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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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Effect of a rotating cylinder in forced convection of ferrofluid

over a backward facing step
Fatih Selimefendigil a,⇑, Hakan F. Öztop b,1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Celal Bayar University, TR-45140 Manisa, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technology Faculty, Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, numerical analysis of the heat transfer enhancement and fluid flow characteristics of a
Received 4 October 2013 rotating cylinder under the influence of magnetic dipole in the backward facing step geometry is con-
Received in revised form 9 December 2013 ducted. The governing equations are solved with a finite element based commercial solver. The effects
Accepted 13 December 2013
of Reynolds number (10 6 Re 6 200), cylinder rotation angle (75 6 X 6 75) and strength of the mag-
netic dipole (0 6 c 6 16) on the heat transfer characteristics are studied for backward facing step flow.
It is observed that the length and size of the recirculation zones can be controlled with magnetic dipole
strength and cylinder rotation angles. As the Reynolds number increases, local Nusselt number increases
Magnetic dipole
Rotating cylinder
and number of peaks in the presence of the magnetic field decreases. The effect of cylinder rotation on the
Backward facing step local Nusselt number distribution is more pronounced at low Reynolds number.
CFD Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction magnetic field in a top sided lid-driven cavity heated by a corner

heater. They showed that heat transfer decreases with increasing
Flow separation and its subsequent reattachment have many the Hartmann number and magnetic field plays an important role
practical engineering applications such as flow around buildings, to control heat transfer and fluid flow. Strek and Jopek [24] have
airfoils, combustors and collectors of power systems. A benchmark simulated the channel flow under the influence of magnetic dipole
problem where flow separation and reattachment occur is the flow using a finite element code.They reported that inhomogeneous
over a backward facing or forward facing step where a vast amount magnetic body force due to temperature gradient can prompt or
of research is dedicated in this field using numerical [1–7] and inhibit convection similar to buoyancy force. Finlayson [25] have
experimental methods [8–12]. A comprehensive review is pre- studied stability of ferromagnetic fluid for a fluid layer heated from
sented in [13] for laminar mixed convection over vertical, horizon- below and subjected to a uniform vertical magnetic field. A tem-
tal and inclined backward- and forward-facing steps studied in the perature gradient was established across the fluid layer which
open literature. Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics over a causes a spatial variation in magnetization and hence convection.
backward or forward facing step in a channel with the insertion Jafari et al. [26] have studied the heat transfer and fluid flow char-
of obstacles has received some attention in the literature [14–16]. acteristics for a kerosene based ferrofluid in two cylinders with dif-
The effects of magnetic field on the fluid flow and heat transfer ferent dimensions using computational fluid dynamics. They
have received much attention during the recent years due to its studied the effects of temperature gradients and uniform magnetic
importance in many technological applications such as coolers of fields on the heat transfer and observed that magnetic field en-
nuclear reactors, micro-electronic devices, purification of molten hances the transport processes. They also showed that heat trans-
metals many others [17–21]. A review of heat transfer enhance- fer increases when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the
ment using ferrofluids is given in Ref. [22]. Due to the effect of temperature gradient. In the present study, the effects of a rotating
the magnetic field, the fluid flow experiences a Lorentz force. cylinder under the influence of magnetic dipole on the heat trans-
Employing an external magnetic field can be used as a control fer enhancement and fluid flow characteristics are numerically
method since magnetic field can suppress the convective flow field. studied. The effects of various parameters such as Reynolds num-
Oztop and Pop [23] have studied the mixed convection with a ber, cylinder rotation angle and strength of the magnetic dipole
are examined for convective heat transfer enhancement over a
backward facing step flow. To the best of authors’ knowledge and
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 236 241 21 44; fax: +90 236 241 21 43.
based on above literature survey such a study has not been seen
E-mail addresses: fatih.selimefendigil@cbu.edu.tr (F. Selimefendigil),
hfoztop1@gmail.com (H.F. Öztop). in the published literature.
Tel.: +90 424 2370000 4222.

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Selimefendigil, H.F. Öztop / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148 143


a, b location of the cylinder center ðmÞ

B magnetic induction, ðTÞ Greek characters
c, d location of the magnetic dipole ðmÞ a thermal expansion coefficient ðK1 Þ
h local heat transfer coefficient ðW m2 K1 Þ h non-dimensional temperature, TTT c
h T c
H magnetic field ðA m1 Þ l0 magnetic permeability of vacuum ðN A2 Þ
k thermal conductivity ðW m1 K1 Þ m kinematic viscosity ðm2 s1 Þ
L length of the bottom wall ðmÞ v magnetic susceptibility (–)
l H2 c strength of the magnetic dipole ðAmÞ
Mn magnetic number, q0 m2r (–)
0 r
n unit normal vector q density of the fluid ðkg m3 Þ
X xS (–)
nondimensional rotation velocity of cylinder, 2u
Nu local Nusselt number, hS=k (–) 0
p pressure, (Pa)
Re Reynolds number, u0 S=m ð—Þ Subscripts
S step size ðmÞ c cold wall
T temperature ðKÞ max maximum
u, v x-y velocity components ðm s1 Þ mean average
x, y Cartesian coordinates h hot wall

2. Physical model and numerical study @M

qcu: 5 T ¼ k52 T þ U  l0 T ððu:5ÞHÞ ð2Þ
A schematic description of the physical problem considered in where M denotes the magnetization. Maxwell’s equation for a non-
this study is shown in Fig. 1. A channel with a backward facing step conducting fluid can be written as
is considered. The step size of backward facing step is S and chan-
5:B ¼ 0; 5H¼0 ð3Þ
nel height is 2S. At the inlet of the channel, a parabolic velocity and
a uniform temperature are imposed. The downstream length start- The constitutive relation between B; M and H can be stated as
ing from the edge of the step to the exit of the channel is 35S to en-
B ¼ l0 ðM þ HÞ ð4Þ
sure that the recirculation length downstream of the step is
independent of the computational domain. The downstream bot- The magnetic field is induced with a magnetic dipole located
tom surface of the backward facing step is maintained at constant below the channel downstream of the step. For the magnetostatic
temperature higher that the inlet temperature, while the other case, a magnetic scalar potential can be defined H ¼  5 V m
walls of the channel are assumed to be adiabatic. An adiabatic
c xc
rotating cylinder with diameter (D ¼ S) is mounted at the location V m ðxÞ ¼ ð5Þ
2p ðx  cÞ2 þ ðy  dÞ2
ðxc ; yc Þ ¼ ðS; SÞ where the coordinate system is positioned at the
step on the bottom wall of the channel. A magnetic dipole is lo- where c; c and d denote the magnetic field strength, and position
cated below the channel and the fluid is electrically non-conduct- where the dipole is placed. The term in the momentum equation
ing (ferrofluid does not induce electromagnetic current). The is the force per unit volume when the spatially non-uniform mag-
momentum equation for an incompressible fluid and constant vis- netic field is employed to the magnetic fluid. The relation between
cosity is modified by adding a term related to magnetic field as the magnetization vector M and magnetic field vector H can be
written as
qu: 5 u ¼  5 p þ 5:ðHBÞ þ l52 u ð1Þ
M ¼ vm H ð6Þ
where H; B denote the magnetic field and magnetic induction. The
energy equation for an incompressible fluid can be stated as where vm is the total magnetic susceptibility

Fig. 1. Geometry and boundary conditions of backward facing step.

144 F. Selimefendigil, H.F. Öztop / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148

vm ¼ ð7Þ
1 þ aT þ T 0
Finally, using the constitutive equation in (4), the body force in
the momentum equation can be stated as

f ¼ l0 vm ð1 þ vm ÞðH:5ÞH þ l0 vm HðH:5Þð1 þ vm Þ ð8Þ

The boundary conditions for the considered problem in dimen-
sionless form can be expressed as:
Fig. 2. Grid distribution in the vicinity of the step and cylinder.

 At the channel inlet, velocity is unidirectional parabolic, tem-

perature is uniform, u ¼ u0 ; v ¼ 0; T ¼ T c .
 At the bottom wall, downstream of the step, temperature is where hx represent the local heat transfer coefficient and k denote
constant T ¼ T h . the thermal conductivity of the fluid. Spatial averaged Nusselt num-
 At the channel exit, gradients of all variables in the x-direction ber is obtained after integrating the local Nusselt number along the
are set to zero, @u
¼ 0; @@xv ¼ 0; @T
¼ 0. bottom wall downstream of the step as
 On the channel walls (except the downstream of the step), adi- Z L
abatic wall with no-slip boundary conditions are assumed, Nu ¼ Nux dx: ð10Þ
u ¼ 0; v ¼ 0; @T @n
¼ 0, where n denotes the surface normal 0

 On the cylinder surface, specified velocity components with adi- 2.1. Validation study
abatic wall boundary condition is used, u ¼ xðy  y0 Þ;
v ¼ xðx  x0 Þ; @T@n
¼ 0. The numerical code is first checked against the benchmarked
results of backward facing step reported in the literature [28–
The relevant physical nondimensional numbers are Reynolds 32]. Table 2 shows the results of the reattachment length divided
number (Re), magnetic number (Mn) and cylinder rotation angle by step height at Reynolds number of 100 for expansion ratio of
(X). Eqs. (1)–(8) along with the boundary conditions are solved 2. Minimum deviation for the percentage in the error is obtained
with COMSOL Multiphysics simulation package (a general purpose for the results of [28] which is 0.2%. The agreement between
finite element solver [27]). P2 – P1 Lagrange finite elements are the other sources is less than 5 percent, only 6.8 percent error
used to discretize velocity components and pressure, and La- is obtained for the results of [32].
grange-quadratic finite elements are chosen for temperature.
COMSOL solver adds artificial diffusion with the streamline up- 3. Results and discussion
wind Petrov–Galerkin method (SUPG) to handle local numerical
instabilities. Segregated parametric solvers are used for fluid flow As stated earlier, the overall purpose of this study is to investi-
and heat transfer variables. Biconjugate gradient stabilized itera- gate the effects of rotating cylinder in the presence of a magnetic
tive method solver (BICGStab) is used for fluid flow and heat trans- dipole located below the channel downstream of the step on the
fer modules of software. The computational domain is divided into heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics.The main parameters
65,362 triangular elements. The mesh is finer near the walls of the that effect the fluid flow and thermal characteristics are Reynolds
channel and cylinder to resolve the high gradients in the thermal number (Re), magnetic number (Mn), cylinder rotation angle (X),
and velocity boundary layer and in the vicinity of the step for the cylinder position and diameter, location and strength of the mag-
recirculation region downstream of the step. Mesh independence netic dipole, expansion ratio and step height. In this study, the
study is also assured to obtain an optimal grid distribution with influence of the Reynolds number (10 6 Re 6 200), cylinder rota-
accurate results and minimal computational time. Five different tion angle (75 6 X 6 75) and strength of the magnetic dipole
grid sizes are tested and the convergence in the length-averaged (0 6 c 6 16) are examined for convective heat transfer enhance-
Nusselt number (along the bottom wall downstream of the step) ment over a backward facing step flow.
is checked. The averaged Nusselt number results at
(X ¼ 75; c ¼ 16) for Reynolds numbers of 10 and 100 are tabu-
3.1. Effects of magnetic dipole strength
lated in Table 1. From this table, grid size of 65,362 is decided to
be fine enough to resolve the flow and thermal field for the given
Figs. 3 and 4 demonstrate the effects of magnetic dipole
flow parameters. Distribution of the grid in the vicinity of the step
strength on the structure of flow and thermal patterns for fixed
and cylinder is depicted in Fig. 2.
values of Re = 10, X ¼ 75. In this case, cylinder rotation is in the
Local Nusselt number is defined as
counterclockwise direction. For this position of the cylinder, the
hx S @h top half of the cylinder is located above the step and the flow over
Nux ¼ ¼ : ð9Þ
k @n S the cylinder is effected. This result is supported by Ref. [15]. It is

Table 2
Reported values for the reattachment lengths X R at Reynolds number 100 (Expansion
Table 1 ratio of 2).
Variation of average Nusselt number for different grid densities.
X R /S Error (%)
Grid size Re = 10, Numean Re = 100, Numean
Present 4.98 0
8644 0.981 2.052 Acharya et al. [15] 4.97 0.2
18,582 0.956 2.032 Lin et al. [16] 4.91 1.4
31,323 0.954 2.023 Dyne et al. [17] 4.89 1.8
65,362 0.927 1.954 El-Refaee et al. [18] 4.77 4.21
104,424 0.925 1.945 Cochran et al. [19] 5.32 6.82
F. Selimefendigil, H.F. Öztop / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148 145

behavior [24,25]. Isotherm plots show that the effect of the convec-
tion currents due to magnetic force is seen as the fluctuating of the
isotherms behind the step and on the bottom in the vicinity of the
cylinder. Fig. 5 shows the x-component of the velocity at channel
(a) γ = 0
section x ¼ 2S for different values of magnetic dipole strength. As
it is shown in Fig. 5, negative values of the x-component of the
velocity corresponding to a recirculation zone first forms at
c ¼ 8, then decrease in size but increases in strength for c ¼ 16.
The length and size of the recirculation zone can be controlled with
(b) γ = 8 magnetic dipole strength. Lengthwise local Nusselt number distri-
butions along the bottom wall for varying Reynolds number and
magnetic dipole strength are depicted in Fig. 6. x-axis denotes
the normalized (by step height) distance from the step. The peak
in the Nusselt number corresponds to a point in the vicinity of
the reattachment point. At Re = 10, with increasing the strength
(c) γ = 16 of magnetic dipole, several peaks which indicate the reattachment
points of the additional reattachment points of the separation bub-
Fig. 3. Effect of magnetic dipole strength on the streamlines for fixed values of
Re = 10, X ¼ 75.
bles are seen in the plot. With further increment of the magnetic
dipole strength, the peak values in the Nusselt number increases.
As the Reynolds number increases, local Nusselt number increases
and number of peaks in the presence of the magnetic field de-
creases. Table 3 shows the maximum, average (length averaged
along the bottom wall downstream of the step) of the Nusselt
number along with the location of the maximum Nusselt number
(a) γ = 0 for varying Reynolds numbers and magnetic dipole strength val-
ues. At Re = 10, although the peak value in the Nusselt number in-
creases at c ¼ 16, average Nusselt number decreases in the
presence of the magnetic field. This is due to the fact that external
magnetic field acts in a way to decrease the local heat transfer in
some locations and increase it in some others (see Fig. 6). At
(b) γ = 8
Re = 100 and Re = 200, maximum and average Nusselt number in-
creases as the magnetic dipole strength increases.

3.2. Effects of cylinder rotation angle

(c) γ = 16 Figs. 7 and 8 show the effect of varying cylinder rotation angle
(X) on the streamlines and isotherms for fixed values of Re = 10
Fig. 4. Effect of magnetic dipole strength on the isotherms for fixed values of and c ¼ 12. The case X ¼ 0 corresponds to a motionless cylinder,
Re = 10, X ¼ 75.
which is shown in Fig. 6b. In this case, several vortices appear be-
hind the step and in the vicinity of the cylinder close to the bottom
wall. A recirculation zone is also seen on the upper wall of the
1 channel. A negative value of the rotation (X) indicates clockwise
0.8 rotation of the cylinder. When the cylinder rotates in the clockwise
0.6 γ=0 γ=16
direction, more flow is entrained into the wake of the cylinder. The
size and extent of the recirculation bubble appearing on the upper
wall increase compared to motionless cylinder case. some portion
of the flow is directed towards the bottom of the cylinder and re-

lated to this effect, the vortex appear on the bottom of the cylinder
−0.2 for motionless cylinder case disappears. When the cylinder rotates
−0.4 γ=8
in the counterclockwise direction X ¼ 75, the motion of the fluid
−0.6 flowing through the top of the cylinder and the size of the recircu-
−0.8 lation zone on the upper channel wall are not affected compared to
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
motionless cylinder case. The flow structure near the bottom and
right of the cylinder are affected to some extent. Fig. 8 shows the
Fig. 5. x-component velocity distribution for different values of magnetic dipole effect of cylinder rotation on the isotherms. For clockwise rotation
strength at x ¼ 2S, Re = 10, X ¼ 75. direction, the isotherms fluctuates more on the upper wall and
right and bottom parts of the cylinder due to the formation of
the vortices compared to motionless cylinder case. Fig. 9 demon-
observed that with increasing values of magnetic dipole strength, strates the effect of cylinder rotation angles on the x-component
the flow behind the step and below the cylinder are affected. A of the velocity at channel section x ¼ 2S at Re = 10, c ¼ 12. A neg-
recirculation region is seen and increases in size and strength with ative values of the x-component of the velocity corresponds to a
increasing values of magnetic dipole strength. The flow is seen to recirculation zone. As it can be seen in the figure, the extent and
be directed towards the bottom wall downstream of the step and strength of the recirculation bubble can be controlled with cylinder
cylinder. This effect is due to the spatial variation in the magneti- rotation angle. The effect of varying cylinder rotation angles on the
zation which is induced through temperature gradient. The inho- local Nusselt number distributions are depicted in Fig. 10 for
mogeneous magnetic body force is responsible for this flow Re = 10, 100 and 200 at c ¼ 12. The peaks in the Nusselt number
146 F. Selimefendigil, H.F. Öztop / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148

(a) Re=10,Ω=75 (b) Re=100,Ω=75

10 25



0 −1 0 1 0
10 10 10 −1
10 10

(c) Re=200,Ω=75

20 γ=0
15 γ=16


0 −1 0 1
10 10 10
Fig. 6. Effect of magnetic dipole strength on the local Nusselt number distribution for different Reynolds number, X ¼ 75.

Table 3
Variation of average, maximum and location of maximum Nusselt number for
different Reynolds number and strength of magnetic dipole at X ¼ 75.

Re c Numax Numean Xmax

10 0 4.85 1.99 0.611 (a) Ω = −75
10 8 4.60 1.25 0.793
10 16 9.07 1.37 0.335
100 0 13.64 2.63 0.913
100 8 15.34 2.80 0.901
100 16 20.56 2.96 1.192
200 0 18.24 2.87 0.913
200 8 18.91 2.99 0.901 (b) Ω = 0
200 16 21.40 3.17 1.24

(c) Ω = 75
Fig. 8. Effect of cylinder rotation angles on the isotherms for fixed values of Re = 10,
(a) Ω = −75 c ¼ 12.

(b) Ω = 0
0.5 Ω=−75


(c) Ω = 75
Fig. 7. Effect of cylinder rotation angle on the streamlines for fixed values of −0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Re = 10, c ¼ 12.

Fig. 9. x-component velocity distribution for different values of cylinder rotation

corresponds to reattachment points of recirculation zones. For angle at x ¼ 2S, Re = 10, c ¼ 12.
clockwise rotation of the cylinder, the peaks in the Nusselt number
increase compared to motionless cylinder case due to the entrain-
ment of the fluid flow in the cylinder wake and in the gap between number and location of peak Nusselt number for Reynolds number
the bottom wall and bottom part of the cylinder. At Re = 100 and of 10, 100 and 200. At Re = 10, the maximum and average heat
200, the second peak corresponds to reattachment of the recircula- transfer increase with cylinder rotation. For counter clockwise
tion bubble on the bottom wall of the channel. The maximum Nus- rotation of cylinder X ¼ 75, the location of the maximum heat
selt values increase with an increase in the Reynolds number. The transfer also changes as can be seen in Fig. 10(a). For higher Rey-
effect of rotation on the local Nusselt number distribution is more nolds numbers, there is slightly change of peak value of the Nusselt
pronounced at low Reynolds number. Table 4 demonstrates the ef- number and its location with cylinder rotation compared to
fect of cylinder rotation angle on the maximum, average Nusselt motionless cylinder case.
F. Selimefendigil, H.F. Öztop / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148 147

(a) Re=10,γ =12 (b) Re=100,γ =12

15 20


5 5

0 −2 0 −2 −1 0 1
10 10
−1 0
10 10
1 10 10 10 10

(c) Re=200,γ =12

20 Ω=75


0 −2 −1 0 1
10 10 x/S 10 10

Fig. 10. Effect of cylinder rotation angle on the local Nusselt number distribution for different Reynolds number, c ¼ 12.

Table 4
Variation of average, maximum and location of maximum Nusselt number for
different Reynolds numbers and cylinder rotation angles at c ¼ 12.

Re X Numax Numean Xmax

10 75 10.34 1.50 0.335
10 0 6.75 1.22 0.335 (a) Re=10
10 75 7.64 1.27 0.695
100 75 18.26 2.72 0.985
100 0 18.10 2.81 1.204
100 75 17.57 2.89 1.204
200 75 22.45 2.99 0.985
200 0 20.79 3.02 0.949
200 75 19.74 3.08 1.20
(b) Re=100

(c) Re=200

(a) Re=10 Fig. 12. Effect of Reynolds number on the isotherms for fixed values of
X ¼ 75; c ¼ 8.

4. Conclusions
(b) Re=100
In this study, a numerical study for the analysis of the heat
transfer enhancement and fluid flow characteristics of a rotating
cylinder in the backward facing step geometry under the influence
of magnetic dipole is performed. The effects of Reynolds number
(10 6 Re 6 200), cylinder rotation angle (75 6 X 6 75) and
(c) Re=200 strength of the magnetic dipole (0 6 c 6 16) on the heat transfer
characteristics are studied for backward facing step flow. Following
Fig. 11. Effect of Reynolds number on the streamlines for fixed values of
conclusions can be drawn:
X ¼ 75; c ¼ 8.

 The flow field is directed towards the bottom wall downstream

of the step and cylinder with increasing values of magnetic
Figs. 11 and 12 shows the effect of varying Reynolds numbers dipole strength. The spatial variation in the magnetization is
on the flow and thermal patterns at fixed values of c ¼ 8 and induced through temperature gradient which acts as an inho-
X ¼ 75. At low Reynolds number, a recirculation zone is seen mogeneous magnetic body force and causes the formation of
on the upper channel wall whereas for higher Reynolds number the vortices behind the step and in the vicinity of the cylinder.
it is seen on the bottom wall. The secondary peaks in the Nusselt  The length and size of the recirculation zone can be controlled
numbers for varying magnetic dipole (Fig. 6) and varying rotation with magnetic dipole strength.
angles (Fig. 10) correspond to the reattachment of the recirculation  As the Reynolds number increases, local Nusselt number
bubble appearing either the on the upper wall (Re = 10) or on the increases and number of peaks in the presence of the magnetic
bottom wall (Re = 100, 200). field decreases.
148 F. Selimefendigil, H.F. Öztop / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71 (2014) 142–148

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