ORE Toolkit

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The document discusses rules for rolling dice and resolving tests in a roleplaying game, different advantages and powers that characters can possess, and powers of telepathy.

Dice pools involve rolling a set of dice and counting the number of successes, with higher dice representing greater ability. They are used to resolve actions and tests in the game.

There are standard, expert and master levels of success, with higher levels allowing for more impactful outcomes. Width and height also factor into the degree of effects.



FOREWARD...... 0.01 What This Book Doesnt Do....... 0.02 What This Book Does Do....... 0.03 Gears.. CHAPTER 01 - DICE 1.01 Dice Pools.. 1.02 Success v Failure. 1.03 Optional Rule: Six Sides To Every Story..... 1.04 Width Explained....... 1.05 Height Explained...... 1.06 Breaking Up... 1.07 Gritty Gear: The Run. 1.08 Superhuman Gear: The Full House....... 1.09 Difficulties & Penalties. 1.10 Action Gear: Getting Lucky...... 1.11 Bonuses ....... 1.12 Action Gear: Autocomplete...... 1.13 Multiple Actions..... 1.14 Competitive Tests..... 1.15 Cooperative Tests........ 1.16 Opposed Tests.. 1.17 Action Gear: Set For Set.......... 1.18 Projects...... 1.19 Squashing Them Dices........... 1.20 Area Dice 1.21 Special Dice...... 1.22 Gritty Gear: Failsafe Dice. 1.23 Action Gear: Extra Expert Dice 1.24 Superhuman Gear: Extra Master Dice 1.25 Waste Dice........ CHAPTER 02 - CHARACTER.... 2.01 Some Things To Think About. 2.02 Elements 2.03 Element One: Statistics... 2.04 Element Two: Skills.. 2.05 Element Three: Advantages 2.06 Element Four: Feats.... 2.07 Element Five: Powers.. 2.08 Optional Rule: Only 1 to 5?........................... 2.09 Element Costs... 2.10 Starting Statistics.. 2.11 Action Gear: More Non-Human Than Human... 2.12 Buying Special Dice. 2.13 Gritty Gear: Statistics Focuses.... 2.14 Advantages 2.15 Action Gear: Simplified Advantages... 2.16 Compatibility Rule: Extra Dice. 2.17 Advantage: Action Hero... 2.18 Advantage: Allies.. 2.19 Advantage: Ambidextrous... 2.20 Advantage: Arcane Apprentice...... 2.21 Advantage: Armour Conditioning... 04 05 05 05 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 2.21 Advantage: Benefactor... 2.22 Advantage: Contacts.. 2.23 Advantage: Eminence. 2.24 Advantage: Estate... 2.25 Advantage: Fast Recovery. 2.26 Advantage: Guardian.. 2.27 Advantage: Hart To Kill.. 2.28 Advantage: Income. 2.29 Advantage: Influence.. 2.30 Advantage: Low Light Vision. 2.31 Advantage: Lucky 2.32 Advantage: Mentor.. 2.33 Advantage: Preternatural Resistance . 2.34 Advantage: Preternatural Sense... 2.35 Advantage: Preternatural Skill... 2.36 Advantage: Preternatural Statistic 2.37 Advantage: Preternatural Vision... 2.38 Advantage: Rank. 2.39 Advantage: Signature Weapon. 2.40 Advantage: Staff.. 2.41 Advantage: Wealth.. 2.42 Companies Re-visited. 2.43 Archetype Character Building 2.44 Packages.. CHAPTER 03 - SKILLS.. 3.01 Action Skill System.. 3.02 Discipline Skill System 3.03 Skill List. 3.04 Specialist Skill List... 3.05 Skill Breakdown... 3.06 Specialist Skill Breakdown. 3.07 Weapon Skill Breakdown... 3.08 Feats - A Quick Word 3.09 Broad Feats List.. 3.10 Feat Breakdown.. 3.11 Athletics Feats. 3.11.1 Acrobatics: Wuxia Pian. 3.11.2 Climbing: Cliffhanger. 3.11.3 Running: Marathon Man... 3.12 Close Combat Feats... 3.12.1 Dodge: Uncanny Defense 3.12.2 Fight: Power Attack... 3.12.3 Parry: Web of Steel... 3.13 Computer Feats... 3.13.1 Hardware: Computersmith... 3.13.2 Operation: Tech Fu 3.13.3 Programming: Codeslinger.. 3.14 Crime Feats.. 3.14.1 B & E: Locksmiths Hand.. 3.14.2 Streetwise: Ill-Gotten Miens. 3.14.3 Theft: Petty Larceny.. 3.15 Education Feats... 3.15.1 Arts: Artistic Esteem.. 3.15.1 Research: Fact Finder.. 3.15.1 Science: Empirical Erudition 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 41 41 42 44 45 46 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 60 61 61 62 62

3.16 Engineering Feats... 3.16.1 Build: Craftworker.. 3.16.2 Design: Applied Professional.. 3.16.3 Repair: Quick Fix... 3.17 Entertain Feats 3.17.1 Compose: Soul Man. 3.17.2 Industry: The Producers... 3.17.3 Perform: Star Power. 3.18 Focus Feats. 3.18.1 Intuition: Inner Voice. 3.18.2 Meditation: Inner Clarity 3.18.3 Willpower: Iron Mind. 3.19 Leadership Feats 3.19.1 Authority: Look Of Eagles 3.19.2 Strategy: Plans Within Plans... 3.19.3 Tactics: Group Tactics.. 3.20 Manipulate Feats. 3.20.1 Influence: Travelling Salesman... 3.20.2 Intimidate: Bully Boy. 3.20.3 Subterfuge: Secrets & Lies.. 3.21 Medicine Feats 3.21.1 Pharmacology: Chemical Romance.. 3.21.2 Remedy: First Aid.. 3.21.3 Torture: The Harrow.. 3.22 Perception Feats. 3.22.1 Hearing: Pet Sounds. 3.22.2 Scent: Feral Scents... 3.22.3 Sight: Sight Beyond Sight 3.23 Physique Feats 3.23.1 Control: Kinesthetics. 3.23.2 Endurance: Unrelenting Persistence. 3.23.3 Vigor: Iron Constitution. 3.24 Ranged Combat Feats... 3.24.1 Ballistics: Bullet Man. 3.24.2 Energy: Energy Blast 3.24.3 Missiles: Hawkeye. 3.25 Social Feats. 3.25.1 Empathy: Lie To Me.. 3.25.2 Etiquette: Savoir Faire.. 3.25.3 Fascinate: Winning Smile. 3.26 Scrutinize Feats.. 3.26.1 Appraise: Assaying Eye 3.26.2 Search: Rigorous Inspection 3.26.3 Track: Trailblazer... 3.27 Stealth Feats 3.27.1 Disguise: Guy Incognito 3.27.2 Hide: Shadow Dancer... 3.27.3 Sneaking: Silent Walk... 3.28 Survival Feats.. 3.28.1 Direction: Path Of The Wayfinder... 3.28.2 Sustenance: Down & Out. 3.28.3 Trapper: Hunters Art 3.29 Specialist Feat List.. 3.30 Specialist Feat Breakdown 3.31 Axe: Broadcutter. 3.32 Bludgeoning: Pulverizing Rain.. 3.33 Close-In Fight: Steel Web.. 3.34 Fencing: En Garde! 3.35 Gunnery: Silent Death 3.36 Hafted: Give No Quarter

62 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 67 67 68 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 79 79 79 80 80 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84

3.37 Heavy Weapons: BFG.. 3.38 Hurled: Pitcher 3.39 Language: Fluency 3.40 Lasers: Wavelength Warrior. 3.41 Long Arms: Lead Tsunami... 3.42 Long Arms: One Shot, One Kill 3.43 Long Arms: Pump Action Mastery.. 3.44 Lore: Know-It-All. 3.45 Missile Weapons: Archers Eye... 3.46 Pilot: Airwolf 3.47 Pilot: Grab The Sky 3.48 Plasma Weapons: Firestarter.. 3.49 Projectile Weapons: Thrown To The Wolves 3.50 Ride: Horse Whisperer.. 3.51 Sail: Waverider... 3.52 Small Arms Weapons: CQB. 3.53 Sonic Weapons: Screaming Death. 3.54 Spacecraft: Voidrunner. 3.55 Student: Practised Hand... 3.56 Swords: Blademaster 3.57 Unarmed Combat: Kick Murder... CHAPTER 04 - LAW. 4.01 Bullet Time.. 4.02 Step One - Initialisation. 4.03 Step Two - Determination. 4.04 Speed.. 4.05 Step Three - Resolution 4.06 Hit Locations... 4.07 Shock & Kill Damage. 4.08 Armour. 4.09 Recovering Damage.. 4.10 Diving For Cover 4.11 Cover 4.12 Area Attacks 4.13 Continuous Damage.. 4.14 Impact Damage.. 4.15 Off-Hand Penalty 4.16 Twinned Sets.. 4.17 Two Weapon Combat 4.18 Combat Actions.. 4.19 Mooks.. 4.20 Morale Attacks 4.21 Drama Points.. 4.22 Vehicle Rules.. CHAPTER 05 - POWER 5.01 Power... 5.02 Limitation. 5.03 Intensity... 5.04 Example Power Set...

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The One Roll Engine (or ORE as it is commonly known) is a roleplaying game system mechanic created by the very clever Greg Stolze. It first appeared in GODLIKE and has since been employed in a number of great role-playing games, culminating in the most excellent REIGN, self-published by Mr Stolze himself. I first encountered ORE in GODLIKE and it didnt really capture my imagination at the time. I wouldnt revisit ORE again until years later when a friend bought me a copy of REIGN as a gift. The ORE didnt just shine in REIGN, it positively glowed. After doing some conversion work for a personal project of mine, I became increasingly enamoured with the system, to the point where I began converting it to yet more games. The flexibility of the ORE really grabbed my attention and it fast became my go to system, if I needed a replacement mechanic for another game. While working on yet another personal project, I realised that what I needed was a generic ORE core manual with lots of options to customise the system to whatever project I was currently working on. And thats how I got to this tome. I hope that you find something in here of use to you and even better that you can add to it! Best Regards Dorian T Hawkins

Disclaimer The One Roll Engine was devised by Greg Stolze and the author of this book does not make any claims as to ownership of the intellectual property that is the One Roll Engine. Any original material used within this book for use with the One Roll Engine may be used freely under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0. That is: use it for non-commercial purposes but give credit where its due! Special Thanks go to the people of the Nemesis System website and the many fans of ORE on RPG.net whom have all had great ideas that Ive nabbed and added to this compilation. The author also claims no license to other games using the One Roll Engine, the list of which is nonexhaustive, and any mention or reference to those games should in no way infer such claim to license or usage thereof.


WHAT THIS BOOK DOESNT DO It is presumed that anyone reading this book knows what a role-playing game is and is familiar with everything that entails. Accordingly, there will be no treaties on how to run games or essays on the use of space and weather in your campaigns. Further, there are many games which use some derivative of ORE or the ORE mechanic. To avoid legal issues and (more importantly) to support those games, I have taken the following decision: where a licensed game exists that utilises a modified, altered or added to version of the ORE mechanic (such as REIGN and the excellent Company rules therein), this document will not borrow or utilise any of the information within that other game. If you want to use the rules/information contained within, say, WILD TALENTS to create super powered characters, you had better go out and buy that book. So if you were looking at a cheap way of obtaining all the ORE advantages, disciplines and other powers, think again. WHAT THIS BOOK DOES DO This ORE Essential Edition is a stripped down version of the core ORE mechanics, complete with different options/rules for use in thematically varied games. It will also show you how to incorporate rules and powers from other games that utilise the ORE. To help with this, I have split the rules into clearly defined chapters and within each section there will be many optional rules divided into three separate Gears. A Gear, within the context of this document, is the character and/or system power level that can be used as a guideline for tailoring your use of ORE to your game. So, if you wanted to run a game of soldiers in the near future, fighting an urban guerrilla war, you would choose the most lethal and realistic Gear. Lastly, this symbol identifies Superhuman. As the Gear name suggests, characters are far beyond that of a typical human being and technology is a super science. You can expect such a character to take a bullet and barely notice it. Events affecting superhuman characters are usually big and possibly global threats. There is nothing to say you cannot use the different options given for one Gear in another Gear. For instance, you might see an optional rule intended for a Gritty game but you want to use it in your Action game. The Gears are suggestions to tailor the game to the genre you are wishing to play in but are equally as applicable to other games. However, if you wanted to run a game of men and women for whom dancing amongst the stars was a simple pastime, youll probably want the most fantastical Gear. The Gears are; Gear 1 - Gritty Gear 2 - Action Gear 3 - Superhuman Each is denoted by a different symbol. So where you see this symbol, these rules should generally be used for Gritty games. Such games are down and dirty: characters are average Joes and Janes and any special talents or abilities, psychic powers for example, are very low in power. This symbol denotes Action games. Your action games are very much about larger than life characters who can take a bullet and still get the job done, albeit with a bit of effort. Characters can be more than human but are not totally beyond the realms of impossibility.

Examples of the different types of genre you might use each Gear for are as follows; GEAR Gritty EXAMPLE Bladerunner (movie), Supernatural (tv series), Conspiracy X (rpg), Aliens (movie), noir (genre), Call of Cthulhu (rpg), Battlestar Galactica (tv series), XFiles (tv series). Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv series), Trinity (rpg), Dungeons & Dragons (rpg), the Matrix (movie), Star Wars (movie), cyberpunk (genre), 4400 (tv series), Stargate: SG-1 (tv series). Star Trek: The Next Generation (tv series), super heroes (genre), Robotech (tv series), anim (genre).



Any of the aforementioned examples would make excellent source material for a game and, in most cases, someone has already done the hard part of producing an RPG. All you have to do is purchase that (did I mention that its good to support the gaming industry?) and then, if you find you dont like the rules, use this tome to get the most out of your game.


ETHOS OF THE ONE ROLL ENGINE Whats in a name? you might ask. Simply, when the situation calls for a dice roll, the ORE attempts to determine as much as possible from a single roll of the dice. Some game systems can really slow play down at certain stages and combat (see CHAPTER 4 for how we deal with that using the ORE) is one of the chief culprits. The first point to get across then is Quick resolution is good. Speed really is at the essence of the ORE and you can help speed your game up by reducing the number of dice rolls. There really is no point in forcing your players to make needless rolls for easy or mundane tasks. Unless you are a teenager, getting up in the morning is relatively easy and a doctor should never need to roll dice to take someones temperature. Conversely, rolling dice where there is absolutely no possibility of success is also a pointless exercise. So making a test to see if a character spontaneously develops the mutant power of Awesomeness is equally fruitless. So, dice rolls are called for when the outcome is uncertain and at least one party cares about the result. THE DICE The One Roll Engine exclusively uses ten sided dice (d10s to the in crowd). When you are required to make a test, you will roll one or more d10s. The number of dice you roll is called your Dice Pool. This is typically derived from adding a statistic (representing your characters personal capabilities in the game universe) to a skill (representing your characters knowledge and training in a given area). The resulting number becomes the dice pool and you roll that many d10s. There are other ways to determine a dice pool but they are defined by specific situations. Generally, you may never roll more than 10 dice unless special circumstances call for it. If your dice pool is greater than 10, apply any positive or negative modifiers before you roll. Modifiers may reduce your dice pool below 10, however, if your dice pool is still greater than 10, ignore the excess and roll 10 dice. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT, NEVER ROLL MORE THAN 10 DICE UNLESS THE RULES TELL YOU TO! It is advised that each player has 10d10s at their disposal and the Game Master has 15. OPTIONAL RULE - SIX SIDES TO EVERY STORY Not every gaming group has a bucket-load of d10s available to them. Not every gaming group actually wants a bucket-load of d10s. Other groups might find the difficulty of making sets with d10s too high a bell curve. Well, there is a solution at hand. Instead of using d10s, a group can use d6s instead. The die mechanics are exactly same (just remember to halve the Difficulty levels of your challenges) only the probabilities change dramatically. You will approximately score sets twice as frequently with d6s compared to d10s. SUCCESS VS FAILURE Youve rolled your dice pool and you now have lots of d10s on a surface but you dont know what any of the numbers translate into. To determine whether you succeed or fail a test, you are looking for dice results which have matching numbers. Further, you also really want to know how many of those dice match and what the matching number is. Within the ORE, the number of dice which match is called the Width. So if you have 3 dice which all show the same result, you have a Width of 3. The actual value showing on the matching dice is called the Height. So if you have 3 dice all showing 7, you have a Height of 7.

E.g. You roll a dice pool of 7 dice. You score 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7. You have rolled two 3s and no other matching numbers. Therefore you have rolled a width of 2 (since you have two matching numbers) and a height of 3 (those matching numbers are 3). Width and Height can be expressed in terms of WxH. Or Width by Height E.g. A Width of 3 and a Height of 7 would become 3x7. You might say I have a set of 3 by 7. Width and Height can also be referred to as W and H, respectively. If you have no matching results, you fail the dice roll: you do not complete whatever you were attempting to do. BUT HOW SUCCESSFUL WAS I? You can see whether you have succeeded or failed a test but in many situations you will want to see how well you succeeded. Success is measured in Width and Height. Width determines how well you succeeded, the wider, the better. Height determines how well you overcome your challenges but can also be a measure of other details, such as speed, and these can vary per test. Often, Width is more important than Height but there are some scenarios where Height is more relevant. In every instance, a basic pass or fail is a Width of 2 (2 dice both showing the same result) also known as a TWO OF A KIND. This is called a Normal Success and represents doing an adequate job of whatever you were doing, C grade work or a Bronze Medal. A Width of 3 (3 dice showing the same result) is a THREE OF A KIND. This is called an Expert Success and represents achieving an above satisfactory standard of success, B grade work or a Silver Medal.

A Width of 4 (4 dice showing the same result) is a FOUR OF A KIND. This is called a Master Success and represents an outstanding standard of success, A grade work or a Gold Medal. Needless to say, a Width of 4 is better than a Width of 3 which, in turn, is better than a Width of 2. It is possible to achieve greater than a Width of 4, however, it becomes increasingly unlikely. Should you be lucky enough to achieve a Width of 5, 6 or more, the level success increases with it (5 is better than 4, 6 is better than 5 ad infinitum). YOU SAY JUMP AND I SAY HOW HIGH? As stated earlier, Height can measure a number of things but chiefly, it represents success over adversity and how easy your character finds dealing with the challenge at hand. Height can obviously be from 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. A good analogy is there are two different people writing the same essay topic. They both get the same grade, however, how they got there could be very different. It may be that one person had to re-start their essay several times while the other sat down to write theirs and it flowed straight out. In game terms, the first person had a lower Height than the other. Without any further complications, Height can give us the information as to how quickly you achieved something or how effective you were. E.g. You might be running a race. You roll your Race Running dice pool of 7 and score 3x7. So you got an expert success, which means you ran your race well (no trips, slips or fumbles, avoided the holes in the road), however, your height determines your effect, and in this instance, you got 7s, so your height is 7, while your opponent only got 5 putting you in the lead.

Because of the interaction between Width and Height, you can yield a lot of information from that one roll. BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO So youve rolled 4x10 and you are pretty impressed with yourself. However, you really needed two sets and not a single good one. Fortunately, they are your dice youve rolled and you can do whatever you like with the result. Rolled 4x10? Well that can be two sets of 2x10 or even a set of 3x10 and a 1x10 if you so desire. When you do roll a wide set, separating it in to further sets is called Breaking Up. E.g. Youve rolled 1, 3, 3, 3, 3 and 3. Your options are as follows; 5x3 with the 1 as a wasted die. 4x3 with a 1 and 3 as wasted dice. 3x3 and a 2x3 with the 1 as a waste die. Or any other combination you can construct using that roll of the dice (even no sets if you really wanted). THE RUN Success is a hard won thing in a Gritty game. Dice pools tend to be lower and difficulties tend to be higher. To help you out a little bit, we add an additional success condition. When a character fails to achieve a set (2, 3 or 4 of a Kind and so on), if you roll three dice showing consecutive numbers, 1, 2 and 3 for example, this is a Run. A run counts as a Width of 1 (ONE OF A KIND, if you like) with a Height of the highest die in the run. This is called a Minimal Success and represents the character succeeding but just barely. Whatever you were doing was badly executed and certainly

wouldnt win any prizes. However, when a success means the difference between life and death, a minimal success is better than the alternative. A Minimal Success is a special circumstance representing a last chance or just barely achieved win. The act of reducing a set to 0 or 1 represents the spoiling of a set and does NOT become a Minimal Success (for more on this, see Opposed Tests later in this section). THE FULL HOUSE Superhuman (and some Action) games have a tendency to score multiple sets. Multiple sets are an uncommon thing and achieving one should be something to celebrate. Accordingly, to give more oomph to their dice rolling, if a character scores multiple sets, you may discard a single set to add 1 to the Width of another set with a greater Height. E.g. you roll 2x2 and 2x5. You may discard the 2x2 to add 1 W to the 2x5, becoming 3x5. COMPLICATIONS If only everything were that simple. As art mirrors life, so do role playing game mechanics. Any game engine would be nothing without Penalties and Difficulties. How else would your Game Master/Referee/Umpire/Bully get his or her enjoyment? Every task has a Difficulty rated from 1 to 10. 1 is easy and 10 is improbable. The difficulty is directly related to how challenging the task is to accomplish. Microwaving soup would be an easy task, however, cooking a five course meal of cordon bleu food for a group of severe food critics would be much, much harder. Once a difficulty is assigned, you roll your dice and discard any dice which are lower than the difficulty.

E.g. Your car breaks down on a deserted highway and you decide to fix it yourself. The task is determined to be difficulty 4. You roll your dice pool of 5 and the best result you get is 3x3. All your dice less than 4 are discarded meaning everything goes, including your 3x3. With no W or H, you fail the roll: the broken engine is too much for your limited knowledge. A Penalty represents a hindrance or challenge which affects your performance. This might be a strong wind or harsh weather than affects your DIFFICULTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RATING

landing attempt or you might be pressed for time when attempting to paint a masterpiece. Dice pool penalties are expressed in terms of -Nd (minus Number of dice). So a -1d penalty temporarily reduces a dice pool by 1, a -2d penalty reduces a dice pool by 2 and so on. As you can see, attempting to perform a difficult task in adverse conditions not only makes scoring a success a challenge but also reduces the number of dice with which to do it! So dont try driving a race car through rush hour traffic (Difficulty 5 with a -3d penalty, in case you were wondering). PENALTY -1D -2D -3D -4D -5D RATING HINDERING FRUSTRATING HANDICAPPING HAMSTRINGING THWARTING

Suffice to say, as a Game Master, most difficulties you assign should be between Difficulty 2 - 4, while reserving Difficulty 5 and 6 for truly challenging tasks. Difficulty 7 to 10 should rarely, if ever, employed. A note to players: if your Game Master gives you a difficulty of 7 or 8, they are probably trying to tell you that what you are about to attempt is not a good idea. If the difficulty is 9 or 10, they are telling you Dont even try it (with a silent Idiot). Penalties should also stay around the -1d or -2d level. A modifier of greater than 2d substantially affects the dice pool probability of success. However, in some situations, an increasingly higher penalty will be incurred (theres no stopping a player character when they really want to do something) and so, -3d and higher exist for this reason.

Again, players, if your Game Master is giving you a penalty of greater than -2d, they are trying to tell you something GETTING LUCKY In certain games, sometimes a character can take that 100 to 1 shot and succeed, in spite of the odds. Therefore, if your dice pool is reduced to 0 or less, you still get to roll a single Luck die. If you score a 10, this counts as a Minimal Success (see The Run above) with a Height of 10. Conversely, if you roll a 1, you score a Catastrophic Failure. Here, something bad has happened and someone is going to pay the consequences. Perhaps you shoot your friend in the back, instead of your opponent or perhaps you accidentally wipe the computer you were trying to hack.


BONUSES It isnt all bad, however. Sometimes, you can do things to weigh things in your favour. When this happens, you receive a dice pool Bonus. This is expressed in terms of +Nd (add Number of dice). You temporarily add the number of dice to your dice pool, hopefully improving your chances of success. Remember, you may not roll more than 10 dice unless specifically directed to. As a loose rule, taking Extra Time (doubling the normal length of time to undertake something) adds +1d. You may then take Double Extra Time to raise that to +2d. This is different to Auto Complete (see below), which is only applicable to a project with a definite goal. E.g. A character has to reverse engineer some alien technology they found. Fortunately, they arent under pressure and so spend double the normal time working on it, receiving a +1d bonus. Their Engineering dice pool is normally 6 but the +1d bonus increases it to 7. AUTO COMPLETE If an Action character undertakes a task that isnt time sensitive, that character may Auto Complete. The Game Master determines how long it will take to complete the task in terms of Minutes, Hours or Days and multiplies that by the Difficulty of the task. Once the time factor is determined, if the character opts to spend that much time at the task, they may succeed automatically without rolling a die. Auto Complete gives you the equivalent of a Width of 2 with a Height equal to your skill rating. E.g. You offer to repair your friends car but he doesnt care when he gets it back. The Game Master determines it is Difficulty 3 to fix and will take Hours. Since your friend doesnt care how long you take, you

decide to Auto Complete. Multiplying Hours by Difficulty 3 results in you taking 3 hours to fix the car. MULTIPLE ACTIONS It is possible for a character to act more than once in a round and resolution of this still only requires a single roll. A character deciding to act more than once establishes which actions they are to undertake and the order in which they must resolve. This is relevant if an additional action is reliant on an earlier action. E.g. A character decides to jump in a car and drive it away. She couldnt perform the drive action before she had completed the jump action. In any such case, you must resolve actions in the most logical order. This way, you cannot decide to drive the car before you jump in it. For every additional action beyond the first, incur a -1d penalty. E.g. A character decides to do three actions. He incurs a -2d penalty. If using different skills, use the lowest dice pool. E.g. A character attempts to drive a car while firing out the window. This multiple action would require the use of the drive skill and an attack skill. The former is 7 dice and the latter is 5. Use the latter with a -1d penalty. Once you have determined what you are doing, in what order and how many dice you are rolling, throw those decahedrons! You are looking to score multiple sets with each set applied to a different action. As mentioned, if you generate fewer sets than actions, you cannot apply a set to an action reliant on an earlier action. E.g. You decide to disarm an opponent and stab them with


their own weapon. This is a use of your unarmed skill and your weapon skill. The latter skill is lower than the former. You roll your weapon skill, less 1 die, and score 1, 2, 2, 5, 5. Your result of 2x2 and 2x5 means you successfully complete both actions. Had you rolled 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, you could only succeed on the disarm test Any penalties affecting one or more of the actions involved affect the dice pool for all resulting actions. COMPETITIVE TESTS Sometimes a task is in direct competition with another party. Arm wrestling, a race, a battle of wits, all these are good examples of Competitive Tests (also known as Dynamic Tests). The outcome of any such test is to determine who wins and who loses. Follow the rules above and whoever rolls higher, be it Width or Height, wins the test. As usual, Width represents how well you performed the task and Height represents the quality or speed or some other trait. As Game Master, you must clearly establish whether Width or Height is the winning aspect. As a general rule, use Width when two or more people are in direct competition. Use Height when two or more people are in comparative competition. EXAMPLES OF COMPETITIVE TESTS WIDTH HEIGHT

characters result. This can be a Special Die (see below). E.g. A team of three investigators examine a crime scene. They all roll their dice pools and the lowest set is 2x4. This becomes the baseline. Fortunately, both his colleagues can contribute a 4 to this resulting in an increase to 4x4. In the unlikely situation that no one scores a set, then the test fails as normal. OPPOSED TESTS When one character decides to do something and another character wants to stop them, the only way to resolve this is with an Opposed Test. The most basic and obvious opposed test is character X attempting to stab character Y in the face (also known as combat). All parties roll their dice pools as normal. If the active character fails the roll, well, theres nothing for the opposing character to stop and consequently, you may ignore their result. Conversely, if the active character succeeds and the opposing character fails their roll, then the task resolves unopposed as normal. When both the active character and the opposing character succeed, the latters result becomes Counter Dice (also known as Gobble Dice). Each such die in the set counters (discards) a die of the active characters set, thus reducing the Width. If a set is reduced to 0 or 1, that set is Spoiled and neutralised. E.g. You roll your dice pool and score 3x7. Your opponent rolls 2x8. Those two gobble reduce the 3x7 to 1x7, spoiling the set. There is one further factor to consider: the Height of a set. You cannot gobble a die of greater Height. E.g. You roll your dice pool

COOPERATIVE TESTS If multiple people work on a task, they all roll the appropriate dice pool with the same difficulty and applying any bonuses or penalties. Once all dice are rolled, the character with the narrowest set becomes the baseline. All other characters may then contribute a single die to baseline


again and score 2x4. Your opponent rolls an impressive 3x3. However, the Height is less than your Height and cannot be used to gobble your 4s. Each gobble die can be applied against any set generated, which makes them particularly effective against multiple actions and also provides some defense against multiple opponents. E.g. Your opponent attempts to trip you and then strike you while you are down. She rolls 2x4 and 2x6. You attempt to dodge and score 2x7. Because you scored a two of a kind, you have 2 gobble dice. You may apply 1 against both sets, reducing the 2x4 to 1x4 and 2x6 to 1x6. As stated above, any set reduced to 0 or 1 is spoiled: you successfully block your opponents attacks. SET FOR A SET (OR DE-VALUING COUNTER DICE) Because of the way Counter Dice work, it is possible to break up multiple Active sets with a single Defensive Set. This gives the defender the advantage. With the standard damage system, this is purely intentional. However, that might not work for you as a Game Master in a less dangerous game (or a more dangerous game). This is also specifically relevant to the use of alternative methods to determine Speed (see Chapter Four - Law for more details). To de-value defensive actions, using the Set For A Set option, a set is only spoiled if it is reduced to 0 Width. A Width of 1 is still considered successful at a Minimal Success level (see The Run option above).

E.g. Your character attempts to grab a key from an opponents hand. The opponent attempts to stop you. You roll 3x4 but your opponent only rolls 2x5, yielding only 2 Counter Dice. He reduces your Width to 1 yielding a Minimal Success. PROJECTS Sometimes a character will want to do an action that will take a long time but he or she has opportunity to work on it at their leisure, going off and doing other things and then coming back it when they can/want. Examples might include writing a thesis, rebuilding a car or making a sculpture. Such actions are called Projects. The key fact about Projects is multiple rolls to complete with its Width to the last. Once the final Completion rating, the successful. that they require each roll adding Width reaches a project is finally

When a character starts a project, the Game Master determines the length of Time it takes to make each roll and the final Width required for Completion. Projects are measured in terms of Easy, Involved, Complicated, Extensive and Exhaustive. COMPLEXITY


COMPLETION 3 6 12 18 24

The Complexity does not determine the Time and Completion, i.e. if the Project is Complicated, it does not always take a Weeks work for a roll and a cumulative Width of 12. A given Project might be Intense in terms of the time required to complete (a week per roll) but might only be Easy in terms of the level of work required to complete it (Width of 5). It is all determined by the Game Master. E.g. A character attempts to build a stealth bomber in his


back garden. He has a group of people to help him and they have the requisite knowledge and tools. The Game Master determines that because they have an efficient team and actually know what they are doing, its only an Intense project in terms of Time. However, they are still trying to build a Stealth Bomber in a suburban garden. Thats Exhaustive in terms of Completion. So the Project requires a cumulative Width of 24 and each roll requires a month of work. If Quality of a Project is a factor, perhaps a character wants to produce an amazing piece of film, then take the average Height of each roll (round off). E.g. A character is designing a new piece of software and he wants the user interface to be fantastic. It takes him 6 rolls to finally complete it (6 weeks in total). His rolls are 2x4, 2x8, 3x10, 2x5, 3x7 and 2x9. The average Height is 4 + 8 + 10 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 43 / 6 = 7. This creates an average Height of 7. The interface is pretty darn good. SQUASHING THEM DICE For added flexibility, there is a further option for manipulating the dice: Squashing and Squishing. Squashing is when a character takes a metaphorical hammer to the dice, reducing the Height of a set to inflate the Width. If a character has the option to Squash, they may reduce the Height by 2 to add 1 to the Width of a set. Squishing is the opposite: squeezing the dice thereby reducing the Width but increasing the Height. If a character has the option to Squish,

they may reduce the Width by 1 to add 2 to the Height of a set. These options can be made available as standard during play if a Game Master wishes or they could be attached to some other factor (e.g. having an Expert Die in a skill might allow you to Squish and having a Master Die might allow you to Squish and Squash). Some Feats and Advantages might allow you to Squish or Squash too. Heres a general rule worth pointing out; WHERE CHARACTERS ARE ALLOWED TO MANIPULATE THEIR DICE RESULTS (SEE FULL HOUSES, SQUISHING AND SQUASHING), ONLY ONE SUCH MANIPULATION PER DICE ROLL SHOULD BE ALLOWED. SO A CHARACTER COULD EITHER SQUISH, SQUASH OR USE A FULL HOUSE, NOT ALL THREE. DICE WITH ME Beyond standard dice pools, there are a variety of die types to consider. Area Dice are applied when damage is applied over an area. Examples are falling in to a bonfire, a gas main exploding underneath you and those pesky balls of fire wizards seem to like throwing at people. Area Dice are discussed in more depth in Chapter 4. Special Dice are a limited but powerful resource in the dice rolling mechanic. They represent supernatural, or otherwise amazing abilities, or a high level of training. How you obtain them and such matters are covered in the appropriate chapters, however, they can apply to skills, super powers, spells and a number of other things. Special Dice come in two varieties, Expert Dice (also known as Hard Dice and Failsafe Dice) and Master Dice (also known as Wiggle Dice or Trump Dice). The former represent an enhanced level of training or ability above the layperson while the latter represent a level of understanding or power that is way above the journeyman. These Expert and Master Dice have huge ramifications upon the power level of your characters and accordingly, their exact effect


and their availability is determined by the Gear of your game. It would not be a very gritty game if your characters had access to multiple Master Dice, for example. There are two standard rules affecting Special Dice in all Gears that deserve special mention; DICE POOL PENALTIES ALWAYS AFFECT SPECIAL DICE FIRST! WHERE

havent rolled. In this way, you are very likely to make a Minimal Success (see The Run above) and thereby providing yourself with a failsafe but not much else. EXTRA EXPERT DICE With some Action games, those with common supernatural, racial or mystical powers for instance, it is possible for characters to gain multiple Expert Dice. In situations where you may have extra Expert Dice, use the following rules; Your first Expert Die automatically counts as a die with a 10 result before rolling as normal. Each additional Expert Die allows you to Nudge your Expert Die by 1 after your die roll. Each nudge, reduces the value by 1. E.g. A character has two bonus Expert Dice. He can therefore nudge his 10 to 9 or to 8 increasing his chances of getting a set. You may pay off dice pool penalties using your Expert Dice. Each Expert Die you have may cancel a -1d penalty but losing a nudge in the process. E.g. You have a dice pool of 5 and 2 Expert Dice. You receive a -1d penalty and decide to pay it off. You now roll 5 dice with a single Expert Die set at 10. No matter how many Expert Dice you have, you may never use them with Master Dice. Such Expert Dice cannot directly affect your dice pool in any way. However, you may still pay off dice pool penalties. A Master Die coupled with Expert Dice is said to be Protected.



In a standard game, Expert Dice are not rolled. Instead, they always count as a score of 10. E.g. You have a dice pool of 5 and one Expert Die. Before even rolling, your Expert Die is set to 10. You roll 1, 3, 5, 5 and 10. Add your Expert Die and your result becomes 1, 3, 5, 5, 10, 10. Thus, you have a 2x5 and a 2x10. Master Dice are not rolled either, however, their effect is much more powerful. You get to set that die to any number after the dice roll therefore guaranteeing a set. E.g. A character has a dice pool of 5 and one Master Die. She rolls a 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9, She may now set her Master Die to any value and chooses 9, making a set of 2x9. FAILSAFE DICE Success in gritty games should be hard won and there should be no foregone conclusions. To this end, short of high level supernatural powers, a character should only ever have a single Expert Die (and this is attached to a skill) on any given roll and Master Dice are generally not available at this Gear. Worse, the Expert Die game effect changes slightly: instead of always being 10, after rolling, you may set the Expert Die to any value you


E.g. You have a dice pool of 5, 2 Expert Dice and a Master Die. The Expert Dice are ignored and you roll your dice pool scoring 1, 3, 3, 7, 10. You now set your Master Die to any value, likely either 3 (and convert the 2x3 to a 3x3) or to 10 (and create a second set at 2x10). E.g. You are using the same skill as before, however, this time you have a -2d penalty. Your Master Die is Protected by your Expert Dice. You decide to pay off the -2d penalty using both of your Expert Dice to cancel one -1d penalty each. You now roll your dice pool of 5 and can still use your Master Die. EXTRA MASTER DICE Characters in such games are beyond the realms of human ability and not bound the by rules affecting them. Accordingly, they may purchase as many Expert Dice and Master Dice as they like. Expert Dice in this always count as a 10 result. This means that if you have 2 or more Expert Dice, you will always generate at least a set of 2x10. Further, Master Dice and Expert Dice may be combined on the same roll giving you real flexibility. Waste Dice (also known as Loose Dice) are any dice that do not form part of a set after rolling. Generally, these dice are wasted and unusable but certain game effects can take advantage of them.



SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT Characters can range from the middle-aged detective with a failing marriage to the teenager who can move mountains with her mind and everything between and beyond. The difference between the two is not only the Gear you are setting your game at (the latter character would not fit in to a game of DEA officers attempting to stop the spread of a new drug on the street, for example) but also the Point Cost. Point Cost is literally the cost of designing a character and the amount of points spent determines the ability of that character. Be aware that Point Cost does not determine character Power Level, it merely provides an upper limit. GEAR POINTS Power Level describes how good a character is at doing one thing. One character may spend all their points on being invulnerable while another might spend theirs on having a sensible spread of abilities. The former will excel at that one thing and if that thing is a main focus of your game, that character would be at a High Power Level. It really boils down to what the Game Master wants the player characters to do. So, a Game Master has to decide how capable he wants his starting player characters to be. Below are some guidelines by Gear and by power level to help you make that decision.



30 - 50



50 - 100


50 75 100 150 systems are

100 - 500

There are several methods of generating characters. The basic method is the Point Build design process. Using this system, the Game Master determines a Point Cost and a player spends that many points on purchasing various character Elements. These Elements are as follows; STATISTICS SKILLS ADVANTAGES FEATS POWERS

Other character generation described later in this section. ELEMENT 01 - STATISTICS

These are a measure of a characters natural physical and mental capabilities. Every character, even big giant monsters of destruction, have statistics to describe how clever, quick thinking and strong they are. There are always six Statistics and the default ones are:




Body is a characters physical power and endurance. Lifting things, holding your breath underwater and climbing are all measured by this statistic. Alternatives might be Physique, Might or Brawn. Coordination is a characters agility and manual dexterity. Fixing a watch, lassoing a cow and hurdling a fence are governed by coordination. Alternatives might be Prowess, Agility or Dexterity. Psyche is a characters intelligence, force of will and knowledge. Learning a new language, cracking a code, resisting temptation and working out the best route home are all examples of psyche. Alternatives might be Logic, Knowledge or Mind. Insight describes a characters perception faculty, creativity and quickness of thought. Painting a picture, spotting something on the floor and hearing a car bearing down on you are all examples of insight. Alternatives might be Sense, Perception or Awareness. Command is a characters bearing and force of personality. Public speaking, ordering a subordinate and inspiring a team of co-workers are all measured by command. Alternatives might be Cool, Manipulation or Persona. Charm measures a characters likeability, charisma and influence. Persuading someone to buy from you, making a new friend and performing well in an interview are controlled by charm. Alternatives might be Charisma, Personality or Empathy. Think of these statistics as pairs of Aggressive and Subtle statistics. An Aggressive statistic is where you achieve your goal through sheer force and brutality whereas a Subtle statistic describes a success achieved through finesse and grace. PAIRING PHYSICAL MENTAL SOCIAL AGGRESSIVE

As stated, these are the default statistics and as a Game Master, you might want to tailor them to your game. The names given to statistics do flavour your game and a serious game of soldiers might be better served by alternate names. Normal everyday Joes and Janes have statistics rated from 1 to 5. More powerful characters and/or races have different ranges of statistics. STATISTIC RATINGS RATING MEASURE LAZY/OUT OF SHAPE 1 UNDEVELOPED/CHILD SOME EFFORT/AVERAGE 2 3 4 5 ELEMENT 02 - SKILLS These are a characters training and learned knowledge. They can range from the abstract, such as Quantum Theory to punching someone in the gut. Like statistics, normal Joes and Janes have skills rated from 1 to 5. In the standard game, they come in two varieties, Broad Skills and Narrow (alternative Skill systems are described in the Skills Chapter). Broad Skills represent an area of knowledge and training which encompasses a number of skills. Science is a good example of a broad skill as it encompasses the study of chemistry, physics and biology. Broad Skills are expensive to buy but if you want your character to be generally good in that area, then you purchase the Broad Skill.
So Youve Played ORE And Wonder Where Broad And Narrow Skills Have Come From? Well wonder no more, the Broad and Narrow skill system was created for a conversion of Dungeons & Dragons to the ORE and done so to translate the character classes into the REIGN system. The more familiar system will be covered later, so dont fret!



Conversely, Narrow Skills are cheaper to buy than Broad Skills but represent a specific and focused area of training within a broader area. If Science is a broad skill then Biology would be a Narrow Skill within the aforementioned skill. Broad Skills always have three Narrow Skills attached to them. This might need a bit more explanation. In game terms, the Narrow Skill is exactly what it says on the box: if you have a Narrow Skill called Boxing, you can box and thats it. If you have the Broad Skill you can do everything within that field, which probably includes more than three Narrow Skills. This is done for specific game reasons in that it would be difficult to list every possible Narrow Skill that a Broad Skill could have and then create feats for them all. You should also consider that if you were to purchase three Narrow Skills, you have paid the same amount as a Broad Skill. Therefore, there should never be a situation where a character has three Narrow Skills. This, again, is intentional. If a character purchases two Narrow Skills, they are considered to have such a fundamental understanding of the field that by purchasing a third Narrow Skill, they would have the equivalent knowledge of someone with the Broad Skill. E.g. The Broad Skill of Fray has the following three Narrow Skills attached: Fight, Parry and Dodge. You may purchase Broad Skills and the associated Narrow Skills independently of one another. However, where you have both a Broad Skill and an associated Narrow Skill, you would only ever use the higher of the two when making dice rolls. Fortunately, points spent on Narrow Skills can be Cashed In and put towards buying the associated Broad Skill. This is covered in more detail later in this chapter. More information on the specifics of Skills are covered in Chapter 03.




ELEMENT 03 - ADVANTAGES These are special backgrounds and traits that your character possesses. They define your character above and beyond what he or she knows and her physical and mental prowess. Such things as physical attractiveness, social standing and wealth are all Advantages your character might possess. A list of Advantages and the points they cost appears later in this section. There are more Advantages available but once again, they are specific to the game they appear in. If you want to use those, buy the game! ELEMENT 04 - FEATS Borrowing a term from another game, these are specific trainings that a character develops within a given skill. They represent special stunts and techniques that go beyond the mundane student or practitioner of a skill. In game terms, Feats give knacks and special options or effects during play. Examples are being able to draw a weapon and strike in the same round without penalty or gaining a bonus in a specific circumstance. There are several kinds of Feat: Skill Feats (also known as Esoteric Disciplines in REIGN), Combat Feats (also known as Martial Techniques) and Secret Feats (also known as Secret Trainings). They are rated from level 1 to 5, can only be purchased for the skill they are associated with and you cannot purchase a level higher than your skill rating. E.g. The Cooking Skill has a Skill Feat called The Iron Chef. You have Cooking on 3. You can only purchase level 1, 2 or 3 of the Iron Chef Skill Feat.


Further, you must purchase them in level order, i.e. you must buy level 1 before buying level 2 and so on. A character can only ever learn 15 Skill Feats, 15 Combat Feats and 15 Secret Feats. E.g. A character has Cooking on 3. He has purchased level 1, 2 and 3 of Iron Chef. His maximum number of Skill Feats is now 12. Given that you are limited in the number of Feats you can ever learn, there may come a time when you wish to gain a new Feat. This is only possibly by paying the points for the new knack and then ditching an existing feat you possess. If you know multiple levels of a specific Feat, you must ditch the highest level and replace it. E.g. A character still has Cooking on 3. He has purchased level 1, 2 and 3 of Iron Chef and knows 15 Feats. He wishes to learn a new one and decides to ditch one of his Iron Chef levels. He must therefore ditch his Level 3. ELEMENT 05 - POWERS Some games have special Powers that characters can purchase. Magic, Psychic Abilities and the like are all Powers. Games vary with what powers are available. WILD TALENTS, for example, has a large list of Powers (also known as Miracles). This book will feature some example Powers but more information on additional powers and the like are available in any of the already available ORE games. Powers are effects that Joe and Jane Average simply cannot do. Manifesting ice from nowhere or imploding a car with only your mind, these are Powers. There are two kinds of Power: Inherent Powers and Developed Powers. The former are abilities that characters just have and dont require any additional training. Super Strength and Flight are both inherent powers. These are

bought on a one-time basis at character generation and usually dont change. The latter are abilities that might require an innate or natural talent but otherwise must be nurtured, studied and practised to have any great application. Both kinds of Powers always have some sort of pre-requisite to purchase them, normally an appropriate Advantage. A character cannot just gain the ability to walk through walls without a good explanation and spending some points on it. How a power is purchased is determined by the power itself. Inherent Powers are far too varied to make any generalisations about and you will need to take them on a case by case basis. Developed Powers are always purchased in the same manner. They always have a Power Statistic and a Power Skill. A Power Statistic is similar to one of the basic six statistics only governing a characters facility with the given attached Power. E.g. A character has Psychic abilities. She therefore must purchase the Psi statistic and then a Psychic Skill to go with it. Whenever she makes tests for her psychic powers, she rolls her Psi statistic plus her appropriate Psychic Skill. Then there are actual Power Effects. If a Power Statistic is a characters raw, natural talent in a given Power and their Power Skill is their training and focus, then the Power Effect is their actual power. An alternative view is that a Wizard character might have a Magic Power Statistic, a Power Skill of Spellcasting and Power Effects which are Spells. Power Effects and Power Statistics are rated from 1 - 5.
Option: Only 1 to 5? If rating power effects from 1 to 5 seems a bit limiting (for example, games where spells or powers are rated from 1 to 10), you can allow power effects to be rated higher and limit what level you can purchase powers to a combination of a characters Power Statistic + Power Skill.


A Power Effect or Statistic Rated at 1 is low powered and at 5 being super powered. You cannot purchase a Power Effect at a level higher than its governing Power Statistic.

Power Skills are rated from 1 to 5 and have Secret Feats attached to them. STANDARD CHARACTER BUILDING All the elements have different costs during the character generation process.









2 5 1 3



Before players start spending points, characters begin with their basic 6 statistics at a certain level and are then limited to how much they may then raise them.

Be aware that the Point Build part of the table below is just there as an indicator: it does not cost you character points for your starting statistic values.









3 30


4 60


5 90



MORE NON HUMAN THAN HUMAN Your game may allow characters to play races other than humans. Within the context of game mechanics, the only thing that separates any race from one another are the advantages and disadvantages that come with it and these are defined within the Race Package (see the Packages section later in this chapter). This details the point cost of selecting that race and all that goes with it. Because it can be quite limiting play a race, in that it forces you spend points in certain areas, might be beneficial to your game limit non humans. to to it to

There is no limit to when you promote a die. You could have a skill on 1 or 5 and it wouldnt cost any more or less to promote that 1 die or one of those 5. E.g. A character has the Piloting broad skill on 3. She wishes to be more highly trained and so promotes 1 die to an Expert Die at a cost of 2 points. Now, when she rolls her dice pool, she only rolls 2 dice from her Piloting skill but has an Expert Die. EXAMPLE OF CHARACTER GENERATION E.g. A character purchases a Broad Skill on 3. It costs 9 points. She then purchases a Master Die for that skill. This costs 2 to promote it to Expert and then 5 to promote to Master for a total of 7. That skill has cost her 16 character points. Next, she buys a Power Statistic on 1. This costs 5 points. She then decides to raise her Power Skill to 2, costing an additional 2 for a total of 7. She then buys a level 1 Power Effect and a level 2. This costs 1 per level, so 1 and then 2 for a total of 3. This has cost her a grand total of 10. She then goes on to buy a Skill Feat of level 3 for her Broad Skill. This costs 1 for level 1, 2 for level 2 and 3 for level 3 for a total of 6. She has spent 32 Points on her character so far. OTHER CHARACTER BUILDING OPTIONS STATISTIC FOCUSES The six statistics, whatever they may end up representing in your game, are always going to result in measuring a large spectrum of abilities. But what if a character wants to be strong and wiry but not overly beefy?

With this rule, each character may only raise each of their statistics once during character generation after any racial modifier. E.g. A character starts with a statistic on 2. They may only raise it once, increasing it to 3 during character generation. However, if they chose to play a race which has a racial modifier of 1, thereby increasing that statistic to 3, you could then raise it once taking it to 4. BUYING SPECIAL DICE In the standard game, you may only purchase Special Dice for Skills (although some Advantages and Feats may grant die bonuses during certain situations). You pay the appropriate points and convert 1 die of your skill in to a Special Die, which is called Promoting. Only one die can ever be promoted per skill and you must promote a normal die to an Expert Die and then further promote that in to a Master Die. Mark on the character sheet that the skill has an Expert or Master Die and when forming your dice pool, remember you do not roll that special die.


Also, characters in Gritty games arent necessarily supposed to be good all round. To reflect an increased ability in one aspect of a statistic, for instance, the Physical Strength aspect of Body, you can buy a Statistic Focus to represent this. You may purchase a single Statistic Focus for each of your Statistics. They cost 3 character points to buy and should be described in terms of a single word. Whenever you utilise that statistic in a test and the Statistic Focus is relevant, you may add 1d to your roll E.g. A character has Sense on 1 but purchases a Statistic Focus called Alert. Whenever he makes a test using his Sense and the fact he is Alert may be relevant, he receives a bonus die. Needless to say, discuss purchasing a Statistic Focus with your Game Master before you do so. This should not be viewed as an opportunity to get a cheap point of statistic.


ADVANTAGES Every character is created as a blank slate and Advantages are where your character becomes more fleshed out. These are traits and abilities which set your character apart from everyone else and could be something as mundane as being left a family heirloom or as important as having a supernatural ancestor. Each Advantage has a Rating attached to it and this is the cost in Points to purchase it. Advantages are specifically non-exhaustive and while there is a comprehensive list enclosed in this tome, you are encouraged to make use of Advantages from other ORE games and definitely to invent your own. An important point is that a Game Master has final say on whether an Advantage is applicable to his or her game. ADVANTAGE ACTION HERO ALLIES AMBIDEXTROUS ARCANE APPRENTICE ARMOUR CONDITIONING BENEFACTOR CONTACTS EMINENCE ESTATE FAST RECOVERY GUARDIAN HARD TO KILL INCOME INFLUENCE LOW LIGHT VISION LUCKY MENTOR NIGHT VISION PRETERNATURAL RESISTANCE PRETERNATURAL SENSE PRETERNATURAL SKILL PRETERNATURAL STATISTIC RANK STAFF WEALTH WEAPON FOCUS COST *1 1-10 4 1-10 *2 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-5 1-10 *3 1-10 1-10 2 1 1-10 4 *3 1-3 1-5 10 1-10 1-10 1-10 3

SIMPLIFIED ADVANTAGES Some of the following Advantages have two measurements to them, the first representing the appropriate strength of the advantage and the second representing where you can realistically apply the advantage. Normally, you must purchase both aspects individually, both rated from 0 to 5, costing between 0 and 10. If this is an unnecessary complication for your game, you can combine both traits in to one. So instead of buying two individual traits, you can measure the strength and application in just the advantage. So if you had an Security advantage and this had two ratings, Defense and Area, instead of buying Defense and Area individually, you would just buy Security and use that rating to measure both Defense and Area. E.g. The Allies advantage requires you to buy both an Assistance Rating and a Loyalty Rating. Using SIMPLIFIED ADVANTAGES, buying the Allies advantage on 3 gives you an Assistance Rating of 3 and a Loyalty Rating of 3. This symbol denotes where this rule is applicable. COMPATIBILITY RULE - ONE EXPERT DIE VS EXTRA EXPERT DICE If youve been paying attention, you can vary how many Special Dice are available. Where symbol is present, this denotes either one normal bonus die if your game uses just a single Expert Die or an extra Expert Die if using the appropriate optional rule.

*You may buy multiple levels of this Advantage, each level uses this cost.




1 per level 3 4 5

You are larger than life and therefore have some immunity to its trials and tribulations. Every level you buy in this Advantage gains you 1 Drama Point (see the Law Chapter for more on Drama Points). ALLIES Cost: 1 - 10

down. Trusted: Your secrets are safe with them. Close: Always there when you need them. Intimate: Would die for you.

When you get in touch with your allies, make a Charm plus Assistance Rating roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want. The more challenging the request/requirement, the more difficult it is for you to find someone who can help. Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Easy: Your request is simple. 10/$15 x Width*. Demanding: Helping you takes time. 50/$75 x Width*. Challenging: Illegal/time consuming request. 100/$150 x Width*. Hard: Help you hide the body. 1,000/$1,500 x Width*. Very Hard: Help you commit the murder. 10,000/$15,000 x Width*.

Allies represent one or more people who wish to aid and abet you. They will normally use whatever resources they have to get your request done. They could be siblings, a business partner, close friends or lovers. The downside to Allies is that the relationship is a two-way street: these people are equally important to you as you are to them. They have their own agendas and might just want to involve you. Allies are there for you when you need them and will try to do what they can to help. They are reliable and definitely worth having. The problem is that their problems can become your problems. Buy Allies when you want to ensure help when you need it and dont mind having to cope with other peoples trouble at a later date. You must pay for the amount of Assistance they can give you and how Loyal they are. Help is a measure of your associates temporal power and can represent any number of people you know. Loyalty describes how tied they to you and to what lengths they would go to help out. Assistance Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You are solitary, a loner by nature. Manpower: Can pick you up from the airport or help you move house. Financial: Would bail you out of jail or loan you. Networking: Can get tickets to a sold out event. Position of Power: Can make that fine disappear. The Man: You got a problem? They have the solution.

*Will loan you 10 times that figure. If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Loyalty Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Allies rolls for 1 week. AMBIDEXTROUS Cost: 4

You can use your Off-Hand as well as your Primary Hand: you do not receive the -2d penalty for using your Off-Hand (however, you still receive the -1d penalty for using both hands, if you are thinking about being a Two Gun God). Nb. This trait is far from common! ARCANE APPRENTICE Cost: 1 - 10

Your character has been trained in some esoteric power, be it arcane magic, divine prayers or some other force. You must purchase this Advantage before you can purchase certain Powers. Game Masters, you will have to determine whether or not the various Powers within your game require a prerequisite to purchase or whether any character can just learn the Power by paying the points. If the former, you must also determine the cost of this prerequisite type. The cost of this advantage varies by the Power Rating of the power effects and the cost of the Limit of your power (how many times you can use

Loyalty Rating 0 1 2 They expect a favour for a favour Respect: They always take your call. Friends: Would be upset if they let you


each power per in-game day). Power Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You are without magic. Latent (Cantrips): Power effects are little more than card tricks. Lesser (Blessings): You can create food and minor effects. Medium (Prayers): You can call down holy blessings and deliver great boons. High (Esoteric): You can command great power. Great (Arcane): Yours is the greatest of power.



1 - 10

A Benefactor is someone who is behind you for a specific purpose and will do whatever they can to assist you, as long as it is benefits your shared goal. The Benefactor may call on you for assistance but invariably you can expect any such request to be connected with your mutual interests. The main issue with a Benefactor is that they will only really go out of their way to help you if it is ultimately helping themselves. They are only your ally in so far as their needs are concerned. Buy Benefactor when you want a powerful ally and dont mind having to put that extra effort in to maintain the relationship. You must purchase a Benefactor in terms of Backing and Relationship. The former describes how much assistance they can provide if and when you need it and the latter is how strong your association is. Backing Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 There is no one looking out for you. Respected: Can put in a good word for you. Pioneer: Can pull a few strings for you. Influential: Knows who to speak with to get things done. Mogul: Possesses rare or highly sought goods or artefacts. Magnate: Your benefactor says Jump, people say How high?

Limit Rating 0 You may only activate each of your effects once per game session. If you fail the roll for your effect, this still counts as an activation. Burn: You take physical damage from using your effects. Whenever you use an effect, any Waste Dice scoring lower than the level of the effect deal 1 Shock. You choose which boxes to cross off. Preparation: At the beginning of each day, you must load your powers in to slots. See the Dragon Reign expansion for more details on this type of Power. Mana: You receive Energy Points which you spend to use your effects. You gain 1 Energy Point per point of Power Statistic and it costs 3 points to raise this. Effects cost 1 Energy Point per level of the Effect. Materials: Using your effects requires that you take a drug, use herbs or other components. Every time you use an effect, it expends materials costing Effect Level x 50/$75. Unrestricted: You can use your powers without limit. Cost: 2 per Level 5 You have trained extensively with wearing different types of armour and have become accustomed to it. For every level of this advantage, you may ignore a point of Encumbrance Rating. Nb. This advantage does not reduce the weight or restriction of the armour. It represents a character overcoming the restrictions. Armour still exhausts at the same rate, if using those rules.

Relationship Rating 0 1 2 3 4 You have nothing bonding you together. Linked: Considers your needs. Associated: Mostly at your disposal. United: Will help if he can. Invested: You represent considerable gain or loss. Bound: If you falter, so does she.


When you get in touch with your Benefactor, make a Charm plus Backing Rating roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want. The more challenging the request/requirement, the more difficult it is for you to find someone who can help. Difficulty Rating 1 Easy: Your request is reasonable. Of shared


2 3 4 5

interest. Demanding: Requires some effort. Benefactor has misgivings. Challenging: Illegal or questionable request. Benefactor is uncertain. Hard: Risky or dangerous request. Benefactor unhappy. Very Hard: Very risky or dangerous. Benefactor against decision.

Rapport Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You scratch their back, theyll scratch yours. Wary: Somewhat guarded with you. Casual: Conversation limited to small talk. Friendly: They send Christmas and Birthday cards. Close: You regularly contact one another for a chat. Intimate: You attend family occasions.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Relationship Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Benefactor rolls for 1 week. CONTACTS Cost: 1 10

Contacts can consist of former work colleagues, people you may have met in a bar or friends of friends. They know you and are more than willing to offer you information or the name of someone who might be able to help you more directly. The good thing about Contacts are that they are hard to alienate (and if you do, you can soon pick up new ones) and rarely impose on you. The chief drawback to Contacts is that they are unlikely to go out of their way to help you; if what you need takes longer than a quick conversation, you will need a third party, which can be costly. Contacts require the least amount of effort to maintain and rarely cause you trouble in return. However, they dont really help that much in terms of what they can tangibly provide you. Buy this advantage if you only want information. You must pay for the amount of Information they can give you and how much of a Rapport you have with them. Information is a measure of your contacts ability to gather knowledge or put you in touch with someone who can help. Rapport describes just how far you can push them and your arrangements with one another. Information Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You dont know anyone you can turn to. Streetwise: Can give you the word on the street. Inside Information: Knows things outsiders wouldnt know. Breaking News: Knows things a few hours before everyone else. Dirty Laundry: Knows what a given person would prefer others not to. Dark Secrets: Knows what a given person tries to keep buried.

When you get in touch with your web of contacts, make a Charm plus Information roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want to know. The more challenging the information, the more difficult it is for you to find someone who can help. Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Easy: Common knowledge. How to get to London. Demanding: Uncommon information. A good, reliable plumber. Challenging: Specialist knowledge. How to fix your PC. Hard: Prohibited knowledge. How to grow cannabis. Very Hard: Official secrets. How to hire a professional assassin.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Rapport Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Contacts rolls for 1 week. EMINENCE Cost: 1 - 10 COMPANY QUALITY Sovereignty If you are using REIGN, every 3 points invested in this advantage counts as 1 level of the appropriate quality.

Your Eminence is a measure of your standing in society and/or how famous you are. The higher your Eminence, the more well known you are and the more Joe and Jane Public may pander to your whims. Eminence is not a Get out of jail card in life. It is a characters ability to get what they want from the people who have some vested interest in them.

Buy Eminence if your character is a social climber, noble or superstar. Just be prepared for people who dont care about you to just say No.


You must pay for your Eminence in terms of your social Status and the Reach of your influence. Your Status rating details how important you are while your Reach describes how far your importance stretches. Status Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 No-one knows who you are. VIP: You are a leader of industry. Minor Celebrity: You are national radio presenter. Household Name: You are a sporting hero. Superstar: You are a famous musician. Megastar: You are a famous actor.

ownership to an area of land. The nature and quality of this land is entirely up to you and the amount of points you want to spend on it. Estate is measured in terms of Size and Property, the former determining just how much land you possess and the latter determining what sort of property you possess as a home.

QUALITY Territory If you are using REIGN, every 3 points invested in this advantage counts as 1 level of the appropriate quality.

Reach Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Only people in the place you live know who you are. City-wide: You are known throughout the city. Region-wide: You are known in a large region (a state). Country-wide: Youre known all across a country (France). Continent-wide: Youre known across a continent (North America). International: Youre known across two continents (Asia and Europe).

Your lands are considered bought and paid for in full. If you own a working estate, it is considered self-sustaining. If you wish your estate to grant you money, buy the Income Advantage as well. If you wish to sell your estate (assuming you can find a buyer), multiply the income of the estate by 10 to determine the approximate sale price. Size Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You are without land. Small: You have modest grounds of approximately 1 km2. Moderate: You own a territory of approximately 5 km2. Large: Your estate measures roughly 12 km2. Palatial: Land covers an area of 25 km2. Majestic: Land covers an area of 50 km2.

When you want to use your Eminence to get your own way, make a Command plus Status roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want. The more outrageous the demand, the more difficult it is for people to comply. Difficulty Rating

Property Rating 0 1 You have no home in your land. Small House: Has a 2 bedroom detached home. Large House: Has a 5 bedroom detached home. Mansion: A large mansion with many rooms. Stately Home: A luxurious building with more rooms than you can fill. Castle: A large castle or palace. Cost: 15

1 2 3 4 5

Easy: Get a meeting with someone of your status. Demanding: Getting on the VIP list to an elite club or restaurant. Challenging: Obtain free designer gear for advertising purposes. Hard: Make a criminal charge disappear. Very Hard: Win an international award.

2 3 4 5

FAST RECOVERY If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Reach Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Eminence rolls for 1 week. ESTATE You have the Cost: deeds 1 10 of COMPANY

For some unnatural reason, you heal a lot faster than the average Joe or Jane (see Chapter: Law for healing rules). Lets be straight: this is not super heroic regeneration, where you heal


before someones eyes. It does mean you can break a limb and it will be healed within a few days. For comparison, a standard character heals half their Shock damage immediately after a fight and then a number of Shock per day and Kill per week, based on a roll. By spending the following points, you heal; 1 Point: 2 Points: 3 Points: 4 Points: 5 Points: 1 Shock per hour of rest. 1 Shock per hour.

3 4 5

Defender: Anyone bothering you will soon leave you alone. Protector: Financial and legal problems soon disappear. Aegis: Will attempt to shield you from anything adverse.

Bond Rating 0 1 2 3 4 You have nothing bonding you together. Obligated: Your Guardian has to help you. Reluctant: Your Guardian will help but only in truly dire situations. Pledged: Your Guardian feels she owes you help. Connected: Your Guardian has a special connection to you. Affinity: Your Guardian has an inherent bond with you.

All shock after an hour of rest. 1 Kill per day of rest. All shock after an hour. 2 Kill per day of rest. All shock after an hour. 3 Kill per day of rest. Cost: 1 10

When you get in touch with your Guardian, make a Charm plus Auspices roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want. The more challenging the request, the more difficult it is for you to persuade your Guardian to act. Difficulty Rating


1 The Guardian is a custodian who has nothing but your safety and protection in mind, perhaps this is a parent or a loyal right hand man. The Guardian shares a much closer bond to you than say an ally or a benefactor, however, this bond works both ways and you care for your Guardian as much as they care for you. Accordingly, they will have certain expectations of you as much as you might of them. Buy Guardian if you want someone who will always have your back but be prepared to have them watch over you like a hawk. You must purchase a Guardian in terms of Auspices and Bond. The former describes their ability to defend you when you need it. The latter is how strong your association is. Auspices Rating 0 1 2 There is no one looking out for you. 2 3 4 5

Easy: Ensure you dont go hungry. Keep you warm. Demanding: Get your landlord off your back. Challenging: Stop that stalker from bothering you. Hard: Prevent the paparazzi from finding anything. Very Hard: Keep you out of jail.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Bond Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Guardian rolls for 1 week. HARD TO KILL Cost: 2 per level

For some reason, you can take much more punishment than is normal for someone of your size and physique. Perhaps you are supernaturally gifted or just that too damned stupid to give up. Regardless, every level of this advantage you buy allows you to ignore 1 Kill or 1 Shock per game session and adds 1 die to your Recovery Rolls. INCOME Cost: 1 - 10

Umbrella: Minor irritations can be made to disappear. Shelter: You will always have a roof over your head.

This Advantage gives you a monthly income from some source. You must determine this source during character generation, giving a good


explanation why you are receiving money for free every month to your Game Master. You can of course attach it to another Advantage, such as Benefactor, Rank or Estate without such explanation but in doing so, you cannot purchase more points in Income than the associated advantage. So if you attach your income to your 4 point Guardian (perhaps a parent gives you a monthly stipend), you cannot buy more than 4 points in Income. Nb. Income does not give you any starting money. 1 point: 2 points: 3 points: 4 points: 5 points: 6 points: 7 points: 8 points: 9 points: 10 points: 100 $150 200 $300 500 $750 1,000 $1,500 2,000 $3,000 5,000 $7,500 10,000 $15,000 15,000 $22,500 25,000 $32,500 50,000 $75,000

Sway Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 No one listens to you. Respected: Members respect your opinion but dont always listen. Person of Stature: Youre involved in a lot of their dealings. Popular Figure: Members seek your advice. Canon: Members usually wait for your opinion on a decision. De-Facto Leader: if you arent the head of this group, you might as well be.

Trust Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 The faction wouldnt miss you if you werent there. Wary: Your counsel is taken under advisement. Guarded: Your input is appreciated. Accepted: Invited to all the meetings. Member: Seen as one of their own. Custodian: You are considered to have their best interests at heart.

Divide by the GBP value 10 to determine a characters Income in Gold Pieces. INFLUENCE Cost: 1 - 10 COMPANY QUALITY Influence If you are using REIGN, every 3 points invested in this advantage counts as 1 level of the appropriate quality.

When you use your influence, make a Command plus Sway roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want. The more challenging the decision, the more difficult it is for you to convince those you influence. Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Easy: Within the interests of the group. Demanding: A few key people have some doubts. Challenging: An unpopular or difficult task or course of action Hard: Little support of your desires: boos from the back bench. Very Hard: Loud rallying against the sheer idea.

You have sway over a group of people or sector. This is a much more nebulous arrangement than that found with the Associates advantage. Your influence represents your ability to change the course or policy of a specific group or sector. However, that group or sector is a powerful machine good examples are The Christian Church, Local Government or the Corporate Sector.

Although you have no direct control over this faction, this also affords you some protection as this group will not come calling on you for favours nor will it be able to give up much information about you. You must purchase influence in terms of Sway and Trust. The former represents how much power you wield within the faction and the latter represents their trust and relationship with you.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Trust Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Influence rolls for 1 week. LOW LIGHT VISION Cost: 2

You can see in twilight and poorly illuminated areas as if it were bright as day. You must have at least a little ambient light and consequently cannot see in complete darkness. Minimum light should be a small candle or heavily overcast night sky.




Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Easy: Get advice on a course of action. Demanding: Get some advanced training. Challenging: Give some hands on help. Hard: Help return a stolen heirloom. Very Hard: Avenge a parents death.

Once per session, if you do not roll any sets, you may re-roll all the dice in your dice pool. MENTOR Cost: 1 - 10

The Mentor is responsible for you in someway connected to your training, occupation or nature. The Mentor wants you to be successful but on your own merits. They will not blindly assist you and are more likely to offer an inspiring word than provide a solution. Conversely, your Mentor is unlikely to require your assistance or make much demand on your time. A Mentor offers guidance and education with some influence in the real world. Buy Mentor if you want someone useful behind you but wont necessarily affect your day to day life. You must purchase Mentor in terms of Support and Fellowship. The former describes how much assistance they can provide if and when you need it and the latter is how strong your association is. Support Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 There is no one to guide you. Skilled: Can have a word with a few friends. Veteran: Can get audience with some key VIPs in the field. Expert: Influential in several fields. Master: Many look to her for pearls of wisdom. Grand Master: If he said the sky was green, many would agree.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Fellowship Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Patron rolls for 1 week. PRETERNATURAL RESISTANCE Cost: 3 per Level

You are unnaturally resistant to a certain type of damage. It costs 3 points to receive 1 point of Armour Rating against a type of damage. You must choose this damage type when you purchase this Advantage and you may not change it at later date. DAMAGE TYPES EXAMPLES Ballistic Cutting Energy Impact Penetrating Special Bullets. Slashing blades, barbed wire. Lasers, electricity, fire. Falling, bare fists, hammers. Piercing blades, arrows, spears. Psi, purely magical attacks. Cost: 1-3


You have an uncanny ability to detect something normal folk cannot. When you purchase this Advantage, determine what it is that you wish to be sensitive to and then pay the appropriate points. 1 point: 2 points: 3 points: A rare type of thing. An uncommon type of thing. A common type of thing.

Fellowship Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Your relationship is strictly professional. Colleague: You talk mostly about work. Compatriot: You share one or two stories.. Friend: You are good friends. Relative: You are like a favoured niece or nephew. Progeny: You are like a son or daughter.

Of course, the cost of this power varies from game to game. For instance, in a game where the characters investigate the Supernatural, Monsters might be a 3 point Preternatural Sense, Undead Monsters might be a 2 point Preternatural Sense and Vampires might be a 1 point Preternatural Sense. If in doubt, ask your Game Master. PRETERNATURAL SKILL Cost: 1-5

When you get in touch with your patron, make a Charm plus Support roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you want. The more challenging the need, the more difficult it is for you to get your mentor to help.

You have extensive training in a specific area of a skill. The bonus this advantage yields is determined by how many points you spend;


1 point: 2 points: 3 points: 4 points: 5 points:

+1 Die on a skill in a specific circumstance +1 Die on a Narrow skill +1 Expert Die on a Narrow Skill +1 Die on a Broad Skill +1 Expert Die on a Broad Skill

you. Take this advantage if you want major resources and dont mind being part of a hierarchy or receiving orders. You buy Rank in terms of Station and Sphere. The former describes your position within the organisations hierarchy and the latter the power, influence and nature of the organisation. Station Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You are not a member of any organisations. Lieutenant: You are above the rank and file. Captain: You have proven yourself capable of leadership. Major: You are a respected, key member of an organisation. LT-Colonel: You are second-in-line to a ship, department or cell. Colonel: Youd have your own ship, department or cell.

PRETERNATURAL SKILL RE-VISITED Some games utilise the Action Skill System in place of the Standard Skill System. If so, use the following for the PRETERNATURAL SKILL advantage. 2 points: 4 points:

+1 Die on a Skill +1 Expert Die on a Skill

Cost: 10

You are unnaturally gifted in one of your six statistics. Choose a statistic: you gain a die when using that statistic and you may increase that statistic to 6. PRETERNATURAL VISION Cost: 4

Sphere Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Your organisation has little to no resources. Small Business: Couple of people. Access to stationary. Cult: Handful of people. Some resources. Local Government: A department. You have official powers. Corporation: Scores of skilled professionals at the companys disposal. Military: A whole military force.

You can see in complete darkness up to 60 feet. Your vision is quite unnatural and consequently, when relying on your night vision, you can only see in black and white. RANK Cost: 1 -10

Rank is similar to Eminence in that it measures your standing and status but whereas the latter is concerned with society as a whole, the former is specific to an organisation. This could be a corporation, a military power, a religious cult or even a secret society. Your position means that you can utilise the resources and subordinates within that organisation to your gain. However, the organisation understandably has a tight control over what happens with its resources and misuse of its tools and members could lead to a reprimand or even expulsion. Further, you are within a hierarchy which means that while you might not be at the bottom, someone is definitely above you. Rank is good because you gain the support and assistance of an organisation, whatever that may be. The downside to this is that you work for that organisation and they will have demands upon

When you need something doing, make a Command plus Station roll with a Difficulty based on what you need. The more challenging the need, the more difficult it is to justify it to your superiors. Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Easy: Obtain minor tools/equipment specific to your company. Demanding: Obtain intelligence on a target. Challenging: Provide secure premises or communication. Hard: Obtain detailed secrets on a target. Very Hard: Perform a hostile takeover.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Sphere Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Rank rolls for 1 week.




Fealty Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Completely indifferent to you. Employee: They respect that you pay the bills. Respected: Youve proven yourself to them. Liked: They enjoy working for you. Friendly: You are friends with your staff. Family: Your team is one big extended family unit.

You are adept at using a specific type of weapon, for example, a Walther PPK pistol, katana or a bo staff. You gain die whenever you utilise that weapon. Nb. You must have the appropriate Weapon Skill on 3 to purchase this Advantage. STAFF Cost: 1 - 10 COMPANY QUALITY Might If you are using REIGN, every 3 points invested in this advantage counts as 1 level of the appropriate quality.

Staff are people who work directly for you. If you want something done, they are the ones to do so, no questions asked. They may be friendly with you and even highly respect you, however, bear no mistake, the relationship is a professional one and if you cease paying the bills (whatever that might actually entail), they will soon disappear.

When you need your Staff to do something, make a Command plus Capability roll with a Difficulty based on what it is you need. The more challenging the task, the more difficult it is for them to comply. Difficulty Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Easy: Obtain everyday items. Pick up your laundry. Demanding: Handle an important case. Poach a rivals clients. Challenging: Steal business secrets. Broker a sensitive deal. Hard: Burn down a rivals house. Kidnap someones son. Very Hard: Murder a rivals family.

Staff is good because it gives you a team of people who can get things done. The downside is that they have a necessary level of autonomy and you just have to trust that theyll get things done the right way. Take Staff if you want a group of people to help you and dont mind that, occasionally, your requests might not give you the results you want. You must pay for the amount of Capability they can give you and how much Fealty to you they have. Capability is a measure of your staffs skills and talents. Fealty describes how loyal they are to your wage. Capability Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 You have no one to rely on. Personal Secretary: Happy to do your laundry, take calls and write letters. Workers: A small team of five, competent at a specific job. Professionals: A core team of highly professional people. Agents: A large team of experts in several fields. Para-Military: A small force of operational specialists.

If you fail the roll and the Difficulty is higher than your Fealty Rating, you receive a -1d penalty for future Staff rolls for 1 week. WEALTH Cost: 1 - 10 COMPANY QUALITY Treasure If you are using REIGN, every 3 points invested in this advantage counts as 1 level of the appropriate quality.

This Advantage determines your starting money. You may not spend more than 5 points on Wealth during character generation. 1 point: 2 points: 3 points: 4 points: 5 points: 6 points: 7 points: 8 points: 9 points: 10 points: 1,000 $1,500 2,000 $3,000 5,000 $7,500 10,000 $15,000 20,000 $30,000 50,000 $75,000 100,000 $150,000 150,000 $225,000 250,000 $325,000 500,000 $750,000

Divide by the GBP value 10 to determine a characters Wealth in Gold Pieces.


COMPANY RULES RE-VISITED For REIGN fans, to translate Wealth to a Companys Treasure Rating, using the following. TREASURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 MINIMUM MONETARY VALUE 5,000 $7,500 50,000 $75,000 250,000 $325,000 1,000,000 $1,500,000 8,500,000 $12,750,00 64,000,000 $96,000,000

These are standard companies as described in REIGN. You might want to use an optional idea of two further tiers of Company; Global Agency, being a powerful international organisation with offices all over the world and which gain an Expert Die on their qualities. Further, the Global Agency can use each quality twice in one month at full strength. Agencies have a minimum monetary value of the above figure x10; and Super Power, being a huge country-sized organisation that commands legions of agents which gain a Master Die on their qualities. Further, the Super Power can use each quality three times in one month at full strength. Super Powers have a minimum monetary value of the above figure x100. Promoting your Company to a Global Agency or Super Power isnt simply a matter of accruing enough money. You must first accrue significant resources, territory and the like so you have 6 in all Qualities. Then take a Company Action to Promote. This requires a Sovereignty + Territory roll at a difficulty of 6 (to promote from Company to Global Agency) or difficulty 8 (to promote from Global Agency to Super Power). If you are successful, your company loses 1 from all its qualities but gains the appropriate Special Die. Failure means you lose 1 from a quality of your choice which you must regain before making another attempt to Promote.


ARCHETYPE CHARACTER BUILDING The Point Build system is the more flexible option but it offers no true guideline for designing characters. This is all well and good for game universes players are familiar with but we should consider the opposite: a game universe that has so much to offer that players dont know where to begin! The Archetype Build system allows the Game Master to control the character design process while allowing the players freedom to do what they like within certain constraints. This system also simplifies character generation somewhat as it breaks each element down in to specific areas. Further, you can single out important details for players and set them up as an individual element for your game. E.g. You might be running a science fiction game where non human species are prevalent. Therefore, Species might be an important element for this kind of game. Using the Archetype Build system, you can separate out such facets and effectively underline them for game purposes. You do this using Packages. A Package is a collection of separate elements brought together under a single banner while hiding the nuts and bolts of the individual points. E.g. Species Packages are common amongst different game universes but you might also consider using Profession Packages or Character Class Packages. The Archetype Build system does require a bit more work on the behalf of the Game Master at the outset however, specifically in identifying what he or she wants to focus on and then creating the appropriate packages. Every character receives a number of Element Points to design their character with. These are the direct equivalent of the Points described

under the Point Build system, save that each Element Point is worth 5 Points. So a character designed on 50 points in the Point Build system would have 10 Element Points. These Element Points are spent directly on Elements as previously described, such as Skills or Statistics. The key difference here is that the Game Master has to design a small section which explains what an Element Point actually buys for that character. E.g. The Game Master decides that she wants to give some flexibility to the players as to where they place their starting statistics. So she incorporates those points in to the Element Points. She designs a quick chart which determines how many Statistics Points characters receive;
Element Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 Stats 6 7 8 9 10 11

In the above chart, she has decided that all characters start with 6 points in statistics, so if they put no element points in to Statistics, they receive their free 6 points and nothing else. E.g.2. Another Game Master decides to introduce Upbringing Packages (groups of advantages, skills and other modifiers that a character gains dependent on where and how they were raised). He creates a list of relevant packages and then assigns a cost to them. He then devises a table:


Element Point 0 1 2 3 4 5

Upbringing Street Orphanage Broken Home Nuclear Family Wealthy Family Famous Family

You can resist for a number of days equal to your Psyche statistic, whereupon you must indulge. The only way to permanently remove the addiction is to spend experience. You may increase the rating of the Addiction by combining it with the relevant ADDICTION SOURCE option. So an addiction with a Rating 2 Need and a Rating 3 Source creates a Rating 5 Addiction. ALLERGY: a mild allergy to an uncommon or easily avoidable substance which triggers sneezing or rash and general ill feeling or itching (e.g. wool in a game where you have several choices of alternatives). RESTRICTION: a restriction/taboo/vow/repulsion to a mildly inconvenient or an easily avoidable situation/substance (e.g. garlic, never eat meat). If subject to a substance, it causes revulsion and possible vomiting. If a situation/vow/taboo, you feel immense guilt until you make amends (-1d to all rolls). PHOBIA: a mild phobia of something uncommon which causes you to flinch and be very wary of the subject (e.g. snakes). Overcoming your Phobia is a difficulty 1 task. You cannot completely remove your phobia unless you spend experience. A Rating 2 Disadvantage is a common irritation. Suggestions; PENALTY: A -1d penalty in a situation that might occur once or twice a session (e.g. you are from an unaccepted background and receive -1d to social skill tests when meeting new people) ADDICTION - NEED: a compulsion/requirement to do something which is difficulty 2 to resist. You can resist for a number of days equal to your Psyche statistic, whereupon you must indulge. The only way to permanently remove the addiction is to spend experience. ADDICTION - SOURCE: An addiction or compulsion or requirement to do something that is illegal albeit with a low penalty such as a fine or community service or expensive (e.g. costs you 100/$150 a month).

Building a Package is a simple process. Select any number of Advantages, Skills and Statistics all along a theme, put them together and then label it appropriately. When you have the total cost of the package, round up to the nearest multiple of 5 and then divide the total by 5 to determine the cost in Element Points. You can also include Disadvantages. These are the opposite of Advantages: they are things which afflict or hinder your character in some way. Generally, a player may not choose their disadvantages and they should only be gained from purchasing the appropriate package. Thats worth repeating: A GAME MASTER SHOULD ONLY EVER USE THESE DISADVANTAGES WHEN BUILDING PACKAGES AND

There is not an exhaustive list of Disadvantages as the Game Master may want to create new ones for each package. Disadvantages are rated from 1 to 5 and reduce the overall cost of a package by their rating. E.g. A rating 3 disadvantage reduces the cost of the package by 3. A Rating 1 Disadvantage is mildly annoying. Suggestions; PENALTY: A -1d penalty in an infrequent situation (e.g. you dont drink much and receive -1d to avoid getting drunk). ADDICTION - NEED: a compulsion/requirement to do something which is difficulty 1 to resist.


ALLERGY: a severe allergy to an uncommon or avoidable substance which causes intense physical pain/physical symptoms when you come in to contact with it (e.g. holy water, bee stings). OR A mild allergy to a common or not easily avoidable substance which triggers sneezing or rash and general ill feeling or itching (e.g. manmade fibres). RESTRICTION: a restriction/vow/taboo/repulsion to an uncommon or unlikely situation/substance (e.g. cannot cross a line of salt). If subject to a substance, you cannot physically touch or cross the object/substance. If a broken vow/taboo/situation, you feel immense guilt until you make amends (-1d to all rolls). OR A severe restriction/taboo/repulsion to a mildly inconvenient or an easily avoidable situation/substance. If subject to a substance, contact causes intense pain and if a situation/vow/taboo, you feel immense guilt until you make amends (-2d to all rolls). PHOBIA: a strong phobia of something uncommon which even the thought of it is enough to make you uneasy. Overcoming your Phobia is a difficulty 2 task. As usual, you cannot remove your phobia unless you spend experience. OR A mild phobia of something common (e.g. spiders). A Rating 3 Disadvantage is a problem and potentially lethal. Suggestions PENALTY: A -1d penalty in a common situation (e.g. you are severely dyslexic and receive -1d to read and write) OR A -2d penalty in an infrequent situation.

ADDICTION - NEED: a compulsion/requirement to do something which is difficulty 3 to resist. You can resist for a number of days equal to your Psyche statistic, whereupon you must indulge. The only way to permanently remove the addiction is to spend experience. ADDICTION SOURCE: An addiction/compulsion/requirement to do something that is illegal (jail time) or very expensive (e.g. costs you 250/$400 a month) ALLERGY: a lethal allergy to an uncommon or avoidable substance which causes physical trauma and possible death (e.g. peanuts, silver). OR A severe allergy to a common or not easily avoidable substance. RESTRICTION: a restriction/taboo/vow/repulsion to a common or very possible situation/substance (e.g. repelled by holy symbols or cannot say no to a person with red hair). If subject to a substance, you cannot physically touch or cross the object/substance. If a situation, you feel immense guilt until you make amends (-1d to all rolls). OR A severe restriction/vow/taboo/repulsion to an uncommon or unlikely situation/substance. If subject to a substance, you cannot go near it and contact causes physical damage. If a broken vow/taboo/situation, you cannot consciously choose to break it. PHOBIA: a strong phobia of something common which even the thought of it is enough to make you uneasy. Overcoming your Phobia is a difficulty 3 task. OR A mild phobia of something extremely common (e.g. heights or open spaces). A Rating 4 Disadvantage is handicapping. PENALTY: A -1d penalty in an everyday situation (e.g. you are blind in one eye and receive -1d to all rolls involving vision and eye/hand coordination)


OR A -2d penalty in a common situation. ADDICTION - NEED: a compulsion/requirement to do something which is difficulty 4 to resist. You can resist for a number of days equal to your Psyche statistic, whereupon you must indulge. The only way to permanently remove the addiction is to spend experience. ADDICTION - SOURCE: An addiction or compulsion or requirement to do something that is highly illegal (jail time) or extremely expensive (e.g. costs you 500/$750 a month). ALLERGY: a lethal allergy to a common or not easily avoidable substance which causes physical damage (e.g. sunlight). RESTRICTION: a restriction/taboo/vow/repulsion to a very common or likely situation/substance (e.g. must always defer to your elders, cannot lie). If subject to a substance, you flee at the sight of it and contact causes intense physical damage. If a broken vow/taboo/situation, you cannot consciously choose to break it. OR

ADDICTION - NEED: a compulsion/requirement to do something which is difficulty 5 to resist. You can resist for a number of days equal to your Psyche statistic, whereupon you must indulge. The only way to permanently remove the addiction is to spend experience. ADDICTION - SOURCE: An addiction or compulsion or requirement to do something that thing is likely to put you on the most-wanted list or extremely expensive (e.g. costs you 1,000/$1,500 a month). ALLERGY: a deadly allergy to a common or not easily avoidable substance which causes death within moments. RESTRICTION: a severe restriction or taboo or vow or repulsion to a very common or likely situation/substance. PHOBIA: a severe phobia of something extremely common which the mere mention of it can make you panic. Overcoming your Phobia is a difficulty 5 task. Reduce a statistic by 1 (a statistic can never be reduced below 1 in this manner). EXAMPLE PACKAGE 1 - SLAYER

A severe restriction/vow/taboo/repulsion to an uncommon or unlikely situation/substance. If subject to a substance, you cannot go near it and contact causes physical damage. If a broken vow/taboo/situation, you will go out of your way to stop other people from breaking such a vow. PHOBIA: a severe phobia of something common which the mere mention of it can set you on edge. Overcoming your Phobia is a difficulty 4 task. OR A strong common. phobia of something extremely

Lets consider that than you want to create a package representing a vampire slayers abilities. Slayers are unnaturally strong and so we give the package a Preternatural Statistic of Body. This costs 10 points. We decide they are also quite agile but not to the extent that is supernatural. So we add 1 to Coordination for 5 points. Slayers receive a great deal of martial training from a young age. Now you might be tempted to give another Expert Die on Fray as a whole but that would be quite expensive and possibly unnecessary given that Body already gives you an Expert Die on most combat rolls. So lets just go with a +1 die on the Butt-

A Rating 5 Disadvantage is debilitating. PENALTY: A -1d penalty in an unavoidable situation (e.g. you are sensitive to light and receive -1d during the day). A -2d penalty in an everyday situation.


Kicking Broad Skill costing 4. Then lets get Fast Recovery on 3 (costing 3), Preternatural Sense Vampires on 1 (cost 1) and 2 levels of Hard To Kill for 4 pts. This costs 10 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 1 +4 for a total of 27 points. However, being a slayer is not without its disadvantages. To start with, slayers are part demon. So lets make a flaw which means that they can be detected by such using spells and other demon sensing abilities. Now, this is only mildly annoying as it is hardly a common occurrence. We cant really justify anymore, so we create a 1 point Disadvantage - Part Demon. Theres a more serious curse attached to being Part Demon: the First Slayer. Apparently the spirit of the First Slayer is invested in all slayers and shes quite judgemental! If a slayer does something deeply against the First Slayers own personal code (whatever that might be), shes likely to give you a rather lethal nightmare. This is not a common occurrence but it is something that a slayer character should be conscious of. The fact that it is also potentially lethal, well lets make that a 3 point Disadvantage First Slayers Ethics. Lastly, every demon, vampire and other Sub-Terrestrial Intelligence has heard of the slayer and wants to be the one to claim her head. Having evil bad guys turning up on your doorstep fairly regularly is probably worth another 3 point Disadvantage Unnatural Enemies. So thats 3 + 3 + 1 = 7. 27 less 7

= 20. Slayer is a 20 point package (or 4 Element Points if using the Archetype Build system). EXAMPLE PACKAGE 2 - VAMPIRE Weve done the Vampire Slayer, so lets do a Vampire. There are as many different interpretations of vampires and their abilities as there are movies and books about vampires (and thats a lot). So for our version, well use those that appear in the inspiration for the earlier package, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In that show, vampires are supernaturally strong (Preternatural Statistic - Body) and have a resistance to impact weapons and bullets. So well give them Preternatural Body (10 points) and Preternatural Resistance - Ballistics for 3 and Impact at 2, costing 3 points per point (3 + 2 x 3 = 15). Thats 25 points. They have amazing sight and hearing. Lets give them +1 Insight. Also they should have Enhanced Perception to detect blood (Preternatural Skill - +2d to detect blood - 2 points). Thats a total of 7. 25 + 7 = 32 points. Weve also got to invent a new Advantage: Breathless. Vampires dont breathe and therefore cannot be suffocated or affected by airborne substances. This is a pretty good advantage but how often itll be relevant is uncertain. Well cost this at 3. 35 points. They are also quick healers, Fast Recovery for 4 points and 2 levels


of Hard To Kill 6 points. A total of 8 points. That puts them at 43 points. Pretty expensive. However, here disadvantages. come the

A soulless vampire is 19 points, having a 1 point flaw (lets face it, having a complete lack of morals is a disadvantage to most players but it has no game effects and for some players, it just gives them the freedom to be a jerk and claim Im just playing in character!). Using the Archetype Build, rounding off Vampires puts them at 20 points and therefore 4 Element Points. Of course, some people will now be asking But vampires explode into dust if staked in the heart or if you cut their head off, isnt that worth some points? Well, if you just asked that question, ask yourself what happens if a normal human being is stabbed in the heart or has their head cut off

Vampires have a 5pt Allergy to Sunlight (itll burn them to a crisp within a matter of moments). They also have a pretty severe addiction to blood (difficulty 3 to resist) and highly illegal (murder is high up there). Thats 3 plus 4 for 7. Vampires also cannot enter private property without first being invited (a 2 point restriction). They also have a painful allergy to holy water (2 points) and an aversion to holy symbols that burn if come in to contact with (2 points). Thats a total of 4 points. Bloodsuckers also dont have reflections. Thats a 2 point flaw (a severe problem to an uncommon or avoidable situation). We should also give them another trait: Vamp Face. The vampire receives -2d for Social rolls but gains +2d for Intimidation rolls. You can activate your vamp face when you want but must if you take any damage. Thats a net cost of 0. Also, you cannot use any Beauty advantage while your vamp face is on. But realistically, that isnt much of a disadvantage. Vampires also can also be detected as Undead (1 point). So, 5 plus 7 plus 2 plus 2 plus 4 plus 2 plus 0 plus 1 for 23 points of disadvantages. Thats 43 less 23 for 20 points.



WAY TO GO, SKILLS The standard skill system as presented here has already been described in Chapter Two. As stated previously, that system is not the standard ORE skill system and is actually an alternative version devised for a separate conversion. This chapter will not only feature a comprehensive list of all the skills you might ever want but also a list of their associated Feats. However, before we get to that list, you will find two further skill systems (the ORE standard and a new system). YO, GAME MASTER! There is a list of skills in this section which is going to be much, much larger than youd actually ever need in a specific game setting. And, some of those skills are simply not going to be appropriate. You Game Masters out there have got a little bit more work cut out for you: you need to determine which skills are relevant to your game. This should be pretty straight forward but it should be pointed out that the skill list is far from exhaustive. You should feel free to tailor the skills to your game and, more importantly, setting. After all, if your game is a Jules Verne inspired tale of 18th Century space explorers, you might not want skills like Computers or Cryogenics. This list of skills available to your setting is called a Skill Selection. Whatever skill system you decide to use, you will always need a Skill Selection to give to your players. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER Whatever skill system you use, characters cannot raise a Skill above 3 during character generation! ORE ACTION SKILL SYSTEM In the basic ORE, Skills are simply purchased at level 1 to 5. These are then promoted to Special Dice as normal. There is none of this broad or narrow business and what you see is what you get. Skills are organised by the statistic they are commonly associated with, for instance, Hearing is associated with the Insight/Sense statistic. Purchasing such skills costs the same as if you were buying a narrow skill under the standard system. Why Would I Use This Skill System? This system is very straight forward with little messing about. It is generally the one to go for when you have a game where Feats are more relevant than the skills they attach to.

It costs 1 point to promote a die to Expert but 5 to promote an Expert to a Master. A SAMPLE ACTION SKILL SELECTION BODY Endurance Fight Health Parry Running Swimming PSYCHE Computers Education Engineering Language Mechanics Occult Science COMMAND Inspire Intimidation Leadership Lies Willpower COORDINATION Acrobatics Catch Climbing Shoot Dodge Driving INSIGHT Art Listen Psychology Scent Search Spot Track CHARM Carousing Convince Empathy Etiquette Seduction


DISCIPLINE SKILL SYSTEM The third skill system uses the same mechanics albeit in a different fashion. Here, groups of skills are drawn together under the banner of a Discipline. A Discipline represents a teaching or understanding of a particular field, much in the same way as Broad Skills do. This is a very broad category of skills and encompasses many other skills. E.g. If you had the Athletics Discipline, this might encompass running, climbing, swimming, throwing and others. Why Would I Use This Skill System? This is the broadest skill system where a character with a Discipline can do anything they might ever need to within that field. This is the one to use when a characters powers define them more than their skills or feats.


SPECIAL DICE 1 Expert Die 2 Expert Dice 3 Expert Dice 4 Expert Dice 1 Master Die

Beyond Concentrations are Feats. You may only buy feats for a Concentration and may not purchase a Feat of a higher level than your current Concentration Level. E.g. You have a Discipline in Combat on 2. You have the Concentration of Wrestling on 3. You decide to buy some Feats for your Concentration. You may only purchase level 1, 2 and 3 Feats for your Wrestling Concentration. Disciplines cost 1 Point per rating during character generation (2 x next level for experience). So a discipline on rating 3 costs 3 points. Concentrations cost 2 Points per rating during character generation (3 x next level for experience). A concentration on 5 costs 10 points. Feats cost 1 Point per level. Remember, you must purchase feats in order of level, i.e. you cannot buy level 2 before level 1. Buying a feat on level 3 then costs 6 (1 point for level 1, 2 points for level 2 and 3 points for level 3, which is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6). As with all skill systems, your Game Master must determine what the Skill Selection is for your game and in this case, this determines the available Disciplines. However, you can have any number of Concentrations attached to your Disciplines and there is no exhaustive list, however, be sure to ask your Game Master whether you may have a given Concentration. You wouldnt want to pick a Concentration that you never use or is inappropriate. E.g. You have the Science Discipline. You decide you want the Astrophysics

Disciplines are rated from 1 to 5 and you always determine your dice pool using your current Discipline score. Within each Discipline are Concentrations. Concentrations are focused and specific training in a given area of practice within a Discipline. E.g. If you had a Discipline of Engineering, you could have a Concentration of Electronics or Software or Mechanical, etc. Concentrations are also rated from 1 to 5 but are limited by your understanding of the basics of the Discipline. Therefore, you may not raise a Concentration by more than 2 greater than the base Discipline it is attached to. E.g. You have a Discipline in Driving on 2. You could raise your Concentration of NASCAR to a maximum of 4. Your level of Concentration yields Special Dice.


Concentration, the Mathematics Concentration and then Time Mechanics Concentration. Your Game Master vetoes the last skill because the game is set in 1960s Britain investigating strange occurrences and that last skill, well, your Game Master thinks its a little too fringe.






















































Specialist Skills



*Denotes a Skill must be purchased for a specific area of learning. E.g. Student: Escapology or Ride: Gryphon. A NOTE TO GAME MASTERS The above list should in no way be considered complete and you certainly wouldnt want to include every skill mentioned above in every game you play. The above is a list of commonly required skills for a variety of game themes. If you find it lacking, then no fear: add to it! If you find a lot of the skills irrelevant to your game or simply not appropriate, ditch them! Choose the skills you want. Adding to the list is easy but varies depending on what system you use. The Golden Rule here is that you should only use/add in the skills that relevant to your game. Thats worth spelling out;

common place skill. In a game about fractitious cliques of high school teenagers, Cryptology would (probably) be useless. The Base System is a little bit more complex but not overly so. Again, choose a broad field of study and this becomes the Broad Skill. Then select the three most common aspects of that broad field for your game. These are the Narrow Skills. E.g. the broad field is, once again, Cryptology. The common Narrow Skills for this game might be Decode, Design and Encode. The ORE Action Skill System is the most complex of the three to add new skills in. Essentially, the skills used in Action Skill System can be really broad or very narrow dependent on how useful they are (remembering that all such skills should be relevant to the game). A skill that is commonly employed and important to the game will be quite narrow. This may include genre specific skills (i.e. skills that you are unlikely to see in other games but remain uniquely relevant to this setting). Some examples are Fight (the ability to injure someone), Spot (the ability to notice things) and Plead (the ability to disgust someone enough to change their mind). A skill that is less likely to be used and not essential to every day survival or commonly

The easiest system to add skills to is the Discipline System. Here, you just think of a broad area and simply add it in. E.g. your game is about warring noble houses that utilise specialised systems of encrypted codes for communications. Here, the Cryptology skill is a vital and


learned or even a skill where some aspects are highly useful but other aspects not so much are all, consequently, much broader. Some examples are Stealth (the ability to disguise yourself, hide and purloin things), Drive (the ability to drive all manner of ground vehicles but anything other than car is largely irrelevant to most modern day games) or Horse (the ability to train, ride, care and utilise horses but its the riding aspect which is most important). SKILL BREAKDOWN ATHLETICS The catch-all skill for most physical tasks. This involves sports, throwing, swimming, lifting weights, leaping around; essentially, any kind of physical action where training can assist. Roll this when you want to swing from a chandelier or make a long drop without breaking your leg. NARROW SKILLS
ACROBATICS is the ability to perform jumps, backflips and general gymnastic feats. If you want to measure a characters balance, hurdling or some other feat of agility, Acrobatics is probably your port of call. You can leap 5 feet across or 2 feet high per point of Width. A starting run adds 2 die. CLIMB allows you to travel vertically with some confidence. Scaling trees, cliffs or a ships mast are all the same to you. RUN determines your skill in just that. Cowards run away from fights, brave men run toward them. In a melee, you can run 5m every round automatically. If you want to increase that, roll Body + Run. Every point of Width adds 3m.


represents your ability to pick something up and hit someone with it. It can be used with any hand to hand weapon where it is obvious how you hurt someone with it. allows you to move your body away from a source of pain or injury. Ducking punches, diving for safety and evading a trap all require a Dodge test.


PARRY describes your talents at sticking something between you and an attack. This might be your blade, a shield or even a mailed forearm. As long as you can interpose an object with an incoming attack, youre fine. Just dont try parrying with your bare hands.

COMPUTERS You are proficient at using a computer. Installing software, hacking web sites, making warez: its all in a days work for you. Anything related to computers and networking is handled using this skill. Telecommunications is not, however. NARROW SKILLS

is the maintenance, repair and installation of the physical components which constitute a personal computer. Anything more complicated than plugging in a peripheral is your domain.

OPERATION is the day to day use of a computer. Plugging the thing in, switching it on and managing user profiles, youve got the knowhow. SOFTWARE is the most complicated bit. This is the actual design or manipulation of computer software. This what you use for writing your own programs or modifying (read: cracking) other peoples.

CLOSE COMBAT This is your broad-based, untrained, naturally vicious brawling. Someone with a high Close Combat skill may lack the finesse and technique of someone with a sophisticated Weapon Skill but thats rarely a comfort when the fighter is burying a blade in your ribcage. Roll this when you want to get out of harms way or pick up a stick and club someone with it.

CRIME Youre a villain, plain and simple. You can steal things right out of peoples pockets, you can open the most secure of locks, you even know where to offload any ill-gotten gains. Roll this if you want to steal, break in to things or know information about those who would steal or break in to things.


B & E describes your ability to do just that: Break and Enter. Be it vaults, chests or warehouse doors, you can break them all open with just the flick of a wrist. STREETWISE is the ability to not only know where to find other criminals but also how they operate and how to deal with them. Its the art of knowing how to sell something on the black market and how to perform a good con. Streetwise is the catch-all skill for fencing stolen goods, working confidence scams and knowing all there is to know about the criminal element. THEFT measures your talent at lifting valuables straight out of peoples pockets. Any deft movement of the hands used for nicking things can be performed with this skill.

understand some form of technology and build machines from the ground up. When you purchase this skill, you must specify the field you have studied. Some examples are Computer, Cybernetic, Electrical, Mechanical and Robotic. NARROW SKILLS

quite literally allows you to make new machines. This is art of seeing a pile of components and knowing how they fit together to create a whole new device. allows you to study and create Blue Prints for new, more advanced machines and components. If you want to re-design a piece of machinery to make it smaller or faster or even bullet-proof, design is the skill you need.



EDUCATION Youve picked up a lot of information over the years but just how much is measured by this skill. This covers General Knowledge about the world(s) around you and covers everything from fine arts and literature to which clothes are currently en vogue. NARROW SKILLS

measures your ability to repair that which has broken down. This not only allows you to fix things but also to service them, ensuring that they arent likely to break down in the near future. ENTERTAIN

Your facility (and understanding of how) to entertain others through a variety of medium. Roll this when you want to do some sort of performance intending to impress or entertain. NARROW SKILLS

demarcates your knowledge of the finer things in life. Youve read Tolstoy, listened to Wagner, critiqued Tarantino and worn Versace.

describes how you know all this information. You not only can go through a library and pick out the exact text you need but you can rifle through a stack of glossy magazines and come away with vital data in amongst which starlet has just cheated on which star.

is your understanding and the act of creating entertainment. If you want to write a sonnet, create a new song or dance, then you would use your Compose skill. is your knowledge of the business and your ability to realise a production. It involves finding a venue, setting up a stage and knowing how to put on a good show. You would also use this skill when producing or directing or conducting a show. Roll this when you have to organise any of the behind the scenes stuff.


is the understanding of the world around you. It informs you how life begins, what the symbols of the periodic table mean and what gravity is. Roll this when you need to understand a complex aspect of life, the universe and everything. ENGINEERING


If you want technical knowledge, then youll want this skill. Engineering is the ability to

demonstrates your skill at entertaining through some form of medium, be it a musical instrument, acting, dancing, sleight of hand or singing. When purchasing this specialisation, you must designate your medium. You may purchase this skill multiple times, each time choosing a new medium.


FOCUS This talent measures your experience with the uncanny, unnatural and unwholesome. Through training, you learn to develop your inner strength and mind. Roll this when you are exploring your inner self. NARROW SKILLS

hold your men back. Whereas Strategy is all about winning the war, Tactics is what gets you through a battle, be it on the battlefield or the boardroom. MANIPULATE The art of getting people to what you want through subterfuge, be it convincing people of the truth or simply getting them to move out of the way. Roll this when you want to convince someone that the fools gold you have is real or that the potatoes you have are worth much more than they are offering or persuade the Prince to give you an honour guard. NARROW SKILLS

governs your ability to detect the unnatural and to use your instincts. You might detect magical spells, artefacts, curses or spirits in the area or suddenly think theres something wrong with picture in front of you. It wont protect you from a lurking footpad but it might alert you to the fact youre in a haunted house or that the step before you is loose.

represents your ability to remain calm and relaxed even in the most disruptive of situations.
MEDITATION WILLPOWER determines your ability to resist temptation and other undue influences. If youre being tortured, tempted or ensorcelled, your Willpower will generally afford you some defense.

is the ability to persuade people to do something you want. This can be all the way from begging to confounding someone with feats of logic. Bottom line, whenever you want to get your own way without resorting to threats, use Influence.

LEADERSHIP This is your ability to lead a group of people. This can be an army, a group of wizards or even a team of office workers. Roll this when you want to lead a unit in to battle, give a rallying speech or give a person a dressing down. NARROW SKILLS

INTIMIDATE focuses solely on getting your way through fear. The nature of the threat you represent doesnt matter, anything from political ruination to magical revenge to a brutal beating is covered by this specialisation. LIE

is rolled when youre stretching the truth, fraudulently name-dropping, fabricating plausible claims of valour or telling huge great whoppers. A successful roll allows you to remain unflustered, consistent and above-all, credible. MEDICINE

describes your talent to get a group of people to do what you want. Its also about organisation and knowing that if you dont keep your army happy, you might not have one tomorrow.
STRATEGY demonstrates your ability to see the bigger picture in a situation, looking beyond the individual and seeing how they interact to become an army. Rather than focussing on individual salesmen or soldiers, you look at supply lines, bypassing areas and economics.

This is knowledge of physiology, the application of which can be either be helpful or harmful. Roll this when you want to assess a persons current state of health or when you want to do something about it. NARROW SKILLS

represents your knowledge of modern drugs. Use of this specialisation allows one to give the correct dosage and understanding of how a specific drug is made. is the mundane ability to clean wounds, apply bandages and set bones. The specialisation of helping people get less sick

TACTICS is the day to day, hands-on ability to place people in the right position, know when to buy and sell and when to charge and when to



and injured is often one that can make you very popular with your friends.
TORTURE describes how good you are at applying your beneficial knowledge to the detriment of your victims. Your understanding of a persons physiology makes you as skilled at harming as it does as healing. If you want to know something fast, torture is the way forward.

past the point of where less burly (or less driven) individuals collapse to pant, groan or drown.

is not so much a talent that is learned or studied. Instead it represents how well you overcome injury and illness. You make Body + Vigor rolls to recover from combat so this often a good bet for belligerent types. Its also what you roll to resist sickness and poison. RANGED COMBAT

PERCEPTION A measure of your general awareness of your surroundings. It determines your visual acuity, clarity of hearing and overall sensitivity. Roll this when you need to spot something. NARROW SKILLS

If you want to shoot someone in the gut with a gun or put an arrow in someones eye, this is the skill you need. Shotguns, pistols, bows, slings: theyre all covered by Ranged Combat. NARROW SKILLS

determines your quality of hearing. Youre superb at eavesdropping, hearing muffled footsteps in dark alleys and recognizing which string on your friends violin is just a trifle sharp.

is the use of any weapon that uses a chemical reaction to fire one or more bullets. This is the general ability to pick up any ballistic weapon, point it at someone and pull the trigger. describes your ability to fire any weapon that amplifies the combatants own potential energy to propel a missile such as an arrow from a bow, bolt from a crossbow or rock from a sling. demarcates your skill with any weapon that directly uses the combatants own potential energy such as a spear, snowball or throwing knife. SCRUTINISE


demarcates your sense of smell and taste. You can smell the unwashed body odour under the perfume, the scent of blood coming from the next room or even that the spice in the soup is no spice at all


describes your clarity and keenness of vision. This ability improves your chances of spotting the trapdoor your about to step on, the sail on the horizon or the stealthy assassin

PHYSIQUE This is the degree of control you have over your physical body. You have spent time developing your physique and have greater control and a hardier constitution that others. Roll this when you need a steady hand or to avoid throwing up. NARROW SKILLS

Where as Perception deals with your ability to spot and hear things, Scrutinise is your talent at uncovering things in a logical and methodical manner. Roll this when you want to check the quality of something or figure out that a body was dragged through a room. If you want to hunt for something, use Scrutinise. If you want to notice something, use a Perception skill. NARROW SKILLS

denotes your flexibility and muscular control. Maybe you want to squeeze through a tight space or perhaps need to slip your wrists out of handcuffs or if you want to do the splits over two rocks, any of these describe perfect examples of Control.

is the detectives art of look at a scene, putting together all the divined facts and coming to a conclusion. By use of Search and Tracking, one can survey a scene and determine events which happened in the past.


measures your ability to keep running or walking or swimming or fighting long


SEARCH is your ability to do just that. You can rifle through a room and find what you are looking for. You can search anything from a book to a treasure map: if theres something there to be found, youll find it.

is your ability to obfuscate yourself and appear as something you are not. And it isnt just about putting on a different hat, its changing your manner and the way you present yourself.

represents your skill at identifying the tracks of some thing, be it a person, animal or vehicle, and then following them to their destinations end.

demarcates your ability to hide yourself and other things. Its about remaining unseen while the household searches for you or hiding under the bed when your lovers wife comes home


SOCIAL Your Social Skill represents how good you are at dealing with people in, well, social situations. Roll this when you want to hold your own in a conversation or avoid showing yourself up in front of the nobility. NARROW SKILLS
EMPATHY measures your ability to gauge those with whom you speak and interact. Use it to see through the lies, detect when people are attempting to influence your mood with guile and spot the envious ex-lover at the wedding. ETIQUETTE

describes your talent at moving quietly. You are as at home skulking around the city streets as you are stalking game in the woods. SURVIVAL

The knack of knowing where you are, where youre going and how to survive in between. Roll this if you are lost in a network of caves, want to catch some fish or want to avoid heat exposure. NARROW SKILLS

measures your manners and ensures you behave well in company. Its not just the obvious stuff like never pinch the hostess husband in front of her though thats in there too. It also indicates knowledge of exotic cultural mores. Take this specialisation if you want to know to dine cordially, dance passably, flirt acceptably and accept (or decline) a royal gift graciously. allows you to talk and make someone want to keep listening to you. It represents your conversational finesse, your talent for listening (or for making people think youre listening) and your general ability to help people like you. If you want to charm, recruit, seduce or simply amuse an individual, roll Fascinate. STEALTH The art of stealth is employed whenever one wants to go undetected. Roll this when you want to hide the knife on your person or conceal the fact youre a woman. NARROW SKILLS

gives you a general feel for your location. Some part of you is constantly aware of your travel, height, weight and direction. You can intuitively find North, retrace your steps easily and guide your ship back to port even under cloudy skies.


not only allows you to locate and prepare food out in the wild but it is also the art of not dying in adverse conditions. If theres food and water to be had, youll find it and you know that you need salt in hot weather and if the temperature drops much more, youll die.



is the ability to set (and disarm) traps for all kinds of animals including the kind with two legs. You can catch rabbits, fish and fashion a really well hidden pit trap. SPECIALIST SKILL BREAKDOWN

GENERAL SKILLS DRIVE is your ability to get in a land-based vehicle and make it do what you want. From Sunday driving to stunts to racing, everything is covered by this skill. Roll this when you need to break sharply or maintain speed through thick traffic. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify which type of vehicle this is in.


LANGUAGE this is the ability to read and write another language. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify which language this is. LORE is a specific area of learning that the character has researched. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify which field this is in. PILOT is the talent to pilot airborne vessels. This is all powered aircraft including jets, microlights and helicopters. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify which type of aircraft this is in. RIDE is the ability to ride and care for a specific type of animal. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify the type of animal you can ride. SAIL is the catch-all term to describe a characters ability to negotiate the waters of the world via sail, motor or rowing. Roll this when navigating by compass and sextant and sailing a schooner. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify the type of vessel you can sail. SPACEFLIGHT is for trained astronauts. The idea of stepping out in to infinite void is just another day in the park for you. Roll this when you want to plot a course vector, go for a space-walk or pilot your star-faring vessel. STUDENT is training and ability in a specific type of skill. This might be a craft, trade or hobby. You may purchase this skill multiple times and each time you must specify which field this is in. WEAPON SKILLS Weapons are funny things: generally, all you have to do to be effective is pick one up and smack someone in the head with it. Thats how the Close Combat skill works in conjunction with your Body: you grab a sword and hit someone as hard as you can. Weapon Skills are a bit different. These represent specific training with a type of weapon and demonstrate a much higher level of proficiency. However, some types of weapon are not much different from one another. You hit

someone with a short sword in pretty much the same manner as you would a long sword. To accommodate this, weapons are collected in to Weapon Specialisations which are general groups of like weapons. Just to make that clear:




This means you do not need separate skills to parry and attack (and in fact, can do both with your weapon specialisation), however, that skill allows you to only use weapons which fall in its domain. And if you buy Axes, you can use any type of axe, be it one handed, two handed or a one with a chainsaw built into it. NB. Fantasy fiction, films and RPGS have all managed to really confuse the names and uses of weapons from their real-world counterparts. So, for instance, where you see Greatsword, you might know what kind (is it the 16th century german Zweihander?) or where you see Scimitar, you might ask, Does that mean Talwar or Shamshir? and of course, the Long sword which could be just a sword that is long or a hand and a half sword. The writer has endeavoured to cater to both audiences. WEAPON SPECIALISATIONS AXE which includes Hatchets (being any kind of small hafted, broad bladed weapon such as an Ono or Tomahawk) and Battle Axes (which is any medium hafted, broad bladed weapon such as a Battle Axe or Labrys). BLUDGEON which covers Cudgels (being any short, blunt club e.g. truncheon, sap or baton), Hammers (which is a short hafted weapon ending in a blunt head e.g. war hammer, sledgehammer or maul) and Maces (being a short club with a heavy blunt head that may


have a flexible or chain connector e.g. flail or mace). CLOSE FIGHTING which covers Daggers (being any light, small bladed weapon used for stabbing or cutting e.g. knife, dirk or stiletto), Katars (being any type of small bladed weapon that utilises a punching motion e.g. patar or katar) and (Main-Gauche being a type of small bladed weapon designed to trap larger bladed weapons e.g. Trident dagger or sai). FENCING which includes the Scimitar (being any light, curved bladed weapon with a hilt that is wielded in one hand e.g. talwar, saif or kilij), the Sabre (being any medium curved bladed weapon with a hilt that is wielded one handed e.g. dao or cutlass) and the Rapier (being any long, light weighted bladed weapon designed mainly for thrusting e.g. foil or epee). GUNNERY is the use of any vehicle integrated weapon. This includes Missile Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Machine Guns, Torpedoes and the like. HAFTED which covers Poleaxes (being any long hafted weapon mounted with a blade e.g. the Halberd, Pole-axe or Bill) Pike (being a long hafted weapon with a thrusting point e.g. Pike, Spear or Lance) and Quarterstaff (that being any long hafted weapon that does not have a blade). HEAVY WEAPONS which covers any personal, large weapon. E.g. Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, mounted (not integrated) Machineguns. HURLED which covers any thrown weapon that is not designed for that specific purpose. E.g. bottles, rocks, snowballs, swords and stakes. LASER WEAPONS is the use of any energy based, beam type weapon. E.g. lasers, blasters, phasers and the like. LONG ARMS is any large stocked ballistic weapon. E.g. hunting rifles, sniper rifles and assault rifles. PLASMA WEAPONS are any energy based, packeted or stream weapon. E.g. plasma projectors, flamethrowers.

PROJECTILE WEAPONS which covers any weapon designed to be thrown such as a throwing knife, spear, shuriken or chakram. PULL W EAPONS which covers Archery (being the use of any missile weapon consisting of a pair of curved elastic limbs, typically of wood, connected by a string e.g. long bow or short bow). PUSH WEAPONS being any missile weapon requiring a self-contained mechanism to fire. E.g. heavy crossbow or light crossbow or dart launcher. SMALL ARMS are small and/or ballistic weapon. E.g. pistols, SMGs. SONIC WEAPONS being any energy based wave form projector. E.g. Screamers. SWORD which includes one handed blades (being any heavy or thick bladed weapon that is wielded in one hand e.g. Gladius, Short Sword, Broad Sword, Falchion), two handed blades (being any heavy or thick bladed weapon with a hilt that must be wielded in two hands e.g. Greatsword or Flamberge) and Hand-and-a-Half blades (describing any heavy or thick bladed weapon with a hilt that may be wielded in one or two hands e.g. Claymore or Longsword). UNARMED is the use any open-palmed attack or hold e.g. Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Wrestling, Savate. FEATS QUICK WORD Following is a list of Feats for the various skills. Each skill might have just one Feat for a skill or might have multiple Feats to choose from. If there is only one, you may purchase this only if you have the Broad Skill (as you need the broad understanding of the field to gain the benefits of the feat). If there is more than one Feat, they are usually attached to a specific Narrow Skill. You may buy the feat if you have the appropriate Narrow Skill/Specialist Skill OR the appropriate Broad Skill. You must obviously purchase each one


independently of one another. They are just governed by the same skill. There should be enough Feats listed herein that you shouldnt have to go about creating new ones every time you start a new game, however, there are also enough examples that creating new ones isnt too much of a challenge. If in doubt, use the following guidelines when creating new Feats. LEVEL ONE FEATS These are basic knacks and bonuses in certain situations. They should never be more than a bonus die for a specific set of circumstances or some other minor modifier. If it provides an ability, said ability should be equally relatively minor. LEVEL TWO FEATS A bit more potent than level one feats, you could perhaps add a bonus die in a more broad situation or add a bonus to another and related skill. Any ability gleaned from this level should be useful but not overly powerful. You might allow a character to Squish or Squash (but the option of only one or the other) in a certain situation. LEVEL THREE FEATS Here is where it gets a bit more difficult. Level Three Feats are good. You get one of these and you should feel like youve got something worthwhile. A one or two dice bonus in a relatively useful circumstance is good. An ability which might be used once or twice a session is equally good. Modifying the Height of a set is also good. Allowing a character the choice of Squishing or Squashing. LEVEL FOUR FEATS These should be very good. Something which stands out: bonuses and abilities that are employed on a general basis or Height modifiers to 10 and possibly extra Expert Dice for certain situations.

LEVEL FIVE FEATS These are the crazy level powers. Were talking Ancient Masters who can cut people in half with their bare hands (well, may be not that crazy). These are the top level feats and should always be impressive. Some examples might be gaining a Bonus Master Die or duplicating a set (i.e. you roll 2x5 and a bonus 2x5!).























FEAT BREAKDOWN NB. Some feats make reference to Twinning. This is fully discussed in the next chapter. NB.2. Where a reference is made to a Broad Skill within the context of a feat attached to a Narrow Skill, you may use the Broad Skill or Narrow Skill interchangeably. ATHLETIC FEATS

resist freezing when significant height.



Rope Access (2 Points); You can set hanging platforms and rope seats so as to perform work at a great height without making a roll. Rappelling (3 Points): You are skilled at rappelling and may descend 5m a round without making a roll. Buildering (4 Points): Youve climbed mountains, canyons and now youve conquered the concrete mountain, there isnt anything that can phase you. You may Squish or Squash Athletics roll when climbing. your

Through discipline and training, you have developed your acrobatic skills to a level that gives you great freedom of movement. Tumble (1 Point): You reduce the difficulty of all Acrobatics (including Jumping) tests by 1. Roll Over (2 Points): You can roll with a fall or tumble and instantly get back to your feet. You lose one die from a set any round you use this technique. This also negates any throw or trip attacks against you. Leaping Dodge (3 Points): By performing a back flip or tumbling to one side or even throwing yourself to the ground, you can roll your Athletics to dodge an attack. Acrobatic Strike (4 Points): A skilled tumbler can use his or her talents to assist in a fight. If you make an attack whilst performing an Athletic action, perhaps jumping off a wall or swinging from a chandelier, you may Charge without needing to run 15ft. Wuxia Pian (5 Points): Any set scored on a Close Combat Attack is duplicated and may be used as either a Leaping Dodge or Acrobatic Strike.

Free Climbing (5 Points): You are an expert climber and have progressed to the stage where youll climb anything without any kit. To you, Climbing Gear is for the cowardly (whereas everyone else just thinks climbing gear is just common sense). When climbing, you may either reduce a Difficulty by 2 or ignore up to 2 dice penalty.

Sprint (1 Point); If you perform no other action save running flat out, you gain a 1d bonus to your roll. Runaway! (2 Points); You gain a 2d bonus to your running rolls when escaping from a dangerous situation. You may not combine this with Sprint. Run For Cover (3 Points); If you begin a run action in cover and end it in cover, you may use your running roll as Counter Dice against ranged combat attacks against you that round. Run & Gun (4 Points); You may twin a set for any action and use it for a Run action without penalty.

Head For Heights (1 Point); You have extensive experience with sheer drops and the like. You may use your Athletics skill instead of Focus when rolling to

Endurance (5 Points); You gain a bonus Expert Die on your Physique tests when exerting yourself whilst running. CLOSE COMBAT FEATS

Smoke Dance (5 Points): You are like the burning air, flowing with your opponents strikes. Whenever you generate a set for a dodge but are still hit, you may roll with the blow and use the Width from your dodge test as an Armour Rating. E.g. A character attempts to dodge another characters blade. The attacker scores 2x8. The defender rolls but the best he can score is 3x6. The first would still hit him. However, using Smoke Dance, he converts his 3x6 into an Armour Rating of 3.

You may not use this Technique whilst wearing armour. The Slightest Movement (1 Point): You are trained to use all your awareness to better aid your defenses. The smallest clue, even a flicker or look from your opponent can give you a telling sign of where they are likely to attack. You receive +1d to your Close Combat skill when dodging an opponent with a lower initiative score than you. Snake Dance (2 Points): Your skills are now so honed that you have a constant weaving and ducking motion. This teaching has been likened to the movements of snakes (and to the drunk by some). You may add a dodge to another action without declaring a multiple action and using the larger of the two pools. Sabre Dance (3 Points): The skilled evader is fully aware of all his opponents and can time his dodge for the best effect against all of them. You may Squish or Squash when making a dodge. Water Dance (4 Points): You are flexible as running water and can now take a dodge to the next level, moving in such a way that you are pre-empting your opponents strikes. Roll Coordination + Close Combat at -1d. Melee attacks against you are at a Difficulty equal to the Width of your Water Dance test. If you are hit whilst using Water Dance, you lose an additional die from one of your sets.

Quarry (1 Point): If you take an action to mark a target, you receive a +1d bonus on attacks against them for the rest of this combat. Power Attack (2 Points): You may make an attack with -1d penalty but add 1 to the Width of your attack. Hammer (3 Points): If your opponent fails to parry your attack, they disarmed. Clinch (4 Points): Make a Body + Fight test. Success indicates you lock your weapon with your opponents: neither weapon may be used whilst clinched. You can unclinch your weapon as an action requiring no roll. Your opponent must make a skill test to do the same. Cleave (5 Points): You may make an attack with a -2d penalty but add 2 to the Width of your attack.

Full Parry (1 Point): If you take no other action than Parry this round, you receive +1d to your roll. Riposte (2 Points): If you spoil an attack with your parry and have a spare set, you may make an attack this round at no penalty.


Stop Thrust (3 Points): You may combine an attack and parry without penalty. Prise de Fer (4 Points): You take control of your opponents blade and let loose with an appropriate unarmed strike, such as a head-butt or punch. If you successfully spoil an attack with your parry, you twin your set for an unarmed combat. Web of Steel (5 Points): When you make a parry action, as long as you score a set, you automatically spoil an opponents set regardless of your Width or Height. COMPUTER FEATS

Nb. You can only use this ability on a Computer youve built from the ground up. Improve Build (4 Points): Any computer you have assembled using Scratch Build can be improved upon so that anyone using it can also Squash on their Computers rolls. Nb. You can only use this ability on a Computer youve previously used Scratch Build on. Master Build (5 Points): You are so skilled now that you know all the latest technology and if youre willing to spend the money to keep up to date (500/$750 a month), anyone using your Master Build PC gains a bonus Master Die on their Computer rolls. You may expressly use multiple Master Dice when using this feat.

Hard Wearing (1 Point): You look after computers in your care, ensuring that they are kept in cool, non dusty environments, that you regularly clean them out and check them for wear and tear. Anyone using a computer you have regular access to gains +1d to their Computers rolls. Improve Efficiency (2 Points): You know which hardware complements what software and what the best tools are for a specific job. Given the right specifications by your client (whomever that might be), you can customise a computer to do a specific job or task (be it gaming or networking or hacking or programming or CAD). Anyone using it for that purpose has a minimum Height of 4 (any set which is lower is raised to 4). Scratch Build (3 Points): You can assemble a computer of such quality that anyone using it can Squish on their Computers rolls.

Touch Type (1 Point): You have been using the standard QWERTYUIOP keyboard so much that you instinctively know where all the keys are. Consequently, you can type without even looking at the keyboard. Reduce the time of any task requiring QWERTYUIOP interfacing (including data entry, word processing and programming) by 25%. Custom Setup (2 Points): You have your computer set up in a specific way, using the programs you are familiar with and having your monitor set at a specific height and angle. Whenever you use a computer that is set up to your specifications, you gain +1d on Computers tests. However, it takes two whole hours of adjusting a PC to your liking (including installing all those programs you like to use and moving round your applications).


Back Up (3 Points): Youve always got a complete back up of a PC youve spent time using the Custom Setup feat. Whenever you access such a PC, you have a back up. Password Protect (4 Points): Your Custom Setup PCs are not your standard setup and you take pains to protect your content. Attempts to access your system through non-hacking methods have a Difficulty of your Computers Skill. If someone is able to gain access to your computer, they receive -1d on Computers rolls just because of your unique setup. System Admin (5 Points): You are a master at utilising computers: any system you can log on to is laid wide and there are no files you cannot get access to. Whenever you are able to get in to a system, you can do everything a System Administrator can. Furthermore, you may Squish or Squash when using any system where you are a legitimate System Admin (such as your Custom Setup PCs).

You may add 1d to your Computers dice pool when making programming tests if you employ your unusual methodology. However, anyone who learns your methodology receives a 1d bonus to reverse engineer or crack your software. Debugging (3 Points): When using Unique Methodology, you now expertly note your source code and use a unique syntax highlighter for your programs. Consequently, you are so intimately familiar with the program you are working on that, when you come to roll to see if it works or not, you may reroll your dice pool. Codebase Library (4 Points): When using your Unique Methodology, you have designed that many programs that you have an extensive repository of source code which you can raid for a solution to a problem or even help you build a program from the ground up. You may Squish or Squash your Computers roll when programming. Obfuscate Code (5 Points): You have your own unique program to conceal the source code of your programs. Attempts to reverse engineer or crack your software receive a penalty of -2d. Of course, should anyone obtain or crack your concealment program, this -2d penalty is ignored CRIME FEATS

Analyse Requirements (1 Point): Without making a roll you are aware if there is already a program available which does the job you are tasked with coding. The programs available may not be as good as one you could code yourself but it certainly saves you the time and effort to produce a functional piece of software. You also know if a program is Out of Specification, i.e. it does not fulfil the requirements of use. Unique Methodology (2 Points): You have a unique way of designing software.

Familiar With The Works Of (1 Point): You can examine a lock and see what kind of design it is. By making a Knowledge + Scrutinize test, Difficulty 3, you may be knowledgeable of the lock makers trademarks. If you are successful, you gain a bonus die to your attempt to open the lock. Hidden Picks (2 Points): Through experience, youve found the perfect


place to hide your picks on your person. May be you have a secret pocket or a false heel. Regardless, anyone attempting to search your person receives a Difficulty equal to your Crime to locate your lock picks. Signature Tools (3 Points): Youve had your lock picks for years and made a number of modifications. You may Squish and Squash on B & E tests when using them plus you can never arbitrarily lose them nor forget where youve put them: theyre that important to you. However, you are so used to them that using someone elses (or even a new set) feels wrong to you, incurring a -1d penalty and losing the ability of your Signature Tools feat until youve worn them in (3 consecutive successful lock pick tests). Forge Key (4 Points): By examining a key for only moments, you can craft a duplicate. You need to be able to touch the key and examine it up close but you only need a few moments before youve got a general idea. It takes an hour to cut a duplicate. When you are using the key for the first time, make a Knowledge + Crime test at Difficulty 5 less the period of study; MOMENTS MINUTES HALF AN HOUR AN HOUR 0 1 2 3

When it comes to using the key, roll Knowledge + Crime at Difficulty 5. Success indicates youve successfully opened the lock. Failure breaks the key, rendering it unusable.

This feat represents a thieves learning in the art of doing less than lawful activities above and beyond the basics. The Thiefs Eye (1 Point): You cant kid a kidder, as the saying goes. The experienced thief knows all the tricks and can more readily spot when someone is attempting to use them against him. You gain a +1d bonus to detect Crime attempts on you. The Mark (2 Points): Knowledge is a powerful tool and a good thief knows when something is likely to land them in hot water. Casing a joint, keeping an eye on a prospective victimthe Mark is the skill of knowing your target. By making a Sense + Crime test, you can attempt to discern details about your intended victim. It takes 30 minutes of observation to make a roll using The Mark.

- 2X: You observe your target and discern the Difficulty of the task in terms of Easy (Difficulty 1 to 2), Difficult (3 to 4) or Hard (5+).

Roll when you come to use the key. Success indicates that the key is good enough to open the lock. If it fails, well, youre out of luck! Skeleton Key (5 Points): The Skeleton Key is a key that has been cut in such a way that, with some jiggering in the lock, might be able to open any lock. Crafting a key is very hard, very intense work, taking approximately 8 full hours.

Alternatively, you can discern the victims Sense + Sight or Hearing pool in terms of Easy (less than 5), Difficult (5 to 7) or Hard (8+). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3X: As above, but you know the exact die pool or Difficulty. MASTER SUCCESS - 4X: As above, and you gain a +1d on the Crime attempt. Trained Professional (3 Points): When you purchase Trained Professional, choose an area of Crime;


GRIFTER: You have worked a lot of scams over the years and know them all. You receive a +1 die bonus on any scam attempts including any related Lie rolls you may need to make. LEGEDERMAIN: Your prestidigitation knows no bounds. You receive a +1 die bonus on all rolls involving pick pocketing, including detection. LOCKSMITH: You are an and can wax lyrical on hours. You receive a +1 rolls involving locks, picking. expert on locks their design for die bonus on all including lock

If you fail a Crime test or are detected performing an illegal act, you can make a Charm + Crime test at a Difficulty based upon situation. DIFFICULTY 6 5 4 3 2 SITUATION CAUGHT RED HANDED HEAVILY IMPLICATED IN THE CRIME HEAVILY SUSPECTED OF THE CRIME REASONABLY SUSPECTED SUSPECTED OF THE CRIME

If the victim has no way of knowing you were responsible, then you can get away with the failure without making a roll. However, if the victim knows full well you are responsible (typically by someone else witnessing the event), then no matter how well you roll, you better start running! STANDARD SUCCESS - 2X: You convince anyone interested that, while perhaps you may have been possibly but not quite behaving somewhat perhaps not above board, you certainly werent doing anything directly illegal. Sir. You better move along quickly EXPERT SUCCESS - 3X: You put on a convincing show and no one but the most interested parties remain suspicious. Youre MASTER SUCCESS - 4X: performance is so convincing that others will actually defend your right to be where you are. Well done, you cur.

MIDDLEMAN: You receive a +1 die bonus on any tests involving the black market. This includes sales, location and general knowledge of the streets. Accomplice in Arms (4 Points): A thief can get by on her own but thievery is always better if you can get a friend to distract the MarkI mean help you out. You and an accomplice can work together on an act of Crime. Your compatriot must have at least one level of Crime to assist you or you must spend 30 minutes explaining what they must do. While they assist, you may Squish or Squash your Crime roll. Confidence (5 Points): May be it is destiny or just plain old bad luck but sometimes, even the greatest thieves have a moment of failure. This is normally when the guards are called and what a thief really needs now is a good pair of running boots However, some thieves have a last chance: just acting naturally. Whatever you failed to do, by acting with confidence and gusto, you can attempt to convince everyone that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. And certainly not doing anything you shouldnt.

Sleight of Hand (1 Points): You can perform feats of prestidigitation using your Crime skill with a -1d penalty. Palm (2 Points): You can pick up or hold a small object in an apparently empty hand. Any attempts to spot you do so have a Difficulty of your Crime skill. Load (3 Points): You can secretly move an object from one place to another, say


from one hand to the other or from a table to your pocket. Any attempts to spot you do so are at a Difficulty of your Crime skill. Ditch (4 Points): You can drop an object (or stash an object on someone else) and any attempts to spot you do so are at a Difficulty of your Crime skill. Simulation (5 Points): You can convince someone that you or someone else has used Palm, Load or Ditch when no such thing has been done by making a Command + Crime test at a Difficulty of the technique used, i.e. Palm is Difficulty 2, Load is Difficulty 3 and Ditch is Difficulty 4. EDUCATION FEATS


What? (Level 1): You have developed a good research regimen and consequently, when given enough information, you can identify what exactly it is you need to find out. You gain a +1d bonus to your Education tests when researching for each set of Key Facts you know about the subject you are researching. Your GM will determine what exactly is a Key Fact but usually details like period of history, area of the world investigating, etc. E.g. A character is hired to investigate another characters family history. The investigating character is told that the immediate family names are Aaronson and Zemeckis and that one branch of the family moved from Ireland to Montana in the 19th Century. The GM deems the family names and the place of origin to be two separate Key Facts and gives a +2d bonus. Where? (2 Points): Knowing what to look for is one part of the battle, knowing where to look for it is another. Your extensive experience with research projects has given you a good personal index of what information is where. If you have access to all the relevant texts and information sources, you can halve the time it would normally take to uncover the data. Trivia Pursuits (3 Points): Your researching talents have made you knowledgeable of many different subjects. You may add a bonus to any Education roll unrelated to research. Bibliophile (4 Points): You have a personal collection of texts and papers that would make a librarian jealous. Choose a Specialist Subject when you purchase this feat: any research pertaining to your chosen subject receives a bonus Expert Die. Nb. This

Essay (Level 1): When writing reports or any other written testimony, you may add 1 to the Width of a set. Critique (Level 2): You add 1d to your Scrutinize tests when Appraising. Lovie (Level 3): When rolling Social to impress or fascinate someone, you may add 1 to the Width of any set. Enthusiast (Level 4): You may Squish or Squash when using any artistic craft (e.g. sculpting, painting, etc). Muse (Level 5): After spending at least an hour in the company of an artist, you can raise the Height of one of their sets to 10 on their next artistic endeavour. This is more than just a simple matter of inspiration: the artist actually enjoys your company and is enthused by your presence. After creating their piece of art using your bonus, you add 1 to the Width of any Social or Manipulation tests you make against them.


expressly allows a character to have more than one Expert Die. Example subjects might be Demons, Magic, Cars, Computers, Aircraft and so on. Expert Bibliophile (5 Points): As Bibliophile only you receive a bonus Master Die. Nb. This expressly allows a character to have more than one Master Die.

Professional Craftsman (3 Points): Any set you make lower than 4 is automatically raised to 4. Expert Craftsman (4 Points): You can Squish your Engineering rolls when building. Master Craftsman (5 Points); Your skill and prestigious ability is well known: you increase your Eminence by 1 amongst people who know of your field and can command a 50% increase in value of anything you create, just for having your name connected to it.

Research (1 Point): You add 1d when you are researching information. Observation (2 Points): You may add 1d to Sight tests when watching something. Inquiry (3 Points): You may raise the Height of any set to 10 when investigating. Theorize (4 Points): Whenever you are presented with a situation or circumstance to which youve a theory, you can make a Difficulty 5 Science test to disprove the theory: proving it, however, is another matter entirely. You may reduce this Difficulty by 1 per hard fact you have. Methodology (5 Points): Your mind is a logical and organised machine. Whenever you take extra time on a task where logic and organisation can assist, you may add 3d instead of 1d. ENGINEERING FEATS

Computer Technology (1 Point): You have extensive experience using CAD and add 1d to any Engineering test when you have access to the appropriate programs. Bamboozle (2 Points): You can utilise your advanced knowledge to confound and confuse people: you gain +1d on Manipulation tests when using Subterfuge relating to your field. R & D (3 Points): You conduct the research and testing for your design. Roll Insight + Engineering and your success creates Research Notes. Anyone working from your Research Notes can either reduce a Design Difficulty by 1 or penalty by -1d. You must have Research Notes to create an Expert Blue Print. Expert Blue Print (4 Points): By working from Research Notes and fully exploring your design and putting together a superb template, you can improve your chances to successfully build or repair a device. Make a Sense + Engineering test at Difficulty 4 to create an Expert Blue Print. Any time a character has an Expert Blue Print to work from, they gain a bonus Expert Die on any related Engineering

Builders Eye (1 Point): You add 1 to the Width of any Scrutinize test when appraising objects of your chosen field. Competent Craftsman (2 Points): You can Squash your Engineering rolls when building.


test. Nb. This expressly allows a character to have more than one Expert Die. Master Blue Print (5 Points): As Expert Blue Print only they receive a bonus Master Die. Nb. This expressly allows a character to have more than one Master Die.


Success yields the following results; STANDARD SUCCESS - 2X: the device will work for a few hours before dying. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3X: as above but will work for a few days. MASTER SUCCESS - 4X: as above but will work for a few weeks. ENTERTAIN FEATS

Its Going To Be Expensive (1 Point): You gain 1d on your Manipulate tests when haggling over price for materials or for payment of the job. This Could Take A While (2 Points): If you take extra time on your repair job, you may also Squish your roll. Bench-Thumping (3 Points): Although getting something to work properly is best served with a full repair, by giving the device a good hit, you can make a Knowledge + Engineering test at Difficulty 3. Success means the device works one more time than expected. Repeated use increases the Difficulty by 1 each time and a failure indicates that the device is wrecked: only a full repair will do. Miracle Worker (4 Points): Your repairs take 75% of the normal time and you may take penalties to change this to 50% of normal time (-1d) or 25% of normal time! (-2d). Jury-Rig (5 Points): Whereas BenchThumping gives you a last ditch attempt to get a failing device to work, Jury-Rig allows you to make a temporary repair using minimal resources. Make Knowledge + Engineering test at the following Difficulty; SITUATION FULL RESOURCES SOME MISSING PARTS MINIMAL EQUIPMENT DIFFICULTY 1 2 3

These feats are all about creating a Piece of entertainment within a respective field. You may only compose a piece of entertainment for which you have the appropriate Perform skill. Were In This Together (1 Point): You can create a Piece that makes any audience feels a connection with the performer, as if the performer truly understands them. Anyone performing this piece gains a bonus die to Social and Manipulation rolls against audience members for an hour per Width of their performance set. Youre So Vain (2 Points): You are meticulous in your composition and are used to taking a lot of time over a work. However, when you do so, the results are often stunning. If you take Double Time on a composition project, you gain a bonus 2d instead of 1. If you take Extra Double Time, you gain 3d instead of 2d. I Predict A Riot (3 Points): You are well known for a particular style of composition. Choose a Style when you purchase this feat. You may Squish when composing a Piece in your Style. Example styles might be Hip Hop, Satirical Comedy, Epic Drama and so on.


Come Together (4 Points): As I Predict A Riot, only you may now Squash when composing a Piece in your Style. Not A Dry Eye In The House (5 Points): You can create a Piece that is a veritable opus magnum. The audience are enthralled by your work and will attend any performance of the same, irrespective of performer! When creating a Piece, before rolling, you may choose 1 to 3 Opus dice. Each Opus die you take is a Counter Die to your Entertain roll to compose. If you still manage to make a set, every Opus die adds 1 Width to the set of anyone performing the piece.

Associate Producer (3 Points): As Assistant Producer, only you get the gofers, the interns and the secretaries that help you get your job done. You have a small glimpse of power within your field and accordingly, anyone in your field with a lower Eminence or Entertain skill than you loses 1d in dealings with you. Director (4 Points): You may not control the purse strings or have ultimate say over final decisions but when it comes to the creative vision of a production, you are the one who breathes life into it. Your job is in the details. You may use your Entertain skill instead of Leadership against people in your industry. Producer (5 Points): As Associate Producer, only now you are the one in charge, responsible for hiring and firing, who gets what role and who gets paid and who doesnt. Your influence is felt all through the industry and people will go out of the way to please you. Your Height is always 10 (raise one set to 10 if they are less) on your Entertain rolls against people in your field.

Industry feats are all about the things that occur to make a performance possible. Networking, organisation and the like are your domain. When you purchase this feat, choose a Field in which you are well known. All the feats below have effect only against people within your field of interest. Some examples are Television, Movies, Music, Theatre or Paintings. Production Director (1 Point): Having been made responsible for the background running of a particular aspect of a creative work, you are used to organising small groups of people. You gain +1d on your Leadership rolls when in charge of small teams. Assistant Producer (2 Points): Although you may not be important yourself, youve rubbed shoulders with enough people who are that you can name drop to get what you want. You may use your Entertain skill instead of Manipulate when trying to get your own way with people in your field.

Dont You Know Who I Am?! (1 Point): You are a Diva or a Divo (or at least you think you are). Irrespective of whether people know who you are or not, you can sometimes get your own way just be shouting loud enough! And of course, everyone lets an artiste get away with such terrible behaviour. You gain a bonus die on your Manipulation rolls to influence or bully people. Tear Jerker (2 Points): By tailoring a performance to garner a specific emotion, incurring a -1d penalty to your roll, you gain a +1d bonus to your next


Manipulation test made against a member of your audience immediately after the performance. Money Money Money (3 Points): You are well sought after to perform in public. You can command double the usual fee just by reputation alone! Personal Performance (4 Points): By tailoring your entertainment for an individual, where you make it obvious to that person you are performing just for them, you can impress them and then charm them to your hearts content. Roll Sense + Entertain at Difficulty 3; STANDARD SUCCESS - 2X; you impress them enough that they are friendly and willing to listen to you. Youve won them over this far (+1 die on your immediate Social tests). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3X; as above, only they really like you (+2d on your immediate Social tests). MASTER SUCCESS - 4X; as above, only the victim is putty in your hands (add 1 Expert Die on your immediate Social tests). My Reputation Proceeds Me (5 Points): You are so well renowned and well known that everyone wants to know you. You may add a bonus Master Die to your Eminence rolls against anyone who is a fan of your work (even if you do not have the Eminence Advantage). FOCUS FEATS

Cognizance (2 Points): You are an alert person and see a lot more than most do: you are always the first to notice someones new haircut or a minor alteration to a room. You may roll your Focus skill instead of your Perception skill when noticing things. Preconsciousness (3 Points): Your awareness is such that you pick up on other peoples nonverbal cues. You gain a bonus die to your Initiative rolls and to your Social rolls when reading their body language. Premonition (4 Points): Your senses and instincts are so finely tuned that you can sometimes gain a impression of what is about to happen. Perhaps it is some latent psychic power or maybe you are merely acting on a highly refined preconsciousness. Either way, when something bad is about to happen, your Games Master will roll a dice pool of just your Insight statistic in secret. If you score any set at all, your Games Master will tell you You get a bad feeling about this. ESP (5 Points): Your perception faculties are far beyond that of Joe or Jane Average. In fact, you can sense things that normal people cannot. If something unnatural is in your vicinity, be it sorcery, a ghost, psychic powers, an invisible person or what have you, your Games Master can have you roll an Insight + Focus roll to detect the occurrence.

Instinct (1 Point): Your instincts are highly developed and youve learned the hard way to trust them. Once per game session, you may use your Focus rating in place of your Insight statistic for a dice roll.

Inner Clarity is the art of utilising ones meditative abilities to produce amazing results. Restful Glade in the Mind (1 Point): When you meditate, your Width counts as 1 higher than normal. If you score 5x,


you are fully rested in 50% the normal time. Clear Mind (2 Points): By meditating and focusing on a problem, you can remove all external influences allowing you to act without distraction. PENALTY: Sense + Focus at a Difficulty of the penalty you are trying to overcome. E.g. You have a -3d penalty to your sorcery test, you use Clear Mind at Difficulty 3. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: You may ignore a -1d penalty for your next attempt. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: As above but you may ignore a -2d penalty for your next attempt. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: As above but you may also reduce the Difficulty by 1, if appropriate. My Body is a Temple (3 Points): To the disciplined, the body is just a tool of the mind and it is just a simple matter to force your body to heal intoxicants. Through use of this technique, you can attempt to realign your internal balance to purge your system of poisons and diseases. ROLL: Body + Focus at a Difficulty of the intoxicants strength. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: You can ignore -1d of any penalty the impurity may confer for a number of hours equal to the Height of your roll. You may reduce the strength of the impurity by one after 24 hours. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: As above but you can reduce the strength by two after 24 hours. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: As above but you ignore a -2d penalty and can reduce the strength by three after 24 hours.

Healing Trance (4 Points): By focusing your internal energies on healing, you may restore physical damage. You may only make one Healing Trance test per 24 hour period. ROLL: Body + Focus at a Difficulty equal to the Vitality lost. You heal Width boxes of Shock. Battle Meditation (5 Points): One who is truly focused can expand on their Clear Mind training to aid them in battle. By meditating for one hour before a combat, you make yourself aware of every nerve and sinew in your being. This allows for amazing self-control. ROLL: Sense + Focus at Difficulty 4. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: You may add 1 to your Initiative and cannot be affected by Morale Attacks. This effect lasts for your Width plus Height in rounds. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: As above and any Difficulty is reduced by 1. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: As above and add an Expert Die to any tests you make.

Implacable (1 Point): The strong-willed never give anything away: even their general demeanor reveals nothing. No matter what buttons a person presses, it is hard to get a reaction out of them. Anyone attempting to use Social to read your emotions receives a -1d penalty. Never Surrender (2 Points): Your force of will is such that even faced with insurmountable odds, you refuse to kowtow. You receive +1d to resist Morale Attacks.


Just a Flesh Wound (3 Points): Pain is just a feeling and through discipline, you can learn to ignore it. You may ignore up to 2 points of dice penalties stemming from pain and injury (even the loss of Vital Levels). Guilty Pleasure (4 Points): Everyone has a weakness they choose to indulge every now and then. Those with enough mental fortitude have the ability to indulge just enough to feel satiated but not enough to over-indulge. Whenever you are confronted by a guilty pleasure (i.e. anything which may distract your attention away from something important), you may automatically change the Height of any set you generate to 10. You may use this to ignore any Craving or Problem you have, but successfully resisting the lure does not garner any experience! Indomitable (5 Points): You have the strongest of wills and people find it almost impossible to force you to do something that you have decided against. Some people call this being stubborn while others call this strength of character. You have developed your willpower to the point where you gain a bonus Expert Die on any attempt to resist coercion. This can be mystical in nature, torture or just a plain old argument. LEADERSHIP FEATS

You There! (1 Point): As long as you look the part and act the part, most Rank & File are used to responding without thought. You can issue an order to a Rank & File person and theyll obey to the best of their ability without even thinking about it. Just dont give them cause to think about it. I Need OJ, No Pulp, Now! (2 Points): If you can give a specific, clear instruction to a Rank & File, they receive a 1d bonus to their first roll to carry out your order. For Freedom! (3 Points): You may issue a rallying cry or inspiring speech in a moment of hopelessness or impending doom. You automatically reduce Morale Attacks against your Rank & File by 1. Follow Me! (4 Points): Any time you are working alongside a team of subordinates, they all receive a 1d bonus to their rolls. And yes, this increases the Threat Rating of Mooks by 1. Come On, We Can Do This! (5 Points): You may promote one Rank & Files die to an Expert Die for one task each when your only action is to give inspiring or motivating instruction. The Rank & File must be able to see you to receive the benefits of this ability.

This group of feats is all about command, especially of Rank & File. Rank & File describes anyone at the bottom of an organisation. Examples are Private, Constable, Post Room Worker, Nurse and the like. You may expressly interchange the term Rank & File with Mooks.

While Tactics deals with how something is achieved, Strategy deals with what that goal is. This is best described in terms of Strategy reflecting a companys overall goal (be it Secure The MacMillan Account or Take The Eastern Front) whereas Tactics are individual tasks which contribute to the overall goal (such as Blackmail the CEO of MacMillan Ltd


or Stop the enemy from supplying reinforcements to the Eastern Front). Most of the following feats are used in connection with an Organisation. What this organisation is depends entirely on what advantages you have taken. Organisations are usually referenced in the Influence and Rank advantages but may be another advantage (or even a Company if using REIGN). Logistics (1 Points): You always know where your organisation stands in relation to competition. You generally know what resources the organisation has to deploy and what are currently being used. At any time, you can request that your Games Master given you a quick report on how your organisation is doing compared to the competition (or a specific competitor) in terms of Poorly, Moderately or Well. You may also request a report on whether you have the resources to deploy a task or when they will become available. All at a moments notice. Your finger is firmly on the pulse of your organisation. Assay (2 Points): You gain a 2d bonus on your Scrutinize tests to appraise your organisation or another organisation within the same field as your own. New Direction (3 Points): You may declare (or suggest to the top brass) a New Direction for your organisation, thus changing its goal. This new direction will sweep out the cobwebs of your organisation and shake things up a bit. You may only suggest one New Direction every 4 months but for the first month of activity after the New Direction is implemented, you gain +1d to your Leadership skill when making rolls connected with this new direction.

Consolidate Power (4 Points): With the New Direction may come changes within management. You can try to usher in people a little friendlier to your cause. When you successfully implement a New Direction, you may make a Command + Manipulate roll with a -2d penalty at a Difficulty equal to the points in an appropriate advantage. If score a set, you may increase the points in that advantage by 1. E.g. a character has Rank 5 divided in Station 2 and Sphere 3. She successfully implements a New Direction and so makes an attempt to Consolidate Power. She rolls her Command + Manipulate dice pool of 7, reduced to 5, at a Difficulty of 5. She rolls and scores 1, 3, 4, 7 and 7. 2x7 is higher than Difficulty 5, so she may raise her Rank to 6 (either increasing her Station by 1 or Sphere by 1). Golden Boy (5 Points): The New Direction for your organisation is considered to be a fantastic idea and people wont soon forget who came up with it (even if it is not as successful as it was hoped). While people are still impressed with your efforts, you are the one everyone wants to know. Make a Charm + Leadership roll. For a number of weeks after making a New Direction equal to the Height of a set, you gain a bonus Expert Die on your rolls for an appropriate advantage.

Tactical formation of some sort is required for all techniques in this path, and all members must be no more than about 5 metres apart at a given time. The following feats are orientated toward a small squad of combatants. As your Gamesmaster for some non-combat related Tactics feats.


Four-Point Tactical Formation (1 Point): One of the earliest tricks a trainee picks up is how to move: the Diamond Formation keeps all sides covered and all members in positions to maximise effectiveness. Your squad may move up to 3m in around and maintain a 360o field of fire. Trust in Your Team (2 Points): The first thing recruits are supposed to learn is to trust their team. That takes time and experience to really sink in. Once it does, the group gains the strength of all its members. Any attempts to inflict morale or mental damage against the team is much more difficult. Your squad uses the highest Command of the group to resist influencing effects. Overlapping Fields of Fire (3 Points): A major advantage of group movement is the ability to sport a greater volume of firepower and work with the team for maximum coverage of the field. In combat, all attacks made by the group are timed to coincide with the fastest set in the group. Sets that are identical and aimed at the same target can be combined into one larger set for damage purposes. E.g. two characters are working through a room, when a bad guy pops up from behind low cover. They turn so that both can fire on him, the first character getting a 2x6 and a 2x9, while the second gets a 2x6. They could both shoot with the speed of the 2x9, if the first character takes that one. But he takes the 2x6 instead. They both go on 2x6 but the bad guy takes one hit of 4x6 damage instead of two 2x6 hits. Together We Stand (4 Points): So long as one member still stands, the team is not yet broken: Any hits taken by a member of the team can, with

permission of both members, be passed to someone else. Only a single set can be passed like this per round and the character taking the bullet must be within 3m of the intended target. Advanced Tactical Battle (5 Points): The team becomes a nigh unstoppable force, seeming to strike from everywhere in perfect unison. This technique requires some form of communication: coded shouts, hand signs, radios, or even telepathy if available. When active, the team need no longer be in formation to get the benefit of their abilities, just in communication and in the same general area. MANIPULATE FEATS

How Can I Help? (1 Point): You have a helpful and friendly demeanor which puts people at ease. You may use your Charm plus Social in place of your Command plus Manipulate when attempting to persuade someone. The First One Is Always Free (2 Points): You may add 1 to 3 dice to your Manipulate dice pool when attempting to influence someone by giving them gifts and favours. For each gift, bonus or benefit you promise/bestow on that person, you gain one bonus die for your immediate rolls. A gift/favour is defined as some tangible item or beneficial promise you give to that person. How much truth or actual benefit from your gift there is depends entirely on you (and possibly, your lies). Examples of gifts are reasonable discount, additional goods thrown in, owing a favour and the like.


Is That Your Final Answer? (3 Points): By putting doubts in a persons mind, you can undermine their confidence and second guess their decision. You can force a character you are attempting to persuade to reroll a single die in one set on any roll resisting your persuasions. This rerolled die can form a new set. Im Gonna Make You An Offer You Cant Refuse (4 Points): So youve tried charming someone to your way of thinking and that didnt work. Now its time to just bully them into it. If you can force your victim into a situation which puts them at a disadvantage (maybe you have secrets with which to blackmail them or you have a group of heavies somewhere in the background), you receive a bonus Expert Die on your attempts to influence people. Selling Snow To Eskimos (5 Points): You add 1 to the Width of your sets on Manipulate rolls to influence people.

This will only work once per scene. Dont Even Think About It! (3 Points): As I Wouldnt Do That If I Were You only roll 2 dice as Counter Dice. Im Your Worst Nightmare (4 Points): You may Squash or Squish on a Threaten Action and may even use it during combat! See the next chapter for more on the Threaten Action. Ill Crush You And Everything You Hold Dear! (5 Points): As threats go, you couldnt be more serious. The only people this feat has no effect on are those that have absolutely no friends or family. You may invoke this threat once per session. Roll Command plus Manipulate with -1d. Everyone with a lower Speed than yours simply stops and looks at you. Anyone who later decides to attack you after being affected by this threat loses 1 die from their fastest set.

I Wouldnt Do That If I Were You (1 Point): Before combat starts (or otherwise dangerous circumstances commence) you may issue a threatening warning to someone about to take an action. If they then go ahead, roll a single die as a free Counter Die. If this spoils a set, they think twice and decide not to cross you. Otherwise, you merely put them off. Stop Right There! (2 Points): If someone isnt fleeing for their life (or in otherwise dangerous circumstances) you can stop someone dead in their tracks. Roll Command plus Manipulate. If your Width is greater than their Psyche or Threat Rating, they freeze. They may still defend themselves but wont otherwise move or make an offensive action.

Have You Lost Weight? (1 Point): Little white lies come easy to you and most people think you are 100% serious. You add 1d to your Social rolls to impress and fascinate people. Poker Face (2 Points): Untruths just roll off your tongue and merge with fact to misdirect and mislead anyone talking with you. Your lies blend so well with the truth that listeners can start to doubt even what they know to be fact. Attempts to see through your obfuscation or even read your reaction receive a -1d penalty. I Didnt Do It (3 Points): Youve always got a cover story prepared. If something happens and you need someone to corroborate you are elsewhere, youve got it covered.


Once per session, you may phone a friend and get them to corroborate a story you are telling. Your alibi is good enough to get rid of any casual attention. For more serious problems, youll need a real alibi I Dont Have It With Me (4 Points): You may Squish and Squash on your Manipulate rolls when lying. Cross My Heart (5 Points): Sincerity is your bread and butter. Even when faced with evidence proving your lies, your reaction is one of pure innocence. The Height of your Manipulate sets are always 10 (sets of a lower Height are raised to 10). MEDICINE FEATS

specific Body roll (be it weight training or resisting a disease etc). This expressly lead to dice bonuses higher than 2. The downside is that every additional drug employed in this manner adds 2 to the Side Effect Rating. If the resulting Body roll has a Height equal to or less than the Side Effect Rating, Bad Things happen. The GM holds the details but it can be something minor like hair loss or something more serious like breathing problems or even cardiac arrest. Expertise (4 Points): You add 1 Width to a set in a Medicine roll pertaining to the knowledge and understanding of pharmaceuticals. Natural (5 Points): Using all natural ingredients, you can approximate the effects of an existing drug. Roll Psyche + Medicine at a Difficulty determined by the effects of the drug: the rarer or more complex, the more challenging it is to emulate. Some examples are a hangover cure (Difficulty 3), a painkiller (Difficulty 4) and experimental arthritis-treatment drugs (Difficulty 8). The effectiveness of the determined by Width x 25%.

Identify (1 Point): By using a combination of smell, taste, shape and brand, you can identify the type of an unknown pharmaceutical without making a roll. Some examples of types are over the counter medicinal, prescription drugs, restricted, illegal etc. Prescription (2 Points): Given an appropriate description of an ailment or requirement, you can determine what is necessary to fulfil that requirement without making a roll. Cocktail (3 Points): Medicine is increasingly turning to a combination of pharmaceuticals to treat a problem. Your detailed knowledge of prescription drugs enables you to perform pioneering (read: untested) mixes of different drugs to give increased effectiveness (albeit, with the possibility of unforeseen side effects). You may prescribe two or more drugs to help a person with their Body rolls. Each drug beyond the first adds 1d to a



Kit (1 Point): You always have a well stocked First Aid kit to hand. Bandages, antiseptic cream, cleaning alcohol, painkillers, you name it, youve got it. Anyone using your kit adds 1d to their Remedy rolls. Staunch (2 Points): Using your First Aid kit, you can halt the bleeding from a wound without making a roll. If you attend a person shortly after receiving an injury and spend 10 minutes helping them, you can immediately heal


1 Shock from a hit location (or stop a Wound from bleeding if you are using those rules). You can only use Staunch once per wound. Cleaning (3 Points): Using your various pieces of kit, you can even go some way to removing any dirt or foreign matter from that injury. As Staunch, only you can heal 1 Kill from a single location as well. Dressing (4 Points): As Cleaning, only any further Medicine sets made on that wound have a minimum Height of 5 (raise any lower set to 5). Resuscitate (5 Points): If someone loses their last box to kill damage, you have a number of rounds equal to their Body statistic to attempt to resuscitate them. Roll Psyche + Medicine at Difficulty 7. If you are successful, they heal 1 box of Kill damage.

inflict enough pain to make them weak at the knees. They lose 2 dice when attempting to resist Manipulation tests whilst suffering. Of course, they may not be too fond of you after you release them Mind Games (5 Points): Your skill as a torturer has now progressed to the level where you no longer need to inflict pain on someone to break them. Through threats, blackmail, rationing and other forms of inflictions, you can condition someone to give them what you want or even get them to sympathise with you. Through prolonged use of this feat, you could potentially convince someone that the sky is green. PERCEPTION FEATS

Appreciation (1 Point): You know when something sounds good and definitely when it sounds bad. You gain a +1d bonus to Scrutinize rolls when appraising a sound quality including music. Pin Drop (2 Points): Your hearing is more sensitive than the average person and you can pick out a single sound amongst a hubbub with little difficulty. You may reduce any hearing Difficulty or Penalty by 1. Vocal Modulation (3 Points): Having trained your own ear to recognise tones and pitch, you have a measure of control over how your own voice sounds. You gain +1d on any roll where your voice is relevant. This works for most Social rolls to seduce or fascinate, most Manipulate rolls and some Leadership rolls. Bats Ear (4 Points): Not only is your hearing sensitive and well trained but you dont quickly forget what youve heard. You can acutely identify which direction a sound emanated from without rolling (even an echo or amongst other sound) and can Squish your hearing rolls.

Heartless (1 Point): You are used to attempts at persuasion (well, screams for help). You receive a +1d bonus to resist anyone attempting to influence or sway you. The Right Tools For The Job (2 Points): Having honed your powers of persuasion, you are now able to perform great works without the need for tools. You waive the usual penalty for torture without the adequate tools. No Marks (3 Points): Any attempt to detect your use of torture is made at a Difficulty of your Medicine skill. Forceful Grip (4 Points): By twisting someones arm or even gripping them tightly on the shoulder or neck, you can


Perfect Pitch (5 Points): Your ear for sound is so well developed that you could detect a single bad note in an orchestra. You add a bonus Expert Die on your Perception rolls for hearing.

Squash your rolls to notice any changes in status of that watched subject. Quick Eye (3 Points): Movement catches your eye and you tend to notice even the most discrete of twitches. You gain +1d on Initiative rolls. Eagles Eye (4 Points): Your distance vision is acute. You may treat a target at medium range at short range. Recall (5 Points): Your memories are viscerally visual and this affects the way your memory works, so much so that you can always tell if something is different to what you remember. This is a useful skill and shows keen observation: youre the first to recognise a new haircut or that someone has redecorated. Of course, this has further reaching applications: you will also notice if someone has moved something belonging to you or perhaps even that the fungus youve been growing has multiplied. You may change the Height of a set on your sight-based Perception rolls to 10. PHYSIQUE FEATS

You have developed your sense of smell and taste beyond mere detection and recognition. Highly Developed Sense of ... (1 Point): When you purchase this feat, you choose a +1d bonus to Scent tests or a +1d bonus to Taste tests. A Strong Nose (2 Points): You have developed the ability to taste something by Smell albeit with a -2d penalty. Neutral Odour (3 Points): By careful washing and treatment of clothes whenever possible, you incur a -2d penalty on anyone or anything to track or detect you by sent. Recognition (4 Points): You can automatically identify a basic scent or taste, such as burning wood, and can identify individual scents and tastes amongst others at a -1d penalty, such as several burning items or a poison in a strong flavoured soup. Danger Scents (5 Points): You have developed your sense of smell to the point where you rely on it almost as much as your hearing and vision. You receive a bonus Expert Die on Perception tests when scent might be a factor (an assassin trying to sneak up on you) and a +1d bonus on Initiative tests.

Motor Control (1 Point): You have trained to use your offhand: reduce the Offhand Penalty by 1. Limber (2 Points): You are extremely limber and have a high control over your body. Performing the splits, bending your limbs and the like is little challenge to you. You gain a +2d bonus on tests involving balance, gracefulness and being pinned/grappled. Dislocate (3 Points); You can dislocate your bones and limbs, giving you a +2d bonus to escaping bonds and fitting in tight spaces. Bend Like A Reed In The Wind (4 Points); You increase the Width of a Dodge set by 1.

Cats Eye (1 Point): Your night vision is better than most: you reduce a dice pool penalty from poor illumination by 1. Staring Contest (2 Points): When you sit and watch a subject, be it a specific location, an object or person, you may


Physical Perfection (5 Points); Your physical motor control is absolute: any time you roll Body + Athletics, you can change the Height of one set to 10.

Toxic (2 Points): You add 1d to your dice pool when rolling to resist liquidbased poisons (and yes, that includes alcohol and getting drunk). G-Man (3 Points): You add 1 to your Body when subjected to G-Force or similar stresses. Quick Healer (4 Points): You may Squish or Squash on your Physique rolls for recovery of damage. Alternatively (if using the appropriate rules); Add 1 to your Body when determining your Vitality. Unbleeding Heart (5 Points): You add 1 to your Wound Threshold or, if not used, you may ignore the first point of Shock you take from every successful strike. RANGED COMBAT FEATS

Eye on the Prize (1 Point): If you are in hot pursuit of something you strongly desire, you may ignore a single roll for tiredness or exhaustion. Untiring (2 Points): You may reduce any die penalties from fatigue or tiredness by 1. Unflinching (3 Points): When you are hit in combat, sets that are lower than your Physique rating do not lose 1 die from the impact (if they should lose 2, this is reduced to 1). Example: a character has an Endurance rating of 4. He rolls 2x2. An opponents attack goes off at 3x7. The first character should lose 1 die from a set from the impact but is protected by Unflinching. Breathing (4 Points): When you must finally give in and rest, your recuperation periods are half that of your peers. Alternatively (if using the appropriate rules); Add 1 to your Body when determining your Shock Levels. Energy Reserves (5 Points): You have reserves of energy far greater than a normal person. When others would have to stop and rest or sleep, you keep on going. You add a bonus Expert Die to your Physique rolls for endurance.

One In The Chamber (1 Point): You add 1 to the clip of your ballistic weapons. Shoot From The Hip (2 Points): You can draw your firearm and fire in the same turn without taking a multiple action penalty. Snap Shot (3 Points): You may combine a Dodge test with a ballistic test without taking a multiple action penalty. Two-Gun God (4 Points): Your Offhand penalty is reduced by -1d penalty and your second weapon penalty is reduced by -1d. You must choose the same mode of fire for both weapons but you may attack separate targets! Carnival of Carnage (5 Points): With almost pinpoint accuracy, you let loose with a stream of lead which somehow manages to find its mark: you may take down as many Mooks as your Width. You may combine this with Two-Gun God.

Cast-Iron Stomach (1 Point): You add 1d to your dice pool when rolling to resist food-based poisons (including really bad or very spicy food).



Shake the Battery (1 Point): When your clip is out, there may still be energy left. Roll 5d and add 1 charge per width from any resulting set. Zap! (2 Points): You can make a quick snap shot: add an energy attack to another action without taking a multiple action penalty. Pin Point Accuracy (3 Points): Medium range counts as close range and long range counts as medium range for your energy attacks. Point & Shoot (4 Points): The Height of your attacks count as 1 higher for defenders. Power Up! (5 Points): If you spend a turn charging up, finger on the trigger, lose three charges and add 3 to Kill and 3 Shock on your next attack.

Deadshot (5 Points): Whenever you aim, you may not only add 1d to your subsequent attack pool but also reduce the Difficulty of a Called Shot by 1. You may not reduce any such Difficulty below half (round up). SOCIAL FEATS

Understanding (1 Point): Most behavioural patterns fit into a limited number of categories. After having a conversation with someone in person for at least an hour, you gain a basic insight into their behaviour and gain a +1d on your Social rolls to fascinate when dealing with them. Body Language (2 Points): You have become adept at reading body language and can tell a persons subconscious feelings. You gain a +1d to your Social rolls when understanding someones current emotional state. Micro Expressions (3 Points): A micro expression is a small facial expression which reveals a persons true feelings. They can be less than a fraction of a second but they can be hard to control (in fact, most people dont even know that they are doing it). You are trained to catch those minor expressions and anyone trying to bluff or otherwise hide their emotions from you receive a -2d penalty. Lie Detector (4 Points): You are extremely skilled on divining whether someone is telling you the truth or lying through their teeth. You may Squish or Squash your Social rolls when attempting to see through lies. Know You Better Than You Know Yourself (5 Points): You receive a bonus Expert Die on your Social rolls against anyone with whom you have a close relationship.

Notch (1 Point): If you take at least 1 full round loading your weapon and perform no other action, you may add 2d to your subsequent attack. Deflect (2 Points): As long as it is hafted in some fashion, you may parry with your ranged weapon as if it were a melee weapon at no penalty. Dead Eye (3 Points): You may Squish your missile attacks. Fletcher (4 Points): As long as you have the tools to hand, you can construct a makeshift archaic weapon or ammo using Knowledge + Lore. WEAPON


Power is discussed in the next Chapter.


A close relationship is any where there is a level of intimacy where you have spent in excess of a month as a good friend, working partnership or lover.

involved in receives -2d to their dice pool.


Silver Service (1 Point): You always know which fork to eat with and the correct way to tie a bowtie: you are the very model of class. You never need to roll to know the correct way of doing things in your own culture. Formal Dance (2 Points): You have studied the waltz and other such dances for formal occasions. You may roll your Social skill when dancing. You should be aware that this wont help you if you have to perform at a B-Boy competition Lasting Impression (3 Points): you are the soul of civility and culture. People dont quickly forget you. You may Squish any Social roll against a person whom you have previously made a successful roll against. Faux Pas (4 Points): A social faux pas is nothing for you and can quickly be covered up by your sincere demeanor. Once per encounter, if you fail a Social roll for etiquette, you may reroll. Cordiality (5 Points): Nothing can perturb your cool mien. Even in the face of overwhelming rudeness or the most inappropriate of situations, you can maintain the most austere of appearances. Without making a roll, you can remain upright and polite, even if you have been given the worst of news. Furthermore, your example brings others into line and anyone attempting to make things uncivil in a conversation you are

Firm Handshake (1 Point): When meeting someone for the first time and give them your Firm Handshake, you get +1d on your Social rolls to impress and fascinate for a number of rolls equal to your Social skill. Disarming Wink (2 Points): If you are in a heated or otherwise tense situation, you can just give someone your Disarming Wink to ease the tension. Once per encounter, you may use this feat to trigger another person to start attempting to placate the situation and discuss things rationally. This wont change anyones mind (so if they are that intent on gutting you, wink at them all you like) but it does give you an ally for trying to resolve things peacefully. Roguish Charm (3 Points): You can definitely talk the talk and if your friends didnt know better, theyd swear your tongue was made of silver. If you fail a Social roll when fascinating someone, instead of causing an awkward situation, you can reroll a number of dice equal to your Social skill. Hearty Laugh (4 Points): Sometimes, things dont go according to plan or someone says something they shouldnt have. Perhaps they revealed something that should have been secret or asked the Senators wife where she dyed her hair. Without making a roll, you make a big resounding laugh which glosses over the fact that your friend just called the Kings daughter an ugly pig. This is a social doover but it will only work once per encounter. The Kiss (5 Points): You are that good at kissing that you can make a person


who finds you attractive melt into your arms, despite how inappropriate it might be. Make a Charm + Social roll with a penalty based on the situation. The more inappropriate it is, the bigger the penalty (laying one on your boss at a meeting would probably be -2d, kissing the Presidents wife would on national television might be -4d but grabbing the guy in office youve been flirting with for 3 days would probably give you a bonus). A failed roll earns you a slap. If you are successful, the person subjected to your Kiss is suddenly much more favourable toward you: not only are they more inclined to side with you but you can Squish and Squash your Social and Manipulate rolls against them. This is a powerful feat when used right and will almost guarantee you night alone if you wish it. But it isnt a mind control ability: if you upset your target at a later date, this feat is cancelled. You can only use The Kiss once per session. SCRUTINISE FEATS

Assessing Eye (4 Points): If you can spend a round watching someone use a Skill you possess, you can determine whether they are Worse Than You (two points or more lower than you), About The Same (within 1 point either way of your pool) or Better Than You (two points or more than you) without making a roll. Exploiting Eye (5 Points): You can appraise someones combat style and exploit a weakness in it. By spending a round sizing up your opponent, on your next attack against them, you may add a bonus Master Die. You may only use Exploiting Eye against a person once per encounter.

Methodical (1 Points): If you take Double Time to search somewhere, you gain a +2d bonus instead of the usual +1d. You may not take Extra Double Time. Browse (2 Points): You can look through a bulk of things, be it looking for a specific paragraph in a book or a single person in a crowd, and as long as you have a basic idea of what you are looking for, you receive no penalty. Identify (3 Points): Your searching skills are so tightly honed that you automatically register the best places to hide things as soon as you enter a room. You halve the time it takes to search a location. Teamwork (4 Points): If you have a group of people willing to follow your directions in a search, you gain a bonus Expert Die on your Scrutinize tests. Hunch (5 Points): You have developed your senses to the point where you can feel when something is hidden. Once per session, you can reroll any failed Scrutinize test made to search.

Remembering Eye (1 Point): If you reexamine something that you have personally previously examined, you automatically know if it has changed or been altered in any way. You dont know for certain what that change may be without a roll but you know for certain that it no longer is the same. Judging Eye (2 Points): You can examine an object and determine its quality in terms of Poor, Moderate or Good without making a roll. Valuing Eye (3 Points): You can examine an object and determine its approximate value in terms of Inexpensive, Moderately Expensive or Highly Expensive without making a roll.



experience per new identity you wish to create). However, Steps Four and Five can be used with any such ID purchased. Step One: Who Are You? (1 The first stage in assuming identity is to determine the little Things like name, place of birth, birth etc. Point): a new details. date of

Recognition (1 Point): By quickly examining a set of tracks, you can identify the approximate size, mass and source of a set of tracks without making a roll. Examples might be a A small dog, A heavy man with medium sized feet or Very heavy motorbike. Trailing (2 Points): You gain a bonus +1d to follow a set of tracks that were within the last hour. Interpretation (3 Points): You are trained at interpreting the signs of activity at a site. You gain a +1d bonus to your Scrutinize rolls when appraising a situation of what may have happened Shadowing (4 Points): You may combine a Stealth roll with your tracking attempts without taking a multiple action penalty. Obfuscation (5 Points): As long as you take the time to do so, you have become adept at hiding your own tracks and anyone attempting to track you receives a -3d penalty. Using this ability doubles your travel time. STEALTH FEATS

Once you have determined these pieces of information about alternate identity, they become solid facts to you, second nature. Whenever you assume an alternate identity, you never become confused about who you currently are. If quizzed about such details, you never miss a beat: they are no longer even fictitious to you. Step Two: What Do You Know? (2 Points): As with Step One, but you now compartmentalize facts about a personality. You might decide that Klatu of Nikto is a farmhand who has been mooning over a particular girl since his youth. Once this is determined, you can forever remember this and associate it with a specific personality. Once youve succeeded in a successful Charm + Influence test about such facts. If quizzed about them later, you automatically succeed: they are no longer even fictitious to you. Step Three: Who Do You Know? (3 Points): As with Step One and Step Two, you are now able to instantly associate other people with a personality and never struggle to remember. If you were to meet the Contessa while masquerading as the Marquis de Carabou, you could walk right by her outside your disguise and they would never even recognize you. Step Four: Perfected Look (4 Points): You can now instantly don your alternative disguise without making a roll.

Disguise is to present yourself as something your not. Guy Incognito represents the art of almost becoming the disguise. Through the use of this set of feats, you transcend the act of pretending to be someone else to actually becoming that person in your own mind. It is important to note that you must purchase Step One, Step Two and Step Three for each individual alternative Identity you may have (thus, costing 6


It takes you only a few moments to change into even the most elaborate of costumes, so practised you are at the transformation. Step Five: Perfected Disguise (5 Points): This is the total package: without even a roll, you can change your stance, voice and even physical presence merely by taking a few moments to assume your new identity. It goes beyond simple acting: for all intents and purposes, you utterly believe you are this new person. So sincere you are in your belief, that only magical means could detect you are other than who you say you are. This feat allows you to assume an identity that doesnt require a disguise: you can present a completely different face to the world purely by changing your demeanor and stance. However, this would incur a successful Charm + Disguise roll to convince someone.

Time to hide, you can also Squash and Squish your rolls. Shinobi (5 Points): This is the art of invisibility through stealth. By utilising quick moves followed by absolute stillness, minimising lines of sight to yourself and reducing light sources, you can virtually vanish from sight. You gain all the benefits of Bolt Hole, Camouflage and One With The Shadows without taking Extra Time. However, you cannot then gain the benefits of Extra Time or Double Extra Time.

A Serene Breeze (1 Point): Your footfalls are practised and sure. The Height of your Stealth sets when moving quietly are at least 3 (raise any lower set to 3). Shallow Breath (2 Points): You may Squash your Stealth rolls when moving silently. Rivulet Of Rain (3 Points): As Shallow Breath but you may also Squish. Falls The Snow (4 Points): As Serene Breeze, only the Height is now 5. On Silent Wing (5 Points): You dont so much walk as glide over the ground, such is the precision of your footfall. You may ignore any penalty for running while sneaking or sneaking through stealth-adverse terrain or reduce the Difficulty of any sneaking roll by 2. SURVIVAL FEATS

Bolt Hole (1 Point): Whenever you first enter a room, you automatically scope out what may be the best places to hide. Of course, youll need to actually investigate them to see if they are any good but youve a head start over your peers. If you take Extra Time to hide, you gain +2d instead of +1d. You may not take Double Extra Time. Hidey Hole (2 Points): As Bolt Hole, only you gain +2d to your search rolls if you take Extra Time to locate hidden things. Camouflage (3 Points): As Bolt Hole, only if you take Extra Time to hide, you can also arrange things to make it more difficult to find your article, imposing a 1d penalty to anyones search rolls. One With The Shadows (4 Points): As Camouflage, only if you take Extra

North (1 Point): If you take a moment to orientate yourself, you can innately detect which direction is North without making a roll. This adds +1 Height to your Survival tests when navigating.


Flow Like Water (2 Points): You automatically pick out the best, easiest paths to take, thereby reducing movement penalties by 2. Reading The Signs (3 Points): You instinctively take in your surroundings wherever you go, sensing if youve been somewhere before. Furthermore, you may Squish or Squash when traversing an area youve travelling through within the past month. Dead Reckoning (4 Points): You can identify where you are in the world and how to reach your destination, purely by calculating the distance youve travelled and speed you travelled it at. All you need are a few points of reference. Roll Psyche + Survival at a Difficulty based on the information available; CELESTIAL NAVIGATION GOOD DESCRIPTION POINT OF REFERENCE FAMILIAR LANDMARK MULTIPLE LANDMARKS 5 4 3 2 1

without making a roll. Be warned, what you bring back wont be pretty but it will stave off hunger until the next meal. More delicate people might need to make a Psyche + Focus roll to eat your offering and then perhaps a Body + Physique roll to keep it down. Thats up to the GM. Its All In The Preparation (3 Points): Finding your next meal has become just another part of life for you. Youve even become quite adept at making your ingredients actually have something approaching taste. You may roll your Survival in place of Cookery. Lets be straight, whatever you produce wont be Cordon Bleu (unless caterpillar and fungus Stew counts) but it will be a bit more satisfying. Combined with Survivor, as long as you dont tell your friends what theyre eating, theyll be quite happy with whatever you produce. Gimme Shelter (4 Points): Being outdoors most of your life, youve learned that sometimes you need at least one wall at your back. You can spend an hour looking for shelter and locate something without making a roll. At best, it might be a small cave, at worst, a cardboard box. The only guarantee is that it will shield you from the worst of the weather for a night. Refuse Collector (5 Points): Youve trained your stomach to accept whatever goes in it and not to complain. Training was hard but you managed it. Now, you have no problems eating anything. The thought of eating the most hideous of things doesnt even faze you. Things that a dog wouldnt touch, youll quite happily chow down. You never suffer indigestion nor get food poisoning: you can eat rotten meat and think yourself lucky for the protein.

The Long Way Home (5 Points): You instinctively know your back to your starting point without making a roll, even in the most labyrinthine cave systems and thickest of forests.

Weather Watching (1 Point): Youve lived in the outdoors long enough to know when the weather is about to turn. You can forecast the weather for a number of hours equal to your Survival rating without making a roll. Survivor (2 Points): You are adept at locating food in the most unlikely of places: if there is food to be found, youll find it. While it may only be wild berries, nettles and cockroaches for dinner, at least youll eat. You can spend 30 minutes scavenging and ensure that you feed a number of people equal to your Survival rating


This wont protect you from anything truly poisonous but it will help (add 1 to the Width of your Physique sets).

1 to or deduct 1 from the Threat Rating per Width. If you fail the test, you trigger the trap. Trap Initiative (5 Points): Your reactions and understanding of traps and their effects are now such that you always get a chance to defend yourself against a triggered trap, even if you werent aware of it. Any such defense incurs a -2d penalty.

Trappers Instinct (1 Point): Knowing how traps work, you can gain an insight in how they are set up and where a good spot would be to place one You gain a +1 die bonus on attempts to detect traps. Trappers Knowledge (2 Points): Your talents and expertise are such that you can spend time investigating a trap and trying to understand how it works. Make a Sense + Survival test with a Difficulty of the traps Threat Rating. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: You can discern what will trigger the trap. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: As above, but you can discern what are the likely effects of setting off the trap. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: As above, but you can determine the Threat Rating of the trap. Fast Reactions (3 Points): When you are attempting to disarm a trap, you possess an understanding of its inner workings. A slight creak or movement in the mechanism can give you advanced warning of the forthcoming danger You may add 2 to the Height of a set on any test you make to avoid the effects of a trap you have failed to disarm. A Tool in the Right Place (4 Points); Your experience in traps is so advanced that you can make improvements to a trap you are setting (or precautions when you are attempting to disarm). Maybe the trapper places a branch in the right place to afford some protection or a spike is put in a more efficient place to deal the most damage. Roll Knowledge + Survival at a Difficulty of the traps Threat Rating. You may add








Lop (4 Points): If you successfully hit a Mook, you can lop off a limb of your choice (the head counts as a limb in this instance). This has the side effect of automatically taking that Mook out of the fight, irrespective of Width or Height. Cleave (5 Points): You can make a Cleave action. You twirl your axe impressively and then strike your opponent with startling ferocity. Roll Coordination + Axe at -1d and reduce the Speed of your attack by 2. If you hit, you double your Width for the purposes of determining damage.

Bite (1 Point): If you successfully damage your opponent, you gain +1d against them on your next attack. Chop (2 Points): Increase the Shock damage of your axe attacks by 1. Alternatively (if using the appropriate rules); You reduce your opponents Wound Threshold by 1 when determining whether or not they take a wound. Hack (3 Points): Increase the Kill damage of your axe attacks by 1. Alternatively (if using the appropriate rules); Increase the Penetration of your axe attacks by 1.

Striking the Anvil (1 Point): If you take no other action in one round, you receive a +1d bonus on an attack.


Hammering Blow (2 Points): Armour cannot reduce your Shock damage below 1. Defensive Smash (3 Points): Any time you make a successful parry, your opponent takes 1 Shock. Striking! (4 Points): Armour cannot reduce your Kill damage below 1. Bringing It Down (5 Points): By taking a -2d penalty and raising your hammer high, you can bring it crashing down on your target and any Shock damage you deliver ignores armour.

That's Why They're Called Bumpers (3 Points): as The Bridge is Out, but you can also halve all damage to your vehicle from impacts with other vehicles. Powerslide (4 Points): you can reduce any handling Difficulty incurred due to your speed by your Drive skill. Trading Paint (5 Points): when you perform a Sideswipe action on an opponent's vehicle, you impose a Difficulty of your Width on their next Drive roll. If your opponent fails their next roll, they lose control completely and crash into the nearest hard thing.

Parry (1 Point): You gain +1d when making a parry. Entrapment (2 Points): The Height of your set on a Disarm manoeuvre cannot be less than 5. If it is lower, immediately raise the Height to 5. Stunning Strike (3 Points): You receive a -1d penalty and deal no Killing Damage. Add 1 to your Shock damage for this attack. Killing Strike (4 Points): You receive a 1d penalty and deal no Shock Damage. Add 1 to your Kill damage for this attack. Sword Breaker (5 Points): If the Height of your set on a successful Disarm manoeuvre is equal to or greater than the Power +1 of your opponents weapon, that weapon is immediately destroyed.

Lunge (1 Point): You may make a Lunge manoeuvre: add 1d to your attack and you may not combine this manoeuvre with a multiple action. Crois (2 Points): Receive a -1d penalty and add 1 to the difficulty of any Called Shot made in melee against you. Flche (3 Points): You may make a flche manoeuvre: receive a -1d penalty and the Width of your attack also counts as Counter Dice against any attack from your opponent this round. You may not combine this manoeuvre with a multiple action. Flick (4 Points): You may make a flick manoeuvre: receive a -1d penalty and the Height of your attack counts as 2 higher against Counter Dice. Remise (5 Points): If your attack was dodged or parried, you may use any spare sets to have a second attempt to hit. This still counts as your first attack.

180 AMF (1 Point): You can swap the car end-for-end (either direction) without losing speed. The Bridge is Out (2 Points): Using the nearby terrain, you can make considerable jumps in your vehicle while minimizing damage. Halve all damage to your vehicle from falling from a height (or landing from a jump).

Maverick (1 Point): You gain +1d to your Attack rolls against any opponent who has a lower Position. Position Chapter. is explained in the next


Buck Rogers (2 Points): You can combine a Pilot action with a Gunnery action without taking a multiple action penalty. Flash Gordon (3 Points): You may Squish on your Gunnery rolls to Attack. Starbuck (4 Points): You add 1 to the Width of your Position rolls. Luke Skywalker (5 Points): Trusting your instincts instead of what your sensors tell you, you can make a shot substituting your Insight for your Sensors on a Gunnery roll.


Thats (1 Point): If youve got a heavy weapon in your hands, you can substitute your Heavy Weapons skill for Manipulate for intimidating people. One (2 Points): Anyone hit by your heavy weapon loses 2d instead of 1. Big (3 Points): Your Shock damage cannot be reduced below your Width. Frakkin (4 Points): When you make an attack, you can affect a number of Mooks equal to your Width, twinning your set against each of them. E.g. You score 3x5. You can attack 3 Mooks each with a 3x5. Gun (5 Points): Your Kill damage cannot be reduced below your Width.

Twice The Difficulty (1 Point): By utilising the entire haft of the quarterstaff and using either end to strike with, your attacks are more difficult to block. If the height of your opponents defensive set is equal to your offensive set, your opponents set counts as one less. Top Or Bottom (2 Points): Reduce the difficulty (or penalty) of making Called Shots with your quarterstaff by 1 (includes when making manoeuvres to specific locations). Extension Of The Body (3 Points): When making an attack or defensive action with your quarterstaff, you may add a single unarmed combat action (this includes dodge) as a multiple action without penalty. Mines Bigger Than Yours (4 Points): Opponents lose -2d instead of -1d if they have a lower Reach than you.

Catch (1 Point): You can roll your Hurled skill instead of Physique when catching. Fastball (2 Points): You add 1 to your Speed when using your Hurled skill. Curveball (3 Points): Your reduces any counter dice by 1. target

Knuckleball (4 Points): Once per roll, if you score no sets, you may reroll a number of dice equal to your Hurled skill. Strike 3 (5 Points): You can Squash your roll and add 2 to Width.

Here, Have Both Ends! (5 Points): When you make a success with a quarterstaff attack, the attack is twinned that is, a second attack is resolved as if it had an identical roll. You may only make one such attack each round but may use it as part of a multiple action.

The Language skill is purchased individually for each different language. However, once purchased, you may utilise any Fluency feat with any Language skill you may have. Impress (1 point): You gain +1d to your Social rolls to impress or fascinate


someone who understands languages than you.


Overpower (3 Points); You may expend two shots from your clip to add 1 Kill to the damage of your attack. Laser Painter (4 Points); Every consecutive shot fired against the same target adds a +1d bonus to a maximum of +2d. Overburn (5 Points); The turn after making a successful shot with your laser rifle, by expending an additional charge, you may make the exact same attack without making a roll.

Regional Dialects (2 Points): You have learned to recognise the differences in accent to identify which region of a country a person speaking a language you speak comes from. Native Tongue (3 Points): You are so studied in this language that your accent is indistinguishable from a native speaker. Natives of the country of origin will automatically assume you are one of them. You can combine this with Regional Dialects to convince people you are from a specific area of that country. Dialect Continuum (4 Points): Some areas of the world seem almost as if they have multiple languages. In reality, it is one language with a range of dialects spoken across a large geographical area, differing only slightly between areas that are geographically close but gradually widening the difference in intelligibility as the distances become greater. Your linguistic knowledge in a specific region of the world is such that you know all the local dialects. With this feat, you could travel from end of China to another and have no difficulty communicating. Polyglot (5 Points): You have studied language to an extent that you can learn new languages exceptionally easily. You halve the experience cost (rounding up) when purchasing new language skills.

The automatic rifleman (ne machine gunner) is a vital part of any modern fighting force. Their ability to put a tremendous volume of fire down range gives mobility and survivability to their team mates. Volume of Fire (1 point): When you use the Suppressive Fire action, your base pool before Spray dice are added is 3d, not 2d. Spray Dice are discussed in the next Chapter. Short Controlled Burst (2 points): You have mastered the finesse required to control a bucking support weapon. Reduce the Recoil by 1 when making a Suppressive Fire action. Keep Their Heads Down (3 points): Enemies that you Suppress have a Difficulty imposed on their Dive For Cover rolls equal to your Ballistic Weapons skill. Mooks affected by your Suppressive Fire dont run or take cover; they simply die (assuming your set beats their Threat Level). Lets Rock! (4 points): As Volume of Fire, but you roll Skill + Spray pool when making Suppressive Fire attacks. Bullet-storm (5 points): Enemies targeted by your thundering weapon

Laser Tag (1 Points): Once per turn, you may spend an additional charge to add a +1d bonus to your attack. Underpower (2 Points); You may reduce your damage by 1 Kill to only expend half a shot instead of a full shot.


dont just take damage from the bullets: ricochets, stinging debris, glass shards, and the overpressure of passing rounds all combine to form a deadly hailstorm. Whenever you make any spray attack, add your Spray Rating as a Shock Area Attack.

(self-loading) shotgun. With GM permission, some techniques could be used with a breach-action. Shotgun Wedding (1 Point): Precision target practice have made the shooter almost supernatural. He can fire into a crowd, or even a melee, and not hit unintended targets. Either he hits his target, or the pellets harmlessly strike inanimate scenery. Riot Control (2 Points): With careful, repeated shots, the gunman can Suppress a group of enemies. Suppressed targets must succeed on a Command + Focus test in order to resist the urge to hide behind cover or lie prone on the ground for the round. This Is My Boomstick! (3 Points): By clearing the chamber for a new round with a distinctive "Ka-Chik!" the wielder can inflict a Morale attack equal to his Command statistic. Wall of Lead (4 Points): By throwing up a wide area of fire, the gunman suppresses counter attacks. You duplicate your attack set and use it as Counter Dice against other ranged attackers. This may not form part of a multiple action. Plate Glass Puncher (5 Points): Like the hero of an action movie, each shot of the character's gun sends people flying. Any successful attack throws the victim width in meters away from the impact. The player treats all Waste Dice as Area Shock damage against the target and may also use them as Area Shock damage against any other targets hit by the flying victim.

This Martial Feat is dedicated to helping Rifilemen reach out and touch someone. All of the techniques below are only applicable after aiming for at least one turn. Sniper Breathing (1 point): Accomplished shooters learn to slow down their breathing (and heartbeat), thereby reducing gun shake. When you spend a round Aiming, you add +2d to your pool rather than the normal +1d. You may not take a second aim action. Under Fire (2 points): If you kill an unaware Mook with an Aimed attack, the shot creates a Morale Attack equal to the Width of your set. Pinpoint Accuracy (3 points): You are an expert in targeting weak spots. Your Aimed attacks ignore 1 (or 2 if using Combat Option 11, see below) point of Armour. Stay on Target (4 points): The distractions of battle do not faze you: youre Aim is not interrupted even if you take damage. One Shot, One Kill (5 points): As Sniper Breathing but you may take additional Aim actions equal to your Sense statistic. You first Aim action adds 2d and each additional action adds 1d. You may expressly roll more than 10d in this manner.

The Lore skill is purchased individually for each area of study. However, once purchased, you may utilise any Know-ItAll feat with any Lore skill you may have.

This path is designed for a person wielding either a pump-action or combat


The area of interest that your Lore skill is for (i.e. Monster Lore or Heraldic Lore) is called the Field. Fellow Student (1 Points): You gain +1d on your Social and Manipulate rolls against people in your Field of study. Scintillating Conversation (2 Points): You may roll your Lore skill in place of your Social skill when attempting to impress or fascinate someone. Fascinating Facts (3 Points): You have studied your Field for many years and can recall many facts with clarity. You can Squash your Lore rolls. Area Of Expertise (4 Points): When you purchase this feat, choose an area Area Of Expertise. This must be something specific like Ships Of The Line for a U.S. Navy Lore skill or British Wildlife for a Fauna Lore skill (but not so specific to be unusable). You gain a bonus Expert Die on rolls pertaining to your Area of Expertise. Know-It-All (5 Points): The Height of your Lore rolls is 10 (raise any lower set to 10).

You may expressly have more than one Master Die on such a Missile attack roll.

Hover (1 Point): You are well versed in maintaining a stable platform and can hover your chopper in reasonable weather without making a dice roll. VTOL (2 Points): Your experiences with Vertical Takeoffs gives you +1d to landings or takeoffs in difficult terrain. You can also cut yourself your own LZ if in a wooded area without damaging your rotor blades. Control (3 Points): You have practised tight control helicopter control and can Squish on your Helicopter rolls. Furthermore, anyone using your bird as a platform gains +1d to their activities. Manoeuvre (4 Points): Your ability to manoeuvre your chopper is so great you can now Squash when negotiating terrain. Birdman (5 Points): You receive a bonus Expert Die on your Helicopter dice rolls.

Fast Eye (1 Points): You roll 1 extra die on Initiative Rolls. Sharp Eye (2 Points): You may add 1 to or subtract 1 from your Height on your Missile rolls. Piercing Eye (3 Points): You add 1 to the Penetration of your Missile attacks. Hunters Eye (4 Points): If you spend a round Aiming at a target, you gain a bonus Expert Die instead of the usual Aim bonus. Killers Eye (5 Points): As Hunters Eye, only you gain a Master Die instead.

Barrel Roll (1 Points): You can make a quick roll to evade a target or object. Add 1d to your Jink rolls. Afterburner (2 Points): You gain +1d on attempts to Chase a target. Feel The Gees! (3 Points): You add 1 to your Body when subjected to G-Force. Aerobrake (4 Points): You can slow your aircraft putting yourself instantly behind another without stalling. Add 1 Width to your Manoeuvre Actions. Redline (5 Points): You can squeeze that extra little bit of speed out of your


aircraft and add 1 to the Speed of your vehicle for a round. Every round you use this ability before allowing the engine to cool down, roll an additional die. If you ever score a set, you damage your vehicle: reduce Handling or Speed by 1 (your choice).

throwing, as to what you are throwing at you can throw anything and injure someone, so long as it has at least the weight of a coin. Make a Called Shot and ignore the damage bonus, instead, damage dealt is based on that location; AREA HEAD/NECK

DIFFICULTY 9 6 5 4 3

Lighter (1 Point): By spending a charge, you can project a controlled burst of flame that will ignite a small flammable area, providing enough light to read by. Fireball (2 Points): You can fire a ball of flame that deals your damage as a Shock Area Attack. Plasma Stream (3 Points): If you make an attack at close range, you deal your width as a Kill Area Attack. Fear of Fire (4 Points): Due to peoples trepidation to attack you, you count as if you are at Reach +3 for melee attacks. Char (5 Points): Your Area Attacks continue to burn, you deal your Width as Kill damage on your next turn.



Horsekeeper (1 Point): You gain 1d on your Scrutinize rolls to determine the quality of an animal. Verbal Command (2 Points): You have a close tie with your animal and can give it basic verbal commands without making a roll. This only works on an animal that youve spent time training. Your animal understands simple things like Stop that! or Come over here. Nonverbal Command (3 Points): You can communicate commands through the use of your legs, controlling your mounts direction without using your hands. This only works on an animal that youve spent time training. You may combine another action with Ride without taking a multiple action penalty. Overrun (4 Points): You can force your mount to ride someone down. Your animal must be at a gallop to use this ability. Roll your beasts Body + your Ride skill. Damage is equal to Width in Kill and Shock but you utilise any second set as

Increased Range (1 Points): You may add 1 to your Body score for determining the distance you may throw an object. Quick Throw (2 Point): You may either draw and throw a weapon in one action at no penalty or add 1 to the Speed of any of your thrown attacks when you have a weapon in your hand. Dead Shot (3 Points): You may Squish your Thrown Weapon attack rolls. Fling (4 Points): As long as you do not take any other action, you may make as many thrown weapon attacks a round as you have ammunition and sets to hit with without taking multiple actions. Bullseye (5 Points): You are so skilled, it isnt so much about what you are


if you had made a Charge action at no penalty. This is your only action in a round. Kick (5 Points): You can get your mount to strike as an additional Close Combat attack without taking a multiple action penalty. Your mount rolls Body + its Fight (which is 1 for a mount untrained at kicking things) and damage is based on your mount (a riding horse is Width +1 Kill and Width +1 Shock, a warhorse would be Width +2 Kill and Shock).

per turn, you can switch sidearm without penalty. Breach & Clear (2 points): you're trained to be quick, decisive and deadly when engaging the enemy in close quarters: to explode into a room with overwhelming force and take down your targets with lightning speed. You may add +1 Width to your attacks in the first round of any combat. Tango Down (3 points): your intense training allows you to attack with pinpoint accuracy in the heat of battle. When you apply an attack set to a Mook, you affect a number of Mooks equal to the Width of your set. Breach & Clear may be used to augment the speed and damage of your set, but it does not affect the number of Mooks killed by your attack set. E.g. A natural 2x9 attack might act as a 3x9 for damage when combined with Breach & Clear but it will only kill 2 Mooks. Double Tap (4 points): A successful attack deals damage as if the target were struck by two identical attack sets. CQB Specialist (5 points): As Breach & Clear but the operator may add +1 Width to all their attacks within close range. The bonus afforded by CQB Specialist does affect Mooks targeted by Tango Down.

Theres a Storm Coming (1 Point); you always know when theres going to be a change in the weather within the next few hours. Choppy Seas (2 Points); by careful piloting, you can reduce any penalties passengers may suffer from bad weather by 1. Nautical Navigation (3 Points); through your extensive maritime experience, you can use your Pilot skill to navigate with. Beaching (4 Points); when driving a high speed boat, you can travel 5m across land without making a roll. Wave Master (5 Points); the Height of one of your sets is automatically 10.

Close Quarters Battle, or CQB, training is all about taking the initiative, surprising the enemy, and moving quickly while applying overwhelming force in a short period of time. All CQB techniques are only usable within close range. Pistol Transition (1 point): in the event of a malfunction of the primary weapon or if the primary runs out of ammo, once

Shriek (1 Point); if you successfully hit a Mook and do not take them out, they lose their next action. Stunner (2 Points); a successful sonic attack causes your opponent to lose two die rather than one. Shockwave (3 Points); you cause double your Width in damage against a target object.


Deafen (4 Points); the target of your attack is deafened for Width in rounds, even if you miss. Disruption (5 Points); your successful sonic attacks cause automatic width Kill damage ignoring armour.

Expert (4 Points): You may Squash and Squish on your Student rolls. Master (5 Points): As Routine but the Height of your Student rolls is 10 (raise any lower set to 10).

Zero-G (1 Point); you add 1d to your Athletics tests when in Zero-G. Space Legs (2 Points); you never get sick due to Zero-G manoeuvres and add 1 to the Width of any Physique tests in space. Space Jockey (3 Points); you add 1 to your Body when subjected to G-Force. Space Cowboy (4 Points); you add 1 to the Handling of your space vehicle. Astrogation (5 Points); youve spent a lot of time in space and you know the stars like the back of your hand. Just by examining the local constellations, you can automatically identify any star system you have previously visited. Further, you add 1 to the Width of any attempt to plot a course through any such system.

Battokiri (1 Point): As long as you take no other actions, you may draw your weapon and strike in the same round without penalty. Parry (2 Points): You may combine a parry action with an attack action without taking a multiple action penalty. Balance (3 Points): If you are hit, you do not lose dice from sets used for sword attacks. You can lose dice from any other set however. Measure Twice, Strike Once (4 Points): You add 1 to your Width against opponents with a lower Initiative than you. Flow Of Battle (5 Points): If you take no other action this round, the Height of a set is 10 for the purposes of counter dice.

Cobra Strike (1 Point): You gain +1 Speed when making an Unarmed Strike. Flesh Of Steel (2 Points): You can parry weapon attacks without taking damage. Spin The Wheel (3 Points): You add 1 to the Width of your Trip actions. Axe Kick (4 Points): You may Squash and Squish your Unarmed rolls. Alternatively (if using the appropriate rules); Your Unarmed Attacks receive Reach equal to your Body.

The area of practise that your Student skill is for (i.e. Stage Magic or Escapology) is called the Art Form. Brotherhood (1 Points): You gain +1d on your Social and Manipulate rolls against people in your art form. Fascination (2 Points): You may roll your Student skill in place of your Social skill when attempting to impress or fascinate someone. Routine (3 Points): The Height of your Student skill sets is 5 (raise a lower set to 5).


Death Strike (5 Points): Also known as The Iron Middle Finger, roll Coordination + Unarmed Combat at -1d. Damage is Width in Kill ignoring armour.



This Chapter deals with all the miscellaneous rules and laws which govern the ORE. Youll find everything you need from punching someone in the face to disarming a trap here. So lets start with most gamers answer to a problem: combat. FINISH HIM! Every role-playing game spends an inordinate amount of time on the combat section. Any gamer worth their salt can give you a million reasons why this is the case but ultimately it boils down to too many people all having a vested interest in the outcome. The ORE attempts to resolve combat with the same speed it resolves any other task. To help Game Masters customise the game to their needs, you are presented with several options of how to handle the different aspects to battling. This chapter is entirely modular in that you can utilise many of the different options with one another. Want to use hit locations but dont want to use the standard damage system? Then mix the two different options together! For organisation purposes, this section details the standard ORE combat system and then offers alternative options afterward. Bullet Time At any point it becomes important to measure a characters activity as a blow by blow account use Rounds. A Round is a 5 second measurement of activity. Generally, you will only use Rounds in combat or other intense competition. Each Combat Round is broken down in to the following steps: 1. INITIALISATION: Decide who is doing what and to whom. 2. DETERMINATION: Find out how everyone did and how quickly. 3. RESOLUTION: Apply the results to combatants. These individual steps are discussed at length in their own separate sections, including all the alternatives that are offered for your consumption. The key thing to remember about these rules is that they are there to help tailor the ORE to what you want out of it. It is a very flexible rule set but the chief principle is to keep things flowing. Number crunching is all well and good for certain games but it goes without saying that not every player wants to calculate the velocity of their swing and compare that to the angle of attack against the opponents positioning factor and then roll sixty dice to determine the possible random permutations from Act of God to just really bad luck. So while the ORE has a bit of crunch, anything that overcomplicates or slows it down has been discarded. Therefore, you wont find anything requiring a degree in mathematics or where you need to consult a chart to determine which way the blood sprays when struck by a zweihander. STEP ONE - INITIALISATION So your motley crew of players have got themselves in to a bit of a pickle and the only way to resolve it is with stabby hurty death. At this point, all characters involved in the combat have to determine what they are doing. Combat awareness is the deciding factor here: the more observant/situationally alert having the ability to make a much more informed decision than he or she who hasnt got a clue what just happened. To reflect this, compare the Insight/Sense statistic of all combatants. This is the characters Initiative Score. The character with the lowest Initiative declares their action first with the highest declaring their action last. Any ties are broken by the Perception (or Sight) skill and then by the Psyche/Mind statistic.


You must announce all your actions at once, especially important if you are announcing multiple actions. This includes any powers, feats or special attacks you might wish to perform. COMBAT OPTION 01 - MORE RANDOM INITIATIVE If you like to determine initiative with an element of chance, have all your combatants roll a dice pool of their Insight/Sense score plus their highest combat skill (do not roll for Minions/Unworthy Opponents: they automatically have Initiative 0), even if they are not currently using that skill. This reflects a characters overall combat experience, so a life long master of the sword still rolls their Insight plus Sword skill, even if they are firing a pistol. Once you have rolled, your Width becomes your Initiative Rating with ties being broken by Height. This initiative remains the same for the entire combat unless you take an action to get your bearings, whereupon you are allowed to roll for your Initiative again. STEP TWO - DETERMINATION Every character, where necessary, rolls a dice pool dependent on the relevant action to determine their results: if you are firing a gun, you will probably use Coordination plus Shoot or if casting a spell, use Magic plus Spell Casting. All characters roll their dice at same time. This next statement is actually more important than it sounds and is a constant irrespective of what other rules you might use; THE SPEED OF AN ACTION IS DETERMINED BY YOUR DICE ROLL. It is advised that each player have access to at least 10d10s each. No, really. Speed is a measure of how quickly the character performs his or her action: the higher the Speed, the quicker the action. The character with the highest action speed resolves their action first, then the character with the next highest resolves theirs and so on. Once all actions are performed, start a new round of combat.

Action Speed is determined by Width: the Width of your roll not only determines how well you do something but also how quickly. E.g. Your character is involved in a big old fist fight. You roll 3x5 to hit the darn galoot who is bothering you and he goes and rolls 2x5. Your Speed is 3, faster than the varmint. You hit him before he hits you. The most important fact about Speed is that you cant react to an action that resolves before your own. That is worth repeating; YOU CANNOT REACT TO AN ACTION WHICH IS FASTER THAN YOUR OWN. This means that; - you cant defend yourself against something faster than you; - you cant grab a ladder if it is pulled away before you reach it; - you cant grapple someone if theyve already jumped out of the window; Ad infinitum. COMBAT OPTION 02 - HEIGHT DECIDES SPEED It may be that you dont like the idea that the better you hit someone, the faster you strike. Alternatively, you may also like the idea that you could sacrifice speed for a sturdier hit and vice versa (through squishing and squashing). To separate your success from your alacrity, you can utilise Height to determine Speed, the higher, the better. If there is a tie, then use Width to break it. If still tied, they strike at the same time. E.g. Two players are wrestling to determine who gets to win the hand of the handsome Prince. The first rolls 3x2 and the second rolls 2x7. The second players attack triggers at 7, hitting before the first players action resolves at 2.


Nb. If you are utilising this option, may need to take a second look at the alternatives to Hit Locations (see later in this chapter). COMBAT OPTION 03 - WASTE DECIDES SPEED If you prefer something a bit more crunchy, you can divorce the Speed from sets entirely. Whenever a character makes a set, they must discard a waste dice to determine the Speed of the action. This can lead to tactical decisions where characters might be forced to break up high sets to give a lower set a higher Speed. If you do not have a waste die to discard, then the action resolves at Speed 0. E.g. Two further players are playing Keep Away with a third characters favourite grenade. The first two players score 3x6 and 2x5 and both sacrifice a die to give Speed 7. The third player rolls and scores 2, 3, 6, 6, 8 and 8. Player Three has two sets (2x6 and 2x8). In this situation, normally she would discard either the 2 or 3. However, her 2x6 is good enough to defeat either the 3x6 or the 2x5 as long as she is quick enough. So she breaks up the 2x8 in to two 8s and discards one to give her Speed 8. She snatches the grenade out of the air. Nb. The downside to this option is that it adds a third aspect for characters to be wary of when defending. Not only must they roll a high enough Width to defeat their opponents success and roll high enough Height so they can meet their opponents Height but then they must worry about the relative Speeds of the actions. Although some Game Masters may like that LOCATION

A Hit Location is an area of the body which can be damaged by an assault ultimately leading to death (the effects of damage upon a Hit Location are discussed later in this chapter). COMBAT OPTION 04 - WIDTH DECIDES HIT LOCATION Perhaps you want Height to determine Speed or maybe you feel that your success level should determine if you hit those harder locations. If so, you can use your Width as a decider: STANDARD SUCCESS 2X: EXPERT SUCCESS 3X : MASTER SUCCESS 4X: Torso Limb Head

COMBAT OPTIONS - NO HIT LOCATIONS! Some players dont like Hit Locations or prefer to have a more abstract damage system. There are options that do not utilise Hit Locations in such fashion (or at all). These are discussed below. STEP THREE - RESOLUTION Now you know what youve done and how well, it is time to resolve these actions and put that cause in to effect! Resolve each action in order of Speed, from Highest to Lowest. Some important things to note about attacks that remain constant throughout your combat options; 1. Due to the sheer impact and stress from being hit, any character subject to a successful attack loses a die from their highest set, even if they take zero damage. Damage dealt is always a result of your dice result and the attack form employed. Damage always comes in two forms, Kill Damage and Shock Damage. Kill Damage represents attacks designed to penetrate the skin and reach those vital fleshy bits which keep you alive. Kill Damage generally causes lost

HEIGHT 10 7-9 5-6 3-4 2 1


3. Once youve determined how quickly you strike, you must then determine where you strike. The Height of your set determines with which of the Hit Locations you make contact (see the above chart).


limbs, bleeding wounds and punctured organs. Shock Damage represents attacks which crush and cause physical trauma, fractured bones, internal bleeding and loss of consciousness are all the province of Shock Damage. All attacks do both kill and shock damage but the amount varies depending on the weight and design of the weapon. Attacks always deal their Width in Kill and Shock damage. Some attacks have a modifier to one or both which directly adds to the amount dealt. E.g. A character makes an attack with a club which does Kill +0 and Shock +1. They score 3x4. The Width of 3 becomes 3 Kill and 4 (3 + 1) Shock. Every character has 10 boxes of Health on the torso, 5 on each limb and only 4 Health boxes on the head. When a character takes a hit to a location, they cross off 1 box for every point of damage they take. Shock Damage is applied first and recorded using a / in each box. When all the boxes in a location are crossed out with shock damage, that location is now Out and rendered useless. If this is a limb or head, any further damage is applied directly against the torso. If an arm is taken out, you cannot use it for any action. If a leg is taken out, your running speed is cut in half. If both legs are taken out, you are reduced to crawling. If the head has all 4 boxes crossed off with Shock Damage, that character is automatically unconscious. If the torso is completely crossed out, then that character is Down and therefore incapacitated. Any further Shock Damage applied to the torso becomes Kill Damage on a one for one basis.

Kill Damage is applied after Shock Damage to any empty boxes first and then overwriting any existing Shock Damage. Kill Damage is recorded using an X in each box. Once a location is completely filled with Kill Damage it is Slain. A Slain limb is amputated. If this is the Torso or Head, the character is killed. Each location can have both Shock and Kill Damage at the same time. If all the boxes are crossed out and even a single box is Shock Damage, then that location is subject to the rules for Shock and not Kill. It takes all the boxes to be crossed off with Kill Damage to destroy or kill a character. COMBAT OPTION 05 - MORE DEADLY HIT LOCATIONS It may be that you want characters to be more vulnerable to damage or perhaps you might want to make vital areas (such as the jugular) more relevant to your game. In such situations, use the following amendments. HIT LOCATION

HEIGHT 10 9 7-8 5-6 3-4 2 1

The Head and Vital Locations both have 4 boxes each. The Torso has 6 and each Limb has 5. COMBAT OPTION 06 - VITAL DAMAGE SYSTEM Instead of Hit Locations and Health boxes, each character has a measure of their Health (or current general state of health) separated out in to Vital Boxes, Kill Boxes and Shock Boxes. Every normal sized character has five Vital Boxes representing the amount of Kill damage a normal sized person can physically take. Characters of smaller stature have less Vital Boxes and characters of increasingly larger stature have an appropriately increased level of Vital Boxes. Each of these Vital Boxes has a -1d dice pool penalty attached to them and when you cross


one off, you receive -1d to all your actions due to impairment. So if you lose 3 Vital Boxes, you have -3d. Fortunately, every character, regardless of stature, has 1 Kill Box per point of Body statistic representing their ability to shrug off a small amount of punishment before they start losing important organs. Kill damage is applied to these Kill Boxes before Vital Boxes. So a normal sized character with Body 3 would have 5 Vital Boxes and 3 Kill Boxes. When a characters last Vital Box is filled in, they are dead. Every character also has 1 Shock Box per Vital Box. A character records all the Shock Damage they take and then crosses off a Shock Box every time they take a cumulative amount of Shock equal to their Body statistic. When the last Shock Box is crossed out, the character is Unconscious. So a character with Body 4, can take 4 Shock Damage before crossing off a Shock Box. You receive dice pool penalties for every Shock Box you lose. 1 SHOCK BOX 2 SHOCK BOXES 3 SHOCK BOXES 4 SHOCK BOXES 5 SHOCK BOXES 6 SHOCK BOXES -1 HEIGHT -1 HEIGHT/-1D -2 HEIGHT/-1D -2 HEIGHT/-2D -3 HEIGHT/-2D -3 HEIGHT/-3D

Vital Healing Characters heal half their cumulative Shock once they have had a moment to catch their breath after the battle. Restore the Shock Boxes appropriately. Each character heals a number of Shock equal to their Body statistic after a good nights sleep. A successful medicine roll can add its Width to that number. They also heal 1 Kill Box per day of rest but a successful medicine roll can allow the character to remain active and still heal. Vital Boxes are healed at a rate of 1 per week of rest. A successful medicine roll can reduce that time by its Width or allow a character to be active for that number of days. Nb. This damage system is useful primarily for games where there are non-human races and/or plenty of armour around. If used in conjunction with the Minimum Damage rule (Combat Option 10), your Shock Boxes become something akin to Hit Points in other games. COMBAT OPTION 07 - ABSTRACT DAMAGE SYSTEM If dealing in specific terms of injury, presented here is a much less specific damage system. Each successful attack yields Kill or Shock Damage as normal. That damage is reduced by any relevant Armour and then compared to the victims Body statistic to determine an injury. KILL DAMAGE SHOCK DAMAGE

When a characters last Shock Box is filled in, the character is unconscious. Any further Shock Damage they take is applied directly to a characters Vital Boxes. E.g. A character has Body 3. They have 5 Vital Boxes as standard and 5 Shock Boxes as standard. They then have 3 Kill Boxes and crosses off one per Kill Damage received. That character also crosses off a Shock Box when she accumulates 3 Shock Damage, 6 Shock Damage, 9 Shock Damage, 12 Shock Damage and 15 Shock Damage. Attacks are made against the torso but can be aimed at a specific location (such as arm or head). Landing a blow on a specific location increases the amount of damage received.



Record the number of Downs and Outs you take. Down and Outs are a measure of how much punishment you have taken. The cumulative amount of both Downs and Outs is the difficulty of any Down Test or Out Test. The Down Test and Out Test represent how


your body deals with that punishment. Down & Out Tests represent a character fighting to stay awake while their body fails them. The only time you have to worry about being hit is when an attack is that overwhelming it constitutes an immediate threat to your physiology or when you have been beaten, bashed and bruised so much that your body is threatening to give up. To represent this latter status, every character has a Health Threshold rating of 4 plus their Body statistic. When the number of Downs and/or Outs is greater than your Health Threshold, you are Mauled. Tick the Mauled Box. Being Mauled means you have taken so much damage that your body is just about ready to drop. Once Mauled, you are bleeding and fighting for consciousness: you must continue to make a Down & Out Test every time N rounds have passed (where N is equal to your Health Threshold). They only way to prevent this is to receive First Aid to stabilise your condition. You make Down Tests and Out Tests the same way: roll a dice pool of your Health Threshold and consult the chart below. A Down & Out Test is quite literally a combined Down and an Out Test. When making a Down & Out Test, you must assign a set to both Down and Out. If you cannot, you fail any or all of the tests you cannot pass. DOWN TEST

penalty to all rolls until the injury heals (this includes Down Tests and Out Tests). See Wounds below. DOWN BOXES INCAPACITATED DYING DEAD INCAPACITATED OUT BOXES UNCONSCIOUS COMATOSE DEAD UNCONSCIOUS

The first time they fail The first time a a Down Test they are character fails an Out Incapacitated. Test, they are Unconscious. If a character is Incapacitated, they If a character is are too injured to Unconscious, they move any more. They have been knocked are still conscious but out cold. They are in a lot of pain. If unable to perform any necessary, they can action until they come just about manage a back round. crawl. Anything other than that is out of the An Unconscious question. character must continue to make An Incapacitated Down Tests every character must time N rounds have continue to make Out passed (where N is Tests every time N equal to your Health rounds have passed Threshold). (where N is equal to your Health Threshold). Once a character is Unconscious and Incapacitated, they must continue to make a Down & Out Test every time N rounds passes (where N is equal to your Health Threshold). DYING The second time a character fails a Down Test, they are Dying. A Dying character needs immediate medical attention to stabilize their condition. They have lost a lot of COMATOSE The second time a character fails an Out Test, they are Comatose. A Comatose character also needs immediate medical attention to stabilize their condition. Furthermore, they remain comatose and without long term care,



A character has three Down Boxes and three Out Boxes. When they fail the appropriate test, they cross off one of the appropriate boxes. So if a character fails a Down Test, they cross off a Down Box. The -1d Penalty represents a disabling injury, such as a cut across the arm or a shallow stab wound to the belly. The character receives -1d


The third time a character fails either a Down or Out Test, the character is dead. Nb. If you are using the Abstract Damage system, it is a given that you arent interested in using Hit Locations either. Recording Abstract Injury Every time a character takes damage, this is recorded as an individual Injury. An Injury constitutes the number of Downs and Outs inflicted and any attached dice penalty. This is recorded as Dx/Oy/-z, where x is the number of Downs, y is the number of Outs and z is any relevant penalty. An injury with a dice penalty is called a Wound. E.g. A character is hit by a club right in the face. They take 1 Down and 2 Outs. They then have to make an Out Test and score a 2x5, yielding a -1d penalty. This is recorded as D1/O2/-1. Healing Abstract Injury Once a character has had a chance to rest, they remove a number of Downs and/or Outs equal to their Body statistic as superficial damage. You may not remove Downs or Outs from Wounds. When an Injury has no Downs or Outs attached to it, the Injury is healed and can be removed from the character sheet. E.g. A character has three injuries of D1/O1/-0, D2/O1/-1 and D2/O2/-0. They have Body 3, so may remove up to 3 Downs and/or Outs. They decide to reduce the first by 1 Down and 1 Out, reducing it to D0/O0/-0, therefore healing it. They cant heal anything from the second injury because it is a Wound, so they reduce the third injury to D1/O2/-0. A character then heals 1 Down or Out from an injury per day of rest. They can heal an additional Down or Out if they receive medical attention. Downs and Outs cannot be healed from a

Wound until the penalty is healed. This takes a week of rest. A medicine roll can reduce this period by 1 day per Width or allow a character to be active for that number of days. Once the dice penalty is removed, the Down and Outs can be healed as normal. A character does not automatically heal Down Boxes or Out Boxes. They must make a Recovery Test rolling a dice pool of their Health Threshold at a Difficulty equal to the cumulative number of Downs and Outs including any dice penalties from Wounds. The character then heals a number of Down or Out Boxes as determined by the below chart. The third time a character fails either a Down or Out Test, the character is dead. Nb. If you are using the Abstract Damage COMBAT OPTION 08 - CALLED SHOTS WITHOUT HIT LOCATIONS So youve decided to use a Locationless Damage system. And then a character decides to aim for a location. So how do we resolve this? A character makes a Called Shot at a specific location. They make an attack at -1d and set another die to a specific number. That number is based on the location: LOCATION

HEIGHT 10 9 5 OR 6 3 OR 4 2 1

If they successfully make matches against that location, they use the Armour Rating of that location and also receive a bonus to damage. HIT LOCATION


E.g. A character aims at an opponents arm. They receive a -1d penalty for aiming at a


specific location and then rolls his dice pool at Difficulty 4. He scores 3x5. His weapon does +1 Kill and +0 Shock (4 Kill and 3 Shock). This is then modified for hitting him in the arm to 4 Kill and 5 Shock. COMBAT OPTION 09 - WOUNDS Some Game Masters might like the ability for characters to bleed to death or have limbs amputated and the like. Game Masters can be like that. If you want a more tangible system for recording stab wounds/gun shots etc, use this system. Compatible with the basic damage system and the Vital Damage System (see Combat Option 05), the Wound System requires an extra section of boxes to record the number of wounds a character has taken. Every character has a Wound Threshold. This is determined using the following chart; BODY STATISTIC 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 WOUND THRESHOLD 2 3 4 5 6

to any Shock damage that penetrates armour when determining if a Wound has been taken. E.g. a character is wielding a falchion and makes a slash at his opponent. His weapon is W+2 Kill and W+0 Shock. He rolls 3x3 scoring 5 Kill and 2 Shock. His opponent has an Armour Rating of 2 and a Wound Threshold of 3. The Kill damage is reduced to 3 (5 damage - 2 AR = 3) and then reduce to 0 for the slash attack. The opponent reduces the Shock to 1 (3 damage - 2 AR = 1) but this then adds the penetrating Kill damage of 3 to Shock for a total 4. This is then compared to the victims Wound Threshold of 3. 4 is greater than 3: the opponent takes a wound! ARMOUR Getting injured hurts and is to be avoided. If you arent quick enough or skilled enough to defeat your opponents before they can land a blow on you, youd better find a method of putting something in between you and those incoming attacks. Shields are the easiest solution. Getting a big piece of material and placing it in the general vicinity to ward off attacks doesnt require a lot of thought. Shields are rated from 1 to 3 with Shield Rating 1 being a small shield, Shield Rating 2 being a medium shield and Shield Rating 3 being a large shield. Shields automatically protect the location they are wielded in (i.e. either your right or left arm). Then, before rolls are made, you may choose one additional location to protect. Any Shock and Kill damage striking the protected location(s) are reduced by the rating of the Shield. E.g. A character has a Medium Shield (Rating 2) worn on their left arm (location 3-4). He decides to protect his torso from attack (location 7-9). An opponent tries to hit him with her spear and rolls 3x4. The spear does W+1 Kill and W+0 Shock for a total of 4 Kill/3 Shock.

When a character takes more Shock or Kill damage than their Wound Threshold from a single attack, they take a Wound. Cross off a Wound Box. Each Wound incurs a -1d penalty and you are now Bleeding. You stop Bleeding when either the Wound heals or someone staunches the Wound using Medicine. Bleeding characters lose 1 Shock every N rounds (where N is the characters Body statistic). This is applied to the wounded location if using Hit Locations. Wounds heal at 1 a week of rest. A Medicine roll can either reduce the healing time by Width or allow the character to remain active for a day. If you are using this option, you might allow characters to make an attack designed to cause a wound as opposed to just trying to kill their opponent. If so, characters can use a Slash manoeuvre. A character making a Slash attack reduces penetrating Kill damage to 0 but adds it


Because the shield automatically protects the left arm, the spear is partially deflected along the shield, reducing the damage to 2 Kill and 1 Shock. Armour works the same way save you must purchase individual pieces of armour for each location. Again, each piece of armour is rated from 1 to 3, Armour Rating 1 being Light Armour, Armour Rating 2 being Medium Armour and Armour Rating 3 being Heavy Armour. COMBAT OPTION 10 - MINIMUM DAMAGE Armour that reduces Kill and/or Shock Damage to zero might not seem realistic to some as even if youre wearing five inches of metal, an impact is still an impact, even if it doesnt kill you. Using this option, being hit will always yield some damage, even if it is only a bruise. When a character is hit and wearing armour, reduce the Shock and Kill Damage by the Armour Rating as normal. However, when an attack delivers kill damage and it is reduced, some of that is converted to Shock Damage. This is called Minimum Damage. An amount up to the characters Width is converted. E.g. A character is hit by a Width 3 attack from a dagger to the gut score 3 Kill and 2 Shock. He is wearing heavy armour (Armour Rating 3). This reduces the Shock Damage to 0 and the Kill Damage to 0. The Minimum Damage for this attack is the Width of the attack, which is 3. COMBAT OPTION 11 - HARDY LAR HAR Armour can also be described in terms of Light Armour Rating (LAR) or Heavy Armour Rating (HAR). The former being cushioning armour such as padding, foam inserts and leather armour and the latter consisting heavy rigid plates. LAR stops 1 point of Shock damage per rating. So LAR 3 stops 3 Shock. Any excess applies as normal. Killing damage completely ignores LAR.

HAR stops 1 point of Shock and Kill damage per rating. So HAR 4 stocks 4 points of Shock and Kill.



If using Option 10, simply double the HAR and LAR ratings. COMBAT OPTION 12 - STRONGER ARMOUR The damage ratings when compared against Armour Rating 1 to 3 might seem a bit a little too strong. You might want your players to have more reliable armour. In such cases you might want to use this optional rule. Instead of rating armour from 1 to 3, it can have an Armour Rating of 1 to 6. Use the following chart as a guideline for which armour is what Armour Rating.

2 3

4 5 6


Nb. You cannot layer the above armours. Indeed, most of the above armours are already layered by their very nature. You may wish to use the following Armour Encumbrance rules.


COMBAT OPTION 13 - ENCUMBERING ARMOUR Armour by its very nature is restrictive, that is a given fact (although the extent of how encumbering it is is hotly debated). If you want to reflect this, use the following rules. Each piece of armour has an Encumbrance Rating dependent on location. LOCATION

COMBAT OPTION 14 - DAMAGE CLASS Armour as described above protects equally against everything. That might be fine for the majority of players, however, there are bound to people out there for whom this is just irritating. For those people, armour can be re-categorised to offer variable protection against different types of damage.


ENCUMBRANCE AR 1-6 * AR / 3** AR -1 AR / 3*** AR / 3***


*HAR is using Option 11 **Round Down ***Round Up

E.g. Plate Armour has the following Encumbrance Ratings: Head 2 (AR 6 / 3), Torso 5 (AR 6 - 1), Arms 2 (AR 6 / 3) and Legs 3 (AR / 3). If you are completely covered in plate armour, your encumbrance rating is 10. This Encumbrance Rating becomes a difficulty for any Athletic activity the character might perform while wearing that armour. Such actions include, but are not limited to, swimming, climbing, dodging and running. You may expressly Attack and Parry without penalty while wearing armour. If your total encumbrance is more than your Body statistic, you are considered Encumbered: you cannot swim, only sink and are Exerting (if you are using Combat Option 13 below). Nb. There are probably people out there who are frothing at the mouth having just read that. Yes, it is true that trained combatants were able to run around with little trouble while wearing full plate armour. If you want this in your game, use the Armour Conditioning Advantage. You might also consider using this in conjunction with Combat Option 14 below and Combat Option 08 above.

Armour will be described in terms of Armour Rating first and then the optional split after. If there is no rating, then it is considered to be 0. E.g. Chainmail is medium armour or AR 3. It has Armour Rating 3 against Cutting damage, Armour Rating 2 against Penetrating damage and Armour Rating 1 against Impact damage. This is recorded as AR 3 (C3-I1-P2). Weapons are then also categorised in to one or more damage types. This is recorded as Width + Kill Damage and Width + Shock Damage with a note of attack type afterward. E.g. A broadsword might be W+2/W+0 (C-P). Width + 2 Kill damage, W + 0 Shock damage and can be used either to cause Cutting or Piercing damage. COMBAT OPTION 15 - ABLATIVE ARMOUR Some Game Masters might balk at letting their characters run around in the same armour throughout their adventuring lives. You see, when armour stops those big axes from cleaving you in twain, it does so by getting in the way of the blow. And guess what, that heavy axe hit can leave a bit of a mark Therefore, whenever an attack scores a Master Success (x4), reduce the Armour Rating of the target by 1. Note that this is the Width and not the damage. This represents the difference between a heavy attack simply penetrating the armour and not reducing its effectiveness and a


big strike which rends part of the armour. E.g. A character is wearing heavy armour and is hit by a broadsword which is Width +2 Kill and +0 Shock. They score 4x5 which not only scores 6 Kill and 4 Shock but that Width of 4 is enough to carve a big rent in that armour, reducing the Armour Rating by 1! Armour can also have the following traits: Weak and Hardened. If armour is Weak, it only takes an Expert Success (x3) to reduce the armour by 1. If the armour is Hardened it requires a whopping Width 5 success to reduce the armour. COMBAT OPTION 16 - ARMOUR PENETRATION If you want Armour to be less effective or simply want to represent the fact that certain attacks are better at getting through armour, use this combat option. Every weapon has a PEN Rating which is a measure of an attacks effectiveness at defeating armour. When there is a successful strike, reduce the AR (or HAR if using Combat Option 09 above) by the PEN Rating and apply the damage for that attack. Do not permanently reduce the Armour Rating. E.g. a character makes an attack that has PEN 2. His opponent is wearing heavy armour, AR 3. His attack is about to inflict 4 Kill and 2 Shock. Ordinarily, the AR would reduce the damage to 1 Kill and 0 Shock (4 - 3 = 1 and 2 - 3 = -1), however, the PEN reduces the effective AR to 1 (AR 3 PEN 2 = 1). The armour only manages to reduce the damage to 3 Kill and 1 Shock (4 1 = 3 and 2 - 1 = 1).

Medicine rolls can help recover this damage a lot quicker. A Psyche + Medicine roll at a Difficulty of the limbs total damage converts Height from Kill to Shock or heals Shock entirely. If a victim has both Shock and Kill damage on that limb, convert Kill first and then heal Shock with any left over Width. STICKS AND STONES There are really only two fundamental kinds of attack: Close Combat and Ranged Combat. The difference between the two should be pretty obvious. Within each kind of attack are a multitude of weapons designed to kill, injure, maim and generally mess someone up. Close Combat is perhaps the more varied of the two (as most ranged weapons just boil down to pointing the weapon at someone and pulling the trigger). Each type of individual weapon brings its own little intricacies and traits that skilled fighters can exploit for different effects. Close Combat Weapons are separated into the following Categories: Axe being any weapon with a small shaft and one or more broad bladed heads. Bludgeon being any weapon with a broad, bladeless point of impact. Close-In Fighting being any small hand-held weapon. Fencing being any lightweight, long bladed weapon. Hafted being any long shafted weapon.

So youve been hit and you want to know when youll get better. Each day of rest heals half your Shock damage in each location. If it reaches 1, it heals completely. Kill damage heals a lot slower. Each week of rest converts 1 Kill damage to 1 Shock damage on each location.

Sword being any long bladed weapon used for cutting and piercing. Unarmed being any attack form using empty hands. Each Category represents a Specialist Skill (i.e. a Narrow Skill not attached to a Broad Skill) of combat training. While there are many different types of weapons within that category, Close


Combat is the Broad Skill which covers the use of all such weapons. Close Combat Weapons have a Power Rating which represents their weight and size of the point of impact. As a general rule, you can wield any weapon with a Power Rating equal to or lower than your Body statistic in one hand. You may wield a weapon with a Power Rating up to two higher than your Body statistic in two hands. You may not wield a weapon more than 1 higher than your Body statistic at all. Kill and Shock damage is determined by comparing the Power with Weapon Style. Weapon Style is the design of the head of the weapon, i.e. the point of contact where the kinetic energy of the attack is transferred to the target (the bit you whack them with). To determine the damage bonus of the weapon, use the following chart. Nb. The minimum bonus for damage is +0. If Power is reduced to a negative number when determining damage, this counts as 0. WEAPON STYLE

Thrusting Weapons are narrow blade weapons with a tip designed for penetration. They add 1 to PEN when making a Thrust attack (see Combat Option 17 below). E.g. rapier, epee and spear. Half-Swording Weapons are narrow blade weapons balanced for use both one handed and two handed, depending on the situation. The wielder can choose to make an attack one handed (add 1 die to their attack roll) or two handed (add 1 to their Kill damage). To gain the benefits of Half-Swording, you must be able to wield the weapon in one hand and you must have both hands available: even if used one handed, your off-hand must be empty to receive the bonus.


3 3 1 2 2 2 2 5 3

W+1 W+2 W+0 W+1 W+1 W+1 W+0 W+4 W+2

W+1 W+0 W+0 W+0 W+0 W+0 W+2 W+2 W+0






COMBAT OPTION 17 - MELEE PENETRATION If you are using Combat Option 16, use the following rules to determine the PEN Rating of your weapons. Close Combat Weapons have a base PEN Rating of the Power based on the Weapon Style. WEAPON STYLE

This is then further modified by Weapon Traits. These are variations and peculiarity of individual weapons. Hafted Weapons are any weapons that mainly constitute a haft with a fixed point of attack at either end. They add 1 to Power for determining damage and Weapon Reach (see Combat Option 18 below) but you must wield them two handed. E.g. quarterstaff, halberd and glaive. Slashing Weapons are narrow blade weapons that have a broad curved edge designed for cutting. They add 1 to Shock when determining Wounds. E.g. scimitar, falchion and sabre.


Narrow Blade Weapons can use a Thrust manoeuvre. You can reduce your Shock damage to 0 but instead add it to your PEN Rating for that attack. E.g. a character wields a broadsword which is


W+2 Kill, W+0 Shock and PEN 1. She decides to run her opponent through. She rolls 4x2 which results in 4 Kill and 2 Shock. Because she is using a Thrust attack, she reduces her Shock damage of 2 to 0 and adds it to her PEN increasing it to 3 for this attack. COMBAT OPTION 18 - WEAPON REACH

rolls Coordination plus Pike. They both roll and score 3x3 and 4x3 respectively. The pike attack goes off first at Speed 4 and hits the Closing-In character. She loses a die from her highest set becoming 2x3, which is enough to be successful. On their next round, it is the woman with the pike who is now disadvantaged! COMBAT OPTION 19 - GETTING TIRED

Not all weapons are the same size. This is not a design flaw. Larger weapons, aside from usually being heavier and therefore increasing the kinetic energy of the blow, make it more difficult for your opponent to hit you back. Therefore we can use a trait called Weapon Reach for melee attacks. All melee weapons have a reach rating equal to their Power plus any modifiers. Compare the Reach of all combatants. Characters with a lower Reach lose a die from their attack rolls. E.g. Two fighters face off against one another. One has a Pike with a Reach of 3 and the other has a Short Sword with a Reach of 2. The woman with the Short Sword loses a die from her attack roll against the woman with the pike. Of course, that advantage reach can be turned against you by a canny fighter. A character can perform an action called Close-In. This means the character is attempting to get inside their opponents guard and fight Close-In. The character performing the Close-In action makes a Dodge test with a difficulty of his opponents weapon reach. The target of a Close-In action can perform a Fend-Off action to counter their opponent action. If the character does not Fend-Off (or is unsuccessful on their test), the Closing-In character moves inside the guard and becomes Close-In. When a fight is Close-In, the character with the higher reach loses a die to attack their opponent. E.g. The earlier two fighters are still in full swing. The woman with the short sword decides to Close-In. Her opponent decides to just stab her. The Closing-In character rolls Coordination plus Dodge at a difficulty of 3 while her opponent

Wearing heavy armour for long periods, trekking for miles at a time on foot and not getting enough sleep at night can cause a character to start losing their edge. If you want to add in an Endurance system to measure your characters endeavours, use the following. A character can be said to be either Within Tolerance (taking things slowly, wearing light clothing in hot weather etc) or Exerting (also known as making life difficult for themselves). A character Within Tolerance is perfectly fine to do so for as long as they maintain that leisurely pace. Exerting can be any situation where a character is going outside their physical tolerance. An Exerting character must make an Exertion Test, using a dice pool of Body plus Endurance, after an amount (N) of time (T) has past (where N is the Body statistic and T is the Time Factor as determined by the Game Master). TIME FACTOR ROUNDS MINUTES HOURS DAYS EXAMPLES FIGHTING, LIFTING, EXCEPTIONAL HEAT RUNNING, SWIMMING, TENSING MUSCLES HEAVY TRAVELLING, SEVERE HEAT LACK OF FOOD, SLEEP DEPRIVATION

When a character succeeds an Exertion Test, they suffer no ill effects but add 1 to the difficulty of future Exertion Tests. If they fail, they must cross out an Endurance Box. Every character has 3 Endurance Boxes:


ENDURANCE BOX STRAINED SUFFERING DEPLETED A Strained character receives a -1d penalty to all their actions until they get comfortable, rest and generally take care of themselves. A Suffering character receives a -2d penalty until they can resolve their ailments. A Depleted character is a step away from passing out and simply has to stop. They continue to make Exertion tests until they receive a remedy. Every time they fail, they lose a point of Body. Once all their Body has gone, the character dies. A character only regains Endurance Boxes when they receive a remedy to their situation and then rest. A remedy might be being carried if walking for too long or getting a good nights sleep after being sleep deprived or getting out of the sun if heat exhausted. To recuperate after receiving the remedy, the character must spend the appropriate time factor times 1 resting and then within their tolerance for the time factor times 3. E.g. A character has been starving for Days and is now Depleted. When they are finally rescued and given food, they must rest for 1 day (time factor in days x1) and then stay within tolerance for 3 days (time factor in days x 3). GUNS AND ARROWS You might also be interested in the rules for shooting people. Making a standard shot at someone is covered the same way as any other attack is: you roll your dice pool and hit someone if you score a set. Things get complicated when you start using bigger and better weapons. So lets start at the beginning. RANGE Ranged combat obviously occurs at range. This is defined as Short Range (the target is close),

Medium Range (the target is within reasonable distance) and Long Range (the target is far away). A character making a ranged attack adds 1 die to their dice pool at Short Range. That character receives no bonus nor penalty at Medium Range and they lose 1 die from their dice pool at Long Range. TYPES OF WEAPONS There are three Types of ranged weapons; BALLISTIC WEAPONS MISSILE WEAPONS ENERGY WEAPONS MISSILE WEAPONS These are further subdivided into two categories: Thrown Weapons and Projectile Weapons. THROWN WEAPONS There are two types of thrown weapon: those that are designed to be thrown (called Trajectile Weapons, including spears, boomerangs and slings) and those that are completely nonaerodynamic (called Hurled Weapons, including stones, swords and other makeshift weapons). Use the chart below to determine weapon range. THROW WEAPON RANGES IN METRES TRAJECTILE WEAPONS HURLED WEAPONS SHORT BODY x2 SHORT BODY x1 MEDIUM BODY x4 MEDIUM BODY x2 LONG BODY x6 LONG BODY x3 E.g. A character throws a spear 10 metres. His Body is 3. As this is a projectile weapon, his short range is 6m (Body x2), medium range is 12m (Body x4) and long range is 18m (Body x6). He is within his medium range. PROJECTILE WEAPONS There are two kinds of projectile weapon too: those that translate the users strength into kinetic energy (called Pull Weapons, including catapults, bows and blowpipes) and those that


are set with a trigger (called Push Weapons, including crossbows and spring-loaded darts). Pull Weapons require the wielder to use their own strength and muscles to power the missile attack. Push Weapons require the user to set the spring and load up the device, however, the weapon does not fire until you press that trigger. To determine the range of a Pull Weapon, you must first determine its Power Rating. This is the maximum tautness and kinetic potential of the string. It is important to note that you cannot use a Pull Weapon which has a Power higher than your Body!

COMBAT OPTION 20 - POWER IS PEN If you are using Combat Option 14, the Power of Missile Weapons less 2 can be used as a PEN Rating for your attacks. BALLISTIC WEAPONS Rifles, pistols, machine pistols, revolvers, shotguns, tasers any weapon which executes a chemical-powered ranged attack is called a Ballistic Weapon. All a character has to do is make sure it is loaded, point the thing in the right direction and pull the trigger. Murder has never been so simple! Of course, man is rather inventive and there are all manner of different ballistic weapons. Firearms are such a prevalent weapon within most countries (and some gamers obsessions) that it is unnecessary to go into great detail about what they are and how they work. For simplicity, firearms are categorised into terms of Small Arms (pistols and other such side arms), Long Arms (being rifles and other such larger stocked weapons) and Heavy Arms (being any ballistic weapon too heavy to wield by an average Joe or Jane). These are the Narrow Skills attached to the Broad Skill of Ranged Combat. There are then Special Skills of Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns Sniper and Heavy Weapons. Further, for game purposes they come in three different fire-types: Single Action (such as double-barrelled shotguns, bolt-lever rifles and revolvers), Semi-Automatic (such as automatic shotguns and most modern pistols) and Automatic (such as machineguns and assault rifles). Single Action weapons can only fire once a round (although there are techniques for a trained individual to increase this rate). You can Aim or make Called Shots when making a Single Action attack. Semi-Automatic weapons can either be fired as a Single Action weapon (see above) or can be

Push Weapons also derive their range from a Power Rating, however, it doesnt require your strength to fire it, only to set it. It takes a full round to reset and load a Push Weapon that has a Power less than or equal to your Body statistic. You cannot set a weapon with Power higher than your Body. E.g. A character has Body 4. She can set any Push Weapon of Power 4 or less in a round. You can fit a Winder to a Push Weapon and this allows a character to set that weapon irrespective of Power. Using a Winder has a Slow Rating equal to the Power of the weapon. E.g. A character has Body 2. He has a Power 4 Push Weapon. Ordinarily, he couldnt reset that weapon but he has a winder. It takes 4 rounds for him to reset that weapon, however. PUSH WEAPON RANGES SHORT RANGE POWER x10 METRES MEDIUM RANGE POWER x20 METRES LONG RANGE POWER x40 METRES MISSILE WEAPON DAMAGE KILL DAMAGE WIDTH + POWER -1 SHOCK DAMAGE WIDTH + POWER -3


fired up to three attacks in a round at no penalty. The only downside is that you cannot Aim or take Called Shots when taking these multiple attacks and you must announce the number of shots you will take. If you take enough shots, every set you generate is a hit. Any shots you take that dont score sets are wasted bullets. Automatic weapons have the most choice. An Automatic Weapon can be fired as a SemiAutomatic weapon (as above) if switched to Three Round Burst mode. The weapon can also be fired as a Single Action weapon if set to Single Shot mode (see above). Full Auto mode is where it gets interesting. A character firing on Full Auto mode can use Burst Fire or Suppressive Fire. The former is where a character attempts to put as many bullets into a person as possible and the latter is when a character puts as many bullets into an area. Burst Fire is used to try and really kill someone. Suppressive Fire is all about trying to control your opponents with the threat of lots of bullets being fired at them. When using either attack form, you cannot Aim nor make Called Shots.

When making a Suppressive Fire attack, you roll a dice pool of 2d plus the weapons Spray Rating. Everyone caught in the hail of bullets either has a choice of diving for cover or facing the deluge. Diving For Cover (see below) is the gut instinct for most people and choosing the alternative requires a Psyche plus Focus roll with a difficulty of the Spray Rating. Anyone unable (or unwilling) to get into cover must roll 1 die or the Width of any resulting set, whichever is higher.
SPRAY RATING ROUNDS SPRAY PER RATING MINUTE 300 RPM 400 RPM 500 RPM 600 RPM 700 RPM 800 RPM 900 RPM 1000 RPM 1200 RPM 1500 RPM 1D 2D 2D 3D 3D 4D 4D 5D 5D 6D

If any of the defending dice match any of the attacking dice, they combine to form a set yielding damage. E.g. A character lays down Suppressive Fire with his M16. He rolls 2d plus a Spray Rating of 4d, scoring 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 8. Several people dive for cover but one unfortunate soul is out in the open. The victim rolls 2 dice (which is the higher of 1 or any set rolled) which come up 1 and 5. Unlucky! He adds his 1 to the attackers 1 to create a 2x1 attack and adds his 5 to his opponents 2x5 to create 3x5! If none of the defending dice match the attacking dice, the defender got lucky! Using Suppressive ammunition. Fire uses half your

Every Automatic weapon has a Spray Rating which is a measure of the speed the weapon unloads its ammunition. The higher the Spray Rating, the quicker the firing rate (see the accompanying chart). When making a Burst Fire attack, add the weapons Spray Rating to your dice pool. You cannot fire more than one such attack a round against a single target but you can attack additional targets at no penalty. Just reduce your Spray Rating by 1 for each metre between your targets.


COMBAT OPTION 21 - AMMUNITION Here is an elegant alternative method of determining how much ammo is expended if you want to reward higher skilled gunfighters. When a character makes a ballistic attack that isnt Single Action, they automatically use waste a number of shots trying to hit their target equal to their lowest Waste Die. This is then modified further by the attack mode. ATTACK MODE SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIRE

Dive For Cover action, roll Coordination + Dodge as counter dice. You lose 1 die for each metre you must move to get into cover. When actually in cover, only your visible body parts are vulnerable to fire: if an attack strikes a location that is in cover the attack is nullified. Obviously, this makes Called Shots a bit more important in a gun fight! Cover comes in various types and thereby determines the areas it covers. The following guide can help you demonstrate how cover works. Below Cowboy Bob models the grey block which, in the following examples, is the cover itself (this is made from special Featureless Grey Block, an indestructible substance only found in early computer games).




If you are lucky enough to get no Waste Die, you expend 1 bullet. E.g. A character fires a Burst from his MAC-10. He rolls his dice pool of 5d plus his Spray Rating of, say, 3d. He scores 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8 and 10. He takes the 2x6 for his attack. He then takes his lowest waste die (the 3) adds his Spray Rating of 3 (3 + 3 for a total of 6) and crosses off 6 bullets. DODGED A BULLET Average Joes and Janes cannot dodge or parry ballistic weapons (although you might allow characters to dodge projectile weapons). You can, however, Dive For Cover. Faster Than A Speeding Bullet For some games, characters are just that fast. Consequently, if your character has a Coordination of 6 or higher, you can make like Neo and dodge bullets. 25% Cover Right

Cover is any scenery that you can put between your attacker and yourself. Any attacks coming for you should be stopped by the cart, wall or whatever youve interposed between yourself and the gun. Diving For Cover is where a character moves behind cover to avoid being hit. When taking a 25% Cover Left


50% Cover Right

60% Cover Right

50% Cover Left

60% Cover Left

50% Total Cover

60% Total




Light Cover is anything which roughly covers about 25% of the body (a fence). Medium Cover is anything which roughly covers about 50% of the body (a tree). Heavy Cover is anything which roughly covers about 75% of the body (a rock). If you want to shoot a character somewhere specific when they are in cover (like the head or the arm) or they have 100% of their body in cover, they are considered in Complete Cover. It is Difficulty 8 to hit someone in Complete Cover and even if you are successful, the character receives a bonus Armour Rating determined by the material they are hiding behind. COVER HARDNESS 1 WOODEN DOOR 2 WOODEN WALL

75% Cover Left



THE POWER OF A GUN Like all other weapons, firearms have a Power Rating. This measures the calibre and resulting stopping power of the weapon. 75% Cover Right COMBAT OPTION 22 COVER (ARMOUR & DIFFICULTY REMIX) If you arent using Hit Locations, youll need to use an alternative system for Cover. Characters in Cover really have two states: Hunkering Down or Fighting Back. The former is a character who is doing their best to just hide behind a wall or rock and not got hurt. The latter is self-explanatory. Attacking a character who is Hunkering Down gives you a Difficulty to hit a person determined by the quality of cover they are hiding behind. You can determine the damage of a ballistic weapon using the following table. DAMAGE TYPE


Unlike Close Combat Weapons, Power isnt a measure of weight but does determine Recoil (or how much your weapon jumps due to the amount kinetic feedback from detonating miniature explosions). In game terms, a firearm yields Recoil equal to its Power. You can use a firearm with Recoil up to your Body statistic without penalty. For each point of Recoil above your Body statistic, you lose 1 die from your attack.


If it is more than 2 points above your Body, you take 1 Shock damage to your primary limb every time you fire! Making Semi-Automatic/Three Round Burst attacks adds 1 to the Recoil for that Combat Round (not one for each attack). Making a Burst attack adds 2 to the Recoil for that Combat Round.
CALIBRE .22 .38 9MM .30 RIFLE .40 10MM .762 SOVIET .44 .45 12 GAUGE 5.56 10 GAUGE .50 7.62 .50 BMG POWER 1 2 3 4 5

BASE BALLISTIC WEAPON RANGES WEAPON TYPE SHORT RANGE PISTOL 20M + POWER X5M SUBMACHINE GUN 20M + POWER X5M ASSAULT RIFLE 50M + POWER X15M RIFLE 250M + POWER X150M SHOTGUN POWER X5M COMBAT OPTION 23 - BALLISTIC PENETRATION If you want to use PEN with your firearms, divide the Power of the Ballistic Weapon by 2 and round up. E.g. 5.56 Rifle ammunition has Power 3. Power / 2 = 1.5. This is rounded up to 2. 5.56 Rifle ammunition has PEN 2, DMG W+3K and W+1S. E.g. A character has a Power 3 Pistol. The Short Range is 20 + 3 x 5 = 35m. The Medium Range is 35m x 2 = 70m. The Long Range is 35m x 4 = 140m.

The following chart shows you how to determine Short Range. To determine Medium Range, use Short Range x2 and to determine Long Rang, use Short Range x4 EXAMPLE FIREARMS NAME .44 MAGNUM .38 SPECIAL UZI 9MM



POWER 3 1 1 5 3

DAMAGE KILL SHOCK W+2 W+1 W+0 W+0 W+0 W+0 W+4 W+2 W+2 W+0

SHORT RANGE 35M 25M 25M 1000M 95M

PEN 2 1 1 3 2

*Single Action Weapon **Semi-Automatic Weapon ***Fully Automatic Weapon COMBAT OPTION 24 - POWERLESS Power was implemented because weapons have different weights and kickback. The only practical difference between a pistol and a machinegun is that the latter fires more bullets than the former. However, if machineguns werent without their disadvantages, even Grandma Maniac would use them! But as it is, automatic weapons and other BFGs pack a lot of recoil when youre firing those babies. Also consider that the only difference between a two handed sword and its one handed counterpart is that the former is a whole lot bigger and weighs a whole lot more. Power reflects this. But if you dont want your game to worry about such considerations as the bulk, weight and recoil of firearms and the like, then simply dont use Power! Statistics for weapons not utilising Power will be given in the appendix.


AREA EFFECT When an attack affects an area, such as a fireball or grenade, then it has an Area Rating. Every combat round a character is caught within the Area of Effect, he or she rolls a number of dice equal to the Area Rating and applies 1 point of damage to every hit location that comes up. E.g. A concussive grenade goes off and hits a character full on. It has an Area Rating of 3 (Shock Damage). The character rolls 3 dice and scores 1, 3 and 4. He takes 1 Shock to location 1 (Left Leg), 1 Shock to location 3 (left arm) and location 4 (also the left arm). Area Damage ignores any armour the character might have. COMBAT OPTION 25 - AREA DAMAGE, NON-HIT LOCATION STYLE If you arent using Hit Locations, use the following rules for Area Damage. The character making the area attack rolls their attack roll as normal. Every character caught in the Area of Effect rolls a dice pool of the attackers Width + Area Rating. If the character does not score a set, just use Area Rating. Every die which rolls less than the attackers Height deals 1 damage. E.g. A character throws a grenade at victim 1 (Area Rating 4). She scores 3x6 on her attack roll. Victim 1 rolls 4 dice plus the Width for a total of 7 dice and scores 1, 2, 5, 5, 8, 9 and 9. Victim 1 takes 1 damage for each die under 6, which is 4. CONTINUOUS DAMAGE Any source of damage which is lasting beyond the initial attack, such as fire, acid and the like, is called Continuous Damage (because it continues, easy, see!). Continuous Damage deals its damage as normal but every subsequent round, the

character takes 1 Shock to each location save the head until the source of the damage is remedied (the fire is put out, the acid is washed off etc). COMBAT OPTION 26 - CONTINUOUS DAMAGE, NON-HIT LOCATION STYLE Like Area Damage, if you arent using Hit Locations, we have to use slightly different rules. The initial attack deals damage as normal. Then the character takes 1 Shock damage every round per Width of the attack until remedied. E.g. A flamethrower perhaps does Width + 2. The attacker rolls 3x5. The victim takes 5 damage (W+2) and then takes a further 3 Shock every round. IMPACT DAMAGE If you get smashed into or smash into something, you take impact damage. Impact damage is entirely based upon the velocity of the smash, whether it be you falling from a great height or being run over by a truck. Whether it is Shock damage or Killing damage depends entirely on what you are smashed into or by: something soft (dirt, hay, buckled in) is Shock, something hard (a brick wall, a plastic dashboard, packed earth) and it is Killing. Any damage from an impact affects all hit locations. HEIGHT/SPEED 1M / 3 KPH 2M / 6 KPH 3M / 12 KPH 4-10M / 24 KPH 11-36M / 48 KPH 37-72M / 96 KPH 72M+/192 KPH 384 KPH 768 KPH 1,536 KPH DAMAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Nb. A fall from a Height greater than 72m reaches Terminal Velocity. Under normal conditions, a person cannot reach a faster fall speed than Terminal Velocity.


Damage from impacts ignore armour: very few armours are designed to protect from being run over by a truck. OFF-HAND If you use an object in your off-hand, you receive a -2d penalty to your dice pool. If you use an object in your primary hand and your offhand, you receive -3d! TWINNED SETS Some special abilities and feats Twin an attack or set. This means that when the character performs a certain action (as determined by the ability) they perform the action twice: first with the appropriate set and then a second action, using the same set as the previous action. E.g. A character has an ability which allows them to twin a build action. They roll and score 3x5 to make a neutron grenade. The twinning of this action generates a second build action at 3x5, thereby creating two neutron grenades. TWO WEAPON COMBAT Some players will want to pick up two swords or two guns (or two somethings) and run around making like a John Woo hero. Thats fine for TV, films and most roleplaying games but reality is not that forgiving. However, its too cool not to include such rules and so, a little artistic license is required. When using two Close Combat weapons, the experts say that only when your opponent is less skilled than you, can you really use two weapons to your advantage. To reflect this, when a character is wielding two closed combat weapons, if their appropriate skill is higher than their opponents skill (or Threat Rating if facing a Mook, see below), they twin their resulting attack set against the same opponent.

E.g. A character is wielding two sai and has her skill at 3. She is facing off against a character who has a naginata and a skill of 2. The second character twins her attack set. Her sai dice pool is 7. Because she is using a weapoin in her Off Hand, she receives -2d. Because she is using a weapon in both hands, she receives an additional -1d, reducing the dice pool to 4d. She rolls and luckily scores 4x2. This is twinned to two attacks of 4x2 and 4x2. When using two Ranged Combat weapons, you immediately twin any resulting attack set for two attacks, irrespective of your opponents skills. Again, this must be against the same target. The downside to using two weapons is a -1d penalty to your attack pool, regardless of whether it is ranged or close combat. You also incur the Off Hand Penalty for another -2d. That means you get -3d to your dice pool if you insist on trying to be clever. Of course, there are some feats which overcome this and, if your GM allows them, you can pretend to be in a John Woo movie to your hearts content. COMBAT ACTIONS There are several basic combat actions. AIM ATTACK CALLED SHOT CHARGE DISARM DODGE DISPLAY MOVE DRAW FEINT GRAPPLE HOLD PARRY PUSH RUN STAND STRANGLE TACKLE THREATEN TRIP WAIT


Aim: you take time to prepare your ranged attack. Add 1d to your next Ranged Combat Attack. You may only take two consecutive Aim actions. Attack: you hit someone with your fist, cut them with a blade or shoot them with a pistol. If it is a Close Combat Attack, use Body + Close Combat or Coordination + Weapon Skill. If it is Ranged Combat, use Sense + Ranged Combat or Coordination + Weapon Skill. Called Shot: a character attempts to hit someone in a specific location. Roll your you attack at -1d and set one die to a number equivalent to a location (5 would be called against for the right arm). If any dice come up with that number, you have a set aiming for that location! Charge: a character moves some distance and then whacks someone with an attack. Make a Body + Athletics roll (when Running) or Body + Ride (if Riding). The charging bit and the whacking someone bit are two separate actions. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: add 1 Shock. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: add 2 Shock and 1 Kill. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: add 3 Shock and 2 Kill. Dodge: counters an Attack. If this is Ranged Combat, you must Dive For Cover (as described above). Disarm: you attempt to rip someones weapon out of their hand. Make a Called Shot against the arm holding the weapon. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: the attack does no damage but the weapon is knocked X metres, where X is the Width of the attack. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, except the victim takes 1 Shock to the appropriate hand. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, save the opponent takes 2 Shock and if you have a free hand, the weapons yours if you want it. Display Move: a character performs an impressive manoeuvre before combat begins:

perhaps the character rips his opponents weapon from their hands and puts it to their throat or perform a complex kata. This Display Move does no damage and you roll your appropriate attack skill (or Body + Control if youre just showing off your physique). Score a set and you gain a 1d bonus (or offset a -1d penalty) for your first attack against anyone who say your posing. Draw: a weapon is no good holstered (or lying several feet away from you). You take a Draw action to ready it from its holster or pick it up from the floor. This requires no roll but if you use it in the same round, this requires a multiple action. Feint: you convince your opponent you are about to perform one kind of attack but do something completely different. Every time you Feint against an opponent, you gain a 1d bonus to your next attack. You can only gain a 2d bonus from Feinting. Grapple: a character grabs someone and holds them still. Roll Body + Close Combat or Coordination + Wrestling. You can either take them down (pinning them to the floor) or pin them against a wall at no penalty, however, if you want to remain standing, you lose a die. This roll is countered by a Body + Close Combat or Coordination + Wrestling, whichever the resisting party has. If the grappler wins the roll, both characters are immobile until either they release the grapplee or they escape. You must be Close-In to grapple someone. Hold: a character grabs another characters limb to stop them from doing something they might regret. Roll Body + Close Combat or Coordination + Wrestling. You may use any resulting success as counter dice. You must be Close-In to hold someone. Parry: counters a Close Combat Attack. Roll Body + Close Combat or Body + Weapon Skill. You gain a 1d bonus if your opponent has a lower Reach.


Push: one character pushes another character. You must be Close-In to push someone. Roll Body + Close Combat or Coordination + Wrestling. You move them 1m per resulting Width. Obviously, this means neither of you are now Close-In. If someone performs a Trip or Slam action against you while you are making a Push action, they gain 1d. If anyone makes a Trip or Slam action against a character who has been Pushed, they receive a 1d bonus to their roll. Run: every character can move 5m per round without making a roll. A character can then roll Body + Athletics adding 2m x Width. Stand: a character who is Downed has to stand up. This requires an action. Or, you can perform a Coordination + Athletics test to perform a kip up and get to your feet as part of a multiple action. Strangle: you decide to choke someone to death. You must have someone in a Grapple to use this action. Take a Called Shot to the Head and roll the appropriate attack. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you do 2 Shock to the head. Next round you automatically do 2x10 if your victim doesnt break free. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, except 3 Shock and 3x10 the next round. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, except 4 Shock and 4x10 the next round. Tackle: you slam into someone and attempt to take them down. Roll Body + Close Combat or Coordination + Wrestling at a -1d penalty. You do W + 0 Shock damage in addition to both you of you being Downed. Threaten: a character makes a vicious threat before combat. Roll Command + Manipulate and use the Width as a Morale Attack.

Trip: a character attempts to flip someone to the downed position. Roll your appropriate attack at Difficulty 2. You add 1d if your opponent is performing (or subject to) a Push or Tackle action. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: the victim loses a die from a set and receives -1d next round. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but the victim is also downed. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but the victim also takes 1 Shock to each arm (or just 2 Shock). Wait: a character holds their action until someone else has acted. Declare your action as normal, however, when your Speed comes up, you choose to wait. You may then time your set to act at the Speed as any other lower set. If you wait and no one acts, you lose your action. MOOKS Sometimes, as a Games Master, youll want to put in some throwaway characters for a bit of a scrap as a minor challenge or to add a bit of excitement. They might be the Masterminds henchmen, the Daimyos soldiers or the Dons gangsters. This is when youll want to use the Mook rules. Mooks (also known as Unworthy Opponents in REIGN and Minions in WILD TALENTS) are unnamed characters whose sole purpose is to provide a bit of action for the players without slowing the game down. Mooks dont have statistics like player characters or the Game Masters characters but instead have a Threat Rating. This Threat Rating is an abstract measure of a mooks dangerousness and is generally rated from 1 to 5.





Each mook that can make an attack adds its Threat Rating to a Mook Dice Pool. This dice pool could be any number and you may expressly roll up to 15 dice. If you have more than 15, ignore the excess for now. E.g. A character faces off against a group of 7 armed street punks, each one Threat Rating 2. They have a Mook Dice Pool of 14. Just to reiterate an important point; ONLY MOOKS THAT CAN ACTUALLY MAKE AN

Games Masters, if you want to make your Mooks more dangerous, you can give them Armour (making them harder to take out) and better Weapons (increasing their damage to W + 2 or higher!). Game Masters should try to limit the Width of the sets generated by Mooks to their Threat Rating, breaking up any sets which are too wide into smaller sets. So a group of 5 critters at Threat Rating 2 should only really be netting sets at a Width of 2. Mooks are obviously going to get killed/taken down quickly. Ultimately, thats what they are there for. When players hit a mook, they deal damage as normal with each point of Kill or Shock reducing that mooks Threat Rating. When the Threat Rating reaches 0, the mook is Out and no longer contributes to the dice pool. Thats where the damage stops, however: one attack can only take out one mook in this fashion. When a Mook is taken out, this reduces the overall Mook Dice Pool. If this Dice Pool is higher than 15, then the number of dice rolled doesnt change. The Mook Dice Pool has to be reduced below 15 before it starts affecting how many dice are rolled.

This is relevant because if there are more mooks than space to attack the player character(s), they cannot contribute to the dice pool. So if clever players can reduce the number of mooks who have an attack opportunity, by use of some terrain for example, they can limit the amount of dice rolled against them. When making an attack, you roll your Mook Dice Pool which represents the whole group making attacks at the player character(s). Any sets generated do their Width in Kill and Shock.


E.g. A group of 30 normal men and women have been incited to riot. They are Threat Rating 1 each which creates a Mook Dice Pool of 30. They roll 15d in combat. Every time a mook is taken out, this reduces the Dice Pool by the Threat Rating of 1. So 16 mooks have to be taken out before they roll less than 15d. COMBAT OPTION 27 - SIMPLIFIED MOOKS The above rules can require a little bit of bookkeeping. If youd rather Mooks were easier to keep track of, use these rules. A Mook contributes its full Threat Rating to the dice pool until it is taken out. A Mook is only taken out when a player rolls an attack which has a Width or Height equal to or greater than its Threat Rating in one strike. E.g. A character is facing a team of 5 highly trained, highly armoured soldiers at Threat Rating 5 for a Dice Pool of 25. He fires a burst from his SMG and scores 3x4. A hit but that Mook is pretty dangerous and isnt taken out. His next attack is 2x6. His Height beats the Mooks Threat Rating, thereby taking the soldier out. They now have a Dice Pool of 20. MORALE/FEAR ATTACKS A Morale Attack is a situation or event that occurs which incites fear and/or doubt in a characters mind. Against Mooks, this incredibly advantageous. A Morale Attack comes in the form of Height and Width. If the Width (or Height, if using Combat Option 25, above) of the Morale Attack is equal to or higher than the Mooks Threat Rating, that mook decides that enough is enough and runs away. A number of Mooks equal to Morale Attacks Width are affected. E.g. A character makes a particularly devastating strike and cuts a Mook in half. This incites a 4x5 Morale Attack against the remaining 10 Threat Rating 2 Mooks.

The Width is higher than the Mooks Threat Rating and so a number of Mooks equal to the Width of the Attack (4) run off. When a player character is subject to a Morale Attack, they roll a dice pool of Psyche + Focus as Counter Dice. If the Morale Attack is reduced to zero, that character is fine and receives no effects. If it is 1 or more, the subject receives 1d penalty per point of Morale Attack. E.g. A character is subject to a Morale Attack of 5. He rolls Command + Focus and scores Width 3, reducing the Morale Attack to 2. He receives a -2d penalty to his dice pool. Morale Attacks lose their effectiveness at 1 point per round. E.g. A successful morale attack 5 becomes 4 on the next round, 3 on the round after and so on. DRAMA POINTS Some games allow you to use Drama Points. These are special points that represent heroic or larger than life characters that can perform amazing stunts in awkward circumstances. You may spend 1 or more Drama Points for the following effects. You may only use each effect once per roll but may use more than different effect.
















Once youve used a Drama Point, it is gone forever but your Games Master should award you Drama Points for heroic (or extremely cool) actions. RULES OPTION - EDITING You may have noticed the effects of Inspired and Editing are a bit more nebulous. These two options are powerful inclusions are done so for specific reasons. Inspired helps a game move on when players are stumped about what to do. As a Games Master, you can sometimes throw puzzles and situations in that seem clear to you but the players are either being dumb or genuinely cannot see what youve put in front of them for what it is. In this instance, someone can spend a drama point and you can give them a hint or insight that will move things on. In this way, player(s) dont have to feel like they are being stupid. Editing is a bit more complicated. This is an option that might arise if the players decide they want the game to go in a different direction. This power is used to instigate any course of events or situation that could not be created through the actions of a player. It is a direct way for a player to control the game. It is a powerful tool for a player to have and it should be employed with the caveat that the GM has final say over any changes. However, when used correctly, this power can really help a game feel like cooperative storytelling. Only use Editing if you have experienced players and trust your group. And before you even let them loose with this option, explain that this isnt a Get out of Jail card nor does it allow

players to fix bad rolls or bad roleplaying (there are other, cheaper ways of doing that). One last thing: if you GMs veto someones suggestion, work with them to change it into something that will work in your game. Dont just put the kibosh on their suggestion, as that is equally harmful to your GM-player relationship. Only say No if an alternative cannot be reached. VEHICLES At some point, a character is going to want to actually drive a car or, more likely, drive a car into a helicopter a la everyones favourite Police Officer. The more advanced the technology in your game, the more weird and wonderful vehicles get. However, they all utilise the same basic guidelines (unless youre talking about some weird inter-dimensional space raisin): a vehicle has an Engine to move it and a Cockpit to hold the pilot. Everything else is just variation on a theme. Vehicles have statistics which measure their physical reality, rated from 1 to 5, just like regular people do. HANDLING SPEED Handling is the vehicles agility and manoeuvrability. This affects how easy it is pilot (and not crash). Size is the actual physical size of the vehicle. Speed is how fast the vehicle travels. SIZE


Size is the most important aspect to define as it has the most physical impact upon your game universe. Conversely, Handling and Speed are more abstract values. The first chart shows the abstract scale. The second chart is a rough approximation. Size Rating 6 is included for comparison but it will be rare (if ever) you utilise this rating. SIZE RATING 1 2 3 4 5 SIZE RATING 1 2 3 4 5 6 DESCRIPTION


There are six Speed Modes and each is rated from to 1 to 5. Rating 6 is the current speed record (or fantastical best) and included for comparison. The Categories are; SEA LAND AIR RELATIVISTIC SPACE STELLAR


Each describes a different mode of travel (it is self explanatory which type is which). SEA TRAVEL SPEED RATING APPROXIMATE VALUE 1 15 KM/H 2 50 KM/H 3 100 KM/H 4 150 KM/H 5 200 KM/H 6 500 KM/H LAND TRAVEL SPEED RATING APPROXIMATE VALUE 1 25 KM/H 2 100 KM/H 3 200 KM/H 4 300 KM/H 5 400 KM/H 6 1,250 KM/H AIR TRAVEL SPEED RATING APPROXIMATE VALUE 1 100 KM/H 2 250 KM/H 3 1,000 KM/H 4 1,500 KM/H 5 2,250 KM/H 6 3,500 KM/H For determining Relativistic Speeds in space where acceleration is important (especially important when talking about space combat), you can use the following chart. For your information, approximately 9.75 m/s2. 1G of thrust is

Vehicles of Size Rating 1 and 2 are classed as Manoeuvrable. EXAMPLE VEHICLES SIZE RATING DESCRIPTION ESCAPE POD,


You will note that most starships would use the Space Travel chart instead for interspacial movement. RELATIVISTIC SPACE TRAVEL SPEED APPROXIMATE RATING ACCELERATION 1 01 - 05GS 2 05 - 10GS 3 11 - 14GS 4 15 - 19GS 5 20+ GS For comparison purposes, a Babylon 5 Starfury has an approximate acceleration of 10Gs, an XWing fighter of 12Gs, the A-Wing, TIE Advanced and TIE Interceptor all even out about 14. The Colonial Viper is anywhere from 20 to 30Gs! The following might need some explanation. C is the Speed of Light. Relativistic is best described as a normal speed that can be measured in metres per second without breaking your calculator (or brain). All combat is undertaken at Relativistic Speeds. Any speed which is a percentage of C is approaching superluminal speed and should only be used as a reference point. Just as a reminder, the Speed of Light is approximately 300,000 km per second (thats 1,080,000,000 km/h). And as a benchmark, any of our current space vessels (like the Shuttle or Apollo rocket) all travel at relativistic speeds. A ship travelling at 25% C (a paltry 270,000,000 km per hour) would take approximately 32 minutes to travel from the Earth to the Sun. This is the best speed the Impulse Drives from the various Star Trek series can manage (apparently). A journey which would take us years, at our current technological level.

SPACE TRAVEL SPEED RATING APPROXIMATE VALUE 1 RELATIVISTIC 2 10% C 3 25% C 4 50% C 5 75% C 6 100% C The following Interstellar Travel chart also needs some explanation. Warp Speed is the interstellar travel used in the various Star Trek tv series. In comparison to other sci-fi shows, it is relatively slow. Warp Speed is the bending of space to reach superluminal speeds. Hyper Drive (and Hyper Space) is a form of interstellar travel employed by lots of science fiction novels and tv shows. It involves the shunting of a vessel out of this reality and into a dimension where normal physics dont apply. This has been show to have different efficiency in each show and this has led to being defined as Hyper Drive I to III. Hyper Drive I is shown in Babylon 5, Hyper Drive II appears in the various Stargate tv series (where it will only take a number of weeks to travel hundreds of Light Years) and Hyper Drive III is portrayed in the various Star Wars movies (where it can take just a few hours to cross the galaxy). Jump Drive is a limited form of Space Fold where a ship effectively contravenes space/time by teleporting from one spot to another. Jump Drive allows vast distances to be travelled in a single jump, however, multiple jumps might be required to travel the same interstellar distance as perhaps Hyper Drive II or III. Jump Drive appears in the recent Battlestar Galactica tv series and also in some of Peter F. Hamiltons novels. Space Fold is the literal traversing of space from one point to another point without crossing the physical space in between. That is, travelling anywhere in the universe without moving. You cant really get faster than that. The best example of Space Fold is in the Dune movie (and sort of in the Dune novels).


INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL SPEED RATING APPROXIMATE VALUE 1 WARP SPEED 2 HYPER DRIVE 3 HYPER DRIVE II 4 HYPER DRIVE III 5 JUMP DRIVE 6 SPACE FOLD A vehicle can have ratings in all five Speed Modes, depending on its role (a starfighter that has its own on-board hyperdrive and atmospheric engines for instance) or one or two or any combination. The approximate values above dont really mean that much when taken in comparison with one another and are only there as a rough guideline for interest more than anything. The key point to take away from the Speed statistic is that it is a measure of comparable speeds within that class. You really cant compare, say, travelling 25% the Speed of Light to a really fast jet: the orders of magnitude are just so disparate that it would be a pointless exercise. If you do any amount of research of the various science fiction vehicles, youll note that they are portrayed as having fantastical levels of acceleration and that the speeds they must travel during combat are just plain old impossible! So when you look at the Speed Rating, all you need to know is that Speed 1 is slower than Speed 3 which is slower than Speed 5 and so on. You can also use the Speed Mode if you need another qualifier. Each is given a Rating: the higher the rating, the master that mode is. SPEED MODE RATING 1 2 3 4 5 SPEED MODE

determine that the Land Speed Mode always trumps the Sea Mode. Although this comparison, again, might seem completely useless (and it mostly is, it is just included for completeness), there has been at least one movie with an interstellar car and an anim featuring an actual sea-borne battleship that also went into space. So dont say that there wont ever be a call for it Handling measures a vehicles response to the pilot, thereby determining its agility and manoeuvrability. If a vehicles Speed goes above its Handling, the pilot increases their Difficulty by 2 for each point over. E.g. A sports car has a Land Speed Rating of 4 and a Handling Rating of 2. If the driver increases speed to 3, he is now at Difficulty 2. If he then increases it to 4, he is at Difficulty 4!! Vehicles also have some subsidiary statistics. ARMOUR CARGO CREW FIREPOWER PASSENGERS SENSORS

Armour describes how much plating or shielding the vehicle has. This works exactly like Armour Rating as described earlier in this section. Cargo describes how much space there is for goods and other materials. This is described in terms of physical space and also mass tolerance. Crew is the number of people required to pilot the vehicle. Firepower is the vehicles integral-mounted weapons. Passengers is the number of people the vehicle can seat in relative comfort. Some vehicles may have also have Cabins. These are places for passengers to live in while aboard. Sensors measures the vehicles sensory information rating. This could be Sonar or Radar

Using the above chart, if for some reason you need to compare one vehicles sea speed against anothers land speed, you can


but might be something much more impressive in higher technology games. A vehicle also has a number of Systems required to make it move and perform all the jobs it would normally do. Consult the examples. SYSTEM

from the Undamaged level now puts the chopper at Blasted. A Blasted vehicle loses 1 die from all its rolls. A Crippled vehicle loses 2 dice from all its rolls.




for A vehicle which has all its crippled boxes crossed off is destroyed.


Whenever 1 or more boxes are crossed off, the vehicle takes Critical Damage. So every time a vehicle takes a hit which does damage, it loses some extra faculty of functionality. Which system is hit is determined by the Height of the attack roll. Each vehicle will have a System Map which determines which system is damaged by a roll. Following is a typical System Map. Not all vehicles will have the same. GMs, its up to you to put together the System Maps. There arent many rules to follow but try to be logical. The only important things to remember are that the more vital a system, the higher the number to hit it. HEIGHT 10 9 8 7 5-6 3-4 1-2 SYSTEM COCKPIT/BRIDGE CO-PILOT/DECK CREW ENGINE FUEL SENSORS WEAPONS CARGO/PASSENGERS

Each system represents something integrated into the vehicle itself. Whenever the vehicle takes shock damage, one of these systems might get knocked out. Vehicles take Structural Damage which is recorded on a Structure Track: every time the vessel takes a point of damage, mark a box off the Structure Track. Vehicles have a Structural Damage Level which measures its current level of relative health. These levels are Undamaged, Blasted and Crippled. Each such level has a Structural Track which has a number of boxes equal to the vehicles Size Rating. E.g. A size 2 helicopter: each of its Structural Damage Levels has a Structure Track of 2 boxes. When all the boxes are filled in on a Structure Track, the vehicle is now at the next Structure Level and any further damage is applied to the appropriate track. E.g. Our helicopter above is Undamaged. It takes 2 damage. Crossing off 2 boxes

Each system can take two hits in total. The first hit merely damages it, applying a -1d penalty when using this system. The second destroys the system. Of course, this can be disastrous if its a critical system like Life Support or Cockpit or Engines VEHICLE WEAPONS Nearly all weapons to be used by or against vehicles are incredibly destructive. So much so that use against normal people is considered overkill (instant death). Against vehicles, its really a measure of how accurately you strike your target: a direct hit


from any vehicle weapon is pretty much going to take that vehicle out. To reflect this, were not even going to bother with individual weapon damages. All vehicle weapons do damage based on the Width rolled. WIDTH 1 2 3 4 DAMAGE 1 2 4 6

BVR and VR will be different for different kinds of engagement: the VR of an aerial dogfight is very different to that of two battleships. VEHICULAR COMBAT Vehicle Combat is not very different from person to person combat, only some of the terms have changed. You still follow the same standard steps: 1. INITIALISATION: Decide who is doing what and to whom. 2. DETERMINATION: Find out how everyone did and how quickly. 3. RESOLUTION: Apply the results to combatants. Only the rolls are slightly different. STEP ONE - INITIALISATION Here you are determining Position, not initiative. Your Position in a dogfight really determines everything: what you can see, what you can shoot at and what can shoot at you. Position is measured by a roll and the set generated by that roll. The wider the roll, the better the position. It is important to note in vehicle engagements that Manoeuvrable vehicles cannot be attacked if it has a superior position. That needs spelling out.

What truly separates vehicle weapons from one another are stats: Penetration Rating and Effective Range Rating. The bigger and nastier the weapon is, the higher the Penetration and the further away you can shoot them, the higher the Effective Range Rating. Penetration works exactly like normal Penetration (reduce the Armour Rating by Penetration Rating). Effective Range is measured in terms of Visual Range or Beyond Visual Range (described below). VEHICLE WEAPON RANGES As has been intimated already, guns on vehicles tend to be big and explodey. Furthermore, the higher the tech level, the more likely youll be shooting at targets several kilometres away. Therefore, vehicle combat is performed at only three ranges: Escape Range (ER), Visual Range (VR) and Beyond Visual Range (BVR). Escape Range is essentially the nonengagement range outside BVR. If you are at Escape Range, either party can decide to break off an engagement and disappear into the clouds/traffic. Weapons therefore are either VR or BVR weapons. The former describes most rockets and ballistic weapons. The latter describes most torpedoes and missiles. VR weapons can only be fired at Visual Range. BVR weapons can fire at either range. However, you cant fire a BVR weapon without first getting a Lock-On (see below).

Maybe the vehicle is just too fast or your opponent is right behind you or has found a blind spot in your combat resolution. Whatever the reason is, your opponent has every advantage and your only recourse is to run off or jockey for a superior position. Manoeuvrable vehicles can always attack a nonmanoeuvrable vehicle, irrespective of position.


When rolling position, Manoeuvrable Vehicles roll Speed rating + Pilot skill. Non-Manoeuvrable Vehicles roll Sensor rating + Computer skill. Vehicle combatants declare their actions in order of Position width, from lowest to highest (Height breaks a tie). Actions then resolve from highest width to lowest. STEP TWO - DETERMINATION Everyone rolls their dice at the same time and resolves their actions in order of Speed, starting with the highest to the lowest. The rolls made are determined by the action and the nature of the vehicle: big Ships of the Line roll very different attacks to snub fighters. Following is a list of common actions pilots and drivers can take. This is far from non-exhaustive as players will inevitably create a situation a Games Master couldnt possibly account for. ATTACK BAIL OUT BRAKE CHASE ERRATIC MANOEUVRES ESCAPE EVASIVE MANOEUVRES HOVER JINK LAND LOCK-ON MANOEUVRE RAM SIDESWIPE SWERVE TAKE-OFF

Brake: the vehicle comes to a complete stop. Roll Handling plus Skill. You lose 1d for each point over Speed over the vehicles Handling. Chase: the pilot or driver is trying to catch up with someone or avoid losing them. Roll vehicle Speed plus Skill. If successful, decrease range by 1 (ER becomes BVR, BVR becomes VR). Countered by Escape. Erratic Manoeuvres: the pilot is making it difficult for someone to Lock-On or Attack. This does not take an action per se. The pilot takes a Difficulty from 1 up to their Pilot Skill. This difficulty applies to all their actions this turn but also affects anyone trying to hit them! Escape: if you are at VR or BVR, make a Speed plus Skill roll. If you are successful, you increase your range by one (so VR becomes BVR and BVR becomes ER). If at ER, the engagement is broken off, ending combat. Countered by Chase. Evasive Manoeuvres: this counters a Lock-On. ECM adds a die bonus to this roll (which in turn is reduced by ECCM). Hover: if the vehicle is capable of it, you may hover in place. Roll Handling plus Skill. Any actions performed from a hovering vehicle have their Width and Height limited to the Hover result (ignore any excess Width or Height). Jink: this counters an Air Attack or Space Attack. Land: a pilot lands an aircraft. Roll Handling plus Skill. It goes without saying that a Landing roll would only be required in adverse conditions. Lock-On: you attempt to lock-on a Fire and Forget weapon system. Roll Sensors + Gunnery. You lose 1d on your attack roll at BVR. Position: you attempt to get a better vector on your target. Roll Speed + Pilot or Sensors + Computer and the result is your new Position. Ram: the pilot drives her vehicle into something. Roll Handling plus Skill and add Size Rating and Speed Rating to damage. The ramming vehicle takes half the damage to the Fore Vector.

Attack: the pilot or co-pilot fires the vehicleintegrated direct weaponry (machineguns, miniguns, lasers etc). Pilots roll Handling rating + Gunnery. Co-Pilots roll Insight + Gunnery. Gunners roll Firepower rating + Gunnery. Bail Out: someone aboard the vehicle decides to get the heck out of dodge. A character can either do this manually (i.e. open a door and jump out) or using an ejection system. Performing a Bail Out manually requires a Coordination plus Athletics roll. An ejection system is an automatic 2x10 Bail Out action.


Sideswipe: swerves into another vehicle. Roll Handling plus Skill and add Size Rating to damage. The Sideswiping vehicle takes half damage to the opposing flank and knocks the victim 1m per Width in the sideswiping direction. Swerve: this counters Land or Sea Attack. Take-Off: the pilot launches his vehicle. Roll Handling + Skill. It goes without saying that a Take-Off roll would only be required in adverse conditions. G-FORCES When a Manoeuvrable vehicle performs a manoeuvre at Air Speed or Relativistic Speed, this subjects the passengers to G-Force. The G Force is equal to the vehicles current Speed. If this is higher than the characters Body, they receive a -1d penalty for each point in excess. If this is more than 2 points higher than the characters Body score, the character suffers a Red-Out (or Black-Out, the former is when blood rushes to the head and the latter is when blood is pulled away, in the middle of dogfighter, either is Bad News) and cannot take an action next round. FIGHTERS Fighters are manoeuvrable vehicles designed specifically for attack. They are small and fast and can carry enough weaponry to cause some damage to larger vessels but are generally far less survivable. As a general rule, Fighters that arent piloted by players can be treated like Mooks. Establish a Threat Level by taking 1 plus any further modifiers. Consult the chart below.

Heavy Armour 2d) while a Viper might be Threat Rating 3 (1 + Very Fast 2d). Sets generated by Fighters can either be used to either Attack or Defend. A fighter Attack can either be used against other Fighters or against Ships of the Line. A fighter Defend can be used to counter another Fighters set or against an opponents Lock-On. SHIPS OF THE LINE These are the big battleships, destroyers and aircraft carriers (or the science fiction analogues). They have a Firepower rating which measures their overall direct attack weapons (i.e. how many guns they have to shoot at people). They also have a number of Gunners to fire those weapons. All weapons contribute to the vessels Firepower rating and this rating can be assigned to different targets, one per Gunner. Attack rolls are assigned Firepower + Gunnery for firing a Ship of the Lines weapons. A gunner can also be assigned to any indirect weapons (missiles and torpedoes). They roll Sensors + Gunnery. E.g. A battleship has a Firepower rating of 6 and 4 gunners who all have Gunnery 3. It can either assign all its guns at one target (Firepower + Gunnery = 9). Or it can fire at multiple targets, splitting up its Firepower. It is important to note that every set generated by an attack from a Ship of the Line counts for damage! You do not have to take multiple actions! Ships of the Line can manoeuvre their hull to protect different parts of the ship from other Ships of the Line.

E.g. An X-Wing fighter might be Threat Rating 5 (1 + Fast 1d + Powerful Guns 1d +


In this fashion, a Ship of the Line can apply a -1 Height penalty to any attack from any other Ship of the Line attacks against it. However, this affects their own ability to attack back by reducing the number of guns which have a firing solution to their target. Accordingly, for every -1 Height imposed on an enemy vessel, any gunner on that Ship of the Line receives -1d to their attack roll. FIREPOWER 06 10 12 15 20 EXAMPLE

It has already been mentioned that if someone receives a direct hit from a vehicle weapon that they just die (not even a red smear is left in some cases!). However, a system hit to Crew or Pilot isnt the same thing: this is when either a hit to the vehicle causes an internal explosion or shrapnel or something that injures the people inside. Use the Width of the damaging attack as an Area Attack against the crew.



STEP THREE - RESOLUTION All actions are performed and results applied (and ships blown up!). If there are still combatants, battle continues. Note, you only roll for Position at the beginning of combat or if you take a Position action. DAMAGE TO CREW Some attacks will cause damage to the people who are driving the vehicle.



THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF Powers have been loosely described in the Character section. Now it is time to get to the nitty gritty. Power effects come in Power Sets. A Power Set is a group of effects with a common theme that fall under a particular advantage. Examples are Wizardry, Sorcery, Psychics and the like. To start buying Powers, a character must purchase the Arcane Apprentice advantage. This allows the character to purchase effects which all fall under that particular banner. This affords you some power balance between different types of Powers. For example, a game might feature spells of different kinds, some which were more powerful than others or where there were different styles of magic where one kind was not as limited as another. By requiring PCs to pay for the privilege of having the right to purchase Powers, you are also balancing things with those who cannot purchase Powers. The Arcane Apprentice advantage has been reprinted in this section for ease of reference. This will also allow us to explore it a bit more in depth.
ARCANE APPRENTICE Cost: 1 - 10 5 2 3 4 5 Medium (Prayers): You can call down holy blessings and deliver great boons. High (Esoteric): You can command great power. Great (Arcane): Yours is the greatest of power.

Limit Rating 0 You may only activate each of your effects once per game session. If you fail the roll for your effect, this still counts as an activation. Burn: You take physical damage from using your effects. Whenever you use an effect, any Waste Dice scoring lower than the level of the effect deal 1 Shock. You choose which boxes to cross off. Preparation: At the beginning of each day, you must load your powers in to slots. See the Dragon Reign expansion for more details on this type of Power. Mana: You receive Energy Points which you spend to use your effects. You gain 1 Energy Point per point of Power Statistic and it costs 3 points to raise this. Effects cost 1 Energy Point per level of the Effect. Materials: Using your effects requires that you take a drug, use herbs or other components. Every time you use an effect, it expends materials costing Effect Level x 20/$30. Unrestricted: You can use your powers without limit.

The cost of this advantage varies by the Power Rating of the power effects and the cost of the Limit of your power (how many times you can use each power per in-game day). Power Rating 0 1 2 You are without magic. Latent (Cantrips): Power effects are little more than card tricks. Lesser (Blessings): You can create food and minor effects.

Lets break down this Advantage. POWER RATING This is the inherent scope of the actual Power itself. Game Masters have to take a Power and decide how potent it is in terms of Latent, Lesser, Medium, High and Great. How easy this is to gauge depends on the Power you are interpreting. Below are some guidelines which might help.


Latent Powers have very limited effects. Things like creating a beam of light or levitating small or light objects. Even more complicated effects are still limited in their application. Effects are only likely to give you a single die bonus in a specific circumstance (a bonus to Athletics when jumping or climbing) or a higher bonus in very specific circumstances (a 2d bonus to your Perception when smelling during a full moon) or give you minor information (a type of object/material/thing is close by). Lesser Powers are generally more useful than powerful. Effects which boost your friends and allies abilities and effects which limit your opponents are more likely. Effects like telepathic projection and minor conjuration (a spring of water). Divination and other intelligence powers are more likely in Lesser Powers. Medium Powers are more impressive and can be quite flashy. Zones of darkness and/or light and flaring of bonfires: basically effects that would cause someone to be amazed but not overwhelmed and maybe even rationalised as trickery are medium. Things like becoming invisible or levitating yourself from the ground or healing a burn or producing fire from nowhere and even turning water to wine. High Powers can be downright scary. High effects cannot be reproduced by trickery. Transformations, trees growing in a matter of seconds, lightning repeatedly striking the same spot. Any effect which causes someone to stand and stare in wonder is a High Power. Best of luck to anyone trying to rationalise them. Examples are a stick becoming a snake, resurrection of a dead animal, limited teleportation (perhaps 50m) and bonfire blazing from nothing. Great Powers have to be seen to be believed. Conjuring a massive storm of meteors, slaying someone with but a word, lifting a tank with only your mind, any of these could be Great Effects. Anyone looking on would clearly be shocked at the sheer strength of the power.

Things like the parting of the waves, causing an earthquake, a wall of fire or levitating a house are all Great Effects. LIMITATION This determines how often or easily an effect can be utilised. The more points spent on limitation, the less of a limiting factor there is. The specifics of each limitation are explained in the Arcane Apprentice advantage above. POWER LEVEL






INHERENT POWERS VS DEVELOPED POWERS As discussed previously, Inherent Powers are those that a character was born or imbued with. They are always available and generally dont require any roll to activate. Mutant powers, vampiric powers and the like are all Inherent Powers. The major advantage to Inherent Powers is that you dont have to purchase a Power statistic or Power skill. If they require a skill test to measure their effectiveness or the characters skill at using the effect, the Game Master will choose an appropriate combination of statistic and skill.


E.g. An Inherent Power to mystically impress someone might roll Charm + Social. An Inherent Power has a cost of the level of the Power Effect plus the Limitation. E.g. A Lesser Inherent Power costs 2 plus the Limitation cost of 5 (no Limitation) = 7. You have to purchase the appropriate Power Level and Limitation every time you wish to purchase a new Inherent Power. Developed Powers are those that a character has to learn and train with. Spells are the most obvious kind of developed powers. While you must purchase an appropriate Power Statistic and Power Skill, you only have to purchase the appropriate Arcane Apprentice advantage once. Inherent Powers are less expensive to purchase for an individual power but you only receive that one power. Buying additional Inherent Powers requires a similar expenditure. Developed Powers have a more expensive initial cost, however, buying new effects is a lot cheaper, so it is possible to have a large array of effects or increase your repertoire for a relative small expenditure. INTENSITY When a character must activate a power effect, this may often require a dice roll. Usually, this is a dice pool of Power Statistic plus Power Skill. Each power effect has an Intensity rating (typically equal to the level of the power effect but this can be modified). This is the Difficulty of activating the effect. Furthermore, purchasing Power Effects costs x experience where x is the Intensity of the effect. RULES OPTION - MORE OR LESS INTENSE LEARNING Perhaps you are running a game where spells and other power effects are readily available or

maybe they are severely restricted. Or perhaps you are using another rule which has the levels of power effects running from 1 to 10 instead of 1 to 5. In this instance, the cost of the power effects can be manipulated. Readily Available Effects Uncommon Effects Restricted Effects XP cost x1 XP cost x2 XP cost x3

EXAMPLE INHERENT POWER PURCHASE E.g. Keeping with our vampire theme, a character wants to buy some classic supernatural abilities. They desire an ability to transform into mist at will, to summon people in their sleep and to hypnotise them, giving them simple instructions. Her GM decides that since the player wants all those abilities to be useful at the characters leisure, they all have the Unrestricted Limitation. Thats a base of 5 points each. The GM decides becoming mist at will is a High power (level 4). This costs 4. Add the unrestricted element and this becomes 9 points. The GM rules this effect doesnt require a skill roll to use. Summoning people in their sleep and Hypnosisthe GM decides both of these are Medium effects (3 points each). 3 + 5 = 8 points each. The GM decides both effects require a Command + Manipulate roll to use (both resisted by Psyche + Focus). For all three effects, it costs 9 + 8 + 8 = 25 points.


EXAMPLE DEVELOPED POWER PURCHASE E.g. Another character decides that they want to be a warlock. Such abilities include conjuring the elements, summoning and binding spirits to do his bidding and cursing enemies. The GM rates this as Great Power (4). The Warlock wants to be able to use these abilities at will, however, decides to limit them by using herbs and other materials to power the effects (a level 4 limitation). The Arcane Apprentice advantage costs 8 for this Warlock. The GM decides that the statistic is called Dark Power and that the Skill is called Evil Art. The Warlock purchases his Dark Power statistic on 3 (costing 5 points each) and Dark Power on 3 (1 point each). The subtotal is 18 points. The warlock then buys 3 effects. He cannot buy an effect at a level higher than his Power Statistic, so he buys a level 1 effect called Fire Dart (allowing him to launch a small bolt of flame at an opponent), a level 2 effect called Evil Eye (which gives an opponent a 1d penalty) and a level 3 effect called Lesser Spirit (which allows him to summon a small invisible spirit which can move objects around at his command). These cost 1 point per level

(so 1, 2 and 3 for a total of 6). The total cost of these is 8 + 18 + 6 = 32. He then later decides to buy a further level 1 and two level 2 spells. This costs 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 points. For a total of 37 points, the Warlock has 6 effects. Activating them requires a Dark Power + Evil Art roll (6d) and an expenditure of 20/$30 x level to use (a level 3 power effect would cost 60/$90 to use).


EXAMPLE POWER SETS TELEPATHY META-PSYCHIC The following Power Set deals with characters who have powerful mental abilities. Mind control, clairvoyance, psychometry and the like are all within the domain of the Meta-Psychic power set. There are five Aptitudes of powers within the Meta-Psychic power set. Each ability within an aptitude is called a Mode. These are described below. CLAIRESENTIENCE The ability to extend the mind beyond the body to sense surroundings and distant places. Capable of reading surroundings and interpreting psychic impressions, this special awareness allows all manner of mode, from locating objects to retrocognition. This allows you to purchase the Power Statistic: Psi. Each of the five Aptitudes requires an appropriate Power Skill and each such skill has its own Secret Feats. Characters who purchase the Arcane Apprentice Meta-Psychic advantage can also utilise Attunement. ATTUNEMENT Inherent to Psi is the capacity to sense strong sources of psychic energy as well as to perceive sudden, drastic changes in the flow of psi force. This sense is called Attunement. As his skill goes up, the range and clarity of his psionic awareness increases. The chart below indicates the range of your character's Attunement (which is a dice pool of your characters Psi statistic and the Focus skill). The Sensing Range is a radius centred on your character but doesn't require that he face in any particular direction. ATTUNEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SENSING RANGE 0 5m 20 m 75 m 750 m 15 km 100 km 1,000 km 50,000 km 100,000 km The Power of mind to mind communication, manipulation and domination. While all other aptitudes deal with the mind interacting with the world about them, this Power purely remains within the realm of the psychicand his subject.

It costs 6 points to buy the Arcane Apprentice: Meta-Psychic advantage (Power Level 5 and Limitation 1). For your information, that means that waste dice below the Activation difficulty cause 1 Shock.

ELECTROKINESIS Encompassing the manipulation of and interaction with the electromagnetic spectrum, anyone utilising this aptitude has command over virtually all modern devices. And even the human body is likewise subject to such influences.

PSYCHOKINESIS Mind over matter; such psychics are able to exert influence over the very molecules that constitute objects and people. Whether calcifying them, exciting them or merely moving them, this ability is perhaps the most visceral of the Aptitudes.

REDACTION The art of psychic healing. Redactors are sensitive to the essential essence or 'spark of life' that exists in all living things and possess the ability to manipulate this force. For harm or heal, they can command your very soul.


Double the sensing range for each point over 10 (e.g. Attunement 11 is 200,000 km). PSI SIGNATURES Psi energy is everywhere and flows through everything. The interaction between psi and a thing is entirely unique and this interaction is called a Psi Signature. Psychics can use their Attunement to perceive Psi Signatures. However, seeing the flow of energy through the world is one thing, seeing the unique interaction of that energy with a sentient being is entirely different. To perceive a person or objects unique Psi Signature, roll Sense + Focus with a situational difficulty; DIFFICULTY 1 SITUATION

psychics and so, just by looking at them, you can tell whether a person is has a Weak Psi statistic (1), Moderate Psi statistic (2-4) and Strong Psi statistic (5). Attunement (Level 2): your level of Attunement is far greater than the average psychic. You add your Clairsentience skill to your Attunement dice pool. Peek-a-boo (Level 3): you may ask one Yes or No question about a location within your natural line-of-sight but cannot see (perhaps it is dark or you are blindfolded or behind a wall or door). Medium (Level 4): you can sense an invisible manifestation (such as a ghost, a psychic BiLocating or Remote Sensing) within your immediate vicinity. The Knowledge (Level 5): you are able to ask one Yes or No about the current direction, distance, height or other physical situation of a location, person or object, currently within your Attunement range, that you have seen or have heard described. POWER EFFECTS Orientation (Level 1/Intensity 1): the psychic can establish his location with this effect. Even if hopelessly lost in the Amazon or at a dead-end Lunar subcorridor, the character can cast out his sense to perceive the nearest familiar landmark by which to navigate. While this effect doesn't inform the character that he's in the Mato Grosso, for example, it does relate that he's 500 km north-northwest of Sao Paulo. The Clairsentient with basic skill in such abilities can only "spot-check" his location, focusing each time to get an update. A psychic with greater capability can maintain orientation as he travels. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. The effect centres on your character, covering a radius equal to 50 times his Psi score in kilometres. The Width of your set indicates the scan's




CLAIRESENTIENCE CLAIRSENTIENCE SECRET FEATS Psi-Sight (Level 1): you can see the flow of psychic energy even more clearly than other psychics. You can look at living entities, plants, animals and people, and see the interaction of psychic energy and life energy. Such a flow has a greater interaction with


relative accuracy; STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you know your distance to the nearest known landmark (Im east of London). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, you know your exact distance and direction (Im 25 kilometres south of my house). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but now you know your altitude and exact speed in relation to the landmark (Im travelling toward the oil rig from the mainland at 100 kph at an elevation of 1 mile). Psychic Echo (Level 1/Intensity 1): the Clairsentient can touch an object or person and sense who or what has come in contact with it in the recent past. An abandoned gun might register it was handled by a missing teenager while a murder suspect might register she was recently in contact with the murder victim. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. Your character must have a strong contact with the subject; a brief touch or using a Power from a metre away imposes a -1d penalty, which increases as the subject gets further away. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you get a mental image of the last person to touch the object and a sense of any heightened mental state (He was deeply upset or He was howling with laughter). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you get a name and a better sense of their mental state (A man called Jean was drinking from this glass and he was entertained or A young girl called Moira was playing with this ball and was happy). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you can determine their last actions for 10 seconds x Psi statistic (This ring was worn by a man called Felix and the last time he wore it he was having a conversation on the telephone. I dont know who he was talking to but he was asking about missing invoices). Sense Mastery (Level 1/Intensity 1): a Clairsentient must be able to trust in all of her

senses, or any one of them alone. This effect allows the psychic to move and manoeuvre with confidence when anyone else would be debilitated by blindness, deafness or loss of footing. Roll Psi + Clairsentience to activate your enhanced senses. This enhancement grows more powerful as the character achieves greater ability in Clairsentience. Clairsentients of Psi 1-2 have all difficulties or penalties due to darkness, blinding light, deafening noise, utter silence, non-standard gravity or slick surfaces are reduced by one, whilst Clairsentients of Psi 3-4 have all difficulties/penalties for such conditions halved (rounded down) and those of Psi 5 suffer no difficulty or penalty modifiers from these adverse conditions. Danger Sense (Level 2/Intensity 2): a Clairsentient's spatial awareness makes them alert to imminent physical danger, such as ambushes or structurally unsound areas. These dangers must be physical (feeling the vibration of a weapon charging up, hearing the creak of weakened plasteel); psychic or other incorporeal attacks cannot be foreseen. Your GM will roll your Psi + Clairsentience in secret. Success reveals imminent, physical danger to the character. Additional success reveals greater detail and a greater leeway in time. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you are aware that something dangerous is about to happen. Although not certain what it is, you get at least get a defensive action... EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you are aware of which direction it is coming from and the approximate source (A weapon is coming at you from behind or A piece of masonry is dropping above you). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you know specific details (Theres a woman about to slit your throat from behind or A spike is about to shoot up from the floor).


Insight (Level 2/Intensity 2): this effect is used to determine where an object or person has been; the psychic gets an impression of the places a subject has visited. These places have some significance to either the subject or the psychic, even if the subject was at the locale only for a few minutes. The Clairsentient might not be familiar with the areas detected but can still get a basic sense of them ("a large, dirty room", "a long, bright corridor"). If he ever visits these places, the psychic recognises their atmospheres immediately. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. Your character must touch the subject. While the test is necessary to properly identify the impressions the object or person was exposed to (one detail per Width), your character will immediately recognise those impressions if he encounters them in person (or already has). A psychic could know that a subject has been to the moon or was in a specific building or perhaps even in a room within a building if that room has a distinct atmosphere. Scan (Level 2/Intensity 2): while other effects of Clairsentience are used to reveal information about places out of sight, Scan effect allows a psychic to reveal information about objects she can see. By casting her perceptions over item or person, even a location, they can get a level of detail about the subject only an in-depth search could reveal. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. The target must be within line of sight. For each point of Width in the set, a detail of information is revealed about the target. Such detail can reveal, but is not limited to, objects concealed/carried on a person, mass of an object scanned, how dense an object is, etc. It is almost impossible to hide an object on someone's person from a Scan. It is important to note that the psychic is not actually "seeing" the items outside of LOS and can only pick up an idea of size/shape. So unless the item is familiar to the character, she

would only be able to report on the dimensions etc. Therefore, a character might well determine if a CD was in its case (but not what was written on it) or how much a package weighed, she might not identify that "the large ticking object inside the box" was a bomb. Dowsing (Level 3/Intensity 3): since all things from human beings to inanimate objects resonate with psychic energy to some degree, a Clairsentient can learn to seek a "signature" common to a specific kind of object or person. The psychic casts his senses out in all directions in search of a particular kind of individual, other psychics or ships bearing certain kinds of cargo. The Clairsentient must have encountered the specific type of subject for which he's using this effect to search for. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. This effect centres on your character but covers an area equal to 50 times your Psi statistic in km. The number of successes generated determines the accuracy of the relayed information; STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you know approximate number of the subject(s) and rough direction (There is a gun in the next room or There are a few cars outside the house). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you get a specific number and location (There is a car 30 metres west from here, a car 10 metres northeast and a car just 2 metres outside the house). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you know the make and model, location and distance (There are two electrokinetics and a psychokinetic, located at different sites, but I know where"). Your character can maintain contact for as long as he or she wishes but this requires concentration on his or her part (-1d to all other actions). Sensory Projection (Level 3/Intensity 3): the Clairsentient is able to extend his awareness beyond normal human limits so that he can sense things at extreme range. Thus he can taste, "touch" or smell anything, or even "look" into any nook or cranny without physically


investigating. Sensory Projection can also be used to come into "contact" with poisons or noxious gases without suffering their effects. This effect is inhibited by barriers. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. Your character's senses may extend up to 10 times your Psi rating in metres. You may utilise one sense at range per Width. This effect lasts for as long as the character concentrates. Nb. this is not a full 360o sensing; your character must focus his senses in a particular direction. Track (Level 3/Intensity 3): this effect examples why Clairsentients are frequently asked to assist in Police investigations. The psychic can lock on to a specific psi signature that she knows and then follow the movements of said signature within her range. No matter where the item or person goes, the character is well aware of the subject's journey. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. Your character can locate and track the movements of one subject for whom you have a psi signature within a range of 50 times his Psi rating in km. The Width of your set indicates the accuracy of the information revealed; STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you know direction (Shes north from here, travelling in a westerly direction). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you know how far away they are (Hes 30 metres northwest of here). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you know exactly how far away they are, how fast they are travelling and in which direction (The money is 10 kilometres north and heading east at 60 kph). This effect lasts as long as the psychic concentrates (-1d penalty to other actions while doing so). Psi Cloak (Level 4/Intensity 4): much of a Clairsentient's sensing prowess comes from tapping into the psychic energy that flows through all beings and sensing the relationship

between them and to that of the psychic layer of reality. A Clairsentient can learn to cloak his own presence in this "psychic stream". Whilst not actually making the psychic physically invisible, it does allow the Clairsentient to render himself undetectable to forms of psychic detection, including Attunement. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. Anyone attempting to sense you utilising psychic abilities receives -1d per Width. This effect lasts as long as the psychic concentrates (-1d to any other action while maintaining Psi Cloak). Psi Cloak works not just against Clairsentience effects but also against any other psychic effects that locate a target through a means other than normal sensory perception. This includes telepathy, electrokinesis (for bio-electrical energy), psychokinesis (for thermal signatures), etc. However, any psychic who has direct line of sight (not including video feeds etc) has more than enough information to get a lock. Flashback (Level 4/Intensity 5): the Clairsentient can draw upon the memory of a location and view past events. The Clairsentient has a personal perspective on the past. By being in proximity to a specific location, the psychic becomes a "non-corporeal" observer of events that occurred in or around said area. Events unfold as if the Clairsentient were there. You can only call up the last event that occurred there or a scene of intense disturbance. So you could call up the vision of a meeting which happened in the last hour or a murder which occurred days ago. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: a scene is distorted or jumpy and you can see for 30 seconds x Height. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but details are hazy or fuzzy and you can bear witness for 1 minute x Height.


MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you can see a perfect image for 5 minutes x Height. Remote Sensing (Level 4/Intensity 4): this effect uses a psi signature to connect the Clairsentient's senses to a desired target, viewing events from a remote distance as they happen. Roll Psi + Clairsentience to connect to the subject. As long as your character has a psi signature for the desired target, he may maintain the remote sense connection up to 50 times his Psi rating in kilometres from the subject. Your character can only maintain one sense group at any one time: his own or the projected one. He can, however, switch that focus at will while the effect functions, viewing through Remote Sensing for a few minutes, returning his focus to himself for a moment and then going back to the projected senses. This effect lasts for as long as the character concentrates (incurring a -1d penalty to any other action), unless something causes your character's attention to be distracted significantly or if other psychic effects disrupt the connection (such as Psi Cloak). Projected senses provide information as if the character were at the subjects location. Bi-location (Level 5/Intensity 5): while any Clairsentience should be able to locate people and objects, send their perceptions out to another locale or even read a book from 100 metres away, only a powerful Clairsentient has the capacity to actually send their psychic-self to another location. This is something similar to the oft-reported ability of astral projection, in that the psychic is able to leave their body behind and take a walk around. However, where this differs to the traditional interpretation of astral projection, the psychic doesn't leave this plane of existence. Once her "sense of perception" has left her body, the Clear can project her consciousness about her, travelling to any place and perceiving events as if she were physically present. Roll Psi + Clairsentience to activate this effect. This allows the character to climb out of his or

her body. The character moves about her locale as if she were physically walking. Her perceptions encompass a full 360o and may move through physical barriers as if they weren't present. The psychic does not have a physical presence in the place visited (and is only present as a nebulous psi-signature, perceivable by other psychics at Difficulty 4) but can use other psychic abilities as if she were physically present. The character can project herself to another location by making further Psi + Clairsentience rolls. The character can instantly "project" her senses to another location or person she has a psi signature for (Difficulty 3), has been to/met before (Difficulty 4) or has had described to her (Difficulty 5). All these difficulties are for distances within her Attunement range. In reality, the character doesn't actually leave her physical body but operating it whilst Bilocating is extremely difficult (-2d penalty to any task attempted plus an additional -1d for concentrating). Furthermore, the character is effectively deaf and blind whilst projecting elsewhere. Bi-location lasts as long as the character concentrates (-1d penalty to any other actions). The character doesn't suffer any Psychic Burn until after returning to her body. Lifeweb (Level 5): all psychic know that psychic energy exists in everything, binding it, flowing through it. The sheer fact that every psychic has some level of Attunement evidences this sensitivity. Clairsentients are even more aware of this than other psychics. However, none are more appreciative of just how connected life is than psychics possessing the Lifeweb effect. This ability allows a Clairsentient to "tap" the planetary psychic "lifeweb" (named so because the string of psychic links that bind everything together "looks" like a giant spider's web laced across the surface).


Once in communion with the Lifeweb, the psychic can then begin to discover information about the world and its peoples. The mere act of union is a very spiritual experience. Roll Psi + Clairsentience to tune in to the Lifeweb. The difficulty is determined by the character's familiarity with the psychic web he is attempting to tap; lifeweb of an office building (Difficulty 2), lifeweb of a community (difficulty 3), lifeweb of city (difficulty 4), lifeweb of a country (difficulty 5), lifeweb of a planet (difficulty 6). Once connected to the lifeweb, the area lights up as the character suddenly becomes aware of every psi signature within the web (although this is merely as a point of light and not genuinely seeing them). The character must actually be present within the area or somehow able to perceive it (perhaps remote viewing or bi-location). She perceives the flow of psychic energy: the vague "fairylight effect" as life ends and life begins all over the lifeweb, the "raindrop effect" of psychic effects activating, etc. All this information comes as a rush and it takes considerable effort to "tune in" to the specific information she is looking for. Once the character has tapped a web, she decides what information she is searching for and then makes a Clairsentience test, tuning to a specific "psychic frequency". Doing so takes one hour and a character can do nothing else but tune for that period: Difficulty 1; great disturbances in the psychic flow (mass death, natural disasters), massive spatial disturbance (mass teleport exodus), seeing psychic patterns. Difficulty 2; large psychic patterns (whales, large flocks of birds), lesser disturbances in the psychic flow (the death of many psychicss at once), large spatial disturbance, seeing active psychic-links (a connection between psi signatures)

Difficulty 3; psi energy being used, great "local" disasters (the Eiffel Tower collapsing), local spatial disturbance, seeing passive psychic-links (a connection between two psi signatures not currently active), Powerful Psychics (Psi statistic of 5). Difficulty 4; a specific aptitude's signature (use of Psychokinesis), a specific species signature, type of item, Greater Psychics (Psi statistic of 34). Difficulty 5; a specific effect's signature, a specific "brand" of item (Sony Playstations), Lesser Psychics (Psi statistic of 1 or 2). Difficulty 6; a specific person's psi signature, your cufflinks that have gone missing, "Flatscan" psi signatures. All of these "frequencies" are perceived differently but without tuning out the separate signatures, it is impossible to see anything but vague impressions ("There are many psychics in France", "There are no guns in that building"). Furthermore, it is possible for a disturbance in one frequency to "intrude" upon another if it is high enough profile ("a nuclear missile just detonated in China"), requiring no additional test. A character can switch from frequency to frequency but each time it requires a new test to be made (at the appropriate difficulty). Failure means the character has lost concentration and becomes de-tuned to any frequency. This effect lasts for as long as the character wishes but whilst tapping in to the Lifeweb, a character can perform no other actions except concentrate on that. Being startled, engaged in heavy conversation or distracted in some other way requires a Psyche + Focus roll to avoid cancelling the effect. Signature (Level 5); you have become very skilled at detecting psychic signatures and have learned how they are created. Using this knowledge, you have become proficient enough to alter your own psi signature and, with some difficulty, that of other entities. Roll Psi + Clairsentience to activate this effect. When activated, you can begin to manipulate a


psychic signature. Editing your own signature is Difficulty 3, altering the signature of an object or being is Difficulty 4 and altering the signature of another psychic is Difficulty 5. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can warp the signature so it is unrecognisable, however, it is immediately detectable as an altered signature. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you can change the signature to an extent that a person would need to use visual confirmation to corroborate. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, only you can alter the signature in anyway you wish, including looking like that of another person or object. ELECTROKINESIS SECRET FEATS EK-Sight (Level 1): you can automatically detect the flow of electricity within your immediate vicinity. This is not refined enough to detect where or how powerful but if theres a flow of energy where there shouldnt be, you are the first to know about it. Shock (Level 2): you can deliver a small static shock from your fingers. This has a tiny visual effect (Difficulty 6 to notice). This delivers 1 Shock damage to living beings, however, it scrambles electronic devices for a round and causes Computer systems to glitch. Power Flow (Level 3): you can ask one Yes or No question about a power source within your vicinity. Questions can be Is this a generator?, Is this the electric mains? or Are there many appliances attached? Off Switch (Level 4): by touching a wire conducting electricity, you can turn feel your way through the power flow and turn off one appliance attached to this system. EK-Sense (Level 5): you may focus your senses upon an "item" connected to a power flow and ask one question about the item, such as the nature of the item, whether it is in use or not, whether it has information loaded into it, etc.

POWER EFFECTS Control Illumination (Level 1/Intensity 1): the capability to manipulate visible light is one of the most basic skills a psychic can possess and is usually the first thing that new electrokinetics learn. This effect may be used to adjust an area's light intensity or to create a focussed beam. Roll Psi + Eletrokinesis. Control Illumination lasts a number of rounds equal to the Width of your set. Your character can enhance or dim an area's ambient light. With standard lighting, increasing illumination generates an irritating glare, while dimming it creates a murky twilight (a -1d penalty to visual-based actions in either case). In dark areas, an increase makes for normal viewing, while a reduction plunges the place in to pitch darkness. Bright areas can be made blindingly so or dimmed to a comfortable level. Your character gains no special immunity to illumination changes. This effect covers a radius equal to your character's Psi statistic in meters. Alternatively, your character can manipulate light waves to create a focused ray as powerful as any halogen beam. The beam may be a pinpoint or a cone and may be adjusted between the two. The light may emit from anything within your character's range of effect, but it must emanate from a specific object: whether it be the palm of a hand, a weapon sight or a rock. The range of the beam is 5 metres per point of Psi. Power Surge (Level 1/Intensity 1): the Electrokinetic can short out critical systems in a hard-tech device, rendering it useless, by applying electrical surges and magnetic bursts. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. You receive dice pool penalties for any surge protection there maybe (-1d for minor suburban protection through to -4 or -5 for full military EM Pulse protection). STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: the device glitches and must be rebooted/reset before it can be used further.


EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but any further use is at -1d penalty until repaired. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, the device burns out. This damage may be repaired if an appropriate Engineering roll is made. Spectrum Sight: this power effect focuses on perceiving electromagnetic energy waves from infra-red through to the high end of the spectrum. While this effect doesn't enable the Electrokinetic to actually tap these wavelengths, it does allow for accurate detection of heat traces, hologram projection sources and possibly harmful gamma radiation. Tuning to certain ranges (infra-red or ultraviolet, most notably) can help the psychic see in otherwise adverse conditions. Theoretically, Spectrum Sight allows a psychic to detect a cloaking field generated by bending light waves. While this effect does not allow the electromagnetic to see through the field, the cloak's light-wave manipulation would be distinctive. Of course, this possibility remains strictly theoretical until someone who can create such a field is encountered. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Since the air is flooded with electromagnetic waves of varying intensities, simply "looking" at the spectrum as a whole reveals a jumbled mess. Your character must "tune" his senses to a particular wavelength (whether infra-red, x-ray, cosmic or some other type) to detect activity there. Understanding energy is important; some skill in Science is recommended to exercise an advanced degree of control with this effect. Spectrum Sight lasts for as long as you concentrate (-1d penalty to other actions) and it takes a round to tune into a different wavelength. Your character can perceive energy waves at a range of up to 10 times your character's Psi rating in metres (and even through barriers, although scanning clarity suffers).

Disruption (Level 2/Intensity 2): this effect causes the target's existing bioelectric energy to fire at random, shorting out voluntary muscular control temporarily (involuntary systems like heartbeat and breathing are unaffected). While not usually strong enough to kill, the effect still hurts like hell. Roll Psi + Electrokinetics. This deals Width + 1 Shock damage. Disruption ignores armour (but is affected by Static Shield). Regardless of how much damage the target takes, she receives a -1d penalty on her next turn due to the extreme discomfort Disruption causes. This effect may be used at a range of up to five times your character's Psi rating in meters. Interrupt (Level 2/Intensity 2): utilising this effect, the psychic can dam the flow of power in an object, rendering it useless. While this doesn't change the target's state in anyway, it does allow a psychic to incapacitate a device without destroying it. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. If successful, the target device simply stops working as power ceases to flow from the device. This effect lasts for as long as the character concentrates (-1d penalty to any other actions) and he or she can affect an object at a range of 10 x his Psi rating in metres. Lockout (Level 2/Intensity 2): electrokinetics have found that technological fail-safes aren't always sufficient to protect devices and have developed this effect to create a "psychic failsafe" around a targeted device. Essentially, the psychic "weaves" the device's ambient electromagnetic energy into a complex interface pattern that resists even the most inspired hackers and electrokinetic assault. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Use the resulting Width as a dice pool penalty to any attempts to tamper with the device (physical, virtual or psychic). Some skill in Engineering is recommended to understand a device's operating system. Lockout lasts a number of hours equal to your


character's Psi rating. Control (Level 3/Intensity 3): this formidable effect enables an E-K to take control of another organism, from an animal to a fellow human being. This effect requires a significant degree of finesse: the psychic regulates voluntary nerve impulses, causing them to fire (or not) as he desires. The E-K can enthral virtually any organism that has basic synaptic relays. Sentient targets retain control of their mental faculties. While a subject may find her body force to move to another's whim, her mind and involuntary functions aren't hampered in the least. She is fully aware of everything that happens to her and may use whatever psychic powers may be available to her. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Attempting to seize control of a nervous system is far from easy and the more complex the system, the more challenging it becomes. Taking control of simple organisms receives no penalty. Birds and fish yield a -1d penalty. Small mammals give a -2d penalty and large mammals (including humans) yield a -3d penalty. Large mammals can counter using Psyche + Focus. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can give simple, one word commands (jump, freeze, let go). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but more complex acts (run, walk, roll). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but elaborate sustained acts (follow that cab, shoot him). Your character doesn't need to speak his commands to the target; rather, they are directed with thought as a series of nerve impulses. Some skill in Medicine is recommend to exercise an advanced degree of control on a subject. The other issue is that when you do give a command, it is your will and control which motivates your target. Accordingly, you must

use your own skills when making rolls and not those of your target. Your character is at a -2d penalty to all other actions while using Control due to the Intense Concentration required to maintain domination. Control is lost if the psychics concentration is disrupted significantly. This effect may be used on a target at a range of up to 10 times your character's Psi rating in metres. Interface (Level 3/Intensity 3): the psychic may interface with a security system, computer, network or even a sophisticated vending machine. In short, any device equipped with an electronic operating system. The electrokinetic mentally connects with the equipment, inputting commands with the very power of his mind. This effect gives many people pause as a skilled electrokinetic could conceivably command even the most securely maglocked door to open or the most formidably defended computer system to divulge its secrets. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. You receive a -1d penalty for each level of security or surge protection the target has. Your character must actually touch the device in question (an on/off switch, power cord or even a carrying handle is sufficient). Accessing a device from a distance requires Transmit effect. Once access is achieved, a character can fully control the device, commanding it to do anything within its function; security doors can be commanded to open, vehicles with computer control can be driven, etc. Anything that an authorised user can do, the electrokinetic can (including having to deal with internal protocols, fail-safes and the like). Once inside the system, use the relevant skill with your Psi stat as the base for any commands or tasks requiring a skill roll. Reprogramming isn't possible but bypassing or otherwise tricking a system may be attempted. This effect lasts as long as the psychic concentrates (-1d to any other action while maintaining interface). Some skill in Engineering and/or Computers is


recommended to exercise a greater degree of control with this effect. Static Shield (Level 3/Intensity 3): the electrokinetic generates a low-level field around his body by drawing upon ambient energy. This shield offers protection against those things that directly affect electrical and synaptic impulses. This effect buffers the electrokinetic from any powers that seek to electromanipulate him, tasers and even from scanning devices directed at him. Make a test. This generates 1 AR per Width versus attacks directed at his nervous system, most notably effects such as "Disruption", "Control" and "Feedback" (applying a dice pool penalty to the roll on a one to one ratio) and other electrical attacks. Additionally, when your character has Static Shield up, readings made on him with scanning devices (from retinal scanners to diagnostic scanners) are obscured. Any scans performed on your character receive a -1d penalty per point of Static Shield AR. Static Shield is subtle and looks like little more than a heat shimmer around your character (a successful Perception roll at 3 difficulty reveals its presence). However, intrusions like a taser burst or a electrical attack triggers a defensive response. In these cases, the shield flares in a crackling electrical web that radiates out from the point of contact. This effect lasts as long as the character concentrates (receiving -1d to any other action). Coalesce Light (Level 4/Intensity 4): this potent capability allows the psychic to emit focused laser energy. The electromagnetic draws in and channels ambient energy, firing it out in the desired direction. While most psychics don't have the same "energy reserves" as a laser pistol does, many feel that the versatility of being a walking weapon more than makes up for this shortcoming. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Your attack does Width +2 Kill damage and Width +2 Shock. This has a range equal to 30m per Psi statistic.

Drawing in the ambient light necessary to fire the weapon can take a bit of time, depending on what sources of light are available (powerful halogen/direct sunlight is instantaneous, natural indoor lighting/cloudy day is one round, dim/mood lighting/twilight is two rounds, anything less than this and there simply isn't enough light). Furthermore, the absorption of this light creates a noticeable dimming in the area around the character. This effect is useless in the dark. E-M Shield (Level 4/Intensity 4): this effect harnesses ambient energy waves in a field around the psychic, protecting him against anything from ambient gamma radiation to focused laser bolts. This shield acts as a buffer against these electromagnetic-wave effects, absorbing attacks at the point of impact and dispersing them harmlessly across the field's entire surface. In the case of ambient waves, the electrokinetic appears to have a scintillating aura about him. When struck by focused energy, the shield flares for an instant as it absorbs and diffuses the beam. The shield also disrupts holographic integrity if the two intersect directly. Despite its obvious usefulness against energy, the Electromagnetic Shield offers no protection against gases, toxins, vacuum or physical attacks. Nor does it offer protection against electrical energy, as the two types emit in different fashions. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Due to the vast range involved within the electromagnetic spectrum, you must designate which frequency the shield is tuned to (from radio, microwave, infra-red, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma or cosmic waves). This creates 1 AR versus Light and radiation attacks per Width. This range may be adjusted at any time, simply requiring another test to attune to the new frequency (although the original Width are counted for the purposes of armour). Instead of selecting a specific range, you may


choose to oscillate the EM Shield across the entire spectrum. This application provides no defense against direct attacks but protects your character against the effects of ambient soft or hard radiation. It also disrupts radio communications, radar and IR contact with your character (-1d penalty per Width to rolls involving such devices). This effect lasts for as long as you concentrate (-1d penalty to your other actions). Power Drain (Level 4/Intensity 4): it is relatively easy to flood an electronic system with power, requiring little in the way of finesse but manipulating that energy and redirecting it, takes a much more skilled psychic. The Power Drain effect enables the psychic to "steal" energy from a source and redirect that flow to another item. Thus the applications of this effect can range from simply recharging one source to redirecting a power line's energy in to a victim. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. You receive -1d per level of surge protection. This effect requires the psychic to touch both targets (both the source and the destination), harmlessly conducting the power through himself. Of course, this effect grants no additional protection from attacks, only an immunity to the power that is being channelled. Channelling energy in to a receptacle not designed to do so will do damage, if the target is grounded. This is dependent on the size of the source and amount of energy channelled. Source Small Medium Large Damage W+0 Shock W+1 Shock W+2 Shock or is or or

subject's own synaptic relays. This effect can be used against humans, animals and other living organisms to equally devastating effect. While other Electrokinesis effects are geared specifically to injure or incapacitate a target, and can even result in death, Feedback seems to involve a more intimate violation on the part of the attacker. Even thought the psychic doesn't create a mental link with the target, the connection to another human is disturbingly personal nonetheless. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Feedback may be used on a target at a range of up to 30 times your Psi rating in metres. This effect deals Width + Psi rating Shock damage. Feedback ignores armour and only psi powers or other powers specifically designed to defeat this effect will provide any protection. If Feedback reduces a victim to Down, the GM may decide if the target suffers permanent damage. Refraction (Level 5/Intensity 5): while lesser eletrokinetics possess the ability to manipulate ambient light to a certain degree, a powerful electrokinetic can perform much more impressive feats. Utilising this effect, the E-K has learned to literally bend light to his whim. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. The resulting Width determines the degree of manipulation. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can warp the ambient light in an area of 6m3. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but an area of 12m3. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but an area of 18m3. Height then determines how much of a warp you can make (18o x Height). So, a character with a 3x6 can affect the light within an area of 12 m3 and warp it by 108 o. Light passing through a refraction field is warped in the appropriate direction and therefore anyone looking at an object within or through the

A small object is something like a CD player powerful torch. A medium object approximately human sized, like a lamp post Christmas tree. A large object is a streetlight generator.

Feedback (Level 5/Intensity 5): the electrokinetic who uses Feedback assaults a victim with bioelectric energy. The attack is a massive dose of electricity generated by the


field appears to be several metres away from its original position (1 metre x Height). Anyone attempting to attack or target an item affected by a refraction field receives a Difficulty equal to Height of the Refraction roll (this does not affect psi powers) and then only if the aggressor is aware of the refraction. If the Height is 9 or 10, light can be made to not just refract in a direction but to go around an area, effectively rendering that area (and anything contained within it) invisible to the naked eye. Such invisibility is not perfect and anyone looking at the area may notice a slight rippling effect (a Difficulty 5 Perception test) that is exacerbated by any movement of the field (only Difficulty 3). Furthermore, lasers passing in to the refraction field will bend just as readily as any other light beam and thus are rendered useless against their initial target (including those generated by psychic powers). The field is typically shaped like a dome, with light refracting in a direction chosen by the psychic. However, the field can be shaped however the psychic desires or the direction of the refraction can be altered, requiring a test to do so (initial Width remains for effect). Some skill in Science is recommended to exercise a greater degree of control with this effect. Refraction lasts as long as the character concentrates but doing so requires Intense Concentration. Your character performs other actions at -2d difficulty and may move no faster than a slow walk while maintaining the field. Further, the refraction field can lose integrity and even disperse if your character is distracted. Being startled, engaged in intense dialogue or injured requires a Psychic + Focus roll to maintain focus (GMs discretion as to difficulty). Transmit (Level 5/Intensity 5): this effect focuses on sensing and transmitting signals along the lower "half" of the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to microwave to even infrared frequencies - all without need of actual

receivers or transmitters. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Your character may monitor or send transmissions a distance up to 50 times his Psi rating in kilometres. This range applies to a clear, directed transmission; your character's "internal transmitter" is too weak to be any effective any further than that. Once this effect is active, you scan frequencies or transmit messages without making a roll. Other actions require a roll at an increase difficulty. For example creating a scrambled message is Difficulty 3, trying to jam someone else's transmission is Difficulty 4 and changing someone elses transmission is Difficulty 5. Skill in Science is recommended to fully control signals being projected. Transmit may be used for as long as the character concentrates, incurring a -1d penalty to any other action. PSYCHOKINESIS PSYCHOKINESIS SECRET FEATS Never Break A Sweat (Level 1): the psychic has a basic control over their energy flow so that they always feel comfortable in hot or cold temperatures. They dont sweat from a raised temperature or have chattering teeth from a low temperature. However, either extreme affects them normally and this power does not reduce damage. Ghost Hand (Level 2): with a little concentration (-1d to your other actions), you can slowly lift small/light objects (about the size of a coin, pencil or as light as a piece of paper) within a distance of your Psi statistics in metres. Any amount of resistance is enough to stop your Ghost Hand. Heat Sensor (Level 3): you can ask one Yes or No question about a heat source within your immediate vicinity. Questions can be Is the source of heat a fire? or Can I sense another human body near me?. Air Con (Level 4): your mood affects the local area and, with a little effort and concentration (1d to your other actions), you can raise or lower


the temperature by 15 oC within a 3m radius. Poltergeist (Level 5): as Ghost Hand, only your prowess is such that you can perform technical tasks at a distance. You can now push buttons, operate a keyboard and even prepare dinner. The only downside is you have to concentrate intensely while doing so, cannot perform a multiple action and receive a -2d penalty when doing the task at hand. POWER EFFECTS Calcify (Level 1/Intensity 1): utilising the most basic degree of Psychokinesis, the character can slow the molecular movement any object or article he is in physical contact with, effectively chilling it. Though this is not enough to do any damage, it is enough to give someone a cold start (or chill their drink). Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. The psychic must physically touch the target. A successful test is enough to instil a chill equivalent to placing an ice cube in/on the target or create a light frost (which would quickly melt, depending on the environment). This is enough to numb a living creature for a few moments (applying a -1d penalty to actions for a round). Furthermore, chilling a person will often startle them or make it a rather uncomfortable handshake. The chill lasts for a number of rounds equal to the resulting Width. Excite (Level 1/Intensity 1): the exact opposite to Calcify, Excite allows the psychokinetic to excite a target's molecules, effectively heating it. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. The psychic must physically touch the target. A successful test is enough to instil heat equal to a lighter. This is enough to cause 1 point of Kill damage. A hot touch will often startle a person on the receiving end or make it a rather uncomfortable handshake. Hot lasts for a number of rounds equal to the resulting Width.

Prod (Level 1/Intensity 1): almost literally named, this effect allows the psychic to focus their power and exert force upon an object as if they were poking at it. Whilst not the most powerful of abilities, it has found its uses. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. A successful roll allows the psychic to exert a force equal to a strong prod for Width in of rounds up to a distance of Psi in metres. This would allow the psychic to knock over an item or push a light object along a surface but not lift. Flash Freeze (Level 2/Intensity 2): the psychic slows the motion of free liquids, freezing them solid in the space of seconds. This effect can be used on such hightemperature liquids as boiling water or molten metal, although the higher the substance's current temperature the more challenging this becomes. Flash Freeze is not effective against living beings or other complex organisms. This effect may also be used for less direct effects, such as condensing and freezing surrounding water vapour (a psychic could fill his drink with ice and dehumidify the room at the same time). Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. You can reduce the temperature of a liquid by Height x 20 oC. The target remains frozen until it thaws naturally back to ambient temperature (for particular large or dense substances, this could take hours). HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 FREEZE

A surface or object affected by this power suffers the effects of a drastically reduced temperature, from frosted -or iced- over surface to brittleness to possibly permanent structural damage. Specifics are up to the GM. Your character can affect a substance that is up to his Psi rating in metres radius up to five times


his Psi rating in metres distance. Ignition (Level 2/Intensity 2): the psychic excites the molecules of combustible objects, bursting them into flames. The materials must be readily flammable: the psychic can set someone's shirt on fire, he can't ignite her tongue. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. The ignition point itself is only a few centimetres in size but the fire that starts can grow and blaze for some time before burning out. Ignited targets burn for a number of turns equal to the Height of the roll. The GM may increase this duration if the flammable target is of significant size or if it comes in contact with other combustible materials. A person in contact with a burning object suffers a Width area attack. Injuries from fire are handled like any other fire damage: the victim stops taking damage if the flames are doused or she breaks contact with the source. Your character can set off a target at a range of up to five times his Psi in metres. Lift (Level 2/Intensity 2): a most general, imprecise version of telekinesis, this effect allows a psychic to move an object around and not much else. The psychokinetic can move the target about the same pace as a slow walk. This effect is useful for snatching loose weapons before opponents have a chance to grab them and to open unsecured doors from a safe distance. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. An object may be pulled, pushed or lifted along one plane up to Height in metres in each turn and your character's telekinetic Body is equal to Width. Your character can manipulate an object as long as he concentrates on it (putting him at -1d penalty to other actions while Lift is active) or until the object is moved out of LOS or is wrested from your character's telekinetic grasp.

Your character can grab a target at a range of up 20 times your Psi in metres. Heatburn (Level 3/Intensity 3): the psychokinetic launches a burst of superheated air at the subject. The blistering heat ripples visibly from the psychic to her target and can cause sudden burns and dehydration in living targets and can ruin data-storage media. This effect actually has a few beneficial applications as well; the psychokinetic can dehydrate food for easy travel or can dry out a wet piece of equipment (with the proper control). Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. Damage is Width +0 Kill and ignores any armour except those defenses that specifically resist heat attacks (such as an environmental suit or Flame Immunity). Heatburn is handled somewhat differently when used against electronic devices. You receive a 1d penalty for each level of protection/heat shielding the unit has. A set is usually enough to crash a computer. Your character may affect a target at a range of up to 10 times his Psi in metres. Hypothermic Blast (Level 3/Intensity 3): the psychic focuses a quick blast of supercooled air at a target. The sudden freezing effect visibly frosts the air between psychic and subject and can slow the target's metabolism or even cause frostbite. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. Damage is Width +0 Shock and ignores any defenses that dont protect against the cold. The victim also suffers a -1d penalty to their rolls due to the freezing cold for a number of rounds equal to the shock taken. Your character may affect a target at a range of up to 10 times his Psi in metres. Remote Manipulation (Level 3/Intensity 3): the psychokinetic has enough control to utilise his telekinesis as if it were a second pair of hands. He may perform actions remotely that would otherwise require physical touch (such as picking a pocket from across the room or firing a weapon in someone's holster).


Remote Manipulation is a much more difficult effect than Lift; where that is the equivalent of brute telekinetic strength, this effect concerns itself with the psychic refining his telekinesis, holding back his raw ability and channelling it into fine movement. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. You must split the resulting Height between your telekinetic Body and Coordination. Thus, a character with a Height of 6 could have either Body 1 and Coordination 5, Coordination 5 and Body 1, both Body and Coordination 3 or any other combination. These statistics provide your base for the appropriate skill rating to perform physical acts at a distance, depending on what your character is doing. So a character with Body 1 and Coordination 3 and a Firearms skill of 3 would roll 6 dice for firing a gun utilising his Remote Manipulation. If the character doesn't have any telekinetic Body, then he cannot apply any force to an object. Meaning he couldn't even turn a page at distance, let alone pick a lock. Conversely, if a character doesn't have any telekinetic Coordination, he can apply force but couldn't actually move an item. Therefore, Remote Manipulation telekinesis is useless without both some Body and Coordination. A psychokinetic is endowed with a kind of "telekinetic touch". He can sense what he manipulates without actually seeing it. However, your character must have a very good idea of where his target is to even "touch" it. He may be able to pick the lock on his handcuffs, but can't jostle a vase in a nearby room if he doesn't know exactly where the object is. Remote Manipulate can be used for as long as the character concentrates (receiving a -1d penalty to other actions) and can affect a target at a range of your character's Psi times 10 in metres. Flame Immunity (Level 4/Intensity 4): this defensive effect enables the psychic to vent excess heat away from himself reflexively. The psychic can use Flame Immunity to resist damage from fire, heat or even superheated plasma.

Roll Psi + Psychokinesis; Width adds one point to your character's Armour Rating against heat or fire effects. This resistance may also be used against superheated effects such as plasma. You may use this effect to counter an appropriate attack. In contrast to Thermal Screen, this effect reduces your character's infra-red signature while in effect, since he's dissipating heat away from himself (those with IR-sensing equipment who monitor in his direction receive a -1d penalty to detect your character's register). Force Barrier (Level 4/Intensity 4): the psychokinetic can form an actual wall of telekinetic force. This is in by no means a catchall "force field" that grants the psychic invulnerability to assault. It is, however, an effective barrier against fast-moving attacks. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. Add Width in AR against Bullet and Impact attacks. Your character creates a roughly circular barrier with a radius up to his Psi Rating in metres. This shield is flat (your character could curve it by 30o at most) but may be orientated vertically or horizontally or anywhere between. Your character can create only one barrier at a time but it lasts for as long as the character concentrates (-1d penalty to any other action). The barrier collapses if the character is distracted or dazed. The barrier is invisible to normal sight but appears like a scintillating net to anyone using Attunement. It may be set around your character anywhere from a few centimetres to five metres distant, at his front, back, at a side, above or below. Once formed, the barrier stays set to that direction and moves with your character; although he may change facing whenever he wishes (depending on how involved your character is with other tasks or combat, the GM may consider this a dice action). A shield placed at your character's back covers that area no matter where he goes or in what direction he turns. However, your character may


make a test to reposition/re-shape the barrier (keeping the original success as his protection). The barrier works both ways, so you may not fire directly through it. Furthermore, the barrier has absolutely no effect on gases or energy. Thermal Screen (Level 4/Intensity 4): by drawing in ambient heat, the psychic can shield herself from the worst effects of exposure, cold damage or even from cryokinetic attacks. This effect can make the psychics immediate surroundings even colder as the psychokinetic absorbs more and more heat energy. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis and add Width in Armour Rating against cold effects. As with Flame Immunity; you may use this effect to counter such attacks. Flight (Level 5/Intensity 5): this dynamic effect literally allows the psychic to fly! Students of psychokinesis are still trying to determine if the psychokinetic uses telekinesis to push away from the ground or to manipulate himself with the power or if it involves some other esoteric manipulation of psi energy. Whatever the exact method used, flight can be accomplished in an atmosphere and in space. It is indisputably one of the most exhilarating of all psychic effects. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. You can fly Height x 5 kph. The effect lasts for as long as the character concentrates (-1d penalty to all other actions). Heat Sink (Level 5/Intensity 5): the psychokinetic can extinguish open fires with a glance. He psychically halts the fire's molecular motion, cooling even red-hot ember. A skilled psychic can snuff a bonfire in an instant. Not even warm ash remains. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. You receive a -1d penalty equal to the Area Rating of flame. The area dowsed covers Height in metres radius. If the fire isn't put out completely with the first effort, its intensity is at least reduced by the Width rolled and regenerates at 1 a turn. After that point, the surrounding heat excites the fire back to its former intensity - unless the blaze is extinguished in the meantime, of course.

Heat Sink is a reactive effect. Your character cannot use it to snuff an explosion before it goes off but you can try to "bleed off" the tremendous heat of an explosion, though this would be very tricky (the Referee should impose at least a -3d penalty on any attempt to douse an explosion in the same turn in which it erupts). Plasma Control (Level 5/Intensity 5): the psychokinetic's power can go beyond simple cause and effect at this stage: he can now control fire, dictating its very size, direction and even shape. This effect is particularly potent when combined with flamethrowers and plasma weapons, as the psychic focuses the weapon's power into that of a gigantic arc welder. It can also be quite alarming when an ordinary campfire suddenly swells into two blazing hands that proceed to immolate onlookers. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. This can be used in two modes: Enervate and Sculpt. Maintaining Plasma Control requires intense concentration (2d penalty to all other actions: fire is a tricky beast to tame, after all). A flame source may be affected at a range of up to 30 times your character's Psi rating in metres. In Enervate mode, a fire's size or intensity may be increased. You may either increase the flame's coverage or range by Width in metres or add 1 to the Area Rating of the fire by Width. Width can be split between the two (so a Width of 2 could increase the flame by 1 metre and add 1 to the Area Damage). Any damage done is handled like any other flame effect. In Sculpt mode, you control the fires shape and design. You may sculpt it into any shape you desire, limited only by your Height. HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 FREEZE DIRECTION BASIC (A BALL) DEFINED (A HAND) COMPLEX (WORDS) ANYTHING

You can use Sculpt to fling fire indiscriminately over an area, directing a huge funnel of flame at specific area or person.


Lastly, while Plasma Control is active, you may counter fire and plasma attacks within your area of influence. REDACTION REDACTION SECRET FEATS Kirlian Eye (Level 1): all psychics can see the interaction of the energy which flows all around us and how it interacts with us, however, those with the Kirlian Eye can see the energy flow within a living being, i.e. their very life energies. You can look at a living being and determine their state of health (in terms of Healthy, Sick, Nauseous etc). You can also determine their overriding emotional state (in terms of Angry, Sad, Intoxicated etc). Kirlian Vision (Level 2): as Kirlian Eye, only you can now ask one Yes or No question about a persons state of mental or physical health. Analgesic Touch (Level 3): by touching a person and concentrating, you can reduce a persons pain and suffering. A cut or blister or mild burn stops hurting, while more serious injuries are lessened. You may reduce any dice penalties due to pain by 1 while you concentrate. Self Awareness (Level 4): you always know the state of your physical condition and the source/nature of any injury that may be affecting you, even if its unnatural. You are also painfully aware of how old you are and what your natural lifespan is, almost down to exact minute. Awareness (Level 5): as Self Awareness, but you can divine the same information about other people and can ask one question about their physiology including past illnesses, immunities, allergies and vulnerabilities. POWER EFFECTS Healthy Glow (Level 1/Intensity 1): many people have wondered why Redactors always look so well. People theorise that such psychics subconscious passively controls their health and

well-being, maintaining their appearance in spite of stress or exertion. Redactors themselves claim that their intimate knowledge of the body and soul allows them to eat right and look after themselves. Either way, there are many media stars who would kill for this power. Roll Psi + Redaction. A successful set brightens the eyes and sheens the hair, sloughs off dead skin cells, improves circulation and promotes general well-being in the psychic yielding a +1 bonus to Social rolls where appearance assists for an hour, after which time the body continues its inevitable grind towards oblivion. Meditation (Level 1/Intensity 1): redactors are capable of many things involving the mind, body and soul, but there are many little things that non-redactors don't even notice that go a long way to making them exceptional. The Meditation effect is a perfect example of a Redaction application that many are not even aware of but is a staple effect for all such psychics. Meditation allows the Redactor to enter a calm, peaceful trance in which they receive almost blissful rest and relaxation. This effect alone is one of a few reasons why the Redactors make good PR executives. Roll Psi + Redaction. Add Width x 15 minutes to each hour of sleep. Sensitivity (Level 1/Intensity 1): this effect, though subtle, is quite astounding when one thinks about it; the psychic creates a sympathetic rapport between her and her patient, a psychic bond which puts the target at ease. Regardless of what the Redactor is doing, her target feels support and trust towards the psychic: the ultimate in "bedside manner". Roll Psi + Redaction. A successful set, lulls the target into a sense of


security and trust, however false or misleading this may prove. The target (or victim, in some Redactor's cases) will trust and believe the Redactor is there as a friend, giving the character +1d to all Manipulate rolls involving persuasion and trust for as long as he concentrates (receiving a -1d penalty to all other tests). A target who is given cause to mistrust the psychic may counter this effect by rolling Psyche + Focus. Inflame (Level 2/Intensity 2): while this effect cannot inflict new injuries on a target, it can exacerbate existing ones. Lacerations, blunt traumas, burns: there isnt any kind of injury so bad that Inflame can't make it worse. There is often some sort of visible effect attached to this power; bandaged wounds start bleeding again and burned skin visibly blackens further. Roll Psi + Redaction with a dice pool penalty equal to the targets Body. If the victim has any Shock or Kill damage, they receive Width as a penalty to their actions due to the intense pain. Inflame doesn't cause new wounds but intensifies old ones. So if the target is uninjured, this power will not work. This effect may be used on a target at a range equal to your character's Psi in metres. Mending (Level 2/Intensity 2): the psychic can heal minor damage and even alleviate temporarily the pain and discomfort caused by more severe wounds. Mending is useful in a number of ways; healing bumps and scrapes, stabilising critically wounded patients in the field and halting excessive bleeding. Roll Psi + Redaction. The target heals Width in Shock to a location. Any leftover successes may temporarily soothe the effects of Kill damage, with each success negating a dice pool penalty on a one-for-one basis. This soothing power lasts for a number of hours

equal to your character's Psi statistic. A character who has taken Kill damage and who benefits from Mending must still be careful. While she may feel relatively healthy, her body still suffers from physical trauma. Mind's Eye (Level 2/Intensity 2): commonly used in psychiatric therapy, this effect allows a redactor to gain insight into what is troubling his patient. Unlike Telepathy, this effect doesn't allow the psychic to roam around the subject's mind. Instead, it seeks out the greatest source of psychological trauma, giving the psychic a vision of the problem. Roll Psi + Redaction. A set gives a brief impression of the cause of the subject's anxiety. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you are aware of the subjects basic emotional state (anger, distress, anxiety). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you can picture what is troubling them (they are terrified of a spider). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you understand why (they think the spider is going to eat them). The Redactor can use this power at a range of one metre per point of Psi Power. Antitoxin (Level 3/Intensity 3): this effect enables the redactor to accelerate his patient's physical systems to fight any toxin, fungus or virus introduced by an outside agent. The infusion of psi energy literally charges the patients immune system so that it can resist any intrusions. Roll Psi + Redaction. Reduce the Virulancy by Width. If the infection or poison's rating drops to zero, the patient is considered cured. An antitoxin can combat most bacterial infections and even the most deadly of viruses. However, it is ineffective against effects that literally destroy a subject's tissues, such as hard



Redactors were pleased to discover that it also offers some defense against some electrokinetic attacks). Roll Psi + Redaction. Success applies Width as -1d penalty to all harmful redaction effects and against electrokinesis attacks that target the nervous system (Stun, Control, Disruption and Feedback). This effect lasts for as long as the psychic concentrates (receiving a -1d penalty to any other action). Metamitosis (Level 4/Intensity 4): the psychic can literally mend flesh and bones with this effect. The Redactor focuses psi energy to encourage extremely rapid yet controlled cellular growth in the subject. Even the most grievously wounded individual may be healed in a matter of minutes at the hands of a skill redactor (although the grateful patient is possessed of a ravenous appetite due to the nutrients his body used up during the accelerated healing process). Roll Psi + Redaction. Heal Width in Kill damage. Such cellular repair takes one minute per Kill healed. Any more Kill requiring healing call for a new application of Metamitosis. This effect requires touch. Each subsequent application incurs an additional -1d penalty. Passive Voice (Level 4/Intensity 4): a psychic doesn't actually perform any healing with this effect. Instead, this power moderates extremes of emotion, making it useful for dealing with murderous rages, psychotic episodes and paralysing fear. Someone touched with Passive Voice is forced into a state of reasonable calm, even if he still wants to be angry. This effect does not make its targets more susceptible to suggestion or in any way more pliable, but does calm them, making them less prone to violent action. Roll Psi + Redaction which can be countered by Psyche + Focus. The target is passive for as long as the psychic concentrates (receiving -1d penalty to any other action) and the target wont act physically or verbally aggressively (until, perhaps, the effect

Your character can also use this effect to render a subject immune to viral, fungal infections or poisons prior to exposure. In this circumstance, add the Width to the character's Body + Physique rolls for the purposes of resisting said attacks. This defense last for 3 hours per point of Psi. Contusion (Level 3/Intensity 3): the Redactor channels his psi to a cause a target minor physical trauma. This damage manifests as a bloody nose or a bruised muscle. Roll Psi + Redaction. Damage is Width+0 Shock. Only Algesic Shield effect provides any protection against this attack. This effect may be used at a range of up to three times your Psi in metres. Ease Trauma (Level 3/Intensity 3): this effect enables the psychic to temporarily free a subject of mental pain. This could include dampening a phobia or easing irrational hatred. This power is often used in psychotherapy, to talk to a patient about her derangements. Some Redactors have become addicted to using this effect on themselves, as it suspends feelings of fear or disgust that some feel when dealing with especially traumatised patients. Roll Psi + Redaction; the subject's mental trauma is dampened for one hour per Width. This respite is only temporary, however. When the duration ends, the dampened trauma - and all of its negative effects - returns in full force. Algesic Shield (Level 4/Intensity 4): the Redactors developed this power in an attempt to protect themselves from their own attacks. The buffer consists of fluctuating psi energy tuned to resist any physiological manipulations: specifically algesic effects (though the


wears off). This effect may be used at a range of Psi rating in metres. Chemical Block (Level 5/Intensity 5): many behavioural irregularities can be traced to chemical imbalances in the brain. Treating those problems is a matter of adjusting the brain's delicate imbalances; the redactor can address any chemically imposed behavioural aberrations - even those caused by ingested drugs. Chemical Block effect enables a psychic to perform the task through force of will, forcing the patient's body to regulate itself. At least temporarily. Since this power replaces the necessity of drug treatments, some mercenary redactors have taken to doling out "psychic treatments" at everincreasing rates. Make a Psi + Redaction roll. If you generate a set, the patient's body modifies its chemical output to bring it in line with the desired behaviour (which your character must state prior to the roll). Chemical Block lasts Width in days. Still this wondrous effect is not without its risks: forcing rapid alterations in a body's chemical structure can produce unforeseen side effects, sometimes making a cure worse than the ailment. This power requires touch. Lacerate (Level 5/Intensity 5): the psychic does little more than tear at the subject's physical form with savage thrusts of psi energy. The inflicted wounds manifest as either gashes in the skin or as severe haemorrhaging, usually just below the surface of the skin, where the pooling blood can be seen as big red welts. In either case, the results are visible and hard to disguise - not to mention extremely painful. Roll Psi + Redaction. Damage is Width+2 Kill and the only protection against this effect is Algesic Shield.

Lacerate may be used up to a range of Psi in metres. Regeneration (Level 5/Intensity 5): at this level of physical repair, the Redactor can literally weave together the very flesh of his subjects. The most impressive application of this effect is to reattach severed limbs and digits. By fixing this article to its rightful place, the Redactor can then repair the damage. Roll Psi + Redaction. Heal Width in Shock first and then Kill damage. Reattaching a limb requires a separate application of this effect and does not restore any Shock or Kill damage. You also actually need the limb to heal back to the body. If it is destroyed, tough luck. TELEPATHY TELEPATHY SECRET FEATS Psychic Scent (Level 1): you can "tune" your mind to discover a specific individual's psychic resonance or "mind print". This is akin to a psychic "true name" and regardless of how the person is dressed or disguised, unless they take some precaution to alter their signature, you will always recognise their mental appearance. Assay Power (Level 2): as Psychic Scent, but you can now determine what psychic powers they have (in terms of They have Telepathy and Redaction or They have Psychokinesis or They have Redaction, Telepathy and Clairsentience). Nb. This specifically does not reveal how knowledgeable they are of the powers. Casual Scan (Level 3): you may ask one Yes or No question about a persons current state of mind, thought processes or immediate intentions. Projection (Level 4): you can project a sentence using a number of words up to your Psi statistic into the mind of someone in your line-of-sight.


Thought Scan (Level 5): as Casual Scan, only you can ask a question about their deep memories or knowledge. POWER EFFECTS Babel Effect (Level 1/Intensity 1): this effect enables the psychic to access a subject's surface thought patterns that tie directly to what a person is currently saying - and to project the same on others when the telepath himself speaks. Tying mental concept with physical speech in this way enables the psyxhix to create a sort-of "universal translator", no matter what language individual speakers use. Theorists posit that Babel effect translates only actual communication (from speech to sign language) and not pure thoughts because the effect concentrates on the brain's speech centres. When your character speaks to someone and translation is necessary, roll Psi + Telepathy. Success indicates that he has no problem comprehending the subject's speech or communicating his own back for as long as the character concentrates (-1d penalty to other actions). Communicating with totally alien sentients may be attempted with a penalty assigned by the GM. Eavesdrop (Level One/Intensity 1): theorists have long studied telepathy and how the mind affects the psionic flow. Their studies have concluded that even non-psychics "broadcast" thoughts without meaning to. Eavesdrop is the art of listening in to those random thoughts that are flung in to the psionic flow without a care. While merely annoying for the most part, this effect has managed to occasionally provide great benefit. Fortunately, most people aren't aware how much they really do broadcast their thoughts. Roll Psi + Telepathy. A set means she becomes aware of any "broadcast" thoughts in her immediate area, i.e. any thoughts that are

charged with emotion, such as desire ("she is hot!"), hatred ("you stupid *$@&!"), worry ("I wonder if Lisa is alright?") and so on, the emotion boosting the otherwise passive thought. This effect is both a blessing and a curse, for while the psychic becomes privy to sometimes valuable information, for every "I'm going to kill you!", there are perhaps a hundred "Damn I'm late!". Most psychics who learn this effect learn to suppress their sensitivity. Intuit (Level 1/Intensity 1): psychics with this effect always know the right thing to say and the right time to say it. By utilising this effect, the telepath can determine minor thoughts and feelings a target may have for a subject. Useful for social situations and interrogations alike. Roll Psi + Telepathy with a dice pool penalty of the targets Psyche. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you may determine what the target's thoughts are towards a "subject" (be that a person, an object, an ideal, etc). Note this effect does not reveal what the target knows about the "subject", merely his thoughts, feelings and opinions, nor why he has that stance. Furthermore, the information is far from complex and the Referee will sum it up in one word. Some examples; what does Senator Lassiter think about the terrorist situation? ("fear"), does Lisa like red wine or white wine? ("red"), what does Keevan think of his mother? ("dislike"). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but it will also reveal the intensity of the thoughts/feelings ("Terrified", "Loves", "Hates"). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, can also learn a little more detail, ("Senator Lassiter is really scared that the terrorists will ruin his campaign", "Keevan hates his mother because she is overprotective him", "Lisa really likes red wine from France"). This effect may be used at a range up to Psi in metres. Empathy (Level 2/Intensity 2): the psychic is in tune with the ebb and flow of human emotional tides. He can sympathetically "feel" what his


subject feels and thereby knows that subject's frame of mind. Roll Psi + Telepathy. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you get a vague insight into the subject's current emotional state ("She's annoyed by her immediate situation"). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but a stronger insight ("Shes annoyed by the immediate situation and you are making things worse"). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you can get a specific insight (Shes annoyed because her shoes are too tight and you keeping her here is making things worse). The subject is not aware that her emotions have been put on display for your character's perusal. Empathy may be used accurately on a visible subject at a range of up to five times your character's Psi in metres. Used creatively, this power can also reveal whether the last thing a subject said was a lie telepaths are trained to read the signs of physical and emotional discomfort, as can arise when a subject lies. Exacerbate (Level 2/Intensity 2): the telepath can actually play upon a persons emotions with subtle psychic manipulation. With just a bit of guidance, displeasure becomes antagonism, interest becomes drive and lust becomes unbridled passion. This effect should be used with caution: while a psychic can intensify a target's emotions, he cannot necessarily control them. Roll Psi + Telepathy. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you double the strength of your subjects strongest emotion. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you triple the strength. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you quadruple the strength. The results are largely a matter of role playing, although the GM may choose to assign bonuses

or penalties to those who are whipped into an emotional frenzy. This effect lasts for as long as the character concentrates (you receive a -1d penalty to any other action). When extreme changes are imposed, the GM may allow the subject to roll Psyche + Focus to control her passions momentarily. While your character's emotional tampering isn't obvious, a particularly clever or knowledgeable individual might be able to ferret out the reasons behind someone's sudden emotional change. Your character may increase the subject's strongest current emotion, as long as the target is within a range of five times your character's Psi in metres. Mindspeak (Level 2/Intensity 2): this effect allows the psychic to converse with a subject via pure thought. Each individual need merely think at one another with about the same of concentration needed to speak verbally. Unlike verbal communication, however, the Mindspeak effect transcends language differences, distance and physical barriers. This level of intimacy disturbs many people, including psychics, so it is customary for telepaths to ask for permission before making contact. Mindspeak may be initiated between your character and another individual. If the subject resists the attempt, they may counter with Psyche + Focus. Once initiated, Mindspeak lasts for as long as the telepath concentrates (you receive a -1d penalty to your other actions). Mindspeak may be used on a target up to five kilometres per point of Psi. Emotional Achilles (Level 3/Intensity 3): telepaths are no strangers to the uses and abuses of some aspects of this effect. By application of this effect, a psychic may subdue his own emotions, thereby becoming cold, distant and utterly self-interested. Emotional powers used against the psychic during this time are scarcely effective; his


intellectual interests and emotional weaknesses are buried deep within him. As this effects name implies, however, it has a weakness: if a clever telepath can divine the psychic's inner drive, she may break his will and cancel any protection this power conveys. Using this effect proves addictive to some telepaths. Growing ever more paranoid, they retreat in to their personalities or erase them - a fact that earns empathic effects a negative reputation. Roll Psi + Telepathy. Your Width becomes a dice pool penalty against any attempts to sway your character's emotions for as long as you concentrate (receiving a -1d penalty to any other actions). Furthermore, mundane attempts to read your emotions using the Social skill are completely useless. However, if another telepath knows your character's true nature, she may affect him as normal. Defeating this power reflects a deep knowledge of the character's psyche, a thing not easily obtainable. Mindscan (Level 3/Intensity 3): when a person thinks of Telepathy, you can be sure that mind reading isn't far from their thoughts. While other effects concern themselves with learning specific information or altering thoughts already existing, the Mindscan effect concentrates on learning what is going on in the target's head right at that moment. Roll Psi + Telepathy. If the subject is aware of whats happening, they may counter with Psyche + Focus. If successful, the character is able to read the target's current surface thoughts ("What are they doing here?", "I wish I was at home"). This information is a snapshot of what the target is currently thinking and further details requires further readings. The Telepath may affect anyone within line of sight or has a psi print or psychic link to within 50 times his Psi rating in km.

Willfinder (Level 3/Intensity 3): the psychic attunes himself to others' psionic resonance. The first benefit this grants is an imprint of the subjects mental patterns. Similar to a Psychic Signature, every sentient being has a different Mind Print. Most psychics can only see the psi signature and believe thats all that matters. However, telepaths know that the interaction of psi and sentience is much more subtle than that. The second benefit is that you can determine whether a subject is currently under the influence of psi effects. Lastly, you can tell if there has been any mental tampering and, if you have the correct effects, go some way toward repairing that damage. Roll Psi + Telepathy. The only defense against this attunement is Mindshield. A set indicates that youve attuned yourself to your subjects psychic resonance. This person now appears hyper-real to you, standing out in a crowd as if they glowed. The information you can glean is determined by your Width. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you learn the subjects Mind Print (which can be substituted for the Psi Signature for use any other psychic effect). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you can determine if the subject has been the victim of any psychic effect and, if currently active, which one(s). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you know if they have had their mind altered by use of a Telepathic effect. Pilfer (Level 4/Intensity 4): the psychic may search through a subject's memory to extract specific thoughts. No longer limited to conscious thoughts, the telepath has complete access to all of the information stored in the target's mind. Use of this effect is immediately recognisable if the subject consciously thinks about whether her mind is being searched (this is why most telepaths prefer to do their Pilfering while their targets sleep).


Roll Psi + Telepathy. This can be countered by a Psyche + Focus roll. The depth of memories and thoughts that can be isolated depends on the Telepathy roll's degree of success. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can plumb a subjects mind and pull out recent memories (within the last few weeks). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but the last few months. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but the last few years. While simple facts are gleaned easily, more detailed memories flash in to your character's mind almost as if she experiences them herself. If your character or the subject is mentally unstable, such an event can be extremely disturbing. The length of time needed to transfer this information depends on the Width rolled; a Standard success worth of information takes a few seconds to understand. Deeper, more detailed memories can take minutes to extract. Entering a target's mind requires line of sight, alternatively a mind print or a psi print within 100 times your Psi rating in km. Mindshield (Level 4/Intensity 4): the psychic can safeguard himself against telepathic intrusion. The psychic diffuses incoming telepathic effects into harmless waves of psi energy by setting up a barrier of psionic static. Roll Psi + Telepathy. Your Width is a penalty on any mind reading/control power used against you. This power lasts for as long as the character concentrates (receiving a -1d penalty to any other action). Will Control (Level 4/Intensity 4): this manifestation of Telepathy covers the submission of the subject's will to the psychics. The telepath transmits a mental command to his subject that she is compelled to obey. Roll Psi + Telepathy. This can be countered by Psyche + Focus.

The command's power and complexity increase along with your level of success. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can give quirky/minor commands (Eat a bug, Hail a taxi or Wear an ugly shirt). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but major/noteworthy commands (Do my homework, Buy lunch for your archenemy or Pick me up from the airport). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but a suicidal/antithetical thing (Worship a foreign god, Shoot your father or Cut off your own head). Will Control may be inflicted on any target within line of sight and lasts until the action is completed. Brainjack (Level 5/Intensity 5): this effect (known as Addling or Befuddlement among polite society) is named after the mental effects it causes in the subject. By interweaving his own random thoughts with those of his subject, the psychic engenders such an overwhelming sense of confusion that the target is unable to take any action whatsoever. There are tales of poor fools who have suffered at the hands of a Brainjack, leaving them totally defenceless while the antagonistic psychics allies have literally beaten the victims to death. This effect is not used lightly and its implementation is considered assault and battery in most civilized countries. Roll Psi + Telepathy. The target cannot act for Width in turns as the subject is hopelessly confused, lost in a whirling dervish of random familiar and foreign mental impulses (effectively, shes dazed, unable to take any actions or to even speak coherently). Your character receives a -2d penalty for the turn following the use of Brainjack, due to the brief but intense mental focus the effect requires. A target may be affected at a range of up to 30 times your characters Psi score in meters.


Mindshield protects characters normally. Mooks get no defense but other characters can take a multiple action, adding a Psyche + Focus roll, to resist Brainjack for a turn. Muse (Level 5/Intensity 5): this effect enables the psychic to incite whatever feeling he wishes to within an audience. Deep sorrow, raging fury, fawning adoration and cowering fear are all at the telepaths disposal. This power is used by petty dictators and politicians during speeches to rally their people into patriotic fervor and by stage performers who generate vicarious catharsis through their performances. Muse is certainly useful to anyone who is in the public eye or who suddenly finds himself facing a crowd of surly antagonists. Obviously, the more skilled the telepath is, the more people he can influence with this power. Roll Psi + Telepathy. The Width x Height achieved on this roll determines how many people are affected by Muse. The power covers a radius up to 50 times your characters Psi score in meters. The effect lasts for as long as you concentrate (incurring a -1d penalty to any other action) and your character may further alter the subjects moods during that time with additional rolls. You may use this effect to create a Morale Attack equal to the Height and Width of your roll. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can have a date every night if you wanted. Most popular person in your office. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: you are the life and soul of the party. Every party. Everyone wants to know you. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: its Beatlemania all over again: people want a piece of you and would been profoundly upset if they displeased you. Those subject to the Muse effect are not aware automatically that they have been influenced telepathically. Yet if an individuals natural inclination toward your character is greatly at

odds with the emotion that the Muse effect imposes, the target may feel anger or embarrassment - and if shes familiar with psi abilities or knows your character is a telepath, it wont be too difficult for her to figure out what has happened. Network (Level 5/Intensity 5): the telepath becomes a virtual switchboard tor a group of select individuals. By opening channels among a number of people, the psychic facilitates mental communication between those people. The people to whom the psychic extends his services are able to converse from mind to mind. These individuals are able to carry on fullfledged mental conversations with the entire group, not to merely send thoughts to and receive information from the psychic. The psychic is skilled enough at this level to filter out most of his own stray thoughts. Others arent necessarily so capable and may accidentally communicate thoughts meant only for themselves. Roll Psi + Telepathy. You may patch in a number of individuals equal to the Height of your resulting set. This power doesnt work on an unwilling subject, and doesnt allow for Pilfering or other invasive attempts. Once linked, any one member with Telepathy may affect another target - or even the entire group - through the Network. Since all of the members of the Network are connected, its entirely possible that an effect used in this way backlashes on its user. Your character maintains supreme control of the Network, and may shut it off temporarily or even eject an individual From it. Connected subjects may range as far as 30 times your characters permanent Psi in kilometres. GRANDMASTERS Level 5 Effects are not the upper limit of MetaPsychic abilities. Any character who has reached the apex of a Psychic Aptitude (has a Psi Rating of 5, the


appropriate Aptitude Skill on 5 and bought a level 5 effect) is called a Master. Once a character has reached Psi 5 and bought a level 5 effect, it possible for that character to become a Grandmaster. Becoming a Grandmaster requires you to spend time in study, honing your abilities. This then allows you to purchase the Grandmaster advantage (5 points). This allows you to raise your Psi statistic and your Aptitude Skills to 6. Once you have both Psi and an appropriate Skill on 6, you may then purchase a Grandmaster Psychic Effect for that Aptitude. A Grandmaster Psychic Effect is level 6 and is always extremely powerful. You may only have a single Grandmaster Effect per Aptitude. CLAIRSENTIENCE GRANDMASTER EFFECT Astrolocation (Level Six/Intensity 6): this effect allows a Clairsentient to locate planets and other large stellar objects. Astrolocation doesn't allow for detailed identification of these objects, merely their general location and distance from the psychic. To sense the object's details, Psi Survey is typically used. These two effects can be paired by explorers to first "cast out" into space for a stellar body and then scan the object to confirm whether it's suitable for habitation, mining, research and the like. Locating deep-space objects is no mean feat, however: a roll to keep this effect active must be rolled every day this effect is in use and any Shock suffered does not begin healing until the scan ends or he can sleep. Your character can perform no other actions while scanning, aside from basic needs of sustenance. Sleep can be attempted but it is listless at best: make a Psyche + Focus roll. You manage one hour of sleep x Width but only heals 1 Shock per hour. Roll Psi + Clairsentience.

The GM determines the length of time it takes to undertake Astrolocation as a Project. The scan's basic duration depends on the size of the subject sought, the density of the solar system it is in and any known information that could narrow down the area to be scanned. Scans generally take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Astrolocation can be used to detect planets, stars, large moons and other significant stellar bodies up to a number of light-years away equal to the character's Psi rating. Farsensing (Level Six/Intensity 6): the Clairsentient with this effect can extend his senses over vast distances: whether through the reaches of space or across a planet. This effect is key to plotting courses and travelling through space without the aid of charts or that simply hasn't been mapped. It's also used extensively to sense reliable routes of travel on a sub-stellar scale (e.g. through huge forested areas or across mountain ranges). The psychic projects his senses in all directions to detect objects, bodies, barriers or other potential threats. The Clairsentient can sense both the safest and most direct routes to a destination and decided which is best for his purposes before setting out. Roll Psi + Clairsentience. If successful, sensing is automatic (your character need not concentrate). Farsensing lasts for a number of days equal to the Height and the range of detection is one AU per Width. Obviously, Farsensing is more than powerful enough to scan for travel routes on a planetary surface. This effect does not allow a detailed investigation. A standard success on a Clairsentience test gives your character only a basic sense of the most obvious direction to take (not necessarily the fastest) and indicates major obstacles along the way. Increased Width provides a more refined course


(effectively shortening travel time but not always making the trip safer) and more detail about any significant factors along the route (clear information on size, distance and heading of celestial bodies, for example). A detailed investigation of objects (such as for life signs, content, construction) beyond those factors already stated is not possible. To sense any imminent encounters, spatial disturbances or nearby objects while Farsensing is active, merely make an Insight + Perception roll. This roll is made no matter what your character is involved in at the time (even if sleeping, he'll be startled awake by the vision). As a general rule, objects and bodies that move erratically suggest intelligence and are detected on a Width of 3 or more. Psi Survey (Level Six/Intensity 6): a psychic at this degree of effect can study vast areas lightyears away. Clairsentients often use this effect in conjunction with Astrolocation to survey systems as a prelude to space travel. After a subject has been located with another effect (often Farsensing or Astrolocation), Psi Survey can be used to study it in detail. The psychic may sense for anything he desires, like a sun's speed of rotation, an asteroid's precious mineral content or even how much of a planet's surface is covered in flora. A high degree of detail isn't possible, such as determining the exact number of people on a continent or the specific percentage of nitrogen in an atmosphere. Nonetheless, the Clairsentient can garner an incredible amount of raw data while still an immense distance from the target. Ultimately, though, if the psychic doesn't have the background or knowledge to understand what he sense, the information means little to him. The desired target must be located, usually with a Clairsentience effect (although visual contact is suitable as well, like for the area in which your character is standing, for instance).

Once the region is spotted, make a Psi + Clairsentience roll. Width determines the detail of information gained. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can tell if a region is hospitable (detailing things like oxygen and where the place is constantly on fire etc). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you can also tell the areas general condition (heavily built up or open flat land etc). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you can also determine specific details (like ocean temperature, mineral content and specific terrain type). Psi Survey may be attempted at a range of up to your character's Psi rating in light-years. The area scanned covers roughly 3,000 kilometres in radius at one time. This area of focus may be moved around, but requires a new roll for each new area sensed. Your character can maintain a scan for 1 hour per Height on your initial activation roll but he may perform no other actions while sensing (apart from essential physical needs). This effect can be also be used to sense conditions of smaller subjects, like space stations or individual ships but those subjects have to be located before they can be scanned. ELECTROKINESIS GRANDMASTER EFFECTS Hologram Creation (Level Six/Intensity 6): as this effect's name states, the psychic can create holographic images. Although these images are fashioned using the same type of low-level visible laser energy as used with technological holograms, electrokinetic images have no conventional power source. Additionally, intersecting lasers that create images are pinpoints of focused light that originate from the air spontaneously. They are not beams that can be traced to a point of origin. This allows the electrokinetic a greater degree of versatility in generating a hologram than can be achieved with a technological projection.


Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. The image your character can make depends on the Width and Height (see below). The hologram lasts for as long as the character intensely concentrates (incurring a -2d penalty to any other action) and may be projected at a range of up to 10 times your character's Psi rating in metres. Bear in mind that these holograms are handled in just he same way as those created through technology: holograms have no physical substance and fall under strict international laws regarding projection of fully realistic (opaque) images. Also, these holograms don't generate sound although the Transmit effect could be used in tandem to create full audio-visual images. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: an 3m3 image. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: an 6m3 image. MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: an 18m3 image. HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 IMAGE QUALITY

taken to extremes, Microwave Burst can have particularly gruesome results. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. Damage is Width +4 Kill and +2 Shock. The effect may be directed at a target within 30 metres x Power. Fortunately, for the victim, Energy Armour does have an effect as does any EM protection the character may possess. If Microwave Burst reduces the target to Down on the shock chart, the GM may decide that the target suffers permanent damage. Override (Level Six/Intensity 6): a potent effect in the modern age, Override allows complete control over any system equipped with an electronic operating system. Furthermore, the electrokinetic can manipulate the programming within it, bending the device to her every whim; display screens can be made to show whatever she desires, speakers any sound, a potent power and one that has the world at large fearful of what a rogue psychic could potentially do. Roll Psi + Electrokinesis. You receive a -1d penalty for level of security or surge protection the target has. The psychic can affect any item that she can see, thought it is possible to access a device from an extreme distance utilising the Transmit effect. Once the character has access, she may do whatever she desires within that system; operating it as normal, reprogramming the internal software, scrambling its functions: access is limitless. As long as the device can actually perform a desired function, your character may reprogram it appropriately: setting a weapon to selfdestruct, changing a satellites orbit or even reprogramming a SATNAV to send them a message. Once in the system, programming rolls are made with Psi + Engineering; the GM may apply difficulty modifiers for especially involved

Some skill in Science is recommended to exercise a greater degree of control with this effect. The image can lose integrity and even disperse if your character is distracted. Being startled, engaged in intense dialogue or injured requires a Psyche + Focus roll to maintain focus (GMs discretion as to difficulty). Microwave Burst (Level Six/Intensity 6): though this effect is never taught in official training sessions, most powerful electrokinetics figure it out of their own accord. The psychic duplicates a microwave transmission and focuses an intense energy discharge at his desired target. Victims with any degree of moisture within them (as all living beings have) literally boil from the inside. If


changes or if the device itself is particularly complex. Override lasts as long as the character concentrates but doing so requires Intense Concentration. Your character performs other actions with a -2d difficulty and may move no faster than a slow walk while maintaining the effect. Being startled, engaged in intense dialogue or injured requires a Psyche + Focus roll to maintain concentration (GMs discretion as to difficulty). PSYCHOKINESIS GRANDMASTER EFFECTS Cryofreeze (Level Six/Intensity 6): this effect is comparable to that of a liquid nitrogen bath. The psychic can freeze flesh or blood as well as wood, plastic or metal into a brittle, super-cold state. This effect inflicts severe frostbite or hypothermia in seconds when used on living beings. Not even heavily bundled targets are immune: the effect simply ignores layers of clothing and focuses on the person within. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis countered by the targets Body + Physique. Damage is Width +2 Kill and +4 Shock. Armour does not provide any defense: only applicable psi powers currently active (like Thermal Screen) apply. Cryofreeze may be used up to a range of 30 times your character's Psi in metres. Cryofreeze imposes an immediate frozen state by lowering the subject's core temperature, so permanent damage is likely. If the target takes more Kill than their Body score, they stand a good chance of losing fingers, toes, ears or other extremities due to frostbite (this can translate in to reduced statistics or skills, at the Referee's discretion). A target reduced to Dead by Cryofreeze can literally be shattered by a sharp blow - even if left whole, medical science can do little to save her.

Liquefy (Level Six/Intensity 6): one of the more dramatic applications of psychokinesis, this power enables to psychic to excite an object's molecular structure so intensely that it shifts from a solid to a liquid state. The effect works best on materials with a low melting point; cheap plastic is ridiculously simple to liquefy compared to titanium. Although Liquefy can't be used on living beings, it can certainly damage them indirectly: a person touching molten metal is injured severely. Truly powerful psychokinetics are said to be able to liquefy materials such as wood that would normally combust at high temperatures; the degree of control this requires is staggering. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. Height determines what you can liquefy. The targeted substance takes a number of turns to melt completely equal to the Height needed to liquefy it (so steel takes six turns to reach a liquid state). The object's tremendous heat build up is visually evident and by touch (contact with the substance as it melts inflicts Height in Kill), giving savvy individuals time to clear the area. Once liquefied, the substance returns to a solid state in a number of minutes equal to the Height needed to melt it (although the subject usually solidifies in a dramatically different shape). HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 MATERIAL Plastic Copper Steel Granite Lead

If you don't roll required Height, your character can still increase a substance's temperature by an amount the GM feels is suitable. Your character can effect a material up his Psi rating in metres radius. Liquefy can also be used to thaw a frozen liqud (simply use the success chart under Flash Freeze).


Force (Level Six/Intensity 6): at this level of telekinetic control, all semblance of finesses is lost as the psychic channels sheer willpower and aggression to create a force so strong, so powerful, that the brutality displayed has terrified many a bystander, both psychic and flatscan alike. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis. The character has a telekinetic strength equal to the Height of his roll that can be used up to a range of 30 times his Power. The psychokinetic can split his strength, so as to lift a large number of smaller items or one really heavy item. So, if your character rolls a Height of 10, he could lift 10 items at 15kg or one 550kg object, or anywhere in between there, as long as their total mass doesn't exceed your TK Strength capacity. The character can utilise this power to lift hefty objects (such as hovercycles and vehicles) and smash them in to people, or a number of smaller objects. To do so, make a test to strike your opponent. Damage is based on the object being thrown; a mug might only do Width -1 Shock, while an knife might do Width +0 Kill. The specific quantity and type are determined by the Referee (generally, damage equals Width plus the TK strength necessary to lift the object, so a Strength 10 550kg object would do Width + 10 Lethal if dropped on someone). When making multiple missile strike, you must make take multiple actions to hit with them. If your character uses this power to lift a struggling target, the test is countered by the Body + Physique. Smashing that person into something yields Width +0 Kill and + their Body Shock. The applications of this effect do not end there. The character has effectively got a field of massive telekinetic force. This can be utilised to parry physical attacks and possibly direct them back at their target (counter an appropriate

attack with your Psi + Psychokinesis, if you spoil the attack, you may utilise a second set as an attack using the weapon without using a multiple action). Furthermore, the character may send out a wave of telekinetic force, emanating from himself, affecting a radius equal to his Psi rating in metres. Roll Psi + Psychokinesis countered by Body + Physique. Objects and people caught in this wave are knocked back 1m per Width. Force lasts as long as the character concentrates but doing so requires Intense Concentration. Your character performs other actions with a -2d difficulty and may move no faster than a slow walk while maintaining the effect. Being startled, engaged in intense dialogue or injured requires a Psyche + Focus roll to maintain concentration (GMs discretion as to difficulty). Fine motor actions are not possible with this effect. REDACTION GRANDMASTER EFFECTS Cellular Repair (Level Six/Intensity 6): this effect enables the redactor to cleanse a patient's body of cancerous, irradiated or otherwise mutated cells. The psychic focuses on the subject's biological "template", calling forth the original cellular makeup. The mutated cells are literally flushed from the patient's system as an inert grey biopaste. Roll Psi + Redaction. Height determines the degree of cleansing accomplished (see chart below). Some cancers require less intensive efforts than others do but even if cleansing isn't complete, it can still offer the subject a respite. Reconstruction isn't immediate, requiring an hour of your character's full concentration per Height.


Although (hopefully) restored to full health, the subject must still recuperate after this procedure. To determine recovery time, use the Height as "Kill Damage" that the patient must heal. HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 MATERIAL Benign Tumour Malignant Tumour Cancer/ 30% Cell Damage Cancers/60% Cell Damage Major Cancer/90% Cell Damage

Any successful use of Knit Psyche should at least set the patient on the road to recovery but the time-table to achieve full health can range from a day to years. Use of this power requires touch. Morbidity (Level Six/Intensity 6): the redactor can inflict massive damage on a target, usually by exploding the victim's heart, collapsing her lungs so that she spits up a fountain of blood or something equally dramatic. Roll Psi + Redaction. Damage is Width +4 Kill and Width +4 Shock. This damage ignores all armour save Algesic Shield, though its specific form can take whatever the player and Referee agree upon. Even if the target only takes a single point of Kill damage, she still suffers intense pain from the attack, making them lose any actions for Width in rounds. After all, having your heart burst even a little bit is enough to distract the most focused individual. It is extremely difficult to make death by Morbidity look like an accident. Even if forensics experts don't know what they are looking when performing an autopsy, she could still be bright enough to notice that hearts and eyes dont normally explode on their own TELEPATHY TELEPATHY GRANDMASTER EFFECTS Mindbomb (Level Six/Intensity 6): officially known as Emotional Focal Resurgence, the more blunt term Mind Bomb better conveys this powers abrupt and often devastating effect. The telepath reaches into the subjects psyche and triggers whatever deep emotional response that the psychic desires (love, peace, hate, sorrow). It doesnt matter what the target is feeling at the moment; Mindbomb overwhelms her completely. The effects emotional trigger makes the subject recall the full intensity of an emotion related to

Knit Psyche (Level Six/Intensity 6): this effect enables the psychic to resolve complicated mental traumas, deep-rooted mental illnesses and long-buried phobias (or at least alleviate them to some degree). While the effects of Knit Psyche are neither immediate nor visible, they are extremely potent. This effect can cause a side effect that manifests in the Redactor himself, which theorists have labelled "psi leakage". When afflicted, the psychic exhibits his patient's Nature for up to a week and may "remember" things that actually happened to the patient. Over two dozen documented cases of psi leakage have brought researchers no closer to discovering the root of this affliction. Roll Psi + Redaction. Height indicates how well the treatment takes. Knit Psyche requires your character to focus entirely on the patient for a full three hours. While there are no hard and fast rules for what sort of illness or injury can be healed in this way, examples include physical brain damage, deepseated psychoses and extreme sociopathic behaviour.


an especially significant event in her life. Dredging up such powerful feelings can overwhelm the subject. Mindbomb is often used with beneficial intent (although the effects harmful applications are evident). Roll Psi + Telepathy countered by the subjects Psyche + Focus. The target is dominated by this powers impulses for a number of minutes equal to Height. If your character wants the target to feel joy, the subject becomes infused with happiness, even tossing aside her weapon and embracing a bitter enemy. If your character dredges up rage in the target, the subject is overcome by violent intent, even lashing out physically at loved ones. Your character may even set the Mindbomb to trigger at a later time. You may delay the emotional explosion for Width in hours (giving the telepath plenty of time to clear the area). Mindscape (Level Six/Intensity 6): other effects deal with manipulating a subjects thoughts and memories. Mindscape is a lot more subtle but at the same time, possibly much more dangerous. This effect allows the telepath to patch directly into her subjects sensory cortex, allowing her to not only see what the subject sees and hears but to also alter it. So while the subjects physical eyes might be receiving the images of a house cat coming toward them, through telepathic twisting, the subjects mind sees a lion stalking them Roll Psi + Telepathy countered by Psyche + Focus. Width determines the strength of the visual manipulation while Height determines the quality. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you connect with your subjects mind and are now able to receive their sensory input. EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you can alter sensory details (a car is blue not red, the

credit card is a Police badge and that homeless person is a fashion model). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you can create major sensory illusions (they can hear voices, they cant see that bus speeding toward them, they have an invisible friend only they can see). Specifically at this level of success, you can make yourself and other things effectively invisible to the subject: although you remain perfectly visible, the subject just cant see you! HEIGHT 2 4 6 8 10 QUALITY Unconvincing Doubtful Realistic Convincing Totally Believable

A subject does not automatically disbelieve what they are seeing. Only when they see or hear something that could not be or gives them reason to doubt do they get to roll. Use the Quality Chart above as a guideline combined with the level of alteration the character wants to make. For example, an unconvincing illusion might be overlooked if it is only a small or unnoticeable thing but if you are trying to pass off a blank canvas as the Mona Lisa, you better ensure you have at least a Realistic level of Quality. Mindscape lasts as long as the character concentrates but doing so requires Intense Concentration. Your character performs other actions with a -2d difficulty and may move no faster than a slow walk while maintaining the effect. Being startled, engaged in intense dialogue or injured requires a Psyche + Focus roll to maintain concentration (GMs discretion as to difficulty). Mindwarp (Level Six/Intensity 6): this aspect of Telepathy is the creation, deletion and alteration of a subjects memories. Governments and secret societies typically keep telepaths skilled in this effect on hand for use against subversive elements. Successful use of Mindwarp can leave the subject changed quite radically from her original state.


Your character must decide his intended memory alteration prior to the roll but if his Width doesnt reach the appropriate level needed, the change reduces in intensity. The GM may want to make the resisted roll herself to keep the resolution in doubt. Specific changes are left up to the Storyteller, but should suit the original manipulation. For example, a subject commanded to forget he was ever married might partially resist, so the GM decides that the subject knows he is married but cannot remember to whom. Roll Psi + Telepathy. This is countered by the subjects Psyche + Focus. The resulting Width determines how potent a charge can be made. STANDARD SUCCESS - 2x: you can edit every day details (they forget where they were going, you were never there or their bosses name). EXPERT SUCCESS - 3x: as above, but you can forge major memories (they were married to a person that never existed, they cant remember where they live or remember murdering that person). MASTER SUCCESS - 4x: as above, but you can alter fundamental memories (they remember growing up as a woman and not a man, they cant remember how to drive or what their name is). You must have line of sight to use this effect.


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