Electrochemistry - English
Electrochemistry - English
Electrochemistry - English
Electrochemical cells
3. Corrosion of metals
1. Electrochemical cells
• A device which can generate electricity from
chemical reactions is known as an electrochemical
• When a zinc strip and copper strip is dipped in
dilute sulphuric acid electricity is generated.
Observations :
- Zinc strip dissolves
- Gas bubbles are evolved from the copper strip
Oxidation - releasing electrons
- Ammeter deflects
Reduction - gaining electrons
b. The most reactive metal releases electrons (oxidation) and become ions.
c. Hydrogen ions in the solution gains electrons (reduction) and release as H2 gas.
1. Name the anode and the cathode of the above electrochemical cell. (Cu and Zn cell)
2. Identify the anode and cathode of the below electrochemical cells and write the equations
2. Electrolysis
• Electrolysis is a process of performing chemical
reactions by supplying electrical energy.
The liquid contains only Na+ ions and Cl- ions. Solution contains Na+ ions and Cl- ions. Additionally it
contains a small amount of H+ and OH- ions.
The below half reactions take place at the electrodes.
Cathodic reaction;
Cathodic reaction;
Out of the positive ions the most reactive ion does
Anodic reaction;
Anodic reaction;
Out of the negative ions Cl-1 ions has more tendency in
Anodic reaction
OH-1 ions has more tendency in oxidation compared to
SO42- ions.
Total reaction:
• When sulphuric acid is mixed with water, the solution contains H+,
OH- and SO42- ions.
Cathodic reaction
Anodic reaction
Total reaction
2. What is the reason of separating the cathode and anode in the downs cell when sodium metal
is extracted commercially?
3. What is the advantage of adding calcium chloride to the electrolyte when sodium is extracted
Applying a thin layer of metal on the surface of another metal using electrolysis is known as
Electrolyte - a salt solution which contains the metal which should be plated
ex: copper sulphate can be used if needed to plate copper
Cathode - the object which should be plated
Anode - the metal which should be plated on the cathode
Cathodic reaction
Anodic reaction
What are the steps which should be followed to obtain a quality and even electroplating?
Corrosion of metals
Tarnishing, surface turning rough and colour change of metals is kwon as corrosion.
Controlling rusting
- Apply paint or any other substance to prevent contact with oxygen and water
- Keep a metal in contact which is above iron in the reactivity series (cathodic /sacrificial