Cambium Race WiFi Connectivity
Cambium Race WiFi Connectivity
Cambium Race WiFi Connectivity
“We immediately PROVIDERS in Argentina. Its primary business focus is to provide
saw a significant Internet connectivity and further applications for specific events
such as large corporate gatherings, exhibitions, festivals, and concerts. “With an explosion in the
increase of total
prevalence of WiFi-capable connection devices, it is important that our customers are provided
throughput on the the latest technologies equipped to handle the exponentially increasing traffic,” says Alejo
network, mainly Martín, CEO/Systems Engineer, RFIT.
in areas of greater
RFIT was approached by a popular touring racecar series in Argentina to construct a plan
concurrency. for WiFi connectivity at a speedway. For this project, reliable connectivity would need to
Customers also be provided for the auto mechanics of each team and also be available in the press room,
noted higher in the registration area, and for public access throughout the speedway. Applications that
stability when would run over the network included management systems, live video streaming, Internet,
and intranet services.
roaming in outdoor
areas.” Communications reliability was vital.
Equipment was needed that could
support areas with high concurrency,
with many users simultaneously
using the network. “The plan was to live-stream the race out of the press
room,” says Martín. “This required
a very high throughput in a small
physical space with access at both
2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.” There was also a
need for excellent connectivity at outdoor locations and allowing for roaming between multiple
SSIDs and VLANs. Another key requirement was the ability to centrally manage the network.
The final challenge of the project was the need to install and provision the network in a very
short period of time. “The equipment needed to be installed, configured, and tested 24 hours
prior to the event. This required a solution that enables rapid deployment.”
RFIT reached out to Cambium Networks for a viable WiFi connectivity solution.
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WITH SUPPORT FROM CAMBIUM’S ENGINEERS, RFIT laid out a plan involving the combination of different Cambium
hardware. Eight ePMP™ 1000 Access Points (AP), each connected with a 120-degree panel, were deployed for Internet
and intranet data transport. Each access point connected eight ePMP Integrated Subscriber Modules (SM). Additionally,
a total of ten cnPilot™ E400 Access Points were deployed, with two of them placed in the press room. The entire
network was managed by Cambium’s state-of-the-art cnMaestro™ management solution.
Each of the Cambium products chosen for implementation support VLANs, multiple SSIDs, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz access,
outdoor access, and roaming. They are also prepared for the transport of voice, video, and data.
The network served about 400 users with varying modes of traffic.
time window. Connectivity was immediately available at all locations throughout the speedway. Martín states,
“The results were significantly better than expected. After the initial implementation, we saw a significant increase
of total throughput on the network, mainly in areas of greater concurrency like the press room. Customers also noted
high stability when roaming in outdoor areas. We saw a surprising amount of speed and stability on a network that
was using considerable bandwidth.”
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Cambium’s cnMaestro management system also did wonders for the network at the speedway. The ePMP and cnPilot
access points offer a roaming solution that communicates client specific information to other access points on the same
domain. This greatly helped to minimize the delay time between connections when users roam. “The cnMaestro gives us
end-to-end information from the point of distribution to the user. The scalability of the system will allow us to increase
bandwidth to each end-user network, where before there was a bottleneck between the contracted bandwidth and the
network distribution and access,” explains Martín.
“Without a doubt, both the ePMP and cnPilot platforms are cutting-edge connectivity solutions well worth
the investment.”
Next Steps
AFTER COMPLETING SUCH A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT, RFIT has received multiple requests for future business
applications. “Moving forward, we will absolutely continue to employ Cambium products for wireless connectivity
projects,” says Martín. “For every satisfied customer, we subsequently gain new ones. And continued expansion and
profitability are the ultimate goals.”
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