Assignment 1 Dbms
Assignment 1 Dbms
Assignment 1 Dbms
Q 1: Write the rela-onal Algebra, Tuple R. Calculus, Domain R. Calculus and SQL queries for following
a) Display the last name and job -tle of all employees who do not have a manager
b) Display the last name, job, and salary for all employees whose job is sales representa-ve or
stock clerk and whose salary is not equal to $2,500
d) Find the names of all customers who have an account at all the branches lo-
cated in Brooklyn
e) List the name of each employee who works onsome project controlled by department num-
ber 5.
Q 2: How does tuple rela-onal calculus differ from domain rela-onal calculus?
Q3. What is the difference between logical data independence and physical data independence?
Which one is harder to achieve? Why?
Q4. Define the following terms: en-ty, aVribute, aVribute value, rela-onship instance, composite
aVribute, mul-valued aVribute, derived aVribute, complex aVribute, key aVribute, and value set
Q5. What is an en-ty type? What is an en-ty set? Explain the differences among an en-ty, an en-ty
type, and an en-ty set.
Q6. Consider the ER diagram which shows a simplified schema for an airline reserva-ons system.
Extract from the ER diagram the requirements and constraints that produced this schema. Try to be
as precise as possible in your requirements and constraints specifica-on.
Q7. What is the difference between specializa-on and generaliza-on? Why do we not display this
difference in schema diagrams?
Q8. What are the main similari-es and differences between conceptual database modeling tech-
niques and knowledge representa-on techniques?
Q9. Discuss the en-ty integrity and referen-al integrity constraints. Why is each considered impor-
Q10. Can we convert weak en-ty set into strong en-ty? If yes, then how? If no, then why?
Q11. Describe the basic features of Hierarchal data model and Discuss their advantages, disadvan-
tages and importance to the end user and the designer.
Q12. Describe the basic features of rela-onal data model and Discuss their advantages, disadvan-
tages and importance to the end user and the designer.
Ques 2. Rela-onal Calculus in non-procedural query language and has no descrip-on about how the
query will work or the data will b fetched. It only focusses on what to do, and not on how to do it.
Rela-onal Calculus exists in two forms Tuple Rela-onal Calculus (TRC) and Domain Rela-onal Calcu-
lus (DRC)
Ques 4.
Attribute Value – Attribute value is the real data of a particular entity for each of
its attributes. In other word, associated with each real world entities are certain
attributes that describe that entity; value of these attributes for any entity is
called attribute value. For example, attribute value of first_name of attribute of
student_name can be Gyanendra.
Multivalued Attribute – A multi-valued attribute can have more than one value
at one time. For example, address of a person is a multi-valued attribute since a
person can have more than one address such as Present and Permanent address.
Upper and lower bounds may be placed on the number of values in a multi-val-
ued attribute. For example, a bank may limit the number of addresses recorded
for a single customer to two.
Key Attribute – Each real world entity is unique in itself. There are certain at-
tributes whose value is different for all similar type of entities. Those attributes
are called key attributes. These attributes are used to specify uniqueness con-
straint in relation. For example, a house has a registration number. This is a key
of all entity of house.
Ques 7.
Ques 8.
Major similarities and differences between conceptual database modeling tech-
niques and knowledge representation techniques:
1. Both the disciplines use an abstraction process to identify common properties
and important aspects of objects in the miniworld while suppressing insignif-
icant differences and unimportant details.
Ques 9.
Ques 10.
Ques 11.
Ques 12.