Ship Launching-Lecture 2
Ship Launching-Lecture 2
Ship Launching-Lecture 2
Hussien M. Hassan
Ph.D. in Marine Hydrodynamics
List Of Figures .................................................................................................................................................. 7
List Of Tables...................................................................................................................................................10
Nomenclature ...................................................................................................................................................11
C h a p t e r I ....................................................................................................................................................13
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................13
1.1. Objective .........................................................................................................................................13
1.2. Main Idea ........................................................................................................................................13
2. Description Of Shipyard ........................................................................................................................14
3. Actual Situation Of Shipyard Industry .................................................................................................16
4. Launching Of Ships ................................................................................................................................18
5. Methods For Ship Launching ................................................................................................................19
5.1. Ship Launching Under Gravity ....................................................................................................19
5.1.1. Longitudinal Ship Launching ...............................................................................................19
5.1.2. Transversal Ship Launching ................................................................................................20
5.2. Ship Launching By Surfacing .......................................................................................................21
5.2.1. Dry dock .................................................................................................................................21
5.2.2. Floating Dock .........................................................................................................................22
5.3. Forced Mechanized Ship Launching ............................................................................................22
5.3.1. Launching By Cranes............................................................................................................23
5.3.2. Travel Lifting .........................................................................................................................23
5.3.3. Ship-Lift System ....................................................................................................................24
5.3.4. Launching Of Offshore Structures .....................................................................................25
6. Transversal Free Ship Launching In Small Shipyards........................................................................27
6.1. Basic Principle Of Transversal Ship Launching .........................................................................27
6.2. Types Of Slipway For Transversal Ship Launching ...................................................................27
6.3. Types Of Transversal Ship Launching.........................................................................................28
6.4. Steps For Transversal Ship Launching ........................................................................................34
7. Case Study ...............................................................................................................................................36
8. Characteristic Of Transversal Ship Launching ...................................................................................38
Fig.16. Normal Ship Launching From Slipway Of River Shipyard. [9] ............................. 32
Fig.22. Interruption Of Transit Caused By The Waves Made For The Launch Process. [9]37
Fig.26. Open Trigger Device, Is Possible Show The Retention Structure In The Slip
Fig.38. Pontoon In Statically Positions For Makes The Transfer Of Ship.[14] .................. 53
Table 1. Information of % of ship construction in the moment of launch ........................... 18
Table 2.Types of ship which are make in one small shipyard ............................................. 52
U nit One
The more import requirement in this lecture is to know the type of ship launching and their
characteristics for small ship yards. Also to know how important is that process in the spiral
of design.
The principal idea is analyzing all possibilities for making the process of ship launching in
one small shipyard and present the possible solutions for development of this process.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Description of Shipyard
The shipyard is one industrial complex which has structures equipment (Workshop, slips,
etc.), necessary for shipbuilding and assembly of the ship equipment. Also has workshops
for preparing ship machinery, workshop for different auxiliary mechanics and additional
The capacity of the shipyard will depend of cranes capacity. The methods of production
and applications of new technologies and standards of quality is important for shipyards
Shipyards can build all types of ships but only shipyards with experience in military ships
can build that type of ships.
It is possible to divide the material of construction in a shipyard (steel, fiber glass, wood,
aluminum). Most of these shipyards are for small ships.
For small shipyards it is recommended the use of floating dry docks for launch of ships, but
this method is necessary to make pumping plans and to develop procedures for drydocking
difficult or unusual vessels
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
The launching of a ship is a significant event in the life of the ship and the everyday work
of shipbuilders.
The first of these is that at the time of launching the ship moves from one medium to
another, getting in their native medium, in this case the water.
The second circumstance is the launching of the ship, is the only time in the process of its
construction, which has a clear synchronization.
Indeed, in the process of construction of ship no one knows when the ship starts building
but the completion of construction is clearly defined.
But the fact is, at in this moment, the ship is not yet "built". Obvious deficiencies and latent
defects are not uncommon in the practice of shipbuilding. In this case, these defects are
removed after putting the ship into operation.
For ship launching this time is in used various ways and various structures.
Also is in important to know, when the ship launching occurs, that the construction in the
ship in not finished, and afterwards, when the ship is floating we can continue the
% of
Type of Ship Type of Launch preparation
Big Ships Dock 55-70
Ships Horizontal place 75-90
Small Ships Mechanical 95-98
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Ship launching begins in the period of preparation and ends in the construction period.
The moment of ship launching is chosen depending on the technology adopted for
construction, manufacturing conditions, shipyard or construction plant and time of year.
Before ship launching different compulsory works should be completed: assembly and
welding to ensure tighToness and structural strength of the ship; painting the underwater
hull and show of the draft marks; installation and testing of seawater valves; installation of
device of stern tube of axis ; installation of rudders, propeller shafts and propellers, rotary
nozzles; installing the necessary components of the mooring devices and rescue equipment;
fixing of mechanisms and cargo submitted to the ship.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
The ship launching by gravity (longitudinal and transverse) is one of the most complex
process in the shipbuilding industry. The period of launch is very small, and the time of
preparatory work is long. For this form of launch use the slipway, it is near of shipyard.
The longitudinal ship launching is performed in an inclined longitudinal slipway with 100
to 350 m length and it is perpendicular or an angle to the coastline.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
The transversal ship launching is usually used for launching of ships of small and medium
tonnage in shipyards located on rivers.
Constructions consisting of a horizontal slip (before launch position) and incline launch
track, in perpendicular direction to the axis-slip are used for transversal launch.
The slope of the slip track is much greater than for longitudinal launching.
The slip track is placed on the ground or on a reinforced concrete base and deepened in the
water at 1.5m or is not deepened.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
The ship launching by surfacing is realized in a dry dock, which chamber is filled with
water by means of pumping stations.
The docks are filled with water to a level to achieve sufficient separation under the bottom
of the refloated ship for removal of the keel blocks.
3.2.1. DryDock
In this case, the objective is filling the dry dock where the ship was built to water level.
Afterwards. The ship is pushed using tugs in from the harbor.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Is one rectangular pontoon divided in tanks which work by action of pompons and valves.
The total capacity of the floating dock depends on its buoyancy capacity.
It is possible to use the floating dock for small and big ships. More owners prefer the
floating dock than the dry dock, because it is more flexible
The floating dock has rules of classification, and it is necessary to perform structural
inspections in the tanks and pompons because, ¨A 40% loss of metal thickness drastically
reduces the allowable buckling stress of the deck panels¨.[12]
For security it is necessary to know the measures of waterline deflection and multiple types
of deflection on a floating dry dock.
In the launching of dock, at the place of construction, the launch is possible when the level
of water is the same of the ocean .Afterwards one tug will transport to the coast.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Forced mechanized ship launching is carried out through the following installations:
transverse and longitudinal slips, vertical ship lifts, cranes and floating docks. This method
of launch is most often used by shipyards in the construction of small and some medium-
sized ship.
This process in not different from lifting and lowering of big loads. When the construction
of the ship is finished, girths are prepared at the bottom of ship and in the deck spacer for
safety of the ship hull. The ship launch is possible with one or two coast or floating cranes.
For small ships, it is possible to make the launching with special equipment.
In this case, the ship is lifted completely from a dry dock by a travel lift and transferred to
the ocean.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
The synchrolift has weight capacity ranges from 3,000 tons to tens of thousands of tons.
The vertical movement of the platform with ship is possible due to the lifting equipment.
The ship is transported by rail tracks with sling trolleys from the lift platform to the
workplace in the shipyard. [16]
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Floating pontoons are commonly used for launching structures (Jacket), in the offshore
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Afterwards, the stern part of pontoon is inclined by pompons. That is controlled to insure
stability of pontoon. That process gives the possibility to install the jacket in vertical
It is necessary to understand that after launch process the pontoons have amplitude roll,
amplitude pitch, period of roll or pitch and heave acceleration.[18]
Other type of ship launching is the process of construction in blocks. After which the
sections are launched to the water the floating sections will be coupled. (Fig.12)
In the future, this method is obvious and means for coupled ships afloat can be improved.
This will limit ship displacement and dimensions for launching and for economically
reasonable limits.
Such structures allow launching large ships to water and components of large ships
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
The transversal launch of ship is used for small and medium ships. The main idea of this
type of launch is the same for longitudinal movement of big boy one inclined plane.
The basic principle of transversal free ship launching along an inclined plane is the
movement under the action of its own weight.
Construction of launching devices with this method is much easier and slip track is shorter
than the longitudinal slipway.
Reduction of the length of the tracks contributes to a big slope and the use of specific types
of transversal launching: normal launch, leap launch, throw launch.
Depending on the location of slipway places a transversal launch can be carried out in
several schemes.
The ship launching directly from the construction place (slipway) is done by launching
devices, consisting of multiple rotary beams (balancing tables) which are simultaneously
supporting surface of building slipway.
In the shipbuilding industry it is possible to realize the process of ship launching indifferent form.
The election will be depend of type of ship, type of slipway or occupancy of shipyard.
But the launches by slipway and launch device have big differences.
1- The construction of ship is made in the place of work, after finish the construction; the ship is
transported by slipway and afterwards the ship launch is performed (Fig.13a).
2- The ship is transported to the slip car for the pre-launch position, where in the horizontal slip
under hull of ship, slip trucks are installed. The ship with car is transferred to slip truck in
the launch position. Afterwards the launching is realized, by lubricated slip truck. (Fig.13b).
3- The ship for launch is transported to car for pre-launch position, where it is
transferred to launching car. In this position the ship is transferred to slip truck and
then ship is launched.(Fig.13c)
4- The ship for launch is transported to pre-launch position with balancing table and
slip trucks. The balancing table with the use of hydraulic pumps rotates to connect
with incline slip truck. Afterwards the ship is moved to launch position, and it is
possible to make the launch.(Fig.13d)
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
There are three different types of transversal launch: normal launch, leap launch and throw
launch (Fig.15).
The normal launch is made by immersion of ship. For this form of launch it is necessary
that the height between keel and launch be 0.3-0.4m.(Fig.15a)
The leap launch is made to limit of coast. The ship rotates and falls to water with an angle
between 50-60 grades.(Fig.15b)
In the throw launch, the position of the slipway is above the level of water by 1,5-2.5m.
The ship moves by slipway with device launch in the little part of slipway and falls to water
with one angle of 90 grades.
The transversal launch is for use in shipyards for ship weights between 1500-2000 Ton. In
this type of launch, less the economical spending, and have the possibility to make different
type of launch.
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
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Ship Launching- Technology and Modeling
Transversal ship launching involves many steps: preparing of slipway and launching
device; elaboration for schedules of ship launching and distribution of workers involved in
the ship launching;
28 | P a g e Dr.Hussien M.Hassan
1. Conceptual Design of a Mechanized Shipyard for Fast Deployment Logistics(x)
Production; Benjamin V.Andrews,et al Stanford Research Institute; Bureau of Ship
2. Ship production; Second Edition; Richard Lee Storch; Maryland; 1995, pag.46
3. - Shipbuilding Industry Set to Pick Up After 2017
; up-
4. Top 16 Events that Impacted Tanker Shipping in 2016;
5. The Tanker Orderbook;
6. Shipyards struggle amid market downturn;
7. Basic technology of ship construction;V.D.Matskevich; Sudostroenia; Leningrad,
1980. (In Russian)
8. 24 Most Insanely Satisfying Ship Launching Ever Recorded;
9. Big Ship Launch Fails Compilation 2016 HD; V-
10. Shandong Nanhai Airbag Engineering Co.,Ltd;
12. Floating dry dock accidents involving transverse bending failure of the pontoon; pag 1 ;
R.E. Heger, Heger Dry Dock, Inc., USA; Royal Institution of Naval Architects, ©2003.
13. Logos Hope 2012 Dry Dock In Subic Bay, Philippines;
14. Finomar;
15. Gondwana Marine Services (Seychelles) - 150t Travel Lift;
17. New 4,500 Tonne Rolls-Royce Syncrolift Installed in VieTonam;
19. Launch of jacket ;
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22. .REGULATION NO. 3 of the Director of Maritime Office in Szczecin of 26th July
2013;§ 162.;
23. .Launching 1700 TEU Container Ship OS Samsun and Keel laying;
25. Спуск кораблей на воду; V-
26. Navy Christens Future USS Detroit;
27. .
28. LCS 7 Detroit Side Launch;
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