Mathematics in The Modern World 2ND Sem
Mathematics in The Modern World 2ND Sem
Mathematics in The Modern World 2ND Sem
WEEKS Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO) TOPICS Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs) Assessment of Tasks (Ats)
WEEK 1 1. Recognize the course objectives, Course Orientation: Orientation Self -readiness
outcomes, requirements and class 1. Course requirements Course syllabus discussion
policies. 2. Classroom policy Getting to know activity
2. Clarify the assessment tasks and 3. Grading system
grading criteria.
4. Course expectations
5. Course overview
6. Learning Resources
WEEK 2 1. Identify patterns in nature and SECTION I. THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS Lecture Quiz
regularities in the world Recognizing Patterns Essay Boardwork
2. Articulate the importance of A. MATHEMATICS IN OUR WORLD Patterns and Recitation
mathematics in one’s life Numbers in Nature and the World: the snowflakes and Homework
3. Argue about nature of mathematics, honeycomb; tiger’s stripes and hyena’s spot; the
what it is, how it is expressed, sunflower; the snail’s shell; flower petals; world’s
represented, and used population; the weather, etc.
4. Express appreciation for mathematics The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio
as a human endeavor.
WEEK 3 – 1. Discuss the language, symbols and B.MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLS Whole class discussions of the Quiz Boardwork
4 conventions of mathematics Characteristics of mathematical language: precise, comparisons between English and Recitation
2. Explain the nature of mathematics as concise, and powerful mathematical language
a language Expressions versus sentences Compilation of mathematical symbols
3. Perform operations on mathematical Conventions in the mathematical language and notations and their meanings
expressions correctly Four basic concepts: sets,relations, function, and binary Mathematics is a language in itself.
4. Acknowledge that mathematics is a operations Hence, it is useful in communicating
useful language Elementary logic: connectives, quantifiers, negations important ideas
Mathematics as a language is clear
and objective
Language conventions are necessary
in mathematics for it to be understood
by all
WEEK 5 - 1. Use different types of reasoning to C. PROBLEM SOLVING AND REASONING Whole class discussions of key Quiz
6 justify statements and arguments made Inductive and deductive reasoning problems and solutions Boardwork/Recitation
about mathematics and mathematical Intuition, proof, and certainty Mathematics is for everyone and
concepts 2. Write clear and logical Polya’s 4-steps in problem solving Problem solving anyone who cares to learn it
proofs strategies There may be more than one
3. Solve problems involving problems Mathematical problems involving patterns approach in solving mathematical
and recreational problems following Recreational problems using mathematics problems
Polya’s four steps Lecture,
4. Organize one’s methods and Problem solving exercises
approaches to proving and solving
WEEK 7 – 1. Use a variety of statistical tools to SECTION II. MATHEMATICS AS A TOOL Lectures Quiz Boardwork
8 process and manage numerical data Work with appropriate computer Recitation
2. Use the methods of linear regression D. DATA MANGEMENT statistical software, like excel and SPSS
and correlations to predict the value of Review: descriptive statistics Class discussions
a variable given certain conditions Normal distribution Exercises
3. Advocate the use of statistical data in Hypothesis testing
making important decisions Regression and Correlation
WEEK 10 Support the use of mathematics in E. THE MATHEMATICS OF GRAPHS Graphs and Euler Discussion Quiz Boardwork
– 12 various aspects and endeavors in life Circuits Lecture Recitation
Weighted Graphs Problem solving exercises
Euler’s Formula
Graph Colorin
WEEK 13 Support the use of mathematics in F. MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS Discussion Quiz Boardwork
– 15 various aspects and endeavors in life Modular arithmetic Lecture Recitation
Applications Problem solving exercises
Group Theory
WEEK 16 Support the use of mathematics in G. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE Simple and compound Discussion Quiz Boardwor
- 17 various aspects and endeavors in life Interest Credit Cards and Consumer Loans Stocks, Lecture Recitation
Bond, and Mutual Funds Home Ownership Problem solving exercises
Suggested Readings and Mathematics in the Modern World by Richard Aufmann, Rex Bookstore 2018
References Modelling Nature: An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling of Natural Systems by Edward Gillman, Cabi 2019
Advanced High School Statistics: Second Edition by David M Diez, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, et al, 2019
Math in Our World 4th Edition by David Sobecki, McGraw-Hill Education 2018
College Algebra 1st Edition, Kindle Edition by Jay Abramson, E-book 2017
Course Requirements 1. Portfolio 4. Quizzes, presentation, projects
2. Written Outputs 5. Major Examinations
3. Reflections 6. Performance Task /attendance / participation
Classroom Policies 1. Regular attendance is expected. Should there be absence, students must present excuse letters stating the reason.
2. Everyone must observe professional behavior and civil discourse throughout class time.
3. Leaving the virtual class other than to attend to emergencies and personal necessities is discourage.
30% EXAM