10.1007@978 981 13 6416 725
10.1007@978 981 13 6416 725
10.1007@978 981 13 6416 725
1 Introduction
physical phenomenon flow past oscillating cylinder. When circular cylinder oscil-
lation frequency equal to vortex formation frequency, the fundamental lock-in
regions occurred which is found by Williamson and Roshko [1]. They also clas-
sified the wake pattern in accordance with wavelength. Guilmineau and Queutey [2]
numerically examined vortex shedding in-line oscillation and cross-flow oscillation
from circular cylinder. As the frequency of oscillation cylinder increases relative to
natural vortex formation frequency, the primarily formed concentration of vorticity
moves nearer to the cylinder until a minimum position is reached.
Okajima et al. [3] experimentally studied flow induced in-line oscillations for
circle and rectangular-shaped cylinder of various side ratios. From flow visualiza-
tion images, they determined that the shape of body has major impact in in-line
oscillation. Dutta [4] extensively examined stationary as well as oscillating square
cylinder wake pattern in the range of Reynolds number 100–600. As the oscillation
frequency increases, the recirculation zone length behind the cylinder reduces
significantly which directly contracts the time-averaged drag force acting on
A very few researchers numerically studied flow over stationary elliptical
cylinder as well as rotationally oscillating elliptical cylinder by varying Reynolds
number and aspect ratio. As the steady secondary vortex shedding formed behind
the elliptical cylinder, the variation of drag and Strouhal number is noted by Joshan
et al. [5]. The local minimum RMS value of lift coefficient and local maximum
value of drag coefficient for rotationally oscillating cylinder are found at natural
vortex shedding frequency of elliptical cylinder [6].
In the present research, two-dimensional laminar flow over oscillating circular-,
square- and elliptical-shaped cylinders is examined using commercial code
FLUENT with special feature of dynamic mesh. User-defined function
(UDF) facility of Fluent is used to give simple harmonic motion to cylinder. The
purpose of the present numerical study is to identify major changes in wake pattern
and the hydrodynamic forces on the cylinder due to the change in geometrical
shape, variation of frequency, and amplitude ratio.
2 Computational Approach
@q @u @v
þ þ ¼0 ð1Þ
@t @x @y
Numerical Investigation of Two-Dimensional Laminar … 263
V ð yÞ ¼ Ax cosðxtÞ ð4Þ
CL ¼ ð5Þ
1=2qV 2 D
CD ¼ ð6Þ
1=2qV 2 D
where CL and CD are lift coefficient and drag coefficient. Fi and Fj are drag and lift
forces in x- and y-direction, respectively.
The schematic computational flow domain for oscillating cylinder is shown in
Fig. 1. Circular-, square- and elliptical-shaped cylinders are considered in the
present investigation. The equivalent hydraulic diameter D for various geometrical
shape cylinders is 0.01 m. The computational flow domain is divided into two
parts. The 6D 6D square domain surrounding the cylinder is the first part. The
first part is meshed with dynamic mesh, which will oscillate with the cylinder. The
remaining region is the second part. Length and width of computational domain in
terms of equivalent hydraulic diameter D as well as boundary conditions used for
present analysis are shown in Fig. 1. Computational flow domain modeling and
meshing are done in GAMBIT software. FLUENT software is used for the current
numerical study.
264 A. Dekhatawala and R. Shah
3 Numerical Validation
Fig. 2 Comparisons of C D
and CLrms for oscillating
circular cylinder with
Guilmineau and Queutey [2]
for Re = 185, Ar = 0.2
time-averaged drag coefficient (C D ) and root means square lift coefficient (CLrms )
values. Figure 2 shows good quantitative agreement for the values CD and CLrms
between present investigation with those obtained by Guilmineau and Queutey [2].
The detail quantitative information about derived variables which are the C D , CLrms
and vorticity of various geometrical shape cylinders undergoing transversally
oscillating motion at different frequency ratio with amplitude ratio are presented in
this section. The range of frequency ratio for cylinder is 0.8–1.2, while the oscil-
lation amplitude is between 30 and 50% of the cylinder equivalent hydraulic
diameter. The vortex shedding frequency (fo) of different geometrical shapes of
stationary cylinder is obtained from non-dimensional Strouhal number which is
defined as
fo D
St ¼ ð7Þ
The full periodicity in the flow has been established when the cylinder reached to
maximum displacement so vorticity isolines contour of all cases has been taken
t = 2s/4 (when cylinder reaches at maximum positive displacement). Clockwise
266 A. Dekhatawala and R. Shah
Fig. 3 Vorticity isolines contour for circular cylinder at Re = 185, Ar = 0.5 at t = 2s/4. a fr = 0.8,
b fr = 1 and c fr = 1.2
vortices formed from top side of all geometrical shape cylinders. Anticlockwise
vortices formed from bottom side of all geometrical shape cylinders. At fr = 0.8, the
vortex has enough time to stretch in longitudinal direction before detachment from
cylinder surface which can be observed from Fig. 3a. The resulting wake formation
mode behind cylinder is 2S mode or karman street-type wake. This flow behavior
shows good agreement with experimental studies of Williamson and Roshko [1].
When circular cylinder oscillating frequency is equal to vortex shedding frequency,
the well-known lock-in occurs. In this fundamental lock-in region, there are four
vortices are shaded during complete cycle of oscillation. Figure 3b shows that
vortex is less stretched in longitudinal direction compare to fr = 0.8 and resulting
wake formation is still 2S mode. When circular cylinder is oscillated higher than
natural vortex shedding frequency, vortex is detached from cylinder surface without
stretching in longitudinal direction which is found from Fig. 3c. The resulting wake
Numerical Investigation of Two-Dimensional Laminar … 267
(a) (b)
behind the cylinder is 2P mode in which vortex pair is shaded from the wake
centerline. The similar wake pattern is obtained by Williamson and Roshko [1] for
the same conditions.
The plots of CD and CLrms for circular cylinder as a function of frequency ratio
with various amplitude ratios are shown, respectively, in Fig. 4a, b. The linear
increment in C D is found up to fr = 1 for Ar = 0.3 and 0.4, while for Ar = 0.5, it is
up to fr = 1.1. At fr > 1, the value of CD is decreased. This is due to vortex
detachment from cylinder surface quickly without stretching in longitudinal
direction. There is small linear rise in the value of CLrms up to fr = 1 and after that
sudden rise in value of CLrms for all Ar. The maximum value of CLrms is observed at
fr = 1.2.
Fig. 5 Vorticity isolines contour for square cylinder at Re = 185, Ar = 0.5 at t = 2s/4. a fr = 0.8,
b fr = 1 and c fr = 1.2
structure formation due to oscillation behind square cylinder is in 2S mode for all
frequency ratio while in circular cylinder, 2S mode wake structure up to fr = 1 and
at fr > 1, 2P mode wake structure is observed.
Figure 6a, b shows the plot of C D and CLrms for square cylinder as a function of
frequency ratio with various amplitude ratios. The value of C D for square cylinder is
higher compared to circular cylinder for all cases. The lowest value of CD is
observed at fr = 1 in square cylinder while maximum value of C D is found in
circular cylinder at the same frequency ratio. In case of circular cylinder, the value
of CLrms rises continuously with increasing frequency ratio and amplitude ratio
while the CLrms value is increasing in between fr < 1 and fr > 1 for square cylinder.
Numerical Investigation of Two-Dimensional Laminar … 269
(a) (b)
The vorticity isolines contour of oscillating elliptical cylinder shows the effect on
the flow field in Fig. 7 for various frequency ratio, Re = 185 and Ar = 0.5 at t = 2s/
4. Ellipse is streamlined object so vortices formation started at the beginning of
horizontal centerline of ellipse. When elliptical cylinder oscillates transversally at
270 A. Dekhatawala and R. Shah
(a) (b)
lower than natural vortex shedding frequency, vortices are stretched in longitudinal
direction up to surface of elliptical cylinder then elongated in lateral direction. As
the oscillation, frequency is equal to natural vortex shedding frequency or higher
than, vortices are stretched in lateral direction and detached vortices are concen-
trated near the rear surface of ellipse. The vortex shedding formation mode is 2S
mode for all frequency ratio.
The plots of C D and CLrms for elliptical cylinder as a function of frequency ratio
with various amplitude ratios are presented in Fig. 8a, b. C D and CLrms rise linearly
for all cases of elliptical cylinder. The maximum value of C D of and CLrms elliptical
cylinder found at fr = 1.2 for all Ar.
5 Conclusions
1. Williamson CHK, Roshko A (1988) Vortex formation in the wake of an oscillating cylinder.
J Fluid Struct 2:355–381
2. Guilmineau E, Queutey P (2002) A numerical simulation of vortex shedding from an
oscillating circular cylinder. J Fluid Struct 16(6):773–794
3. Okajima A, Yasuda T, Iwasaki T (2000) Flow visualization of in-line oscillation of a cylinder
with circular or rectangular section. In: 6th triennial international symposium on flow control,
measurement and flow visualization, F1048, Sherbrooke (Qc)
4. Dutta S (2006) Sensitivity of a square cylinder wake to orientation and oscillation in the
intermediate Reynold number regime, Ph.D. Thesis, Kanpur
5. Johnson SA, Thompson MC, Hourigan K (2001) Flow past elliptical cylinders at low Reynolds
numbers. In: 14th Australasian fluid mechanics conference, pp 343–350. Adelaide
6. Alawadhi EM (2015) Numerical simulation of flow past an elliptical cylinder undergoing
rotationally oscillating motion. J Fluid Eng 137:031106-1–031106-9