al. (2015) observed that the available elements or
modules on the construction site are not as per precise dimensions or tolerances, which
increased the complications of the assembly process and consumed more time as required
on-site modifications. Also, the integrity risk of the structure increased as fabricated
components cannot maintain the tight tolerances, which introduced error in assembly. The
AM helps to overcome from the above issues as it can produce the components with precise
dimensions based on the drawing. Busta (2016) represented labor costs for the Dubai Future
Foundation building was reduced by 50–80 percent using AM. AM allows customized parts
to be printed on-demand from a 3D model without significant lead time. Instead of having
multiple companies or trades producing different structural or non-structural components,
each component can be produced directly using AM after design. During the construction
project, there may be a case where components are lost or damaged and waiting for a
replacement, which causes a delay in construction activities. Owing to this reason, the loss
or damage of components identified as a critical risk and developed the technical issues.
Additives manufacturing can manufacture components on site using material jetting and
BIJ material extrusion method with minimum time consumption. This way, the AM helps to
28,5 manage risk related to the project. Similarly, there are some risks involved in construction
projects such as feasibility check and design validation after the design developed by the
architect as per the specification. The risks involved in construction project increase,
if ignored the feasibility check and design validation of design, which can develop financial
and operational risk. The AM helps to make a prototype of design and confirm the
1464 feasibility of construction and validate the design. This way, the AM helps to mitigate the
risk associated with a construction project.
Weakness: the AM consumes high production cost, required post-processing, poor
mechanical properties and limited component size/small build volume.

4.7 Simulation
Strength: this technology provides a virtual environment for system analysis and
optimization, which can help to reduce the development time and cost of system/product.
Purpose: simulation technology has been mostly used for predicting and evaluating the
performance of complex and stochastic systems, which is having interactions analytically.
It is also useful for decision making in different scenarios, and for optimization of design and
operations of the system, which can help to manage some risk of the project.
How to use for risk management: the Simulation is a process that runs in a virtual
environment with the help of appropriate tools and techniques to gain the desired output.
Ganame and Chaudhari (2015) used Monte Carlo simulation for risk analysis of construction
building at the time of project scheduling. The quantitative analysis of construction project
schedule is shown in Table V. In the simulation phase, Monte Carlo simulation was used and
run for 10,000 iterations. The result shows that the minimum completion time of the project
is 264 days and maximum time 319 days. The simulation identified that 292 days are
required to complete the project by taking into account all uncertainties and risks. The
results clearly show that it is doubtful to complete the project within 282 days (0 percent).
Moreover, there is a 100 percent chance to complete the project in 294 days (Ganame and
Chaudhari, 2015). This way, the simulation helps to monitor and mitigate the risk associated
with construction projects. The simulation also identifies the risk related to a construction
project in the domain of design, scheduling, planning and manufacturing. The identified
risks for the construction project are technical issues, unclear design details and
specifications, and project scheduling.

Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic Simulated

Activity (time in days) (time in days) (time in days) (time in days)

Foundation 27 28 33 30
Plinth 33 34 52 43
Ground floor work 23 23 32 28
1st floor 49 55 70 60
2nd floor 47 53 75 61
3rd floor 48 54 87 68
4th floor 48 53 74 61
5th floor 49 55 77 63
6th floor 49 55 77 63
7th floor 71 81 119 95
Table V.
Above 7th floor 84 99 124 104
Quantitative analysis
of construction project Completion of the project 264 282 319 292
scheduling Source: Ganame and Chaudhari (2015)
Weakness: the simulation needs model validation, which can take a long time. Simulation Development
cannot give a guarantee of accurate results; it is a compromise between accuracy and time of of Project Risk
result gaining. Management
4.8 Autonomous robot
Strength: this technology assists high flexibility and versatility for different operations, and
also ensures the safe environment to perform a complex and challenging operation. 1465
Purpose: autonomous robots are useful to perform work intelligently and accurately with
high safety, versatility and flexibility for a given period. It is also used to perform work of
critical areas where works are restricted or unable to deal with operations. This way, the
Autonomous robots are helpful to manage the risk of the project.
How to use for risk management: increase in construction projects leverages the use of
autonomous robots to serve the client and environment. The different robots are used on site to
perform various works such as a concrete distributor, concrete floor finishing robot and
attaching the ceramic tile with hybrid construction robot system (Elattar, 2008). The use of the
above-mentioned robots reduce the risk related to human health and safety, also they complete
the work efficiently with quality. The autonomous robots are also useful to identify risks such as
safety and health, unskilled workers, delay in the project, quality, environmental risk. Robotics
and automation systems can achieve the following benefits in the construction industry:
(1) Enhance the safety of workers and the public by developing and deploying
machines for dangerous jobs.
(2) Leverage the quality with higher accuracy.
(3) Increase productivity and reduced cost.
Weakness: autonomous robots required a high initial cost for complex operations and
structure. It is economical only for mass or massive construction and useful for managing a
few risks of the project.

4.9 Risk mapping with Industry 4.0 technologies

In this section, identified risks associated with a construction project have mapped with
Industry 4.0 technologies as shown in Table VI. In the mapping table “Y- The technology
helps to monitor the risk associated with a construction project,” and “N- The technology
does not help to monitor the risk associated with a construction project.” The risk
R1-Technical issues, monitor and mitigate by augmented reality, big data, cloud computing
cyber security, system integration, additives manufacturing, simulation and autonomous
robot. Similarly, all risks are mapped with suitable technologies of Industry 4.0 based on the
understanding of purpose, strength and weakness of each technology. Table VII shows the
mapping of Industry 4.0 technologies with the PRM process. IoT, system integration, big
data, cybersecurity and cloud computing technologies help to manage most of the identified
risks associated with a construction project.

5. Implementation of PRM framework using IoT technology

In this phase of the paper, IoT technology has been selected for demonstration of the
developed framework, as IoT technology covers different technologies of Industry 4.0 such
as big data, cloud computing, simulation and system integration. The construction industry
also needs different types of heavy equipment (excavator, bulldozer and many more) to
perform different functions (soil excavation and leveling) and to complete the project on time
with quality. Heavy equipment also involved different risks, which can reduce the success
rate of the construction project. This situation motivates to select IoT technology and heavy
equipment to demonstrate the developed framework. In the demonstration stage, experts
BIJ Industry 4.0 technologies
28,5 Cloud Internet
Augmented Big computing of System Additives Autonomous
Risk reality data cybersecurity Things integration manufacturing Simulation robot

R1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
R2 Y Y N N Y N Y N
1466 R3 N Y N N Y N Y N
R4 N N Y N Y N N N
R5 N Y Y Y Y N Y Y
R6 Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
R7 N Y Y Y Y N Y N
R8 N Y Y Y Y N Y Y
R9 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
R10 N Y Y N Y N N N
R11 Y Y Y Y Y N N Y
R12 Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
R13 N Y Y N Y N N N
R14 N Y Y Y Y N N N
R15 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y
R16 N Y Y Y Y N N N
R17 N Y Y N Y N Y N
Table VI. R18 Y Y Y Y Y N N N
Risk mapping with R19 N Y Y Y Y N Y N
Industry 4.0 R20 N Y N Y Y N N N
technologies R21 N Y Y Y Y N N N

have suggested few parameters (vibration, noise and fuel consumption (Potdar and Rane,
2018)) for real-time risk management of heavy equipment and only considered particular
risks that can be monitored using selected parameters. The detailed IoT process has shown
in Figure 3 with the PRM process for heavy equipment.
The IoT process starts with the equipment layer and ends at the application layer. The
equipment layer helps to identify the different equipment associated in the construction
project, and the sensor layer of the framework supports to monitor the selected parameters
of equipment. The IoT framework is also integrated with the PRM process to monitor the
risk associated with the construction project. The detailed PRM process discussed below
and also demonstrated the IoT framework.

5.1 Risk identification

Risk identification is the initial stage of risk management, which helps to investigate the
different risks involved in a construction project, especially in heavy equipment. Equipment
layer, sensor layer and monitoring layer of IoT framework are useful layers to identify the risk
involved in heavy equipment. In this research, excavator and bulldozer are considered in risk
identification stage. The details of the risk associated with heavy equipment are as shown in
Table VIII. The given parameters have mapped with the risk, as shown in Table VIII, which
represents that most of the risks monitored by vibration and noise parameter.

5.2 Data collection plan

Data collection plan is useful to answer a few questions related to data collection. The data
collection plan has been developed and shown in Table IX. Eight heavy equipment were
selected from each category to optimize the time and computation efforts. The data were
captured in an interval of 5 min to reduce the data volume and velocity, which helps to run
the system smoothly.
Steps for project risk management
Sr. Industry 4.0
no. technologies Risk identification Risk assessment Risk prioritization Respond the risk Risk monitor

1 Augmented Delay in project activities

Assessment based on cost, time Identify the Identify alternative for Develop a system to
reality and breakdown of heavy and effort breakdown of heavy equipment and arrange mechanic monitor equipment
equipment equipment as a for maintenance health
critical risk
2 Big data Unclear design details and Compare with standard design Identify potential risk Review the design critically from Develop a mechanism for
specifications, loose as unclear design all aspects. critical design review
control over details and
subcontractors specifications
3 Cloud Technical issues and Data and information shared Recognized technical Integrate the One Time Password Develop an encrypted
computing financial risk. used for assessment. issues as a critical mechanism to share the data and coded system for security
cybersecurity Assessment based on the risk information of data
number of sanction project
4 Internet of Lack of availability of Assessment based on project Identify lack of Identify the nearest material Develop a system for live
Things materials and equipment, completeness availability of supplier tracking of inventory and
team performance risk materials and equipment
equipment as a
critical risk
5 System Unclear allocation of roles Project completeness and time Complex procedures Eliminate the unnecessary steps Develop a system to
integration and responsibilities, required to get approvals to obtain approval as for approval and distribute the check pending approval
complex procedures to critical risk approval authority appropriately and speed up the process
obtain approvals of approval
6 Additives Technical issues, unclear Assess based on Technical issues Identify alternative material for Develop a system to
manufacturing design details and implementation point of view recognized as a product and check all GD & T check all CTQ and GD &
specifications and to check the feasibility of significant risk and CTQs T critically
the design
7 Simulation Technical issues, unclear Used stress analysis and GD&T Technical issues Change the GD & T, Identify Develop a methodology
design details and for assessment detected as a critical alternative design/material for for simulation
specifications risk the product
8 Autonomous Safety and health, Assessment is done based on Critical risk as safety Conduct safety training regularly Develop a mechanism to
robot unskilled workers accidents and quality of work and health to increase awareness and monitor frequency and
confidence. The robot used for type of accident
risky operations


4.0 technologies with

of Project Risk

Table VII.

the PRM process

Mapping of industry
28,5 Identify risk status and action taken
Proper planning of maintenance Risk Monitor Application layer

Schedule the maintenance

Arrange mechanic and required Respond the Risk
1468 inventory for repair
Security layer

Identify threshold values of selected

parameters Condition
Risk Prioritization
Prioritization risk based on threshold Monitoring layer

Identify parameters to monitor

equipment health (vibration, noise) Risk Assessment Sensor layer
Install sensors to monitor selected

Figure 3. Equipment breakdown

Equipment Maintenance Risk Identification Equipment layer
PRM framework Planning and Scheduling
based on IoT
technology Implementation Risk Management IoT Framework

Parameters help to
Risk category Risk code Risks associated with heavy equipment identify risk

Physical risk P-1 Sudden break down of equipment Vibration and noise
P-2 Critical damage to the equipment component Vibration and noise
Financial risk F-1 Delay in a project owing to equipment break down Vibration and noise
F-2 Increase in maintenance cost Vibration and noise
Operational risk O-1 Fuel theft Fuel consumption
O-2 Increase in vibration level of equipment Vibration and noise
Environmental risk E-1 Increase in CO2 emission Fuel consumption
Table VIII. E-2 Increase in noise level Vibration and noise
Risk associated with Technical risk T-1 Uncertainty in equipment Vibration and noise
heavy equipment T-2 Unavailability of equipment Vibration and noise

Sr. no. Subject head Details

1 Select the heavy equipment Bulldozer and excavator

2 How many heavy equipment must be selected for each Collected data for 8 heavy equipment of each
category? category
3 How to capture the data of selected parameters? Using sensors
4 What is the frequency of data collection? 5 min
Table IX. 5 Who has collected the data? GPS, Wi-Fi module, Smartphone
Data collection plan 6 Which type of data has been captured? Continuous stream
5.3 Data collection method Development
Data collection process ends with the step of the data collection method, which use to of Project Risk
develop the check sheet and collect the relevant data as shown in Table X. The sensors are Management
placed on the existing eight heavy equipment of each category to capture the data in the
time interval of 5 min, which generates a maximum of 288 entries per day for a single framework
parameter. The same number of entries expected for other parameters, which generates big
data. In the next step, the captured data by sensors are available on the local area network. 1469
Then, it is sent to cloud with the help of the transmitter and receiver mechanism. The data
have been securely stored on the cloud and shared with the construction manager, design
engineer and mechanic to make a decision, which is known as the AL of the system.

5.4 Risk assessment

Risk assessment is the process of identification of critical risk that could negatively impact
on organizations. There are two approaches to assess risks such as qualitative and
quantitative methods. In this research, the qualitative method is used for risk assessment.
The experts are also involved in assessing the identified risk in the scale of low to the high
impact of risk and probability of risk. The different layers of the framework are useful to
assess the identified risk, such as sensor layer, condition monitoring layer and cloud
computing. The finalized risk assessment matrix is shown in Figure 4, which shows the
probability of risk on the horizontal axis and the impact of risk on the vertical axis in the
range from low to high. The assessment shows that the risk code P-1 and T-1 involved a
high probability of risk, and the impact of risk on human and equipment is high. Similarly,
risk P-2 and O-2 have a medium probability of risk with the high impact of risk on human

Equipment ID no. Fuel consumption (liters) Vibration (m/s2) Noise (dB)

Bulldozer B-1 138.7 1.3 94.6

B-2 128.3 17 101.6
B-3 120.4 1.8 138.8
Excavator E-1 112.7 1.3 119.6 Table X.
E-2 104.8 1.4 121.5 Data collection
E-3 108.6 1.9 119.2 check sheet

E-2 P-2, O-2 P-1, T-1

High (3)
Impact of Risk

P-1, F-1 E-1

Low (1) Medium (2)

O-1 F-2 T-2

Low (1) Medium (2) High (3) Figure 4.

Risk assessment
Probability of Risk Matrix
BIJ and equipment. This assessment identified risk P-1, and T-1 are critical risks for heavy
28,5 equipment, i.e. the sudden breakdown of equipment and uncertainty in equipment.

5.5 Risk prioritization

The risk prioritization is also a significant step in the PRM process. Many MCDM methods
and decision tree technique are available for prioritization of risk. In this paper, the
1470 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has been demonstrated as it is one of the most
popular analytical techniques for complex decision making and also compares the
alternative with each other. The weight of each risk has been computed by adopting
the standard steps of AHP method discussed by Rao (2007). The different layers of the
framework, such as the application layer, cloud computing layer and condition monitoring
layer, are useful for risk prioritization. The AHP method computed weights for each risk are
shown in Figure 5, which shows that the risk T-1 has received maximum weight, i.e. 0.493.
Similarly, weights of other risks are P-1 (0.171), E-1(0.094), E-2 (0.0745) and O-2 (0.0745).
The analysis identified the top five risks involved in heavy equipment are uncertainty in
equipment, sudden breakdown of equipment, increase in CO2 emission, increase in noise
level and increase in vibration level of equipment.

5.6 Respond the risk

Risk response is the method for controlling identified critical risks by planning and
decision-making process. There are different types of risk responses, such as avoid,
mitigate, reduce, transfer, accept, share and contingency. The developed response for critical
risk discussed in Table XI, which helps to reduce the intensity of critical risk.

Weight of Risk
0.5 Weights
T-1 O-1
P-1 0.15 P-2

E-1 F-2

Figure 5. E-2 T-2

Radiated diagram
for risk weights
Sr. no. Risk Response
of Project Risk
1 Uncertainty in equipment Develop a system for real-time monitoring of equipment Management
Monitor the equipment parameters (fuel consumption, framework
noise and vibration) on real time
Monitor the equipment maintenance activities intensively
2 Sudden break down of equipment Develop a mechanism to monitor performance parameters 1471
of equipment
Perform and check schedule maintenance activities
3 Increase in CO2 emission Develop a system for real-time monitoring of fuel
consumption and CO2 emission Table XI.
4 Increase in noise level Monitor noise and vibration level of equipment Response for
5 Increase in vibration level of equipment Monitor noise and vibration level of equipment critical risks

5.7 Risk monitor

Risk monitoring is an ongoing process of managing and tracking of PRM execution. It is
also continuing to identify and manage new risks. In this work, the developed framework
has been used to monitor the parameters of the equipment, which helps to identify the risk
and actions. The parameter threshold values are identified and monitored, such as noise
level range for equipment varies from 80 dB to 120 dB. If the noise level of equipment
breached to the upper limit, then the framework has identified the risk as well as gives the
action to reduce the intensity of risk. E.g., the noise recorded as 132 dB for Bulldozer “B-2”
identified different risks such as P-1, P-2, F-1, F-2, O-2, E-2, T-1 and T-2. In the next step, the
critical risk has been identified based on the impact and probability of risk as discussed in
section 5.4. The first response is given to critical risk to reduce the intensity and impact of
risk on the project. Further, the response is given to all identified risk to reduce the risk
probability as less as possible, which can ensure the success rate of the project. This way,
the framework monitors the risks associated with heavy equipment, as shown in Figure 6.

6. Results and discussion

The paper illustrates PRM for the construction project and Industry 4.0 technologies based
on purpose, strength and weakness approach. It also shows the usage of Industry 4.0
technologies for PRM of construction industries, as the growing demands of customers,
stakeholders and professionals increased complexity in projects. However, the construction
industry has a positive impact on saving energy and resource consumptions over the period.
In the PRM process, the construction industries must identify, assess, monitor and control

Noise level Monitoring



Noise level dB

Lower limit
110 Noise level
Upper limit


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Figure 6.
Noise level monitoring
Number of observations
BIJ risks throughout the design and development process of a project to minimize the likelihood
28,5 of risk hazards. The effective PRM can be achieved based on understanding the risks
related to the project and their interactions with Industry 4.0 technologies, which helps to
integrate Industry 4.0 technologies with PRM for real-time risk management. In the
demonstration stage of the developed framework, IoT technology has been implemented to
manage risk associated with heavy equipment of the construction industry. The suggested
1472 parameters by experts help to monitor equipment health and performance, which also
supports to monitor different risk associated with equipment. In risk identification stage, ten
risks have been identified for heavy equipment in five categories of project risks. The AHP
method has identified top five risks involved in heavy equipment that are as follows: first,
uncertainty in equipment, second, sudden break down of equipment, third, increase in CO2
emission, fourth, increase in noise level and fifth, increase in vibration level of equipment, in
the prioritization stage of project risk management. Uncertainty in equipment and sudden
break down of equipment identified as the critical risks based on computed weights by
AHP method. The action plan has been developed to leverage the usage of Industry 4.0
technologies for PRM. In the monitoring stage, the real-time data have been compared with
the upper and lower limit of selected parameters to monitor the risk involved in the project.
Industry 4.0 has few barriers for implementation, such as sensor technology, process
digitization, data analysis, fog computing, infrastructure standardization, semantic
interoperability, smart devices development, cyber-physical systems (CPS) modeling and
modeling integration, CPS standards and specifications, automation system virtualization,
collaboration and coordination, design challenges, interfacing and network, compatibility,
investment cost, smart services, product technology improvement, eco-efficiency of
technological processes, global standards and data sharing protocols and security (Rajput
and Singh, 2019). These barriers develop some challenges to implement Industry 4.0 in the
construction industry, which has discussed below in section 6.1, and few strategies are
proposed for PRM based on Industry 4.0 technologies.
Financial challenges: Industry 4.0 technologies are still growing and facing financial
challenges for implementation beyond laboratory experiments (Khoury and Kamat, 2009).
The technology adoption in the industry involves a huge cost of equipment, which acts as a
barrier for technology adoption (Wu et al., 2010).
Technology standardization: Technology standardization is an essential need in
construction industry to implement Industry 4.0 technologies, such as the standardization of
RFIDs and tags are highlighted as a need in construction industry. Goodrum et al. (2006) and
Erdogan et al. (2010) emphasized the requirement of standardization of regulations and
policies for adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. In the market, there are various suppliers
and service providers of hardware and software with different specifications and
capabilities owing to which it is challenging to develop standardization of technology for the
adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in practice.
Technology limitations: The main technological layers of the future smart construction site
are sensor/hardware, communication and application/software. However, hardware and
sensors are the most essential part of smart construction, but limited battery life, sensitivity,
low reliability, accuracy and computation power present challenges, for example Yi et al.
(2016) used smart bracelet for heart rate monitoring, but malfunction during site testing and
( Jiang et al., 2015) reported accuracy of hardware/sensors depends on external systems.

6.1 Strategies for PRM using Industry 4.0 technologies

The following strategies have been suggested for PRM using Industry 4.0 technologies.
Strategy 1: Integrate technologies of Industry 4.0, such as big data, system integration,
simulation, augmented reality, cloud computing and cybersecurity to develop a clear vision
and mission statement of the project.
Strategy 2: Risk identification must be started at an early stage of project management Development
where big data, system integration and simulation technologies are used in combination for of Project Risk
effective project risk validation. Management
Strategy 3: AR must be used to build awareness related to PRM efforts by training the
employees to understand the impact of risk in projects using the virtual environment. framework
Strategy 4: Industry 4.0 technologies such as IoT, big data, simulation and system
integration must be used in combination to develop a systematic real-time PRM process. 1473
Strategy 5: Project team members must combine cloud computing, cybersecurity and
system integration technologies in practice for effective communications within and outside
the organization with respect to project risk management.
Strategy 6: Integrate simulation and system integration technologies of Industry 4.0 to
motivate cross-functional teamwork and to improve the efficiency of collaboration and
open communication.
Strategy 7: The simulation, big data and system integration technologies of Industry 4.0
must be combinedly adopted in project management practices for a realistic estimation of
project cost and time.
Strategy 8: Integrate system integration and big data technologies to revise the PRM
proposal, teams and responsibilities for effective project risk management.
Strategy 9: System integration must be used to derive rewards and incentives to be
offered for managing the significant risk associated with the project.
Strategy 10: System integration and big data technologies must be used to establish risk
management structure of an organization for defining roles and responsibilities of project
team members.

7. Conclusion
The construction industries are aligning towards the smart city, and Industry 4.0
technologies have the potential to encash the opportunities for PRM of smart city and digital
world. This paper aims to represent the general scenario of PRM using Industry 4.0
technologies and identify 21 risks of the construction project based on a comprehensive LS.
The strength and weakness approach gives useful insights into Industry 4.0 technologies
and understands its applicability. The demonstration of a developed framework was more
straightforward and effective by using IoT technology for PRM of heavy equipment used in
a construction project.
In the monitoring stage, the identified parameters have to monitor on a real-time basis for
risk management. The risk identification should be made in the initial phase of the project,
which can help the organization to develop strategies for PRM. The risk management team
has to define risks clearly and proactively address risks consistently throughout the project.
PRM practitioners must adopt suitable technology of Industry 4.0 to reduce the adverse
effect of risk management efforts. If industry experts give attention to identified challenges,
then the issue related to data sharing across the system/process would be error-free with
minimum human involvement. Adoption of the developed framework makes PRM more
efficient as all the departments are integrated, and data are readily available on the cloud.
Integrated Industry 4.0–PRM framework helps construction industry experts to monitor
labor activities, equipment and raw material status and safety to complete the project in
stipulated time. The usage of developed strategies can leverage PRM in the context of
Industry 4.0.

7.1 Limitations and future directions

The identified risks are specific for the case under consideration and may vary
with respect to project complexity and geographical location. The primary focus of this
paper is to develop the PRM framework based on Industry 4.0 technologies.
BIJ Risk prioritization and categorization are specific to the case, but can be modified and
28,5 efficiently applied for other cases.
For future research actions, an assessment model can be designed to assess the risk
index in a new construction project. Also, risk measures can be proposed to mitigate risk.
The derived conclusions are based on a particular case; hence, some similar studies need to
be carried in the future. The risk analysis can be performed using other techniques, and the
1474 results can be compared.

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construction equipment technology diffusion”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural
Management, Vol. 24 No. 6, pp. 1203-1221, doi: 10.1108/ECAM-06-2016-0149.

About the authors

Dr Santosh B. Rane, PhD and MTech, is Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Reliability
Expert and CII Certified Supply Chain Executive. He is working as Dean Academics in
Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai. He has over 25 years of quality
improvement and problem solving experience in various industries. He is also
Corporate Trainer and Consultant. He has conducted workshops on Lean Six Sigma,
JIT, Reliability Engineering, Project Management, Kaizen led Innovation, TPM and
SMED. He has driven improvement in the areas of HR, supply chain, production,
reliability, operations, quality and project management. He is Editorial-Board Member and Reviewer
for International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management, Inderscience Publishers. He is
Reviewer for Journal of Production & Manufacturing Research of Taylor Francis, International Journal
of Six Sigma & Competitive Advantage of Inderscience Publications, Benchmarking: International
Journal of Emerald publication. He has also contributed as Advisory Committee Member for many
International Conferences.
Prathamesh Ramkrishana Potdar is working as Assistant Professor in Rajiv Gandhi Development
Institute of Technology and Research Scholar at SPCE. His research area includes of Project Risk
project risk management, IoT, big data analytics, reliability engineering, product
development and design, reliability analysis, business analytics, stress analysis. He is Management
also associated with L&T switch gears as design and reliability engineer for MCCB. framework
He has contributed toward reliability improvement of MCCB mechanism. He actively
participates in international conferences. He is also exploring the usage of Industry 4.0
technologies to enhance the project risk management practices of Asset Propelled Industries. 1481
Prathamesh Ramkrishana Potdar is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Dr Suraj Rane, Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Goa College
of Engineering, Goa, India has a total of 21 years of teaching experience and 1 year of
industrial experience. He has completed his BE (Mechanical Engineering) and ME
(Industrial Engineering) from Goa University, India and PhD in Reliability
Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. He was Chairman
of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), Goa Chapter (2016–2019). He is
the recipient of “Chairman Special Award 2017” by IIIE for continuous innovative
development of Industrial engineering in its operations and significant encouragement to the
industries in India. He was awarded AIAP Early Career Research Award 2018 in appreciation and
recognition of his work in the area of Reliability Modeling, by Association of Inventory Academicians
and Practitioners, New Delhi, India. He was the Chairman Board of Studies in BE (Mechanical
Engineering) and ME (Industrial Engineering) of Goa University. He is the member of various
professional bodies like QCI, ISTE, ORSI, SAE-INDIA, IAPQR, SREQOM, SRESA, IISA and ISPS. He is
in the reviewer panel of various international journals in the areas of quality, reliability and
maintenance engineering. He was member of Technical Advisory Committee of Goa State Pollution
Control Board. His areas of interest are quality engineering, reliability engineering, maintenance
engineering, six sigma and optimization studies.

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