CURRENT BOOKING Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS)-Normal User CURRENT BOOKING
G2@ ey
a iRcTC
Booked From To
Start Date* 26-Feb-2023 Departure* 06:35 26-Feb-2023 Arrival* 10:55 26-Feb-2023
PNR Train No./Name Class
8700247834 19323 / BPL INTERCITY SECOND SITTING (2S)
Quota Distance Booking Date
GENERAL (GN) 218 KM 25-Feb-2023 21:08:11 HRS
Passenger Details
Name Age Gender Booking Status Current status
‘Transaction ID: 100003992065567
IR recovers only 57% of cost of travel on an average.
Payment Details
Ticket Fare 90.00
IRCTC Convenience Fee (Inc. of GST) 1180
‘Travel Insurance Premium (Incl. of GST) +035
Total Fare (all inclusive) 8102.15
6 Charges as applicable (Adational)
IRCTC Convenience Fee is charged per e-ticket irrespective of number of passengers on the ticket
* The printed Departure and Arrival Times are liable to change. Please Check correct departure, arrival from Rallway Station Enquiry or
Dial 139 or SMS RAIL to 139.
No Linen will be provided in AC Economy (3E) class.
‘This ticket is booked on a personal User ID, its sale/purchase isan offence u/s 143 of the Railways Act, 1989.
‘+ Prescribed original ID proof is required while travelling along with SMS/ VRM/ ERS otherwise will be treated as without ticket and
penalized as per Rallway Rules.
Indian Railways GST Details:
Invoice Number: 2387002478341 Address Indian Railways New Delhi
‘Supplier Information:
SAC Code: 996422 stn O7AAAGMoze9C1ZL
Recipient information:
Gstin NA
Name NA Address:
‘Taxable Value 90
GST Rate: 25% GST Amount oo
‘SGST/UGST Rate SGST/UGST Amount:VST Rate 5.0% 6ST Amount 00
Place of Supply:_NA_ State Name/Code of Supplier: Dethi/DL
1 Prescribed Orginal proots are: Vote Identity Card / Passport / PAN Card / Driving License / Photo ID card issued by Central / State Govt. / Public Sector
Undertakings of Stace / Central Government Oisvict Administrations , Municipal bodies and Panchayat Administrators which are having serial number /
Student identity Card with photograph issued by recognized Schoo! or College for ther students / Nananalzed Bank Passbook with photograph /Credit Cards
issued by Sanks with laminated photograph/Unique identieation Cad "Aadhaar, m-Aadhaay, ¢ adhaar./Passenger showing the Radhaar/O*ving Licence
from the “Issued Document” section by logging int his/her Dgilacker account considered s valid proot of identity. (Documents uploased by the user ie the
document in “Usicaded Document” section will ot be considered as 2 valid proof of identity).
2. PNRs having fuly waitlstes status wil be droped and automatic refund ofthe ticket amount after deducting the applicable CLERKAGE by Railway shall be
credited tothe account used for payment for booking ofthe icket. Passengers having uly wallstede-tcket are not alowed to board the tran. However, he
ames of PARTIALLY waitlsted/confrmed ane RAC ticket passenger will appear inthe chart and wil be allowed to board the tan
13. Passengers traveling on a fly waltlisted e-ticket il be teated as Tikes
'4. Obtain certificate from the TTE /Coneuctor incase of {a} PARTIALLY waisted e-ticket when LESS NO. OF PASSENGERS travel, (DIAC FAILURE, c)TRAVEL IN
LOWER CLASS. This original certificate must be sent to GGM (MT, IRCT, Internet Ticketing Centre, IRCA Building, Sate Entry Road, New Delh-140085 ater
filing TOR online within prescribed time fr calming refund
5. Incase, on party extickt or a family e-ticket issued for travel of more than one passenger, some passengers have confirmed reservation and others are on
RAC or wating list, fl refund af fare es clerkage, shal be admissible for confirmed passengers aso subject tothe condition that the ticket shal be cancelled
tole or enline TOR shal be flee fr all the passengers upto tity minutes before the scheduled departure ofthe tran
15. In-ease train late more than 3 hours, refund is admissible as per ealway refund rules only when TOR i led bythe user before the actual departure ofthe
train at boarding station and passenger has not travlle.
7. Incase of tran cancelation on its entire un, ull refund is granted automaticaly by the system, However, if the tran Is canceled partially on its run or diverted
and not touching boarding/gestination ston, parsengers ae required ta fle online TDR wth 72 hours of scheduled departure of the rain from passengers
boarding station
18 Never purchase ticket from unauthorized agents or persons using ther personal IDs for commercial purposes. Such sckets are lable to be cancelled and
forfeted without any refund of money, under section (143) ofthe Indian Raiway Act 1988, st of authorined agents are avalabe on wwwiretecoin under
Find NGet Agents opton,
9, For deta Rules, Refund rues, Terms & Conditions of Ticketing services, Travel Insurance fact ete. Please vist wwwirete cin
20, While booking this ticket, you have agreed of having read the Health Protacal of Destination State of your travel, You are agin advised to clesly read the
Heath rotocl aviary of eestnation state before start of your travel and follow them prope
11, TeFIR forms are avaiable with on board ticket checking staf tran guard and vain escorting RPF/GRP staf
12, Varety of meals available in more than 1500 trains. For delivery of meal of your choice on your seat log on ta or call 1323 Tol Free
For any sugestions/complaints elated to Catering services, contaet Tol Fee No, 1800-121-371 (07.00 hs to 2.00 rs)
13, ‘National Consumer Helpline (NCH) Tol Free Number: LB00-21-400 or 14408
14, You can book unreserved ticket from UTS APP or ATVMs (Automatic Ticket Vending Machines) located in Railway Stations,
15. VERIFY ARDHRAR: AADHAAR IS AN EASILY VERIFIABLE DIGITAL IDENTITY. The information{Name, Address et) availabe onal forms of Aadhaar(Aachaar letter,
PVC card, mAadhaar and eAachaar), can easly be verified by scanning the OR code avalable on them. Use QR code scanner avaliable on mAadhaar App of
‘adhasr OR code Scanner. Downlaad Asdhaar OR Code Scanner or mAadhaar App from Google Play store
26, RADHAAR UPDATE: If your Aadhaar was assigned ten yeas back and has not been updated then i i recommended that you may revaidatef by uploading
your Prat of identity and Proof of Aderess documents. With an updated Aadhaar, you may easily aval many Government and non government benefits &
Services, For any assistance / query, vist uidl govin, callus at 1947 (Toll Free) or eral to help@uidal govin
Contact us on: care@irete.coin OR 24°7 Hrs Customer Support at 14646 OR 0755-6610661, 0755:4030600
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