Amendment of The Packaging Ordinance in Austria From 2023
Amendment of The Packaging Ordinance in Austria From 2023
Amendment of The Packaging Ordinance in Austria From 2023
on 1.1.2023, changes to the Austrian Waste Management Act and the Packaging Ordinance will come
into force (Packaging Ordinance 2021 § 16a).
As part of our business relationship, your company has already licensed the packaging placed on the
Austrian market with an Austrian compliance scheme such as ARA AG.
The legal change allows companies based in the EU to continue licensing their packaging from
1.1.2023 only if an Austrian based authorized representative is appointed.
To continue licensing your packaging, please appoint an authorized representative. Please find
suggested solutions here:
Please inform us in writing by the 15th December 2022 if you intend to continue licensing via an
authorised representative in Austria. When informing us, please also include information about the
appointed representative.
If we do not receive a response by the above deadline, then we will assume that you are not
appointing an authorised representative. In this case we will notify of our ARA number. You will
be charged via a direct deduction (additional discount) of 0.5% - effective from invoice date
Suppliers from EU countries for which we already release the retail and transport packaging are not
affected by this amendment. The charge will be made unchanged via direct deduction.
All suppliers from non-EU states (incl. EFTA states) cannot be pre-licensed and packaging must be
licensed by us. The charge for retail and transport packaging will be made via a direct deduction
(additional discount) of 0.5%.
Kind regards,
Purchasing, FASO
You can find detailed information in the explanatory video by ARA, our compliance scheme: