This study will follow seven (7) phases, as shown below in Figure 4, namely: Phase
I– Collection of Samples; Phase II– Arsenic Content Testing; Phase III– Collection and
Preparation; Phase IV– Ex Vivo Testing; Phase V– In Vivo Quantitative Testing; Phase
VI– Statistical Analysis; and Phase VII– Disposal, Risk, and Safety. The In Vivo arsenic
content testing will be done at the selected laboratories in the Philippines and the Ex Vivo
testing will be done in a controlled setting in the Municipality of Carmen, and if possible,
The soil and water samples used in the control and experimental groups will be
collected from a rice field in the vicinity of Barangay Salvacion, Municipality of Carmen.
The soil will be collected from an actual rice field, while the water will be extracted from
Actual rice plants will be gathered from a rice field in Salvacion, Carmen. Six (6)
rice stalks, alongside a few packets of seedlings, will be collected and purchased from the
vicinity. An agriculturist will review the plants to ensure that the rice plants are of similar
age and appropriate to be transplanted. After the verification by the agriculturist, the rice
stalks will then be transplanted into a pot with a flooded condition to imitate the paddy
field setting as much as possible. During this process, The researchers will follow a readily
accessible local farmer on how to correctly cultivate the young rice plants so that there are
few to no fatalities of rice plants. Meanwhile, a few rice stalks and a few seedlings will be
tested for their arsenic content through a fluorescence spectrometer to determine the
baseline and the initial amount of arsenic in our samples to set the statistical basis for our
500g of pure oxalic acid (COOH2) will be purchased from Chemi-Source Unlimited
Corporation (Sasa, Davao City) or a pharmacy/laboratory that sells this product. If certain
circumstances make both sources impossible, oxalic acid will be purchased online instead.
Collection of Citric Acid
Although it may be less costly to produce citric acid through manual extraction, it is
deemed time-consuming and inefficient because only a few grams will be produced in such
a lengthy process (7-14 days on average). 1 The most practical option would be to purchase
citric acid from Chemi-Source Unlimited Corporation (Sasa, Davao City) or a local
administration of soil, while 250g of monohydrate citric acid will be for the water samples.
The researchers will test the soil samples for its arsenic content and its
concentration to determine the range of arsenic content, and to determine the amount of As
in statistically accurate and unbiased calculations through the staged sequential extraction
solid materials. This method goes through a 5-step process, based on the exact procedures
1 Nile Red, “Extracting the citric acid from lemons,” NileRed, January 15, 2017, YouTube video, 16:20,
2 Lee, Myeong Eun, Eun-Ki Jeon, Jong-Gook Kim, and Kitae Baek. "Oxalic Acid-based Remediation of Arsenic-contaminated Soil." Journal of Soil and
Groundwater Environment 23, no. 1 (2018): 85-91.
re 6.
After collecting 2g of soil sample for this process, non-specific adsorption will
follow. Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4)] will be used as an extractant for this process. The
resultant solution will be shaken using an overhead shaker for four (4) hours before going
The next step is the conversion of amorphous hydrous oxide of iron (Fe) and
aluminum (Al) to crystal form by utilizing an ammonium-oxalate buffer through four (4)
hours of shaking in the absence of visible light. The residual chemical component will be
treated with 1% aqua regia (HNO₃+3 HCl) while being heated in a water bath at 80
28°C for twenty (20) hours (which takes 2 days considering the sunlight), crushed, and then
sieved considering homogeneity, where only fine particles (specifically at sizes of less than
The soil samples will then be analyzed through atomic fluorescence spectrometry
3 Ullah, Aman, Yibing Ma, Jumei Li, Nazia Tahir, and Babar Hussain. "Effective amendments on cadmium, arsenic, chromium and lead contaminated
paddy soil for rice safety." Agronomy 10, no. 3 (2020): 359.
using an x-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The procedure will be done at the Philippine
The soil samples to be used in the experiment should result as arsenic-positive, but
the amount of arsenic is to be determined by the quantitative analysis from the physicists at
The testing of the arsenic content level in the water samples will be done through a
wastewater analysis using the nitric acid leaching method with the help of professional
scientists at the University of the Immaculate Conception Science Resource Center (UIC-
SRC) in Davao City. The water samples tested should result as arsenic-positive to be used
in the study.
To determine the statistical baseline for the arsenic content in rice, an untreated rice
stalk will be tested. Three segments from the rice plant (root, stem, grain/husk) will be
pruned out of a fresh plant sample, and three samples of each segment will be sent to the
spectrometer after the sequential extraction process (see fig. 6) to accurately determine the
arsenic content of the rice, as well as the type of arsenic. The samples will be tested for
Before the experimental phase begins, the researchers will gather documents and
papers necessary for the execution of specific experiment methods, as some can be
hazardous when done without caution. Based on the templates released by the Society for
Science and the Public, the following forms will be produced, disseminated, and signed
● Adult Sponsor and Safety Assessment Form (for the parents of the research
● Approval Form (for the research adviser, the research proponents, and their
parents) 5
● Human Informed Consent Form (for the research proponents signifying that
everyone understands the potential risks, terms, and conditions that come
In preparation for the mixture to be administered to the soil, the anhydrous citric acid
and oxalic acid components will be mixed heterozygously into one solution without
interrupting its chemical composition. Both acids have similar color and look, so it would
be challenging to discern. The oxalic and citric acid mixture that will be prepared will
fertilizer at a constant amount and will be utilized to the different experimental samples.7
Oxalic acid and citric acid have pH levels of less than 2 and can potentially alter the
pH levels of the rice soil and water, making them more acidic. This is why boron fertilizer
will be used, which will counteract the solution’s acidity without affecting the chelating
properties. Not only will this help control the pH level of the soil, but this will also help
Meanwhile, 250 mL of oxalic acid and monohydrate citric acid solution will be
The researchers will set up four (4) sets of soil and water samples. The first one will
be the control group (T1), where no treatment will be applied; the second one (T2) will be
treated with 0.1 mol/L of the solution; the third batch (T3) will be treated with 0.5 mol/L of
the solution; while the fourth batch (T4) will be treated with 1 mol/L of the solution (citric
acid and oxalic acid mixture). Before treatment, the soil must surpass the arsenic content of
18 ppm until 20 ppm. The threshold set by the European Union for arsenic concentration
level in the soil is 20 ppm.10 18 ppm of As will give us a good measure of the fluctuation of
arsenic post-treatment while still enabling the rice to survive in the controlled condition
7 Pa, Faizul Che, and Wong Kok Kein. "Removal of iron in rice husk via oxalic acid leaching process." In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science
and Engineering, vol. 701, no. 1, p. 012021. IOP Publishing, 2019.
8 Prashanth, K. M., H. M. Chidanandappa, D. Ravikumar, Parashuram Chandra Vamshi, and Basavaraj Naik. "Effect of different levels of borax
application on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L) at Bhadra command, Karnataka." Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7, no. 3
(2018): 3028-3031.
9 Pa et al., “Removal of iron in rice…”(see 2.2- Leaching process).
10 European Union, “Arsenic,” Food Safety (European Union), accessed November 28, 2022,
without overpowering As toxicity, according to the spectrometry report submitted by PNRI
it falls less than the recommended amount, the soil will be contaminated with arsenic first
using sodium arsenite to exceed its arsenic content to the set threshold. 1 mg/L adds up to 1
ppm.11 For example, if the soil has only 4 ppm of arsenic content, 14 mg/L of sodium
arsenite will be added to the soil. It will make the soil concentrated enough for the rice to
take up arsenic and for the solution to work with significant effects.
Afterward, the contaminated soil will be placed in a soil box and moistened with
water that is in the same condition as the irrigation water used in the actual rice field. Once
the rice plants are planted, a saturated (flushed) consistency will be applied.
After preparation and contamination, the soils will be treated with the combination
11 Vancouver Island University, “Units of Concentration - Vancouver Island University,” MORE ABOUT UNITS OF CONCENTRATION (Vancouver
Island University), accessed November 27, 2022,
of oxalic acid and citric acid in different concentrations (0.1 mol/L, 0.5 mol/L, and 1
mol/L), which will then be mixed into the corresponding PVC pots, each with five (5) kg of
soil in varied conditions (three soil settings). 12 After two (2) weeks, the rice plants will be
transplanted into the sample groups. After ten (10) days, 3g of sample from the treated soil
will be collected using a handheld shovel, assuming the chelation reaction has taken place.
At the laboratory, 9 mL of cleaning agent will be infused with the samples while
stirring them at 40 rpm with an overhead shaker (UIC SRC, Davao City). 13
After the
reaction, the suspension will be centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 10 minutes and filtered
through a syringe filter in 0.45 μm (UIC SRC, Davao City). 14 After solid-liquid separation,
Quezon City).
The arsenic treatment of water will be done using a reduction reaction. According to
a study, dithionite was used as a reductant to remove As in water and was observed that
12 Lee, Myeong Eun, Eun-Ki Jeon, Jong-Gook Kim, and Kitae Baek. "Oxalic Acid-based Remediation of Arsenic-contaminated Soil." Journal of Soil
and Groundwater Environment 23, no. 1 (2018): 85-91.
13 Lee et al.,. "Oxalic Acid-based Remediation…”
14 Ibid.
15 Kim, E. J., & Baek, K. Selective recovery of ferrous oxalate and removal of arsenic and other metals from soil-washing wastewater using a
reduction reaction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 221; (2019). 635–643. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.014
study as a reference, the researchers will utilize oxalic acid and citric acid as reducing
In the procedure, 30mL of controlled water sample will be treated with oxalic acid
and citric acid with varying amounts of concentration (0.1 mol/L, 0.5 mol/L, and 1 mol/L).
The reduction reaction with oxalic acid and citric acid will be conducted in a mixed batch
reactor system (laboratory to be determined) for 3h at 20°C and 150 rpm. After the
reaction, the water sample will be centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 10 min and filtered with a
0.45-mm pore size membrane filter to separate any solid that may have formed from the
After the treatment, the testing of the arsenic content will be done at the Science
Resource Center (UIC, Davao City) to determine if the level of arsenic concentration is
reduced in the water sample. At the same time, it will be placed in its respective
experimental sample group to be absorbed by the rice in flooded conditions for fourteen
(14) days.16 The soil boxes will continue to be irrigated with the treated water solutions in
the same levels of varying concentrations for the next two (2) weeks.
16 Ullah, Aman, Yibing Ma, Jumei Li, Nazia Tahir, and Babar Hussain. "Effective amendments on cadmium, arsenic, chromium and lead
contaminated paddy soil for rice safety." Agronomy 10, no. 3 (2020): 359.
Based on the previous tests, the rice samples from the same source where the soil
and water were collected will be screened through a fluorescence spectrometer (PNRI,
Quezon City) to determine the amount of arsenic before testing. Another set of treated rice
Before the harvested rice samples are sent to the laboratory for testing, the collected
leaves of the rice samples will be washed thoroughly with deionized water before oven-
drying them at 70 degrees Celsius. After the dehydration process, the leaves will be
All the gathered data will be analyzed using quantitative tools to bring a logical
result to the study. The level of significance for this study is 1% (α = 0.01). With the aid of
the R software (version 4.2.2), Microsoft Excel for the tabular content, and a statistician,
Mean will determine the average arsenic content removed by the two components
Simple linear regression will assess the correlation between the amount of
removed As content (the y variable) and the concentration levels of the mixture of oxalic
acid and citric acid (the x variable). There will be two graphs constructed, one for the As
content in the soil and the other for the As content in water. This test will tell whether there
17 Ullah, Aman, Yibing Ma, Jumei Li, Nazia Tahir, and Babar Hussain. "Effective amendments on cadmium, arsenic, chromium and lead
contaminated paddy soil for rice safety." Agronomy 10, no. 3 (2020): 359.
is an effect on the concentration level of the solution and determine which concentration
would assess the significant difference in the arsenic content between the soil and water
samples in similar concentration levels by treating them with a combination of oxalic acid
Tukey’s HSD (Honest Significant Difference) test will assess the differences
among sample means for significance and determine which medium (soil or water) has the
best and most effective concentration level or if both mediums have the same effect with
the treatment method. It comes after the results of the two-way ANOVA have been
T-test will give results to the acid mixture’s efficacy by determining whether there
is a significant difference in the arsenic content in rice treated with oxalic acid and citric
Sodium arsenite will be used for the intended contamination of the soil, which, along
with its toxic and carcinogenic nature, requires strict disposal measures. Arsenic
the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) under Title III of
the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) (EPA 1995c). The disposal
In handling arsenic, one should wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eye
exposure and handle it by following good industrial hygiene and safety practices. The
remains or spillage of this element should be collected and shoveled into suitable
containers for disposal. It should not be flushed into surface water or sanitary sewer
systems and should be prevented from entering drains. Chemical waste generators must
generators must also consult local, regional, and national hazardous waste regulations to
Citric Acid
ventilated container with a lid made for storing acids and bases. The container must be kept
away from incompatible substances like metal nitrates, oxidizing agents (such as nitric
acid), reducing agents, sulfuric acid, strong acids, and strong bases.
When waste is first placed in the container, a completed Dangerous Waste label
18 Health, Safety and Environmental Department. Thermo Fisher Scientific Chemicals, Inc. February 14, 2020
needs to be attached. We will fill out a Chemical Collection Request Form when the
container is full or no longer needed, then give it to the waste accumulation area operator.
The solution may be discharged if its pH is between 5 and 9 and contains less than
1%. The solution cannot be diluted to change its pH or concentration for disposal.19
Oxalic Acid
To dilute the acid for disposal, we will pour it into a sizable bowl filled with icy
water. Splashing and boiling will no longer be risks. The acid will go after the water. In the
diluted Oxalic acid solution, baking soda will be added to dilute the acid. It will begin to
The recommended action is to keep adding baking soda until the solution's pH is 7.
However, 5.5 pH is also acceptable for drain use. The solution will then be neutralized and
will not provide a toxicity risk. More water will be added when necessary before emptying
it down the drain. It is acceptable to flush about 100 grams or 100 mL down the toilet.20
Oxalic acid, although safe for plants, is considered hazardous for humans, especially
in its powdered form, which is the form that we are going to use for our study. We will
utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) for our experiment with a qualified scientist or
biosystems engineer to do the procedures in the most risk-free way possible. There is no
19 Standard Operating Procedures For Hazardous And Particularly Hazardous Chemicals (2020). Washington State University.
Other Chemicals
Aqua regia will be used for the sequential extraction process. However, this chemical
imposes several hazards on humans. According to the safety data sheet released by
ingestion, and lethal on target organs by the Occupational Safety and Health
In disposal, excess and unused amounts of aqua regia will be added to a large
amount of ice. (500 grams of ice per 100 mL of aqua regia). A basic aqueous solution will
10% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in water. After that, the neutralized solution can now be
poured down the drain. Heavy metals (such as gold, platinum, lead, or chromium) should
be tagged and removed from the neutralized mixture using the chemical waste management
Aqua regia stoppered bottles should never be stored since they could explode. Every
time aqua regia is used, it should be freshly prepared, and any surplus should be neutralized
21 Princeton University, ed., “Aqua Regia,” Princeton University (The Trustees of Princeton University), accessed November 27, 2022,