FD/RD Details: (To Be Filled by Applicant Only) Applicable For Resident and Non Resident Customers
FD/RD Details: (To Be Filled by Applicant Only) Applicable For Resident and Non Resident Customers
FD/RD Details: (To Be Filled by Applicant Only) Applicable For Resident and Non Resident Customers
Non withdrawable Deposit
I / We wish to have the maturity / interest payout through NEFT (Refer T&C) (Beneficiary needs to be the first holder)
Convert to Fixed deposit for tenure 1 Year 1 day
Cheque No.: _____________________, Debit A/c No. : ____________________________,
*Date Of Birth
Form 60 /61 (to be obtained in absence of PAN) *Date Of Birth
Type of Account
Recurring Deposit
Principal + Interest
Only principal
Renew Principal
Only applicable to customers who do not have account with HDFC Bank
Tax Saving Fixed Deposit
A/c. No _________________________________________
2nd Appl. Cust Id
Transfer to Current/Saving
Pay by DD/MC
*Sweep-in facility
Type of deposits
Form 15G/H
1st Appl. Cust Id
Tax Deduction at Source
TDS rates will be applicable from time to time as per the income Tax Act, 1961 and income Tax rules 'Mode of Operation' Single Either/Any one or Survivor Jointly Minor under guardian As per debit A/c
The current rates applicable for TDS would be displayed by the Bank on its website. Currently TDS on In the event of the death of the depositor, premature liquidation of the term deposits will be allowed. Such premature liquidation will not attract any penal charge.
FD & RD is deducted when interest payable or reinvested per customer across all branches exceeds Rs. In the event of death of one of the joint account holders, the right to the deposit proceeds does not automatically devolve on the surviving joint deposit account holder, unless there is a survivorship clause .
40,000/- (50,000/- for senior citizen) in a Financial Year. I/we agree that in case of joint fixed deposit with a survivorship clause, the Bank shall be discharged by paying the Fixed Deposit proceeds prematurely to survivor/s, on request, in the event of death of one or more Joint Depositor/s.
Further, TDS is recovered at the end of the financial year on Interest accruals if applicable.
If interest amount is insufficient to recover TDS, the same may get recovered from the principal amount Premature RePayment and SuperSaver will be allowed as per Operating Instructions.
of Fixed Deposit. If customer wishes to have TDS recovered from CASA, same can be availed by filling I/We authorize Bank to repay “all joint Term/Recurring Deposits” before maturity by crediting our Bank account grant “SuperSaver” “in case, a request(s) is/are received in writing from either or
separate declaration at branch. anyone of the undersigned joint account holder(s) and/or requested using net banking facility, subject to submission of relev documents required & rules and guidelines prevailing during the
For renewed deposits, the new deposit amount consists of the original deposit amount plus Interest Less relevant period Applicable only to Either / Anyone or Survivor and Former / Survivor MOP.
TDS, if any, less compounding effect on TDS. For reinvestment deposit, the interest reinvested is post
TDS recovery and "hence the maturity amount for reinvestment deposits would vary to the extent of tax
NOMINATION Yes No, I declare that I do not wish to make nomination in my deposit account. Nominee name to be displayed on FD advice
and compounding effect on tax for the period subsequent of deduction till maturity. Nominee details Same as Debit A/C Appoint new nominee (DA1 to be filled).
No deductions of tax shall be made for taxable interest in the case of an individual resident in India, if such
individual furnishes to the Bank, a declaration in writing in the prescribed Form (Form 15G / Form 15 H as Nomination updation - Form DA1
applicable) to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income for the year in which such interest income is Nomination under Section 45 ZA of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 and Rule 2(1) of the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rule 1985 in respect of Bank deposits I/We
to be included in computing his total income will be Nil.
Form No. 15G/15H to be submitted in Triplicate. A fresh form No 15G / 15H to be submitted in each new
nominate the following person to whom in the event of my/our/minor s death the amount of deposit in the account, particulars whereof are given below, may be returned
financial year. by HDFC Bank Ltd., (Name of branch where account is held) ________________________________.
Form No. 15G/15H will need to be submitted for all subsequent deposit’s booked.
The bank shall not be liable for any consequences or loss arising due to delay or non submission of form Nominee Name : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15G/form 15H. To enable us to serve you better kindly submit the form 15G/15H within the first week of the Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________ *City ________________________
new financial year .
As per Section 139A(5A) of the Income Tax Act, every person receiving any sum of income or amount from *State ________________________ Country: _______________________ *PIN Code: _________________ *Tel (R) ______________________________________
which tax has been deducted under the provisions of the Income Tax Act shall provide his PAN number to the
person responsible for deducting such tax. In case the PAN number is not provided, the bank shall not be liable for Relationship with Depositor, if any: ________________________________ Age __________ Date of Birth of Nominee: _____________________________________
the non availment of the credit of tax deducted at Source.
As per section 206AA introduced by Finance (No.2) Act, 2009 w.e.f 01.04.2010, every person who
receives income on which TDS is deductible shall furnish his PAN, failing which TDS shall be
(Leave out if nominee is not a minor) As nominee is a minor on this date, I appoint
deducted at the rate of 20% in case of Domestic deposits " Please further note that in the absence Name.: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Of Age __________
of PAN, Form 15G/H and other exemption certificates will be invalid even if submitted & penal TDS
will be applicable. Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Note:- The above is subject to change as per directives of Finance Ministry Govt. of India.
To receive the amount of the deposit in the account on behalf of the nominee in the event of my/minor's death during the minority of the nominee.
Important Points:
1. Min. & Max.Tenure of FD - 7 days & 10 Years Respectively. Personal Details of the Witnesses (*thumb impression(s) should be attested by 2 Witness)
*Minimum Tenure for NRE FD is 1 year.
2. Min. & Max.Tenure of RD- 6 months(in multiples of 3 months thereafter) & 120 months respectively. Witness 1 Witness 2
*Min. Tenure for NRE RD is 1 year. Name_______________________________ Signature ____________ Name_______________________________ Signature ____________
3. If NRE FD or NRE RD is prematurely withdrawn before completion of one year then no interest will be
paid. Address _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________
4. Min. Investment amount of FD - 5,000/-
5. Min. & Max. Installment amount of RD- 1000/-(in multiples of 100 thereafter) & 1,99,99,900/- respectively. Place ______________ Date _____________ Place ______________ Date _____________
6. Interest on RD will be paid on maturity,
6. The interest on deposits will be calculated by the bank in accordance with the directions advised by Indian
Bank's Association.
Please visit our website/ nearest branch/ contact Relationship Manager for further clarification. *Signature(s) / Thumb impression(s) *Signature(s) / Thumb impression(s)
IMPORTANT NOTES on Non Withdrawable Deposits:
The Fixed Deposits does not have any premature withdrawal facility i.e. the Fixed Deposits cannot be closed
by the depositor before expiry of the term of such deposit. Please refer important notes under Interest page I/We confirm that I/We have read and understood the above Declaration, and that the details provided on the form are correct. I/We also confirm that my/our account been opened by Bank
on he website for detailed terms and condition elated to premature withdrawals officer Mr./Ms. _________________________________________________ & I/We have signed in his/her presence.
Sweep-in facility and partial withdrawal is not allowed.
The deposit is allowed for Non Resident Category also. The minimum tenor for NRE deposit is 1 Year. FOR BANK USE
The deposit will be booked with maturity instruction as ‘Do Not Renew’
The Non Withdrawable Deposit is offered for amount 2 crore and above only.
The minimum tenor for resident and NRO deposits of 2 crores is 1 year and 91 days for 5 crore & above. A/c No.: __________________ LG Code
For terms and conditions and other details, please visit our web site or contact your nearest HDFC Bank __________ Branch Code PB Signature: _______________
Branch/Relationship Manager.
Product Code: ______
LC Code ____________ BM Signature _______________
Branch Stamp Branch Stamp
Value Date: __________