Tahdco RFP Skill Training 2019 20
Tahdco RFP Skill Training 2019 20
Tahdco RFP Skill Training 2019 20
RFP for Training Service Providers for Skill Development Trainings in TAHDCO
No: ‐ 5354 /2019/T2/MDTAHDCO/
Date of Issue: 20 /09/2019
TAHDCO, Chennai – Landline 044‐ Website: www.tahd co.com Email : tahdcotraining@gmail.com
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) from Institutes/Agencies/Training Providers offering Skill
Development Training.
TAHDCO (Tamilnadu Adi‐Dravidar Housing and Development Corporation) invites proposals
from Agencies /Organizations/ Institutes (duly registered / who are empanelled with TNSDC for
Providing Skill Development Training exclusively to unemployed Youth of Scheduled Caste &
Scheduled Tribe in Tamilnadu.
• For availability of detailed RFP document, interested Training Providers (TP) can visit
website https://tahdco.com and download the prescribed RFP document and submit their proposal
through post or in person at No.31, Cenotaph Road, 2nd Lane, Teynampet, Chennai‐600 018.
Proposals in complete form should reach this office before: 15.10.19(16:00 Hrs)
Managing Director, TAHDCO, Chennai reserves the right to reject or cancel any or all proposals.
Date: 20/09/2019 Managing Director,
TAHDCO, Chennai
Notice No: TAHDCO/Skill Development /T2 /19‐20 Dated: 20/09/2019
Request for Proposal from Agencies/ Organizations
/Institutes/Training Provider (TP) for Providing Skill Development
TAHDCO, an organization registered under Companies Act and an unit of Adi‐Dravidar Tribal
Welfare Department, Govt. of Tamilnadu inviting proposals from Agencies /Organizations/ Institutes
(duly registered /established in India under relevant acts and rules) for providing Skill Development
Training exclusively to the unemployed youth of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe of Tamilnadu
during the year 2019‐2020.
TAHDCO invites proposal for providing Skill Development Training exclusively to the
unemployed youth of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe separately.
Separate proposals needs to be submitted for Residential courses.
Proposals are invited for short term/long term courses in the field of sanitation viz
Sanitary Inspector & ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) or equivalent courses in
Sanitation & Health Sector from concerned Institutions must be recognized by
concerned Department of Government of Tamilnadu.
a) Joint Venture / Consortium is not permitted.
b) The proposal documents are available on website https://tahdco.com
c) Parties interested have to submit all the required documents by hardcopy.
d) The application fee is required to be deposited by DD drawn in favour of “Managing Director,
TAHDCO, Chennai‐18 “. (Remittance by DD should be submitted separately for Application Fee and
e) The EMD is required to be deposited by DD drawn in favour of “Managing Director, TAHDCO,
Chennai” . (Remittance by DD should be submitted separately for Application Fee and EMD)
f) Right to reject any or all the proposals is reserved by Managing Director, TAHDCO, Chennai.
g) All proposals intended should be superscribed on the cover”RFP‐ Skill training 2019‐20”
Date: 20/09/2019 Managing Director,
TAHDCO, Chennai
Table of Contents
1 Key Events and Dates
2 2 Disclaimer 5
3 3. Glossary 6
4 4 Invitation for Proposal 7
4.1 4.1 Important Dates / Information “
4.2 4.2 Other Important Information Related to Bid “
5 5. Introduction . 8
5.1 5.1 About TAHDCO “
5.2 5.2 Skill Development at TAHDCO “
5.3 5.3 About this RFP “
6 6 Scope of Work for Empaneled Agencies 9
6.1 6.1 Classification of intending bidders “
6.2 6.2 Scope of Work for bidders “
7 7 Instructions to bidders 11
7.1 7.1 Purpose of RFP “
7.2 7.2 Cost of RFP “
7.3 7.3 Earnest Money Deposit “
7.4 7.4 Transfer of RFP 12
7.5 7.5 Consortium “
7.6 7.6 Completeness of the RFP Response “
7.7 7.7 Empaneled Period “
7.8 7.8 Language of Bids “
7.9 7.9 Bid Submission Forma “
7.10 7.10 Disqualification 13
7.11 7.11 Bid Evaluation Committee “
7.12 7.12 Evaluation – Technical Bid “
7.13 7.13 Mandatory Documents for bidders 14
7.14 7.14 Technical Qualification Criteria “
7.15 7.15 Evaluation and Selection of Bidders for Empanelment 15
7.16 7.16 Award of contract: “
8 8 Payments Terms 16
Payments Terms for empanelled bidders “
9 9 Service Level Agreement with TSPs 17
10 10 General Conditions of Contracts for both bidders 18
10.1 Governing Law “
10.2 Confidentiality “
10.3 Legal Fees and Duties “
10.4 Period of Validity of Bids “
10.5 Change in Laws and Regulation “
10.6 Fraud and Corruption “
10.7 Force Majeure 19
10.8 Change orders and Contract Amendments “
10.9 Right to accept and to reject any or all Proposals 20
10.10 Termination “
10.11 Payment upon Termination “
10.12 Applicable laws “
10.13 General Terms of Proposal Submission 21
10.14 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP “
11 Guidelines for filling Response to RFP “
11.1 Contents of the RFP “
11.2 Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Proposal [Envelope A] for bidders: “
12 Schedule 22
12.1 Schedule‐A “
12.2 Schedule‐B “
12.3 Schedule–C “
13 Formats to be shared by bidders 23
2 Disclaimer : The information contained in this Request For Proposal ("RFP") or subsequently
provided to TP whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of TAHDCO
(Tamilnadu Adi‐Dravidar Housing and Development Corporation) (hereinafter “TAHDCO”) is
provided to interested parties on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms
and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer, it is an invitation by TAHDCO to
interested parties who apply for work order (henceforth “Proposers”) in response to this RFP. The
purpose of this RFP is to provide “Proposers” with information that may be useful to them in
preparing and submitting their proposals (“Proposal”) for rendering service of imparting/providing
“NSQF compliant” skill development training exclusively to unemployed SC youth and Scheduled
Tribe’s as per notified norms.
TAHDCO makes no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person
under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or
otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on
account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy,
correctness, completeness or reliability of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or
information contained herein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way from this RFP
TAHDCO may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to do so,
update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions contained in this RFP.
The issue of this RFP does not imply that TAHDCO is bound to select any “Proposers” for any
project. TAHDCO reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidders without assigning any reason
The proposer shall bear all costs associated with or relating to the preparation and
submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees,
expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by TAHDCO
or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its RFP.
3 Glossary
Terms Meaning
“TAHDCO” Offeror
“Proposers” Entity which will respond to this RFP
Committee Evaluation Committee which would evaluate the responses to this RFP
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
Empaneled Training Entity which has been empaneled with TNSDC.
MIS TAHDCO ‐ Management Information System
NOS National Occupational Standard
NSDC National Skill Development Corporation
NSQF National Skill Qualification Framework
QP Qualification Packs
TNSDC Tamilnadu Skill Development Corporation , Guindy, Chennai.
RFP Request For Proposal
SC Scheduled Caste
ST Scheduled Tribe
SSC Sector Skill Council
TSP Training Service Provider
Invitation for Proposal
4 Invitation for Proposal
This RFP Document is being published by TAHDCO inviting proposals from Training
Providers/Agencies / organizations/ institutes/ (Established in India under relevant acts and rules)
for providing skill development training to the SC and ST unemployed youths.
The complete RFP document is available on the website of www.tahdco.com for the purpose of
downloading. The downloaded RFP document shall be considered valid for participation in the
selection process subject to the submission of required Application (document) fee and EMD.
Proposers who wish to participate in this selection process must follow the guidelines
specified in this document.
1. selection procedure shall be adopted for identifying TP who is satisfying the prescribed norms.
2.. TAHDCO will not be responsible for delay in submission due to any reason. For this “Proposers”
are requested to submit proposals well in time so as to avoid unforeseen problem.
“Proposers” are advised to study this RFP document carefully before submitting their
proposals in response to the RFP notice. Submission of a proposal in response to this notice shall be
deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of this document with full
understanding of its terms, conditions and implications. This RFP document is not transferable.
4.1 Important Dates / Information
Proposals with complete information should reach this office on or before : 15.10.2019
4.2 Other Important Information Related to RFP.
5 Introduction
5.1 About TAHDCO
TAHDCO, an organization registered under Companies Act and an unit of Adi‐Dravidar Tribal
Welfare Department, Govt. of Tamilnadu inviting proposals from Agencies /Organizations/ Institutes
(duly registered /established in India under relevant acts and rules) for providing Skill Development
Training exclusively to the unemployed youth of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe of Tamilnadu
during the year 2019‐2020.
TAHDCO has endeavored for causes which support and encourage the following:
• Empowerment of marginalized and weaker sections of the society
• Evaluation of various welfare measures and projects implemented by the Government for
such disadvantaged sections of the society
• Contribution to the field of Equality and Social Justice through policy recommendations,
advice and training programs
5.2 Skill Development at TAHDCO
TAHDCO has embarked on an ambitious and noble mission of imparting skill training to
unemployed youth of SC and ST community who are socially disadvantaged and weaker sections and
thereby enabling them to get job in various industries. TAHDCO gives paramount importance to
quality based skill training under its initiative to promote skill training.
• To conduct skill development trainings especially for unemployed Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe youth
• To tie up with reputed training institutes having state of the art training facilities, infrastructure,
and excellent placement records.
• To formulate location and trade specific strategies for maximizing employment opportunities on a
sustainable basis in the State supported by private sector
• To facilitate a coordinated approach in achieving the above objectives for maximizing the benefits
over time and space and in reaching out the most needy sections of the population.
Currently, TAHDCO is supporting 50+ short / mid‐term Skills Development courses in
potential high employment sectors. TAHDCO has, through various Training Service Providers (TSPs)
successfully trained and placements made.
5.3 About this RFP
Through this RFP, TAHDCO seeks firms for undertaking skill development training programs
for SC and ST unemployed youth in all districts of Tamilnadu. Skill Development Training Program
(SDTP) will try to bridge the gap between incremental manpower requirement by companies or
industries by identifying certain job roles which are high in demand. Residential training proposals
needs to be given separately wherever this facility is available as per existing central & TamilNadu
State Government norms. However, for “Residential Training” it is admissible.
This RFP document is addressed for proposers follows:
Respondents to this RFP need to adhere to the following:
a) Conduct trainings for SC trainee.
b) Conduct trainings for ST trainee
c) Separate Proposals to be given to short term/long term courses in the sector of sanitation
viz Health Inspector &Health viz ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) courses (both Residential as
well as Non Residential). These courses must be recognized and institutions must be
authorized to conduct those courses by concerned Departments of Government of
Scope of Work
6 Scope of Work for Proposers/TP
6.1 Classification of intending Proposers. This RFP invites proposals from Training Service Providers
(TSPs) who are affiliated with NSDC/SSC/MSSDS/DDU‐GKY /PMKVY‐2 /TNSDC or any other valid
government programs in skill development or empanelled with TNSDC.
1. Charitable / Foundation Arms of a business house or Sister Company who are in the skill
development industry having the affiliation from TNSDC/NSDC/SSC/MSSDS/DDU‐GKY /PMKVY‐2/
Specific order from concerned department of Government of Tamilnadu or any other valid
government programs in skill development are eligible.
2. TSP, who are already servicing skill development training initiative with TNSDC are treated as
empanelled agency.
3. Firms owned by Schedule Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneur are encouraged to apply.
6.2 Scope of Work for PROPOSERS/TSP The TNSDC empanelled agencies would be required to carry
out the following activities within stipulated timelines which shall be decided by MD, TAHDCO.
The following is the broad scope of work for Empanelled TSPs if they are sanctioned work
under TAHDCO skill development training initiative.
Detailed scope of work shall be incorporated into the Agreement signed between TAHDCO
and the Empanelled TSP prior to execution of work. Work started without having made agreement
will be treated as invalid.
I. Mobilization of Trainees
a) Prior to initiation of training, ground‐level mobilization must be done by Empanelled
TSPs at their own cost.
b) Mobilization should be accompanied by counselling wherein Empanelled TSPs are
expected to provide trainee with all possible information on the nature of work in the
sector/trade, availability of jobs, potential pay and entitlements, growth prospects and
risks involved, with the aim of helping trainee and their families make informed choices.
c) Registration of trainees must be linked to their AADHAR identity, which the
Empanelled TSPs are expected to facilitate before trainee registration.
d) TAHDCO MIS system is under development and is to be rolled out shortly. TSP has to
upload the information of registered trainee’ information on it.
II. Training
a) TSP has to create a batch of maximum 50 trainees and minimum of 20 for conduction
of skill development training. creating batch should be done exclusive for SC & St
trainees only. b) TSP has to impart training as per the NSQF approved course curriculum
and accordingly conduct the classes, deviation to which leads to cancellation of work
c) TSP has to conduct soft skills as per the suggestive guidelines of TAHDCO (Schedule B) and should
submit the progress report to TAHDCO during the training session fortnightly.
d) Attendance must be collected only through AADHAR linked biometric attendance system
(Precision/PB ABAS 300/ESSL‐X990/Visiontek‐G11/Bio enable or equivalent as per Govt. guidelines)
and submit the same to TAHDCO on daily and real time basis.
e) TSP should not only concentrate on class room based training but also arrange for practical
oriented training as well.
f) For residential training courses, necessary infrastructure must be available and particular location
must be approved by appropriate central/TN state Agency like NSDC/TNSDC/particular Department
of State Government of Tamilnadu.
III. Assessments & Certification
a) TSP must conduct the independent assessment of trainee after completion of training by
SCVT/DGET a recognized third‐party agency after taking approval from TAHDCO
b) TSP should also conduct regular internal assessment in the form of quizzes, assignments and tests
to develop the learning habit among trainee.
IV. Placement
a) Sufficient placement opportunities to all the eligible trainees and ensure placement of all
deserving candidates. TSPs are requested to select the needy trainees who are in real sense looking
for job after completion of training and minimum of 70% trainees should be offered placement by
V. Post Placement Tracking
a) Maintain the record of all placed trainee who successfully placed after completion of training for a
period of not less than 3 months and provide relevant information to TAHDCO in the prescribed
format like salary details, career plan, employer’s feedback etc.
VI. Others
a) Submission of all the requisite documents as decided by TAHDCO unfailingly (online MIS platform
of TAHDCO/offline).
b) TSPs shall be responsible for all aspects of the training including center readiness, quality of
training delivery, assessment and certification, and outcomes required from the training.
c) Adequate practical and on the job training/internship must be incorporated into the training
module where necessary.
d) Curriculum must be based on the National Occupational Standards (NOS) and Qualification Packs
(QPs) developed by Sector Skill Councils established under the National Skill Development
Corporation (NSDC) under NSQF.
e) Persons deployed as trainers by the Empanelled TSPs must be competent instructors in possession
of requisite knowledge, skills and experience in their domain and should be possessing qualification
as prescribed under NSQF.
Instruction to Proposers
7 Instructions to Proposers
7.1 Purpose of RFP
The objective of this RFP is to identification and selection of TP/ firms/ organizations which
are functioning in the domain of skill development and training. The expected key benefits of this
process are as follows:
1. To provide skill development training to the unemployed SC & ST youth in all districts in the State
of Tamilnadu.
2. To assist in creating an enabling environment to attract the needy and most desired trainee by
providing employment based skill development training program.
3. To increase the employability of the youth and empower them to take part in the economic
growth of the state of Tamilnadu and India and thereby reduce unemployment, underemployment,
poverty and socio‐economic inequality.
7.2 Cost of RFP
1. The “Proposers” are requested to deposit the Application or Document fee of Rs. 2,000/‐ by DD
drawn in favour of MD,TAHDCO, Chennai Application fee is non‐ refundable.
2. The proposers shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the preparation of their
proposal and their participation in the selection Process. TAHDCO will not be responsible or in any
way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the selection Process.
7.3 Earnest Money Deposit
The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.10,000/‐ is required to be deposited by DD drawn in
favour of MD,TAHDCO, Chennai.
a) The EMD shall be denominated in Indian Rupees only.
b) No interest will be payable to the proposer on the amount of the EMD.
c) Proposal submitted without adequate EMD will be liable for rejection.
d) Unsuccessful “Proposers” EMD shall be returned after completion of selection process
e) EMD of Successful “Proposer” will either be returned after the award of contract and submission
of the performance security or adjusted for performance security within specified time and in
accordance with the format given in the RFP.
f) EMD shall be non‐transferable.
g) The EMD may be forfeited:
i. If a “Proposer” withdraws his proposal or revises/ increases his proposal during the period of bid
validity or its extended period, if any.
ii. If successful “Proposers” fails to sign the Contract or to furnish Performance SECURITY within
specified time in accordance with the format given in the RFP.
iii. If during the process, a “Proposers” indulges in deliberate act that would jeopardise or
unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalisation. The decision of the TAHDCO
regarding forfeiture of the EMD Security shall be final and binding upon proposers.
7.4 Transfer of RFP
The RFP Document is not transferable to any other “Proposers”. The “Proposers” who
purchases the document and submits it should be the same.
7.5 Consortium ‐Consortium are not allowed.
The proposer should implement training in their own centres mentioned in the proposal
specific permission should be obtained from TAHDCO to conduct training in places other than the
one mentioned in the proposal allotment order. The allotment cannot changed/ transfer to any
other TSP.
7.6 Completeness of the RFP Response
“Proposers” are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other
information in the RFP document carefully. Submission of PROPOSAL shall be deemed to have been
done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full understanding of its
implications. The response to this RFP should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to furnish
all information specified in the RFP document or submission of a proposal not substantially
responsive to the RFP document in every respect will be at the bidder's risk and may result in
rejection of proposal.
7.7 Validity Period of Work order
1. The contract awarded through this RFP shall remain in force /valid for a period of one (1) year only
or as mentioned in the agreement/work order. However, the TAHDCO reserves the right to amend /
delete selection list based on time to time reviews of the performance of empanelled agencies.
2. The tenure of the Agreement period shall be for a period of one (1) year whichever is earlier from
the date of award of work order/Agreement made.
a) The TSP continuing to meet the eligibility and qualifications criteria as required by the
prevailing conditions for selection, or as may be amended by TAHDCO from time to time;
b) The performance of the TSP under the TAHDCO skill development program post selection
process. Various factors as provided in Schedule C may be considered for the performance
c) At the time of renewal, documentary support for eligibility qualifications and credentials
must be furnished to TAHDCO as requested.
3. TAHDCO may also float RFP / RFPs for augmenting the list of TSP.
4. Selection does not guarantee any form of income / award of work / retainer fees.
7.8 Language of Bids: This bid should be submitted in English /Tamil language only.
7.9 Bid Submission Format
The entire proposal shall be submitted strictly as per the format specified in this Request for
Proposal. Proposal with deviation from this format are liable for rejection.
7.10 Proposal:
The proposal shall include following documents: The documents accompanying the Proposal
shall be numbered serially and placed in the order mentioned below, along with this checklist:
7.11 Disqualification
The Proposal is liable to be disqualified in the following cases or in case the “Proposers” fails
to meet the requirements as indicated in this RFP:
1. Proposal not submitted in accordance with the procedure and formats prescribed in this
document or treated as non‐conforming Proposal.
2. During validation of the Proposal, or its extended period, if any, “Proposers” increases his
3. Proposal is received incomplete.
4. Proposal is not accompanied by all the requisite documents.
6. “Proposers” tries to influence the Proposal evaluation process by
unlawful/corrupt/fraudulent means at any point of time during the process.
7. Prior to evaluation of Proposals, TAHDCO shall determine whether each Proposal is
responsive to the requirements of the RFP.
A Proposal shall be considered responsive only if:
• It is received by the Proposal Due Date including any extension thereof;
• It is accompanied by the Processing Fee;
• It does not contain any condition or qualification; and
• It is not non‐responsive in terms hereof.
8. TAHDCO reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non‐responsive and no request for
alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by TAHDCO in respect of
such proposal.
7.12 Evaluation Committee
The Proposal Evaluation Committee constituted by the Managing Director, TAHDCO will
shortlist the institutes and will recommend to the Managing Director, TAHDCO for selection. The
Selection Committee constituted by Managing Director, TAHDCO reserves the right to reject any or
all proposal without assigning any reason. The Proposal Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the
proposal and submit its recommendation to Competent Authority whose decision shall be final and
binding upon the “Proposers”.
7.13 Evaluation
The evaluation of the proposals will be carried out in the following manner:
1. The proposals will be evaluated as per the requirements and evaluation criteria as spelt out in the
RFP. The “Proposers” are required to submit all required documentation in support of the evaluation
2. At any time during the evaluation process, the Committee may seek written clarifications from the
“Proposers”. The Committee may seek inputs from their professional and technical experts in the
evaluation process.
3. The Committee reserves the right to do a reference check of the past experience stated by the
“Proposers”. Any feedback received during the reference check shall be taken into account during
the evaluation process.
If at any time during the evaluation process TAHDCO requires any clarification, it reserves
the right to seek such information from any or all of the “Proposers” and the “Proposers” will be
obliged to provide the same with supporting documents in the specified time frame.
7.14 Mandatory Documents for “Proposers”:
TAHDCO shall verify whether the “Proposers” meets the specified qualification criteria to
decide eligibility.
7.15 Technical Qualification Criteria
1. Proposers who will provide mandatory documents only are eligible for Evaluation.
2. Proposers who able to score more than 50 marks is eligible for selection.
3. TAHDCO reserves all rights for final selection of TSPs and target allocation.
7.17 Award of work order:
1. Based on the evaluation, TAHDCO shall award the work order to the eligible proposer who has the
highest score. TAHDCO will notify in writing that the successful proposal has been accepted. Upon
the successful proposer furnishing of a Performance security deposit, the contract signing process
will commence. In case the successful proposer is unable to furnish the Performance Security
deposit and execute Agreement within 21 days, TAHDCO shall forfeit the Earnest Money deposit.
Performance security shall be @7.5% on the gross institution cost of work order. performance
security is adjustable against EMD and balance amount after adjusting with EMD has to be remitted
by DD drawn in favour of MD,TAHDCO.
2. Preference shall be given to the Proposers belong to the Scheduled caste but they should fulfill all
the technical criteria.
3. Prior to sanction of work, there may be further consultations with empanelled TSP’s. The
performance of Empanelled TSPs shall be assessed bi‐annually and the value of work order
sanctioned (if any) for the subsequent year shall be in accordance with the performance.
4. Separate evaluation will be done for short term/long term/ Residential/Non‐residential/ Sector
specific (sanitation / Health) proposals etc.
4. Final discretion regarding the selection will be taken by TAHDCO only.
Payment Terms
8 Payments Terms
Payments Terms for Proposers: In case of sanction of work post‐selection, payment shall be guided
by the training costs approved at the time of issuing work order. The funds shall be released as per
the following schedule for short term courses.
Payment schedule for long term courses will be done as per final agreement to be executed
after allotment of courses.
Service Level Agreement
9 Service Level Agreement with TSPs
The proposers have to follow the following terms and conditions under Service Level
Agreements (SLAs):
General Conditions of Award of work
10 General Conditions :
10.1 Governing Law
The selection Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India and
the Courts at Chennai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant to
and/or in connection with the Selection Process.
10.2 Confidentiality
a) Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the
Proposers shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the process or is
not a retained professional advisor advising TAHDCO in relation to, or matters arising out of, or
concerning the Selection Process.
b) TAHDCO will treat all information, submitted as part of the proposal, in confidence and will
require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. TAHDCO may not
divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power
under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the statutory
entity and/or TAHDCO.
10.3 Legal Fees and Duties
The successful proposer shall be entirely responsible for stamp duties, license fees, and
other such levies imposed.
10.4 Period of Validity of Proposals:
Proposals shall remain valid for a period of 180 days after the proposal submission deadline
date prescribed by TAHDCO. A Proposal valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by TAHDCO
as nonresponsive. In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the proposal validity
period, TAHDCO may request proposers to extend the period of validity of their Proposals.
10.5Change in Laws and Regulation
Unless otherwise specified in the work order, if after the date of the Invitation for Proposals,
any law, regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is enacted, promulgated,
abrogated, or changed that subsequently affects the Delivery Date and/or the Contract Price, then
such Delivery Date and/or agreed Price shall be correspondingly increased or decreased, to the
extent that the successful Proposers has thereby been affected in the performance of any of its
obligations under the Contract.
10.6 Fraud and Corruption
TAHDCO requires that proposer must observe the highest standards of ethics during the
execution of the work. In pursuance of this policy, TAHDCO defines, for the purpose of this
provision, the terms set forth as follows:
1 “Corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of
anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;
2 “Fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly
or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to
avoid an obligation;
3 “Collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve
an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party;
4 “Coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or
indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party;
5 “Obstructive practice” is • deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of
evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to
materially impede a TAHDCO investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or
collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from
disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the
investigation, or • Acts intended to materially impede the exercise of TAHDCO’s inspection and
audit rights.
If it is noticed that the proposer has indulged into Corrupt / Fraudulent / Collusive / Coercive
/ Obstructive practices,
a. It will be a sufficient ground for TAHDCO to terminate the agreement and initiate
blacklisting of the proposer.
b. It will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the proposer recommended for
award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or
obstructive practices in competing for the contract; and
10.7 Force Majeure
The successful Proposers shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security,
liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to the extent that it‘s delay in performance or
other failure to perform its obligations under the agreement is the result of an event of Force
Force Majeure shall not cover the price fluctuation of components. For purposes of this
Clause, Force Majeure means an event or situation beyond the control of the successful Proposers
that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care on the
part of the successful Proposers. Such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of TAHDCO in
its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and
freight embargoes. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the successful Proposers shall promptly
notify TAHDCO in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by
TAHDCO in writing, the successful Proposers shall continue to perform its obligations under the
agreement as far as it is reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for
performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
10.8 Change orders and Amendments of work order
TAHDCO may at any time order the successful Proposers to make changes within the general
scope of the Contract, in any one or more of the following:
1. The place of service delivery.
2. The related services to be provided by the successful Proposers. If any such change causes an
increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the successful proposers performance
of any provisions under the agreement, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the
agreed/prescribed Price or in the Delivery and Completion Schedule, or both, and the work award
shall accordingly be amended. Any claims by the successful proposer for adjustment under this
Clause must be asserted within 45 days from the date of the successful proposers receipt of
TAHDCO‘s change order.
10.9 Right to accept and to reject any or all Proposals
1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, TAHDCO reserves the right to accept or reject any
proposal and to annul the selection Process and reject all Proposals at any time without any liability
or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any reasons
2 Such misrepresentation/improper response as described herein shall lead to the disqualification of
the proposer.
3 In case it is found during the evaluation of proposals or at any time before signing of the
Agreement or after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, that one or more of
the pre‐qualification conditions have not been met by the Proposers or that the Proposers has made
material misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or false information, the Proposers
shall be disqualified forthwith and the Agreement, if signed, shall be liable to be terminated by a
communication in writing by TAHDCO to the Proposers, without TAHDCO being liable in any manner
whatsoever to the Proposers.
10.10 Termination
TAHDCO, at its discretion, can terminate the Proposals of TSP earlier than the expiry of Two (2) year
period in the event of failure of TSP to remain eligible in view of prevailing eligibility conditions (as
revised from time to time) or to perform as per agreement deliverables or other relevant reason(s)
given in writing to the TSP.
10.11 Payment upon Termination TAHDCO may consider making a payment for the part
satisfactorily performed on the basis of Quantum Merit as assessed by it, if such part is of economic
utility to the TAHDCO.
10.12 Applicable laws
1 The agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws prevalent in India
2 Compliance with all applicable laws: The proposer shall undertake to observe, adhere to, abide by,
comply with and notify the Department about all laws in force or as are or as made applicable in
future, pertaining to or applicable to them, their business, their employees or their obligations
towards them and all purposes of this Tender and shall indemnify, keep indemnified, hold harmless,
defend and protect the Department and its employees/ officers/ staff/ personnel/representatives/
agents from any failure or omission on its part to do so and against all claims or demands of liability
and all consequences that may occur or arise for any default or failure on its part to conform or
comply with the above and all other statutory obligations arising there from.
3 Compliance in obtaining approvals/ permissions/ licenses: The proposer shall promptly and timely
obtain all such consents, permissions, approvals etc., as may be necessary or required for any of the
purposes of this project or for the conduct of their own business under any applicable Law,
Government Regulation/Guidelines and shall keep the same valid and in force during the term of the
project, and in the event of any failure or omission to do so, shall indemnify, keep indemnified, hold
harmless, defend, protect and fully compensate the Department and its employees/ officers/ staff/
personnel/ representatives/agents from and against all claims or demands of liability and all
consequences that may occur or arise for any default or failure on its part to conform or comply with
the above and all other statutory obligations arising there from and the Department will give notice
of any such claim or demand of liability within reasonable time to the bidder.
4 All legal disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Civil Courts of Chennai only.
10.13 General Terms of Proposal Submission
1 Each Proposers must submit a single proposal.
2 TAHDCO shall receive the proposal in accordance with the terms set forth in this RFP and other
documents that may be provided by TAHDCO pursuant to this RFP as amended/clarified from time
to time by TAHDCO
3 Proposers shall not have a conflict of interest ("Conflict of Interest") that affects the Selection
Process or any sanction of work that may follow. Any proposer found to have a Conflict of Interest is
liable to be disqualified.
4 Any misrepresentation shall lead to disqualification of the Bidder.
5 TAHDCO will not return any proposal or any information provided along therewith. TAHDCO
reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents submitted by the Proposers in
response to the RFP. Failure of TAHDCO to undertake such verification shall not relieve the
Proposers of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of TAHDCO there
10.14 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP
Failure of the proposer to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall constitute
sufficient grounds for the annulment of empanelment
11 Guidelines for filling Response to RFP
11.1 Contents of the RFP
The following are the Schedule attached as part of this RFP
1. Soft skill curriculum guidelines
2. Indicative parameters for annual performance review of TSPs
11.2 Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Proposal [Envelope A] for proposers:
The Proposers shall submit the proposal in the formats specified in this RFP. Chapter 12, Copy of
Certificate of Incorporation / Registration Certificate
1. Certificate of affiliation from SSC/NSDC
2. Covering Letter (Form‐I)
3. Self‐declaration of not being blacklisted (Form‐II)
4. Pre‐qualification criteria (Form‐III‐A)
The following are the appendices attached as a part of this RFP:
The documents accompanying the Proposal shall be numbered serially and placed in the
order mentioned below, along with this checklist:
SN Description Reference
1. Cover Letter with the proposal[for SC or ST specify] Form–I
2. Affidavit on not being blacklisted Form–II
3. Mandatory Documents Form–III
4. Technical Capability Statement for proposal Form–IV
5. Board Resolution for Proposal Submission Form–V
6. Authorization for Signing of proposal Form–VI
12 Schedule
12.1 Schedule‐A
It has been observed that students from the weaker sections of the society face difficulty in
conversing in English and also require substantial grooming on presentation and soft skills. Apart
from technical skills, it is pertinent for the students targeting corporate jobs to have a positive
outlook along with enhanced confidence during selection drives by corporates.
Indicative outline of Soft skill curriculum:
Module‐1 Spoken English
Module‐2 Business Communication
Module‐3 Personality Development
Module‐4 Industry relevant training
Module‐5 Detailed Interview Preparation
12.2 Schedule‐B
List of finalized sectors along with preferable courses as per the cost category prescribed in the
Common Norms notified by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship on Feb, 2015:
12.3 Schedule–C
The performance of Empanelled TSPs shall be assessed annually at the time of empanelment
renewal on following parameters (Indicative):
a) Achievement of targets: In terms of beneficiary numbers; against assigned and completed
successful training.
b) Achievement of outcomes: Proportion of trainees successfully certified; Proportion of trainees
facilitated with wage.
c) Quality of training: Training infrastructure; Training methodology; Trainer Quality; Trainees
Assessed & Trainees Enrolled; Trainees Certified & Trainees Assessed; Feedback from Monitoring
d) Quality of placement: Trainee job‐retention record; Average salary of placed trainees,
International placements.
13 Formats to be shared by bidders
Form – I
Format – Covering Letter
The Managing Director,
TAHDCO, Teynampet, Chennai‐18
Dear Sir,
(Company Seal) (Authorized Representative and Signatory)
The Covering Letter is to be submitted by Company Secretary / Authorized Representative
and Signatory on the organization’s letterhead with his/her dated signature and seal.
Form – II
Affidavit for not being blacklisted
(Affidavit on non‐judicial stamp paper by Company Secretary/Authorized Representative and
Signatory of the proposer with his/her dated signature and company seal)
For and on behalf of:
(Company Seal)
(Authorized Signatory)
Form – III
Format –proposer’s Details for Pre‐qualification
(To be provided by Company Secretary or Authorized Signatory on Letterhead with his/her dated
signature and company seal)
Company Profile of the Proposer:
Eligibility as per Qualification Criteria for proposer:
Form‐IV Format – Technical Capability Statement for proposers
Experience of the proposer in working with various State/Central departments in implementing
skill development programs
Experience of the proposer in receiving repeat Work Orders or renewal/extension of MoUs with
any of the State/Central departments in implementing skill development programs.
Experience of the proposer for Training and Placement in past 3 Financial Years
• Note 1: Data may be provided for financial years 2015‐2016, 2016‐2017 &2017‐2018 OR financial
years 2014‐15, 2015‐16 & 2016‐17 •
Note 2: Proposers are requested to furnish information in an organized manner as per the format
mentioned above and guidelines mentioned below •
Note 3: The onus of providing adequate and verifiable supporting evidence (of numbers of trainees
trained and placed) lies upon the Proposer. Detailed candidate‐wise data may be provided on CD, if
1. Supporting evidence must be provided as below: For “No. of Trainee Trained”, the following is
required: Original Certificate by a Chartered Accountant stating the number of trainees for whom
skill training has been completed by the Proposer as per the conditions stated in the note under
Clause 3.3.4
3.3.4. And
Self‐attested copies of any of the following:
• Work Order for each programme accompanied by Certificate of Completion / Proof of Final
Payment from Government bodies indicating the number of trainee trained in the sector; or
• Printouts of verifiable information from Government MIS systems showing number of trainee
Form – V
Format – Board Resolution for Proposal Submission
(To be furnished by the Proposer)
OF _______________ <Name of Organisation> AT THEIR MEETING HELD ON _________ <Date> AT
____________ <Time> AT _____________________<Address>
“Resolved that the consent of the Board of Directors is hereby accorded to submit the proposal and
other necessary documents for Request For Proposal for ‘Empanelment of Training Service Providers
to Impart Skill Development Training in TAHDCO’ ”
Signed on behalf of:
(Signature of Authorized signatory(s) of the Board)
Name: ____________________ Designation: _______________
Signature of:
Name: ____________________
Designation: Company Secretary
Annexure to Form – V(a)
as per No.
List of Centres , address & contact details
S. District Centre location & Contact Per day Permitted Name & functioning
No. Address Details capacity to capacity of the Person
conduct training Responsible
List of courses for which proposal is submitted Annexure to Form – V(b)
S.No. Name of the course TNSDC Empanelled Place & centre Enclose documents related
no. & date address in which to infrastructure
proposed to conduct (Building stability/Fire
training Proof certificate/permit to
conduct training)
Annexure to Form – V(c)
S. Skill training course No. of Place & centre Duration in hours No. Hourl Cost of
address in
No Sector Course Course traine which proposed Practic Theor Total of y course
. code name es to conduct al y day rate (col
training (inclu 5x9x11)
In Rs.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Form – VI
Format – Authorization
(On Company Letterhead)
Signed on behalf of ______________
(Name, Title and Address)