International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: M. Mohammadpourfard, H. Aminfar, M. Karimi
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: M. Mohammadpourfard, H. Aminfar, M. Karimi
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: M. Mohammadpourfard, H. Aminfar, M. Karimi
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 29 April 2016 In this paper, swirling flow boiling of a dilute nanofluid (water and 0.1 vol%Fe3O4) in an annulus with a twisted fin
on the outside of the inner wall in the presence of transverse magnetic gradient has been numerically investigat-
Keywords: ed, using a two fluid model and a control volume technique. The results indicate that, in the boiling of swirling
Ferrofluid flow, the rate of the heat transfer increases. This phenomenon can be attributed to the effect of centrifugal
Two fluid model force on the liquid phase flow and also reduction of the conductive sub-layer thickness that exists on the heated
Swirling flow
wall. The effects of improved surface wettability induced by nanoparticle deposition during the boiling process
Non-uniform transverse magnetic field
are accounted. The results demonstrate that the modified liquid property due to the existence of nanoparticles
Critical heat flux in the liquid has a negligible effect on the boiling heat transfer performance with dilute nanofluids while the im-
Heat transfer proved surface wettability plays an important role and leads to reduction of the void fraction and consequently,
an increase of critical heat flux. Applying a transverse magnetic field causes augmentation of the centrifugal force
and results in increased flow turbulence. Furthermore, in the presence of the magnetic field due to magnetic
force, the bubble departure diameter is reduced and bubble detachment occurs faster. Therefore, the critical
heat flux will be increased. Swirling flow boiling in the presence of magnetic field is strongly suggested in devices
requiring high heat transfer rates.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Swirl flows are used in different modern technologies. The use of
flow swirling is mainly aimed at heat transfer enhancement in power-
Boiling heat transfer is a mode of heat transfer that occurs with a engineering equipment, chemical technologies, and different industrial
change in phase from liquid to vapor. Because of the very high heat facilities [1]. In the literature, there are many studies that investigated
transfer rate in boiling, it has been used to cool devices requiring the hydrothermal behavior of swirling flow and several correlations
high heat transfer rates. But this kind of the heat transfer has a have been presented for evaluating the convective heat transfer coeffi-
limitation which is known as the critical heat flux. The critical heat cient and friction factor [2–4]. Gambill et al. [5,6] were the first to
flux condition is known by a sharp reduction of the local heat study the effect of flow swirling on heat transfer and its effect on the
transfer coefficient and a sharp increase in surface temperature, critical heat flux. They reported high CHFs, for water and ethylene gly-
which results from the replacement of liquid by vapor adjacent to col. Boscary et al. [7] experimentally investigated the CHF of water
the heat transfer surface. subcooled flow in swirl tube. Their experimental results are reasonably
Many different techniques have been considered for increasing well predicted by a correlation proposed by Celata et al. [8]. Akhavan-
the rate of heat transfer in forced convection and consequently in- Behabadi et al. [9] reported heat transfer enhancement and pressure
creasing the critical heat flux. Swirling flow, using nanofluid as drop characteristics during swirl flow boiling of R-134a. It should be
the working fluid and also applying an external magnetic field noted that, in all of these investigations swirling flow is promoted by in-
have been used in this study for investigating heat transfer sertion of a twisted tape in the circular tube.
enhancement. Nanofluids are colloidal suspensions engineered by dispersing nano-
sized particles in traditional heat transfer fluids such as water and re-
frigerants. Already, there have been significant amount of studies on
☆ Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel./fax:+984134327566.
the effects of nanofluids on the boiling characteristics. Most of them in-
E-mail addresses: (M. Mohammadpourfard), vestigated critical heat flux. Vafaei et al. [10] experimentally investigat- (H. Aminfar), ed the CHF of subcooled flow boiling of alumina nanofluid in a
(M. Karimi). horizontal microchannel. The experiment showed an increase of 51%
0735-1933/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252 241
I y
in critical heat flux under very low nanoparticle concentrations (0.1 H y ðx; yÞ ¼ − pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
2π x2 þ y2
vol%). It was found in their studies that nanoparticle deposition and a
subsequent modification of the boiling surface are common features as-
and the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity, is as follow:
sociated with nanofluids, which should be responsible for the different
boiling behaviors of nanofluids. Kim et al. [11] conducted CHF experi-
ments using water based alumina, zinc oxide and diamond nanofluids. I 1
H ðx; y; zÞ ¼ H ðx; yÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : ð3Þ
The results indicated that CHF values of nanofluids were enhanced by 2π x2 þ y2
up to 40–50%, always obtained at the highest mass flux.
The effects of external magnetic field on thermomagnetic convection
of ferrofluids, which are special types of nanofluids, have been docu- The effects of magnetic field on the viscosity and the thermal con-
mented extensively by many researchers [12–16]. They presented that ductivity of the ferrofluid are considered negligible for this problem.
magnetizing force affects heat transfer rate and a strong magnetic Also, it is supposed that the flux of nanoparticles in the ferrofluid due
field can control of magnetic convection of ferrofluids. For instance, to magnetophoresis and imposed temperature gradient [15] is negligi-
Aminfar et al. [14–16] investigated the effects of different magnetic ble. In the present investigation for simulation of multiphase flow, the
field on single-phase heat transfer characteristics of ferrofluids. Their Eulerian–Eulerian model, which is known as the two-fluid model, has
242 M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252
Fig. 1. Schematic geometry of physical model, (a) annulus without fin, (b) annulus with fin with height of 1 mm, (c)annulus with fin with height of 2 mm, (d) annulus with fin with height
of 4 mm, (e) used grid.
been used. The governing equations of the two-fluid model are as ∂½αρv uv ! ! h i
þ ∇ ½αρv uv uv ¼ −ðα Þ ∇P þ ∇ α τv þ τv turb
follows [19]: ∂t !
! !
þ Γ vl uv −Γ lv uv þ f vl ð7Þ
Continuity equation:
! !
∂½ð1−α Þρl The term μ 0 ðM :∇Þ H in Eq. (6), generally represents the magnetic
þ ∇ ½ð1−α Þρl ul ¼ Γ lv ð4Þ
∂t force due to magnetization per unit volume. M is the magnetization
and is given by [20]:
þ ∇ ½αρv uv ¼ Γ lv ð5Þ
∂t 6α p mp 1
M ¼ Ms LðξÞ ¼ cothðξÞ− ð9Þ
3 ξ
The mass transfer rate due to condensation in the bulk of the
subcooled liquid is represented byΓlv.
The unit cell of the crystal structure of magnetite has a volume of
Momentum equation: about 730 Å3 and contains 8 molecules of Fe3O4 and each of them has
a magnetic moment of 4μB [21]. Therefore, the particle magnetic
∂½ð1−α Þρl ul ! ! h i
þ ∇ ½ð1−α Þρl ul ul ¼ −ð1−α Þ ∇P þ ∇ ð1−α Þ τ l þ τl turb moment for the magnetic particles is obtained as:
! ! !
! !
þ Γ lv ul −Γ vl ul þ f lv þ μ 0 M :∇ H 4μ B πdp
mp ¼ : ð10Þ
ð6Þ 6 91:25 10−30
Table 1
Dimension of studied geometries.
Fig. 2. (a) The used geometry, (b) the position of the wire of electric current.
Also, the Langevin parameter ξ is as follows [20]: Interfacial transfer terms from the gas phase to the liquid phase are
represented byΓlv andflv in the momentum and energy equations.
μ 0 mp H In the present work, in order to investigate the treatment of the
ξ¼ : ð11Þ ferrofluid, the effective thermo-physical properties have been used.
kB T
These properties are calculated as follows:
By approximating the Langevin equation as [22]:
ρm ¼ α p ρp þ 1−α p ρ f ð16Þ
1 1 μ 0 mp H
LðξÞ ¼ cothðξÞ− ¼ : ð12Þ Dynamic viscosity [23]:
ξ 3 kB T
μm ¼ 1 þ αp μ f ð17Þ
The magnetization can be considered as follows: 2
Table 2 6α
Alv ¼ ð20Þ
Properties of the studied fluid and nanoparticle. db
Water Fe3O4
where α is the volume fraction of dispersed phase.
ρf = 777.37kg/m3 ρp = 5200kg/m3
cp, f = 5036.8J/kg . K cp,p = 670J/kg . K Interphase momentum transfer:
kf = 0.60415W/m . K kp = 6W/m .K For the dispersed bubbly flow for the nucleate subcooled boiling
μf = 0.00010001Pa . s
processes, the interfacial momentum transfer is considered in
244 M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252
! Table 4
terms of the drag forceð f D Þdue to the hydrodynamic resistance and
Working and boundary conditions used in reference [36].
the non-drag forces, which include: lift force ð f L Þ , turbulent
! ! Inlet Outlet Working Mass flux Inner wall Outer wall
dispersion forceðf TD Þ, wall lubrication forceð f W Þand virtual mass temperature pressure pressure heat flux heat flux
forceðf VM Þ. 42.7∘ C 0MPa 269kPa 784kg/m2 . s 95kW/m2 0kW/m2
The above-mentioned forces are modeled according to Ishii and
Zuber [25], Tomiyama [26], Burns et al. [27], Antal et al. [28] and
Zuber [29], respectively. The determination of the bubble departure diameter is doubtlessly a
key characteristic in modeling of subcooled nucleate boiling. In this
Wall boiling model: study, the Tolubinsky and Kostanchuk expression [34] is used:
In the present study, the model proposed by Kurul and Podowki [30]
is implemented. The basic idea in this model is that the heat transfer dbW ¼ minfdref expð−ΔT sub =ΔT ref Þ; d max g ð28Þ
originates from three different mechanisms between the heated wall
and the liquid phase: wheredref = 0.6mm, ΔTref = 45Kand dmax = 1.4mm.
whereqC, qEand qQare, respectively, single-phase convective heat flux, The steady-state computational model has been implemented. For
evaporation heat flux and quenching heat flux. The evaporation heat the liquid phase, the no-slip, and for the gas phase, a free slip boundary
flux can be calculated as a function of parameters: the nucleation site condition has been used. Constant heat flux boundary condition has
densityNa, the detachment frequency f and the bubble departure been adopted on the inner wall, also the outer wall and fin are assumed
diameterdbW. It is given by: to be adiabatic. The inlet velocity and its temperature are considered to
π 3
be uniform at the inlet. A pressure boundary condition is applied at the
qE ¼ d f Na Hlv : ð22Þ outlet. The boundary conditions are summarized in Table 3.
6 bW
Del Valle and Kenning [31] derived an analytical solution for the 1.4. Numerical method
quenching heat flux, assuming a transient heat transfer in a liquid cylin-
der with a diameter equal to dbW. The above set of coupled differential equations has been discretized
with the control volume technique. For the convective and diffusive
h i
2 terms a second order upwind method was used while the SIMPLEC pro-
AQ ¼ min 1; Na πdbW ð23Þ
cedure has been introduced for the velocity–pressure coupling. For
computing the bubble induced turbulence viscosity, Sato's [35] eddy
viscosity model has been implemented. The SSTk − ω turbulence
2K l ðT W −T l Þ model is employed for the continuous phase while the dispersed
qQ ¼ AQ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð24Þ vapor phase remains laminar.
πK l
Due to a lack of similar experimental work with the present study
f ρl cpl
and the desired geometry, in order to indicate the validity and also
accuracy of the two fluid model, the results of experimental work of
Single-phase convective heat flux is simply formulated by the Roy et al. [36] has been reproduced. In the experimental work of
following: [36], flow boiling of R-113 in a vertical annulus is investigated. Work-
ing and boundary conditions used in this experiment are presented in
qC ¼ 1−AQ hC ðT W −T l Þ ð25Þ Table 4. Here, due to symmetry of geometry, the test section has been
modeled as a 45∘ sector of the annular channel and a structured grid
where hC is the turbulent heat transfer coefficient. Egorov and Menter has been used. The result of a grid independency test is shown in
[32] modeledhCby using the turbulent wall function.
The nucleation site density depends mostly on the material proper-
ties of the wall and the wall superheat. The data published by Lemmert
and Chawla [33] lead to the following correlation:
Table 3
Working and boundary conditions used in this study for subcooled boiling.
Inlet Outlet Working Mass flux Inner wall Outer wall and
temperature pressure pressure heat flux fin heat flux
Fig. 4. Comparison of the numerical results with the experimental ones: (a) void fraction, (b) Temperature of liquid phase.
Fig. 3 and, according to this figure, the number of 20, 6 and 100 nodes ensure that the estimated results are grid independent and, finally, for
have been selected in the radial, circumferential and axial, directions the annuli with fin, the computational domain has been divided in to
respectively. Fig. 4 shows a comparison of the two fluid model results 30, 34 and 125 nodes in the radial, circumferential and axial directions
for void fraction and temperature of liquid phase with experimental respectively. Also in the case of an annulus without fin, the grid
values of Roy et al. [36]. As seen, there is very good agreement be- consisted of 30, 40 and 125 nodes. According to Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8 for
tween them. the annuli with fin and annulus without fin, increasing the grid numbers
Despite the asymmetric geometry, a structured grid has been used does not change significantly the void fraction and axial liquid phase ve-
(see Fig. 1-e). Several different grid distributions are examined to locity at the height of 0.27 m.
Fig. 5. Grid independency test for annulus with fin with height of 1 mm, (a) axial velocity, (b) void fraction.
Fig. 6. Grid independency test for annulus with fin with height of 2 mm, (a) axial velocity, (b) void fraction.
246 M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252
Fig. 7. Grid independency test for annulus with fin with height of 4 mm, (a) axial velocity, (b) void fraction.
Fig. 9. (a) Radial distribution of void fraction, (b) the line depicted at the height of 0.36 m and positive y axes direction.
M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252 247
Fig. 10. (a) Radial distribution of void fraction, (b) the line depicted at the height of 0.36 m and negative y axes direction.
profile of the liquid phase is illustrated. According to this figure, the spi- thickness in the case of annulus with fin at a height of 4 mm is less
ral fin will create a circumferential velocity in the bulk of the fluid and than the case of annulus without fin and consequently, the thermal re-
the maximum velocities occur in the case of the fin with a height of sistance due to this layer is lower.
4 mm. This phenomenon causes an increase of fluid mixing between
the core and the flow near the heated wall. Also, the presence of the
fin decreases the hydraulic diameter and results in an increase of flow
Centrifugal force due to the presence of the spiral fin on the heat-
ed wall is another parameter that can be effective on enhancing the
heat transfer performance. In the present study, this force was dem-
onstrated with centrifugal acceleration. In Fig. 13, there is a compar-
ison between centrifugal acceleration resulting from several
different height of fin and as expected, centrifugal acceleration in
the case of fin with the height of 4 mm is higher than other cases.
Due to the centrifugal force, the hot liquid on the heated wall is
moved to the outer wall and the liquid with lower temperature will
replace it. This phenomenon is well shown by the liquid phase
stream lines in Fig. 14.
From the thermal behavior viewpoint, the decrease of conductive
sub-layer thickness can be a reason for the increase of turbulent heat
transfer in single phase swirling flow. In the present work, to investigate
this issue, the correlation of δ = K/h is implemented. In Fig. 15, this pa-
rameter is demonstrated and it is seen that conductive sub-layer
Fig. 12. The effect of height of the fin on circumferential velocity of liquid phase.
Fig. 11. Comparison between average of evaporative mass flux along the channel. Fig. 13. Comparison between centrifugal acceleration.
248 M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252
Fig. 14. The effect of centrifugal force on stream lines of liquid phase.
boiled surface and ferrofluid boiled surfaces 72∘ and 19∘, respectively
were selected. In order to investigate the influence of surface wetta-
bility on nucleation site density, the correlation proposed by Basu
[37] was implemented. Fig. 16 is drawn for nucleation site density
versus wall superheat. It is seen that this nucleation site density in
boiling of ferrofluid is lower than that in boiling of pure fluid. It
means that with enhancement of surface wetting, the nucleation
site density decreases, which is in agreement with descriptions of
Wang and Dhir [38]. It can be concluded that an increase of surface
wettability and flooding of some active sites causes decreases in nu-
cleation site density.
The reduction of liquid droplet contact angle not only causes some
cavities on the heater surface to be flooded, but also has a significant ef-
fect on bubble departure diameter. Based on the Fritz correlation [39],
which has been used for calculating the bubble departure diameter in
this study, a bubble is detached from the surface at a lower diameter
by reducing the contact angle. This issue is illustrated in Fig. 17. Fig. 18
shows images of flow boiling from the experiment by Aminfar et al.
[17] that confirm the results in Fig. 17.
Another parameter that is affected by deposition of nanoparticles is
Fig. 15. Comparison of conductive sub-layer thickness. bubble detachment frequency. In reference [40], a correlation has been
proposed for considering the effect of change in contact angle on bubble
detachment frequency and it has been used in this investigation. Fig. 19
In this study, a dilute ferrofluid (water and 0.1 vol%Fe3O4) has been indicates bubble detachment frequency by considering the reduction of
used. Thermo-physical properties of ferrofluid were calculated by corre- bubble departure diameter and, as expected, this parameter is increased
lations 15–18 and are shown in Table 5. As seen in Table 5, the changes by deposition of nanoparticles.
in the properties of the base fluid and the ferrofluid are very low. So, it is As mentioned above, deposition of nanoparticles on the heater sur-
evident that in the dilute ferrofluid, thermo-physical properties of face causes an increase of surface wettability. Enhancement of surface
ferrofluid have negligible effect on the reported boiling heat transfer wettability leads to an increase of liquid film stability on the surface
enhancement. and, consequently, an increased portion of heat flux is removed by the
For considering the effects of nanoparticle deposition, according mechanism of single phase convection. Also, given the finding in
to reference [17], the liquid droplet contact angle for a pure water Figs. 16, 17 and 19 the void fraction of gaseous phase is decreased, as
Table 5
Comparison of properties of pure fluid and ferrofluid.
Fig. 16. Comparison of pure fluid and ferrofluid nucleation site density.
Fig. 18. Comparison of pure and ferrofluid boiling characteristics at a constant mass. flux;
(left) pure water, (right) ferrofluid.
illustrated in Fig. 20. So, by considering void fraction as a criterion for
identifying critical heat flux, this limitation will be enhanced consider-
ably by using ferrofluid as a working fluid. Fig. 22 compares centrifugal acceleration of ferrofluid in the pres-
The applied magnetic field is due to a wire of electric current that is ence or absence of a magnetic field. Since the magnetic field exerts a
located in the center of the annulus and also is located parallel with the body force similar to that of a centrifugal force due to presence of the
longitudinal axis. To study the effects of a magnetic field, ferrofluid sin- fin on the heated wall, the amount of this parameter is greater in the vi-
gle phase convective heat transfer in the presence of field is first cinity of the heated wall where the Kelvin force is higher.
investigated. In the presence of a magnetic field, the velocity of a fluid in the vicin-
The electric current produces a non-uniform transverse magnetic ity of the heated wall is increased and, as a result, causes enhancement
gradient in the x and y directions that is perpendicular to the flow direc- by mixing of the fluid and turbulence of the flow in this region. This
tion. Hence, in the present work, this force is applied in the direction of change in the velocity leads to increases in the single-phase heat trans-
the outer wall. The radial distribution of Kelvin force, by magnitude, is fer coefficient, which is depicted in Fig. 23. Furthermore, some other ef-
indicated in Fig. 21. As it can be seen, because the heated wall is at a fects of applying a magnetic field on two phase flow characteristics
minimum distance from the wire, the magnitude of the Kelvin force including bubble departure diameter and bubble detachment frequen-
on this wall is a maximum and with distance from the wire as nonlinear cy, have been also investigated in this study. The correlation proposed
is reduced.
Fig. 17. Bubble departure diameter on heated wall. Fig. 19. Bubble detachment frequency on heated wall.
250 M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252
Fig. 20. Comparison of the average of void fraction in various section along the channel.
Fig. 23. Comparison of the single phase convective heat transfer coefficient in presence
Fig. 21. Radial variation of Kelvin force (at height of 0.4 m). and absence of field.
M. Mohammadpourfard et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2016) 240–252 251
Fig. 24. Effect of magnetic field on bubble departure diameter on the heated wall.
Fig. 26. comparison of the average of void fraction in presence and absence of field.
Fig. 27. Effect of magnetic field on heat flux which absorbed by mechanism of evaporation.
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